Without a hint of excess weight - most women dream of becoming the owners of such a body, especially if they do not naturally have an ideal figure. But fortunately, in our time, you can put yourself in order at home.

The only thing that is needed for this is to get acquainted with the necessary exercises for a thin waist at home and systematically perform them. Typically, these are exercises to burn fat in the side and abdomen, tighten the abdominal muscles and strengthen the abs.

Ideal standards

Surely everyone has heard about the widespread standard of an ideal figure - 90-60-90. Since this parameter was taken as the standard in the nineties, many women have simply exhausted their bodies with diets and sports.

But if by nature your body does not allow you to approach these norms, all efforts will be in vain. 90-60-90 is probably the rarest type of figure and it can be found less often.

Each person is individual and has its own parameters. With a height of 190 cm, you cannot have a waist of 60 cm, it would look painful and not aesthetically pleasing. The ideal waist can be calculated using a well-known table. All you have to do is subtract one hundred centimeters from your height... For example, if a woman is 175 cm tall, her ideal waist should be about 75 centimeters. Maybe a little more or a little less, depending on the structure of the body, but not 65 cm.

There is another option, but it is only suitable for those girls who have the same volume in the buttocks and breasts. With such data, the optimal volume should be seventy percent... For example, hips with a circumference of 90 cm and chest also 90 cm, respectively, the waist should be 63 cm. Based on this calculation, you can roughly understand how a good figure should look.

It is very important to remember that not only sports and nutrition affect weight and appearance body but also health status... If it leaves much to be desired, then the figure will look the same. Diseases of some internal organs sometimes provoke an increase in fat mass, for example, heart or thyroid diseases.

So before you come to grips with yourself, you should check your health. And remember that an ideal figure in the generally accepted sense can be radically different from the ideal one for you.

There are several options for how to make a beautiful waist at home in order to turn into a young lady on the cover of a model magazine. These are: a corset; diet; sport.

To be honest, if the first method produces some real effect besides the visual one, it is most likely negative. A couple of centuries ago, ladies died because they wore a corset. It squeezes the internal organs, which leads to irreversible negative consequences for health.

Now there are also such extreme women who wear a corset 24 hours a day and, indeed, it prevents the appearance of a wide waist. True, then they become clients of doctors and pay very dearly for a thin waist. You should use a corset without harm to your health for no longer than two hours a day.

With regard to diet, then it is worth understanding this word correctly. Many, instead of starting to eat right, starve themselves for some unknown reason. But the secret is that the fat layer is removed only provided proper nutrition and diet, which is selected directly individually. When choosing a diet, you should consider:

  • age;
  • height;
  • the presence of any diseases.

The only carbohydrates that absolutely all people exclude are the so-called fast carbohydrates... Most of them consist of bakery products, sweets different types (chocolate, candy, cookies, cakes and the like), pasta, sugar, chips and sodas. Fast carbohydrates get their name due to the fact that the body digests them in the first place, after which they simply turn into the hated fat.

Many people wonder why you need to diet when you can just do exercises for the abdomen and waist? The answer is very simple - sports exercises allow you to tighten and build muscles, but fat is not burned as quickly as we would like.

You can have a nice abs and a toned tummy, but it just won't be visible behind the fat deposits. So that you need to do everything comprehensively - burn extra pounds and at the same time strengthen muscles, creating the desired relief.

Exercise options

If there is a need to change this particular area in a short time, then you need to choose exercises that will work directly on the formation of the waist. And as in any sport, the body needs to be preheated.

Most effectively warm up muscles running and squats, but any active activity, including dancing, will do.

In deciding how to make a wasp waist at home, the most common and simple exercises will help.

  1. Hoop.
  2. Turns.
  3. Slopes.

Hoop classes

Nowadays, most women are spinning not just a hoop in the classical sense, but a hula-hoop. It is more effective in working on a narrow waist and a thin belly. As a rule, a hoop weighing more than two kilograms is chosen for burning fat.

There are both standard flat products and massage rollers. In any case, in order to achieve a result, it is necessary to engage in at least one and a half to two hours a day with short breaks for about two minutes. With such work, not only the waist becomes thinner, but extra pounds disappear.

Instructions for "correct" turns and tilts

Turns are an integral part of the class. To perform the exercise correctly, you need:

There is another option for turns - the legs are spread as wide as possible, the arms are extended at shoulder level, you need to slowly turn first in one, then in the other direction. The back should also be flat and the body still.

Slopes should be performed as follows:

  1. The legs remain shoulder-width apart, the arms clasp behind the head, the back remains straight.
  2. Bend over so that the elbow of one hand reaches the knee of the opposite leg.
  3. Lean forward should be simultaneously with raising the leg.

And in the end, one should not forget about relaxing and stretching gymnastics, it helps a lot to relieve tension and pain from muscles.

We can say that these are all the rules that are needed in order to start putting your body in order. You need to complete the exercises presented at least two to three times a week, systematically... For optimal effect, you need to do about three sets of 15 times with an interval of no more than a minute. If you pause for longer, the muscles will cool down and the result will be worse.

It should also drink about two liters ordinary water per day. Moreover, you need to drink not only during the day, but also directly during classes. As for food, it is better to eat several times a day in small portions and remember that you cannot eat for two to three hours before and after training.

By following all these simple rules, you can in a short time reduce waist parameters and get rid of excess fat.

Attention, only TODAY!

How to make a thin waist and a flat stomach is a question that excites the minds of many women. It is clear that one dream of a beautiful and fit figure is not enough, you need a whole range of activities that promote weight loss - diets, sports, special exercises for a thin waist and a flat stomach, wraps, supplements that stimulate metabolism and burn fat. In this article we will cover all possible ways losing weight and suggest a few useful tips, recipes and exercises, how to make the waist thin, the belly flat, and the figure graceful and fit.

With the regular implementation of the entire range of measures to form a thin waist, the results become visible in a week

Thin waist, how to achieve - effective methods

The main tasks that need to be completed by those wishing to achieve a flat abdomen and thin waist:

  • lose weight;
  • break down fat deposits in problem areas of the body, get rid of cellulite;
  • tighten muscles, thereby modeling beautiful body lines.

A few basic rules will help with this on how to make the waist thin and the figure fit:

  • proper nutrition and diet;
  • physical activity - special exercises for a thin waist, fitness equipment and yoga;
  • cocktails, supplements, teas, drugs stimulating metabolic processes in the body, cleansing, metabolism and fat burning;
  • cosmetic procedures - massages, body wraps, baths with additives, steam room, enemas.

In especially difficult situations, one cannot do without radical measures - medical intervention: liposuction, mesotherapy, removal of ribs.

Charging in pictures for a slim waist

Effective exercises for a thin waist

According to an established legend, the most famous exercise for a thin waist and a flat stomach was invented by A. Schwarzenegger, called "vacuum". Simple, but very effective, the essence is that while inhaling, we slowly draw in the stomach and, as if trying to reach the spine with the navel, while exhaling, we release, but we do not weaken the abdominal muscles. Exercise can be done anywhere and anytime, even while dusting the nose. To get a visible result in a short time, it is recommended to perform up to 50 approaches a day, 5-10 times. To enhance the effect, you can draw in / release your stomach while standing on all fours or sitting on a chair, your back is straight.

Exercises for a thin waist, in the photo, Mr.Perfect performs a vacuum exercise

Exercises for a thin waist at home

Performing a daily simple set of 6 exercises, you will notice the first results of the workout in a week, perform it quickly, with rhythmic music:

  • We place our legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, hands on the back of the head, we spread our elbows as much as possible. As we inhale, we bend forward and try to reach with our left elbow to the right knee, as we exhale, we unbend, and repeat - with our right elbow to the left knee. We do 10 repetitions, every day we add the number of inclinations, at the end of the week we do at least 30 times.
  • The position of the legs is shoulder-width apart, the back is straight, we cling to the palms at chest level, we begin energetic turns - 2 to the left, 2 to the right, the feet cannot be taken off the floor, we make 20 turns in one direction and the same amount in the other.
  • We bend forward, do not bend our legs, with our left hand touch the toes of our right foot, with our right hand up, and vice versa. We try to turn the body as much as possible towards the inclination, bend 25 times in each direction.
  • We lie on our backs, bend our arms, rest our palms on the floor. Raise the leg, bend at the knee and try to reach the floor from the opposite side, then with the other leg, perform 30 times, alternating legs.
  • You need a chair or sofa, stand sideways, throw your leg. We make a bend, try to reach the toes, straighten and bend in the other direction, trying to touch the field with our hands, perform the exercise 15 times, then throw the other leg and repeat the bends.
  • In order to get a thin waist, you need to work out your abdominal muscles. We lie down on the floor, hands behind our heads, tuck our legs under the sofa. We begin to lift the body forward, do 20-40 twists.

Helpful hint: You can continue your home workout on the health disc and spin the hoop for 10 minutes.

Modern hula hoop with massage pimples and magnets will speed up the process of forming a thin waist

Yoga for a flat stomach and a thin waist will help to significantly correct the figure; the video shows a lesson on how to perform the exercises correctly.

The next video presents other effective exercises for a thin waist, video instructions will help you diversify your home exercise complex.

Exercises for a thin waist in the gym

For maximum results in modeling a thin waist, classes in the gym should be added to home workouts. Here the instructor will select the necessary set of exercises, based on the characteristics of your complexion, physical fitness and health.

  • elliptical trainers;
  • cycling - stationary bike with adjustable loads;
  • roman chair - hyperextension.
  • special fitness programs "Flat stomach" are relevant for women.

To achieve a thin waist in the gym, the following types of loads should be excluded:

  • classic squats with a weight or belt;
  • lateral hyperextension;
  • side bends with dumbbells in hands.

The set of workouts for a flat stomach and a thin waist in the gym should be selected individually

Nutrition and diet for a thin waist, special preparations

The basic rule of thumb for losing weight is to expend more calories than you consume. Therefore, an important part of the complex, how to make a thin waist at home, is proper nutrition and stimulation of the body to break down fat cells. And if the average person consumes 2000 calories, then for a thin waist and a flat stomach, this amount should be reduced to 1000-1500 calories.

Tip: 60% of the calories from the diet should be consumed before 4 pm, the remaining 40 - up to 20 hours.

All diets for a thin waist are built on the same principle: we exclude fatty and starchy foods, we remove foods containing carbohydrates, glucose from the diet, we build a diet on protein, fiber and fat burning products.

Table useful products for thin waist

Where to look for protein: turkey, chicken breast, veal, beans, cod, pollock, tuna, low-fat salmon, squid, shrimp, low-fat dairy products.

Sources of fiber: bran, soybeans, whole grain bread, brown rice, lentils, almost all greens, white cabbage, broccoli, apples, grapefruit.

Top products that burn fat, improve metabolic processes and cleanse the body: ginger, cinnamon, white cabbage, cucumbers, raspberries, green tea, apples, pears, fresh pineapple, red hot pepper.

In the morning, a diet for a flat stomach and a thin waist should begin with a glass of clean water, it is better to brew ½ tsp. cinnamon with boiling water, wait until it cools down and stir tsp. honey, for greater effect, cinnamon can be mixed with ½ tsp. grated ginger.

After 20-30 minutes, it is useful to have breakfast with oatmeal in diluted milk or water with berries. To diversify the menu, you can alternate, and in the morning of another day eat 2 boiled eggs with a fresh tomato or cucumber. At the end of breakfast - green tea.

Oatmeal will energize the whole day

Important: All products for a thin waist should be steamed or boiled, for example, grilled without oil.

Stimulants for a thin waist

Over the years, the body clings to itself extra pounds, salts, toxins, slags, which are very difficult to get rid of. It is necessary to give an impetus for the body to begin to act, but before that it is necessary to be examined and receive medical recommendations.

For cleansing and improving metabolism: fat-free sour milk with cinnamon, picking buckthorn or hay, coarsely ground flaxseed flour infused with kefir, green and ginger tea, water with honey, apple cider vinegar and cinnamon. To speed up the process, you can take tea for weight loss, for example, based on hibiscus - redslim, or Ayurvedic preparation - zenslim, preparations with herbal supplements - realex, tea - swallow flight. You can buy at a pharmacy or online store. All remedies have a relaxing effect on the intestines, so they should be taken with caution so as not to harm health and do not twist a nest on the toilet.

Products that stimulate the body's metabolic process help to form a thin waist

Good to know: In stores sports nutrition you can buy drugs - fat burners, the choice is huge, the consultant will tell you the best way for you.

For wraps: the best masks for a thin waist are made on the basis of liquid honey, you can add to it:

  • cinnamon;
  • steamed ground coffee;
  • mustard;
  • red hot pepper.

The mask is applied in an even layer on problem areas and wraps around cling film... Hold for 20-30 minutes, you can do housework.

Girls with thin waists who leave their reviews about losing weight say that it is good for a graceful and beautiful figure to make masks from blue clay and seaweed.

Wraps help get rid of 20-50 mm per procedure

At home, for a thin waist, you should do a pinch massage: apply a little oil, or better anti-cellulite cream, and pinch the fat deposits with your fingers, not to bruises, but noticeably. Baths with salt or magnesia also help to quickly remove extra centimeters and become the owner of a thin waist.

Salon treatments for a thin waist: Charcot douche, hydro and manual massage, microcurrent, thalasso, mesotherapy - improve lymph flow and blood circulation, trigger liposis, promote skin elasticity and firmness.

Of course, you can walk in a corset 23 hours a day, which is also very effective for a thin waist, straightens your posture, but for most people it brings physical suffering.

Thin waist, photo before and after a set of measures

We have offered several very effective tools and procedures that will help to form a thin waist and a flat stomach, remove sides and cellulite. All activities should be performed regularly, in combination, this is the only way to achieve a visible result.

Any girl who watches her appearance dreams of a thin "aspen" waist, but it is worth some effort to achieve this. Fat in the abdomen and on the sides is deposited first of all, so you need to constantly monitor your figure.

Of course, you can use a corset, but it makes breathing much more difficult and negatively affects the general condition of the body. It is worth working hard and making every effort by taking up the sports complex, as shown in the photo of the waist exercises.

Look here for even more examples of effective workouts https://fitnessadvice.ru.

Each girl has an individual physique, which is inherited, as well as a personal hormonal background. If a person has a tendency to be overweight and obese, then achieve slim figure will be much more difficult, but it is quite real.

There are no definite boundaries and measurements for the thinness of the waist, the main thing is that it is combined with the whole figure as a whole.

To fulfill your dream and get a graceful waist and hips as a result, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • exercises for a thin waist and diet should be combined at the same time;
  • exercises should be combined in an active scheme for the whole body;
  • you need to exclude sweets, flour products and alcoholic beverages from your diet, so the result will be more noticeable;
  • the set of exercises should be aimed at burning fat, since the use of power loads will only increase the waist.

Correct exercise for the waist

It is important to know that if you just swing the press, the waist will not "go away", since the increase in muscle volume will only expand it even more. It is better to do the abs after the excess body fat is removed, or combine the exercises into a common complex.

Exercises for the abdomen have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the heart, improving their work, increasing the body's endurance and improving breathing.

It is most effective to do exercises for the abdomen and waist, acting on the oblique muscles of the press. Hula-hoop training and belly dancing will be quite effective.

Such training can be done at home on your own, but do not forget to do it regularly and efficiently. Before starting work, you need to measure your waist in order to find out your results in the future.

We must not forget that the training room must be well ventilated and food intake must be two hours before training! Also, before and after exercises, a warm-up is necessary, that is, stretching the muscles.

How to get a thin waist in seven days: is it real?

Of course, one should not drastically reduce weight, as this imposes significant stress on the body. But there are emergency situations when, for example, you urgently need to lose weight for a certain event.

The rules should be strictly followed:

  • determine fasting days in the week: on kefir products, buckwheat porridge, or apples;
  • hold on strict diet without sweet, fatty and flour products. You need to eat in 4 hours for a small portion and refuse late dinner;
  • carefully perform effective exercises to reduce the waist.

Classes should be held for at least one hour without interruption, observing the correct breathing rhythm. Here are some examples of abdominal work:

Sit on your back, keep both hands behind your head, bend both legs at the knees. Leaving the hips pressed, you need to slowly raise the body, lifting the shoulder blades from the floor. Having lingered a little, slowly descend to the starting position.

Lying on the floor, join your hands behind your head. Legs bent at the knees should be turned to one side and touched the floor. Similarly, do the exercise on the other side, the back should remain in a perfectly flat position.

Each exercise must be done at least 10 times in two approaches; over time, the amount should be gradually increased. After class, it is best to shower and drink freshly brewed herbal tea.

Anti-cellulite body wrap, massage procedures and a special cream significantly help to reduce waist volume.

A set of the most effective exercises for a thin waist

For the most effective set of exercises for the waist, it is recommended to train at least 4 times a week, so the fat does not have time to be deposited again and the muscles are constantly kept in good shape.

To begin with, it is enough to repeat the exercises in two approaches each with rest breaks of one minute. Gradually, the number of repetitions should be increased up to four times, and the rest should be reduced by half.

  • Stand on the rug with your toes and palms on the floor. Keep your back straight, and place your arms shoulder-width apart. Alternately rearrange the right arm and leg forward, and then also the left limbs. Repeat in the opposite direction.
  • Lying on the floor, bend your knees. Put your palms on the temples, raise the shoulder blades, pulling the body forward to the knees.
  • Initial position: lying down, back firmly pressed to the floor, put your hands behind your head. Having lifted the shoulders off the floor, simultaneously with straight legs, hold for several seconds at a right angle. Then lower yourself parallel to the floor.
  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent, arms straight behind your back. We tilt the body back, stretching the left leg forward. Returning to the starting position, repeat the process with the right leg.
  • We lie down on our left side, stretch our left hand forward in front of us, and put our right hand behind our head. We lean on the left limb, raise the body simultaneously with the right leg. Next, repeat the exercise on the other side in the same way.

There are many such complexes, but the best exercises for the waist are shown above.

The main thing is to correctly and safely perform, adhere to the maximum healthy eating them and keep to a regular schedule! And the result will not be long in coming!

Photo of exercises for a thin waist

The waist size does not always correspond to the weight and type of figure. Surely you know a lot of girls who can be called slender due to the narrow volume of the hips and the presence of a flat abdomen, only their waist is barely visible, or even absent. In their case, it makes no sense to keep a diet - from restrictions in nutrition, the waist will already be a couple of centimeters, but with it the volume of the hips will also decrease, that is, the girl will lose weight, but the waist from this will remain in the same ratio with the other parameters. Much more use will bring sports exercises for the waist that you can do at home, but before you start exercising, it is important to find out what kind of waist size is the norm in your case.

Waist size

It is believed that the volume of the waist should be in a certain ratio with the volume of the chest and hips, as in the well-known model standard 90-60-90. Many girls, striving for such parameters, do not take into account their height, and this is also very important. In addition, there is also the width of the bones, which you will not be able to influence, even if you limit yourself in nutrition and do not leave the gym. Nevertheless, you can calculate the waist volume corresponding to your figure - this figure corresponds to 70% of the volume of the chest and hips, that is, if the upper and lower parameters are 100 cm, which is normal for a height of 170-175 cm, then the waist volume should be about 70 cm, but not 60. Now that you know what exactly you are striving for, you can start doing exercises for a thin waist.

Common mistakes

Wanting to find an effective exercise for the waist, many women trust methods that are not appropriate for their case:

  • Side to Side Dumbbell Exercises ... This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and is suitable for those who wish, but it may not reflect in the best way on the waist volume, and make it even wider;
  • Twisting a heavy hoop ... With the help of regular exercises for the waist with a hoop, you can achieve some success, but the abdominal muscles "get used" to the constant blows of the hoop, you will have to make it heavier, but this is fraught with internal injuries. For most girls who decide to give up this exercise after long workouts, the waist increases very quickly, and, as a rule, becomes even wider than the original;
  • Shoulder pivots. When you rotate with a barbell or dumbbells, you put a lot of stress on your spine. This exercise helps build the upper press, but is completely unsuitable for the waist.

Effective waist exercises

Exercises to reduce the volume of the waist must be performed daily - they do not belong to strong physical exertion and do not take much time.

Exercises on the floor

Execution technique:

  • Twisting (fig. 1)... Take a prone position, bend your knees as shown in the first photo, and while lifting your torso, perform a twist, touching your elbow to the opposite knee. With each climb, alternate the sides of the slope;
  • Oblique bridge (fig. 2)... To perform this exercise for the waist, you need to lie on the floor, but not on your back, but on the side, focusing on the arm standing on the elbow, as shown in the photo. Raise your pelvis off the floor so that your body is in a level position, then lower and raise again. Speed \u200b\u200bis important in this exercise. The duration of one workout is several minutes and depends on your patience;
  • Raising legs (fig. 3)... Get into a supine position and straighten your legs. First raise your right leg without bending, freeze in this position for 4-5 seconds, and without lowering your right leg, raise your left, freezing for another 5 seconds. Lower your legs at the same time, then repeat the exercise, but starting with the left leg.

Standing exercises

Execution technique:

  • Arm bends (fig. 1). Feet should be shoulder-width apart, like the girl in the photo, parallel to each other. Leaning forward, extend each arm as far as possible in turn, so that the second arm is extended and creates a straight line with the first. With each tilt, the body must be turned towards the hand;
  • Bends with clasped hands (fig. 2)... With your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms above your head and lock them in a lock. Bend slowly from side to side, then bend back. During the exercise, the hands are not disengaged, the back is kept straight;
  • Chair exercises (fig. 3)... Stand sideways to the back of a chair and grasp it with your hands. Raise each leg in turn, then take it to the side and back. After a few exercises, turn the other side to the chair.

Video: Waist Exercises

In this video, a girl shows effective exercises for the waist and sides by a personal example.

Many girls find gymnastics boring and boring. Many people think that you can do without training.

But in fact, exercise for the waist has great importance, because just sitting on a diet, you will not be able to get rid of excess volume. What exercises are recommended to be regularly performed for harmony?

Perfect waist

There is no universal method to determine if the waist is normal or not. Different methods give different meanings. Many women who do not have extra pounds and adhere to proper nutrition do not have a wasp waist. It is necessary to figure out which circle should actually be.

You need to take an ordinary measuring tape and measure the circumference of your own waist. If it exceeds 75 cm, then exercise is necessary. This diagnostic method does not depend on growth. If there is an excess of this parameter, then urgent action is needed.

Body proportions depend on body type and heredity. Ideal option the figures are considered hourglass. Usually such women are worried about voluminous hips or buttocks. But against the background of this figure, a thin waist looks very attractive. Women with a pear type with a circle were even less fortunate.

In the first type of women, the waist is thin, and fat is deposited on the bottom and hips. In women of the "apple" type, the fatty layer is located in the abdomen, it is more difficult for this type of girls to deal with excess weight on the stomach. The secret of a flat tummy and a narrow, slender waist of 60 cm is very simple: to be thin, you need to eat right. Then you will be able to acquire the figure of your dreams in a short time.

Exercise rules

To have a good weight, you need to fit into a household schedule and exercise every day... They will bring the same good results as training in a special center on an expensive simulator under the supervision of an instructor. For training at home, desire, a little space and a spectacular set of workouts are useful. Ideally, you need to purchase gymnastic mat and hoop, but this is not the main condition, you can completely do without these items.

Training time

It is necessary to practice at a time of day when comfortable. Perfectly in the morning you need to do gymnastics and some stretching exercises... Thus, the body will wake up faster and the muscles will tone up. AND full classes must be carried out in the eveningwhen the body is most prepared for stress. Execution rules:

Effective set of training

Excess weight on a woman's belly appears most often. It is very difficult to get rid of it. This part of the body is the last to lose weight, so some effort is needed to bring your weight back to normal. Exercises for a thin waist at home are easy to perform, the main thing is to practice constantly.

8 exercises for a perfect waist

How to do:

The following workout for a thin waist:

  1. The starting position is lying down. The arms are extended along the torso, and the legs are bent at the knees. It is necessary to smoothly pull the bent legs to the chest and lower them back. It is important that the lower back is pressed to the floor during the exercise. If this fails, then you need to put a rolled towel under it.
  2. The exercise must be performed at least 25 times. The starting position remains always the same, but you need to raise and lower your legs in turn. For each leg, it is necessary to do a complex 12 times.

Wasp Waist Workout:

Exercises for the abdomen and waist:

  1. It is necessary to take a lying position, arms are located along the body, legs are straightened vertically at a right angle.
  2. The right hand must be lowered behind the head. Then, sliding your left hand on the mat, pull it down, and your right hand must be pulled up. In this case, the girl should feel that the right side of the body is well stretched, and the left side is contracting.
  3. In this position, you need to count to 10, then repeat this exercise with the other side. The exercise is performed at least 15 times. If it is difficult to keep the legs upright, then they must be pressed with the knee on the chest.

Four effective exercises to lose belly fat:

How to make a wasp waist at home - this question worries many girls. To achieve the perfect figure, you need to do the exercises at home.

Seven Exercises Against Hard Places

Three exercises for the wasp waist

This workout is not difficult at all, but it will help you achieve a wasp waist. The exercises are as follows:

  1. Up down. It is necessary to sit on the sofa with your legs so that the back remains small space... Both legs need to be bent at the knees and arms extended forward, while the back needs to be slightly rounded. It is necessary to begin to gently deviate back, when the back touches the surface, you must immediately return to its original position. If you can't sit down smoothly, then you need to stretch your legs. If this does not help, then you need to lean on your hands a little.
  2. Lifting the body from a prone position. You need to lie on the sofa with your stomach so that your hips are on the sofa, and your body hangs over the floor, that is, it seems to "hang" in the air. You need to ask someone to hold your legs so that they do not rise during training. It is best to keep them in the knee area. Hands should be crossed over the chest or behind the head. The shoulder blades need to be brought together, and the shoulders should be expanded. The back should not be round. The torso needs to be lowered down, and the chest to the floor. Now you need to raise your torso to the highest point, while you need to stretch your chin up. At the same time, the back and buttocks are tense. This workout is performed 4 sets of 6 times.
  3. Seated leg raises. You need to sit on the edge of the sofa. Lower your legs to the floor, but at the same time spread them as wide as possible. Put your hands on the edge of the seat, bend your leg at the knees and pull it to the edge. It is necessary to turn the body to the side with bent leg, while you will need to bend slightly towards the upper half of the abdominal press. You need to return to the original position, and perform the same exercise, but in the opposite direction. In total, you need to do 5 approaches, 12 bends on each leg.
