name of the teacher, educational institution, locality: , teacher of Russian language and literature, MOAU "Secondary School No. 10", Buzuluk
Item: Russian language
The name of the educational and methodological complex or other manuals of the DROFA publishing house used in the preparation of the abstract: Russian language: Proc. for 5 cells. general education institutions / Ed. , . - 15th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2008.
Grade: 5
Subject: Exclamatory sentences.
Lesson type
learning new material

repeat having information about sentences on the purpose of the statement and the role of logical stress;


to cultivate curiosity, the desire to enrich one's knowledge (based on a literary text);

general subjects:


To give knowledge about the types of sentences by intonation;

Used sources

1. Lvov Russian language planning for the 5th grade based on the educational complex, ed. and // RYASH. - 2004. - No. 2. - S. 119-122.

2. Melnikov punctuation dictations. - M .: Education, 1987.

3. Panov and the structure of the Russian language lessons: A guide for the teacher. - M .: Education, 1986. - 208s.

4. Pastukhova is an amazing amazing sign. // RYASH, - 1987. - No. 1. - P.41-44.

Lesson equipment: table, card, computer, projector.

During the classes:

1. Organizing time(0.5 min.).

Greeting, readiness check, mark absent.

Today we will repeat everything we have learned about sentences for the purpose of the statement and find out how the sentence is characterized by intonation.

2. Checking homework (7.5 min.)

Frontal survey (2 min.).

(The student is called to the board to work on the card).

What topic did you work on in the previous lessons? Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement.

What types of sentences are divided according to the purpose of the statement? Declarative, interrogative, motivating.

Explain what a declarative sentence means? This is a sentence containing a story about something, a message, information for the interlocutor. For example: We are going to the forest. The forest is cold and damp.

What sentences are called interrogative? These are sentences that contain a question. For example: Where is Africa? Where did the students go?

What are incentive offers? These are sentences containing motivation. For example: Get out of class! Take out the trash.

Work on the table (1, 5 min.).

Use the table to tell what signs can be placed at the end of sentences.

So, at the end of each of the sentences for the purpose of the statement, an exclamation mark can be placed. What else plays an important role in intonation? That's right, logical stress.

Peer-to-peer home exercise (2.5 min.).

What should have been done at home? Pick up three examples for each type of sentence from the literature textbook, fill in the table - perform exercise. 411. Swap notebooks. If you do not agree, put a tick in the box with a pencil. On each row there is a consultant, you can turn to him for help. Work. Bring back the notebooks. Stand up, who has no comments. Well done. The rest of you should be more careful.

We check the work on the card.

Card work (2 min.).

Write down, open brackets, insert missing characters at the end of sentences, indicate the type of sentences for the purpose of the statement, indicate the spelling.

1. Ex. kind of cute flowers, the mousy shore removed (P.). 2. Is there a dangerous (?) Dangerous (Beetle) brave for a feat. 3. Let s. a storm will break out (M. G.). 4. Why in. the circle of robins sing Why the flowers of black remukha are blooming Why is playing with (?) Ntse over me Because I am going home (Oshanin). 5. What a marvelous, och. moving morning What a beauty (Paust.).

1. Nature removed the shady shore with cute flowers. (Narrative) 2. Will a dangerous feat be found? (Questions.) 3. Let the storm come on stronger! (Encourages.) 4. Why are the robins singing around? Why do cherry blossom flowers bloom? Why is the sun playing on me? (Questions) Because I'm going home. (Questioning.) 5. What a wonderful, charming morning! What a beauty! (Post.)

Are there any comments? What spellings did you repeat? Unpronounceable consonants, unchecked and checked vowels in the root.

Thus, we repeated not only information about sentences for the purpose of the statement, but also orthograms.

3. Psychological preparation to the perception of new material (1 min.).

(Notes are written and closed on the board, in the course of reading the teacher opens them: O "Henry O! Henry!").

Let's listen to a joke story that actually happened:

Once upon a time an American novelistWilliam Sidney Porter, writing underpseudonym, received from his publishera note: “How more precisely to designateYour name on the cover of a new book -"O" Henry or "O. Henry"? Which option will attract buyers?

The master of humorous affairs, whose stock of witty inventions was truly inexhaustible, did not lose his head and answered: “Write: “Oh! Henry!"

Which of the options will attract buyers? Why? True, the third one, because the significance of the statement is emphasized. So, today we will talk about exclamatory sentences.

4. Explanation of new material (7 min.)

Observation of the material through the projector (2.5 min.).

You have offers. If exclamation marks are removed, what will change? (Read by two prepared students).

I'll show you!! I'll show you.

No! She won't give up! No. She won't give up.

She will fight!! She will fight.

No one dares to think that No one dares to think that

he is he! - fears. he - he - is afraid.

I! will! study! I will learn.

He always (!!) tells the truth. He always tells the truth.

So what changes if you remove the exclamation mark? That's right, intonation, the feelings of the speaker are not conveyed. That is, we conclude that sentences are divided by intonation into exclamatory and non-exclamatory.

Work according to the textbook (2, 5 min.).

In addition to a message, a question or an impulse, a sentence can express strong feelings (emotions) of the speaker, and his attitude to the message: joy, excitement, chagrin, etc. Such sentences called by intonationareexclamation marks.

An exclamation mark is placed at the end of an exclamatory sentence. sign: I found a book! He is driving!Open the window!

Exclamatory sentences can be declarative, interrogative, and imperative sentences. They are pronounced with a rise in voice, while the word expressing the feeling stands out in particular: How good forest in autumn! Are youdidn't understand me?

What is the exclamation mark for? To convey feelings, emotions, intonation.

Presentation by a prepared student (1 min.).

Guys! I stand in the proposals in order

to highlight excitement

anxiety, admiration,

victory, celebration...

No wonder I was born

the opponent of silence.

Where am I, those sentences

with special expression

must pronounce.

(A. Tetivkin).

What feelings does the exclamation mark convey? Excitement,anxiety, admiration,victory, celebration...

5. Fixing (21.5 min.).

Oral work (2 min.).

We work with ex. 412 on the chain. Read the sentences aloud. What feelings (joy, surprise, request, regret, anger, delight, etc.) are expressed in them?

1) How, dear cockerel, you sing loudly, it's important! ( astonishment) 2) And the tail is so fluffy, spreading and golden! ( delight) 3) How lazy you are from morning to evening to work all day! ( regret) 4) Don't leave me, dear godfather! Let me gather my strength and only feed and warm until the spring days! ( request) 5) Leisure for me to sort out your faults, puppy! ( anger) 6) But chickens will never reach the clouds! ( regret).

(I. Krylov).

To summarize: what feelings does the exclamation mark convey? ( Joy,surprise, request, regret, anger, delight).

Distributive dictation (3 min.).

We work at the blackboard. Distribute exclamatory sentences as follows: 1) declarative sentences; 2) incentive offers.

1) "Hush!" Dunno waved his hands. ( 2nd column) “I play very well! Loud!" ( 1st column) Stop it now! Znayka shouted. “Your music hurts my ears!” ( 2nd column) "Get out of here with your nasty pipe!" ( 2nd column) 5) “I protest! There is no such rule as to wash your face twice a day!” ( 1st column) 6) “Come on, brothers, for me-oh-oh!” Yershik shouted and rushed forward. ( 2nd column) (N. Nosov).

What do all the written sentences have in common? They are exclamatory in tone. We conclude: any sentence for the purpose of the statement can be exclamatory.

Group work (5 min.).

The first and third options work on cards, perform all the tasks on their own. The second works at the blackboard aloud. Then we listen to the second group, then the third.

1st option.

1. What "exclamatory means" (particles, interjections, pronouns, intonation) help convey the emotionality of these sentences?

1) " Oh, No need! No need!" 2) " P. dooyou wave, what z. the guard has turned up!” - will answer. l Dunno. 3) "Well, go away, once You do not like it!" 4) " Fathers Dunno shouted, the sky below ! We l. tim up n. gami ! » 5) «I So I missed you, I cried so much! 6) " Yes because here, probably, a thousand p. lei ! "(N. Nosov).

2. Write out the words with missing letters, insert the ones you need. Just think, defender, we fly, kicking, fields.

What other means help to convey emotionality? Particles, interjections, pronouns, intonation.

2nd option.

1. Read the text expressively. Describe the sentences by intonation. What feelings do exclamatory sentences express? How are they pronounced?

Stop! Don't you dare touch Toto! Ellie screamed angrily. (exclamation point) The lion froze in surprise. (non-exclamatory)

Sorry, he excused himself. - But I didn’t eat it with (b, b) ... (non-exclamatory)

However, you tried. (non-exclamatory) Aren `t you ashamed about .. press the weak! (exclamation point) You are just a coward! (exclamation point)

Ah... how did you know I was a coward? asked the stunned Lion. - Has anyone told you? (non-exclamatory)

I can see it in your actions! You hit the poor Scarecrow stuffed with straw! (exclamation point)

(According to A. Volkov.)

2. For the selected word, select one-root checks.

Offend, resentment, touchy, offended.

3rd option.

There are no exclamation marks in Eeyore's lines. Why?

1) - Good morning, Eeyore! Piglet exclaimed from a distance.

Good morning, small Piglet, - said Eeyore. - If this morning is good, - he added, - which I personally doubt. But it is not important.

2) - Forward! shouted Pooh and Piglet.

Let's move! - Rabbit said (...)

That's right, - said Eeyore. - Set off. But I have nothing to do with it. (A. Milne).

Break down the underlined word.

There are no exclamatory sentences in Eeyore's remarks, because he has no feelings, no mood. He does not rejoice at anything, does not express any emotions. Small.

So, you are convinced that the role of exclamatory sentences is great. Now let's pay attention to where the exclamation mark is located. Yes, at the end of the sentence. But this is not always the case.

Observation of entertaining material (1.5 min.)


No wonder the exclamation mark was called amazing! See how this "fiery-minded fellow" behaves in Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Through the Looking-Glass".

...At this time, the door swung open,

Alice told us: “Hurry to me!

We will all feast in the Looking Glass


I will now rule the magical


You do not want! Do you! dine! with me?"

What do we see? Exclamatorythe sign is not only at the end of the sentence, but also between its members. “Well,” some of us will say, “what does not happen in fairy tales! If Alice could pass through the mirror and rule magical land, then the exclamation point could even be in the center of a fairy tale song. Why is there an exclamation mark in the middle of a sentence? In order to emphasize the emotionality of individual words, their semantic importance.

Let's go back to the sentences that were compared at the very beginning of the lesson. Here, too, the exclamation point is in some sentences in the middle, after individual words.

Complicated cheating (4 min.).

At the board we work with ex. 413. 1. Write down, put punctuation marks at the end of sentences. Describe the sentences according to the purpose of the statement, according to intonation.

It's good in the forest in early spring At noon you walk (?) along the tr. p..wrinkled sp .. shat to arrange more reliably your zh.

Ber..gite birds Do not destroy forests and nests

2. For words with missing letters, select test ones.

3. What is the meaning of the highlighted word?

It’s good in the forest in early spring! (narration, exclamation) At noon you go alongpath (path) between green trees.(narrative, non-exclamation)But what is it? (inquiry, not exclamation) Forest oglashes out with the chirping of birds. (narrative, unexcited) These are feathered (feathers) in a hurry (hurry) to arrange their dwellings (to live) more securely (narrative, unexcited).

Take care of the birds! (encourages, exclamation) Do not destroy forests and nests! (prompt., exclamation)

Feathers - that's what the birds are called.

So, exclamatory, as we have seen, can be any sentence for the purpose of the statement.

Syntactic analysis (3 min.).

We work at the blackboard. Write down two sentences from the work and perform their syntactic analysis.

You know whether you are Ukrainian night? (Questionary, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, common.). ABOUT, You do not know Ukrainian nights! (Narrative, exclamation, simple, two-part, common.).

Look, you found it difficult to characterize the first sentence by intonation, and the second by the purpose of the statement. Will be working.

Independent work (3 min.).

414. Prove that declarative, interrogative, exclamatory sentences are pronounced with different intonation. To do this, read these sentences, pronouncing them first with an exclamatory and then with an interrogative intonation. If necessary, change the order of words in sentences. At the end of which sentences do you raise your voice?

Sample entry: Winter is not terrible for squirrels.- For squirrel zima is not scary!- Is winter not terrible for squirrels?

1) There are still multi-colored leaves on the old linden. 2) The sun breaks through the clouds. 3) It was cold at night. 4) The morning is warm.

If you have questions, you can contact the consultants or the teacher. We check. Please note: you can change the word order to make the sentence correctly constructed. Hence your mistakes.

6. The results of the lesson (2 min.).

So, what did you learn in the lesson? Proposals for intonation are exclamatory and non-exclamatory. Any sentence according to the purpose of the statement can be exclamatory.

Grades received for the lesson:………………………………………………

7. Homework(1.5 min.).

At home, carefully read the theory on pages 139-140. Create your text using as many exclamatory sentences as possible.

The lesson is over, hand over your notebooks, goodbye.

In all languages ​​of the world there are special sentences - exclamations. Usually they are used to express strong emotions, such as delight, surprise, anger, and others. Examples of exclamatory sentences are often found in fiction, in poetry, in letters and diaries. It is almost impossible to find them in scientific texts. There are no examples of exclamatory sentences in them. Scientific articles are written in a neutral emotional style.

Types of exclamatory sentences

Exclamation and ellipsis

There are other combinations of signs at the end of sentences. For example, in the literature, some authors use both exclamation and ellipsis. Such phrases should lead the reader to deep reflection; in essence, such sentences are extremely similar to rhetorical questions with an exclamation. “And then she appeared at the door! .. Captivated by her beauty, her face lit up with a smile, and the whole world around sparkled with both joy and happiness! ..”

Incentive exclamatory sentence

The use case in the work is very interesting. Such phrases differ from others in that they have practically no emotional connotation, but contain an order, request, invitation, greeting or offer. Usually these sentences do not have subjects. Intonally similar constructions do not have to be pronounced with pronounced emotions. However, a sign at the end of a request or command indicates that it is an exclamatory sentence. Examples of such constructions in Russian are quite common. They are present in the dialogues of the heroes of works of art.

Order in an exclamatory sentence

In some constructions, punctuation marks are determined not by the emotional coloring of the statement, but by historical traditions. Therefore, in the case when the author of a work of art uses an order, he draws up a sentence with an exclamation mark. Examples of such phrases can be spoken in a calm tone and even in a whisper, but the use of an exclamation point is necessary here. "Stand! - Petrovich ordered in a whisper to the captured Fritz walking in front of him. - Don't turn around! Even if the order is given in a calm, even tone, an exclamation mark must be placed at the end of the phrase. For example, “Squad, equal, at attention!” or “Get up, the court is coming!”

request and suggestion

Traditions explain some more features of punctuation in Russian. For example, an exclamation point at the end of a phrase adds a special emotional connotation to a request.

Invitation and appeal in an exclamatory sentence

There is another rule of punctuation. It dictates that often an exclamation mark is placed at the end of the invitation. This fact is a sign of elementary politeness, a culture of written communication. Therefore, when reading the context with an invitation, for example, to a wedding or a picnic, you should not use the intonation of an exclamation at all.

  1. "Natalya Pavlovna! Georgy Matveevich! Come to the evening dedicated to the celebration of our silver wedding at the Kosmos restaurant!”
  2. “Dear high school students! Come October 23 to the “autumn ball”, which will be held in the school auditorium!”

Greetings and wishes in an exclamatory sentence

The rules for writing letters are very important for both ordinary people and authors of works of art. To deal with punctuation at the end of sentences, you should pay attention to one interesting feature: very often a greeting or wish is expressed in the form of the verb imperative mood. These are the words "hello!", "be healthy!" Therefore, these proposals are perceived as a request, at the end of which an exclamation point is also historically placed. Often, a farewell is written in a letter in a similar way. For example, "Goodbye, my dears!" or " Good night, Dear friend! I wish you sweet dreams!"

Exclamatory sentences in Russian serve to enhance the emotionality of texts, messages, comments. Since it is possible to give intonational coloring to the statements of characters in works of art only with the help of punctuation marks, the authors have no choice but to use exclamation marks, question marks and their combinations.

27. Read.

      Guys! In offers
      I stand for
      to highlight excitement
      anxiety, admiration,
      victory, triumph!
      Where am I, those sentences
      with special expression
      should be spoken!
      (A. Tetivkin)

  • How to pronounce sentences with an exclamation mark? When are such sentences used in speech?

Note! Offers vary by intonation.

28. Read.

      Moscow! How much in this sound
      Merged for the Russian heart!
      How much resonated with him!
      (A. Pushkin)

  • What feeling are these lines filled with? Read, conveying this feeling with intonation. What is the intonation of each sentence? Explain your answer.
  • Write poetry lines.

29. Read. Write by inserting the missing letters.

      Into the dark dense forest
      Gl..nil os..n.
      How many fresh sh..shek
      At the s..lyy pines!
      How many scarlet yagos ..
      At l .. sleepy mountain ash! ..
      (E. Trutneva)

  • Read expressively. Determine the type of each sentence by intonation: exclamatory or non-exclamatory?

30. Read.

1. The plane is flying. 2. Thunderstorm is coming. 3. Who broke the birch branch? 4. What a pity this birch. 5. Don't break tree branches. 6. May there be peace throughout the world.

  • Determine what these sentences are according to the purpose of the statement and intonation.
  • Read the sentences again, but pronounce them with an exclamatory intonation.
  • What feeling did you express in each of the exclamatory sentences?

Offer types

Note! At the end of exclamatory declarative and incentive sentences, Exclamation point.
At the end of an exclamatory interrogative sentence, and interrogative, And exclamation marks.

31. Read the "Types of Proposals" chart. Tell us what you know about the types of sentences and the punctuation marks at the end of these sentences. Give your examples for each type of sentence.

32. Read the poem.

No time to be bored

      The bee sat on the flower.. current,
      Lowered x..botok (. !)
      Under l .. a mosquito melts towards her:
      - What are you looking for there (?!)
      - Nectar (! ?)
      - Aren't you tired of
      Didn't get bored looking for (?!)
      - No (! ?)
      For those who are busy
      Just once bored..t (! ?)
      (G. Ladonshchikov)

  • Write by choosing the correct punctuation mark from the brackets and inserting the missing letters. Explain your choice.
  • Read the sentence that expresses the main idea poems.

33. Read.

You were in the meadow at the beginning of summer, how good the grass is tall and thick there, and how many flowers are around and what a smell, white meadowsweet inflorescences smell especially strongly.

  • Explain the meaning of the word meadowsweet.
  • Is it possible to expressively read this entry? Why?
  • Find the boundary of each sentence and read it with the correct intonation. Explain which punctuation marks you will use at the end of each sentence.
  • Write, indicating the beginning and end of sentences.

According to the degree of emotional coloring, sentences are classified into two types: exclamatory and non-exclamatory. The ability to correctly determine which of them is suitable for a particular case will allow you to correctly understand the essence of the sentence, read it with the right intonation and put the required punctuation mark at the end.

Non-exclamatory sentences are those that imply an ordinary, everyday tone and the absence of a bright emotional component. A period is placed at the end of such sentences. For example: It has been raining all day today. According to the schedule, the train will arrive in two hours.

Exclamatory sentences are such sentences that convey strong feelings and emotions of the speaker. For example: We have great joy!

These sentences end with an exclamation point, and grammatical means arrangements are as follows:

  1. Intonation expressing joy, delight, sadness, surprise, anger, excitement, fear and other pronounced feelings. The pronunciation of exclamatory sentences is carried out in a higher tone, with an emphasis on the word, which in more gives an emotional dimension.

    For example: He acted so mean! We thoroughly enjoyed the tour! Nobody expected such a turn of events! She was scared out of her wits!

  2. Interjection.

    For example: Wow, what a beauty! Ah, I'm amazed to the core! Oh, but we were so close to the goal!

  3. exclamatory particles pronominal, adverbial or interjectional origin, giving the statement a characteristic emotional coloring: oh, well, well, how, where, how, what, what, and others.

    For example: What an extraordinary home! Oh, that's it! Well, well, this is a surprise! Fu, what a mess!

Using three exclamation marks

Usually, with the help of 3 exclamation points at the end of a sentence, the author expresses a high degree of emotional arousal. So you can express joy or delight, anger or indignation. Offers "Get out!!!" or "Go away and don't come back!!!" talk about the deep feelings of the person who expresses them.

Exclamatory and non-exclamatory sentences

In this lesson, you will learn what intonation is and get acquainted with the types of intonation sentences.

Intonation is such a side of our speech that serves as a means of expressing our emotions. It is of great importance in oral speech. The same sentence can be said with different intonation, so the listener can understand the meaning of our statement in different ways. For example, we can read the sentence “Guests have arrived” calmly, or with joy, or with irritation.

With the help of intonation, the speaker conveys not only a thought, but also his attitude to what he is talking about: joy, admiration, sadness, conviction, chagrin. No wonder they say: it is important not what to say, but how to say it.

Intonation enriches our speech, makes it beautiful, expressive, sonorous. You probably noticed that a book that seems boring at first glance becomes interesting when it is expressively read by a mother or teacher. Conversely, a fascinating story becomes uninteresting if it is told in a monotone, without intonation. About a person who knows how to emotionally, vividly, expressively tell, they say that he is a skillful orator.

In speech, we use our voice for intonation. Punctuation marks help to read the text expressively. By intonation, sentences are exclamatory and non-exclamatory. An exclamation mark (!) is placed at the end of an exclamatory sentence.

Here's how the exclamation mark describes itself:

On the page upside down

I admire, I resent

Friends! In works

I stand for

To express excitement

anxiety, admiration,

Victory, celebration!

No wonder I was born

Silence Enemy!

Where am I, those sentences

With special expression

Must pronounce.

(A. Tetivkin)

You already know how to distinguish between sentences according to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative and incentive. Each of these types of sentences can be read with a different intonation. An exclamatory sentence is pronounced with strong feeling. A non-exclamatory sentence is pronounced calmly, without pronounced emotions.

Summer has come.

This sentence is narrative in terms of the purpose of the statement, non-exclamatory in intonation.

Finally, I'm off to camp!

This sentence is narrative in terms of the purpose of the statement, exclamatory in intonation.

Have you done your homework?

This sentence is interrogative in terms of the purpose of the statement, non-exclamatory in intonation.

Is she learning Japanese?!

This sentence is interrogative in terms of the purpose of the utterance, exclamatory in intonation. We not only ask, but also wonder.

Learn a poem about autumn at home.

This sentence is motivating in terms of the purpose of the utterance, non-exclamatory in terms of intonation.

Get off the tree now!

This sentence is motivating in terms of the purpose of the utterance, exclamatory in terms of intonation.

Often, to enhance the emotional coloring of the sentence and its expressiveness, interjections or particles “ah”, “oh”, “well”, “what the”, “oh”, “well” and others are used.

Oh what a wonderful day today!

Well, what a charm this girl is!

Sometimes we may come across a sentence that ends with two or even three exclamation marks. This suggests that the narrator is experiencing deep feelings:

Stop immediately!!! - feeling of anger.

We won!!! - a feeling of great joy.

Let's summarize the lesson:

1. Declarative, interrogative and incentive sentences can be pronounced with different intonation.

2. By intonation, sentences can be exclamatory and non-exclamatory. An exclamatory sentence is pronounced with strong feeling.

3. A non-exclamatory sentence is pronounced calmly, without much feeling.

4. An exclamation mark is placed at the end of exclamatory sentences. Intonation enriches our speech, makes it expressive, vivid, flexible.

List of used literature:

  1. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. Russian language. Textbook for grade 3. - M.: Balass, 2012.
  2. Buneeva E.V., Yakovleva M.A. Guidelines to the textbook "Russian language", grade 3. - M.: Balass, 2014. - 208s.
  3. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 400 p.
  4. Isaeva N.E Workbook in Russian for grade 3.- M.: Balass, 2012.-78s.
