Bulgakovskaya " white guard», summary which is hardly capable of reflecting the entire depth of the work, describes the events of the end of 1918-beginning of 1919. This book is largely autobiographical: the author himself, his friends and relatives are present on its pages. The action of the novel undoubtedly takes place in Kyiv, which is simply called the city. In the "pseudonyms" of the streets, the originals are easily guessed, and the names of the districts (Pechersk, Podol) Bulgakov completely left unchanged.

The situation in the city

The townspeople have already experienced a brief "advent" of the Ukrainian People's Republic. Betrayed by the allies, the White Guard dissolved into space. The novel, a summary of which is presented below, fully reflects the nightmare of post-revolutionary life in Kyiv. At the moment when events begin, the city experiences last days under the rule of the German-backed hetman.

On Alekseevsky Spusk, in house number 13, the Turbin family lives: 27-year-old Alexei, 24-year-old Elena and Nikolka, who is only 17 years old. The story begins with the fact that on a frosty December evening Lieutenant Myshlaevsky, frozen to death, tumbles into the apartment. From his story it is clear that there is confusion and betrayal in the army. Late in the evening, Elena's husband, Sergei Talberg, returns from a business trip - an insignificant person, ready to adapt to any boss. He informs his wife that he is forced to flee immediately: the Germans are leaving the capital.

Illusions and unfulfilled hopes

Squads are actively formed in the city to protect against the advancing Petliura. These disparate subdivisions, in which 80 out of 120 junkers do not know how to shoot, are the very White Guard, desperately clinging to their former life and suffering inevitable disaster. A summary of events can hardly adequately describe the subsequent catastrophe.

Someone in the city is still experiencing rainbow illusions. Turbines and family friends also did not lose hope for a good outcome. In the depths of their souls, they cherish the hope that somewhere on the Don - Denikin and his invincible White Guard. The content of the conversations in the Turbins' apartment produces a depressing impression: tales of the emperor's miraculous salvation, toasts to his health, talk of the coming "offensive on Moscow."

lightning war

The hetman shamefully flees, the generals commanding the troops follow his example. There is confusion in the headquarters. The officers, who have not lost their conscience, warn the personnel and give young guys, almost children, the opportunity to escape. Others throw unprepared, poorly armed junkers to certain death. Among the latter is Nikolka Turbin, the 17-year-old commander of a twenty-eight-man squad. Having received the order to go “for reinforcements”, the guys do not find anyone in the position, and after a few minutes they see the remnants of the fleeing unit of Colonel Nai-Tours, who dies in front of the younger Turbin, trying to cover the panicked “retreat” of the defenders of the city with machine gun fire.

The capital was taken by the Petliurists without a fight - and the miserable, scattered White Guard could not give it. It is not long to read a summary of her future fate - she fits in the answer of a little boy met by the younger Turbin on Alekseevsky: “There are eight hundred of them in the whole city, and they played the fool. Petlyura came, and he has a million troops.

The theme of God in the novel "The White Guard"

Nikolka himself manages to reach the house by evening, where he finds a pale, agitated Elena: Alexei has not returned. Only the next day, the older brother is brought by the stranger who saved him - Julia Reiss. His condition is critical. When typhus is added to the fever caused by the wound, the doctors decide that Turbin is not a tenant.

In Bulgakov's works, the theme of religion is an everyday phenomenon. The White Guard was no exception. The summary of the prayer that Elena brings to the Mother of God is like a deal: take your husband, but leave your brother. And a miracle happens: the hopeless patient is on the mend and recovers by the time Petlyura leaves the city. At the same time, Elena learns from the received letter that her husband left her.

This is where the misadventures of the Turbins end. The warm company of surviving friends gathers again on Alekseevsky Spusk: Myshlaevsky, Shervinsky, Karas.

…and the theme of the devil

Life takes its toll: Nikolka and Aleksey Turbins collide on Malo-Provalnaya Street. The younger one comes from the Nai-Turses: he is attracted by the sister of the deceased colonel. The elder went to thank his savior and confesses that she is dear to him.

In the Reiss house, Alexey sees a photograph of a man and, asking who it is, receives the answer: a cousin who has left for Moscow. Julia is lying - Shpolyansky is her lover. The surname, called the savior, evokes an “unpleasant, sucking thought” in the doctor: a patient “touched” on the basis of religion spoke about this “cousin” to Turbin as a forerunner of the Antichrist: “He is young. But there are abominations in him, as in a thousand-year-old devil ... ".

It is striking that the White Guard was published in the Soviet Union at all - an analysis of the text, even the most superficial one, gives a clear understanding that Bulgakov considered the Bolsheviks the worst of the threats, "aggels", minions of Satan. From 1917 to 1921, Ukraine was a kingdom of chaos: Kiev was at the mercy of one or the other "benefactors" who could not agree with each other or with anyone else - and as a result, they were not able to fight the dark force, which was coming from the North.

Bulgakov and the revolution

When reading the novel "The White Guard" analysis, in principle, is useless: the author speaks quite directly. Mikhail Afanasyevich treated revolutions badly: for example, in the story “Future Prospects”, he unambiguously assesses the situation: the country found itself “at the very bottom of the pit of shame and disaster into which the “great social revolution” drove it.

The White Guard does not in the least conflict with such a worldview. The summary cannot convey the general mood, but it clearly comes through when reading the full version.

Hatred as the root of what is happening

The author understood the nature of the cataclysm in his own way: "four times forty times four hundred thousand men with hearts burning with unquenched malice." And after all, these revolutionaries wanted one thing: such an agrarian reform, in which the land would go to the peasants - for eternal possession, with the right to transfer to children and grandchildren. This is very romantic, but the sane Bulgakov understands that "the adored hetman could not make such a reform, and no devil will make it." It must be said that Mikhail Afanasyevich was absolutely right: as a result of the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the peasants were hardly in a better position.

Times of great upheaval

What people do on the basis and in the name of hatred cannot be good. Bulgakov demonstrates the senseless horror of what is happening to the reader, using jerky, but memorable images. The "White Guard" is replete with them: here is a man running to the midwife, whose wife is giving birth. He gives the “wrong” document to the equestrian Petliurites - and he cuts him with a saber. Behind a stack of firewood, the haidamaks discover a Jew and beat him to death. Even the greedy Turbine homeowner, robbed by bandits under the guise of a search, adds a touch to the picture of the chaos that ultimately brought " little man" revolution.

Anyone who wants to better understand the essence of the events of the early twentieth century cannot find a better textbook than Bulgakov's The White Guard. Reading the summary of this work is the lot of negligent schoolchildren. This book certainly deserves a better fate. Written in magnificent, poignant prose, it once again reminds us what an unsurpassed master of words Mikhail Bulgakov was. "White Guard", a summary of which in the most different options offers a worldwide network, belongs to the category of literature with which it is better to get acquainted as closely as possible.

M. A. Bulgakov "White Guard" Part 1.
The action of the work takes place cold winter 1918 - 1919 in Kyiv. IN two-story house the Turbin family lived on Alekseevsky Spusk on the 2nd floor. On the 1st floor lived the landlord V. I. Lisovich, nicknamed Basilisk. There were 3 adult children in the Turbin family: Alexey - 28 years old, a doctor, Elena - 24 years old, her husband, diplomat S.I. Talberg - 31 years old, Nikolai - 17 years old. The times were troubling. In Kyiv - the Germans, and near the City stood a hundred thousandth Petliur's army. Confusion. And it is not clear who is fighting with whom. At dinner in the family, the conversation turned to military operations. Alexei explained that the Germans are vile. Many are fleeing the war. Meanwhile, Vasilisa locks the door and hides a package wrapped in newspaper in a hiding place. He did not notice how 2 pairs of eyes were carefully watching him from the street. They were bandits. Vasilisa had 3 hiding places where money, gold, securities. Counting banknotes, Vasilisa found counterfeit banknotes among them. He put them aside, hoping to pay off at the market, or with the coachman.
Throughout 1918, Kyiv lives an unnatural life. The houses are filled with guests. Financiers, entrepreneurs, merchants, and lawyers fled from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Shops are opening in Kyiv selling food until midnight. The local press publishes novels and stories by famous Russian journalists that hate the Communists with cowardly, hissing malice. There were gold-chasing officers in the City who did not receive the necessary papers to travel abroad. The people, closed in the City, had no idea what was happening in the country. People pinned their aspirations on the German occupation troops. At first there were 2 opposing forces, until Petliura appeared. The first sign that announced Petliura was women rushing about in their shirts and screaming in a terrible voice. Ammunition depots were blown up on Lysa Gora. The second sign was the brutal murder of the German Field Marshal von Eichhorn. Food prices have gone up. For 400,000 Germans there were tens of thousands of Ukrainian villagers with hearts burning with anger. The German command could not withstand such a heat of passion. The Germans left the country. At the same time, the Ukrainian hetman was dressed in the clothes of a German major, and he became like hundreds of other German officers. He told his subordinates that the ruler had fled abroad. In addition, the commander-in-chief general escaped from the Belorukov cavalry. He added that the ataman had a 100,000-strong army near Kiev, so he did not want his soldiers to die.

Part 2.
From day to day, the Petliurist army may enter Kyiv. Colonel Kozyr-Lyashko, working for many years as a teacher in the village, ends up on the front of the First World War. It turned out that it was his business. And in 1917 he became a corporal, and in 1918 - a lieutenant colonel at the ataman. The main forces of the defenders are drawn to Kyiv. The frozen military moved closer to the city center. Lyashko orders the horses to be saddled. Soon the legion set out on a campaign.
Commander Toropets was also near Kiev, he came up with a scheme according to which the defending troops should retreat to the village of Kurenevka, then he himself would be able to strike directly on the forehead. From the flank the City attacked Lyashko. To his right, a battle broke out. Shetkin had not been at the General Staff since early morning, since the headquarters as such no longer existed. First, 2 assistants disappeared. Nobody knew anything in Kyiv. Here was the ruler (no one had yet guessed about the mysterious disappearances of the commander), and his lordship Prince Belorukov, and General Kartuzov, who was forming an army to protect Kyiv. The people were perplexed: “Why did the Petliura trains come close to the city fortifications? Maybe they made an agreement with the ataman? Then why are the White Guards firing at the advancing Petliura units? “Panic and chaos was present in Kyiv on December 14th. Less and less calls were heard in the coordination center. Finally, Maxim scribbled right on the city streets. Bolbotun, tired of waiting for the order of the chief, gives the order to the cavalry to go to railway. He stops the train carrying a new batch of refugees to Kyiv. He was apparently not expected, so he easily entered Kyiv, meeting resistance only at the school.
Part of Colonel Nai-Tours wandered through the snowdrifts near Kiev for 3 days until they returned to the city. He took care of his subordinates, so 150 cadets and 3 ensigns were shod in warm felt boots. On the night of the 14th, Nye was looking at a map of the City. The headquarters did not disturb, only in the afternoon the volunteer gave a written order to guard the strategic road. The rumble of shutters swept through the chains of the junkers: on the orders of the commander, they entered into an unequal battle. Finding himself in Brest-Litovsky Lane. He sends 3 volunteers for reconnaissance. They soon returned without finding any defending units. The commander turns to his subordinates and gives a loud order. In the hostel, 28 cadets under the command of Nikolai Turbin suffered. Commander Bezrukov and 2 warrant officers, having gone to the coordination center, did not return home. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon the phone rings. Alexei Turbin was sleeping. Suddenly the young man rushed about. In a hurry, forgetting the testimony and embracing with her sister. He hires a carriage and drives to the museum. Domchav to the meeting place, he sees the armed people. He got a little scared. Thinking I'm late. He ran to the store, where he found the boss. The colonel quickly explained to Alexei that the command had abandoned them to their fate. Petliura in Kyiv. He advises him to take off his epaulettes as soon as possible. And leave here in good health. Turbin rips off the epaulettes and throws them into the stove. He leaves through the back door. Nikolai Turbin leads the fighters through Kyiv. And suddenly he noticed that the cadets began to scatter to their homes. He meets a colonel who rips off his shoulder straps and orders him to drop his weapons. And he does not have time to ask, as the colonel is killed by a shell that exploded in the vicinity. The young man experienced a natural feeling of fear. He goes to his home through yards and lanes. The sister is concerned about the fate of the elder Turbine. And she did not let her younger brother go outside. Nikolai wants to climb onto the roof of the shed and see what's going on in Kyiv. Returning home, the boy falls asleep like the dead. The sister waited for her older brother all night. He wakes up due to someone complaining about his wife. Larion arrived from Zhytomyr and informed Nikolai that the elder Turbin had come with him. Alex was lying on the couch. He is wounded in the arm. Nikolai ran after the medic. An hour later, scraps of bandages were scattered in the house, a basin full of red water stood on the floor. Alexey has already woken up from oblivion. The doctor assured his relatives that the bone and blood vessels were not affected, but he warned that the wound could fester due to fragments of the overcoat.

Part 3
A few hours later, Alexey came to his senses. Sitting next to him was his sister. The family was visited by 3 doctors who gave a disappointing conclusion: typhus and that it is hopeless. Alexei is in agony. Walking yards away from the store, he stumbles upon Petliura's soldiers. When the doctor turns around, they recognize him as a white officer and open fire to kill. The Medic flees from his pursuers. Petliurists did not lag behind, Alexei hides with an unfamiliar woman. He ran after a beautiful stranger. Having reached the 2 gates, they began to climb the stairs, the doctor falls on his left leg. She drags the injured doctor into her home. He tries to give himself first aid. Madame helped Alexei stop the bleeding. The doctor was very worried about the relatives, but could not tell them where he was. Alexey met Yu. Reise. He slept with her all night. In the morning, Madame gave her husband's clothes and took her in a carriage to the apartment of the Turbins. Late in the evening, Myshlevsky showed up at the Turbinnys. The housekeeper opens the door for him and immediately reports Turbin's health. Entering the room, Victor meets Larion. The colonel had a great fight with a friend, saying that it was necessary to destroy the General Staff in the toilet. Karas calmed down the skirmish that had begun. Nikolai asks the guests to speak more quietly, you can not disturb the patient. After 2 days, Nikolai goes to Nye's relatives to report the news of his heroic death. They find the body, and on the same day they bury Naya in the chapel.
A year later, Alexei walks to Julia Reisa, who once saved him from death. He asks the woman for permission to visit her often. Toward evening, Alexei had a fever. He was afraid for his hand. When a scratch bothered Alexei, he threw a cold compress on the floor, and he crawled under the covers. The temperature was getting higher, the tearing pain in the left side of the body became dull. Everyone listened attentively to Lieutenant Shervinsky's story. Who told the guests about the imminent arrival of the Communists. People were walking along the platform. A man in a long overcoat was pacing near the armored train. The inscription "Proletary" was visible on the armored train. Alexey was delirious.
In front door called, and the frightened owner went to open it. The people who came announced to the landlord that they had come with a warrant to search his apartment. First of all, the bandits opened Vasilisa's hiding place. Further, with the same success, the thieves plundered the master bedroom. One of the uninvited guests liked Vasilisa's shoes, and he immediately puts them on. The guests were fully dressed in the master's clothes, not forgetting to threaten the Lisoviches with imminent punishment. When leaving, they are ordered to write Vasilisa a receipt that he gave them things. When the footsteps subside They order Vasilisa not to complain about them anywhere. They quickly leave the room. Wanda Mikhailovna immediately began to have a seizure, she sent her husband to the General Staff to complain about the robbers. He quickly rises to the Turbine. He says that the robbers threatened with 2 pistols, 1 of which was with a gold chain. They feed the guest with boiled veal, pickled mushrooms and delicious jam from cherry. Sister unsteadily leaves Alexei's office. She peered at Alexei for a long time and realized that her brother would die. The patient had been unconscious for a long time and did not realize what was happening around him. Elena lights a lamp and silently bows to the ground. She looked unkindly at the Mother of God, reproaching her for the troubles that happened in the family. Then Elena could not stand it and began to pray passionately higher power about sending down health to Alexei. Turbin was covered in sweat, his chest was heaving nervously. He suddenly opens his eyes and informs everyone that death has receded from him.
An anxious colleague injects medicine into the patient's arm. He has changed a lot, 2 folds remained at his mouth forever, his eyes became gloomy and sad. He thought about the ataman, family friends and Elena.
A young man enters the doctor's office and reports that he has syphilis. Alexey writes medicinal product and gave good advice to read the Apocalypse less.
The White Guard is one of Bulgakov's best works, which reveals the essence of the confrontation between the white and red armies.

The action of Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The White Guard" takes place in Ukraine in full swing civil war. The city, according to the author's description, strongly reminiscent of Kyiv, is occupied by German troops. From day to day Petliura's troops could come here. Confusion and confusion reigns everywhere.

At dinner at the Turbins

IN big house Turbins at dinner, several military men are talking: military doctor Alexei Turbin, non-commissioned officer Nikolai Turbin, lieutenant Myshlevsky, second lieutenant Stepanov, nicknamed Karas, and lieutenant Shervinsky, adjutant of the headquarters of the armed forces of Ukraine. Also at the table is the sister of the Turbins Elena.

We are talking about the terrible prospects for the arrival of Petliura's troops and the search for ways to prevent this.

Alexei Turbin believes that if it were not for Ukrainian hetman, in a city where many officers and cadets have accumulated, it would be possible to assemble a good army not only to repulse Petlyura, but also to save all of Russia.

The rest do not object to him, but argue that the reigning chaos and the desire to quickly escape from here will not lead to anything good.

At this time, Sergei Ivanovich Talberg, the husband of Elena Turbina, appears and, as if in confirmation of the last words, reports that tonight he must leave the city along with the German troops. Consoling his wife, he promises to return in 3 months with Denikin's army.

Failed attempt to save the city

Meanwhile, a division was formed in the city under the command of Colonel Malyshev. Karas, Myshlevsky and Alexei Turbin are happy to sign up for his service. The next day they should appear at the headquarters of the division in full military bearing. However, at night, together with the German troops, the hetman leaves the city along with all his council, and Colonel Malyshev disbands his small army. Petliura enters the city.

Knowing nothing about these events, Alexei Turbin comes to the headquarters of the already disbanded division and, having learned about what happened, with annoyance tears off his officer's badges. Walking through the city, he attracts the attention of the Petliura soldiers and realizes with horror that he forgot to take off the officer's hat from his hat. He runs under fire from the Petliurists and one of the bullets hits him in the arm. But at the most critical moment, an unfamiliar young woman saves him, hiding in her house.

Parallel to this, dramatic events take place outside the city. There, Colonel Nai-Tours gathered his combat detachment, which Nikolai Turbin also joined, and is preparing to defend the city from Petlyura. A battle ensues, during which Nai-Tours learns that Petliura's troops bypassed him with their bulk and entered the city. The courageous colonel gives the order to all his soldiers to leave, and he himself dies in front of Nikolai, covering his soldiers and officers.

Meanwhile, Alexei falls seriously ill. He has typhus and his wounded arm is inflamed. A council of doctors comes to a terrible conclusion: Turbin will not be able to survive. But despite this, Alexei miraculously manages to avoid death.

Artillery cannonade is heard outside the window. Petlyura's troops leave the city. Soon the Red Army will enter it.

On these two optimistic notes, the novel ends.

The action of the novel takes place in the winter of 1918/19 in a certain City, in which Kyiv is clearly guessed. The city is occupied by the German occupation troops, the hetman of "all Ukraine" is in power. However, Petliura's army may enter the City from day to day - fighting is already going on twelve kilometers from the City. The city lives a strange, unnatural life: it is full of visitors from Moscow and St. Petersburg - bankers, businessmen, journalists, lawyers, poets - who rushed there from the moment the hetman was elected, from the spring of 1918.

In the dining room of the Turbins' house at dinner, Alexei Turbin, a doctor, his younger brother Nikolka, a non-commissioned officer, their sister Elena and family friends - lieutenant Myshlaevsky, second lieutenant Stepanov, nicknamed Karas and lieutenant Shervinsky, adjutant in the headquarters of Prince Belorukov, commander of all the military forces of Ukraine - excitedly discussing the fate of their beloved City. Senior Turbin believes that the hetman is to blame for everything with his Ukrainization: until the very last moment he did not allow the formation of the Russian army, and if this happened on time, a select army of junkers, students, high school students and officers, of which there are thousands, would be formed, and not only would they have defended the City, but Petliura would not have had a spirit in Little Russia, moreover, they would have gone to Moscow and saved Russia.

Elena's husband, Captain of the General Staff Sergei Ivanovich Talberg, announces to his wife that the Germans are leaving the City and that he, Talberg, is being taken on the staff train departing tonight. Thalberg is sure that it will not pass and three months how he will return to the City with Denikin's army, which is now being formed on the Don. Until then, he can't take Elena into the unknown and she'll have to stay in the City.

To protect against the advancing troops of Petlyura, the formation of Russian military formations begins in the City. Karas, Myshlaevsky and Alexei Turbin come to the commander of the emerging mortar division, Colonel Malyshev, and enter the service: Karas and Myshlaevsky - as officers, Turbin - as a divisional doctor. However, the next night - from December 13 to 14 - the hetman and General Belorukov flee from the City in a German train, and Colonel Malyshev disbands the newly formed division: he has no one to defend, there is no legal authority in the City.

Colonel Nai-Tours by December 10 completes the formation of the second department of the first squad. Considering the conduct of the war without winter equipment for soldiers impossible, Colonel Nai-Tours, threatening the head of the supply department with a colt, receives felt boots and hats for his one hundred and fifty junkers. On the morning of December 14, Petliura attacks the City; Nai-Tours receives an order to guard the Polytechnic Highway and, in the event of the appearance of the enemy, to take the fight. Nai-Turs, having entered into battle with the advanced detachments of the enemy, sends three cadets to find out where the hetman's units are. The sent ones return with a message that there are no units anywhere, machine-gun fire is in the rear, and the enemy cavalry is entering the City. Nye realizes that they are trapped.

An hour earlier, Nikolai Turbin, corporal of the third division of the first infantry squad, receives an order to lead the team along the route. Arriving at the appointed place, Nikolka sees with horror the running junkers and hears the command of Colonel Nai-Tours, ordering all the junkers - both his own and from Nikolka's team - to tear off shoulder straps, cockades, throw weapons, tear documents, run and hide. The colonel himself covers the withdrawal of the junkers. In front of Nikolka's eyes, the mortally wounded colonel dies. Shocked, Nikolka, leaving Nai-Turs, makes his way to the house through courtyards and lanes.

In the meantime, Alexei, who was not informed about the dissolution of the division, having appeared, as he was ordered, at two o'clock, finds an empty building with abandoned guns. Having found Colonel Malyshev, he gets an explanation of what is happening: the city is taken by Petliura's troops. Aleksey, tearing off his shoulder straps, goes home, but runs into Petliura's soldiers, who, recognizing him as an officer (in his haste he forgot to tear off the cockade from his hat), pursue him. Wounded in the arm, Alexei is sheltered in her house by a woman unknown to him named Yulia Reise. The next day, having changed Alexei into a civilian dress, Yulia takes him home in a cab. Simultaneously with Aleksey, Larion, Talberg's cousin, comes from Zhytomyr to the Turbins, who has experienced a personal drama: his wife left him. Larion really likes being in the Turbins' house, and all the Turbins find him very nice.

Vasily Ivanovich Lisovich, nicknamed Vasilisa, the owner of the house in which the Turbins live, occupies the first floor in the same house, while the Turbins live in the second. On the eve of the day when Petlyura entered the City, Vasilisa builds a hiding place in which she hides money and jewelry. However, through a gap in a loosely curtained window, an unknown person is watching Vasilisa's actions. The next day, three armed men come to Vasilisa with a search warrant. First of all, they open the cache, and then they take Vasilisa's watch, suit and shoes. After the "guests" left, Vasilisa and his wife guess that they were bandits. Vasilisa runs to the Turbins, and Karas is sent to protect them from a possible new attack. The usually stingy Vanda Mikhailovna, Vasilisa's wife, does not skimp here: there is cognac, veal, and pickled mushrooms on the table. Happy Karas is dozing, listening to Vasilisa's plaintive speeches.

Three days later, Nikolka, having learned the address of the Nai-Tours family, goes to the colonel's relatives. He tells Nye's mother and sister the details of his death. Together with the colonel's sister, Irina, Nikolka finds the body of Nai-Turs in the morgue, and on the same night, a funeral service is held in the chapel at the anatomical theater of Nai-Turs.

A few days later, Alexei's wound becomes inflamed, and besides, he has typhus: heat, nonsense. According to the conclusion of the consultation, the patient is hopeless; On December 22, the agony begins. Elena locks herself in the bedroom and passionately prays to the Most Holy Theotokos, begging to save her brother from death. “Let Sergei not return,” she whispers, “but don’t punish this with death.” To the amazement of the doctor on duty with him, Alexei regains consciousness - the crisis has passed.

A month and a half later, the finally recovered Alexei goes to Yulia Reisa, who saved him from death, and gives her the bracelet of his deceased mother. Alexei asks Yulia for permission to visit her. After leaving Yulia, he meets Nikolka, who is returning from Irina Nai-Tours.

Elena receives a letter from a friend from Warsaw, in which she informs her about Thalberg's upcoming marriage to their mutual friend. Elena, sobbing, remembers her prayer.

On the night of February 2-3, Petliura's troops begin to leave the City. The roar of the guns of the Bolsheviks approaching the City is heard.

The novel "The White Guard" by Mikhail Bulgakov is the author's first work in this genre. The work was written in 1923 and published in 1925. The book was written in the tradition of realistic literature XIX century. Reading a summary of The White Guard chapter by chapter and part by part will be useful for those who want to remember the events of the novel before a literature lesson. Also summary books will come in handy for a reader's diary.

Main characters

Alexey Turbin- military doctor, 28 years old. went through the First World War.

Nikolka Turbin- Alexey's younger brother, 17 years old.

Elena Talberg, nee Turbina - sister of Alexei and Nikolka, 24 years old.

Other characters

Sergey Talberg Elena's husband. He leaves his wife in Kyiv, and he, together with the Germans, flees from the country to Germany.

Lisovich (Vasilisa)- the owner of the house in which the Turbins live.

Nai Tours- colonel. Nikolka Turbin is fighting the Petliurists in his detachment.

Viktor Myshlaevsky- An old friend of the Turbins.

Leonid Shervinsky and Fedor Stepanov (Karas)- friends of Alexei Turbin at the gymnasium.

Colonel Malyshev- the commander of the mortar division, in which Karas serves, and in which Myshlaevsky and Alexei Turbin entered the service.

Kozyr-Leshko- Petliurovsky Colonel.

Larion Surzhansky (Lariosik)- Talberg's nephew from Zhytomyr.

Part one

Chapter 1

The action takes place in Kyiv, in December 1918, during the revolution. The intelligent Turbin family - two brothers and a sister - live in the house at number 13 on Alekseevsky Spusk. Twenty-eight-year-old Alexei Turbin, a young doctor, had already gone through the First World War. His younger brother Nikolka is only seventeen and a half years old, and his sister Elena is twenty-four years old. My sister is married to staff captain Sergei Talberg.

This year, the mother of the Turbins died, before her death she wished the children one thing: “Live!” But the revolution, like the blizzard in this terrible year, is only growing and it seems that there will be no end to it. Apparently, the Turbins will not have to live, but to die. Priest Father Alexander, who buried his dead mother, advises Alexei Turbin not to fall into the sin of despondency, but warns that everything will only get worse.

Chapter 2

On a December evening, all the Turbins gather at the hotly heated stove, on the tiles of which they left commemorative drawings all their lives. Alexey and Nikolka sing Junker songs, but Elena does not share their enthusiasm: she is waiting for her husband to go home, worried about him. The doorbell rings. But it was not Talberg who came, but Viktor Myshlaevsky, an old friend of the Turbin family.

He tells a terrible thing: 40 people of his detachment were left in a cordon and promised to be replaced in six hours, but they were replaced in a day. For days, his people could not even light a fire to keep warm, so two people froze to death. Myshlaevsky scolds Colonel Shchetkin from headquarters with the very last words. Turbines warm Myshlaevsky.

The doorbell rang again. This time it was the husband of Elena Talberg, but he did not come for good, he came to collect his things, because the power of Hetman Skoropadsky, planted by the Germans, staggered, the troops of Petliura, a socialist and Ukrainian nationalist, were approaching Kiev from the White Church, so the Germans were leaving the city and he, Thalberg, leaves with them. At one in the morning, General von Bussow's train leaves for Germany. Talberg says that he cannot take Elena with him "on wanderings and the unknown." Elena cries, and Talberg promises his wife to return to Kyiv with Denikin's troops.

Chapter 3

Engineer Vasily Lisovich, nicknamed Vasilisa for his cunning, almost feminine character, is the Turbins' neighbor from below. He covered the window with a white sheet so that no one from the street could see where he was hiding the money. But it was the white sheet on the window that attracted the attention of a passerby. He climbed a tree and, through the gap between the window and the sheet, saw that the engineer had hidden the money in a hiding place inside the wall. Lisovich falls asleep. He dreams of thieves. He wakes up from some noise.

Upstairs, at the Turbins, it's noisy. Guests came to them: Alexei's friends from the gymnasium - lieutenant Leonid Shervinsky and second lieutenant Fyodor Stepanov, nicknamed Karas. The Turbins have a feast, they drink vodka and wine, which the guests brought with them. Everyone gets drunk, Myshlaevsky becomes especially ill, he is soldered with medicines. Karas is campaigning for everyone who wants to defend Kyiv from Petlyura, to enter the mortar division being formed, where an excellent commander is Colonel Malyshev. Shervinsky, who is in love with Elena, is very happy about Thalberg's departure. Everyone goes to bed at dawn. Elena cries again, as she understands that her husband will never return for her.

Chapter 4

More and more wealthy people are coming to Kyiv, who are fleeing the revolution from Russia, where the Bolsheviks now rule. Among the refugees were not only officers who went through the First World War, like Alexei Turbin, but also landowners, merchants, factory owners, and many officials. They huddled with their wives, children and mistresses in tiny apartments and modest hotel rooms, but at the same time they threw money on endless carousing.

Few officers enter the service of the hetman's convoy, but the rest loiter around idle. In Kyiv, four cadet schools are closed, the cadets fail to complete the course. among them was Nikolka Turbin. Everything is calm in Kyiv, thanks to the Germans, but news comes from the villages that the peasants continue to plunder, that a period of chaos and lawlessness is coming.

Chapter 5

In Kyiv, it is becoming more and more alarming. In the spring, they first blew up a warehouse with shells, and then the Social Revolutionaries killed the commander of the German army, Field Marshal Eichhorn. Symon Petlyura is released from the hetman's prison, striving to lead the rebellious peasants. And the peasant revolt is dangerous because the men returned from the fronts of the First World War with weapons.

Alexei has a dream in which he meets Captain Zhilin with a squadron of hussars at the gates of Paradise, who died in 1916 in the Vilna direction. Zhilin told Turbin that the apostle Peter let the whole detachment into Paradise, even the women launched, whom the hussars grabbed along the way. And Zhilin said that he saw mansions in Paradise, which were painted with red stars. “And this,” says the Apostle Peter, “is for the Bolsheviks, who are from Perekop.” Zhilin was surprised that atheists were allowed into Paradise. But he received an answer that the Almighty does not care: believers or not, that for God they are all the same, “killed in the battlefield.” Turbin himself wanted to get to Paradise, he tried to go through the gate, but woke up.

Chapter 6

In the former store of Madame Anjou "Paris Chic", which was located in the very center of Kyiv on Teatralnaya Street, now the "Record of volunteers in the Mortar Division" is taking place. In the morning, still drunk from the night, Karas, who is already in the division, brings Alexei Turbin and Myshlaevsky there.

Colonel Malyshev, the division commander, is very glad to see like-minded people in his ranks who, like him, hate Kerensky. In addition, Myshlaevsky is an experienced artilleryman, and Turbin is a doctor, so they are immediately recorded in the division. In an hour they should be on the parade ground of the Alexander Gymnasium. Alexey manages to run home in an hour and change clothes. He is very happy to put on again military uniform, to which Elena sewed new shoulder straps. On the way to the parade ground, Turbin sees a crowd of people carrying several coffins. It turned out that the Petliurists at night in the village of Popelyukha killed the entire officer corps, gouged out their eyes and carved epaulettes on their shoulders.

Colonel Malyshev inspects the volunteers and disbands his division until tomorrow.

Chapter 7

That night Hetman Skoropadsky hurriedly left Kyiv. He was dressed in a German uniform and his head was tightly bandaged so that no one could recognize the hetman. He is taken away from the capital according to the documents of Major Schratt, who, according to legend, accidentally wounded himself in the head when he was unloading a revolver.

In the morning, Colonel Malyshev informs the assembled volunteers about the disbandment of the mortar division. He orders "the entire division, with the exception of gentlemen officers and those junkers who were on guard tonight, to immediately go home!" After these words, the crowd became excited. Myshlaevsky says that they must protect the hetman, but the colonel informs everyone that the hetman shamefully fled, leaving them all to the mercy of fate, that they have no one to protect. With that, the officers and cadets disagree.

Part 2

Chapter 8

In the morning, Petlyura's Colonel Kozyr-Leshko from the village of Popelyukhi sends his troops to Kyiv. Another Petliura colonel, Toropets, came up with a plan to encircle Kyiv and launch an offensive from Kurenevka: with the help of artillery, distract the defenders of the city and arrange a main attack from the south and center.

These colonels are led by Colonel Shchetkin, who secretly abandons his troops in a snowy field and goes to visit some plump blonde in a rich apartment, where he drinks coffee and goes to bed.

Another Petlyura colonel, distinguished by his impatient disposition, Bolbotun, violates Torobets' plan and breaks into Kyiv with his cavalry. He is surprised that he met no resistance. only at the Nikolaevsky School he was fired from a single machine gun by thirty cadets and four officers. The centurion of Bolbotun Galanba cuts with a saber a random passerby, who turned out to be Yakov Feldman, the hetman's armor parts supplier.

Chapter 9

An armored car arrives to help the junkers. Bolbotun has already lost, thanks to the junkers, seven Cossacks killed and nine wounded, but he manages to get much closer to the city center. At the corner of Moskovskaya Street, Bolbotun's path is blocked by an armored car. It is mentioned that there are four vehicles in the hetman's armored division. The well-known writer Mikhail Shpolyansky was appointed to command the second armored car. Since he entered the service, something was wrong with the cars: armored cars break down, gunners and drivers suddenly disappear somewhere. But even one car is enough to stop the Petliurists.

Shpolyansky has an envious person - the son of a librarian - Rusakov, who is sick with syphilis. once Shpolyansky helped Rusakov print an atheistic poem. Now Rusakov repents, he spits on his work and believes that syphilis is a punishment for atheism. He tearfully prays to God for forgiveness.

Shpolyansky and the driver Shchur go on reconnaissance and do not return. Pleshko, the commander of the armored division, also disappears.

Chapter 10

Hussar colonel Nai-Turs, a talented commander, is completing the formation of the second department of the squad. There is no supply. His junkers are undressed. Nai-Tours knocks out felt boots for all the junkers from Staff General Makushin.

On the morning of December 14, Petlyura attacked Kiev. An order came from the headquarters: Nye must guard the Polytechnic Highway with his junkers. There he joined the battle with the Petliurists. The forces were unequal, so Nye sends three junkers to find out when help from other hetman units comes, transport is still needed to evacuate the wounded. After a while, the cadets report that there will be no help. Nye realizes that he and his cadets are trapped.

Meanwhile, in the barracks on Lvovskaya Street, the third section of the infantry squad of twenty-eight cadets awaits orders. Since all the officers left for headquarters, Corporal Nikolai Turbin turns out to be the senior in the detachment. The phone rang and orders were given to move into position. Nikolka leads his detachment to the indicated place.

Alexei Turbin comes to the former Parisian fashion store at two o'clock in the afternoon, where he sees Malyshev, who is burning papers. Malyshev advises Turbin to burn his shoulder straps and leave through the back door. Turbin followed his advice only at night.

Chapter 11

Petliura takes the city. Colonel Nai-Tours dies heroically, covering the retreat of the junkers, whom he orders to tear off shoulder straps and cockades. Nikolka Turbin, who remained next to Nai-Turs, sees his death, and then runs away himself, hiding in the yards. Through Podol he returns home and finds Elena crying there: Alexey has not returned yet. By night, Nikolka manages to fall asleep, but he wakes up when he hears the voice of a stranger: “She was with her lover on the very sofa on which I read poetry to her. And after the bills for seventy-five thousand I signed without hesitation, like a gentleman ... And, imagine, a coincidence: I arrived here at the same time as your brother. Hearing about her brother, Nikolka jumps out of bed and rushes to the living room. Alexei was wounded in the hand. Inflammation began, but it was impossible to take him to the hospital, because the Petliurists could find him there. Fortunately, neither bones nor large vessels were affected.

Part three

Chapter 12

The stranger turned out to be Larion Surzhansky, whom everyone calls Lariosik. He is the nephew of Talberg from Zhytomyr. He left the city to visit his relatives, because his wife cheated on him. Lariosik is kind and clumsy, loves canaries. He is comfortable and joyful at the Turbins. He brought with him an impressive wad of money, so the Turbins willingly forgive him for the broken service.

Alexei has a fever. A doctor is called for him and an injection of morphine relieves his suffering. All Turbina's neighbors are told that Aleksey has typhus, they hide his injury. Nikolka, on the other hand, rips off all the inscriptions from the stove, which indicate that officers live in the house.

Chapter 13

Aleksey Turbin was injured because he decided, after running out of a Parisian fashion store, not to go straight home, but to see what was happening in the center of Kyiv. On Vladimirskaya Street, he came across the Petliurists, who immediately recognized him as an officer, because Turbin, although he tore off his shoulder straps, forgot to take off his cockade. "Yes, that's an officer! Fuck the officer! they shout. Petliurists wounded Turbin in the shoulder. Alexei took out a revolver and fired six bullets at the Petliurists, keeping the seventh for himself, so as not to be captured and to avoid torture. Then he ran through the yards. In some courtyard, he found himself at a dead end, exhausted by the loss of blood. An unfamiliar woman named Yulia, who lived in one of the houses, hid Turbine in her place, threw away his bloody clothes, washed and bandaged his wound, and a day later brought him home to Alekseevsky Spusk.

Chapter 14

Alexei, indeed, is found to have typhus, which the Turbins spoke of in order to hide his injury. Myshlaevsky, Shervinsky and Karas appear in turn in the apartment on Alekseevsky Spusk. They stay with the Turbins and play cards all night long. A sudden knock on the door makes everyone nervous, but it is only the postman who brought a belated telegram about the arrival of Lariosik. As soon as everyone calms down, they pound on the door. Opening the door, Myshlaevsky literally caught Lisovich, the Turbins' downstairs neighbor, in his arms.

Chapter 15

It turns out that Lisovich's door also rang that evening. He did not want to open it, but he was threatened that they would start shooting. Then Lisovich let three men armed with revolvers into the apartment. They searched his apartment “by order”, showing Lisovich some paper with an indistinct seal, supposedly in support of their words. Uninvited guests they quickly find a hiding place in the wall in which Lisovich hid the money. They take everything from Vasilisa, down to clothes and shoes, and then demand that he write a receipt that he gave all the things and money to the voluntary Kirpaty and Nemolyaka. Then the robbers left, and Vasilisa rushed to the Turbins.

Myshlaevsky advises Lisovich not to complain anywhere and be glad that he survived. Nikolka decided to check whether the revolvers hanging outside the window were still there, but the box was not there. The robbers took him and, perhaps, it was with this weapon that they threatened Vasilisa and his wife. Turbines tightly clog the gap between the houses, through which the robbers climbed.

Chapter 16

The next day, after a prayer service in St. Sophia's Cathedral, a parade began in Kyiv. A crush ensued. In this crush, a Bolshevik orator climbed onto the fountain and made a speech. The crowd of people did not immediately understand what the revolutionary Bolshevik was agitating for, and the Petliurists, on the contrary, understood everything and wanted to arrest the speaker. But instead of a Bolshevik, Shchur and Shpolyansky hand over to the Petliurists a Ukrainian nationalist who is falsely accused of stealing. The crowd begins to beat the "thief", and the Bolshevik manages to escape. Karas and Shervinsky admire the courage of the Bolsheviks.

Chapter 17

Nikolka cannot muster up the courage to inform the relatives of Colonel Nai-Tours about his death. finally, he makes a decision and goes to the right address. A woman in pince-nez opens the door to his apartment. in addition to her, there are two more ladies in the apartment: an elderly one and a young one, very similar in appearance to Nai-Turs. Nikolka didn't have to say anything, because the colonel's mother understood everything from his face. Nikolka decides to help the colonel's sister, Irina, pick up her brother's body from the mortuary of the anatomical theater. Nai-Turs is buried as it should be. The colonel's family is very grateful to Nikolka.

Chapter 18

On December 22, Alexei Turbin becomes very ill. He no longer comes to his senses. Three doctors, having gathered a council, issue a merciless verdict. Elena, in tears, begins to pray that Alexei will come to his senses. Their mother died, her husband left Elena. How can she survive together with Nikolka without Alexei? Her prayer was answered. Alexey came to his senses.

Chapter 19

In February 19919, Petliura's power comes to an end. Alexei is recovering and can already move around the apartment, however, with a stick. He again begins medical practice and receives patients at home.

Rusakov, who is ill with syphilis, comes to see him and scolds Shpolyansky for no reason and speaks on religious topics. Turbin advises him not to get involved in religion, so as not to go crazy and be treated for syphilis.

Alexei has found Yulia, the woman who saved him, and gives her a bracelet that once belonged to his mother as a token of gratitude. On the way home from Yulia, Alexei met Nikolka, who went to Nai-Turs's sister, Irina.

In the evening, Lisovich came to the Turbins' apartment with a letter from Warsaw, in which the Turbins' acquaintances expressed bewilderment about the divorce of Talberg and Elena, as well as in connection with his new marriage.

Chapter 20

On the night of February 3rd, before finally leaving Kyiv, the Petliurists dragged a Jew across the land, whom Kozyr-Leshko beat on the head with a ramrod until he died.

Alexei dreams that he is running from the Petliurists, but is dying.

Lisovich dreams that some piglets with fangs ruined his wonderful garden, and then attacked him.

At the Darnitsa station there is an armored train in which a Red Army soldier is stubbornly struggling with dreams.

Rusakov does not sleep, he reads the Bible.
Elena dreams of Shervinsky, who clings a star to his chest and Nikolka, who looks like a dead man.

But the most best sleep sees five-year-old Petya Shcheglov, who lives with his mother in an outbuilding. He dreams of a green meadow, and in the center of the meadow - a sparkling ball. Splashes burst out of the ball and Petya laughs in his sleep.


Mikhail Bulgakov said that the "White Guard" is "a stubborn image of the Russian intelligentsia as the best layer in our country ...". One of the most important motifs in the novel is the theme of the family. For the Turbins, their home is like Noah's Ark, in which everyone can take refuge in the turbulent, terrible years of the raging revolution and the chaos of anarchy. At the same time, each of the heroes strives in this dashing time to preserve himself, his self, his humanity.

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