At first, the creaking of doors is not disturbing, but soon becomes very loud and starts to get on your nerves. The reason may be wear or clogging of the loops. It is necessary to lubricate the hinges so that the door stops creaking. Doing it yourself is quite easy. However, not all products can be used to lubricate the door.

A creaking door in an apartment can be a real nuisance. First you need to identify the cause of the creak:

  1. Rusty hinges. This problem is especially true for street doors. Metal entrance structures are subject to corrosion due to high humidity.
  2. Lack of lubrication. Over time, the lubricant thickens, spreads or dries out. As a result, friction appears during the movement of the door, which causes a creak. In this case, it is necessary to lubricate the hinges, otherwise they may block the door or break.
  3. Wrong lubrication. If the hinges are lubricated with a material that cannot be used for this purpose, the door will not be able to open and close easily. As a result, friction of parts and creaking will occur.
  4. Wear. Usually hinges serve the owner for many years. But even this reliable mechanism can wear out and fail over time. Then you have to replace the loops with new ones.
  5. Clogged door mechanism. Squeaking can be caused by accumulated dust, rust, and clogged small debris. In this case, you should simply clean the mechanism.
  6. No special ball. For mounting metal gate ordinary loops are used, inside which a ball is inserted. If this part is missing for some reason, it must be purchased and placed inside the loops.
  7. Manufacturing defects. The consequences of marriage or improper installation of the door usually appear immediately. These include: structural distortion (if the door is too heavy for the installed door frame), weak hinges, friction of the door leaf with the skin or the door frame with the casing.

Usually at home, it is enough to lubricate the door so that it does not creak. But if a factory defect was made or there was an incorrect installation of the door, it is recommended to contact a professional.

Prohibited funds

Not all products can be used to lubricate door hinges. This can only exacerbate the problem.

These tools can get rid of the squeak, but not for long. Soon after lubrication, the door will begin to creak with renewed vigor, as the listed materials dry out and weather quickly.

In addition, after this, the hinges can begin to rust and collapse.

What to grease?

First you need to understand that it does not creak by itself door leaf, and loops. Moreover, an unpleasant sound is emitted by those parts that come into contact with each other when the door moves. For example, metal creaks when the top of the hinge is rubbed against the bottom.

The means by which you can lubricate the door mechanism are the same for interior plastic and wooden doors, and for metal entrance structures.

Machine oil

If the door of the house began to creak, then it will be enough to lubricate the hinges with machine oil. It is important that the product is liquid, free of seals, mold and rancid odor.

Action algorithm:

  • open the door;
  • substitute an ax blade, a thick file or another wedge under its end;
  • slightly raise the door on the hinges with the help of a substituted object;
  • lubricate the internal parts of the hinges with machine oil using an oiler or syringe;
  • lower the door leaf back onto the hinge pins;
  • intensively pull the door up and down several times;
  • wipe off excess engine oil with a rag.

Sometimes the door leaf is installed on one-piece hinges. In this case, you can lubricate the mechanism without removing the door. To do this, lubricant must be applied between the hinge joints. Spray lube works well.

If it is found that the hinges are rusted, it is advisable to replace them with new ones, since over time the problem will only get worse.

Other means

If there is no engine oil on hand, you can use other means:

  1. Solidol or Litol. These funds have high density. Therefore, they must be applied to the mechanism with a wooden or cotton swab. You can also grease the hinges with your fingers, but in this case, be careful not to pinch your hand.
  2. Graphite from simple pencil. It is recommended to take a soft rod. The door will need to be lifted with a wedge as described above. The neck will need to be crushed and put the pieces between the half loops. Then lower the door leaf back onto the hinges. As a result, pieces of graphite are crushed and a graphite lubricant is formed. This tool handles friction well.
  3. WD-40 is an all-purpose product available in oil or spray format. It is able to clean the door mechanism from small debris, prevent rust and ensure ease of movement of the door.
  4. Ciatim is a multidisciplinary tool that will help get rid of creaking.

These compounds are no less effective than engine oil.

car doors

Car doors require special attention, as they are constantly exposed to the adverse effects of the environment.

Previously, they tried to get rid of the creak with the help of vinegar, iodine and even kerosene. But these funds do not always give a guaranteed result and can even aggravate the situation. Now there are many tools that allow you to solve the problem quickly and efficiently.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to several aspects:

  1. Ease of application. It is advisable to purchase funds with a thin spout.
  2. Formation after applying a protective film.
  3. Resistance to high humidity and frost resistance.
  4. anti-corrosion properties.

Especially popular are special silicone lubricants that allow you to process not only hinges, but also door locks.

Before applying the product, the loops should be washed from dirt and dust and degreased with gasoline. Then apply the compound.

This procedure should be carried out in early autumn and late spring. Then the protective effect will extend to the most unfavorable months.

It is necessary to regularly check the condition of the hinges and lubricate them with suitable products.

Probably, there is no such person who would not be annoyed by an unpleasant sound coming from a creaking door. The cause of this problem may be clogging of the door hinges, their wear, misalignment or the presence of rust on their surface. Most often, to solve this problem, you just need to lubricate the door hinges, and the annoying creak should instantly disappear. It remains only to solve the question of how to lubricate the door so that it does not creak. In this case, lubrication can be done without removing it from the hinges.

Door hinge device

If the entrance or interior doors began to creak when moving, then something is wrong with them. Naturally, most often squeaks can only come from door hinges, which most likely need to be lubricated. But before you lubricate the door curtains, it is advisable to get acquainted with their device.

For reliable functioning of interroom, as well as entrance doors in a house or apartment, there is a whole set of various door fittings, and first of all, hinged door hinges, which are a hinged structure. The hinge hinge consists of two metal plates, one of which is fixed on door frame, and the other - on the door leaf. The plates are interconnected by means of a metal rod threaded through the cylindrical protrusions of the plates. These hinges belong to one-piece curtains.

In addition to hinged loops, there are also semi-articulated detachable connections. In this case, a rod is fixed on one of the plates, and a cylindrical cap is fixed on the other, into which the rod of the first plate is inserted. Thanks to this connection, it is possible to freely remove the doors without resorting to dismantling the hinges themselves.

Often on a rod like this hinged structure a ring is put on, and a metal ball is placed in the middle of the cylinder. These elements greatly reduce friction, thereby extending the life of the door hinges.

Causes of an unpleasant sound

In order to determine what exactly makes a creaking sound: a door leaf or hinged hinges, you should smoothly and slowly move the door by the handle in different directions, carefully listening to the sounds it makes. Most often, a creak can be issued due to:

Almost all causes that cause creaking, except for heavy wear on the hinges, their factory defects and improper installation, can be easily corrected by simply lubricating the door curtains.

Curtain lubrication methods

The hinges can be lubricated without removing the door leaf from them. But for better lubrication of their inner surface, the doors are best removed.

Processing without dismantling the door

If, when opening / closing, the doors make a slight creak, but move easily, then first, before lubricating the door hinges without removing the door, you should make sure that their mechanism is not very worn out. If this is the case, then for lubrication, slightly lift the door leaf with a small pry bar. In this case, the rod will slightly come out of the cylinder, and a small gap is formed between the plates, through which the lubricant is introduced into the curtain.

After that, several sharp movements should be made with the door leaf so that the lubricant is evenly distributed inside the hinge. True, this option is acceptable only for semi-hinged detachable loops.

One-piece hinges can also be lubricated in this way, but the door leaf does not rise, and the lubricant is injected between the cylinders using a medical syringe. But it won't be that high quality.

With web removal

With the door removed, the air curtains can be well cleaned from accumulated dirt, completely removing the old grease. To do this, the doors are raised until the metal rod is completely out of the hinge cylinder. After that, the plates, rods and cylinders of the curtains are cleaned and degreased. Then the rod is lubricated, and lubricant is put into the cylinder, and the canvas is installed in place. Excess grease squeezed out by the rod should be carefully removed with a soft, dry cloth.

To remove the door leaf fixed in the door frame with hinged curtains, you need to completely pull out the metal pin that fastens the curtain plates. To do this, you can use a thin metal tip and a hammer.

Lubricants for door hinges

To lubricate door curtains, special lubricants are used, but you can also use folk remedies. Popular lubricants include:

Special lubricants

In order not to harm the hinges by lubricating them with the wrong lubricant, it is best to use only recommended products right away. For this, there are a number of special lubricants that can extend the service life for a long time. hinged hinges that will work without emitting an unpleasant squeak. These funds include:

The owners of private houses often have the question of how to lubricate the door hinges so that the external entrance doors do not creak. Here you can use tools such as:

  1. Litol. This lubricant has the ability to create a film on its surface that does not allow water to pass through, so that the product is not at all afraid of moisture even with direct contact with water. In addition, lithol has anti-corrosion properties and does not lose its qualities at ambient temperatures in the range from -40°C to +120°C.
  2. Solidol. Viscous, high-density, low-cost grease that performs effectively at temperatures from -24° to +65°C. It is highly resistant to water, does not belong to flammable substances and is completely harmless to humans.
  3. Lubricant for perforator drills. It is considered the most reliable and durable tool, well tolerated by any mechanical stress.

All these lubricants have a dense structure with increased viscosity. Therefore, work on lubricating door hinges can be done with a small, in the form of a spatula, a wooden stick or a match with cotton wool wound around it, and even just with your fingers. However, it is recommended to treat them with WD spray before laying lubricant in curtains.

Not all fatty substances are suitable for lubricating the moving parts of door hinges. Some of them may even worsen the problem to some extent in the future by accelerating the wear of the curtain mechanism. Therefore, you should not use:

  1. Vegetable oils.
  2. Butter.
  3. All kinds of animal fats.
  4. Petrolatum.

These substances can eliminate creaking for a short time, but these lubricants tend to dry out and weather quickly. Therefore, the loops lubricated by them will soon begin to creak again. In addition, the hinges can become rusty and gradually collapse.

Rules for processing loops

So that the efforts made to process creaking door curtains are not in vain, you just need to follow some rules for applying lubricants to removable and non-removable hinges. It is good to apply liquid lubricant with a small oiler or a special bottle with a thin tube nozzle. In extreme cases, if access to the inner hinge pin is difficult, most often these are non-removable hinged curtains, you can use a medical syringe or pipette.

With the canvas removed, when access to the inside of the loops is free, it is easier to use a brush or cotton swab. Slightly worn areas of curtains should be cleaned and lubricated more thoroughly. Most likely, it is they who cause an unpleasant creaking sound. All internal rubbing areas should be filled with grease, and after the doors are in place, carefully remove its excess with a dry cloth from a material that absorbs moisture well.

Preventive door care

With proper operation and regular preventive maintenance of door fittings, especially locks and hinges, problems with creaking almost never occur. To do this, simply follow:

  1. Lubricate door hinges regularly.
  2. In time, check and tighten the screws that fasten the hinges to the leaf and the door frame.
  3. Try to avoid high levels of humidity in the premises and maintain a certain comfortable temperature.

So that the door creak is never heard in the apartment or country house you just need to be careful with it. At the slightest creak, you just need to take the oiler in your hands and lubricate the hinges.

23.10.2018 1 1 156 views

Each apartment has doors: interior doors, entrance doors, on furniture and other items. Not all of them work great. How to lubricate the hinges of the doors of the house so that they do not creak? To solve the problem, there are several recommendations.

Initially, in order to correct the situation, you need to find out the cause of the problems that are occurring. Its basis may lie in various factors. This information should be taken into account when trying to fix problems.

What are the reasons why hardware can creak?

There are 7 most common causes that cause unpleasant creaking sounds during door operation.

  1. Corrosion of metal hinges. It is this factor that is fundamental in most cases of a problem. Breakdown occurs mainly due to dampness in the room. The accumulated moisture has a bad effect on the iron structural elements.
  2. Lack of lubrication. If more than 30 days have passed since the last loop care procedure, then it can be assumed that the substance is glassy, ​​thickened or dried up. When there is no lubrication, there is excess pressure on the metal. As a result, the loops rub against each other and collapse. Over time, the mechanism may jam.
  3. Use of unsuitable substances, food products for lubricating the hinges.
  4. If the hinges are very old, then they may just need to be replaced.
  5. The grease disappeared, soaked into the dust fibers. This situation is complicated by the additional need to clean the mechanisms.
  6. When using a heavy metal or wooden door, the hinges become loose or the proportions in the geometry of the box are violated. This leads not only to the appearance of unpleasant sounds, but also to more disastrous consequences.
  7. Wrong door installation technique used. This problem usually occurs when overhaul apartments.

In case of a design error, it is necessary to redo the work and rearrange the product, taking into account the features. In other cases, you can do without radical measures and work not with the product, but with its mechanism.

How to lubricate door hinges without removing the door?

To correct defects, use specialized and improvised means.

Professional loop care methods include:

  • WD 40. This substance guarantees not only getting rid of unpleasant sound, but also helps to eliminate rusty deposits on the inside of the hinge and outside.

  • Litol. Can be used for front doors of private houses. Resistant to sudden changes in temperature. Effective even at -50 degrees. You can process the gate. Water will also not harm the loop treated with such a tool.

  • Solidol. Often found in drivers, owners of domestic cars. It is used to process moving parts of engines.

  • Tsiatim. The tool is a universal tool designed for servicing iron parts. The consistency is similar to butter. Has antioxidant properties.

You can use what is at hand. Substances such as sunflower oil do not always have the desired effect, but give a temporary relief. Some even cause metal damage with regular use. But all these factors do not deter housewives from wanting to get rid of the annoying squeak.

Improvised means for lubricating hinges:

  • Working off. Residues from machine oil, after its full use in the car.
  • Oil for lubricating parts of a sewing machine. Such a substance, unlike mining, does not leave marks on clothes and furniture.
  • Planed graphite rod from a simple pencil. It can be put into a loop.
  • Vegetable oil. Helps for a while. Causes damage to the material.

Substances with a thick consistency are most suitable for processing, since the liquid agent can drain completely and not bring the desired effect.

Rules for the care of hinges to prevent breakage and get rid of creaking.

  1. Use a tube, syringe, oiler.
  2. Additional details during parsing can be processed with a brush or napkin.
  3. Excess oil should be removed immediately after the procedure is completed.
  4. The worn parts of the hinge need to be lubricated with more care than the rest of the parts.
  5. Lubricant should be applied inside, not coated on top. Only in this way can success be achieved.

The main goal of the procedure is to eliminate mechanical and corrosive changes.

On metal

To get rid of the squeak of the door at home, you need to lubricate it with care. It happens that the manufacturer does not provide for the removal of the structure, then you will have to process the surface on the spot.

  • Open.
  • Place a strong object under the bottom.
  • Remove any remaining oil and debris from the hinges.
  • With the help of auxiliary items, depending on the consistency of the product, apply it to problem areas.
  • After all the procedures, the crawled out residues must be immediately removed.

For safety reasons, you can put a support under the door so that if it accidentally falls, it does not cause injury. Cannot be lubricated by hand. Careful processing of the upper loop ensures that the main load is distributed correctly.

On plastic

Plastic doors in the apartment and on the balcony can be lubricated without removing.

  • Raise the door.
  • Use a syringe to press clots of oil or pour liquid into the loop, pour in a dry lubricant.
  • Remove excess substance with a dry cloth, which is not a pity to throw away after use.
  • balcony door must be lubricated from the outside.
  • It is better to open all structures before the procedure.

After carrying out the work, it is necessary to carefully open and close the door several times so that the grease spreads evenly over the inner surface of the hinge. It is better to install a closer. This will save from unnecessary wear and protect against heat loss.

What to do if the refrigerator door creaks?

There are two fasteners on the refrigerator. They can also creak from old age or from accumulated condensate.

Household dust and particles of street dirt clog door hinges, and moisture contributes to the formation of rust. A signal of trouble is a nasty creak that accompanies the use of interior doors. How to lubricate the door to get rid of the squeak and prolong the life of the hinges?

How to grease an interior door

How to grease door hinges

To remedy the situation, you can use several types of lubricant:

  • silicone;
  • lithium;
  • sewing;
  • culinary.

Silicone and lithium lubricants can be purchased at an auto shop. They have a wide range of applications: automotive grease can be used to lubricate doors perfectly. If the farm has sewing machine, for sure there is engine oil. It can also be used to solve a problem.

But how to lubricate the interior door, when none of the listed funds are at hand at all, and the door creaks and spoils the nerves? As a short-term express option, any edible vegetable oil is suitable. True, the effect of it will disappear after a few days, since such a product will quickly drain over the treated surface.

Another non-standard move is a lead from a school pencil. You need to find the softest pencil, remove a piece of lead from it and insert it into a squeaky loop. It will remain three or four times to close and open the door again, and it will stop creaking. The slate crumbs will do the trick.

How to lubricate hinges and door locks

Armed with a tool for processing loops, you can begin the process itself. How to lubricate door hinges? Pretty simple. The work consists of the following stages:

  • open the door as much as possible;
  • place any dense object under the lower part of the door leaf (wooden block, rolling pin, ax handle, etc.) in order to slightly raise it;
  • make sure that the metal pin connecting the two parts of the loop has come out of the socket;
  • depending on the design of the hinge, remove the pin or provide access to the lubricant inside the hinge;
  • draw lubricant into a syringe (without a needle) or pipette and drip into the hole for the pin. If a spray lubricant is used, direct the jet into the hinge structure;
  • insert the pin into place, remove the object supporting the door leaf;
  • close and open the door five or six times, allowing the grease to be evenly distributed over the hinge.

After the hinges are processed, the door lock can also be processed at the same time. Preventive lubrication should be carried out once a year to increase the life of the mechanism.

The constant squeaks of door hinges annoy everyone living in the apartment. An unpleasant sound appears every time the doors are opened and closed, or even during a small draft. If the hinges are completely rusty, then this is not surprising. But with improper operation or installation, even new mechanisms can begin to creak. Most simple option to get rid of the unpleasant sound is to lubricate the loops.

Causes of creaking at door hinges

There are several reasons why door hinges may creak:

  1. Errors in the production process. When the design of the hinges was violated during manufacture, for example, they were welded incorrectly, over time a creak will surely appear (we are talking about metal door).

    To eliminate the squeak in an incorrectly welded loop, you will need to digest it

  2. No or insufficient lubrication. If there is excessive friction between the hinge elements, they will creak.

    If the hinges were sold unlubricated, you will have to apply the lubricant yourself so that the door does not creak.

  3. An unsuitable lubricant composition can also lead to annoying sounds. This problem often appears when grease is used. This grease may thicken over time. In this case, the grease will need to be removed and the loops lubricated with another agent.
  4. There are no balls in the design (in garage hinges). The door will need to be removed and the balls placed in the canopies. Then, the door leaf is installed in place.

    Without a ball, friction will increase, and the canopy will not be able to fully function.

  5. Wear of canopies. In this situation, there is only one solution - replacement.

    Worn hinges are the main cause of creaking in old private houses.

  6. Incorrect installation. If the hinges are not sufficiently fixed on the door or on the box, then this will most often lead to a creak. To eliminate unpleasant sounds, it will be necessary to change the screws or the place where the hinges are fixed.

    An improperly installed door hinge can not only creak, but also prevent the door from closing tightly.

How to lubricate creaking door hinges

There are many options for lubricating door hinges. It is best to use engine oil.

You can go to a hardware store that sells motor oil in small jars or plastic tubes. It is intended for household needs, for example, lubrication of locks, bicycles and other mechanisms. This material is perfect for door hinges. One tube should last for several years.

The cost of one tube of engine oil usually does not exceed 100 rubles

If there is no engine oil on hand, other options can be used. You can solve the creaking problem in the following ways:

  1. WD-40. This tool is great for lubricating hinges. With it, you can get rid of the squeak for a long time. If this is not available, then it is better to purchase it, since WD-40 is suitable for many situations in life, and not just for lubricating door mechanisms. For example, the tool is able to quickly clean rust, glue, paint, etc. It is convenient to use it, since WD-40 is produced in cans, in the form of a spray.

    Usually, WD-40 comes with an extension cord, with which you can lubricate hard-to-reach places.

  2. graphite lubricant. This is probably the best hinge lube as it will get rid of unpleasant sounds for years to come. Graphite grease practically does not lose its properties over time.

    Even a small jar of graphite grease lasts for many years

  3. Silicone grease is also a fairly durable solution. It can be used as an alternative to graphite material. It is excellent for processing exterior doors because silicone is not exposed to high and low temperatures.

    Silicone grease was originally designed for motorists, but is also great for lubricating door hinges.

  4. Solid oil or lithol. These are popular tools, but they are not so convenient to use. It is necessary to remove the doors in order to properly process the hinges. If this is not done, then lubrication will help for a while.

    Grease, when contaminated, can acquire the properties of an abrasive

  5. Graphite pencil. It can only be used when there are no other lubricants at all. Graphite shavings have high sliding properties, but graphite spills out pretty quickly.

    A graphite pencil has the properties of a graphite lubricant, but this is only a temporary solution to the problem.

It is important to remember that you cannot use any vegetable or animal oils to lubricate door mechanisms. This is especially true for sunflower. Temporarily, this tool will help solve the problem. But then the hinges will quickly begin to rust. This will only make the problem much worse.

Sunflower oil greatly harms rubbing mechanisms

Once my uncle smeared the hinges on the front door with sunflower oil. At the same time, I decided to pour it into the castle for prevention. About a week later, the lock began to act up, constantly sticking, and then completely broke. The key was so stuck that the lock had to be changed. The hinges also began to creak over time. I had to do a complete dismantling. Rust for 3 months has accumulated as much as for several years. We ended up cleaning it with WD-40.

Video: WD-40 All-Purpose

How to properly lubricate creaking hinges

For different types of doors, different types of hinges are used. Lubrication in each case has its own nuances.

How to oil wooden door hinges

The most popular type for wooden doors are universal hinges. They can be collapsible and non-collapsible. In order to perfectly lubricate the door hinges and solve the creaking problem for a long time, it is necessary to remove the door leaf and thoroughly clean all elements of rust. The doors are then put in place. The order of work for a collapsible type of loops:

  1. First you need to purchase the right lubricant. It is desirable that the package has a "spout". This will make it much easier to work.

    Liquid lubricant is the easiest way to get the job done

  2. You should find the hinge rod. It is made of two elements and a rod that connects them. To lubricate effectively, it must be removed.

    Kernel door hinge connects elements together

  3. It is necessary to open the door as much as possible and get it. In some cases, this can be done with your fingers, but often you will have to use pliers.

    Sometimes the rod sits very firmly, so you have to carefully knock it out

  4. Apply lubricant. It is necessary to lubricate the rod itself and internal surfaces loop elements.

    If the rod is dirty or rusty, it must be cleaned

  5. Return the rod to its place.
  6. Check the door. If unpleasant sounds remain, it is necessary to redo the entire procedure, only add more lubricant. This must be done until the creak is completely gone.
  7. Wipe the loop with a paper towel or cotton cloth. All oil and dust must be wiped off.

    Pollution can cause squeaks to return

If you try to perform the operation without removal, you can bend the metal elements. For example, when the rod is pulled out of the upper structure, the force on the lower one will increase, and the entire door can be moved to the side.

Non-separable canopies can only be lubricated with liquid material. There is no need to remove the door.

There are also ordinary (detachable) canopies, which are slightly different from hinges with a rod (universal). They are being used less and less. This design is made on the principle of "thorn-groove". The rod is welded directly to one hinge element and inserted into another.

Doors with split hinges can be removed by simply lifting them up.

To lubricate such a canopy, it is not necessary to completely remove the doors. There is a simpler way, but it requires a liquid lubricant. Lubrication is carried out in several steps:

  1. Open the door as much as possible.
  2. Use a lever to lift it up. For this, for example, a file is suitable. It is necessary to insert it under the end of the canvas and pull it up.

    The lever significantly reduces the amount of effort required

  3. Lubricate all elements that rub with a tube with a spout or a conventional syringe.

    It is desirable that the section of the “nose” be minimal in order to crawl through even the narrowest gaps.

  4. Lower the lever until the blade returns to its original position.
  5. Several times it is necessary to open and close the door. This is necessary so that the lubricant completely covers all the elements.

This method is great for lubricating ordinary wooden hinges. interior doors. They always use detachable or universal canopies.

There are also hidden hinges, which are often used for entrance doors. All rubbing elements should be found and carefully treated with a liquid lubricant. Now most models have holes where lubricants must be poured. On different types they are in different places, so you just need to carefully examine the fastener.

Hidden hinge is not visible when the door is closed

Video: lubrication of different types of hinges

How to lubricate the hinges of a plastic door

Plastic doors have their own distinctive features. PVC material practically does not conduct heat. Also plastic doors very tight to the frame thanks to the seals.

A creak can appear not only because of the hinges, but also because of other fittings (handles, closers, clamping elements).

Most people start lubricating the hinges right away. Other elements of the product are simply ignored. You can’t do this, because the creak may not disappear. It is necessary to pay attention to the accessories.

It should also be lubricated. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The linings from the hinges are removed and cleaned from all kinds of contaminants.

    Cover removed with door closed

  2. Silicone lubricant is then sprayed on.
  3. After applying the product, it is necessary that the lubricant gets inside the loops. To do this, the door must be opened several times as much as possible.
  4. Next, you need to open the closer housing (it is fixed on the screws) and lubricate all rubbing elements.

    All visible dirt must be removed before lubricating the clamping elements.

If the door still creaks, then the problem may lie in something else, and not in the hinges. In this case, it will have to be reinstalled or replaced completely.

How to grease glass door hinges

Hinges for glass doors have a more accurate and delicate design. Often they are non-separable or difficult to disassemble, so liquid products should be used for lubrication.

Lubrication of the hinge for glass doors usually occurs without dismantling

It is best to use WD-40. It is necessary to pour lubricant into each gap found from a can. Then, check for the presence of a squeak. If it remains, add lubricant and more.

How to grease metal door hinges

Before installation, metal doors are thoroughly lubricated. But over time, the lubricant is produced. When it becomes small, a creak appears.

IN winter time solidol can be used. He will not let the loops freeze. But it is better to use a specialized tool - graphite grease.

There are hinges inside which are not a ball, but bearings

Metal door hinges can be treated with lubricant without removal. But this is only if they are not hidden under the overlays. If the overlays are present, you will have to remove the entire structure. They are welded to the door frame and block access to the hinges. Lubrication work is carried out according to the standard principle:

If the hinges of a metal door are heavily rusted, they must first be treated with WD-40. Only after complete cleaning can you start lubricating. IN summer period WD-40 can also be used as a lubricant.

How to oil a folding door

Such a door does not have hinges, but a creak may appear in the wheels or due to a dirty guide. With the guide, everything is simple - you just need to carefully clean it.

It is necessary to lubricate the rollers in a timely manner so that the bearings do not rust.

Wheels will need to be lubricated. For this you need:

The guides should not be lubricated, as the dirt will begin to stick even more.

How to grease the hinges of a double-sided door

There are also double-sided doors. They can open in any direction.

Double-sided doors are very comfortable, but with a strong draft they can start to twitch

Such hinges must be lubricated with machine oil. For this you need:

Often doors with such hinges are installed in public places. Therefore, lubrication must be carried out every 6 months. If a lot of people pass through the door, then preventive lubrication should be done every 3 months.
