Not everyone goes to a bank or other credit organization to get money in debt, many still prefer to borrow money from relatives or friends. The difficulty lies in the fact that not everyone is in a hurry to pay off the lender, so the latter has to look for a method to collect the debt. Collecting the debts of individuals may be done legally or illegally.

Borrowed money

Illegal Methods

Many people understand the concept of “knocking out” too literally, that is, actually physically putting pressure on the debtor, using violent actions or threats. Of course, this works flawlessly, under such pressure, the debt will return quickly, in most cases.

If the debtor turns to the police, then the exactor will not be in the best position. He will be prosecuted under article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Extortion". What is the penalty for 7-15 years in prison and a fine of up to 1 million rubles.

You should not abuse your powers and threaten the debtor or his relatives, disseminate information about his obligations, put pressure on the psyche and use other provocative measures. The only thing the lender has the right to do is to ask in the correct form to pay him off and to warn about the transfer of the case to court.

The law is on the side of the debtor if something threatens his life or health. He has the right to apply to law enforcement agencies or the court.

Illegal method of debt collection

If the debt is issued against receipt

The legal way to get a debt out of a person is to go to court. If the debt is issued against receipt, then debt collection will not be a problem. It is advisable, before lending money, to draw up a receipt, which must contain the following information:

  1. Debt amount.
  2. The amount of remuneration, that is, interest.
  3. Payment term, or payment schedule.
  4. The order of the calculation.

The last point is quite important for both sides. It is desirable that the borrower return the funds by transferring to a bank account. This may play a decisive role in the future in court. For example, the borrower transferred the money at the appointed time to the specified fund account and confirmation of this will be a receipt or check that he has the right to present to the court as evidence. If he failed to fulfill the obligation, the lender may submit to the court an extract from the bank account that the funds were not received within the specified period.

So, if there is a notarized receipt, the debtor should be warned about the transfer of the case to the court and file a lawsuit at his place of residence. It must be remembered that debt has the statute of limitations is 3 years.

Application to the police

First you need to warn the debtor about your intention to take the case to court for forced collection of the debt. It is important to warn the debtor of criminal liability under article 159 p. 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Fraud, that is, theft of someone else's property or the acquisition of the right to someone else's property by deceit or breach of trust.

The prescribed punishment for a crime is imprisonment for up to 10 years and a fine of up to 1 million rubles. But in order to identify and prove the fact of fraud, you need to write a statement to the police against the debtor, from there the case will go to court.

The only way to legally collect a debt is through the courts.

Procedure for going to court

The most effective and legal method of how to knock out a debt from a debtor on a receipt is to file a lawsuit in court to recover the amount owed earlier. The application should be referred to the court of general jurisdiction at the place of residence of the defendant. Statement of claim may be in free form and contain the following information:

  1. Name of lender and borrower.
  2. Transfer date Money.
  3. Sum.
  4. Debt repayment terms.
  5. The grounds on which the amount of money was to be returned, a receipt or an oral agreement.
  6. Indicate that the debtor did not respond to the request to repay the debt after the agreed time.
  7. State the requirements: return the debt.

What articles can you refer to?

  1. Art. 807 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - Loan agreement. According to it, debt obligations come from the moment the money is transferred from the lender to the borrower.
  2. Art. 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - Form of a loan agreement. This is a receipt, it is mandatory to draw it up if the parties to the contract are individuals, and the amount of debt exceeds 10 minimum wages.
  3. Art. 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - Obligation of the borrower to repay the loan. If the terms are stipulated by the agreement, then no later than the specified date, if not, then no later than 30 days from the date of the borrower's request.

In any case, the court will take into account and satisfy the requirements of the borrower and oblige the debtor to repay the debt.

Debt collection will be handled by bailiffs, they have the authority to forcibly collect the defendant's funds or sell his property. Hence the conclusion whether it is worth thinking about how to knock out a debt from an individual, if everything can be done according to the law. The only drawback is that it takes a long time, enforcement proceedings can drag on for a year or more.

If there is no receipt

If the money was borrowed on the basis of an oral agreement, and the return period was not discussed, then this does not prevent the return of funds in a legal way. First you need to independently contact the borrower with a requirement to pay off the debt. It is better to record the conversation on a voice recorder or involve a witness who in the future can confirm the existence of a debt obligation. If within 30 days the borrower has not fulfilled the request of the lender, then you can draw up a statement of claim.

The absence of a receipt or a loan agreement is not a basis for refusal to collect a debt in court.

It will not be a problem to collect evidence for the court, as mentioned above, audio and video recording, testimony of witnesses is sufficient for the court. The main thing is that the defendant confirms that he borrowed money in a certain amount from the plaintiff.

Can you sell debt to debt collectors?

Despite the fact that it is extremely unprofitable for creditors to apply to collection agencies to collect debts, many people use this service. Collectors work with individuals and can buy debt at a discount of more than 50%, if it is “fresh” and large, that is, the amount is more than 500 thousand rubles.

The assignment of the right to claim a debt to third parties is possible only if this is provided for by the loan agreement.

That is, if the borrower himself agrees to the transfer and use of his personal data to third parties, in this case, to collectors, then the sale of the debt will be a legal sanction. If the lender violates this law, he himself may end up in court as a defendant.

Rules for writing a receipt

To avoid litigation and other problems with debt collection, you need to be guided by several simple rules. How to lend money the right way

  • first you need to make sure the solvency of the borrower, find out his level of income;
  • if solvency is in doubt, it is better to issue a loan with a pledge of property;
  • a receipt and a loan agreement certified by a notary is not a waste of time and money, but a guarantee for the borrower;
  • before applying for a loan, it would be useful to check the address of residence indicated by them, place of work, phone numbers.

In general, you can take money from the debtor in any case with or without a receipt, and you should not resort to decisive and illegal actions, because Russian law protects the interests of both parties. It is even better not to lend money to unreliable and unverified borrowers, or do it only with collateral.

Faktrum publishes a story by a former employee of such a bureau, from which it becomes clear how collectors work and why it is better not to fall into their hands.

1. Not everyone can knock out debts.

For such a case, you need guys with hardened nerves - most often these are former employees of law enforcement agencies. Perfectly suited for such cases are "thick-skinned" employees of the penitentiary system who, for various reasons, were left without a position, and former military men. But most of all in the agencies come from the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They are not used to talking in raised tones. Psychologists associate such resistance to stressful conditions with the professional deformation of the personality.

2. Bonuses for knocked out debts

In most agencies, to stimulate collectors, bonuses are provided - a percentage of the amount knocked out by him. That is, he did not receive money from the borrower - he remained hungry.

3. Buying debts

Those offices that buy debts in bulk (from unpaid phone bills to thousands of bank loans) usually have a staff of well-trained collectors. From the point of view of the law, these agencies are relatively transparent.

Processing of the client is carried out in several stages. “According to our brigades, “programs” (a semblance of a personal file of a borrower) are scattered only after the “rattles” have not coped with the client,” explains the former collector.

But there are few of them, these are the most persistent non-payers. If the task fell to us, the size of the debt is unimportant, even a hundred rubles, even a hundred thousand. We use the entire available arsenal of means.

4. How "ratchet" winds the nerves

"Ratchets" in professional slang is called an auto-dial system that exhausts a debtor using computer technology. That is, a special machine with a certain time interval dials the borrower's home, mobile phone number and reminds him of his obligations. The dialing time is calculated by the intelligent system in accordance with the time zone, the number of answers to the call - the robot guesses more often than a person when the defaulter is at home.

5. Dirty tricks

If the borrower is not going to pay the bills, other measures of influence are applied to him, then fantasy and creativity are already included, - our interlocutor ironically - I will immediately make a reservation, our actions were not of a criminal nature. I know of cases when they called the school where the debtor's children study and asked the teachers to discuss at the parent meeting the inability to pay the bills of Vasya's or Petya's parents. Or they themselves entered into communication with the debtor's children by phone or in person. If a son or daughter asks: "Dad, why don't you give other people's money?" it is unlikely that someone will not pay after this, not iron, after all. Although there are those who never pay. Here, not all collectors have enough self-control. Hard work, that's why I left.

Some try to morally crush their victim. A very popular technique is accommodation in the area of ​​residence of an insolvent borrower offensive leaflets, where the debtor is accused of various infamies, from addictions to serious crimes.

Through social networks, collectors send messages about the insolvency of their comrade to friends of the victim, advise not to trust him in anything and not to lend money. Another popular low blow on the debtor is posting his phone numbers on sex services websites.

6. The most dangerous

Much more dangerous collectors of another level, with a "registration" in private security companies - continues our guest. - They knock out serious sums, and we are talking about real criminal gangs. Here you have violence and damage to property. These guys can easily set a car on fire. Naturally, in the capital and other large cities, such brigades quickly come to the attention of the police, but in the regions they, as a rule, have serious patrons.

A few years ago, they turned the life of a Muscovite into hell. Her only fault was that she had once been married to an unlucky borrower.

My client and her husband divorced long before he managed to take out a loan and owe the bank about 200 thousand rubles, - says the head of the legal center "Man and Law" Mars Tarasov.

The collectors turned out to have the personal data of the woman, and they simply did not let her pass, called, sent letters demanding money. She complained to the district police officer, but to no avail - they refused to initiate a criminal case. In the end, impudent thugs came to her dacha in the Moscow region and said that they would take her things on account of a debt. Her uncle, who was there, started a moped and told the boors that he was coming for the police. Then one of the collectors took out a traumatic pistol and shot him several times. The wounds were fatal.
A former employee of the Metropolitan Police, collector Vladimir D. was found guilty of murder.

7. And the law?..

It is clear to the blind that such tragedies happen as a result of the legal vacuum that has formed around the activities of collectors. Structures involved in the collection of overdue debts appeared on the market along with the spread of consumer lending. But the legal mechanisms that regulate this activity, still do not work. Moreover, the thematic bill has been developed for a long time. But lawmakers are looking for compromises to please both credit institutions and individuals, and collectors. Meanwhile, dashing people systematically go too far, terrorizing debtors with impunity. And only flagrant crimes reveal the enormity of the situation of those who were enslaved by creditors.

A common situation: a person took a loan from a bank, convincing his employees of the stability of his income, but after a while the borrower loses his job. becomes impossible. The bank, wanting to find out the situation with the outstanding loan, first independently seeks contact with the borrower, colorfully draws him the consequences of non-payment of the debt. When the bank exhausts its possibilities, a collection agency enters the scene.

From this moment begins the most terrible stage in the credit history of the debtor.

How to act in this situation? What does the law say about collection agencies? What methods of influence do collectors use? Knowing the answers to these questions is necessary for everyone who is already paying off a loan or is just planning to apply for it.

What is a collection agency?

Collection agencies, speaking everyday language, are firms professionally engaged in knocking out debt from a borrower. Collectors are hired by the lender. As a reward for their work, they receive a certain percentage of the amount of money “knocked out” of the debtor. That is, collectors are interested in quickly obtaining the maximum amount of debt from the borrower. This forces them to use very diverse methods of influencing the "victim". The agency can work according to a different scheme: it buys the borrower's debt from the bank (of course, for a smaller amount), and then receives this money from the debtor, "hanging" additional interest on him.

Collection agencies came to us from America at the very beginning of this century. These were, as a rule, branches of banks: bank specialists transferred the data of a particular debtor to their collection unit, which purposefully dealt with the return of the debt. Later, collection agencies began to be created as independent organizations cooperating with banks.

How do collectors work?

In the arsenal of debt collectors, as a rule, there is a psychological impact on the defaulter. It fits into the standard scheme for most collection agencies:

  1. Indirect contact with the debtor: phone calls (including guarantors and relatives), SMS mailings, letters. The goal of collectors at this stage is to find out why the borrower does not pay the loan, and also to explain the sequence of actions that will be taken to repay the debt. Separately, the amount of penalties for delay and the total debt on the loan is usually indicated - this is an additional motivating factor for the debtor. The borrower is given time to find money to repay the debt.
  2. Personal meeting with the debtor at work or at home. There may be several such meetings. In the course of them, the collector may request an explanatory note on the fact of late payments and, together with the debtor, determine the date for making the amount of money for the loan. If during several meetings in a row it turns out that the money is not found, collectors take the case to court.
  3. A new visit to the debtor with a document notifying the borrower that the court has already ordered him to repay the debt.
  4. If the previous stage did not prompt the debtor to pay off the credit institution, the bailiffs, in the presence of collectors, describe his property, which will then be seized and sold in favor of the bank.

What tricks do collectors use?

In practice, everything can be much tougher than in the paragraphs listed above. The following methods can be used against a would-be borrower:

  • threatening night calls;
  • visits to the work of the debtor, dissemination of impartial information about him;
  • social media attacks
  • calls to relatives, friends;
  • posting on the walls of houses photographs of the debtor with offensive inscriptions;
  • stalking children;
  • penetration into the borrower's home under the guise of police officers or bailiffs.

A multifaceted psychological attack usually bears fruit: a person is intimidated, he closes himself at home and is afraid to go outside. As a result, collectors are still from the borrower.

Extortionists can beat out the required amount and more sophisticated tricks. So, for example, they can promise to soften the terms of the loan and a significant reduction in the total amount of debt if the money is found tomorrow. Often these people offer the borrower to refinance in another financial institution with exorbitant, simply ruinous interest. Another way to get money out of a defaulter is to mention minor children in a conversation and hint at an accident with them, a threat to deprive the debtor of parental rights and hand over the child to Orphanage. Another common trap looks like this: the debtor is called and explained that there is a car at his entrance, in which he will now need to drive to “one place”, where they will talk to him differently. In fact, this is just a psychological trick.

You can't fall for these tricks. They will only make the situation worse.

If extortionists do not leave you alone for a long time, and even threaten you, you need to write a statement about extortion to the police. It is not bad to attach an audio recording with threats or letters to the application. But there is one subtlety here: collectors always act cautiously, not sending direct threats to the borrower - the conversation comes down to promising all sorts of troubles for the “victim”.

The work of collectors is mostly just a game, a bluff. When communicating with them on the phone, it may seem that they are legally competent specialists. This is wrong. It's just that collection agencies are structures where much attention is paid to personnel training. Trainings are conducted with them, psychologists even compose phrases for them that will have the maximum impact on the debtor. Some of the victims of collectors after such psychological abuse give up and fulfill all the conditions. Suicide is not uncommon in such situations.

How to avoid a "pleasant" meeting?

You can protect yourself from meeting with collectors. First, you need to carefully read the loan agreement. There is one subtlety here. The fact is that by signing an agreement, which contains a clause on the transfer of information about the debt to third parties in order to collect it, the borrower unties the hands of the bank and, without knowing it, agrees to possible appearance in my life these same collectors. Without the consent of the borrower, the bank does not have the right to transfer any information about him to third parties. Therefore, if the borrower, after rereading the loan agreement signed by him, did not find such a clause, when debt collectors appear on the horizon, he can safely go to court.

But even if there is such a clause, until the collectors arrive, the borrower has the opportunity to resolve the issue peacefully. To do this, you just need to come to the bank and tell that there is currently no way to pay the loan. The bank, as a rule, is looking for an opportunity to meet the debtor halfway. Maybe he will provide the borrower with a credit holiday, officially releasing him from paying the loan for several months. Another option is also possible, for example, the borrower will pay only interest on the loan for a certain time, without paying the principal amount. It is important that the initiative comes from the borrower himself.

Collectors outlawed

In July 2014, the law on the activities of collection agencies should come into force. This fact will make life easier for borrowers in many ways: for example, there is a clause stating that the debtor has the right to demand that collectors communicate with him only in writing and nothing else. However, you need to remember that it is better to repay debts on time.

Today, almost anyone can get a loan. This simplicity often turns against the debtor. When, after certain life circumstances, collectors appear on the threshold of the house, you should not panic. Their activities are illegal, currently regulated only by the Civil Code and the Law on Consumer Credit.

Plan of action in case of meeting with collectors

Each case is individual. However, you can give a few recommendations on what to do if there are debt collectors in your life.

  1. Try to figure out who you had to deal with. You need to ask where their agency is located, who heads it. Collectors work methods depend on how legal their activities are. White collection agencies use quite adequate methods of influence. Black collectors use the most cruel methods of knocking out money, up to physical violence. There is also an intermediate link - they are called gray collection agencies. They use hard psychological pressure and do not resort to physical influences. It is important to know what collectors you had to deal with: it will help you understand how serious everything is.
  2. Get in touch with the bank in which the loan was issued, and find out what the total amount of the debt is, and also on the basis of what information about the loan was transferred to the collection agency.
  3. Warn relatives and friends about the attacks of collectors, explain that the situation is under control.
  4. Collect loan documents and go to.
  5. Start paying off your debt in small, but stable payments.

The difficult economic situation in the country, its own financial problems, these and other negative factors increase the number of debtors to banks. Creditor organizations that want to get their money back have to take legal action, i.e. penalties, go to court. Sometimes banks try to make concessions to the borrower, and sometimes they turn to those who knock out debts on loans. They are called collectors or the "dream" of the debtor.

Who knocks out debts on loans and when

Banks have the legal right to turn to collectors if the borrower has allowed himself. You ask: "How is this possible?". Everything is simple. There is a clause in the loan agreement that allows banks to legally (with your consent) transfer information about the client to third parties. Often people do not pay attention to it, and therefore, by signing a document, they themselves, as they say, "dig a hole for themselves."

Banks resort to such measures when the return of credit funds does not occur after independent attempts to establish contact with the client. By reminding the borrower of all the consequences of not meeting its debt obligations, the organization hopes that this will awaken a sense of responsibility in him, and the loan will be repaid. If the expected result is not achieved, the bank may decide to use the services of those who knock out debts on loans in a more aggressive and efficient manner.

Collection agencies carry out their work on the basis of making a profit, which is formed as a commission (usually 20-40% of the total debt). Also, the lender can sell the complete bad portfolio to collectors, i.e. transfer rights to collect debt. Consent, even in writing, even in oral form, no one asks the non-payer.

However, he will be made aware that mutual settlements are now taking place not with the bank, but with another organization. In the latter case, professional "extortionists" will exert strong moral pressure on the unfortunate borrower, constantly reminding them of the debt and the need to repay it.

The scheme of the collectors

As a rule, debt collectors knock out debts in 4 stages:

  • first they have conversations with a person, call, regularly send letters, messages to the phone. Thus, they are still delicately communicating with him, making it clear how to repay the loan, to make amends for the conflict in a peaceful way;
  • then threats follow. Collectors will start to intimidate, threatening to seize a property or other property owned by the debtor, to prevent him from crossing the borders of the country (regardless of the purpose of the trip - tourist, business). However, this is also called correct attempts to build relationships;
  • extreme measures - visits home, to work. Calls can come from early morning until late at night. Moreover, a common practice in collection circles is calling not only the “guilty person”, but also his relatives, colleagues, so that they, in turn, wanting to stop this, begin to influence the non-payer for their part. In a day, by right, collectors can call no more than 2 times;
  • If all previous actions do not help, the new creditor goes to court. And then the court will force, according to the law, to pay the money on the loan according to strictly established rules. A person will also have to spend money on all legal costs. When the amount of debt is small, it is written off gradually from the salary, if it is large, it is quite possible an encroachment on personal property.

Collectors are annoying, what to do

In case of gross interference in your life, the receipt of sharp threats, the use of force, damage to property by collectors, you can file an application with law enforcement agencies, proving this. For example, provide a record from the phone, a letter that outlines the threats of extortionists. In general, you need to know. They are held liable under the following articles:

  • 14.57 Administrative Code;
  • 20.1, 5.61, 13.11 of the same Code;
  • 163.119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

If the court defends your position, the borrower has the right to demand compensation for moral damage. Some make do with changing their phone number or place of residence when possible. And if a person does not have an official job to boot, it is almost impossible for collectors to find him. But remember that if you avoid fulfilling your obligations, you will be listed in special registers, get a bad credit history, which will become an obstacle to obtaining a new loan or loan.

How to fight back against debt collectors


In order not to incur such problems, objectively evaluate your financial capabilities, carefully read all the papers before signing. If you still have difficulties with the payment, do not delay, contact the bank and find a compromise. Often, bank employees offer alternatives. In addition, no one has canceled refinancing and restructuring.

Unfortunately, not all borrowers regularly fulfill their obligations to the bank. Some of them do not repay the debt due to unfavorable circumstances, and there are those who deliberately do not make payments, hoping that nothing will happen to them. Today we will talk about what happens to loan debtors, what liability is provided for the defaulter, and what actions the bank will take to repay the debt.

Stage 1. Reminder

Banks and others credit organizations often begin their work to combat non-payers with prevention. It consists in reminding borrowers of the need to make the next payment to repay the loan. This is done in the form of sending SMS and calling bank employees a few days before the expected date of the payment. Such measures are aimed at forgetful people who, through inattention, may not transfer money.

Stage 2. Soft-collection

When day X has passed, and the borrower has not paid the installment, bank employees move on to more active actions, which are called Soft-collection in credit institutions. Usually this period lasts up to 30 days, but can be 60. It involves the following actions:

  • Regular calls to the client to remind about debt repayment, as well as to find out the reasons for the current situation.
  • Sending letters to the client with a claim.

If the borrower does not pay the loan due to the prevailing circumstances, and not out of malice, then during this period it is better not to avoid dialogue with the lender, but to “come to confession”. At this stage, banks can compromise and offer the borrower credit holidays. He will pay a fine, but will not ruin his credit history. The main thing is not to abuse the trust of the bank and not to make it a habit. Also, do not give the bank obviously unfulfillable promises. Otherwise, at the next stage, you may encounter tougher work by the bank's security service or a collection organization.

Stage 3. Hard-collection

At the Hard-collection stage, the creditor's representatives will aggressively seek meetings with the defaulter. Usually this period covers 30-90 days after the delay occurs.

If the debt is not repaid and there is no initiative from the borrower to resolve the issue, then the bank begins to act more harshly. He can do it on his own or transfer the debt to a collection organization. The borrower may face the following actions:

  • The calls will become very frequent. They can also call at night to cause psychological discomfort to the debtor.
  • Neighbors may find out about the debt, as announcements may appear in the area where the borrower lives. These actions are illegal, as the lender discloses information to third parties.
  • Representatives of the bank or collector will make regular "courtesy visits" to the borrower. Sometimes they pretend to describe property in order to sell it and pay off debts. They do not have the right to do this.
  • Meetings and calls will be directed not only directly to the borrower, but also to his family members. They will also call to work, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the team finds out about problems with creditors.

Getting credit holidays or restructuring at this stage is more difficult. The borrower must provide the bank with strong evidence that the situation arose due to reasons beyond its control, and also tell about the expected sources of funds to pay off the debt.

It is almost impossible to get a loan elsewhere at this stage: credit history will be already pretty spoiled. A loan can only be obtained from individuals or microfinance organizations at high interest rates. But this way of solving the situation usually only leads to an increase in the debt hole.

One of the stages of Hard-collection is making a claim to the debtor, which is the initial (preparatory) stage of collecting a loan through the court. The claim will indicate the amount of the loan, accrued but unpaid interest and penalties for violations of the loan agreement. The amount of the claim cannot exceed the amount indicated in the claim. It will also indicate the final date for the voluntary repayment of the debt. If repayment is not made, the creditor has the right to file a lawsuit.

Also, the bank can go the other way and sell the debt to a collection company. He has the right to do so only if he informs the debtor about the sale.

Stage 4. Legal-collection

Legal-collection is a forced collection of debt through the court. The creditor can also apply to the prosecutor's office if he has reason to suspect fraudulent activities. A bank or a collection organization on its behalf can sue.

If the debt does not exceed 50,000 rubles, a justice of the peace can make a decision under a simplified procedure. The law also provides for a settlement agreement.

It is very difficult for a borrower to win a court case, for this he needs to prove the insurmountability of the circumstances that led to the emergence of overdue debt.

Liability for non-payment of the loan

After the court decision, if it is in favor of the creditor, the debtor's property is seized and the borrower will have a meeting with bailiffs who will describe the property. The lender can enforce it and send the money to pay off the debt. He does not have the right to confiscate food and equipment for daily use. They also cannot forcibly sell an apartment if it is the only possible place to live, and even more so when minors are registered and live there. If the borrower is married and there is property that is registered in the name of the spouse, then he can also be arrested.

Also, by a court decision, a forced write-off of funds to pay off the debt from the debtor's salary can be made.

Another unpleasant situation that can overtake a debtor is a ban on traveling abroad. Moreover, many learn about this already at the stage of passing through passport control.

Before you sign a loan agreement, you should weigh the pros and cons of obtaining borrowed funds, as well as adequately assess your financial capabilities. If, in the process of repaying a loan, a situation arises in which it is impossible to repay the debt in a timely manner, it is necessary not to avoid the lender, but to take the initiative and look for ways to solve the problem. This will help to avoid communication with collectors and bailiffs.

If you are a debtor on a loan and do not know how to get out of this situation, then ask your question to our duty lawyer, and he will advise you free of charge within the next hour.
