During various construction and repair work in the premises, it is often necessary to clean up construction debris. It is not recommended to use a conventional vacuum cleaner for this purpose, since there is a high probability of failure of the filter, or even the entire vacuum cleaner. For this purpose, a construction vacuum cleaner is used, which is designed specifically for such work.

Consider what a construction (industrial) vacuum cleaner is and its main differences from a household one.

The power of a construction vacuum cleaner is several times greater than that of a household one and can reach 4 kW. Thanks to this, it is easy to remove construction debris, both small and large. With it, you can easily remove cement dust, plaster fragments, various fragments and sand, etc. industrial vacuum cleaner mostly made of metal.

The vacuum cleaner has a reinforced filtration system. The motor of such a vacuum cleaner is able to work for a long time and withstand heavy loads, thanks to a special cooling system. The volume of the dust collector of a construction vacuum cleaner is much larger than a conventional vacuum cleaner. All construction vacuum cleaners have a power outlet.

Such a vacuum cleaner is more expensive than usual, so many craftsmen try to make a construction vacuum cleaner with their own hands, remaking a household vacuum cleaner, and often encounter certain difficulties.

This article contains the most successful technical solutions how to convert a household vacuum cleaner into a construction vacuum cleaner. If you have a medium power vacuum cleaner at home, then if you wish, you can turn it into a construction one. Or you can buy an inexpensive vacuum cleaner and upgrade it to an industrial one. To do this, you do not have to redo the vacuum cleaner itself, but you just need to make an external cyclone filter with your own hands. Below, two main options for manufacturing such a filter with and without a cone will be considered.

The description of homemade cyclone filters is given in this article mainly to acquaint you with the general idea and principle of operation of such devices. This means that you, having familiarized yourself with the design, are not obliged to completely repeat it, but you can make various changes to it, or use the basic idea to make a cyclone filter of a completely new design.

Working principle of cyclone filter

The principle of operation of this filter is based on the passage of polluted air through external device, in which large particles settle in its housing, then the air is cleaned of fine dust, passing through the oil filter, and enters the vacuum cleaner turbine. Thus, already cleaned air from dust and debris enters the vacuum cleaner itself.

Cyclone filter option 1 (without cone)

To make a cyclone filter with your own hands, you will need the following parts and materials:

  • Oil filter. It filters fine dust.
  • Bucket with tight-fitting lid 20 l.
  • Polypropylene elbows designed for water supply systems, and having an angle of 90 and 45 degrees and a diameter of 40 mm - 1 piece.
  • Plumbing pipe, plastic - 1 meter, diameter 40 mm.
  • A piece of corrugated pipe 2 meters long and 40 mm in diameter. It will be required to log into the device.

Manufacturing process

1. In the lid of the bucket, in the center, you need to cut a hole into which a 90-degree corner is inserted, a vacuum cleaner will be connected to it.

2. Coat the cracks with sealant.

3. Cut a hole in the side wall of the bucket and insert a 45 degree corner.

4. A piece of pipe is used to connect the corrugation to the elbow.
5. For a longer filter life, you can pull a piece of nylon tights over it.

6. The filter outlet must be connected to the elbow in the bucket lid.

It is possible that the filter cannot be put on the outlet pipe. For this purpose, you need to come up with some kind of adapter. A piece of corrugation for a plumbing siphon, or a rubber hose of a certain diameter, may be suitable. It is advisable to lubricate all joints with sealant. An oil filter can be purchased at an auto parts store.

It must be borne in mind that when closing the inlet, the bucket may crack. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the walls of the bucket, in some way, or provide something like a valve. The main thing is not to rush in this matter, measure all the connections, and then you will succeed.

The above is just one of the options. There are many such structures. Instead of a bucket, plastic barrels are used, there are structures where a fan pipe plays the role of a bucket. Many craftsmen make their own containers from tin or thin iron.

Some inventors design a cyclone filter using a cone. This design often uses a traffic cone.

Option 2 (using a traffic cone)

You will need the following parts and materials:

  • Road cone (can be purchased at a car dealer).
  • Two meter rods 8 mm.
  • Washers, nuts and lock washers 8 mm.
  • Corrugated tubes with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of about 2 meters - two pieces.

Manufacturing process

  1. At the cone, saw off the stand at the very base. The cone is inserted into the bucket from above upside down. A tube is inserted inside the bucket. The space between the cone and the tube should be filled with construction foam.
  2. Cut out a square from 20 mm thick plywood, so that the base of the cone fits into it and there is still some space left. 4 holes with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled at the corners of the square. A hole is cut in the center for the tube, a corrugated hose will be put on it, connecting the device to the vacuum cleaner.
  3. The lid for the bucket is sawn from plywood and should fit snugly against the bucket. Glue a rubber gasket around its edges.
  4. A hole is cut in the lid with a diameter for the narrow end of the cone.
  5. After the cone is inserted into the plywood cover, the junction is covered with foam. The cone must be placed upside down on the bucket, and fastened with four threaded rods, having a length of 50 cm and a diameter of 8 mm, they hold a plywood square with a cone screwed to it.
  6. Not far from the base of the cone, in its wide part, a hole is drilled for the tube, for connection with a corrugated hose. Various construction debris will be sucked through it.

The fine filter in this version of the cyclone is not used, so fine dust can enter the vacuum cleaner turbine. When designing such devices, vacuum cleaners with a bag are mainly used. Therefore, fine dust, in case of penetration, settles in the bag.

Options for homemade construction vacuum cleaners with an additional cyclone filter allows craftsmen to experience various options, without fear of spoiling the vacuum cleaner itself, since most of the debris traps the filter.

When making a cyclone filter with your own hands, do not be afraid to experiment, and in the end you will definitely achieve the desired result.

Very often when installation work with an electrician, it is impossible to do without a vacuum cleaner. First of all, this is due to the processes of wall chasing.

You can’t use home-made household models for this business, otherwise you will ruin them on the very first day of work. Their dust containers will fill up very quickly, and the vacuum cleaner itself will overheat.

Only professional craftsmen who daily earn this type of activity can afford to buy a building one, which costs quite a lot of money.

But what if you are not a builder and you need such a device only to complete the repair of electricians in your apartment? In this case, there is only one optimal way out - to independently make a construction vacuum cleaner from an ordinary one.

Moreover, in time for such an alteration, it will take you only a few minutes. And the materials that are required for this can be easily found in the pantry, or purchased in addition at the nearest plumbing store.

Let's take a closer look at two very similar methods, which nevertheless have constructive differences between them.

Homemade cyclone from a household vacuum cleaner

The first method has been presented on the Internet and on YouTube for quite some time. You can easily find many videos with similar homemade cyclones.

However, they cause quite legitimate questions and skepticism among professional builders. Therefore, you should immediately make a reservation that they are mostly suitable for cleaning wood chips.

But it is better not to work with cement dust with such devices. Under it, the second option is more “imprisoned”.

The main "trick" that will allow you to calmly suck in kilograms of garbage, wood, metal filings and at the same time not worry about the frequent change of filter bags, is a home-made "separator".

It will then need to be constructed from several components. For the entire assembly you will need:

A bucket of Shitrok putty is best here. It is harder to flatten it with a vacuum.

First of all, drill or carefully cut a through hole for the tube in the center of the bucket lid.

Mark the second hole closer to the edges of the cover, where the stiffener is.

If you don't have special crown, then first pierce the intended circle with an awl and carefully cut it with a clerical knife.

The edges will be uneven, but they can be processed with a round file.

Two sewer outlets are inserted into these holes. So that they hold securely and there is no additional air leakage, it is better to glue them.

To do this, first sand the edges of the tube with sandpaper or a file to create a rough surface.

Do the same operation with the lid.

After that, insert the tube inside the cover and apply a thick layer of glue with a thermal gun.

Don't feel sorry for Clay. This will help create good tightness in these places and tightly close all the cracks.

There is really another option in which you can do without glue at all and fan pipes. To do this, purchase rubber adapters from Leroy Merlin.

They come in different diameters. Choose according to your hose size.

For example, a tube from a 35mm hose is tightly inserted into a 40/32 coupling. But in a 40mm pipe it will hang out. We'll have to wind up something and collective farm.

On the tube that is located on the edge of the cover, put on a sewer outlet at 90 degrees.

On this, the design of the separator can be said to be almost ready. Install the lid with taps on the bucket.

The air intake hose from the vacuum cleaner is inserted into the central hole.

And the piece with which you will collect all the garbage and dust is stuck into the corner joint.

It is desirable that o-rings be present in the tubes according to the size of the corrugated hoses of the vacuum cleaner.

This completes the entire assembly. You can plug the vacuum cleaner into the network and use it.

Here is a visual video from the inside of a bucket of a similar design. It clearly shows how sawdust is sucked into the separator, but cannot escape from it and get into the vacuum cleaner.

The principle of operation here is the following. Coarse dust sucked into the container falls to the bottom of the container. At the same time, it does not fall into the zone where the air is pumped out directly.

Three factors help in this matter:

  • gravity
  • friction
  • centrifugal force

They then make the garbage rotate inside the bucket, clinging to its walls, and then fall to the bottom. And only the fine fraction goes directly into the dust collector of the vacuum cleaner.

Typically, such a cyclone on factory designs has the shape of a cone, but cylindrical specimens also often do a good job with this task.

True, the higher the bucket, the better the installation will work. Much here depends on the correct pairing of the design of the container and the power of the vacuum cleaner. Here is a sign from Chinese cyclones correct selection diameter of hoses and power of units.

In cylindrical buckets, the tangential air flow enters not through a curved side wall, but through a flat lid. It is much easier to assemble such a device.

Also, if you have several buckets, you can use them one by one. Just take the cover off one and put it on the other. And this is even easier to do than in bulky cyclones.

If you have a powerful vacuum cleaner, instead of a plastic emulsion paint bucket, it is better to use a metal tank of the same shape. Otherwise, the bucket will collapse and flatten it.

The power regulator comes to the rescue in this case. If it is of course present in your model.

Why does the vacuum cleaner still fail?

With this method, all fine dust will enter the vacuum cleaner bag, and more or less large fractions will simply settle and remain in the bucket. As homemade assure, more than 95% of construction waste settles in the separator and only 5% goes directly into the dust collector of a household vacuum cleaner.

However, the thing is that even these 5% can gradually kill the vacuum cleaner. In addition, even for industrial cyclones, the declared efficiency is rarely more than 90%, and what about do-it-yourself products in which aerodynamics are far from perfect.

For 100% collection of fines, an electrostatic precipitator or bubble column is needed.

By the way, from some types of dust, there is a very strong static voltage. Be careful while working.

The longer you work with the unit without disconnecting it from the network, the higher the charge can be. Here, read the instructive commentary of one real user of such a homemade product.

Therefore, on many cyclones, even factory assembled, the flange is grounded.

Five percent of small wood shavings is certainly not terrible for a household vacuum cleaner. And if it will be fine cement dust during gating?

Such particles, when they get inside, tightly clog the filter.

And it happens very quickly. The entire efficiency of the "cyclone" drops by at least 2/3 within a matter of minutes.

The main problem is in the dust bag. It is dense, and the filtration area is small. Therefore, it is not suitable for waste from plaster and concrete walls.

What to do? Is it really impossible to do without a real construction device? With intensive work, only an expensive and professional tool really saves.

What is the difference between a construction vacuum cleaner and a conventional vacuum cleaner

But for occasional work, this design can be slightly modified and improved. Idea belongs Shayter Andrey.

Before we consider the second design option, ask yourself the question: "What is one of the main differences between household and construction vacuum cleaners?"

In domestic models, cooling occurs due to the intake air.

That is, you vacuum the floor, the air sucks in the garbage. Next, it is filtered and the engine itself is cooled. Then the air is expelled outside.

This is where the risk of engine damage comes from. Firstly, when the filter is clogged, the cooling of the engine drops sharply.

Secondly, cement dust is not 100% retained in the dust collector, and part of it flies through the windings, along the way removing varnish insulation like emery. Such dispersed dust kills everything rubbing and spinning.

Adding water to the bottom of the tank doesn't help much. Instead of dust, you will get a lot of dirt, the weight of a bucket, and the filters will still end up clogged.

In professional devices, the engine is cooled separately, through special technological holes. Therefore, they are not so afraid of bags completely clogged with garbage.

Moreover, they also have automatic cleaning or shaking.

In order to change the mind household model, you will need a little more spare parts than in the first case.

A working version of a construction vacuum cleaner from a household

The main additional element here is the non-woven filter bag. Copies from the company Karcher fit very well - article 2.863-006.0

Actually, this filter is disposable. Your task is to make a reusable element out of it.

To do this, cut its lower part and fold it a little, slightly reducing the width (up to 22 cm).

Next, this lower part must be closed with a special lid. You make it from two elements of a plastic cable channel and a piece of polypropylene pipe.

Cut the tube lengthwise, with a slot width of about 5 mm.

Attach them with the back side to the fabric at the bottom.

Then thread the prepared tube through the slot.

As a result, from a disposable you have a reusable filter bag. And much bigger size than the one installed inside the household model.

Next, you do the previously discussed steps to upgrade the bucket. Drill holes in the lid and insert rubber corrugated adapters into them.

One will be for connecting the filter bag, the other for the hose. Choose the sizes according to the diameters of your devices.

Here you can do without fan pipes and corners. Next, put on the plastic insert from the reusable filter onto the adapter.

It remains to tightly close the lid on the bucket. The structure is ready to go.

Although it is similar, it differs from the first option above. After you turn on the unit and start sucking in the garbage, it is the home-made reusable dust collector that will collect all the muck and dirt in itself.

Dust will not fly around like in the previous case. On the contrary, this bag will inflate inside the bucket from the air flow.

Gradually, it will be filled with both heavy and fine fractions, which could be missed by the cyclone.

However, do not forget about clogging the walls of the reusable filter and reducing the draft of the cooling air flow. In order not to burn the engine of a household vacuum cleaner, one more measure must be taken.

How not to burn a household vacuum cleaner

Most modern models there is a built-in safety valve. It indicates when the filters are already clogged and at this moment additional air flow opens.

Indeed, this is considered an emergency. Your task is not to wait until this valve is triggered, but to use a slightly different trick.

Some devices have a draft regulator directly on the handle in the form of a hole that opens or closes. It just the same and should be slightly opened for any type of work.

If you do not have such a factory regulator, you can drill a small additional hole with a diameter of 12mm in the bucket lid itself.

And most importantly, do not forget that any household vacuum cleaner, no matter how you upgrade it, has a certain period of continuous operation. Be sure to record the start time and do not work longer than the prescribed period.

I mean, just take breaks. At least to shake homemade filter. And he just shakes himself with a bucket.

When the dust container is substantially full, open the lid of the bucket and with a slight movement pull the tube out of the guides at the bottom of the bag.

It will open up and the debris with dust can be removed. After that, collect the entire structure back and work on.

The normal functioning of the bag is enough for about three full fillings. After that, cement dust in the fabric itself begins to strongly slow down the air flow.

You will either have to replace the filter with a new one, or not just shake it, but thoroughly clean it of any fine debris and continue working as if nothing had happened.

It will not be difficult to make a cyclone for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands if you have experience working with tools. The installation, called a cyclone, plays the role of an effective air purifier from small debris and dust. Many woodworking machines are equipped with nozzles for chip removal. A homemade cyclone is connected to this pipe.

People who were on the territory of industrial enterprises paid attention to the conical structures, turned with their top down. These are industrial cyclones designed to purify polluted air. The problem of creating a cyclone filter with their own hands worries the owners of home workshops.

The work of the cyclone is as follows:

  1. The clogged air flow through the hose comes from the nozzle of the machine into a separate chamber;
  2. Air enters the tank through a side pipe installed at the top of the cyclone body;
  3. At the top of the body, a flexible hose is connected to a vertical air duct, docked with a vacuum cleaner;
  4. The vacuum cleaner provides draft to an air stream in the device;
  5. A vortex flow is created in the chamber, moving spirally along the walls of the chamber - from top to bottom;
  6. Solid particles fall down into the opening of the chamber and then fall into the garbage collector;
  7. The purified air rushes up, passing through the filter, enters the vacuum cleaner hose;
  8. At the end of the work, accumulated debris (chips and dust) is removed from the drive.

You can purchase a finished product for cleaning air from pollution (sawdust, dust and debris), but the simplicity of the device attracts many minds to making a cyclone with your own hands. The variety of auxiliary material, as well as the availability of universal tools, allows you to create cyclones of various models.

Do-it-yourself filter does not take much time and saves cash. Let's imagine several options for making cyclone filters with your own hands.

Cyclone from plastic buckets

As the body of the device, you can use 10 liter plastic buckets from under water-based paint. Prepare the following tools and materials.


  • construction knife;
  • marker or pencil;
  • compass;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • awl;
  • glue gun.


  • two plastic 10 liter buckets;
  • plumbing PVC pipe and angle ø 32 mm;
  • car air filter;
  • glue stick;
  • construction plywood;
  • roofing iron;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • vacuum cleaner hoses;
  • wood glue;
  • sealant.

Cyclone assembly step by step instructions

  1. Remove lids from buckets. One of them is cut in half in height.
  2. The pipe section is enclosed in a plywood box structure.
  3. Plywood boards are glued with wood glue so that the pipe fits snugly inside the box.
  4. The space between the pipe and plywood is filled with sealant.
  5. A template is made of cardboard or thick paper, which repeats the bend of the side surface of the bucket in its upper part (70 - 100 mm from the container lid).
  6. Having attached the template to the box, a bend line is applied with a pencil or marker.
  7. With an electric jigsaw, cut the box along with the pipe, following the intended line.
  8. The structure is leaned against a bucket.
  9. From the inside of the container, outline the contours of the nozzle opening with a pencil. Do this in such a way that the pipe enters the hole at an angle downwards (20 - 300 from the horizontal)
  10. Cut out a hole with a knife.
  11. Along the perimeter of the leaning plywood, holes are pierced from the inside of the container with an awl.
  12. With the help of a screwdriver, with self-tapping screws, a plywood framing of the pipe is attached to the bucket through the holes.
  13. After checking the reliability of the fastening of the box, the perimeter of contact is sealed from the outside with a glue gun.
  14. A circle is cut out of roofing iron, with a diameter equal to the inner circumference of the bucket - at a height of 70 mm from the bottom. Marking is done with a compass.
  15. The tin circle is cut in half from the center to the edge.
  16. The outer edges of the incision are bred at an angle of 300.
  17. The curly insert is installed in a bucket by surprise.
  18. A screw-shaped tin insert will swirl sawdust, chips and dust, which will quickly be sent to the drive (1/2 of the second bucket).
  19. At the top bucket cut off the bottom.
  20. The cyclone chamber is tightly inserted into the drive.
  21. A hole ø 32 mm is cut out in the lid of the upper bucket. This can be done with an appropriate reamer or knife.
  22. A pipe, 300 mm long, is lowered into the hole so that a branch pipe 70 mm high remains outside.
  23. The junction is treated with a glue gun.
  24. The side branch pipe is connected with a hose to the nozzle of a woodworking machine or a garbage collector.
  25. The protruding pipe from the bucket lid is connected to the vacuum cleaner hose.
  26. In order for completely purified air to enter the vacuum cleaner, a cylindrical air filter is put on the lower end of the pipe.
  27. A patch is cut out of tin along the outer diameter of the filter. A piglet (plug) is cut out with three tongues.
  28. Three strips of tin are attached to the tongues of the plug with screws or rivets, the upper ends of which are bent.
  29. The limbs are attached to the back surface of the bucket lid with screws.
  30. The connection of the plug and the lower opening of the filter is sealed with a glue gun.

The cyclone filter is ready for operation. As needed, the upper part of the cyclone is removed from the drive and its debris is released. The filter is periodically cleaned with a toothbrush, driving the bristles into the folds of the corrugations.

You can not make a box-shaped frame of the side pipe, and cut and bend its outer edges. Then fasten the bent sides to the edges of the bucket opening with screws or rivets. But such a connection will be less reliable than the above mount.

Cyclone with figured insert

Take two plastic buckets - 5 and 10 liters. The cyclone is assembled as follows:

  1. At a 5 liter bucket, cut off the upper side with a knife.
  2. The container is turned over and placed on a sheet of plywood. Circle the bucket with a pencil.
  3. Another circle is marked with a compass, with a radius of 30 mm more.
  4. Inside the ring, two holes are cut with a crown and the contour of the curly insert is applied.
  5. The jigsaw blade is inserted alternately into these holes and a curly insert and a fixing ring are cut out. The insert is an unfinished circle with an extended base (100 mm).
  6. The ring is applied to the back of the lid of a large bucket and a circle is made with a pencil.
  7. Cut out the center of the lid with a knife.
  8. A drill drills holes at the top of a small container.
  9. The fixing ring is put on the bucket. With a screwdriver, screws are screwed through the holes of the bucket into the ring.
  10. A circle of a lid from a 10 liter bucket is placed on the fixing belt with the side up.
  11. The circle from the cover is fixed with screws to the fixing ring.
  12. In the body of the cyclone, 2 holes ø 40 mm are made with a crown - on the side and on top.
  13. A square is cut out of plywood, in which an opening of the same diameter is made with a crown. The frame is placed on the cover of the cyclone body, aligning the holes. The frame is fixed with screws from the inside of the cover.
  14. I install the curly insert just below the fixing ring. From the outside of the container, self-tapping screws are screwed into the body of the insert.
  15. Inserted into the frame pvc pipe, which does not reach the curly insert by 40 mm with its lower end. At the top, the pipe should protrude 40 mm above the surface of the cover.
  16. The side opening of the cyclone body is expanded in the form of a horizontal drop.
  17. A corner PVC pipe is glued into the opening with hot glue.
  18. I put the body of the chip blower on a large bucket (accumulator), snapping the lid.
  19. A vacuum cleaner hose is inserted into the upper outlet. The side branch pipe is connected by a hose to a waste-collecting nozzle.
  20. All seams of the joints are sealed with a glue gun or a syringe with sealant. The device is ready to work.

Many may have a question - why do we need a curly insert? The insert forms the correct direction of the air flow inside the cyclone. At the same time, the horizontal platform beats the air pressure upwards and allows sawdust and other debris to gradually settle in the drive.

Chip pump from the sewer riser

To make a chip blower from plastic sewer fittings, you will need the following tools and materials.


  • corner machine;
  • drill;
  • glue gun;
  • riveter;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction knife.


  • PVC Sewer pipe ø 100 mm;
  • PVC pipe ø 40 mm;
  • hose;
  • rivets;
  • glue stick;
  • fixing rings - clamps;
  • two 2-liter bottles;
  • 5 liter eggplant.

Chip blower assembly step by step instructions

  1. A neck is cut off from the sewer riser, leaving a segment 1 m long.
  2. A plastic bottle is cut, leaving a part of the cylinder with a cone, neck and stopper.
  3. Holes are drilled in both plugs. The plugs are glued with a gun and tightened with a clamp.
  4. The cut bottle is inserted into the bottom hole of the riser. The connection is sealed with hot glue and tightened with a clamp.
  5. On the side of the PVC pipes cut a hole ø 40 mm. A pipe is inserted into it, 70 mm long. The joints are sealed.
  6. 3 circles ø 100 mm are cut out of tin with an electric jigsaw.
  7. A hole ø 40 mm is cut in the center of each circle.
  8. The resulting disks are cut in half.
  9. The halves are connected in series with each other with rivets, getting an auger.
  10. A PVC pipe ø 40 mm is threaded inside the spiral. The pipe is connected to the auger with hot glue.
  11. The entire structure is pulled into the riser in such a way that the upper part of the pipe protrudes 100 mm above the riser opening. In this case, the auger must remain inside the cyclone body.
  12. At a 5 liter eggplant, the neck and bottom are cut off so that the lower part of the cone is tightly dressed on the upper end of the sewer pipe. The outer diameter of the connection is glued with a gun.
  13. The upper opening of the neck is glued to the outlet of the inner pipe.
  14. A storage bottle is screwed into the bottom cork.
  15. A hose pipe is inserted into the horizontal pipe, the second end of which is connected to the nozzle of the collector of chips and sawdust of a woodworking machine (circular, milling cutter or other equipment).
  16. The vertical outlet is connected to the nozzle by the hoses of the vacuum cleaner. The chip blower is ready to work.

Garbage "flows" down the surface of the auger and enters the bottle (garbage bin). Air, freed from solids, goes up the inner tube. To clean the drive, just unscrew plastic bottle from the cork and shake out all its contents.

Road token cyclone

The original way of making a cyclone from a road chip attracts many homemade lovers. The shape of the chip is a cone made of rather thick plastic.

Proceed as follows:

  1. The bottom and top of the cone are cut off with a hacksaw or a circular saw.
  2. The chip is turned over and inserted into a suitable container, which will serve as a garbage collector.
  3. Measure the diameter of the upper opening and cut out of dense material round cap appropriate size.
  4. A hole is cut in the lid with a crown, into which a PVC pipe ø 40 mm is inserted.
  5. A drop-shaped side hole is cut out, into which a corner PVC pipe is glued.
  6. All joints are treated with a hot glue gun.
  7. The chip extractor is connected by hoses to a vacuum cleaner and a chip collection nozzle.

Upon completion of the work, the device is ready for operation.

Do-it-yourself snail for a chip blower

The power of a household vacuum cleaner for some types of processing wooden blanks is insufficient. To clean large volumes of air, they make a snail-type chip blower with their own hands. The body of the device resembles a snail shell in its shape.

Craftsmen make the body of the snail from two types of materials - metal and wood. Creating a metal case will require the application welding machine and ability to use this equipment. There is another way - making a snail from construction plywood.

To work with plywood in a home workshop, you need to have a jigsaw, drill and other woodworking tools. The most important part of the exhaust fan is the air intake wheel. It is made from lightweight materials such as wood, plastic and the like. The impeller is assembled in such a way that the blades are bent or turned with the inner edge in relation to the wheel radius line by 450.

The outlet is connected to the cyclone filter with the help of adapters and hoses. The axis of the air intake wheel is connected directly to the motor shaft or a belt drive is installed, which is preferable to coaxial docking. Firstly, the pulley on the wheel axle is easier to isolate from the side opening of the volute, which increases the performance of the device. Secondly, the removal of the electric motor contributes to its necessary cooling.

The expediency of using snails is due to large volumes of production. Engine power is selected according to the operating mode of the exhaust fan. Usually it is enough to install a motor with a power of 5 kW to 30 kW of asynchronous type. It is advisable to connect the power unit through a shaft speed control device.


The DIY cyclone filter not only ensures cleanliness in the home workshop, living room, but also protects Airways and lungs of surrounding people. The existence of various "recipes" for making a cyclone with your own hands confirms that, if desired, every fan of making homemade products can do this.

Very often after repair and construction works there is a lot of debris and dust that can only be removed with a powerful vacuum cleaner. Since a conventional home appliance is not suitable for these purposes, a filter is used for which it can also be homemade. How to make a cyclone for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands, so that the unit can effectively cope with the cleaning of construction dust?

Those whose work is constantly connected with repair, construction and carpentry, know firsthand the problem of cleaning the premises after the completion of direct work. Construction wood dust, crumbling plaster, the smallest grains of foam plastic and drywall usually settle in a dense layer on all horizontal surfaces of the room. Wiping by hand or sweeping with a broom is not always possible, because with a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, such cleaning will take a long time. Wet cleaning also often impractical: a mixture of water and thick dust is even more difficult to wipe off.

In this case optimal solutionvacuum cleaner application. The standard vacuum cleaner that we are used to using in everyday life will not work. Firstly, due to the large amount of debris, the dust collector will instantly become clogged, and you will need to clean it at least once every 15-20 minutes. Secondly, the ingress of large particles, such as splinters, sawdust or wood chips, can cause clogging or a complete malfunction of the device.

A construction vacuum cleaner has a much higher vacuum than a household one. The features of its engine ensure long-term operation, and the presence of a long hose (3-4 m or more) allows you to clean a large area.

However, industrial and construction vacuum cleaners are large, not very convenient to use, clean and move, and not affordable for everyone. Therefore, many craftsmen increase the capabilities of a household vacuum cleaner by supplying it with a special cyclone filter. Such dust collectors can be bought both in finished form, and you can assemble your own version yourself.

We make a cyclone ourselves

On the web, you can find many detailed diagrams and drawings of cyclones. Let's give an example of making a simple filter that can be assembled at home, having necessary materials, patience and a little skill. For work you will need:

  • Any oil filter for small debris (you can buy these at auto supply stores).
  • 20-25 l container with tightly screwed lid.
  • Polypropylene elbow with 45° and 90° angles.
  • The pipe is about a meter long.
  • Corrugated hose 2 meters long.
  1. Make a hole in the lid of the main container. The width of the hole is adapted to the polypropylene elbow with an angle of 90°.
  2. Seal existing gaps with sealant.
  3. On the side wall of the container, make another hole and attach a 45° angle.
  4. Connect the corrugated hose and elbow with a pipe. Tilt the outlet hose towards the bottom so that air with debris is directed along the required path.
  5. On the filter, you can put on a material made of nylon or other permeable fabric in a fine mesh. This will prevent large particles from entering the filter.
  6. Next, connect the elbow on the cover and the filter outlet.

Of course, this is only a brief and approximate scheme for creating a cyclone. We present to your attention a video where, in detail and with a good example, it is shown how to make a filter from improvised materials.

We check the made filter for tightness, as well as for suction quality. Garbage should be collected at the bottom of the tank or settle on the walls.

If everything is assembled correctly, suction will occur efficiently and at high speed.

Creator cyclone vacuum cleaner was the physicist James Dyson. It was he who first developed a compact dust separator (or filter) that operates on the principle of centrifugal force. He established a patent for his invention, the G-Force brand vacuum cleaner, in 1986. Later, in the early 90s, Dyson launched the "Dayson DC01" model, which entered the world market. What was the success of this technological innovation?

The cyclone filter is a unit of two chambers: external and internal. Under the influence of centrifugal force, all elements entering the vacuum cleaner (dust, debris, chips, etc.) begin to spiral. That is why the cyclone filter for a universal vacuum cleaner has the shape of a cone: the dust in it is spinning, as if in a funnel. In this case, large particles of debris settle in the first, outer chamber, while small particles remain on the inside. Thus, thoroughly purified air exits the vacuum cleaner through the upper opening.

Filter advantages:

  1. There is no need for containers and disposable dust bags and their endless replacement.
  2. Compactness.
  3. Silent operation.
  4. If the filter housing is transparent, you can control its contamination.
  5. High efficiency.

A vacuum cleaner with a similar filter is quite versatile, and is suitable for both home use and industrial premises.

Having built a cyclone filter with your own hands, you can easily make and.

Recently, I have become interested in working with wood and the question of removing chips and sawdust has become very acute. So far, the issue of cleaning the workplace is being solved with a home vacuum cleaner, but it quickly clogs and stops sucking. You have to shake out the bag often. In search of a solution to the problem, I reviewed many pages on the Internet and found something. As it turned out, quite workable dust collectors can be made from improvised materials.

Mini vacuum cleaner from a plastic bottle

Here is another mini venturi vacuum cleaner idea
such a vacuum cleaner works from forced air.

Venturi effect

The Venturi effect is the drop in pressure when a liquid or gas flows through a constricted portion of a pipe. This effect is named after the Italian physicist Giovanni Venturi (1746-1822).


The Venturi effect is a consequence of the Bernoulli law, which corresponds to the Bernoulli equation, which determines the relationship between the speed v liquid, pressure p in it and height h, on which the considered fluid element is located, above the reference level:

where is the density of the liquid, and is the free fall acceleration.

If the Bernoulli equation is written for two flow sections, then we will have:

For a horizontal flow, the middle terms on the left and right sides of the equation are equal to each other, and therefore cancel, and the equality takes the form:

that is, with a steady horizontal flow of an ideal incompressible fluid in each of its sections, the sum of the piezometric and dynamic pressures will be constant. To fulfill this condition in those places of the flow where average speed liquid above (that is, in narrow sections), its dynamic head increases, and the hydrostatic head decreases (and hence the pressure decreases).

The Venturi effect is observed or used in the following objects:
  • in hydraulic jet pumps, in particular in tankers for products of the oil and chemical industries;
  • in burners that mix air and combustible gases in the grill, gas stove, Bunsen burner and airbrushes;
  • in Venturi tubes - narrowing elements of Venturi flowmeters;
  • in Venturi flowmeters;
  • in water aspirators of the ejector type, which create small vacuums using the kinetic energy of tap water;
  • atomizers (sprayers) for spraying paint, water or air aromatization.
  • carburetors, where the Venturi effect is used to draw gasoline into the inlet air stream of an internal combustion engine;
  • in automated swimming pool cleaners that use water pressure to pick up sediment and debris;
  • in oxygen masks for oxygen therapy, etc.

And now let's look at the samples that can take their rightful place in the workshop.

Ideally, I would like to get something similar to a cyclone filter, but from improvised materials:

Homemade chip separator.

The principle is the same, but made much simpler:

But this option I liked the most, as it is a reduced analogue of an industrial cyclone:


Since I don’t have a traffic cone, I decided to stop at just such a structure, assembled from plastic pipes for sewerage. A definite plus is the availability and cheapness of the material for assembling the structure:

Homemade cyclone from plastic sewer pipes

Please pay attention to the mistake that the master made. The garbage collection pipe should be located like this:

In this case, the desired vortex will be created.
The following video shows a similar design in action:

And finally, a slightly modified version:
