7 common misconceptions about Nicholas II
Myths and legends about Russian rulers

Today marks the 147th anniversary of the birth of the last Russian emperor. Although a lot has been written about Nicholas II, much of what has been written refers to "folk fiction", delusions.
Nicholas II Alexandrovich - Emperor of All Russia, Tsar of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland, the last Emperor of the Russian Empire. 1902

The king was modest in dress. unpretentious

Nicholas II was remembered by the many surviving photographic materials as an unpretentious man. In food, he was really unpretentious. He loved fried dumplings, which he often ordered while walking on his favorite yacht Shtandart. The king kept fasts and generally ate moderately, tried to keep himself in shape, so he preferred simple food: cereals, rice cutlets and pasta with mushrooms.

A fancy-dress ball in the Winter Palace in 1903. Emperor Nicholas II in the dress of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna - ceremonial clothes of the Russian queen. (wife of Nicholas II in the costume of Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya - the first wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich)

Among the guards officers, the snack "nikolashka" was a success. Her recipe is attributed to Nicholas II. Powdered sugar was mixed with ground coffee, this mixture was sprinkled with a slice of lemon, which was used to eat a glass of cognac.

With regard to clothing, the situation was different. The wardrobe of Nicholas II in the Alexander Palace alone consisted of several hundred items. military uniform and civilian clothing: frock coats, uniforms of guards and army regiments and overcoats, cloaks, sheepskin coats, shirts and underwear made in the capital's Nordenstrem workshop, hussar mentic and dolman, in which Nicholas II was on his wedding day. When receiving foreign ambassadors and diplomats, the tsar put on the uniform of the state where the envoy came from. Often, Nicholas II had to change clothes six times a day. Here, in the Alexander Palace, a collection of cigarette cases collected by Nicholas II was kept.

However, it must be admitted that out of the 16 million allocated per year for the royal family, the lion's share went to the payment of benefits for employees of the palaces (one Winter Palace served a staff of 1200 people), to support the Academy of Arts (the royal family was a trustee, therefore, carried expenses) and other needs.

The spending was serious. The construction of the Livadia Palace cost the Russian treasury 4.6 million rubles, 350 thousand rubles a year were spent on the royal garage, and 12 thousand rubles a year for photographing.

Each Grand Duke was also entitled to an annual annuity of two hundred thousand rubles. Each of the Grand Duchesses was given a dowry of one million rubles upon marriage. At birth, a member of the imperial family received a capital of one million rubles.

The Tsar Colonel personally went to the front and led the armies

Many photographs have been preserved where Nicholas II takes the oath, arrives at the front and eats from the field kitchen, where he is "the father of the soldiers." Nicholas II really loved everything military. He practically did not wear civilian clothes, preferring uniforms.

Nicholas II blesses the soldiers going to the front

It is generally accepted that the emperor himself led the actions of the Russian army in the First World War. However, it is not. The generals and the military council decided. Several factors influenced the improvement of the situation at the front with the assumption of command by Nikolai. Firstly, by the end of August 1915, the Great Retreat was stopped, the German army suffered from stretched communications, and secondly, the situation was also affected by the change of the commanders-in-chief of the General Staff - Yanushkevich to Alekseev.

Nicholas II really went to the front, loved to live in Headquarters, sometimes with his family, often took his son with him, but never (unlike his cousins ​​George and Wilhelm) approached the front line closer than 30 kilometers. The emperor accepted the Order of St. George IV degree shortly after a German plane flew over the horizon during the arrival of the king.

The absence of the emperor in St. Petersburg had a bad effect on domestic policy. He began to lose influence on the aristocracy and the government. This proved fertile ground for intra-corporate splits and indecision during the February Revolution.

From the diary of the emperor August 23, 1915 (the day he assumed the duties of the Supreme High Command) “I slept well. The morning was rainy: in the afternoon the weather improved and it became quite warm. At 3.30 he arrived at his Headquarters, one verst from the mountains. Mogilev. Nikolasha was waiting for me. After talking with him, he accepted the gene. Alekseev and his first report. Everything went well! After drinking tea, I went to inspect the surrounding area. The train stops in a small dense forest. Dined at 7½. Then I took another walk, the evening was excellent.

The introduction of gold security is the personal merit of the emperor

It is customary to refer to the economically successful reforms that Nicholas II carried out as the monetary reform of 1897, when the gold backing of the ruble was introduced in the country. However, preparations for monetary reform began as early as the mid-1880s, under the finance ministers Bunge and Vyshnegradsky, during the reign of Alexander III.

Emperor Nicholas II (2nd from left) and Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna on vacation in Finland. 1913

The reform was a forced means of avoiding credit money. Sergei Witte can be considered its author. The tsar himself avoided solving monetary issues; by the beginning of World War I, Russia's external debt was 6.5 billion rubles, only 1.6 billion were secured with gold.

Made personal "unpopular" decisions. Often in defiance of the Duma

It is customary to say about Nicholas II that he personally carried out reforms, often in defiance of the Duma. However, in fact, Nicholas II rather "did not interfere." He didn't even have a personal secretariat. But under him, well-known reformers were able to develop their abilities. Such as Witte and Stolypin. At the same time, relations between the two "second politicians" were far from idyllic.

Explosion on Aptekarsky Island. Assassination attempt on Stolypin, August 12, 1906

Sergei Witte wrote about Stolypin: "No one has destroyed even the semblance of justice as he, Stolypin, and that's all, accompanied by liberal speeches and gestures."

Pyotr Arkadyevich did not lag behind. Witte, dissatisfied with the results of the investigation about the attempt on his life, he wrote: “From your letter, Count, I must draw one conclusion: either you consider me an idiot, or you find that I am also participating in the attempt on your life ... ".

About the death of Stolypin, Sergei Witte wrote succinctly: "Killed."

Nicholas II personally never wrote detailed resolutions, he limited himself to marginal notes, most often he simply put a “reading mark”. He sat on official commissions no more than 30 times, always on extraordinary occasions, the emperor's remarks at meetings were brief, he chose one side or another in the discussion.

The Hague court is a brilliant "brainchild" of the king

It is believed that the Hague International Court was the brilliant brainchild of Nicholas II. Yes, indeed the Russian Tsar was the initiator of the First Hague Peace Conference, but he was not the author of all its decisions.

Meeting of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander. Mogilev, April 1, 1916

The most useful thing that the Hague Convention was able to do concerned military laws. Thanks to the agreement, the prisoners of war of the First World War were kept in acceptable conditions, they could contact the house, they were not forced to work; sanitary posts were protected from attacks, the wounded were cared for, the civilian population was not subjected to mass violence.

But in reality, the Permanent Court of Arbitration has not brought much benefit in its 17 years of operation. Russia did not even approach the Chamber during the Japanese crisis, and so did the other signatories. “Turned into a zilch” and the Convention on the Peaceful Settlement of International Issues. The Balkans broke out in the world, and then the First World War.

The Hague does not influence international affairs even today. Few of the heads of state of world powers appeal to the international court.

Grigory Rasputin had a strong influence on the king

Even before the abdication of Nicholas II, rumors began to appear among the people about the excessive influence on Tsar Grigory Rasputin. According to them, it turned out that the state was controlled not by the tsar, not by the government, but personally by the Tobolsk "elder".

Grigory Rasputin with his admirers, March 1914

Of course, this was far from true. Rasputin had influence at court, and was well received into the emperor's house. Nicholas II and the Empress called him “our friend” or “Gregory”, and he called them “father and mother”.

However, Rasputin still exerted influence on the empress, while government decisions were made without his participation. Thus, it is well known that Rasputin opposed Russia's entry into the First World War, and even after Russia's entry into the conflict, he tried to convince the royal family to go to peace negotiations with the Germans.

Most of the Romanovs (Grand Dukes) supported the war with Germany and oriented themselves towards England. For the latter, a separate peace between Russia and Germany threatened defeat in the war.

Do not forget that Nicholas II was a cousin of both the German Emperor Wilhelm II and the brother of the British King George V. Rasputin also performed an applied function at court - he relieved the suffering of the heir Alexei. A circle of exalted admirers really formed around him, but Nicholas II did not belong to them.

Didn't abdicate

One of the most enduring misconceptions is the myth that Nicholas II did not abdicate, and the abdication document is a fake. It really has a lot of oddities: it was written on a typewriter on telegraph forms, although there were pens and writing paper on the train where Nicholas abdicated on March 15, 1917. Supporters of the version about the falsification of the renunciation manifesto cite the fact that the document was signed with a pencil.

There is just nothing strange about this. Nikolai signed many documents with a pencil. Another strange thing. If this is really a fake and the tsar did not renounce, he should have written at least something about it in his correspondence, but there is not a word about this. Nicholas abdicated for himself and his son in favor of his brother, Mikhail Alexandrovich.

The diary entries of the tsar's confessor, rector of the Fedorovsky Cathedral, Archpriest Athanasius Belyaev, have been preserved. In a conversation after confession, Nicholas II told him: “... And now, alone, without a close adviser, deprived of liberty, like a caught criminal, I signed an act of renunciation both for myself and for my son’s heir. I decided that if it is necessary for the good of the motherland, I am ready for anything. I'm sorry for my family!"

The very next day, March 3 (16), 1917, Mikhail Alexandrovich also abdicated, transferring the decision on the form of government to the Constituent Assembly.

Yes, the manifesto was obviously written under pressure, and it was not Nicholas himself who wrote it. It is unlikely that he himself would have written: "There is no sacrifice that I would not make in the name of a real good and for the salvation of my dear Mother Russia." However, there was a formal renunciation.

Interestingly, the myths and clichés about the abdication of the king largely came from Alexander Blok's book The Last Days of Imperial Power. The poet enthusiastically accepted the revolution and became the literary editor of the Extraordinary Commission for the affairs of the former tsarist ministers. That is, he literally processed the verbatim records of interrogations.

Against the creation of the role of the tsar-martyr, young Soviet propaganda carried out active agitation. Its effectiveness can be judged from the diary of the peasant Zamaraev (he kept it for 15 years), preserved in the museum of the city of Totma, Vologda region. The head of a peasant is full of cliches imposed by propaganda:

“Romanov Nikolai and his family have been deposed, they are all under arrest and receive all the food on an equal basis with others on the cards. Indeed, they did not at all care about the welfare of their people, and the patience of the people burst. They brought their state to hunger and darkness. What was going on in their palace? This is terrible and shameful! It was not Nicholas II who ruled the state, but the drunkard Rasputin. All the princes were replaced and dismissed from their posts, including the commander-in-chief Nikolai Nikolaevich. Everywhere in all cities there is a new administration, there is no old police.”

The most tragic figure among all the monarchs of Europe who ruled in modern times was Nicholas II. It was for him that fate prepared difficulties related to economic, social and foreign policy problems, with which he, due to his upbringing, could not cope.

So, in 1868, on May 6, a baby was born, resembling a beautiful angel. The first old photograph of Nicky, as he was called in the family in the French manner, dates back to May 1869. In this photograph, the future emperor is depicted in an exquisite shirt made of the finest lace. In another no less ancient photograph, a young man already fashionably dressed for his time is immortalized. Nicholas, according to many contemporaries, was an educated and intelligent person. With the help of his mentor English teacher Charles Heath, he developed brilliant abilities, such as self-control and knowledge foreign languages. However, his contact with the outside world was severely limited, which subsequently had a detrimental effect on his reign.

The youthful years of the Tsarevich

Tsarevich Nicholas received a home education, which included an extended course of gymnasium and university education, as well as an academic course of the General Staff. Nikolay completes his education at the age of 22 and begins to serve as a simple officer. In October 1890, he makes a journey around Asia, which lasted several months. According to the plan of his father, this trip was to give him the opportunity to get acquainted with diplomatic science. In 1891, during a visit to Japan, Tsarevich Nicholas was attacked, and since then he has disliked this Asian country along with its inhabitants. October 21, 1894 is considered by historians as the beginning of the reign of Nicholas II.

Ruler of the Russian Empire

Nicholas II, after his father, who ruled Russia for thirteen and a half years and died prematurely, got strong administrative power and therefore nothing changed in the life of the country in the first years of his reign. Moreover, it soon became clear that the new king did not at all have a sharp temper and a strong character. Consequently, failure to fulfill orders did not threaten anyone with loss of position or exile, as was the case with his father.

At the same time, the tsar has always been at the center of the most significant events that took place not only in Russia, but also on the world stage. So, at the initiative of Nicholas during his reign, Russia was one of the first countries to call for disarmament. And, despite the fact that in the countries of Europe they reacted critically to the appeal of Russia, considering it untimely, they were forced to reckon with it.

Also during the reign of Nicholas II, the industrial economic sector began to develop rapidly. However, in political terms, there were practically no changes. The State Council was still the highest body, but it did not have a legislative initiative. At the same time, in the history of Russia, the last Russian emperor, namely Nicholas II, will always be considered a symbol of a turning point.

Emperor's family

Nicholas was happily married. His chosen one was the brilliantly educated daughter of Duke Ernest Ludwig IV and Alice of England - Alix, who was born in 1872. However, they managed to get married only after the death of Alexander III. After acceptance Orthodox faith Nikolai's wife received a new name. She began to be called Alexandra Fedorovna. For the emperor, his wife was the only support in the world. They had five children - a son and four daughters. Alexei, the only son of the emperor and the future heir to the throne, was terminally ill with hemophilia, which was inherited through the female line, but only males suffered from it.

Last way

The life of the royal family was cut short at night in July 1918 in Yekaterinburg in the Special Purpose House, formerly owned by engineer N.N. Ipatiev. In this house they were kept, and here they were killed along with their children and loyal associates, including a doctor, a maid, a valet and a cook. Time will pass, and the barbaric murder of the emperor and his family will respond with pain in the hearts of many people. And then, after the execution, only His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow sharply condemned this murder. His voice was passionate and powerful, but unfortunately lonely.

Readers will also be interested in the following facts from the biography of Nicholas II:

  • In 1882, his mother gave Nikolai a luxurious commemorative booklet in a precious wooden binding with inlay and gold trim, which the future emperor cherished very much.
  • At the age of 14, Nikolai begins to keep a diary in a book donated by his mother, and ends at the age of fifty, being a prisoner in Yekaterinburg. The diaries of Nicholas II are fifty notebooks and are in the Romanov fund, which is also called bloody. The fund is located in the central archive named after the October Revolution.
  • Nika had an affair with the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. Parents reacted very favorably to this novel.
  • The celebrations that took place in Moscow in connection with the coronation of Nicholas II and his wife ended very tragically due to the negligence of the authorities. On the Khodynka field, where the festivities took place, due to the stampede that arose during the distribution of free gifts, many people died and many more were injured, and the gift consisted of only a mug, a gingerbread, a polar cod and a sausage.
  • The wife of Nicholas II was the last empress in the history of Russia.
  • Queen Victoria's granddaughter Alix did not accept Nicholas' proposal for a long time. The main reason for her refusal was that she was afraid to give birth to an heir to the throne with a terrible disease - hemophilia, which actually happened.

Interesting facts about Nicholas II

Nicholas II was born on May 6 on the day of St. Martyr Job the Long-suffering. The emperor himself considered himself somewhat similar to him. Both in character and in his actions, Nikolai was a pure, decent person, except for his stormy romance with the famous Russian ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, whom he loved before his marriage to Princess Alice of Hesse (Alix). He experienced the first serious feeling for her, which he carried all his life until the cruel execution in the Ipatiev house on July 17, 1918.

They first met in St. Petersburg in 1884 at the wedding of Alix's elder sister Ella of Hesse with Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich. She was 12 years old, he was 16. Alix spent 6 weeks in St. Petersburg. Later, Nikolai wrote: “I dream of marrying Alix G. someday. I have loved her for a long time, but especially deeply and strongly since 1889.”

In 1894, Emperor Alexander III and his wife Maria Feodorovna fulfilled their son's cherished dream. Alice had to be persuaded for a long time to accept Orthodoxy, but still, loving Nicholas, she agreed to change her faith.

On October 20, 1894, Emperor Alexander III died. The loving son was very upset by the death of his father, but the heavy funeral did not prevent the magnificent wedding of Nikolai and Alice, who was named Alexandra Fedorovna, from taking place. On the occasion of mourning, there was no solemn reception and honeymoon trip. After the ceremony, the imperial couple moved to the Anichkov Palace.

In the spring of 1895, Nikolai moved his wife to Tsarskoye Selo. The couple were happy. The young emperor was more of an exemplary family man than a statesman. Cunning ministers constantly deceived him, and his uncle, Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, constantly intrigued against him, hoping for a coup d'état. The conflict intensified especially after the outbreak of the First World War.

Nicholas himself led a more than modest lifestyle. Without demanding anything for himself, he gave all his strength to the family and the state, which, as it seemed to him, he ruled. Usually the emperor got up at seven in the morning and began to work in his office, without a secretary. Perhaps the desire for loneliness ruined him as a politician: he did not interfere in intrigues, did not look for supporters. And did he need it?

An interesting fact is that a certain monk Abel predicted to Paul I the entire history of the Romanov dynasty up to Nicholas II (“the king who will replace the royal crown with a crown of thorns”). The impressionable Paul I sealed the works of Abel, and said that he wanted his descendant to open them a hundred years after his death. What Nicholas did after the coronation. The news that he was the last emperor of the Romanov dynasty, the man withstood steadfastly, without resistance. Perhaps this can explain his inaction throughout the kingdom.

The imperial couple was accused of many things, especially the unfortunate Alice, who during the First World War was dubbed a “German spy”, although at that time half of Russia worked for Germany, in particular, the Social Democratic Party, which by that time had split into “Bolsheviks” and "Mensheviks". In fact, Nikolai distributed all his property to the poor, actively helped the wounded and their families during the World War, and made many trips to the cities of Russia. His wife, together with her friend A.A. Vyrubova, worked in hospitals as a simple sister. And this act of mercy still did not find a response in Russian souls. Everyone was only engaged in blackening the royal couple in the entire press, on the streets, in clubs, in taverns, at meetings of deputies.

With the development of the illness of the heir to the throne (he suffered from hemophilia), the royal house turned out to have many “prophets”, “healers”, Tibetan monks who tried in vain to heal the boy. This angered secular society. Everyone was especially annoyed by the appearance of a “simple peasant” of a certain Grigory Rasputin, who was accused of trying to influence the policy of the royal house. He was also accused of orgies, which Rasputin allegedly arranged with the Empress and her inner circle. It was so or not - it is not known, but it was Rasputin who could temporarily alleviate the suffering of the boy. And, as you know, people who have lost hope of salvation are ready to pray for any sorcerer who will be able to alleviate their plight at least for a while.

However, Rasputin was killed in December 1916. The conspiracy was led by State Duma deputy Prince Felix Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich. After the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholas was forced to abdicate. The royal couple was arrested and transferred to Tobolsk. Courage only once betrayed Nicholas. During the arrest, he cried like a child.

Curious is the fact that A.F. Kerensky, who hated Nicholas only from rumors, when meeting with him noted that he was a kind, sincere man, not at all like the despot he represented him. After imprisonment in Tobolsk, Nikolai, his family and close servants were transferred to Yekaterinburg. They were shot in July 1918 in the Ipatiev house specially bought for this occasion (it is known that the coronation of Mikhail Romanov took place in the Ipatiev Palace). Until his death, Nikolai remained steadfast and courageously endured all the humiliations to which he was subjected.

1. Nicholas II - knew five foreign languages. A brilliant education (higher military and higher legal) was combined with deep religiosity and knowledge of spiritual literature. Served in the army.

2. Nicholas II - created the greatest strength, power and prosperity of the Empire, which was neither before nor after him.

3. Nicholas II - increased the population of Russia by 60 ml in 20 years. Human.

4. Nicholas II - I personally checked the new infantry equipment system during a march of 40 miles. He did not tell anyone except the Minister of the Court and the Palace Commandant. Reduced service in the army - up to 2 years, in the navy - up to 5 years; During the First World War, he constantly went to the front, and even often with his son. Thus, he showed how much he loves his people, that he is not afraid to die for him and the Russian land. He showed that he despises the fear of death and is not afraid of anything. And then, even in the most difficult time for the Russian army, the Tsar took over the Supreme Command of the troops. While the Sovereign led the troops, not an inch of land was given to the enemy. Nicholas's troops did not let Wilhelm's troops go further than Galicia - Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, and military historians believe that there was no internal turmoil (revolution) - there was one step left before Russia's victory. The prisoners were treated like sufferers. They retained ranks, awards, monetary allowances. The length of stay in captivity was counted in the length of service. Of the 2 million 417 thousand prisoners during the entire war, no more than 5% died.

5. Nicholas II - GKZ Bank issued large loans to the peasants; by 1914, the peasants owned 100% of arable land in Asian Russia, Siberia and 90% in the European part of the country on the rights of ownership and lease. In Siberia, state-owned warehouses of agricultural equipment were arranged, supplying the population with agricultural machines. The amount of taxes per person in 1913 in Russia was 2 times less than in France and Germany and more than 4 times lower than in England. The population was stable and grew rich rapidly. The earnings of Russian workers are higher than those of Europe, yielding (in the world) only to American earnings. The law on social insurance was adopted before all European states and the USA.
At the same time, prices for everything are among the lowest in the world, along with taxes.

6. Nicholas II - In 1908, a mandatory elementary education. It was the Tsar who introduced it, not the Bolsheviks. By 1916, literate people in the Empire were at least 85%. On the eve of the war in Russia there were more than a hundred universities with 150,000 students. In terms of the total number of students, RI ranked 3rd in the world, sharing it with the UK. Funding for education has grown over 20 years from 25 million rubles to 161 million rubles. And this is without taking into account zemstvo schools, the costs of which increased from 70 million in 1894 to 300 million in 1913. In total, the public education budget increased by 628%. Number of students in secondary educational institutions increased from 224 thousand people to 700 thousand people. The number of students has doubled in 20 years, the number of schoolchildren has grown from 3 million to 6 million people. By 1913, there were 130 thousand schools in the country, moreover, the total budget of public education significantly exceeded the budget of the Ministry of War.
Before the revolution, a law was passed on the complete free of charge of education, and not only education, but also life during education. The seminary was completed at state expense - this state account included all the maintenance and meals of students.

7. Nicholas II - Industry grew rapidly. From 1890 to 1913, GDP quadrupled. Mining hard coal increased 5 times in 20 years, iron smelting increased 4 times over the same time. Extraction of copper and manganese by 5 times. Investments in the fixed capital of machine-building plants from 1911 to 1914 increased by 80%. The length has doubled in 20 years railways and telegraph networks. During the same time, the world's largest river merchant fleet doubled its tonnage. Industrial mechanization was growing rapidly. In 1901, 9,920,000 tons of oil were produced in the USA, and 12,120,000 tons of oil in Russia. in the period from 1908 to 1913, the growth of labor productivity in industry outstripped the corresponding indicators of the United States, England and Germany, which had long been considered industrial giants. The result of the king's activity was an amazing economic stability. During the world economic crisis of 1911-1912, Russia, on the contrary, was on the rise.

8. Nicholas II - The sovereign stood outside and above the interests of certain groups and strata of the population. Economic reforms, like alcohol, were carried out personally by the king. Sometimes, contrary to thought. The author of all the transformations was Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, despite all the prevailing myths to the contrary.

9. Nicholas II - freedom of the press, freedom of speech; as much freedom as there was neither before nor after his reign.

In this article, you will learn little-known facts about Nicholas 2. So, let's start:

Nicholas II knew five foreign languages. A brilliant education (higher military and higher legal) was combined with deep religiosity and knowledge of spiritual literature. Served in the army. He had the military rank of colonel. When the generals and field marshals persuaded him to grant himself at least a general's rank, he replied: "You, gentlemen, do not worry about my rank, you think about your career."

Nicholas 2 was the most athletic Russian Tsar. Since childhood, he regularly did gymnastics, loved to swim in a kayak, made transitions of several tens of kilometers, adored horse races and participated in such competitions himself. In winter, he enthusiastically played Russian hockey and ran on skates. He was an excellent swimmer and an avid billiard player. Was fond of tennis.

Perhaps the most little-known fact about Nicholas 2: things and shoes in the royal family passed from older children to younger ones. The sovereign himself was so modest in personal life, As for last days wore his "groom" suits.

Funds from the London Bank, about 4 million rubles (imagine the current equivalent!), Left there by his father, were spent without a trace on charity.

Under Nicholas 2, not a single petition for pardon that reached the Tsar was rejected. During the entire period of his reign, fewer death sentences were handed down and executed than in the USSR they were executed per day, right up to the very death of Stalin.

The number of prisoners is much less than in the USSR or the Russian Federation. In 1908, per 100,000 people. prisoners - 56 people, in 1940 - 1214 people, in 1949 - 1537 people, in 2011 - 555 people.

The number of officials per 100,000 people in 1913 was 163 people. And already after a hundred years of life without the Tsar, in 2010, 1153 people.

In Tobolsk, in custody, the Family did not remain idle for a day, the Emperor chopped firewood, cleaned snow, and looked after the garden. A peasant soldier, seeing all this, said: “Yes, if you give him a piece of land, he would earn Russia back with his own hands!”

When the temporary workers were preparing to accuse the Tsar of treason, someone suggested publishing the personal correspondence between Nikolai Alexandrovich and the Empress. To which he received the answer: “It is impossible, then the people will recognize them as saints!”.

The Tsar is not to blame for the tragedy on Khodynka. When he found out about this, he immediately provided the dead and injured with great material and moral assistance.

In 1905, the revolutionaries themselves began to shoot at the troops. And the dead were 130 people, and not 5000, as the Russophobe and the theomachist Lenin said. Even those who were wounded in return fire received immediate medical attention, all the victims were taken to the hospital. And Nicholas II was not in the city at all that day. When he found out about this, he provided great material and moral assistance to the dead and injured. From his personal funds, he paid compensation to each victim in the amount of 50,000 rubles. (huge money at the time). In 1905-1907, the revolution was prevented thanks to the firm will of the Sovereign.

The last Russian Tsar created the Empire, the greatest in strength, power and prosperity, which had no equal either before or after him.

The Orthodox Russian Church was the most powerful church in the world. By 1913 alone, there were 67,000 churches and 1,000 monasteries in the Republic of Ingushetia, spread over absolutely the entire territory of the Republic of Ingushetia. The Russian Church had enormous influence in the Holy Land, patronizing Orthodox Christians not only in Europe, but also in Asia, and even in Africa.

During the 20 years of the reign of Nicholas II, the population of Russia increased by 62 million people.

The emperor personally tested the new infantry equipment system during a march of 40 versts. He did not tell anyone except the Minister of the Court and the Palace Commandant. Reduced service in the army - up to 2 years, in the navy - up to 5 years.

During the First World War (World War I), he constantly went to the front, and even often with his son. Thus, he showed how much he loves his people, that he is not afraid to die for him and the Russian land. He showed that he was not afraid of death, or anything else. And then, even in the most difficult time for the Russian army, the Tsar took over the Supreme Command of the troops. While the Sovereign led the troops, not an inch of land was given to the enemy. Nicholas's troops did not let Wilhelm's troops go further than Galicia - Western Little Russia (Ukraine) and Western Belarus, and military historians believe that there was no internal turmoil (revolution) - there was one step left before Russia's victory. The prisoners were treated like sufferers. They retained ranks, awards, monetary allowances. The length of time spent in captivity was counted as length of service. From 2 ml. 417 thousand prisoners during the entire war, no more than 5% died.

The share of those mobilized in Russia was the smallest - only 39% of all men aged 15-49 years, while in Germany - 81%, in Austria-Hungary - 74%, in France - 79%, England - 50%, Italy - 72%. At the same time, for every thousand of all inhabitants, Russia lost 11 people, Germany - 31, Austria - 18, France - 34, England - 16. Also, Russia was almost the only one who did not experience food problems. German unthinkable composition "military bread" of the 1917 model in Russia and no one could have dreamed of.

The GKZ Bank issued large loans to the peasants; by 1914, the peasants owned 100% of arable land in Asian Russia, Siberia and 90% in the European part of the country on the basis of ownership and lease. In Siberia, state-owned warehouses of agricultural equipment were arranged, supplying the population with agricultural machines.

The amount of taxes per person in 1913 in Russia was 2 times less than in France and Germany and more than 4 times lower than in England. The population was stable and grew rich rapidly. The earnings of Russian workers are higher than the earnings of European ones, yielding (in the world) only to American earnings.

From June 1903, entrepreneurs were obliged to pay benefits and pensions to the injured worker or his family in the amount of 50-66 percent of the victim's maintenance. In 1906, workers' trade unions were created in the country. The law of June 23, 1912 introduced in Russia compulsory insurance workers from illness and accidents.

The law on social insurance was adopted before all European states and the USA.

The most advanced labor law in the world. "Your Emperor has created such a perfect labor legislation that no democratic state can boast of." US President William Taft.

The ruble, thanks to the monetary reform of 1897, was backed by gold. "Russia owes its metallic gold circulation exclusively to Emperor Nicholas II." S. Yu. Witte. Prices for everything are among the lowest in the world, along with taxes. Increasing the budget by more than 3 times.

Compulsory primary education was introduced in 1908. By 1916, literate people in the Empire were at least 85%. On the eve of the war, there were already more than a hundred universities with 150,000 students. In terms of their total number, RI ranked 3rd in the world, sharing it with Great Britain. Funding for education has grown over 20 years from 25 million rubles to 161 million rubles. And this is without taking into account zemstvo schools, the costs of which increased from 70 million in 1894 to 300 million in 1913. In total, the public education budget increased by 628%. The number of students in secondary schools has grown from 224,000 to 700,000. The number of students has doubled in 20 years, the number of schoolchildren has grown from 3 million to 6 million people. By 1913 there were 130,000 schools in the country. Before the revolution, a law was passed on the complete free of charge of education, and not only education, but also life during education. The seminary was completed at state expense - this state account included all the maintenance and meals of students.

In 1898, free medical care was introduced. In order to get it, it was enough to be just a citizen of the Empire. No one would have kicked this person out into the street, and after a thorough examination, he would have been told in detail what and how to do for treatment. “The medical organization created by the Russian Zemstvo was greatest achievement of our era in the field of social medicine, as it provided free medical care, open to everyone, and also had a deep educational value ”Switzerland F. Erisman. In terms of the number of doctors, Russia is in 2nd place in Europe and 3rd in the world.

Kindergartens, orphanages, maternity hospitals, and shelters for the homeless are being built at an unprecedented pace throughout the Empire.

Under Nicholas II, Russian nationalism was the most powerful force in legal politics, fiercely defending Russian interests wherever we came into contact with enemies. There were many organizations, some parties and all kinds of patriotic movements, from the Union of the Russian People and the All-Russian National Union to local organizations that covered the whole country with a wide network. Where a Russian person could come and talk about his trouble, ask for help if someone offends.

The industry grew rapidly. From 1890 to 1913, GDP quadrupled. Coal mining has increased 5 times in 20 years, iron smelting has increased 4 times in the same period. Extraction of copper and manganese by 5 times. Investments in the fixed capital of machine-building plants from 1911 to 1914 increased by 80%. For 20 years, the length of railways and telegraph networks has doubled. During the same time, the world's largest river merchant fleet doubled its tonnage. Industrial mechanization was growing rapidly. In 1901, 9,920,000 tons of oil were produced in the USA, and 12,120,000 tons of oil in Russia. in the period from 1908 to 1913, the growth of labor productivity in industry outstripped the corresponding indicators of the United States, England and Germany, which had long been considered industrial giants. The result of the Tsar's activity was an amazing economic stability. During the world economic crisis of 1911-1912, Russia, on the contrary, was on the rise.

Under the Tsar, it was impossible to export crude oil abroad, and the proceeds went to the development of domestic industry.

In 1914, at the request of the United States, Tsarist Russia sent about 2,000 Russian engineers to the Americans to create a heavy military industry.

The growth rate of national income is the 1st place in the world. The growth rate of labor productivity is the 1st place in the world. The level of production concentration is 1st in the world. The world's largest exporter of textile products. One of the world's largest manufacturers of non-ferrous and ferrous metal products. One of the world's largest manufacturers of engineering products. One of the largest countries in the world in terms of coal production.

The world's largest exporter of cereals, flax, eggs, milk, butter, meat, sugar, etc. Grain yields are 1/3 more than those of Argentina, the USA and Canada combined.

Growth of grain production in 2 times. The yield increased by more than 1.5 times.

The number of cattle increased by 60%. 1st place in the world in the number of horses, goats, sheep, and one of the first in the number of goats and pigs.

Often, without a single shot, the following territories joined or became protectorates: Northern Manchuria, Tianjin, Northern Iran, Uryankhai Territory, Galicia, Lvov, Przemysl, Ternopil and Chernivtsi provinces, Western Armenia. There is a large-scale and rapid development of Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Far East.

The sovereign stood outside and above the interests of certain groups and strata of the population. Economic reforms, like alcohol, were carried out personally by the Tsar. Sometimes, contrary to thought. The author of all the transformations was Nikolai Aleksandrovich, despite all the prevailing myths to the contrary.

Other interesting little-known facts about Nicholas 2:

Freedom of the press, freedom of speech; as much freedom as there was neither before nor after his reign.

The volume of gold reserves is the largest in the world; Russian gold ruble is the hardest currency in the world, even to this day.

One of the highest rates of railway construction in the world (the USSR never came close to them).

One of the strongest armies in the world, which, moreover, is developing rapidly. The best Mosin rifles in the world, one of the best machine guns in the world "Maxim" 1910, modified Russian Empire; and some of the best 76mm field guns in the world.

The Russian air force, which was born only in 1910, already had 263 aircraft and was the largest aviation fleet in the world. By the autumn of 1917, the number of aircraft had risen to 700.

By 1917 the Navy was one of the strongest in the world. The world's best destroyers and some of the world's best battleships, the world's best mines and minelaying tactics.

The Great Siberian Railway was built.

The Hague International Court is the brainchild of Nicholas II.

Alcohol consumption per capita, one of the lowest in the world, was drank less in Europe only in Norway.

The number of mentally ill per 100,000 people in 1913 was 187 people. And already after a hundred years of life without the Tsar, in 2010 - 5598 people.

The number of suicides per 100,000 people in 1912 was 4.4. And after a hundred years of life without the Tsar, in 2009 - 29.

There are no problems with inflation and unemployment, since both are almost completely absent.

The crime rate is lower than in the US and countries Western Europe. At the international congress of criminologists held in Switzerland in 1913, the Russian detective police was recognized as the best in the world in solving crimes.

Unprecedented flourishing of Russian culture. No other country has known such a powerful, dizzying rise of Russian painting, Russian architectural architecture, Russian literature and Russian music. Famous French writer and literary critic Paul Valéry called Russian culture of the early 20th century "one of the wonders of the world".

The heyday of Russian philosophy and science.

Invented for the first time in the world: wireless telegraph, helicopter and bomber, TV and television broadcasting, airplane and attack aircraft, first newsreel, tram, hydroelectric power station, electric plow, submarine, backpack parachute, radio, cathode ray tube, electron microscope, machine gun, powder fire extinguisher, astronomical clock , electromagnetic seismograph and the science of seismology is based, electric vehicle, electric omnibus, electric cableway, underwater minelayer, seaplane, ship capable of overcoming arctic ice, one of the first to find a way to take color photographs and the first in the world to learn how to make them in high quality.

For the first time in Russia invented: a car, a motorcycle, a double-decker car, an airship.

The automotive industry was at the German level, the aviation industry was at the American level, some of the best steam locomotives in the world. The Russo-Balt series of cars, produced since 1909, was world-class, both in design and performance. They were distinguished by their strength and reliability, as evidenced by their success in rallies and long-distance runs, in particular, at the international Monte Carlo and San Sebastian rallies.

Two of the five founders of Hollywood came from Russia. The famous fragrance "Chanel No. 5" was not invented by Coco Chanel, but by the Russian emigre perfumer Verigin. Engines for the Daimler company were developed by Russian engineer Boris Lutskoy. Racing Mercedes 120PS (1906) was equipped with an in-line six-cylinder engine, also invented by Lutsky.

All this was done and achieved without: terror, dispossession (plunder) of peasants, camps with slaves, tens of millions of destroyed Russian people.

He never abdicated the throne, even despite the colossal betrayal of everyone and everything. As he himself wrote: "All around is treason and cowardice, and deceit!" As a result, he was ritually killed along with his family. (Not leaving the Motherland. Although he could easily go abroad and live happily ever after).
The conspirators have drawn up a fake manifesto, supposedly his abdication, which is a complete fake. In the archives of the Russian Federation there is not a single document confirming the correctness of the myth of renunciation. There is a printed piece of paper, signed in pencil, composed in an incomprehensible way. There is no other document that Nikolai would sign with a pencil. The handwriting, which absolutely does not correspond to the handwriting of the Sovereign, was also studied. There are too many other troubles.

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