You've probably heard about the beneficial properties of natural honey, lemon and ginger. All these products are recommended to increase immunity, as a prophylactic agent during epidemics of colds and viral diseases, and as an element of complex treatment if it was not possible to protect oneself from the disease. We show you how to make a healing mixture of ginger, honey and lemon, as well as a ginger honey drink with lemon. This is a real lifesaver for fighting viruses and other ailments!

There are many variations of taking honey, lemon, ginger, either alone or in combination with other remedies. Today we offer a recipe for lemon-ginger honey and a ginger-honey drink with lemon.

Vitamin mixture made from honey, ginger and lemon. Recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • Natural honey - 200g
  • Lemon - 4 pieces
  • Ginger - 400g

How to cook?

1. Ginger should be peeled and cut into small cubes.

2. Wash the lemons thoroughly with hot water. It is not necessary to cut off the skin from them - as you know, it also contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Cut the lemon into 4-6 slices. They should be medium in size so that they fit comfortably into the neck of the meat grinder.

3. Ginger and lemon must be ground in a meat grinder. Today, many housewives in the kitchen have a large arsenal. kitchen appliances, and you might wonder if this process can be done with a blender. I would like to warn you right away that ginger has a fairly firm texture, and a hand blender may not be suitable for this task. But if you have a shaker cup at hand that simultaneously grinds and mixes products during operation, then you can use it at this stage of preparing the vitamin mixture.

4. Put the resulting ginger-lemon mixture into a glass container of a suitable size.

5. Pour the mixture with honey and leave to infuse for at least 7 days.

Features of the preparation and storage of products made from ginger, honey and lemon

As you can see, the preparation process is quite simple. But an important factor is the choice of products for its preparation and the correct storage of the ready-made elixir.

First, all food must be fresh. When choosing lemons, pay attention to the integrity of the peel - it should be light yellow in color, without spots or darkening. Ginger should not have a flabby wrinkled skin, should have an even color and normal firmness.

Secondly, honey should be exclusively natural and, preferably, of a relatively liquid consistency. For example, acacia honey is characterized not only by its unique beneficial properties, but also by the fact that it does not crystallize for a long time.

Thirdly, for storing the finished product, choose a glass resealable container. it the best option... For the volume of the proposed recipe, a liter glass jar with a screw cap is quite suitable.

Fourth, choose a dark and cool storage place. A refrigerator is perfect.

Benefits of a mixture of ginger, honey and lemon

This mixture is a real storehouse of vitamins. Each of the components and in independent form acts as an immunostimulating agent, and in the complex you get a real "health elixir"!

Lemon is one of the leaders in vitamin C content. But this is not its only advantage. It is also rich in vitamins A, C, E, B, P, fiber, pectin, organic acids, minerals and other beneficial substances.

Ginger has unique and highly varied properties. It activates and stabilizes the metabolism and digestion processes, helps to cleanse the blood, eliminate toxins and general renewal of the body.

Natural honey, in addition to being saturated with vitamins, stimulates the production of interferon in the body, which in turn increases the effectiveness of defense mechanisms in the body. This product also has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, which is very important in a period of increased threat of colds and viral diseases.

The best honey for the mixture is manuka honey, which is obtained from tea tree pollen. Because the tea tree has antimicrobial and antiviral properties, respectively, and this honey is very effective for colds of a bacterial or viral nature (ARVI, ARI, etc.) and for strengthening the immune system. I buy healthy products on the site, you can use my discount.

An allergic reaction to one or more components may become a contraindication. In this case, it is recommended to select other available and at least effective means traditional medicine.

Ginger honey drink with lemon

To strengthen the immune system, ginger should be combined with lemon and honey. It is especially useful during the fight against growing infections. It contains a wide range of vitamins and macronutrients that strengthen health.

To prepare a healing drink, you need to have:

  • 2-3 lemon wedges;
  • 10 g grated ginger;
  • 200 ml hot water;

The spicy and pungent root is used with caution.

Tip: to remove excess bitterness from lemon, immerse it in hot water for 15 minutes. Ginger root can be prepared in powder form, pickled or dried in sugar.

As a powerful prophylactic agent, ginger-honey mixture is taken with spring vitamin deficiency and to increase resistance to ARVI and the group.

Now you know how to prepare real healing remedies to strengthen the immune system! Try to cook them according to the recipes indicated and share your opinion with us!

A mixture of ginger, lemon and honey for immunity is just a miracle, a "magic wand" for a growing or weakened organism. The benefits of ginger, lemon in combination with honey are not only in strengthening the body's defenses. Drinking from these products has a beneficial effect on the activity of the body as a whole.

Many people think about why ginger is useful in this mixture? Ginger has a warming effect, helps relieve coughs, and has antibacterial properties. Has a positive effect on immunity. Lemon is saturated with vitamin C in large quantities, helps in the fight against viruses and bacteria. Honey is an antibiotic of natural origin, contains many vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. Taken together, ginger, lemon and honey have an amazing effect on immunity.

For the preparation of any medicinal product with honey, it is very important to purchase a good quality product. Beekeeping products, flaunting on store shelves, do not always correspond to the declared information on the label. Therefore, it is better to buy honey directly from manufacturers or trusted suppliers. So you will be sure that all the beneficial properties of the beekeeping product will get you in their original form.

This remedy is a powerful biostimulant. Due to its unique composition, it affects the entire body as a whole. Perfectly raises the body's defenses. Such a product is topical to use during seasonal epidemics, in early spring. When the body is weakened after winter period... And also: runny nose, loss of strength and developing cough.

Ginger with lemon and honey affects the psychoemotional state of the body, relieves nervous tension. Promotes relief after physical overload. It has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, there is a tonic effect. Helps with regular headaches.

This drug will interest people who have problems with excess weight. The product corrects and accelerates metabolism, improves blood circulation. It has a positive effect on hormones, helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Benefits for toddlers, teens, and expectant mothers

The drug is much more useful than any purchased drug designed to raise immunity. The properties of the product are highly effective. It contains only natural substances of natural origin. Unlike many medicines, the child will happily consume the tasty mixture.

It is especially important to use vitamin products of our own production during the first trips to preschool education institution. The product is great for boosting immunity. During this period, the child's body is more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria in the environment. It is in the children's team that there is a high probability of getting infected. After all, before that he was only in a close family circle.

The use of a medicinal product will greatly facilitate the course of age-related crises in babies. For young children, ginger helps relieve nervous tension. You will notice a significant decrease in the number of moods and tantrums. The quality of sleep will improve. By regulating and accelerating metabolic processes in the child's body, the child's appetite will improve. A good sleep and healthy eating contribute to the correct development of the child.

The use of such a drug will be beneficial for adolescent children. The constituents of the product affect the work of the hormonal system. Which in turn eliminates skin problems in adolescence. It is worth noting that the use of honey with ginger is a significant benefit for the mental state of a teenager. Regular use of the vitamin mixture will help the child quickly adapt to the new environment (change of place of study, move to another place of residence).

Can this remedy be used to raise immunity when carrying a child? Using a natural preparation during pregnancy is an excellent way to create protection against viruses and bacteria for the expectant mother.

The use of such a medicine in the last months of pregnancy and before childbirth can provoke the development of allergies in an unborn child. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be careful when using this product.

Who is contraindicated

Despite the fact that the product is made from the most useful natural products, it has contraindications:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic reactions to ingredients;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • acute stage of hepatitis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • hemorrhoids.

Recipes for making miraculous mixtures

To create a natural medicine, some recipes are presented:

Vitamin Blend - a recipe for health for every person

To create 500 gr. the drug mixture will require:

  • 200 gr. ginger root;
  • lemon 2 pcs.;
  • 150 gr. honey.

The ginger root must be chopped with a meat grinder, blender or grated. It is better to remove the fibrous part of the root, it will interfere with the use of the mixture. Lemon should be washed well before chopping and wiped dry. The bones should be removed, but you can leave them. They will not greatly affect the taste, but they can give a slight bitterness. Grind the lemon along with the peel, it also contains a lot of useful substances.

Connect all the components and move them well. Place in a jar and cover with honey, be sure to close the lid. Before use, the mixture should be infused for 3–7 days. The cooked product should be placed in a glass jar in the refrigerator or other cool dark place.

A mixture of ginger, lemon and honey to boost immunity should be eaten daily for 15-20 days. It is more effective to use the medicinal mixture 30 minutes before eating, with warm water. The amount recommended for a single admission is 1 tsp. You can add the medicine to your tea.

However, certain rules must be followed. You can not dilute the mixture in boiling water, exposure to hot temperatures, the beneficial properties of substances are lost. Do not get carried away with the medicinal product, three times a day is enough for the effect to appear. Otherwise, the manifestation side effects: nausea, vomiting and allergies.

Ginger tea drink

Required Ingredients:

  • 5 tbsp. l. peeled and chopped ginger;
  • 6 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 6 tbsp. l. honey.

Rubbed ginger root put in a teapot for brewing suitable size, you can use a thermos. Pour boiling water over, leave to infuse for 40-60 minutes. Then add lemon juice, and honey. Make sure that the temperature of the drink by this time is no higher than 40 ° C. The drug should be taken in 100 grams. up to 3 times a day.

Ginger lemon and honey drink is a great recipe for immunity. He copes remarkably well with the manifestations of a cold, helps relieve symptoms. It is an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. Perfectly tones, fights fatigue.

Tincture to strengthen the immune system

To create a tincture you will need:

  • 250 g of honey;
  • 250 g ginger;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 0.5 l of still mineral water (you can use distilled or just boiled water);
  • spices to taste (cloves, coriander, cardamom).

Before preparing a wonderful product, the ginger should be washed well. Then grind together with the peel. It also contains many useful vitamins and minerals for the human body. Lemons must be washed and doused with boiling water, then twisted in a meat grinder. The bones can not be removed; when using a meat grinder, the bulk of the bones will remain in the meat grinder. Combine all components, place in an infusion container.

A glass jar with a screw cap of a suitable size is ideal. Or another container with a vacuum lid. Leave in a cool dark place to infuse for 24 hours. After this time, the tincture is ready for use. It should be taken in 1 tbsp. l. once a day. The treatment course is 2 weeks.

You will feel the significant benefits of lemon and honey for your body. The mixture perfectly strengthens the body's immune system. Acts as a prophylactic agent against viral and bacterial infections. Fights stress perfectly.

Suitable for use for children from 3 years old, due to the pleasant taste, kids will be happy to use the vitamin mixture. Strengthens and maintains the health of the human body. It has a positive effect on many systems. Before taking this drug mixture, you must make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the product.

Before you start taking bee products, be sure to consult your doctor and make sure that there is no allergy to all components of the medicine used.

By consuming such a mixture regularly, in combination with constant physical activity, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. You will forget about colds and other health problems.

Do you want to forget about ailments, fatigue and keep yourself in great shape? Prepare a drink from three natural products that complement each other. Honey, spicy ginger root and vitamin-rich lemon will form the basis of the elixir of health. Learn more about this trio: recipes for kids, a delicious weight loss and vascular cleanser recommended by doctors.

Traditional recipe for health

You will need ginger root, honey 5 tbsp. spoons, lemon juice 5 tbsp. spoons and mint leaves. The grated ginger mass and sprigs of mint are poured with boiling water, cooled and mixed with the rest of the ingredients in a warm state. The result is a powerful tool for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Such an infusion is able to raise the tone, speed up metabolism and enhance immunity.

Prevention of colds and strengthening of immunity

If you need help for a frequently ill person, take useful composition it is necessary for a long time as a preventive measure. For a home medicine cabinet, a recipe is suitable:

  • ginger - root;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • lemon without skin - 1 pc.;
  • lime honey - 3 tbsp. spoons with a slide.

Thoroughly grind and mix everything, take 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach, before dinner and at night. The course of treatment is 20 days.

Ginger medicines are prohibited for children under 3 years of age. Older babies can be given the mixture diluted, reducing the amount of garlic and adding cinnamon.

Cleansing and restoring the elasticity of blood vessels

The healing infusion in this case is prepared from ginger (tinder with peel), whole lemon and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey (candied). The drug is available for preparation all year round and has a multifaceted effect.

The medicine is dissolved in a cup of water and drunk once a day - in the morning on an empty stomach. With poor memory, dizziness, gruel from these components is taken with water for at least 30 days in a row. Further, a pause is required to exclude an overdose.

Children's menu with ginger honey

Babies over 3 years old are allowed to prepare an infusion if they do not have allergies. The recipe is used: a piece of root is boiled in 1 liter of boiling water, honey and lemon are added to taste. It is permissible to drink no more than 100 ml of the medicine three times a day. For a sore throat, fresh ginger and lemon juice is mixed with honey and given to babies for 1 teaspoon. You can add cinnamon, cardamom, or mint.

Slimming with ginger infusion

This is an old Tibetan remedy with green tea, famous for its cleansing and anti-aging properties. It is prepared according to the recipe:

  1. The root is cut into slices, the lemon is cut into pieces, sent to a thermos and a pinch of green tea is added.
  2. Brew with 2 glasses of boiling water for 1 night.
  3. Add a little honey to taste and drink it when you feel hungry.

Fat-burning tea invigorates and it is undesirable to drink it at night. The total amount of infusion should not exceed 2 liters per day.

The miraculous mixture of honey, lemon and ginger is not only a delicious treat, but also an excellent remedy for improving immunity. Each of these three products has special properties and is successfully used to treat various diseases. Taken together, ginger, honey and lemon miraculously strengthen the body's defenses. They are in perfect harmony with each other, forming a magical vitamin cocktail that will protect against viruses, help fight colds, cope with fatigue, cleanse blood vessels and even lose weight.

Useful properties of ginger, lemon and honey

The combination of honey, ginger and lemon is a wonderfully beneficial medicine for the immune system and the whole body. Beekeeping products have long been renowned for their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Honey stimulates the production of interferon in the body, increasing its defenses. It is widely used as a general tonic, nutritive and tonic. Honey is rich in natural sugars, amino acids, vitamins A, C, K, E, P and group B, useful macro- and microelements.

The healing properties of ginger are unique and varied. It cleanses the blood well and promotes its renewal, improves appetite, processes of assimilation of food and metabolism, stimulates brain activity and memory mechanisms. Ginger contains a large amount of vitamins, including group B, choline, pyridoxine, folic and pantothenic acids, as well as a special substance retinol that can "cure" and renew cells affected by disease.

Lemon is recognized as one of the best sources of vitamin C. But this is not its only advantage. Part sunny fruit includes various organic acids, pectin, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, E, B, P, fiber and many minerals. Eating at least one piece of this citrus every day, you can stabilize metabolic processes in the body, cleanse itself of toxins and toxins, improve hormonal levels and, of course, strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin Blend Recipe

Lemon Ginger Honey

Improves the functioning of the immune system and the whole organism.

Ginger - 400 g.
Lemon - 4 pcs.
Honey - 200 g.


  1. We wash the lemons under warm water and cut into 4-6 slices so that they pass freely into the narrow neck of the meat grinder. There is no need to peel off the skin from lemons, as it also contains a lot of substances useful for the body and valuable oils.
  2. Peel the ginger and cut into small cubes. It can be grated, but it will be a longer and more laborious process.
  3. Grind slices of lemon and ginger in a meat grinder. This can be done with a blender, but the immersion option will not do the job. For puréing, it is better to use a shaker bowl that grinds and mixes the food at the same time.
  4. We spread the ginger-lemon gruel in a glass container and fill it with honey.
  5. The healing elixir should be infused for at least 7 days.

For immunity, ginger, honey and lemon should be taken 1 tablespoon in the morning 15-30 minutes before breakfast with a glass of water. When used daily, this "magic potion" will help cleanse blood vessels and cope with excess weight. To fight the flu or colds, a little of the potion can be added to tea and drunk several times a day.

Features of preparation and storage

To quickly, easily and correctly make lemon ginger honey, follow a few tips:

  1. Use only fresh ingredients to prepare the mixture. Choose the freshest lemons that have a thick, undamaged rind that is juicy, light yellow, without darkening.
  2. Honey should be only natural, bought in a specialized store or from a trusted farmer. Beekeeping products sold in supermarkets, as a rule, undergo thermal processing and lose their maximum useful properties.
  3. To prepare a healing mixture of honey and ginger, it is better to use liquid honey. In this case, the finished product will have a moderately thick, viscous consistency, convenient for use. Acacia honey, which is considered one of the best and does not crystallize for a long time, is well suited.
  4. The root of the ginger should be fresh and not wrinkled.
  5. There is another option for the preparation of the drug, in which the lemons are cut into thin slices, and the ingredients are neatly folded into a jar in layers. Once infused, lemon slices can be sucked in the mouth to relieve coughs and sore throat.
  6. A liter jar with a screw cap is perfect for mixing the components and storing the ready-made mixture, since the drug is best stored in glass.
  7. To keep the healing "jam" as long as possible, keep it in the refrigerator or in a cool dark place, such as on the balcony.

There is an opinion that healthy food cannot be tasty and vice versa: what is tasty is a priori harmful. Those who believe in such a statement are unhappy people. For a long time, healers have searched and found products that bring pleasure and cure many diseases. This is a very tasty combination: ginger with lemon and honey is a recipe for health and longevity. Its components are useful, both individually and in combination. This is due to the presence in their composition of vitamins, micro and macro elements, essential oils... There are many interesting recipeswhere these products are harmoniously combined and give people health and happiness.

Delicious immunostimulant

All these properties can be stimulated using a simple and delicious recipe a kind of ginger-lemon-honey delicacy.

How to prepare it:

  1. Take 150 g of ginger, wash it, peel and grind it. The smaller the better;
  2. With 4 lemons small size peel and chop finely. You don't need to throw away the zest, it can still be useful in many places;
  3. Combine lemon and ginger and whisk with a hand blender;
  4. Pour 150 g of beekeeping product into the mixture. Better to take liquid honey, although you can add candied honey. But, then it will be more difficult to stir;
  5. Knead the mixture well so that the honey is evenly distributed;
  6. Transfer the resulting mass to glass jar and refrigerate.

Anti-cold tea

It is possible to use anti-cold tea made from ginger, lemon and honey not only when snot flows from the nose and coughs are tormented. It is good as prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. In addition, this drink relieves migraine attacks, fatigue and gives the body the tone it needs.

How to prepare it:

  1. Peel the root well, wash and cut into the thinnest possible slices;
  2. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice. This can be done either with a juicer or with a regular fork;
  3. Put the ginger slices in a teapot, pour with lemon juice and a liter of boiling water;
  4. Let the mixture brew for at least half an hour, the tea should cool, but not completely cool;
  5. Put a couple of spoons of honey in a warm drink. You can also sweeten the tea with sugar.

Drink anti-cold tea with honey, lemon and ginger 3 times a day before meals to further stimulate appetite. You need to drink the drink until the patient has the main signs of acute respiratory infections: runny nose, cough, body aches, sore throat, etc.

Influenza decoction

When treating the flu with any ginger recipe, you need to be very careful. Because heat, which is characteristic of this disease, can be aggravated by the "inciting" root. This broth is drunk hot when the body temperature returns to normal.

How to prepare it:

  1. Boil one and a half liters of clean water over the fire;
  2. Add 4 tbsp to boiling water. l. grated ginger, which can be bought in any supermarket in the spice section;
  3. Add a few tablespoons of natural lemon juice to the boiling broth;
  4. Add seasonings: cardamom, cinnamon, allspice;
  5. Remove the broth from heat, pour it into a glass jar, wrap it with a towel and leave for 15 minutes;
  6. Open the broth, add a few sprigs of mint or lemon balm. Leave for another half hour;
  7. Add honey and drink.

Another magical remedy for boosting immunity. Doctors especially recommend eating this honey for those who are prone to atherosclerosis and other factors that pollute blood vessels.

How to prepare it:

  1. 4 large lemons and 400 g of ginger, peel and wash;
  2. Cut lemons and root into small pieces. It should be convenient to pass them through a meat grinder;
  3. Pass the ginger and lemons through a meat grinder. You can do this several times. Or beat the ground mass with an immersion blender;
  4. Pour 200 g of liquid honey into the mixture. Close tightly in a jar and leave for a week;

You need to eat this honey in the morning half an hour before breakfast, drinking plenty of warm clean water.

Anti-fat lemonade: recipe and rules of use

3 components: ginger, honey and lemon - 3 helpers for those who have entered the fight against extra pounds. They easily accelerate metabolism and remove all accumulated harmful substances from the body.

How to prepare it:

  1. Peel and grind ginger on a coarse grater;
  2. Transfer this mass to a thermos, add the juice of half a lemon there, 2 tsp. green tea and 2 liters of boiling water;
  3. Close the thermos and leave the drink for 3 hours;
  4. After that, it must be filtered, getting rid of the debris and poured into a decanter. Cool the lemonade and add a few tablespoons of honey to taste.

You can drink such lemonade in large quantities, but not more than 2 liters per day. Best consumed fresh, so the drink is prepared day in and day out. Drink lemonade before meals so that food is processed faster and easier. It is better to drink the drink before 7 pm, as lemonade invigorates and can cause insomnia.
