Let's learn more that the plethious rose is. Landing and care in open soil This campaign flower will be considered in stages in this article. Sades and gardeners know that with the help of this type of roses, you can turn even the most modest plot in a beautiful romantic corner.

Pleet Rose - Description of the type and features of the landing

The shoots of curly roses can reach several meters. Any support is in close proximity to the bustle, is quite quickly soaked with its long and flexible branches. You probably have repeatedly admired the floral arches of amazing beauty. Floral columns, pyramids, trellis, successfully disguised old buildings, part of a wall or roof - any garden design can decorate a luxurious rose with its presence. This type of plant is ideal for vertical landscaping, however, so that everything looks harmonious and attractive, the rules of landing, trimming, care and protection of the bushes from pests should be known.

The color range of this type of roses is also diverse, as well as their park or soil relatives. The dimensions of the buds can be from 2.5 to 12 cm in diameter, the varieties of plenty roses bloom in June and continue to bloom until the warm season (approximately 30-170 days, depending on the variety). There are many varieties of plenty roses, but all of them can be divided into groups:

  • Semometric, whose height reaches 1.5-3 meters.
  • Pleets - 3-5 meters.
  • Curly - 5-15 meters.

Soothes from these roses are formed continuously, the boutonization and flowering phases differ, again, depending on the variety. Among the data of the representatives there are both one-time blooming species and repeated.

Pleet rose, photo:

The buds of individual varieties can exhibit a pronounced fragrance, which is heard at a distance, some fragrant is slightly audible, thin and gently. This culture will feel great on sunny places With good ventilability. The wetlands of it is strictly contraindicated, as well as sandstones and severe clay soil. In general, loose loams or fertile soils with good water permeability are most suitable for this species of roses. If in your site prevails inappropriate for plenty rose Soil, then definitely dilute its suitable. Thus, sand is made in clay soil, and in sandy - clay (at a depth of about 30 cm), in addition, it is necessary to add humus or humus, as well as phosphoric additives.

All the procedures for the adaptation of the Earth should be carried out for half a year before the landing of roses, or at least 2 months before. The experienced gardeners recommend landing curly roses where they had not previously grew up. If it does not work differently, then before planting you need to replace the upper layer of the Earth (50-70 cm). Ideally, planting a plenty rose should be carried out on a small hill. The root system of these plants goes deep into the soil (up to 2 meters), so you should make sure that the chosen waters do not go close to the upper layer of the soil.

If you decide to "drape" a parade of the wall of the wall at home, then the distance between the bush and the wall should be at least 60 cm (and at least half a meter from other plants). Most often landing of the plethous rose is held in the last weeks of September or in the first half of October. Thus, before the onset of serious cooling, the roots will have time to come in in a new place. With the arrival of spring, all parts of the plant will enter into the phase of active development and growth, and by the beginning of the summer rose will bloom in a lush color. If we plant a drinking rose into the soil in the spring, then by this moment it should warm at least up to +10 ° C, catch the moment when the kidney has not yet blocked - it is important. The second half of April / the first weeks of May is the most optimal deadlines for the Spring Planting.

Landing a plenty rose in the soil in spring

I will make a reservation immediately that the rules of the spring planting seedlings are not much different from the autumn. All stages described, as well as subsequent care, are used both in spring and autumn. It should be prepared for the fact that planted in the spring of roses will be a little lagging behind in development, you will require increased attention to your person. In comparison with its autumn counterparts, they can delay flowering time for about 10 days.

So, before planting a seedling, you need to shorten the branches, about 20 cm of length, roots - too, up to 30 cm. Drop the spacious hole so that the roots are where to grow. The pocket depth should be 60-70 cm. If you land several bushes, then the distance between them should be at least 100 cm. Immersion seedlock in the soil, follow the root neck too, 12-15 cm is buried - it will protect it from freezes in the cold season. The roots neatly straighten, fall asleep with soil, slightly seal it with his hands. Make sure that all the roots are pointing down and have not begins up!

Landing in the spring of the plenty rose provides for the introduction of a nutrient soil in the hole. Approximately 3-5 kg, for example, peat composite, will come to your rose. After landing, the soil is slightly plummed and pouring abundantly. It will be very good if you add a drug with useful bacteria that stimulate growth, for example, "phosphobacterin" into the water for this first irrigation. Phytoogormon "Heteroacexin" also fit perfectly.

In some cases, summer houses are covered with polyethylene film just planted bushes - this technique contributes to the best adaptation of plants in a new place. Do this or not to do - to solve you if the weather conditions of your region will push you to create greenhouse conditions for plenty roses, do not forget to raise the film daily and gradually increase the time of the ventilation every day. After the stable warm weather is established, remove the film and inspire the ground around the bushes with leaf power, peat, crushed wood bark or straw.

How to plant a plenty rose in the spring bought in the store?

Today in flower shops you can purchase seedlings of plenty roses with an open or closed root system.

Representatives with open roots should immediately land in the ground. When choosing, pay attention to the presence of weighing shoots - there must be at least two of them. Such escape should be affected (bent with a crunch), otherwise the rose may not withstand wintering. The bush as a whole should look healthy, have well-developed roots, strong, without dried fragments. The length of the shoots should be at least 60-70 cm.

The varieties of plenty roses with a closed root system are sold in pots, so you can not immediately estimate the condition of the roots. Carefully inspect the shoots, they should look healthy, not strongly elongated if they have a light green color, then it is better to refrain from buying.

The elongation of shoots and their light shade signals the incorrect storage of seedlings - either in excessive warmth or in case of insufficient lighting. Such a rose will be weak, painful, it is unlikely to survive the winter.

At the place of vaccination should also be paid close attention, a callous fabric that contributes to the merchandia should be at the place of the "joint". If the place of the vaccination is peeling and looks like an unhealthy, then with such a rose you will have only problems.

Planting in the spring of plenty roses from the store, steps:

  1. Rose with a closed root system is carefully removed from the pot together with an earthen lump, after which they plant in the selected place. Representatives with an open root system remove the film from the roots, put them in the water. If the kidney or shoots are present below the vaccine place - we delete them. If there is a wild greedy - we remove it too, too long shoots can be segged. Cutting places do not forget to drink with wood or activated carbon powder.
  2. In the water, the roots must be 3-4 hours, so the plant will be saturated with moisture, the transportation land will become soft, it can be easily removed and carefully inspect the root system. In the water, you can pre-add a stimulator "Korniner" (according to the instruction).
  3. We take out roses from the water, as far as possible, carefully lay the roots and put the seedling into the dug hole. What kind of pit it should be and how to mix the soil (if the situation requires), it was already told slightly higher. Pretty pouring a rose with water.
  4. After the water is absorbed, you can plunge more land (dip). When rejoicing the soil, the vaccination location can be covered with a layer of soil, but not more than 3 cm.
  5. If the spring sun shines too bright, do not be lazy to cover the young bush with a paper bag or cloth of light shades - so it is guaranteed not to burn. Such a protective coating can be left for 5-7 days.

Pleet Roses - Care and Growing

In the heat and drought, pink bushes should be watered once every five days. After 20 days after landing, it is necessary to gently shake the soil from the bush. By the way, the roses planted in the fall just open after the winter in the first weeks of April. For this procedure, it is desirable to choose an extra-sunny day to subsequently the plant does not experience stress during a night decline in temperature. Make sure that the vacuum space remains blown into the soil by about 10 cm.

During the growing period, the plethious rose requires a generous watering. After the appearance of buds, as well as after the formation of the bush, the plant should be watered every 10 days. At the same time, water should penetrate the roots and deeper, 10-12 liters on one bush will be quite enough. A couple of days after the rain or irrigation, you need to jumble the ground around the rose. It can also be meditated. For roses equally harmful and overvoltage, and lack of moisture, so observe the golden middle of this matter.

Pleet rose, photo:

How to fertilize plenty roses

Fertilizer - an important stage in the care of the plenty rose, because this species Quite demanding to feeding. Throughout the summer, nitrogen additives should be alternate with complex fertilizers, they are recommended to be made every 2-3 weeks. With the onset of spring, the plant is fed by a complex mineral fertilizer, for example, "agricola rose" (according to the instructions). Two or three weeks later, you can add the body - the fertilizer "ideal" or "flower". You can also use an old proven method - 10 l cowboat and 3 kg of wood ash, divorced in 50 liters of water. One liter of this mixture is recommended to dilute in 10 liters of water, and then the resulting composition of the plant under the root. Around the second week of July, you can begin to slowly make phosphoric and potash additives in order to prepare bushes in advance to the upcoming winter. Carefully read the dosage of drugs in the instructions, remember that he has recovered by the rose of chemistry, you can simply turn it out.

Caring for plenty rose in the first year

How does it differ from standard requirements? From competent care in the first year of the life of the plant depends on further development And blossom blossom. When new shoots appear, the soil with bushes are removed (one that was used for the dip). If worth it sunny daysAt first it does not hurt the slight shading of the coniferous sweetheart. After 10-12 days after removing the dipping soil, you can begin to the first trimming of the central escape. It should be shortened over the second or third sheet. A little later, with the side branches of the second order, you need to do a similar procedure, while the "watching" inside the bush is to be removed, and those eyes that are located on the outside are left for the further proper formation of the shrub.

Caring for the plenty rose in the first year also implies the removal of buds, no matter how strange it sounds. Since the beginning of flowering and up to the first weeks of August on each branch, it is recommended to leave only two flower. With the arrival of autumn, these flowers will turn into boxes with seeds (fruits), and after the manipulations conducted, your rose will bloom especially magnificent next year.

Pruning the plenty roses or how to crop plenty rose

Does the plenty rose cut in autumn for the winter? If other types of roses can simply be emphasized, then the plenty must necessarily cover completely - this factor does not depend on your area of \u200b\u200bresidence. You can choose one of the heat insulation methods, in the first case, the ground part of the bush is removed from the support, the foliage is removed, and all weak and old shoots are cut off.

Here you have to choose 10-12 the strongest and healthy branches (remaining after trimming), combine them into one bundle, rewind the twine and gently tilt to the ground. With the help of metal brackets (cut the wire on fragments and bending), the branches are fixed on the ground, and after the corresponding protective material is hidden. If there are several shrubs, they are located in close proximity to each other, they can be covered with one common observer web. In the second case, everything happens in a similar way, only at the same time the plant is not removed from the support, and we reliably cover with protective material right on it. The base of the bush is plunged by the method described above.

How to trim a plenty rose? This important agrotechnical leaving event needs to be paid special attention. Trimming helps to correctly form the crown of the plant, contributes to generous and long blossom, positively affects the health and vitality of the plenty rose. Immediately after landing, all shoots are shortened at 20-30 cm, in the summer, the sworded buds and branches growing inside the crowns (thickening it) are trimmed.

Starting from the second year of the life of the plant, the trimming of the branches is made at the end of the flowering phase.

How to trim plenty roses after flowering? They are fighting around at the end of August - September (depending on the climate in the region), at this time all patients and dead branches should be removed. The oldest shoots (choose 1 or 2) are cut completely, they will subsequently successfully replace young roasting processes. If these processes are not, then the old branches should measure approximately 40 cm on the base, and the rest of the removal is to remove this procedure to activate the growth of replacement branches.

The rest (not very old) shoots cut into the place where a new powerful piglet began to form, subsequently it will perform the role of the conductor. Short-branches are cut to 2 or 3 kidney (approximately 15-17 cm from the base of the branch), weak stems are cut up to 3 kidney (measurable from the base). The skeleton (foundation) of the crown should be formed from the strongest, correctly growing shoots (evenly directed), on which young branches will be formed.

How in spring crop plenty rose? You should take a secret when the kidneys begin on the branches below (last weeks of April / beginning of May), no earlier. If you start trimming too early, then with night freezers, branches can simply be frozen, as a result of which the rose will bloom much later than the prescription. If you miss the trimming time, the plant will throw all the forces on the formation of new branches and foliage, and flowering will be scarce.

Pruning the plenty roses in the spring has one important moment - removal, namely - breaking (not cutting) wild shoots that have grown below the vaccination place. Usually this situation becomes apparent after the spring opening of the bushes. Also at this time, all patients, cropped branches, are removed, all the amazed fragments are well visible in the spring, when the kidneys swell on the "living" branches.

Changes with plenty roses to another place

Sometimes inexperienced the gardener chooses an unsuccessful place where the plant is uncomfortable feeling and sick. In such cases, the situation can be corrected. The best time for this operation is autumn, September or the first weeks of October. It is not recommended to carry out a transplantation, since the rose needs time to adapt at a new place of residence before the onset of cold weather.

However, if the circumstances require, the rose transplant with a sprout in the spring is also possible. As soon as the Earth finds out after winter frosts, and the kidneys on the branches of roses will not have time to wake up, you can proceed to business. To do this, the ground part of the plant is removed from the support, the bush itself is neatly drunk (moving circle), from the base of the plant, approximately 50-60 cm are retreating from the plant. Do it all very carefully, so as not to damage the root rose system, let the pit will be deeper than Roots will remain safe and preservation.

When transplanting is complied with the same rules as with a standard landing - roots spread and head down, the free space in the pit is filled with the corresponding soil, the soil is slightly tamped and generously watered with water.

After 3-4 days, it is necessary to shine the earth (it is slightly falling), emphasize your rose.

There is one interesting nuance associated with rose transplantation - their belonging to groups of climber and rambler. Let me allow myself a slight retreat: all the varieties of plenty roses can be figuratively divided into these two groups:

  • klyambers;
  • ramblerians.

The varieties of the plenty river-climber are called in love, they have coarse and thick branches, which can reach 3-5 m lengths. Soothes from climber are not very flexible, when they replant, they must be cut into half the length!

Railways are exactly curly roses with flexible and soft shoots whose length can reach 10 meters. Roses-rallies are characterized by active growth, when they are replanting, they cut off all the shoots that have become more than two years. All young branches leave safely, but at the end calendar summer They necessarily pinch the tops - this technique accelerates the decoration of the branches.

How to multiply a plenty rose?

There are four ways of reproduction of this rose: seeds, glasses, cuttings and vaccination. The most common and convenient option is shilling. Seed reproduction is possible only subject to the acquisition of sowing material in the appropriate store. As you know, on your own collected seeds From the plenty roses, growing in your country or in the garden, do not carry the varietal signs of the parent plant.

Growing plenty roses from seeds

Pre-soaked seeds in 3% hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes. Such disinfection creates a shield against the appearance of mold at the subsequent stages of growing plants. After removing the seeds of the solution, lay them on a thin layer of wool, again, soaked with hydrogen peroxide, cover the similar cotton layer from above, which is also impregnated with peroxide.

The resulting "sandwich" is placed in a plastic bag and hide in the refrigerator, to the separation for greenery and vegetables. We periodically inspect the seeds, change your cotton layers on new (also impregnated hydrogen peroxide).

After 40-50 days, it is already a sprouted sowing material that can be carefully moved to peat tablets or small plastic cups with an appropriate landless. Cassettes for seedlings are also suitable.

Watering the young pepper should be soaked as the soil dried. So that the plants develop correctly, they need to provide daily lighting over 10 hours. If you do everything right, then a couple of months after planting seeds in a tablet or in the cassette, the first boutons may appear on young roses. With the arrival of spring, the new livestock is planted in an open ground.

Reproduction of plenty rose with cuttings

This is the easiest way of reproduction, almost always gives a 100% positive result. For cutting Chenkov, you will be suitable for the shockless or still blooming branches, which are taken from roses in the middle of the summer, in the 10th of July.

On a cut fragment should be at least two interstices, the location of the lower cut (angle of 45º) should be located close under the kidney. The upper cut (even) is carried out at a significant distance from the kidneys.

Next, the cutting is cut off all the lower leaves, and the upper cut half. In a predetermined sand and sand and soil with a mixture of sand and soil, the cuttings are placed, plunge it about 1-2 cm, covered on top of a glass jar and removed into a well-lit place.

Now you will need to periodically water the cuttings (without removing banks) and watch it not to get under direct sun rays.

Reproduction of the plenty rose with letters

In the spring, from those growing from the bottom of the shoots, we choose the most attractive and make cuts on it, right under the kidneys. Next, we declare a small bed-groove approximately 10 cm wide, on the bottom of the groove we put a thin layer of humus, we sprinkle it from the same soil layer. Now neatly adjust the escape, put it in the groove and fix metal brackets. After falling asleeping the soil, but the top is leaving looking out. Further, as usual, we take care of a bush, but do not forget to water and fertilize the place of the touching escape. After the year, when spring comes, the chain can be cut off from the bush and put on a separate place as a full plant.

Reproduction of roses vaccine (eyelid) on the rosehip

The plenty rose can be vaccinated on a rich bush - this technique is quite commonly used by gardeners and summer houses. Best time For this operation - the last weeks of July or the first half of August. Before emphasising, rosehip should be generously watering with water.

Right on the root cervix is \u200b\u200bmade incisions of the cortex in the form of the letter "T", after which the edges of the cortex are slightly delayed. This kind of "pocket" is placed in the eye, cut off from the plenty rose. The eyes need to be separated from roses along with the bark and a small fragment of wood.

Next, tightly press the eye to the neck of the stock and also tightly tighten this place with a special film for eyepling (freely sold in flower shops). After all the manipulations of the rose hips, it is emphasized, and so that the soil rummaged above the vaccination place for 5 cm (this is minimum). After two or three weeks, the film can be loosened slightly, and with the arrival of a new spring, it is cleaned with the coming.

Pleet rose does not bloom - why?

This can also happen at least at the flower forums of gardeners often ask each other such a question. An experienced way was clarified by 7 factors that affect the absence of flowers at the plenty roses.

Pleet Rose - Diseases and Pest

Rose Pins Caterpillar on Rose
Rose, affected by a paustic tong

At the initial stage, the TRU can be removed from the branches manually, predefined garden gloves, but as soon as it feels like a full-fledged owner, you will need help chemicals. Insecticides "Sharpey", "Aktara", "Inta-Vir", as well as the good old "carbofos" guaranteed to help you cope with this problem.

If you want to try the so-called folk Methods The struggle, then in the grain of the economic soap (1 tbsp.) and dissolve it in 1 liter of water. With this solution, irrigate pink bushes for a week, after which you remove all the amazed fragments - should help.

The web tick loves heat and drought, silver raids on the foliage - a sign of the presence of an uninvited guest. Old methods of struggle with the help of a thick tobacco infusion or hill decoction give very good results. Contact Ascaricide "Neon" is one of the best tools for protecting roses from a spider tick. One ml of the drug is dissolved in a liter of water, after which the irrigation of the bushes is carried out. Sometimes there is enough double treatment of roses by this preparation so that the tick passes its position. Bio-insecticide "Phytoverm" also proven itself in this matter.

According to the reviews of experienced gardeners, the Aktara preparation works perfectly against a rose sawder. Preparations "Aktellik" and "Fosbecide" (15 ml on 10 liters of water) also show a good result that spreads not only to the sawder, but also on the other "lovers" of plenty roses.

In addition to all of the listed, I would like to remind you about spring and autumn spraying roses bordrian liquid - this is important.

Among the diseases of the plenty roses, the most dangerous are considered to be bacterial cancer, gray Gnil, malievable dew, coniobiotyrium (bark burdens).

Puffy dew
Bacterial cancer

From some diseases there are no drugs (bacterial cancer), however serious attitude Prevention minimizes the risk of disease.

Disinfection of the root system in a solution of three-percent copper sulfate (before landing), removal of suspicious fragments and rapid irrigation of wound places with the same copper vitrios - the most frequently recommended preventive measures.

Beating coniring can be detected in the spring, as soon as the protective shelter is removed from roses. In this case, it is necessary to immediately cut the sick branches (with capturing healthy fragments) and burn them. Before the awakening of the kidneys, the plant can be treated with three-minded iron vigor, the land around the bush need to irrigate too. The same burglar liquid or drug "Abiga Peak" can also participate in the case, while the kidney has not yet blocked.

In principle, the usual scheme is working to combat other diseases of roses - the removal of the affected areas and their subsequent burning, the rich irrigation of the plant with a solution of iron mood (3%), copper municipal (2%) or burglar liquid (3%). Such spraying is often held three-step (with a weekly interval), but sometimes, especially at an early stage, can be enough and one processing.

Pleet roses - photos and names of winter-hardy varieties

The dream of any gardener is that the favorite flowers please the lush buds as long as possible and resistant to the winter. Mentay all winter-hardy and long-term flowering varieties of plenty roses are simply unrealistic, but I would like to highlight some of them, briefly describe their main qualities.

Pleet Rose "Iceberg"

She fully justifies its name, her snow-white buds will bloom for a very long time (until the autumn) and abundantly. Re-blossom - distinctive trait This rose, it grows pretty quickly and in the shortest possible time can lace up the arch or wall of the building. The plant is unpretentious, cold-resistant, the fragrance is expressed weakly.

Grade "Iceberg", photo:

Pleetry Rose "Lavinia"

It can boast of cupid flowers of a saturated pink shade, undemanding to care, repeated, aroma with light nutmens. It grows up to 3 m heights, has a good immunity to most roses diseases, blooming continuously until the first frost.

Lavinia variety, photo:

Grade "Polka"

It is characterized by wave-like flowering, about five waves over the summer. Buds terry, apricot shade, gradually turning into cream color. Very loves the place lit by the sun, it has good resistance to disease, can grow up to 3 m of height. This variety has powerful and empty shoots with large spikes, the fragrance is weak.

Photos of plenty roses grade "Polka":

Pleet Rose "Don Juan"

Luxurious terry rose with large (12 cm in diameter) flowers of saturated red. It is an excellent option to decorate the walls of buildings and any vertical supports. It grows up to 3.5 m of height, loves the sun, but also blooms in a half worthless. These roses can be cut off to compile bouquets, they are very fragrant and long retain freshness.

Grade "Don Juan", photo:

Sort "Flementation"

This rose is considered one of the most attractive plenty representatives of red. Buds have large (8 cm in diameter), terry, multi-treatments. It has increased frost resistance, powerful bushes can reach 2-3 m of heights. With proper care, this variety can grow and blossom in one place for about 20 years. The aroma of roses is very gentle, but not very pronounced.

Photo of Roses "Flementation":

Pleet Rose "Handel"

The buds of this variety have a very interesting color - white-pink, with bright raspberry edges and a slightly yellowish middle. Buds are large, about 10 cm in diameter, the bush grows up to 2.5-3 m heights. Rose repeated, resistance to diseases average, should be feared by black spot and ashits.

Grade "Handel", photo:

Variety "Bobby James"

Small-ceiling representative, but the most attractive in its category. It can reach 8 m of heights, resistant to diseases, semi-state white flowers, with a yellow center (about 4.5 cm in diameter), externally resemble cherry flowers. It has a pronounced musky aroma, during the flowering of the branch is simply rusked by buds, so that they are almost not visible to foliage. The boutons themselves have a feature to slowly reveal for about 10-12 days. Spectacular and incredibly luxurious variety

Photo of roses of the Bobby James grade:

Plenty Rose "Golden Perfume"

Repeated variety, whose flowers bloom slowly, to the joy of gardeners. Large buds (up to 10 cm in diameter) of this rose exude a very strong fragrance, which is heard even from afar. Flowers of a saturated bright yellow shade will be decorating a bush up to the arrival of the first frosts. The shoots grow up to 2-3 m of heights, foliage is also very attractive looks - saturated green, thick, creating a beautiful contrast with yellow flowers.

Grade "Golden Perfume", photo:

Sort "Parade"

One of the most winter-hard-resistant repeated vacuum roses, which has a large (10 cm in diameter) with multi-nephel butons of a juicy cherry shade or saturated dark pink. Luxurious inflorescences are so large and heavy that shoots literally bent from their weight. Flowers throughout the summer, it blooms slowly, reaches 2-3.5 m of height, resistant to precipitation.

Roses varieties "Parade", photo:

Pleet Rose "Schvantensee"

Another variety, characterized by increased cold resistance. The multi-nephel buds of this rose have a classic shape, mean sizes (7-9 cm in diameter) and very tender color - white, with a cream-pink core. Flowers Svanensee to the most frosts, slowly blossoming and spreading a gentle sophisticated fragrance. The variety is hardy, repeated, resistant to precipitation. A bush can reach 3 m heights.

Sort "Schvantensee", photo:

Grade "Casino"

This rose is suitable for cutting into a bouquet, has a bright fruit aroma, lemon bead buds are most beautiful in a lean form. Polyberry grade, the diameter of the terry flower reaches 9-11 cm, its painting is more dark inside, the external petals are larger. A bush grows up to 3-4 m heights, blooming abundantly, lush, repeatedly throughout the summer.

Pleet rose grade "Casino", photo:

Of course, the plenty rose will require you the cost of time and strength, but agree, its luxurious beauty fully justifies such "victims." Observe all the above recommendations, carefully attribute to the choice of residence for roses.

Do not land it near bushes and trees with powerful roots, do not forget to feed the appropriate fertilizers in time.

Provide her reliable support, about the types of which I will tell you in the next article.

Let the plethomic rose be settled on your site. Landing and care in open soil, nuances of breeding and resetting, an approximate view of individual varieties - all of this you now know and be able to apply my tips in practice.

Successfully complement the article by the following videos:

Pleet roses are frequent guest on beautifully decorated furnaces, in park areas. Gentle fragrance, inspiring beauty, velvety texture - all these words about the queen of flowers. It does not matter exactly what kind of grade and the type of flower in front of you. After all, you still inspire it with a drinking beauty and fragrance.

You can watch the most extraordinary spectacle when the bud is blooming with all its buoy. Therefore, if you choose it for landing for your site, pay attention to these flowers. They will become an excellent addition to any landscape design. With their help, you can carry out horizontal landscaping.

Varieties of plenty roses and their description with the photo can be found in the short directory on this page, but for now, look at the photos of plenty roses used for the design of the house territories:

Each variety and species requires special care, both in summer and in winter. In addition, each of them has its own characteristics. It is about this that we will tell in our article.

Description of the plenty roses and their photos

This flower will become an excellent screen in order to hide garden buildings that are completely not suitable for the landscape design. Create a description of the plethious roses, if you divide them into six groups:

  1. multiflora;
  2. vishurian;
  3. lambert;
  4. cordes;
  5. banks;
  6. cloiming.

These groups are recognized internationally. Also, the plenty roses can be divided into groups by the nature of growth:

    • curly;
    • pleets;
    • semometrics.

Note that real roses are curly. The second and third group represents plants created as a result of crossing or mutation. Nevertheless, each of the species is beautiful. All of them are distinguished by a long, color of shoots, as well as blossoms. Some varieties from the three groups are winter-hardy. In some cases, the plant can survive the winter under light shelter during the coldest period. Therefore, winter-hardy plenty roses for the Moscow region are the best solution.

They share these plants and on the subgroups, and the process is based on how the shoots bloom. So, for example, Cliveimgi bloom on the shoots of the current year, but the rabblers on the shoots of past years. These features also depend basic rules for care and cultivation.

Look at the photo plenty roses, the description of which you have already read above:

How to grow right and where to plant the queen garden

Before buying the Queen of the Garden, you should prepare the right place where it is planted on the site. Rostock should be planted in well-lit places and ventilated. For this, high platforms from the south side are suitable.

How to properly grow a similar culture, you can read in a special material on our portal.

It is worth noting that for the plenty queen there is no need to leave a large number of space for further growth. It is enough for it and 50 cm. In the event that you are correctly landing, you can see the color for next year.

A flutter flower, which is designed to decorate fences or other items, should disembark in a half-meter from the object. The planting process consists of several stages:

  • preparation of the well;
  • making a sufficient number of fertilizer (manure);
  • preliminary moisturizing watering;
  • planting a seedling with the root cervix;
  • crimping the above-ground part to a level of 20 cm.

View photo of roses Press and her bloom you can right now. Thus, you just inspire further work.

It is not necessary to scare the cultivation processes and because for the next year the plant will not require abundant attention. For its normal development, it should be trimmed in time, water and periodically feed. As for watering, it follows 1 time in 7 days. To give recommendations regarding fertilizers, here you need to know the varieties of plenty roses on your site.

Pruning plants - to form a crown is not difficult!

To form a crown, to increase the level of flowering throughout the bush can only be trimming the plant. How to do it? It depends on how many times the plant is blooming. What kind of variety you can help determine the catalog of plenty roses in the photo and the description below. It is not difficult, even the novice gardener. The main thing is to remember if you correctly execute the entire procedure, then your plant can grow to 3.5 m.

A plant that blooms once should be prunned with leaving in the final result of 3-5 annual and two-year shoots. Everything else should be neatly trimmed. Such a need is that the old escape is replaced by new and new "burdened" blossoms for the next year. For their normal growth should be brushed.

In the event that your queen blooms twice a season, then the shoots should be removed on the fourth year. In the event that there is a large number of new shoots near the bush, then you should reduce their number to 2-3 annuals, and the main leaves about 7 pcs.

When pruning should not forget about vegetative shoots. They play an important role in flowering. Therefore, it is worth paying due attention to them.

Catalog of plenty roses with titles, descriptions and photos

Next to your attention is offered a catalog of plenty roses, in which the varieties are presented with accompanying photos, descriptions. Names allow you to identify the species growing on the site and select suitable conditions for it to care and cultivation.

Pleet roses Klaming: Main characteristics

A plant that blooms several times during the season includes a group climbing. It is the plenty roses of clayings are characterized by large flowers, such a bush grows up to 3 m long. The variety of shades, forms and buildings of buds is complemented by a unique fragrant aroma. Such colors are actively used when designing windows, buildings, fences and other items.

Speaking about the main characteristics, it can be noted that this variety includes such types of fusing plants like Rosarium Ueesen, Sympathie, Flammentanz, Don Juan and a number of different varieties. Below you can get acquainted in more detail with the photo and the names of the plenty roses of this group.

Fabulous plenty "elf"

If you like the dealership of royal flowers, then you should pay attention to such a miracle, as the plenty Rose "Elf" with a diameter of 12 cm. Each fabulous bud of a seedling is a glass-shaped inflorescences, inside which you can observe a lemon hue, and on the edges of white. Such a bush grows no more than 3 m. Rose is very resistant to frosts, but it also loves the place in the sun with fertile soil. Therefore, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with special feeders in a timely manner.

Pleet Rose "Sympathy"

Velvety and terry buds, purple or red shade in diameter up to 10 cm - all this is a plenty rose "Sympathy" with a light and not pronounced aroma. The plant will be perfectly inhabited, where strong frosts are likely. In the event that the branches will turn around, the plant will still please their owners with their colors in the coming season.

The diameter of the bush can reach up to 2 m, but the height is almost 4.5 m. Such possibilities allow you to make decorative ornaments on the trellis, houses, and arcs. The main advantage of the plant is the ability to grow quickly and develop. As a result, the specified space will be landscaped and decorated with delicious flowers.

Pleet Rose "Indigolette"

For lovers of extraordinary solutions and those who want to highlight their garden with something unusual, there is a solution. The fabulous plenty rose "Indigoletti" surprises with its color and the ability to change it. So, for example, putting a seedling of this variety in place in the sun, you will get velvety lilac buds. They will get a blue shade if the bush is located in a half.

The plant is great for vertical landscaping. This is explained by the fact that the bush reaches 3 m in height. In addition, he is unpretentious, will always delight the wonderful aroma of tea roses, resistant to frost and disease. Therefore, it is possible to grow it in almost anywhere in Russia.

Pretty Rose "Golden"

Bright yellow flowers with a strong aroma are characteristic of a 6-cented rose rose with a diameter of 10 cm. Each bud of plants is a bright sun, which will be the center of attention for any garden. Such a plant will feel great in the sun, but not in the shade. In the winter withstands up to -30 ° C, and in the summer is resistant to various diseases.

Such a plant is suitable for the composition decorative walls, Arches and columns, as it reaches a height of up to 3 m. In addition, Golden variety is distinguished by its density, which will allow to sharpen a specific space.

Pleetted Rose "Flementation"

"Fire dance" or plenty rose "Flementation" refers to the Rambler group. Small, but lush buds, a flame-red shade will create a harmonious ensemble in vertical gardening Garden. The flower diameter reaches 8 cm, but at the same time are collected in the brush to 16 flowers, makes the spectacle unforgettable beautiful.

To please your color plant will be up to 2 months. The "Flementation" grade will survive strong frosts, but not drought, excessive rain or illness. Therefore, it requires special attention. In order to observe intensive growth and development, seedlings should be seedlings. For good conditions reaches 5 m.

Pleet Rose "Casino"

This plant is popular for more than half a century. A delightful Rose "Casino" The plenty is a plant that blooms twice a year. The first bloom is a bright yellow bouton and a diameter of up to 11 cm. In this case, all the flowers grow on one post. Have a pointed form. Repeated bloom is characterized by a greater number of buds. In addition, buds are not so terry than the first time flowering.

The advantages of this variety are resistance to various diseases. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about low temperatures. A bush reaches up to 3 m in height, and the flowers have a thin tropical aroma. Use a variety to a greater degree for cutting and arched design.

Plenty Rose "Rosarium"

Winter-hardy type and non-addictive to weather conditions is a plenty rose "Rosarium" of gentle pink or coral color. The height of the plant reaches up to 3.5 m, and in a width of up to 1 m. The stems of this bush are volumetric and strong, crowned with straight spikes. Leaves of a plant dark green.

The flower itself has a bowl shape and diameter up to 12 cm. The dense-christ style of the bud makes the flower with a light and gentle, and the sour slim smell complements the harmonious composition.

Planting the Rosarium Utersen Rosary Rose from your home will bloom until the autumn. Note that the flowering process passes 2 times the season, while the first time the color will be much larger. In such colors, you can decorate the house or fence, create an arc or carry out any other vertical scenery.

Pleet Rose "Hendel"

A gentle pink shade plenty rose "Handel" will charm any gardener not only with its coloring, but also the form of bud.

Inside each petal has cream or white color. He emphasizes and dilutes the beauty of the color pink edging. The shape of a glass-shaped with terry petals makes a bud with elegant and sophisticated. The size of the flower can be up to 9 cm, while forming a brush of 10 flowers.

Special notes and piquancy plants add rare spikes, as well as long and strong stems from 1.5 m to 3 m. Such a plant resistant to cold. Therefore, you can safely disembark even in the suburbs.

Pleet Rose "Iceberg"

A bush, which blooms from the beginning of July and until mid-October will always attract the attention of any. Especially if we are talking about the queen of flowers. A charuly beautiful "Iceberg" rose will become an excellent decoration for decorative design Garden. You can decorate as the walls of the house, and create unusual flower arches. The length of the plant reaches 3 m, so perform various compositions is permissible.

Lush blossom, which has a glasswall, will delight you and its delicate aroma. For normal growth and development, plant flower should be planted, where many sun. The soil must be modeled moist and rich in humus.

Water this variety should be abundantly and only under the root. At the same time, remember that the water temperature should be several degrees higher than the air temperature. Watering, it is important not to irrigate the crown.

Pleet Rose "Don Juan"

Rose plenty "Don Juan" among gardeners is very popular. Such success ensures its main advantages - good winter hardiness and tolerance of diseases. Moreover, attention always attracts a large and terrible with a strong aroma of a red bud. The size of the flower in diameter reaches 12 cm. The variety is characteristic of having a height of up to 3.5 m. Therefore, it is very often used for landscaping at home, arches and other items.

The normal development of the plant will provide soil without moisture, regular feeding and trimming. Also, the "Don Juan" variety should be tied.

"Santana" - plenty velvety rose

This type of flower has a brilliant surface of petals and good tolerability of low temperatures. In addition, it is not afraid of rain. The buds of the Santana variety of a vacant rose slightly velvety, bright red, do not fade for a long time. Flower 3-7 buds on one brush all over. The diameter of one booton can be up to 10 cm.

This variety loves the sun, but can grow in half. Reaches 3.5 m in height. The disadvantages can be attributed - unseen fragrance. Nevertheless, see how the "Santana" blooms you will be up to the first frosts.

Pink bushes are capable of enchanting anyone, so they look so magically. And we are not only about garden bushes. Plotted roses deserve separate attention. They are able to decorate any place, turn the old gazebo in a small paradise. Yes, and the flower garden flashes with bright colors, if you know how to plant a gourmet roses around the perimeter of a green corner. The main thing is to figure out how to care for the plenty rose and find out what kind of microclimate and the growth description it prefers.


Suppose you decide to diversify your household plot of a recognized queen of garden colors. In this case, planting a plenty rose is the first thing you need to get acquainted. Knowing how a weaving plant, it will be easier for you to understand the features of permanent care. Remember: It is important to prepare for plant planting soil. Immediately before the deepening of the seedling in the ground Add to the ground the necessary nutritional compoundsFor example, phosphoric fertilizers, humus, humus, and phosphorodobacterin.

During the falling down of the flower, keep in mind that the root system requires a large space, so the wells must be volumetric. Position in the deepening of the seedling, the emptiness between the root branches will be fill in. Fall off the plant of the earth, then pour under the young bush a bucket of warm water. The final stage is to plug a bit of the ground on top and thoroughly wrap the space around the rose of the plenty. When the planting of the purchased plenty rose in the spring in the soil is done, it's time to provide competent care for a young shrub.

Caring for plenty roses

Caring for yellow or red varieties in the garden, especially if we are talking about fusing varieties, will be carried out correctly, if you regularly form a crown. In the spring period, flower products are usually removed from the bush frozen shoots. Further, the features of this procedure will depend on the variety itself.

If we are talking about a shrub that can be blooming only once in the season, at the end of its flowering Basal shoots will need to be cut completely. Suppose you divor the rolling varieties that bloom several times a year. In this case, the main shoots will need to be completely removed no earlier than 4 years after the seed landing.

Reproduction of plants

Pleet rose is not only landing and care. In order to achieve abundant and long-lasting flowering and at the same time, over time, get a few additional shrubs of a rose fusing rose, it is necessary to master the procedure for reproduction of plants. You can dilute a yellow or other rose with a seed with the help of seeds, cuttings, this method, but the sowing material you have to buy in the store. The thing is that the grains collected from the bush growing on your homestead, it makes no sense to plant, as the varietal signs will not be traced.

Features of preparation for winter

Know how to plant a plenty rose and ensure the care of it in the summer is not enough. It is especially important to be able to prepare a plant to the cold, to understand. The technology of the process itself will be completely different from how the garden rose is usually prepared for wintering. If the shrub will just like to touch the earth, then it is necessary to take care of all the plant entirely. The planted flower should not be watering with the onset of autumn. It is advisable to stop the feeding of roses.

In the middle of the end of the autumn, the bush will need to be burned to the ground. Do it gradually, putting a shrub of some rope (remember that flexing branches need one "bundle", and not alternately).

Do not be surprised if the procedure stretches for a couple of days: the shrub will gradually get used to the angle of inclination. Open the plant after the winter hibernation you can already in spring.

Rose Pleette in the Garden Interior

Garden rose is considered queen colors. Sades argue that the curly rose requires increased attention, and only then will be happy to please the eyes. We will talk about the right departure for the plenty rose, the features of its landing and shelter for the winter in our article.

Dates of landing roses in Russia

Landing the plenty roses in the Moscow region and the middle band of Russia is held at the end of April - early May, at the soil temperature of 10-12 degrees of heat Celsius, but before the start of the renal dissipation. According to observations, the curly roses planted in the spring, there is a slight lag in growth from autumn seedlings on average for 14 days.

Landing the plenty rose in summer is recommended for the cores (grown out of the cutken, weapon, or multiplied by the division of the bush) of plants, in containers with a closed root system. It is them that they are advised to acquire novice gardeners, but it should be borne in mind that in the first year these plants are weaker than graft copies, which means more demanding towards care, especially to the shelter for the winter.

Landing the plenty roses in the south is held in the fall, until mid-October. After 2 weeks, the plant will be able to form new root processes. In winter, the young rhizome will temper, and with the onset of spring will develop simultaneously with the ground part and shape a strong bush.

Select site and preparation

Perfect place To plan the climbing roses - a well-lit, smooth and dry plot with a small bias to run out of rain and melt waters or equipped with drainage. It is not recommended to choose for landing lowlands and wetland. The stagnant water will lead to the root of the roots, and the absence of the sun and the ventilation - to the fungus.

For the same reason, the depth of groundwater on the territory of the rosary should be no higher than 2 meters. If the location of the site does not allow you to choose such a place, then roses are planted on an artificial elevation. At the bottom of the landing pit they put a large stone, which does not give roots to go deep and they begin to grow horizontally. Pleet rose, the landing of which is made according to such technology, requires additional protection of the root system. The roots are talked well when landing, they are mulched with wooded bark or sawdust.

If the soil waters lie close to the surface, the care of plenty roses implies the presence on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room to move the bushes for winter storage. For such a goal, a dry heated basement or a garage, a warmed veranda or terrace is suitable.

Repeated roses in one place is not desirable

The place is not suitable on which roses have previously grew - new flowers will be poorly developed and lacking minerals. In the absence of an alternative to the upper ground layer to a half-meter depth is replaced.

The soil for planting in the spring is prepared from autumn, in other cases - a month before the planned procedure. Fertile air and moisture-permeable drum soils, with a weakly acid pH 5.5-6.5 most suitable roses.

In clay soil bring sand large fractions, humid, compost, turf and leafy ground (6: 1: 1: 1: 1); in sandy - clay, turf, humid or compost (2: 2: 1: 1). At the rate of 1 sq.m. 1 kg of wood ash, bone flour, 100 g of superphosphate and a kilogram of chalk, are also added to the earthen mixture, depending on the pH of the soil.

Curly rose - perennial With powerful roots that should be located freely. Therefore, for one bush, a hole is digging a depth of 70 cm and 60 per 60 cm sizes. The distance between the pit should be up to 3 m.

The top layer of the soil is set aside, the subzole is removed. The pits are coated with a layer of pebbles or shallow rubbing, with a thickness of 40 cm above the prepared earth mixture, which is sprinkled with a pending soil layer.

Curly roses landing and care

Saplings with an open root system 24 hours before landing are placed in water. When planting in the spring, the rose escape is shortened by 2 kidneys, on average, 30 cm long. In the fall, cutting stalks are not carried out, after landing, they are shortened in spring, after the dissolution of the leaves. Roots are cut to a living white cloth by 25 cm and poured with poured charcoal for disinfection.

The prepared plant for an hour is lowered into a sour creamy clay and 1/10 parts of fresh manure. For better adaptation, growth regulators are added: Korniner, heteroaceuxin, Stone, Bud or Phosphobacterin, 3 tablets of which are pre-bred in 0.5 water.

The vaccination site at the plenty roses is deepened into the soil of 15 cm so that the plant can put their own roots. When landing, the root system is packed and air emptiness has not formed when falling asleep the earth. Caring for plenty roses in the summer is to carefully remove the wild rose hips with a sharp knife, not leaving hemp, unnecessary sections and damage.

After landing, the land is tamped and watered. For watering of the core-growing curly roses, the mixture is used, dissolving the heteroaceuxene and phosphobacterial tablet on 10 liters of water. Chemicals Enhance the protective properties of the plant and activate metabolic processes. To protect the plant from drying, the bush is dipped and mulched. At a distance of 20 cm put the support for further garter. Curly roses landed in spring for 2 weeks are covered with a film for better recovery and adaptation of roots.

Caring for the plenty rose in the first year after planning is not complicated. During this period, the plants do not require feeding. It is important to water the seedlings three times a month, loosen and mulch the soil, tapping a bush to the support. When the stems are growing up to 3 m - the support is cleaned, and the stems are treated with a 3% iron sulfate solution.

Pleet rose landing and care video

Caring for plenty rose after flowering

To give the chisture of the desired form from the second year after planning in the ground, proceed to trimming. The plenty rose, the care of which necessarily includes decorative mounting and shortening of shoots, is always clipped under the general rule, regardless of the variety - the amount of cut and remaining stalks should be the same.

In place of the old, young processes grow, among which only 3-5 are the strongest. As a result, the bush consists of 3-5 blooming and 4-5 young shoots.


Roses of removable varieties thinning in early spring and after the end of flowering. Strong forming trimming is carried out until the end of June, so that young processes have time to mature until winter. At a later procedure, they may die.

Photo I. detailed description Visible varieties of roses can be found in our material.

Shelter for winter and care for roses in spring

Shelter for wintering is carried out in two ways: untying and bending to the ground or fixing on the support.

Condimensional way of shelter for the winter

A bush is repulsed from support. At a slight angle, it is fucked up to the ground and covered with a spruce noodle.

Top wrap fiberglass, which allows the plant to breathe and does not let the water. The soil under the plant is dipped with dry ground and mulched with fallen leaves.

Opening method

A bush is covered with a noodle directly on the support, wrapped with agrofiber or burlap and fasten with twine.

Removing Winter Shelter and Spring Care

In April, shelter is removed for several hours a day, completely - after melting of snow. Soil under the bushes loose and plunder the fresh compost. The plant is examined by disease and damage, if necessary, cutting the affected area.

Plots with mold are treated with 15% copper vigorous, and the stems are tied up to the support horizontally for smaller education of replacing shoots. On horizontal stems, buds are formed along the entire length of the main stems, and not just on top.

Curly roses, landing and care for which they are fulfilled in all the rules require a mandatory garter:

  • For the strapping, plastic, silicone twine, and not a wire, wrapped with paper are chosen. It will eventually break away from moisture, and the metal can damage the plant;
  • The strapping should firmly facilitate the stem, but not to injure it;
  • Supports need to be regularly checked, if necessary, repair or completely replaced.

Follow the supports and garter

It is important to remember that poor-quality support or bad twine can break the stalks of the bush and seriously damage it.


It is not so difficult to grow an incredibly beautiful plenty rose on the plot, and its fragrance and bright flowers will be seen by neighbors and guests. Subject to landing rules and appropriate care wound plant It will delight with their chic buds for many years.

Ecology of life. Manor: Special admiration for gardeners has always caused plenty rose with its long branches, covered with luxurious flowers. This is a real find for landscape designerwhich allows you to create blooming arches, columns, arbors, fences.

Special admiration for gardeners has always caused plenty rose with its long branches, covered with luxurious flowers. This is a real find for a landscape designer, which allows you to create blooming arches, columns, arbors, fences.

Despite the huge lets reaching 5-6 m in length, all the varieties of plenty roses are shrubs. It would be possible to think that in this case, landing and care for them is similar to other types of roses, but everything is not so simple. Long vacations impose special obligations on the owner of such luxury. Therefore, to achieve a real aesthetics from the plenty rose, you need to know how to properly care for her.

Planting time: Spring or autumn?

All kinds of "Queen of Flowers" are considered quite capricious, are no exception and plenty roses Care for which it is necessary to think through the smallest detail. And you need to start with right choice Landing time. It is best to wind up this event to the May warm days.

In this case, you will be confident that until winter, the plants will have to strengthen and will not die during the cold. Bushes of plenty roses with sleeping kidneys can be planted before the kidneys will be blossomed on the trees, as soon as the soil warms up to 10-12 °. In the event that you bought a seedling in a greenhouse (that is, with leaves), it is necessary to plant it only after the blooming of the kidneys on the trees.

You can also plant bushes in August-September, but then there is always the risk of the death of the plant, if it does not have time to come across the onset of frosts.

Place for landing

Plot for planting plenty roses should be well lit in the morning. This is important, since it is that the morning warm sun dries dew on the leaves and will not give a chance of fungal diseases. The fully open area is not so preferable, since the half-hearted sun rays can cause "combustion" of gentle petals and even drying the entire plant.

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the selected place is protected from the cold northern and northeastern winds, and it was also not at the corner of the building, where drafts constantly walk - a delicate plethoric rose does not like this, its development will be inevitably oppressed.

Soil for plenty roses: What should be considered?

The plenty rose develops normally only on the water-permeable soils. This means that rain (or watering) water should freely go deep into the earth and not linger in the roots zone. Otherwise, the rotation of the root system and the death of the plant from the lack of food is inevitable.

Therefore, if the groundwater on your site is too close to the surface of the Earth, roses should be planted only on elevations. However, if this is not possible, you can enter differently: dig a hole to a depth, not reaching the level of groundwater, and then concrete the bottom or put there a large flat stone.

Such a precaution will not allow the soil waters to "get there" to the root zone and damage them, in addition, the rod roots will not break away and their bulk weight as it grows not vertically, but horizontally. After that, a sufficient layer of fertile soil is poured onto a stone or concrete, where the plant is subsequently planted.

Best of all the plenty roses grow on fertile loams - they are enough water and breathable to ensure good nutrition of the root system. Heavy clay and lightweight sand soil Do not suit the cultivation of roses. At the same time, if there is such a soil on your site, you should not despair.

You can improve the position by adding sand into clay soils, and the sandy to dilute clay. This adjusts the permeability of the soil for air and water, but does not add fertility soil. To improve this indicator, this indicator should be made in the soil of humus or humus.

Distance between plenty roses

When landing, it is necessary to ensure a distance of 0.5 - 1 m between roses in a row and 1-2 m between rows. In the event that the landing is carried out near the gazebo or wall of the house, the distance between the plant and the scene should be at least 0.35 - 0.5 m.

It is possible to divide the garden into several zones with a pick-up, scattered with plenty roses on both sides. Plants are planted in a chess order so as not to shade each other. At the same time, the distance between them is preserved in 0.5 - 1 m, as with a conventional landing scheme. Such a shirma will be decorative all summer, even when the plenty rose is wondering.

Preparation of a seedling for landing

Before starting to land, the rose bush must carefully examine and remove all the broken, rolled and faded parts of the root system. Disinfection sections are powered by poured charcoal to prevent the wound injection. Next, the roots are desirable to plunge into a mixture-bolt, consisting of clay with an admixture of fresh cowboy (10%) and phosphorodobacterial. 3 Phosophobacterial tablets are pre-dissolved in 0.5 liters of water, and then this composition is 9.5 liter of the bolt. Corobyan can be replaced with heteroacexin, adding 1 tablet in 10 liters of boltushki.

With a spring landing, seedlings of any variety of plenty roses are pruning. At the same time, two developed kidneys are left on severe shoots, and on the weak one. If the landing is made in the fall, the pruning is still produced in the spring, after removing the bushes winter shelter.

Landing and care for a young seedling

To begin with a hole, the sizes of which should provide free placement of the roots, and the root neck is defined at least 10 cm. A similar measure will protect it from winter cold, as at such a depth of ordinary shelter (for example, under a spruce noodle), The temperature does not fall below -2 degrees. Also, the reeling of the root neck in the core pleate roses will contribute to the formation of a large number of additional roots.

A hill of fertile land is poured into the hole, around which are evenly rooted and fall asleep them, if possible, not leaving voids. After filling the mink of the earth, it is trambed with your feet. Correspondence plenty roses for better survivities are watered with a mixture of phosphorodobacterin and heteroacexin.

During the growing season, the rose rose needs regular irrigation, feeding, removal of weeds, dried flowers and weak branches.
Already after removing the winter shelter with the onset of spring heat, it is triggered, last year's plant residues are removed, spray roses with pesticides, frustrate the ground around the plant, make the necessary fertilizers.

Proper creation of plenty roses

Pleet roses need proper trimming, the purpose of which is the formation, obtaining long and abundant flowering, recovery of the crown. Pruning also helps to obtain a solid plant cover with new shoots.

Trimming is carried out after the plant completely blends, that is, at the end of summer. First of all, sick and damaged branches are cut. Strong annual shoots are not deleted. Old shoots are deleted if new replacement shoots appeared on the branch. That is, pruning is produced in such a way that instead of old shoots come new, annuals. Two-year-old shoots are not cut - it is on them that the bulk of colors will be concentrated next summer.

Garter of plenty roses

When forming a plenty rose, it should not strive to all the main branches grow up. It may occur so that all the flowers and leaves are "relocated" into the upper part of the plant, and this will not add to it aesthetic.

Therefore, to avoid such trouble, you need to try horizontally the main branches. Then they will soon appear vertical side shoots growing up. A similar principle of formation of a fusing rose remarkably disguises a trailing or a wall, as well as provide luxurious and long-lasting flowering.

It will be interesting for you:

Caring for plenty rose in winter

In winter, any roses, including the plenty, require shelter. It is important to know that there should be airspace between the shelter (film, tol, spruce laps) and the plant. If there is an opportunity, the vacuum of roses are removed from the support, remove rotten, sick shoots, as well as all the leaves.

After that, the branches are wrapped with twine and attached to the ground with wooden or metal studs. From above, the shoulder is covered with tale, film, leaves or spruce sweets. Approximately you can also cover the plenty rose directly on the support, for example, if it sees the arch. In this case, the initial support is tied up with a burlap, a tone or film, and then shelted with a sweetheart.published
