The hot faith of the Orthodox people in a wonderful icon dedicated to the Tikhvinian Mother of God appeared for a long time. The image was in great honor among the Russian people. The very first place of finding the icon was the church of the Assumption of the Virgin, who burned during a fire three times, but Icon miraculously remained unharmed.

The main thing

The second half of the 17th century was marked by the one who laid the first stone of the temple, but the construction ended after the death of the sovereign. The new temple in honor of Tikhvinskaya in Alekseevsky sanctified the patriarch and the young ruler of the temple loved in the royal family, and therefore two small chapels were built for the tsarist couple in the church. During the reign, he made a lot for the Holy Resident, allocated a lot financial means to help. After all, the king often visited the church of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky and kneel before the shrine. He was a very diverse and chrooped monarch.

A bit of history

Interesting events that happened to the Holy Residents throughout its existence. The Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky is located on the ancient Troitskaya road, which leads to the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, storing the power of one of the most revered in Russia's Russia - Sergius Radonezh. Once, during the Streetsky Bunta, King Peter 1 stopped in this temple. Having learned about it, there arrived there a large squad of the Streltsov, who, repenting and asking for mercy, fell before the king on his knees, bowing her heads. Peter 1 for all of them forgiven and pardoned, although the remaining Sagittarius were executed. In 1812, Moscow seized the Army of Napoleon, which desecrated many Russians shrines, did not exception the church in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky. The temple gradually the French army turned into a grocery warehouse, where he placed his provincial, and the refectory used as a stable. For a long time everything was in short, and only in 1824, Emperor Alexander 1 allocated about 20 thousand rubles from the treasury to restore the temple. Then the bell tower was built. In 1836, an important event was happening for the temple itself and for the whole church flock. For the first time, the temple was painted by a talented artist D. Scotti. The entire temple complex in its architectural style is a model of church construction in the form of a "Russian Pattern".

Description of the Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky

In the first half of the 19th century, the ceiling of the refectory room was dismantled, since then it has become one-story. Only the choir remained from the second floor, which went along the walls along the western, southern and northern part of the building. Ancient chandeliers were preserved on these choirs, fenced with railings. For the means of the merchant Konstantinova in the corners of the meadow, under the choir, the fade altars of St. Nicholas and rev. Sergius. The architect Bykovsky, known at the time in Russia, has invested the soul and all his ability to the architectural style of altars, the sanctification of which took place in 1848 in May.

It is known that pilgrimage to the Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky made on foot. Even the members of the royal family during the journey refused all amenities to prepare for the great sacraments of confession and communion.

Life during the revolution

In 1917, in November, under the northern end of the temple, in symmetry with Alekseevsky, the Great Martyr Trifon was created. Believers have the opportunity to worship the saint and honor his memory.

And in 1922, the church of the word of the word was put in the temple, which was located in the head of the temple. In addition, at the same time the fence of the temple and the Parable House were erected.

In the days of the first time in Russia, worm and terrible repression during the Soviet authorities, the Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky was opened. And everyone who wanted to touch the great shrine could visit him to visit the worship and worship the miraculous icon. But this did not prevent Soviet power in 1922 to remove part of the premises from the temple for the location of the vegetable base there, and then use it for the art workshop. In addition, property belonging to the temple was confiscated. This is 114 kg silver and 58 diamonds. The bell tongs were not touched on the bell tongue, but they still did not call a long time and did not please the rumors of the parishioners. The trees around the church went out so that it became almost not visible and disappeared from Furnishing. And only in 1998, all the premises were fully transferred back to the temple.

Miracles perfect shrines

There is a legend of our days that in 1941 during the Hitler's invasion, by order of Stalin, they were flying around Moscow by plane by taking the great miraculous icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. Made it to maintain the morale of the army and the people. Surprisingly, but soon the offensive of the Soviet Army was successful, and the city of Tikhvin was released from Germans, which kept the original icon. Perhaps this is only a legend, but believers are sincerely believe in it, because they know many other wonderful phenomena from the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky. The temple was now famous and became a piercing shower for many believers.

Post-war life

The Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky was hard with his knees. After graduating from the Great Patriotic War, there was an internal repair, and already in the 70-90s of the 19th century, the restoration of the Holy Resident was restored. Then the wonderful paintings of the famous Italian painter D. Scotti, who hid under a large layer of records, were open to the numerous parishioners.

In 1945, Father Vladimir Squadov adopted the post of rector of the Tikhvin temple. Famous in Orthodox circles of Archpriest Soleretsky Alexander Vitalyevich was the abbot of the monastery since 1953. And in 1982, the Arkady Tõchchuk was appointed to this responsible position.

Wonderful tradition of the Tikhvin temple

It is very interesting and important for all Orthodox parishioners the tradition, which began in 1962 in this temple. Every year, on March 30, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy served Liturgy. She was dedicated to the memory of the patron - the man of God, in honor of which he was inflicted when holding a rite of baptism. This solemn event was a big holiday for all coming and for all believers who prepared in advance for this event.

The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy loved to be in the walls of the temple on the day of the Tikhvin icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to serve. This holiday passes July 9th. At this time, many believers come, which are widely celebrated a wonderful holiday.

Nowadays, a renovated temple is renovated for everyone who wants to visit, and to honor the memory of the Great Martyr Sergius of Radonezh can any believer. On the official website of the Holy Resident, you can find the address, telephone, service schedule. The Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God has become a place of pilgrimage not one thousand believers, and I want to believe that this is not the limit.

One of the most famous places for Orthodox pilgrims is the Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky. In the past, even royal people came here, and now we have a great opportunity to visit it holy place. What is it so significant, and what an invaluable shrine is stored in the Moscow temple of the Tikhvin Icon.

On the road to the place of worship, the relics of the great Sergius of the Radonezh - Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, there is a church of the icon of the Mother of God "Tikhvinskaya". According to the Troitskaya road, the street is called ancient times, leading to the church, made a walk of Christians.

The path held a few days: this time was enough to think about his life, to reflect on his sins, prepare for the holy sacraments. Even the royal people refused to take advantage of the carriage and preferred a hiking move to remove from the worldly fuss for some time and to stay with their thoughts alone.

The emergence of the Tikhvin temple in Alekseevsky dates back to the seventeenth century. Then the village passed to possession from one noble prince to another. So, after the liberation of the territory from the Poles, it was donated by Dmitry Trubetskoy for special merits in front of the homeland. Up to 1655, the Vice Widow was disposed of Moscow region.

The family then provided his king Alexei Mikhailovich so that he could settle here. In his favor and with God's help, the temple was built in honor of the man of God Alexy, and the settlement became known as Alekseevsky. After some time, a new one was built next to the old structure - the church of the Tikhvin Icon, both buildings were connected.

The official website testifies that the temple in Alekseevsky has received its main shrine from the patriarch - the miraculous image of Our Lady. It happened on October 31, 1680.

The temple in Moscow survived difficult times, the invasion of the French, who settled in it, desecrated and turned it into a warehouse for storing the provinted and stable.

Only after 1824, Alexander first allocated significant funds from the treasury for restoration, the walls were painted, new features were built.

After the forties, the Temple of the Tikhvin Icons in Alekseevsky was partially disassembled, but it was not closed during the persecution of the church, nor after the start of the construction of Stalin's buildings. At the beginning of the eighties, restoration works were made: beautiful paintings were found under the walls on the walls, on the assumptions belonging to the brilliant painter D. Scotti. The shrine was revered by our predecessors, she appreciated now. Every year, from the middle of the last century, it is visited by Patriarch for the commitment of Divine Liturgy.

The main value of the monastery

According to the legend of the Lick of the Tikhvin icon, the Mother of God was written by the Apostle Luka while the Most Holy Virgin on Earth. For some time, the image was in Antioch, and then in Constantinople, where the vlachier church was erected in his fame.

By the end of the fourteenth century, on the eve of the collapse of the Byzantine Empire, it disappeared in a strange way. It was announced in Russia, in the edges, a hail of Tikhvin has not yet been lined. Icon miraculously saved after several fires, it appeared in the thickets of vegetation as a whole and unharmed.

The icon of the Mother of God in the Tikhvin monastery has repeatedly saved believers in the struggle for freedom and the truth. She helped to free the Novgorod settlements from the invasion of the Swedes, who, seeing the congestion with a miraculous icon, fled from the battlefield.

Interesting!On June 26 (July 9), a peace treaty was signed with the Swedes - this is the day of honoring the shrine, which is celebrated by all Orthodox Christians so far.

Since 1924, after the closure of the Tikhvin monastery, the shrine was kept in one of the local temples at the honorary place, to the right of the Savior. In 1944, one of the parishioners of the temple named Sergey, who later became the Archbishop, saving the miraculous face, took him abroad.

Being an elderly person, the priest handed the great value to his receptional sleep and commanded her home after the end of vague for orthodox church Times. The shrine returned to his native land in 2004. Now she helps all the suffering, sick, grieving.

The history of the image is crowded with the history of our country. It is believed that it was this miraculous icon to indicate Stalin on the plane around Moscow during the war, when the capital threatened the enemy.

From this point on, the retreat of the fascists began. Well, and to this day the tradition of blessings by the patriarch in this image of the first persons of the state was reached.

What helps

The image is a symbol of statehood, so he prayed to protect against the invasion of the integrees. Also, the Virgin is considered the patroness of children. During diseases, the restless character of Chad, you can raise your prayers to the Lady.

Holy Image protects children from evil thoughts, helps in choosing a surroundings, protects from troubles. The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky strengthens family ties, helps in childbirth and conception. She is treated with a prayer for healing paralysis, blindness, diseases of the joints.

Need to know!Memorial Day of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, who is now in Moscow - July 9. On this day, it is customary to come to worship to worship the shrine.

Other shrines

The Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky stores other values, revered by true Christians:

  1. Icon of Our Lady "Kazan". It is considered an intercession of the Russian state. Helps to heal from eye diseases, another physical sensitory. She is blessed when joining the married union.
  2. The image of the Virgin "Absorbing the mind." All students are praying in front of him, their parents and teachers about the date of reason, spiritual insight and salvation. It is believed that her mentally sick person wrote after the Mother of God appeared in a dream. Having written this miraculous appearance, he healed.
  3. Icon of the Mother of God "Kozelshchanskaya". It is raised by prayers for healing severe ailments, physical injuries and damage, on the arrangement of family happiness. Brought from Italy, the court of the very Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.
  4. The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Assistant in childbirth." She pray for prosperous births and about healthy offspring.
  5. A copy of the cave of the Merry Coffin, located in Jerusalem.

When you can come to church

Doors The abode is always open to parishioners. It is advisable to first get acquainted with the schedule of the services of the Tikhvin Temple in Alekseevsky. The official website of the temple contains detailed information and service schedule a month ahead.

Divine Liturgy begins daily to eight o'clock in the morning, morning and evening - at 17.00. On Sundays and the Great Holidays, according to the schedule, early and late liturgies are organized: the beginning of the first - 7.00, the second - 10.00. In the last Saturday of each month, you can come to a prayer for pregnant women, configured before the Icon "Assistant in childbirth". According to the schedule of worship services of the Tikhvin temple at the VDNH, it begins at 15.00.

How to get

Tikhvin Temple is located at: Mira Prospect, 130. Old address: Church Gorka Street, 26a. The nearest metro station in Moscow VDHH, a new southern exit. You can get from the center on the subway, taking place in the third car from the end. It will help a pointer to the subway, rising to the street, you can see the panorama of the Temple of the Tikhvin Mother of God at the VDNH, which will appear before the eyes. Walking can be reached in a few minutes.

Since the XVII century, the temple has been leading his history in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky. Originally, the village of Alekseevskoe was called Kopytovo (on the Kopytovo river). In 1621, it was pleased with the prince D.T. Trubetskoy. When King Alexey Mikhailovich built a wooden "travel palace" here, for short-term rest during traditional pilgrimage campaigns in Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, the widow of the prince was erected near the Palace the stone church in the name of the Heavenly patron of King Alexy, the man of God, and the village became known as Alekseevskoye. After the death of the widow, the village passed to royal property. And by the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the construction of a new church began - in honor of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God. Solemnly, with a congestion from the Kremlin, in the presence of the king the church was consecrated in the early 80s of the XVII century. On the day of consecration, Tsar Fedor Alekseevich presents the temple the image of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Russian kings read the temple and loved to pray here. Until now, special royal rooms are preserved - the king (right) and the queen (left). From the XVII century stand in the temple of an incredible beauty Wooden candlesticks and a furnace decorated with magnificent colored tiles. Time did not spare the royal travel palace, the temple was disassembled and the temple in the name of Rev. Alexia, the man of God, and his throne was transferred to the temple, which in the people began to call it simple and gentle - Tikhvinsky, and the place where he stands is a church slide. After the Patriotic War of 1812, the temple was in decline, was then updated by order Alexander I in 1824. In the same year, a bell tower was built, and the walls inside the temple were first covered with paintings - plots from the Old and New Testament, the lives of St. Sergius Radonezh and St. Nicholas Wonderworker.

In the middle of the XIX - early XX century to the throne in the name of Reverex Alexy, the man of God, three more were added: in the name of St. Sergius, Hegumen of Radonezh, the Wonderworker; St. Nicholas, Archbishop World of Lycian, Wonderworker; Trifon martyr, miracle. The Muslim Shrine of the Temple is the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of the Byzantine Letter in the Oaklade and located in the Trifonovsky Tifth "True Image and Mera of the Holy Sepulcher of the Lord, which is in Saty Grad Jerusalem." Recently, in the temple, there was a big packer, in which the operators were stored with the parties of the Cross of the Lord, the rhyme particle of the Most Holy Theotokos, a particle of the Holy Sepulcher of the Lord, a particle of the Saint Prophet Moses, particles of the relics of the Holy Rogies of God.

Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alexy II, with spiritual warmth refers to the temple in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Since 1962, he commits divine liturgies here during the temple throne holidays - on the day of the memory of Reverend Alexia, the man of God, and the holiday of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God. The restoration of the Lower Temple began (consecrated in 1922 in honor of the resurrection of the word), where the workshops of the church enterprise "Sofrino" were previously located.

In the beginning of the century, church fence and the Parable House were built. In 1922, the church of the word of the word (in memory of the Resurrection Church in Rostokin, which existed in the XVI - was arranged in the Church of the Temple XVIII centuries). IN soviet time The temple was not closed. In 1922, values \u200b\u200bwere withdrawn from the Church and took away the lower temple. It was arranged in a vegetable base, and then, until 1998, there were workshops of the art and industrial enterprise "Sofrino". Bells on the bell tower were left, but did not call for a long time. In 1945, the temple was renovated. In 1970-1980, restoration work was carried out, during which vintage murals were opened under numerous layers of records.

Tikhvin Icons of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky Church (Church Street, House No. 26a).

The big five-key temple in the style of "Russian Pattern" on a high foclet was built in 1676-1682. In the village of Alekseevsky, next to the royal travel palace (disassembled at the beginning of the XIX century) on the path of pilgrimage in Trinity-Sergiev Monastery. The two-storey temple was built very large for that time, it accommodates three thousand praying. On the main quadrangular volume, five chapters framed by the Kokosnniki come. The bypass gallery is adjacent to the lower tier of the temple. From the west side, a refectory and bunk bell tower is attached. In the temple, special charters of the king and the queen (winter and summer) were created. Iconostasis Pyhyrupical, mid XVIII century. Hanging candlesticks are remarkable in front of the iconostasis with pink glass lamps and pendants in the shape of swords and crosses.

The bell tower was built in 1824. Wall painting in the interior was performed in 1836. In 1848, the adhesives of St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Nicholas for them were built iconostasis on the project of architect MD. Bykovsky. In 1884, there was a preventive Alexia, the man of God, and in 1917 - the martyr of trifon.

The temple in Soviet years was not closed, a small Alekseevsky cemetery was preserved in the church fence. In 1922, more than 6 poods of silver and gold utensils were seized from the church. Among the Shrine of the Temple: the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of the Byzantine Letter, the icon of the Mother of God "Absorbing the mind", an accurate copy of the cave of the Holy Sepulcher. This church is attributed to the temple-chapel of St. Vasily Great at the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

Mikhail Vostorshev "Moscow Orthodox. All temples and chapels."

An previously existing Church of Alexei Man in the village of Alekseevsky.

Alekseevskoe village at the beginning of the XVII Art. - Selo called Kopytovo, Moscow County, Vasiltsova Mill. According to the brass books, 1623: "The estate for the boyar Dmitry Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetsky, according to the state diploma, that the Putilovskaya Vote of Mikhailov, Selo Kopytovo, and in the village of Boyari Prince Dmitry Timofeevich, the Yard of Human, live business people in it."

Under Prince D. T. Trubetsk, it was built in the ruler the stone church in the name of the Alexia of God of God, why Kopytovo became known as the village of Alekseevsky's church, former in possession of the death of Prince Trubetsky at his wife. According to the correspondence of the books of 1646: "I boyina Prince D. T. Trubetskoy widow D. Anna Selo Alekseevskoye, Kopytovo identity, and in the village of Alexei man of God, without singing, yes in the village of Boyarsky and 11 yards of the peasant, in them 22 people. ".

In the parish bunk book of the Patriarchal State Order: "According to the books of the Radonezh Tithing, a decade of Mikhail Oblaskov, and the elders of the Popovsky village of Bratoshina Blagoveshchensky Pop Gregory, arrived again in 1648. Church of Alexei Man of God in the Votchin of Knagini Anna Vasilyevna Trubetskoy, in the village of Kopytov, Dani 5 Altyn 2 money, decade hryvnia. "

Under 1677, "Dovemki" noted: "From the church Alexei man of God in the village of Kopytov, Alekseevsky identity, in the Votchina Knyagini A. V. Trubetskoy, at 1656 - 57. Dani 5 Altyn 2 money, hryvnia arrival per year, yes at 1668-77. Only 7 years old on 8 Altyn 4 money per year, and in 1671 to 1677. To the church of Popami Vasily and Evtyoch with Tranches, but at 1656-58, were plugged. Mobility, at the request of the Patriarch and on the jobs of Vasily, can be cleaned and not to write in order that in those years, the church after the sea tread was standing empty. " By the death of Princess Anna Vasilyevna Trubetskoy, Alekseevskoye village was counted for the palace department.

October 4, 1674, "In the return of wish-streets", the sovereign King Alexey Mikhailovich learned to go from Moscow to the village of Alekseevskoye, and with the state truck, roundabout and mercenary and neighbor; And from the hike, the sovereign to Moscow came the same number in 7 o'clock in the day. According to the sent books of the Patriarchal State Order of 1680: "With the church of Alexei man of God in the village of Alekseevskoe church land and hay, there is no, the ass with the studies is given Ruga, state monetary salary from the Order of the Grand Palace."

In the village of Alekseevsky, another church was built in the name of the Most Holy Virgin Tikhvin, which was consecrated in the presence of the great sovereign Fyodor Alekseevich. "1680 in October on January 31, the great sovereign learned to go with the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tikhvinskaya to consecrate the church in the village of Alekseevskoye, and the Great Sovereign went from the village of Alekseevsky to meet the image of the Blessed Virgin Tikhvin. The great sovereign was in consecration in the church, and after consecration went from the village of Alekseevsky to Preobrazhenskoye. "

Under 1717, there were two churches in the village of Alekseevsky: in the name of the Most Holy Virgin Tikhvin and in the name of Alexei man of God.

Kholmogorov V.I., Kholmogorov G. I. "Historical materials about churches and villages of the XVI - XVIII Art." Issue 5, Radonezh Tinya Moscow County. The publication of the Imperial Society of the History and Antiquities of the Russian at Moscow University. Moscow, in university printing house (M. Katkov), on passionate boulevard, 1886

The temple was on the ancient Trinity Road, leading to the Trinity-Sergiev Lavru - to the relics deeply revered by the Russian people of Rev. Sergius Radonezh. As a rule, this pilgrimage is on foot. Even the kings refused to travel amenities in the carriage. The road was usually 3-4 days. During this time, it was possible to talk, think about their lives, prepare for the sacraments of confession and communion. The first stop at the exit from Moscow was just on the spot where the temple is now located. Previously, it was called the village of Kopytovo, named at the local river hoofing, the influx of Yauza.

The emergence of the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God relates to the end of the XVII century. The village moved to different noble owners, and in 1621, Dmitry Timofeevich Tyotetsky was pleased with Dmitry Timofeevich for merit in the salvation of the Fatherland during the "University". His Cossacks had a decisive assistance to the militia of minin and a fire - and Moscow was released from the Poles. Until 1655, the village owned the Vyhodov Trubetsky, Anna Vasilyevna. Trubetski residents kindly provided their Moscow region ownership of King Alexey Mikhailovich (1645-1676), when he wished to settle in these picturesque edges.

The king loved to hunt in the neighboring Sokolniki, and, according to the legend, once he stopped in the hoofs on vacation - in those days, a dense forest was noisy. The place so liked the king, that he wanted to have his own travel palace here. Trubetski residents kindly provided their Moscow region ownership of King Alexey Mikhailovich (1645-1676), when he wished to settle in these picturesque edges. The palace was built before the temple, with the eastern part of him facing Sokolniki. And in 1646-1648, the last owner of the village, Anna Vasilyevna, built a temple in honor of Alexy, the man of God, - the heavenly patron of the king. From 1647, everything became known as Alekseevsky.

After her death, Alekseevskoe passed into the possession of the sovereign. After visiting the shrines, Trinity-Sergieva Lavra, Alexey Mikhailovich and his son Feodor in Alekseevsky Palace were preparing for a solemn entrance to Moscow - she met the Tsar bell tongue, weliveful elegant citizens. Unfortunately, the palace existed for long. In 1803, the famous historian N. M. Karamzin found the palace so much that there was not safe to enter there. And already in 1817, the palace did not exist: it was probably destroyed and burned by the French. Since 1670, the village officially became palace.

In 1673, Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich commanded the new church in the village in the village of Chtima in Russia's miraculous Tikhvin Icons of the Mother of God. It was not possible to live before her erection of the king - the work was completed in 1680 after his death. The Tikhvin Church was built alongside Alekseevskaya in the same place: both churches were initially connected to Popper.

Tikhvin Temple was built since 1673. On October 31, 1680, the new Tikhvin church was solemnly consecrated: a procession with the Patriarch and King Feodor Alekseevich went out of the Kremlin to her. On the day of the consecration of the temple, the king presented the main shrine in him - the miraculous Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God.

Not once the fate of the reign dynasty crossed the fate of the temple. So, during the Streetsky Bunta, Peter I on the way from Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra to Moscow stopped at the Church of the Tikhvin Mother of God. Having learned about this, the church courtyard was a large squad of Sagittarov. Peter went to them and asked what they want. Sagittarius set themselves fees with axes, stood before the king on her knees, bowed heads as a sign of repentance and asking for mercy. Peter forgave everyone who came on this day to the church courtyard. The latch of the rest of the Archerters was unquest. Bunt and many ordinary archers executed.

The main milestones

By the beginning of the XIX century, the temple was not so beautiful as before. In the fall of 1812, the Napoleonic Army is located in Moscow. Among the others, the Frenchmen desecrated and the Tikhvin Church, turning the main temple in the warehouse of the Provintage, and the refectory - to the stable. In 1824, by order of Emperor Alexander I, 18 thousand rubles released to the restoration of the church. Only in 1836 the walls of the temple were first covered with painting - according to modern restorers, their author was D. Scotti.

In 1824, they disassemble the Alekseevsky church, and her bricks went to the construction of the bell tower before the temple. In memory of the first church in the Tikhvin temple on the south side, the choir in the 1890s was arranged in the name in the name of St. Alexy, man of God.

In the late 40s of the XIX century it was decided to disassemble the ceiling of the refectory, and it became one-story. From the top floor they survived the choir walking along the southern, western and northern walls. On the choir fenced with accurate railing columns, antique chandeliers are preserved.

In the refectory of the merchant Konstantinov in the corners under the choirs were attached to the attached Altari St. Sergius and St. Nicholas. The author of the altars was the famous Russian architect M. D. Bykovsky, their consecration took place on May 23, 1848.

In November 1917, in symmetry with Alekseevsky, under the northern end, the choir was created by the trifon martyr.

And in 1922, the church of the word of the word, the iconostasis taken from the same house church was arranged in the Church of the Temple, and the name was selected in memory of the Resurrection Church in Rostokin, which existed in the XVI-XVIII centuries. In the middle of the XIX-early twentieth century, the house of the party was also erected and the church fence.

Despite the dominant worm and creation of repressions in the country, in the Soviet times the Temple of the Tikhvin God of the Mother in Alekseevsky was not closed. Although on April 23, 1922, 6 pounds of 32 pounds of 95 silver spools (114 kg.) And 58 diamonds were seized at the temple. They also selected the lower temple, where they staged a vegetable base (later, until 1998, the workshops of the art and industrial enterprise "Sofrino" were located, and now the temple is restored). The bells on the bell tower were preserved, but did not call for a long time. There were almost hid the church from Ferris almost hid around the trees. Miraculously survived the temple and during the Great Stalinist construction unit in the terrain - and such events usually did not leave temples behind them.

According to the modern legend, in 1941, during the winter offensive of the Germans to Moscow, Stalin, precisely, took the miraculous icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God, with which, by his order, flew around the plane around the city. And soon there was the first successful attack of the Red Army, which ended with Tikhvin's taking. It is symbolic that at the same time the rate of our army was located in the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. So, once again, the Tikhvin temple connected the fate of Moscow and the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra.

In 1945, in the instead of the church of the father, Vladimir Subiyedov, the internal repair of the temple was taken. From 1953 to 1984, the abbot was the famous Archpriest Alexander Vasilyevich Soleretsk. When the restoration of the temple was carried out, which took place in the late 1970s - early 1980s, beautiful wall paintings were opened under numerous layers of records. According to the restorers, their author could be a famous painter D. Scotti.

Since 1982, the abbot of the temple was Arkady Tychchuk Arkady. The temple had a wonderful tradition. Since 1962, March 30, if for this day some trips or urgent affairs, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Aleksey II served in the church of Liturgy in memory of his heavenly patron, in honor of which he got a name for baptism - Alexy, man of God . For the entire arrival and servants of the temple, this is a great honor: parishioners and arrival in advance prepared for such a joyful and solemn event. Often, His Holiness Patriarch served in the temple and on the day of the Tikhvin Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary - July 9.

Decoration of the temple

The temple produces a strong impression with its size, masonry strength, style resistant. One length of it (from the bottom to the wall of the mining site) is almost 37 meters. Two tiers of the windows of the Byzantine style cut through the walls of the temple almost to the arch. The altar of the main temple in the name of the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God is extremely high and spacious. Its eastern side form three deep niches, through the windows of which the light drops with three parallel streams.

Since since the times of Alexei Mikhailovich, the sovereigns were certainly stopped in the temple on the way in Trinity-Sergiyev, in the south-western and northeastern parts of the temple, small rooms were arranged, which were the chambers of the king (right) and the queen (left). All these buildings are preserved by Donyn. The premises had an independent entrance from the "Gulbius" and the windows facing the inside of the temple.

Part of the royal challenge occupied the round furnace of the work of domestic masters of the XVII century, decorated with magnificent tires of colored watering. The furnace is perfectly preserved and still causes the admiration of the connoisseurs with its bizarre patterns. In addition, it represents the prototype of the modern "Anosovo" brass heating. The boiler room was in the basement, and the furnace with their many inner moves, which circulated hot air, generously gave heat. Preserved to our time and wonderful beauty wooden candle holders of the XVII century, located in the royal chapel.

Imagine small room, with excellent icons of an ancient letters, weakly lit by multi-colored lights of the lamp and the tongues of few candles. Before the analog with the open prayer - the crankshake figure of the 18-year-old young man Tsar Feodor. On the terrace, entrance door Frozen, leaning on alabard, royal bodyguards.

The dark color of the walls and arches in combination with a height and volume gives the temple of rigor and depth. The main iconostasis refers to the middle of the XVIII century, walloping - by the middle of the XIX century. Old icons in the iconostasis are recorded by new images.

The bell tower of 1824 has an internal decoration of the middle of the XIX century. Six round pillars of meals supporting choirs are decorated with medallions - images of the prophets and evangelists. The walls of the temple are decorated with paintings from the Old and New Testament, Life PrP. Sergius and SVT. Nicholas. In one picture, the great prayer of the Land of Russian is the Mother of God, on the other devotee, the detachable trees surrounding the abode.

From the vintage icons is remarkable the image of the PPP. Alexy, the man of God: in her rubbish and with barefoot legs, he made his hands prayerfully and was able to see in the heavens of the Lord himself. According to some scientists, the icon was transferred from the ancient church of 1646.

The great Russian king Alexey Mikhailovich, who became famous for the goodness, the strong character, diplomacy, was distinguished by the great liveliness of the mind and bright charisma, no matter how they say now, he loved to stop in her beloved village of Alekseevskoye in his beloved village of Alekseevskoye. He was very devout man, so there was a church in his guest palace. Contrary to mutual opinions, the village of Alekseevo received its name not on behalf of the owner of Alexei Mikhailovich. The name went from the very first church, which was consecrated by the names of the king in honor of St. Alexia of man of God.

As the story says, the great king Alexey loved to hunt in the neighboring Sokolniki, and, as the legend says, one day he decided to stay on rest in Kopyov. Even in those distant times here was a huge and very dense forest. Tsar Alexei sincerely fell in love with these places. So he was amazed by the beauty and charm of nature, which, without hesitation, wanted in these places a travel palace for himself.
It was the village of different noble owners, but at the beginning of the 17th century belonged to the princes of Trubetsky. And soon the widow of Prince Trubetsky, who at that time was the last owner of the village, built here Alekseevskaya church (1646 - 1648) in honor of the name of his greatest guest. Already since 1647, everything was called Alekseevsky.

A little later, in 1673, the Great Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich issued a decree on building a new church in the village. He commanded it to build it in the name of the Chtima in Russia Tikhvin Icons of the Mother of God.
From the Kremlin in 1680 they walked a procession with the Patriarch and the king of All Russia, Feodor Alekseevich. And the new church was festively consecrated, and in honor of such a great event, the king presented the Church of the Shrine - miraculous Tikhvinskaya icon. With its immeasurable wonders and help, this icon has already been glorified for the whole world. According to history, she was written in the beginning of the centuries of the Christian religion, the apostle herself, the Evangelist Luka himself and sent them along with the Gospel to Antioch. She was called Tikhvin - in the terrain in which she appeared.

But this is not the only sight of this temple. It has another one, but also not a small shrine - icon of the Most Holy Virgin "Abduction of Mind" (so called this icon). For many centuries from all over the world, people go to her. In the 19th century, the temple was launched, Napoleonic troops used the temple as stables and warehouses.
Alexander I allocated a lot of funds for the repair and renewal of the temple, on the decoration and painting of the walls (1836). So the temple began to resurrect. So wonderful place, even in Soviet years (and everyone remembers the policies of communism) did not stop working and took people. Dome and bells were preserved, although many years no one heard their majestic ringing.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II already in our century, in 2001, solemnly consecrated a new chapel in honor of Vasily the Great. This small chapel was attached to the Tikhvin temple. Even on the territory of the Tikhvin temple there is an Alekseevsky cemetery, which is still a lot of saints and righteous people.

All the parishioners of the Tikhvin temple know about the tradition, which appeared relatively recently, in 1962. Every year, April 30, on the day of Angel, in honor and memory of his heavenly patron Alexey, the man of God, serves the Liturgy of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia of Alexy II.
A lot of people received help, blessing and support here in this holy place. The temple is simultaneously not big - but the majestic.

In ancient times, the village was called hoofs and belonged to Princess Trubetsky, until in 1680 he did not switch to the personal possession of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. But since 1667, the sovereigns of the stable courtyard are built here, and in 1673-1674, the royal travel palace at the road in Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, adjacent to the Boyarsky Dvor Alexei Nikitich Truletsky. After the death of Trubetsk, in 1680, Alekseevsky passes "the holdings of the king" Fyodor Alekseevich.

In 1673 - 1680, churches were built in the name of the Alexey of the Man of God, the Holy Patron of the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, and next to her the second church in the name of the honorable Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God. Both temples were created by large and high, on a single lounge floor with a common hulbish. There is an assumption that the Tikhvin Church has been connected to the transition directly with the Tsarist Palace - the preserved portal in the northern wall of the meadow was the entrance to the choir in the outer staircase from Gulbishchi, or on the transition from the second church. The high status of the Tikhvin Church influenced internal organization: In the southeastern corner of the meadow, the chapel was arranged for the king, and in the southwestern part - for the queen, and both premises had special entrances from Gulbić, and with the temple connected only with small windows. They are all preserved to the present day; In addition, in the Tsarist Mullery there is a unique round furnace of the XVII century, decorated with colored irrigated tiles.

Not used in the XVIII century, the Alekseevsky Palace emanated and destroyed: in 1803, the historian N.M. Karamzin celebrated the stiffness of the building and warned from the entrance inside, as it could collapse. Part of the palace soon disassembled. Presumably he disappeared during the Patriotic War of 1812, when the French entered Alekseevskoye, in particular - the Marshal Corps. The preserved remnants of the Wooden Tsarist Palace were destroyed, the Tikhvin church was plundered by turning the main temple in the warehouse of the province, and the refectory is to the stable. Nevertheless, many of the ancient icons and the iconostasis of the mid-XVIII century remained in the temple.

In 1824, the Alekseevsk Church was dismantled, and its material was used to solve the Tikhvin church. Emperor Alexander I allocated 18,000 rubles for the restoration of this church. In 1836, the temple was painted from the inside, a little later, the ceiling of refectory was disassembled, as a result of which she became one-story. However, choirs have been preserved from the upper floor along the southern, western and northern walls.

In the twentieth century, the temple was not closed, continued to act and retained almost unchanged his inner decoration. Even the bells survived, although many years they did not call them. According to the legend, it was from here in the winter of 1941. By the order of Stalin, the Temple Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God was taken, the plane from which sheltered around Moscow was taken - shortly after that, the first successful offensive of the Red Army, which ended with Tikhvin takes place. Preserved at the church and a small cemetery.
