Building a house with your own hands is one of the important goals of a real man's life. If the budget is not limited, you can hire a construction team, and if you want to save money, you will even have to take over the production of the material. Recently, in construction, often used expanded clay concrete blocks, having high sound and heat insulation properties, absolutely environmentally friendly composition.

It’s not difficult to do it yourself, the main thing is to follow the production technology, buy the right amount of components. You will be pleasantly surprised by the result, and save your money.

Manufacturing technology

Cement, sand and water are binding substances, and expanded clay gives the main qualities to the finished material. Cement is needed brand M400 and above, the sand must be clean and fine. You can add ordinary washing powder to the composition, it is able to increase the plastic properties of the mixture. At home, you can also use dishwashing detergent or liquid soap to replace surfactants, which form air pores and increase the frost and moisture resistance of the material. Concrete is best prepared in a concrete mixer (it can be rented) or by hand when a small amount of building material is required. With the help of a trowel, carefully pour in the dry ingredients first, and then, stirring, add water.

The claydite-concrete mixture should stand for some time, then you need to mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass resembling plasticine.

Preparation of materials and tools

In order to make expanded clay concrete with your own hands, you will need:

  • expanded clay;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • boards;
  • a metal sheet;
  • Master OK;
  • shovel;
  • concrete mixer.

Formwork preparation

Internal walls must be lubricated with used engine oil.

To shape the future product, you will need wooden boards with a thickness of at least 2 cm, a thin metal sheet, a hacksaw, a tape measure, a pencil. As for the sizes, they usually choose standard ones, for example, brick or cinder block. Having decided on the size, you can start marking, and then cut out 3 parts from the boards with a hacksaw: a pallet and 2 halves in the form of the letter “G”, then connect everything with metal corners. To make it easier to pull out the blocks, a sheet of metal is nailed to the boards from the inside, and if it is not found, the form is carefully processed from the inside with machine oil. And so that the shape does not change its size, special shutters are made at the ends of the halves.

The choice of the proportion of expanded clay concrete for mortar

  • Portland cement M400 - one part.
  • Expanded clay - 6-8 parts or 350-500 kg per 1 m3. You can measure in buckets, given that 3-5 kg ​​of expanded clay will fit in such a ten-liter container.
  • Sand fraction less than 5 mm - two parts.
  • Water - 0.8-1 part; the amount of water per 1m3 for the textured layer must be determined by the consistency on site.
  • Washing powder - one part.


It is necessary to cast blocks in a large room with the most even floors. It should not be damp inside, and the recommended air temperature is about 15-18 ° C. Now you need to put the finished formwork for expanded clay concrete blocks on a flat solid metal surface and preferably under a canopy, providing protection from direct sun rays and rain.

Before pouring expanded clay concrete, the walls of the mold should be poured from the inside, and the base should be lightly sprinkled with sand and only then the mixture should be poured. In order to further facilitate the laying of expanded clay blocks, a small amount of expanded clay concrete should be laid. The expanded clay block is usually molded face down and laid out on a pallet.

We seal the solution

Since expanded clay has a large number of air pores, it is lighter than the composition of concrete, and will float to the surface, making the blocks uneven, therefore, at the very beginning of hardening, expanded clay must be rammed into the block. According to GOST, expanded clay blocks must first be subjected to vibration pressing using a special machine, and then dried in an oven. At home, the machine can be replaced with similar movements of a shovel, and then rammed with a wooden block until "cement milk" appears on the surface. The upper part of the block in the form can be leveled with a trowel.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are a lightweight building material with high strength, practicality and, most importantly, do-it-yourself performance. Despite the low mass, the modules have a high density, low thermal conductivity, and a variety of model ranges. The environmental friendliness of the material is another plus of the modules, therefore, if the developer wants to take the construction of the building into his own hands from the very beginning of the process, it is worth setting up the production of expanded clay concrete blocks at his site. Moreover, the production of expanded clay concrete blocks will require small financial investments, and the cost of the module will be much lower than buying a finished product from the manufacturer.

Module production equipment

To make expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands, you need to purchase, rent or make the appropriate equipment, as well as buy high-quality raw materials. And here it’s not worth it to get cheap - the higher quality it turns out raw material, the more durable and practical the modules will turn out. To facilitate the process and set up a line for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks in the quantity necessary for the developer, the following equipment will be required:

  • Vibrating table;
  • Concrete mixer;
  • Forming metal pallets.

If finances allow, it's a good idea to purchase a vibropressing type installation; it will replace two devices: molds and a vibrating table. It is also necessary to choose good room with a flat floor and determine a place for drying the modules.

Important! Vibrating tables vary in brand and performance: some of them produce up to 120 modules per hour, and some up to 70 units. For private use, small-format machines with a power of up to 0.6 kW and a capacity of up to 20 blocks / hour are quite suitable. Price gradation within $ 30 - these are ideal devices for their compact size, used for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks with their own hands in private housing construction.

It is also possible to manufacture a machine for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks on your own

It is also possible to manufacture a machine for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks on your own. With a little skill and little skills, the device will turn out no worse than the factory one, but its price will be 10 times lower. We offer a variant of the simplest equipment for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks of the "layer" type - this is a unit equipped with a molding box without a bottom, a vibrator located on the side wall and handles for dismantling the matrix.

Important! The standard dimensions of one block are 390 * 190 * 188 mm, the permissible percentage of voidness is not more than 30%, and the slots can be both round and oblong - it is only important that the void former be made in the shape of a cone, to facilitate the removal of the mold box from finished block.

For the manufacture of the matrix, a sheet of metal with a thickness of 3-5 mm is required, from which a blank must be cut with a margin of 5 cm for the process of compacting the mixture. The molding is made in the form of a through box without a bottom. The weld seam must remain outside, otherwise it will spoil the shape of the module.

For the stability of the machine, strips of shaped thin pipes are welded on the sides of the device, and around the perimeter, equip the structure with rubber upholstery. It is a good idea to equip the entire system with an apron so that the solution does not wake up. But the vibrator is made from the engine of an old washing machine with a power of 150 W (this can be done by shifting the centers). A metal bar with a marginal hole is attached to the shaft - an eccentric, the parameters of which are best determined by trial. If you still have questions about how to make a machine for manufacturing modules, watch the video - the answers will be complete and detailed.

Do-it-yourself preparation and production process of claydite-concrete modules

To prepare the mixture and blocks, you need a form with a smooth surface. It is allowed to make blanks both from a metal sheet and from boards - in this case, the finished module will turn out to be textured. The process itself includes 4 stages:

  1. Mixing ingredients strictly according to the recipe. In particular, sand makes up 3 parts of the total volume of the mixture, water - 0.8-1 part, like cement, but expanded clay should be taken already 6 parts. It is important not only to follow the recipe technology for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks, but also to mix the components correctly: first, water, expanded clay, then cement and sand are placed in the concrete mixer. When using additional components, they are also loaded into the container of the concrete mixer.
  2. After the process, the molding stage begins. The use of a vibrating machine will speed up the process: the mixture is placed in the mold, where the plate is previously laid, the vibration engine is turned on and excess composition is removed.
  3. plate with finished form lift with the handles, you get a full-fledged module, which is sent for drying.
  4. Drying lasts at least 48 hours, while the blanks must be protected from the sun and rain. After drying, the plates are removed from the modules.

This is the fastest process in which the manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks at home does not cause problems. However, if you need to make expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands more durable and dense, it makes sense to add a steaming process, then the material will pick up increased fortress and the time for concrete to gain grade strength will be reduced to 28 days.

Variants of the composition of the mixture are different, but sand, water, cement and expanded clay are the main components. As a supplement, you can add saponified wood resins, which increase the frost-resistant qualities of the material, and technical liginosulfonate, which increases the cohesion of the mixture.

And now a little more about how to make expanded clay concrete blocks yourself:

  1. To prepare the solution, the proportions and ingredients are as follows:
  • Portland cement M400 or slag portland cement - 1 part;
  • Expanded clay gravel - 8 parts;
  • Pure quartz sand - 2 parts and 3 parts for a textured layer;
  • Clean water - calculation of 225 liters per 1 m3 of the mixture.

Advice! To give plasticity, it's a good idea to add a spoonful of ordinary washing powder or dish soap.

  1. All ingredients are poured into a concrete mixer, and here you should first pour out the dry ingredients, and only then pour in the water. If the proportions are observed, then the mass will be similar in consistency to plasticine.

Advice! The resulting block will weigh approximately 16-17 kg. In this case, the shape of the workpiece is allowed as standard sizes, and arbitrary: 390*190*14, 190*190*140 and others.

  1. The molds are installed on a flat surface, from the inside the walls of the workpiece are liberally lubricated with machine oil, and the base is sprinkled with sand.
  2. Fill the molds with a mixture, tamp on a vibrating table or use a wooden block for this. Tamping is carried out until cement milk is formed. After that, the surface is leveled, and the blanks are sent for drying.

Important! Formwork is removed no earlier than a day later! It is important to protect the workpieces from direct sunlight, as uneven drying leads to cracking of the surface of the modules.

As you can see, it is not difficult to buy, make equipment for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks at home and complete all the processes. But the modules made in this way will be no worse than the factory ones.

We calculate the cost

All work requires preliminary calculations, otherwise you should not start the production of expanded clay concrete blocks at home with your own hands. To calculate the cost, you will have to accurately find out the price of the components and understand how much a unit of finished material will cost. In particular, considering the standard module 390*190*140 mm, the solution volume is 14 liters. We subtract the void formers, which, as a rule, are no more than 25-30%, the total is equal to 11 liters of the mixture. Now the calculation of the components:

  1. One piece takes 0.005 cubic meters of sand, which fills 5 liters of the total volume;
  2. Expanded clay requires approximately the same amount as sand;
  3. Cement will need 1.25 kg.

It remains to find out the price of the ingredients, take into account water, other components and calculate the unit cost of the module. According to the most approximate calculations, it will be up to $ 5. As you can see, the price is incredibly low. However, for a complete picture, it is not enough to calculate the costs of equipment, labor costs and time, which any developer must include in the calculations. But even with such a complete scenario, the cost of block modules, from which excellent walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks made by one's own hands, will be obtained, is still lower than from the manufacturing plant. Therefore, if you plan to put your house on the site, watch again the material manufacturing technology, videos from professionals and start planning the process of launching the production of expanded clay concrete blocks on your site - this is profitable, practical and affordable for every craftsman.

Expanded clay concrete has replaced slag concrete and is actively used for. They have excellent performance characteristics, due to which they have gained great popularity in the market. To achieve optimal quality, it is necessary to properly establish the production process for their release, for which it is important to choose the right equipment.

List of equipment for organizing mini-production

Equipment for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks must have optimal power and sufficient level of automation.

To organize a mini-workshop, it is enough to purchase the simplest units.

Concrete mixer

The concrete mixer is designed for mixing the main components for the manufacture of expanded clay concrete blocks (water, sand, cement, expanded clay, special additives). The proportions of the ingredients are determined by calculations and empirically. The properties of the future material depend on the amount of each component of the mixture.

The volume of the concrete mixer must correspond to the daily capacity of the mini-factory. For small industries, it is recommended to purchase a unit with a capacity of at least 125 liters, which is equipped with powerful blades. The most popular models of concrete mixers are:

  • SGS-M245 (approximate cost 98,000 rubles);
  • KVADR BP2G-375 (costs about $12,000);
  • KVADR BP1V-375 (the price of equipment reaches 460,000 rubles).


For the production of expanded clay blocks, removable metal molds are most often used. They must be made from quality materials which will ensure a long service life in any operating conditions.

Form for the manufacture of expanded clay blocks

vibrating table

Metal forms, which will subsequently be filled with expanded clay mixture, are placed on a vibrating table. It is a piece of equipment that consists of a metal frame on which a motor that produces vibration is mounted. Due to the constant fluctuation of the working surface, the solution is compacted in the molds.

It is very important that this equipment has mechanisms for power regulation. At the beginning of the production of blocks, the minimum values ​​\u200b\u200bare set, which are gradually increased. During the compaction process, a little solution can be added to the molds or it can be removed with a leveler. The vibrating machine allows you to get a perfectly even material that does not contain voids.

To meet the needs of powerful industries, they use slightly different equipment to achieve the same goals - a vibropress. With the help of this unit, a large volume of products can be obtained in a short period of time, which is its main advantage.

Popular models of equipment in this class include the following:

  • vibropress KVADR 1SO2 ($4,500);
  • vibrating table EV-346 (35400 rubles);
  • Hephaestus-6 plus (38400 rubles).

Drying chamber

After forming, the blocks are sent for drying, which must take place under special conditions. Most mini-workshops use special rooms for this process. Their area depends on the production capacity.

Huge demands are placed on drying rooms:

  • a stable temperature is maintained (about 50-60°C);
  • tightness is provided to reduce heating costs;
  • interior decoration is made of refractory materials.

Equipment for automated production of large batches of products

Equipment for the production of claydite blocks can have high power ratings, which allows them to be used for the manufacture of bulk batches of blocks. The following automated lines are very popular in the market.

General characteristics of the production line:

  • machine power - 15 kW;
  • average productivity for 1 hour - 150 blocks;
  • equipment weight - 2.7 tons;
  • the approximate cost of the complex is 9250 dollars.

This line is fully automated, but for efficient organization production process 3-4 people will be needed.


This model of the machine for the production of expanded clay concrete has the following characteristics:

  • power - 41 kW;
  • average line productivity - 500 pieces per hour;
  • machine weight - 12.5 tons;
  • the cost of the complex is 50,000 dollars.

When buying Rifey-Buran-M, you can get multifunctional equipment. Expanded clay block not the only products that are made with it. This model can be used to release paving slabs, facing stone and other building materials.

The production complex is characterized by a high level of automation. The process of dosing mixtures occurs without outside interference, which ensures greater accuracy. The equipment is equipped with a memory that allows you to save about 24 recipes for the preparation of various solutions.

The work of the machine is controlled by the workers. The service team usually consists of 3-4 people.

Condor 1-90-TB

Condor 1-90-TB has the following performance characteristics:

  • produces various products - expanded clay blocks, cinder blocks, wood concrete blocks, bricks, curbs, paving stones and much more;
  • has quite compact dimensions (1.2x1.8x2.8 m) and optimal weight (1.57 tons);
  • for a normal shift produces about 750 blocks.

This model of the machine consists of a powerful vibropress, a mixer, a belt type conveyor, pumping station, punch-matrix and other mechanisms.

How to make a machine for the production of blocks from expanded clay concrete?

With the help of simple tools at hand, it is possible to manufacture excellent equipment for the production of expanded clay blocks. Its cost will be much lower than factory analogues. The simplest installation includes a box for forming a block, which does not have a bottom. A vibrator is installed on its side wall, which is used to compact the mixture. To make such a matrix, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Take all the necessary measurements from the finished block.
  2. According to the measurements obtained, the walls of the mold are cut out of a sheet of metal 3 mm thick.
  3. In the manufacture of the matrix, a gap of 5 cm is provided for tamping.
  4. From the obtained parts, by welding, a box is made that does not have a bottom and a lid (the seam is outside).
  5. To increase the rigidity of the form, thin profile pipes are welded from the ends.
  6. Along the perimeter of the matrix, a rubber upholstery is performed.
  7. To prevent pouring out of the solution, a fringing apron is made.
  8. An engine is used as a vibrator. washing machine power of 150 watts.
  9. In order for the engine to work correctly, the centers are shifted by attaching a metal bar.

Manufacturing technology of the simplest homemade machine simple, so any amateur can use it to organize a home business.

The production of expanded clay concrete blocks can be organized at home. To get the finished product, the master will have to purchase the appropriate equipment and high-quality raw materials. If you are preparing expanded clay concrete with your own hands, the proportions must be observed with maximum accuracy.

For the production of material, the master will need a concrete mixer and a vibrating machine.

Manual vibrators

The small-sized device is optimally suited for the implementation of work in non-professional conditions.

Main characteristics:

  • the vibrator is fixed on the body and produces moderate vibrations, which ensures a uniform distribution of the working mass in the form;
  • the product is equipped with stationary and removable void formers. In the first case, it is possible to produce solid and hollow modules;
  • depending on the manufacturer and additional options, the cost of the vibrator reaches 10 tr.

The use of special equipment will ensure high quality of the finished block, but can be costly for private construction

Mechanized mobile machines

Main characteristics:

  • the equipment is completed with a bearing body and a lever drive for automatic removal of the form from the body;
  • the machine is equipped with wheels that allow you to organize easy movement around the site;
  • depending on the needs, you can choose a model with various add-ons, for example, a tamping press;
  • the vibrator is fixed on the device and sends an impulse to the form;
  • the device can be equipped with 4 matrices, which speeds up the production process;
  • the cost reaches 16 tr

vibrating table

Main characteristics:

  • the base of the device is equipped with a built-in vibrator, it houses metal pan, up to 3 mm thick;
  • molds are placed on the pallet, which are rammed with vibrations;
  • then the pallet is taken to a ventilated dry place where the final drying of the material occurs;
  • all manipulations are carried out manually;
  • up to 6 forms can be prepared at a time, which are conveniently transported on a pallet to the place of drying;
  • the lower placement of vibrators allows you to get a complete and optimal distribution of vibrations throughout the table;
  • the cost of equipment fluctuates around 20 tr;
  • the vibrating table is not mobile, large-sized and requires a lot of manual labor.


Equipment of this class is used in large factories and enterprises. At all stages of block production, it is practically excluded manual labor. The device is characterized by high performance and allows you to get excellent quality modules.

For mixing the mixture, a concrete mixer is used, with a volume of at least 130 l

Form preparation

Forms can be made by yourself using a simple wooden board, 20 mm. The design is formed on the basis of a pallet and two l-shaped elements, which, when assembled, form boards or 4 standard boards.

The product can be designed for the manufacture of hollow or solid modules:

  • forms without voids;
  • forms with through voids;
  • forms with blind voids.

The parameters of the product must ensure the manufacture of the required dimensions of the expanded clay concrete block. Inside the form is sheathed with metal. Alternative option can serve as the manufacture of molds entirely of metal. This will ensure easy removal of the finished block.

Expanded clay concrete - composition

Below are a few recipes that can be used to prepare the working mixture.

Recommended composition of 1 m³ of concrete for the manufacture of wall stones:

  • Portland cement M400 - 230 kg;
  • expanded clay gravel, fraction 5.0-10.0 mm, density 700-800 mg / m³ - 600-760 kg;
  • quartz sand, 2.0-2.5 mm - 600 kg;
  • water - 190 kg.

If you use the specified recipe, you can get concrete grade M150, with a dry concrete bulk density of 1430-1590 kg / m³.

To increase the resistance of expanded clay concrete to the action of water, some aggressive environments and freezing, you can use the indicated recipe for 1 m3:

  • cement - 250 kg;
  • expanded clay mixture - 460 kg;
  • expanded clay sand - 277 kg;
  • W / C - the ratio of cement and water - is taken as 0.9;
  • Bituminous emulsion - 10% of the mixing water volume.

Before work, the bottom of the mold is sprinkled with sand, the sides are treated with machine oil

How to prepare expanded clay concrete with your own hands based on 100 kg of working mixture:

  • expanded clay - 54.5 kg;
  • sand - 27.2 kg;
  • cement - 9.21;
  • water - 9.09 kg.

From the specified number of components, 9-10 hollow modules can be made.

How to make expanded clay concrete without a dispenser? If we take a bucket as a volume unit, it is permissible to use the following proportions:

  • cement M400 - 1 unit;
  • sand, cleaned, 5 mm - 2 units;
  • expanded clay, with a density of 350-500 kg / m³ - 8 units;
  • water - 1.5 units. – the final liquid content is determined on site, depending on the consistency of the resulting solution.

Preparing the mixture

How to make expanded clay concrete, the proportions of which are selected and ready for mixing? The mixer is used forced mixing, which does not allow changes in the particle size distribution of expanded clay grains and their destruction.

The duration of the kneading depends on the vibro-placement of the solution and is 3-6 minutes. Due to the fact that expanded clay concrete quickly loses its workability, it is permissible to keep it in the form after preparation until compaction for no more than 30 seconds.

The sequence of laying the components in the concrete mixer:

  • water;
  • plasticizer - if used;
  • sand, after which the mass is thoroughly mixed;
  • the entire volume of expanded clay is gradually introduced;
  • cement.

When kneading, the gravel should be covered cement mortar. The mass must be homogeneous.

It is convenient to dose the material with volumetric dispensers, which will ensure the optimal granulometric composition.

With longer exposure, the strength of expanded clay concrete can be lost, which is dangerous in the production of material intended for wall structures.

How to make expanded clay concrete blocks yourself, video

The work can be carried out with or without special equipment, which affects the quality of the finished module.

If you need to make expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands, the finished working mixture is molded:

  • a stainless steel plate is placed on the vibrating machine in a special recess;
  • expanded clay concrete is poured onto the plate;
  • vibration tightly distributes and compacts the mixture;
  • excess is removed with a trowel;
  • the plate with the formed mass is moved to the dryer.
  • drying is the final step. The blocks, being in steel plates, dry for 48 hours. After that, the plates are removed and the process continues in the open air until fully ripe.

If the master does not have the appropriate equipment There is another way to make blocks:

  • the form is installed on a flat metal surface;
  • the formwork is filled with mortar;
  • the mixture is rammed with a wooden or metal bar, but it is best to implement this process on a vibrating table;
  • when the cement milk is released, the top of the module is leveled with a trowel;
  • the form is removed after 24-48 hours, the blocks are left until fully ripened.

Expanded clay concrete, composition for the floor

The selection of the proportions of expanded clay concrete for the floor depends on the operational load of the coating. If the arrangement of floors for domestic purposes is implied, it is advisable to use the indicated recipe:

  • cement M500 - 263 kg;
  • water - 186 l;
  • sand - 1068 kg;
  • expanded clay - 0.9 m³.

A standard concrete mixer is used to prepare the working mass. Manual mixing is difficult to achieve uniformity of the working mass

For expanded clay concrete, the proportions for the screed may vary. The following recipe is considered no less effective:

  • cement-sand mixture - 60 kg;
  • expanded clay - 50 kg.

For the preparation of a cement-sand mixture, the ratio of components is taken as 1: 3, for example, 45 kg of sand will require 15 kg of cement.

The proportions of expanded clay concrete for the floor allow you to choose the grade strength of the material. The following are the proportions relative to the content of expanded clay, sand, cement:

  • 7 / 3.5 / 1.0 - M150;
  • 7 / 1.9 / 1.0 - M300;
  • 7 / 1.2 / 1.0 - M400.

How to make expanded clay at home

Principle technological process consists in firing clay raw materials, according to the optimal mode. The most economical production method is the dry method. It is advisable to use it in the presence of clay stone-like raw materials - clay shale or dry clay rocks.

According to the technology the raw material is crushed and redirected to the rotary kiln. If the material contains too small or large pieces, they are screened out. The latter can be further crushed and launched into the production process.

The master needs to understand that the organization of the process will require the purchase of equipment and the method justifies itself if the original rock is homogeneous, has a high swelling coefficient and does not contain foreign inclusions.

Basic equipment:

  • fine and deep grinding rollers, stone-releasing rollers;
  • drying drum;
  • kiln for roasting;
  • molding unit.

The production of expanded clay is very energy intensive, therefore it can be deployed at home only if there is free fuel

The question of how to make expanded clay concrete blocks yourself worries many beginners and experienced builders. The recommendations provided will help you understand the progress of the work.

How to make expanded clay concrete blocks yourself is shown in the video:

Expanded clay concrete blocks are a building material that has many advantages. These include:

  • excellent heat and sound insulating properties,
  • frost resistance,
  • durability,
  • light weight,
  • low cost, and others.

Therefore, setting up a mini-factory for their production is considered a very profitable business idea.

Business Features

A mini-factory of this type is quite profitable, since there is a shortage of quality products in the building materials market. Large enterprises are trying to reduce the cost of expanded clay concrete blocks, and do this at the expense of quality deterioration. Therefore, if you set up a production line of small capacity, you can get high profits soon enough.

Machine for the production of expanded clay blocks

The main distribution channels for finished products are considered to be small hardware stores. To increase demand, it is recommended to establish the production of several types of expanded clay blocks of different brands and sizes.

Required raw materials

For the manufacture of this building material you need to use the following raw materials:

  • Portland cement;
  • expanded clay of fine fraction (up to 10 mm);
  • expanded clay sand;
  • water.

The characteristics of expanded clay concrete blocks depend on the proportions of these ingredients. If you use a lot of cement, you can get a structural material. It is used for masonry load-bearing structures because it has high strength and rigidity.

To obtain a product with high thermal insulation properties, it is necessary to apply the following proportion:

  • 60% expanded clay;
  • 30% sand;
  • 10% cement.

Production technology

For the production of these blocks, it is necessary to adhere to the following technology:

Equipment for the production of

A mini-plant of this type should be equipped with several medium-sized units that form a whole production complex. To the list necessary equipment includes:

Ready-made lines for organizing production

To get a big profit, you need to purchase powerful equipment. It costs much more, but its performance is several times higher. With the help of such machine lines, you can recoup the initial costs in 1-2 months.

Rifey 04TS

Equipment characteristics:

  • cost - 9.25 thousand dollars;
  • productivity - 150 pieces / hour;
  • power - 15 kW;
  • the weight of the whole complex is 2.7 tons.

For efficient production, 3-4 people will be needed. The complex includes a variety of equipment, including a control panel for process automation.


Machine characteristics:

  • cost - 50 thousand dollars;
  • productivity - 500 pieces / hour;
  • power - 41 kW;
  • unit weight - 12.5 tons;
  • additional functions - production of paving slabs (56 sq. m/hour), facing stone (3000 pieces/hour) and other products.

To organize the production process, you will need service personnel - 3-5 people. The advantages of the unit are automation of dosing mixtures, the presence of memory for different recipes (up to 24), minimal errors in weighing (no more than 2%).

Business plan

A mini-plant of small capacity assumes the following minimum initial investments (in rubles):

  • purchase of equipment - 400,000;
  • transportation of the production complex and raw materials - 40,000;
  • purchase of raw materials - 100,000;
  • organizational expenses - 50,000.

As a result, it turns out that about 530 thousand rubles will be needed to open a small plant for the production of expanded clay concrete blocks.

This equipment is capable of producing 110 pieces of finished products per hour. With a workload of 22 days a month for 6 hours, you can get no more than 14,520 pieces. The wholesale price of one block is 36 rubles. With such indicators, the amount of income reaches 522,720 rubles per month.

The cost of production is formed based on the following needs (in rubles for a batch of 110 pieces):

  • expanded clay - 726 kg - 1452;
  • sand - 266.2 kg - 79.9;
  • cement - 121 kg - 435.6;
  • water - 96.8 l - 4.8;
  • electricity - 1.9 kW / h - 6.5.

As a result, the cost of 1 block will be 17.99 rubles. For the production of 14,520 pieces, 261,215 rubles will be needed. There are also the following current expenses (in rubles):

  • workers' wages - 60,000;
  • social contributions - 18000;
  • rent industrial premises – 50000;
  • administrative expenses (internet, mobile connection, banking services, utility bills, etc.) - 20,000;
  • unaccounted expenses - 15000.

As a result, the net profit for the month will be about 98.5 thousand rubles. With such a capacity, the mini-factory will pay off within 6 months. With the use of more efficient equipment, this figure may decrease to 1-2 months.

Video: Production of ceramic blocks
