The main determinant of a comfortable sleep is a good blanket. It is important that it provides warmth and comfort, does not give a greenhouse effect, gives a sense of security and helps to relax the body. And although modern technologies allow the production of new types of fiber with a light structure, woolen bedspreads do not give up their positions and are popular despite the times. A blanket made of camel wool takes the first place in the line of popularity of natural models, it has a number of advantages and benefits.

fiber production process

Such blankets are made from camel wool of two types:

  • one-humped - dromedaries, living in the driest regions of the world (giving about 4 kg of wool per individual);
  • two-humped - Bactrians, living in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, China (giving up to 10 kg of material from a large animal).

The wool of the second group of camels is especially soft and thick. It is so good that not only blankets are made from it, but also pillows, socks, belts, clothes. These are thin fibers of different thicknesses (from 6 to 120 microns), which depend on the breed and are not inferior in quality to fine-fleeced Australian merino wool.

For production, suitable wool is used, removed during a haircut or dropped out during molting. It comes in beige, brownish, cream and brown shades.

The most valuable type of raw material is fluff or undercoat: this is the softest lightweight fiber, so valuable and warming that it is used in the uniforms of divers, polar explorers and astronauts. Usually a haircut is carried out immediately after molting (in late spring or early summer). The undercoat is combed out by hand. Then the raw material goes through the sorting process, after which it enters the production.

Depending on the type of blanket, the wool remains as a fibrous filler or enters the spinning mill. To save as much as possible beneficial features material, they try not to subject it to coloring and additional processing. The most valuable product for blankets is the wool of Mongolian non-working Bactrians. Of the shades, cream is more valued.

Today, camel wool blankets are different from their Soviet-era counterparts. The reason for this was new technologies, thanks to which the texture of the products became soft, pleasant to the body and attractive to the eyes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Camel wool blankets are able to create a cozy atmosphere for the user:

  • They are convenient and practical to use have a lot of useful properties.
  • Like analogues and sheep wool, they have a "dry" heat, keeping the user warm, preventing the person from overheating and sweating. Due to the low thermal conductivity, the blanket maintains the desired temperature regime inside no matter what the temperature is in the room.
  • It is worth noting the excellent breathability of the fibrous composition. Regardless of the production method (woven or fibrous), an ideal climate is created under such a blanket: in addition to warming, the body can “breathe”.
  • The thermal insulation properties of a blanket made of camel wool are inferior to products made from bird down, favorably standing out against the background of any other analogues (even Australian merino sheepskin). They are better and warmer than bamboo, down, cotton products, not to mention their analogs made from synthetic fibers.
  • Compared to sheep's wool, these blankets are much lighter, and therefore more convenient to use: they do not create the feeling of a shell, which is so disliked by many users.

  • Camel wool fibers are quite elastic, they are able to retain their shape for a long time, which provides an attractive look for a blanket for many years. Moreover, in most cases, such products do not roll, do not cake, do not form lumps and voids, as in cotton counterparts.
  • One of the benefits of camel blankets is neutrality. They don't hoard static electricity, which eliminates the negative impact on the body. In addition, such bedspreads are hygroscopic. Due to the hollow structure of the hair, wool is able to quickly absorb moisture from the outside and give it back into the air.
  • In addition, camel wool blankets also have useful qualities. Moreover, today they are scientifically confirmed, so such blankets have recommendations from doctors for those who have various diseases.
  • Along with the healing effect, there is also a relaxing effect. A considerable part of users notes that sleeping under such a blanket is a pleasure. Today, these products are so soft and good quality that they contribute to a good rest, relaxing the muscles, calming the nervous system after a hard stressful day, restoring the skin after cosmetics, stop nervous itching and create all the conditions for a serene sleep.
  • Due to the large selection of sizes offered by brands for sale, you can buy a product not only for adults, but also to please kids. Moreover, if earlier such products almost always contributed to discomfort, tingling the body even through textiles, today they are so comfortable that they equip them sleeping area as a mattress pad, promoting a peaceful sleep for babies.

Unfortunately, such an excellent, warm, and most importantly, natural material is not suitable for every user. For those who are allergic to wool, it will not work, no matter what nano-modern processing technology it undergoes. Even if you buy a closed-type model, you won’t be able to deceive the skin: redness, irritation and itching will make themselves felt.

Despite the fact that manufacturers claim a long service life and special durability of such bedspreads, blankets, blankets, in reality, during operation, everything can be different. And the reason lies not at all in the deformation of the bedspread: the problem is in improper operation, storage and care. Such products are loved by a dust mite and a special guest of wet-type premises - a mole.

Despite the excellent properties of camel hair, it is she who can add problems in care. When choosing a product of an open or closed type, it should be borne in mind that it requires a careful and careful attitude, especially if it is not packed in a case.

Medicinal properties

Attention has been paid to camel wool blankets for a long time, noting that, coupled with medical procedures, such blankets can speed up the recovery of the body. Users who have tried the "work" of camel blankets for more than six months note several healing properties. Such products:

  • cure prickly heat;
  • have an antibacterial, antiseptic effect on the user;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • contribute to a quick recovery from colds;
  • relieve fatigue and blues;
  • reduce pain in the lower back, spine, facilitating unpleasant symptoms rheumatism, osteochondrosis, sciatica;
  • normalize metabolic processes, blood flow, sebaceous glands and pulse rate;
  • rid the body of toxins;
  • relax muscles, restore them after sprain or injury;
  • indicated for sinusitis.

According to some observations, a blanket made of camel wool can soothe the skin, having an anti-inflammatory effect. It may not be suitable for asthmatics.


Camel wool blankets differ in the way they are produced. They can be:

  • open type- double-sided models in the form of a soft cloth made of wool of young camels with an edge finished with knitted piping. These are comfortable blankets that can be used as a blanket, cover for a bed or sofa;
  • closed type- quilted products with a woolen core and textiles on the top and bottom (blankets in a woven cover).

Products of the first group are woven or fur. Unlike the second category, they are more functional, since in addition to the main purpose they can serve as a blanket or bedspread (sofa).

The second models differ in the quality of the filler: they usually use a coarser material - the fiber of adult animals, which is easier to process, so these blankets also do not prick the skin.

One of the differences in the production of blankets is the woven and non-woven method, as well as the density of the fiber.

Conventionally, the density is divided into two categories, which determine the weight of the product. Camel blanket can be:

  • lightweight (up to 200 grams per sq. m)- designed for the off-season, cloudy and damp summer nights(thin);
  • universal (up to 400 grams per sq. m.)- designed for the cold season, therefore warmer and denser (voluminous).

One of the interesting and gaining popularity varieties of camel blankets is the model for 4 seasons or "two in one". Externally, such a product is a design of two panels of different densities. These are two blankets fastened together with buttons. If it's cold, you can take a warmer cover; in the off-season, one of the blankets is enough.


The size range of camel wool blankets is divided into children's, one-and-a-half, double and euro sizes. This factor is one of the most important when buying: not only the price of the product depends on it. In order not to huddle under a short and narrow blanket, squeezing your legs, it is bought with a margin.

To make it easier to decide, it is worth noting for yourself the desired length of the most popular dimensions, for which it is easier to buy a duvet cover:

  • children's- size ranges with dimensions 100 x 135, 100 x 140, 100 x 150, 110 x 140 cm;
  • one and a half- styles with a length and width of 140 x 200, 140 x 205, 150 x 200, 155 x 200, 160 x 210 cm;
  • double- models with parameters 170 x 200, 175 x 205, 180 x 210 cm;
  • eurostandard- varieties of spacious dimensions: 200 x 210, 200 x 220 cm.

Based on the main dimensions, it will not be difficult to choose a blanket in accordance with your complexion.

Types of fabrics for covers of quilted models

Modern market textile products offers a ton of options for cover blankets. Some of the most popular fabrics involved in the production of quilted models from camel wool today are:

  • coarse calico;
  • satin;
  • batiste;
  • twill;
  • percale;
  • jacquard;
  • polycotton;

Basically, dense textiles of natural origin are involved in the production. Fabrics may vary in weave (plain or twill). They do not slip inside the duvet cover, so the duvet will not bunch up, always staying neatly packed and even.

As for the color closed models are often made in light colors with a medium-sized print of a plant theme. Children's closed-plan rulers are decorated with a funny pattern in the form of soft toys or fairy tale characters.


  • Regardless of the type of product, it should look neat: there can be no protruding lines, shaggy material, uneven edges, raw areas;
  • if you liked the quilted version of the blanket, required condition– natural and dense textile cover;
  • wool density is a special topic: those who are constantly freezing need thick products - 420 grams per square meter. m., for other users, universal models with a density of 200 grams per 1 sq. m. (it is important to pay attention to the number on the label);
  • It is important to choose the size of the blanket for a specific user, taking into account height and additional girth in width. preferable universal option, which can be packed in a textile case.

Considering all the nuances, do not forget about the price: as a rule, a quality item is not cheap. The main part of the line exceeds the cost of analogs from sheep's wool. If the price is too sweet, most likely it is a low-quality product or a mixture with the addition of sheepskin (sometimes synthetics).

In some cases, under the guise of camel hair, sellers manage to sell a product that does not even have anything in common with such blankets. If the seller mints a speech without stopping, does not leave the buyer a chance to insert his question, leans on the need for a momentary purchase, you should think about the quality of the products of this store.

Top Producers

In search of a quality blanket, every buyer is concerned about which store should be preferred and which model will be ideal. It's hard to imagine without familiarizing yourself with the products of brands included in the rating of manufacturers of quality products:

  • gobi- 100% woolen blankets from the leader of quality products, a Mongolian company with a worldwide reputation (inexpensive and high-quality models for adults);
  • "AlViTech"- a brand that produces quilts made from camel down and wool: universal and lightweight options, as well as a special Gobi model (not related to the Mongolian factory);
  • "Aelita"- quilted models of the Ivanovo company of a standard and lightweight plan, packed in textile covers of natural origin (high-quality blankets with excellent thermal insulation properties);
  • Dargez- "breathable" models from a well-known manufacturer of quilted wool and down, are available in two collections: children's "Camel" and adult "Sahara";
  • "Fleece"– a Russian manufacturer specializing in the production of plain woven patterns in natural tones, made from wool and camel down (unique elite blankets);
  • Billerbeck- products of a German company with excellent quality and practical characteristics.

Bedding made of natural wool is universal. They warm on cold winter nights, create comfort on chilly evenings of the off-season and on cool summer days. Before buying a wonderful wool product, there is always a dilemma - which sheep or camel wool blanket is better to choose. You will find the answer to it in our article.

Which duvet is warmer

Camel is considered the warmest, sheep’s product is quite a bit behind it. An interesting fact is that both species have a valuable property - retain dry heat.

The value lies in the ability to absorb a lot of moisture, evaporating it in parallel. Even if a person sweats a lot, the blanket will remain dry. This is especially important for seasonal colds, hormonal disorders. And for a child's body, dry heat is completely irreplaceable.

Wool Benefits:

  1. The feeling of comfortable sleep, regardless of the air temperature in the room (absorbs and evaporates moisture, retains heat, breathable, breathable).
  2. Helps with diseases of the joints, blood vessels, radiculitis, colds, pneumonia, toothache and headaches, hypertension. An excellent sedative.
  3. Removes static electricity (does not allow the penetration of unnecessary charges into the body, increasing immunity, reducing the risk of oncology).
  4. The service life with proper care is more than 10 years.

Camel's wool

For bedding, the wool of adult animals and the undercoat (down) of young camels are used.

The youngster's down is the highest in price, it is a very soft, non-spiky raw material. Products from it are incredibly delicate, suitable for people with delicate skin. It is ideal to use camel down for children's products, because children do not like prickly things.

The best for blankets is Mongolian camel hair, which is softer and thicker than that of animals from China and Kazakhstan.

What is the value of camel products:

  1. Lightness and softness - due to the hollow structure of the hairs of the wool.
  2. Natural shades: from cream, beige to brown, brown. Dyes and chemicals are not used in production due to the poor dyeing of hairs - the biological properties of wool are preserved to the maximum.
  3. Therapeutic effects: help with osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties. Improves blood circulation in direct contact with the skin.
  4. This is the most durable wool of all.

Varieties of camel blankets

By structure: woven and fibrous

For the production of blankets and thin blankets, woven weaving or open type is used. Camel blankets are especially lightweight products that contribute to a surprisingly comfortable rest, and also fill the house with comfort. One- and two-sided are used as bedspreads, capes.

Dense, warmer, made from fibrous raw materials. It is obtained by bonding woolen hairs with high temperatures. Such products are always closed (quilted). For the production of fiber, the hair of adult animals is used - it is easier to process, and new technologies make it non-thorny. The woolen cloth is placed in a fabric cover and quilted. The fabric is used natural (coarse calico, satin, twill, jacquard, batiste, teak). In a "cocoon" made of artificial material, wool fiber loses some of its properties.

By density (marking on the label 1 - 5 points):

  • The lightest - from 160 g / sq.m;
  • Thin - 200 - 220 g / sq.m;
  • Universal - 350 g / sq.m;
  • Winter version - 420 - 500 g / sq.m;
  • The warmest - up to 900 g / sq.m.

By versatility of application - model 2 in 1:

Two lightweight products are fastened together with buttons. As a rule, one is lighter, the second is denser.

By type of firmware (quilted, cassette, karostep):

Quilted- the cheapest option. The lines are parallel - at a distance of more than 5 cm from each other. As a result, the filler is weakly fixed, which will lead to the formation of lumps.

Cassette- transverse and longitudinal lines fix the filler well.

Karo-steppe– smaller cells, excellent fixation. But with prolonged use, the wool fiber may begin to “peep out” from the seams.


  • the warmest
  • the easiest
  • removes static electricity,
  • breathable,
  • has medicinal properties
  • service life - more than 10 years,
  • does not deform.


  • above average price
  • allergenic,
  • delicate care (see below).

Sheep's wool


  1. The shape of the hairs is sinuous, so air is retained between the hairs. Good ventilation prevents the formation of house mites, dust does not accumulate. The toxic substances emitted by the human body are neutralized.
  2. Adds body temperature up to 3 degrees during sleep, creates a microclimate - the body will not overheat or overcool.
  3. Each hair is protected by nature with lanolin (wax). This substance protects against moisture ingress into the hair, protects from cold. With direct contact with the human body, it softens the skin, protects it from the harmful effects of the environment. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous properties.
  4. Thanks to lanolin, the filler does not melt when touched with hot objects.
  5. Antistatic.

Sheep fleece is 2 times heavier than camel wool. This is an excellent quality for those whose nervous system excitable. Such a person under a heavy blanket feels protected.

Sheep wool is elastic and resilient. Blankets from it are easily wrinkled, but quickly restored, have a long service life.

Varieties of sheep blankets

Open (woven) and closed:

  • Woven ones look like a plaid. They are warm, quite light, pleasant to the touch.
  • Bilateral - the most expensive of the sheep.
  • One-sided - on the one hand, sheep's cloth, on the other, cotton fabric (satin, calico, cotton and polycotton).

Both are valued for medicinal properties in direct contact with the human body.

Closed quilts are cassette (longitudinal and transverse stitches) and karo-step (smaller sections). The filler is whipped sheep's wool. So that it does not fall off, it is better to choose a small stitch.

The textile cover of closed products is sewn from cotton or bamboo. Bamboo fabric is preferable - it does not allow dust mites to spread.

The combination of bamboo and sheep wool is the best option for allergies.

According to the degree of density:

  • light - up to 200 g / sq.m.;
  • universal - up to 300 g / sq.m;
  • standard - up to 400 g / sq.m.


  • low price,
  • good thermal insulation,
  • antistatic properties,
  • breathable
  • high medicinal properties,
  • service life of about 10 years,
  • perfectly absorbs and evaporates moisture,
  • pleasant to the body.


  • falls off quickly
  • allergenic, contraindicated in case of allergy to animal protein,
  • gentle care,
  • 2 times heavier than camel.

Features of care for a woolen blanket

Any natural material is a tasty morsel for dust mites and moths. Wool is no exception.

How to protect the product from ticks and moths:

  1. Once a month, it is necessary to shake it in the fresh air, air it for 2 hours, avoiding direct sunlight.
  2. Use dry cleaning services once a year.
  3. Remove stains with a brush using gentle chemical substances intended for woolen products.
  4. Store only in ventilated bags using breathable fabrics, adding 1 tablet of acetylsalicylic acid.
  5. Do not store in a damp room.
  6. Avoid contact with polyethylene.
  7. It is better to use the product in a duvet cover - this will save it appearance for a long time.

First, decide what qualities are important to you.

Take a look at the label and make sure the filler is natural. 80% of manufacturers add synthetic fiber to avoid pilling and excessive shrinkage of the product. This reduces the price, but at the same time reduces the original healing properties.

It should be remembered that the fabric coating must be made from natural materials.

Bona fide manufacturers have samples of fillers.

Product price from camel wool is 1.5 - 2 times higher than from sheep and 4-6 times higher than from cheap synthetic filler.

Shades of camel blanket choose natural. The brighter the product, the more artificial filler is added.

Are medicinal properties important? Settle on an open woven blanket. The effect of hairs on human skin acts like a massage, improving blood flow. Absorbing moisture, wool provides dry warmth, indispensable for colds, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Maximum service life for a karosteppe blanket made of camel wool, the minimum for a thick sheep blanket.

What weight do you prefer? The lightest is a woven camel blanket. The heaviest is a thick sheepskin blanket.

Heat index indicated by a numerical value in g/sq.m or in dots (from one to five).

External signs of quality:

  • the open canvas is homogeneous, without lumps and seals, the edges are trimmed with inlay or overlaid, the lines are even, the threads do not stick out;
  • stitches closed species- even, the filler is evenly distributed over each cell, there are no protruding villi, threads;
  • cover made of teak or satin (dense cotton material).

Product size indicated on the product label.

Manufacturers to watch out for:

  1. GOBI (Mongolia) presents open types of products;
  2. Aelita (Ivanovo) produce closed blankets of varying degrees of density;
  3. The Troitskaya worsted factory is represented by a line of woolen blankets, including those made of down;
  4. Dargez - Russian brand of products of all varieties, including children's;
  5. Billerbeck (Germany-Ukraine) - their children's models are especially appreciated, they have international certification.


Now you are familiar with the properties, characteristics and features of woolen blankets. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • Camel blanket is the warmest, lightest, most durable, hence its high price.
  • Sheep - better thermal insulation, heavy, affordable for any buyer. If you want light and gentle - choose a camel blanket.
  • For children, a blanket made of camel down or wool is suitable, for teenagers - light sheep.
  • Those who like to wrap up warmer will suit bedding made of sheep's wool of the maximum density or a closed camel blanket.
  • For a therapeutic effect, choose open canvases, and for massage properties, pay attention to a prickly product.
  • If you are prone to allergies, choose closed models; when using, be sure to follow all the rules for care.
  • it is better for a young married couple to opt for a 2 in 1 set made of camel fiber - this will save the budget.

Complete information about woolen bedding in front of you. Only you know all the parameters required product. Therefore, identify them, compare with the properties of each type. And then decide what will be more comfortable and better for you to hide yourself - with a woolen or sheep blanket.

Fabulous, fluffy dreams to you!

In the ratings of popular bedding made from natural materials, products made from camel and sheep wool are traditionally in the lead. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question which of them is better, because buyers choose things based on personal preferences: some categorically do not tolerate prickly things, others cannot keep warm under a thin blanket, others suffer from allergies, so they choose bedding scrupulously. Which duvet to choose?

Types of wool blankets: woven, non-woven, wool filled

Depending on the manufacturing technology, blankets come with open and closed wool. In the first case, the material is in contact with the skin, in the second case it is hidden in a case. Varieties of woolen blankets:

Woven wool blanket
  • Woven. They are made by plain weave of threads, previously cut and combed out to smoothness. These are not blankets, but rather thin blankets. Often, patterns in the form of a cell are applied to their surface. Woven products are soft and light, but cannot keep you warm on a cold winter night.
  • Non-woven. They are made by gluing wool and synthetic fibers, resulting in a dense wear-resistant fabric. The density of these products varies between 100–500 g/sq. m, so they can be used both as a blanket and as a winter blanket.
  • Quilted with wool filling. In this case, the wool is placed in a case, and the product is sewn with a thick thread so that the filler is distributed evenly and does not stray. Like nonwovens, quilts are used both in summer and winter, making them the most popular types of woolen blankets.

All season quilt

Who is not suitable bedding made of natural wool?

The main danger of using wool bedding is the risk of developing an allergic reaction. You should not buy such things for people suffering from bronchial asthma, allergies to dust or pet hair. If a person does not suffer from these diseases, but he has been diagnosed with intolerance to other components, before buying, you need to do an express test for an allergic reaction - “walk” among the racks with woolen textiles, touch it with your hands. If it does not cause a rash or other unwanted symptoms, the item can be bought.

Properties of sheep wool

Sheep wool duvet filler

Despite the fact that modern synthetic fillers are in no way inferior to natural fillers, and sometimes even surpass them in terms of performance, people often prefer sheep wool blankets. This material is valued for its softness and good thermal conductivity, allowing you to create comfortable conditions during sleep. These properties are imparted to the material by lanolin, a wool wax characterized by anti-inflammatory and stimulating effects - it eliminates joint pain and improves blood flow.

Advantages of a sheep's blanket

The value of such a blanket is determined by such properties as:

Sheep wool blanket
  • high hygroscopicity - even if a person is hot under such a blanket, he will never sweat;
  • good breathability;
  • antistatic;
  • high thermal conductivity, allowing you to maintain a comfortable microclimate during sleep;
  • hygiene - a high content of lanolin prevents the material from being damaged by pathogenic flora;
  • the ability to self-cleaning - even though the blanket literally “repels” dirt from itself, you need to periodically shake it off the dust and ventilate it;
  • affordable price.

One of the advantages of a sheep blanket is the ability to maintain a comfortable body temperature and the ability to use it at any time of the year. It is necessary to select a product of optimal density.

To determine the thermal conductivity of a blanket, you need to look at the number of circles on the label. Blankets for the warm season are marked with one circle, blankets that are used in winter in a heated apartment are marked with two and three, and very warm products for use in harsh climatic conditions are marked with four and five.

Are there any disadvantages?

Despite a lot of advantages, experts recommend carefully choosing a sheep blanket. Perhaps you should look at other materials. Cons of using a sheepskin blanket:

  • allergies, including due to the fact that sheep's wool is an ideal environment for dust mites;
  • a specific smell due to animal fat (such a blanket should be aired after purchase);
  • some difficulties with care - the blanket cannot be washed and moistened abundantly, therefore a duvet cover is necessarily put on it, and heavily soiled things are dry-cleaned;
  • great weight.

Blankets made of camel hair or down

The main advantage of camel hair and down is the special structure of the fibers: they are hollow inside and smooth outside. Thanks to this feature, these fibers are light and soft, but at the same time strong and elastic.

Camel wool is a more environmentally friendly material than sheepskin, because it does not lend itself to any chemical treatment and does not stain, so these blankets are suitable even for babies.

What is the difference between down and wool?

The difference between camel down and wool is that the first material is soft and pleasant to the touch, the other is rough and prickly. Camel down is the undercoat of a camel that prevents hypothermia. This material is often used to make baby blankets. Wool is the outer coat that protects the animal from injury. Despite different tactile sensations, both fibers have good thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity.

Positive Qualities of Camel Blanket

Camel blankets are characterized by the same advantages as products made from sheep's wool. They also pass air well, absorb moisture and provide a comfortable microclimate - under a camel blanket it is not cold in winter and not hot in summer. Other advantages of camel blankets:

  • low risk of developing allergies;
  • one of the highest rates of thermal conductivity among all natural materials, allowing a person to instantly warm up;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • antistatic;
  • light weight;
  • easy healing effect - the blanket warms sore joints and massages the skin, accelerating blood flow;
  • good wear resistance - the product lasts at least 10 years, and with careful operation, the item can last several decades without losing its properties.

Disadvantages of products made of wool "ship of the desert"

It may seem that the camel blanket has almost no flaws, but it is not. Like any wool product, a camel blanket requires proper care. Unlike lambswool bedding, they can be washed, but in extreme cases and on a delicate cycle with a soft gel and no wringing. Washing should not be abused, because because of this, the thing falls off and loses its properties. Other disadvantages of camel blankets:

  • limited color palette- from white to brown;
  • unpleasant tactile sensations - products made from the wool of an adult animal are prickly;
  • high price.

Comparison of sheep and camel wool blankets: which is lighter, warmer and less prickly?

Both types of blankets have their pros and cons, so the question arises: which one is better to choose? Both blankets keep you warm in cold weather, are characterized by good wear resistance and do not require complicated care. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is recommended to proceed from the purpose of use (for sleeping, gatherings on the veranda in the evening or in an armchair in front of the TV, etc.) and the price of the blanket. To decide which wool has best performance, it is recommended to use the table of the ratio of the main properties of each material:

Sheep's wool Camel's wool
Weight Medium weight but warm winter duvet is bulky and heavy Due to the hollow structure of the fibers, the blanket is much lighter than a sheepskin product of the same size.
Thermal conductivity High thermal conductivity, allowing you to retain heat and add up to 5 degrees to the body temperature of a sleeping person Warms better than a sheep's blanket and allows you to instantly warm up
Tactile sensations Soft and pleasant to the touch Depends on the type of material (down or wool) and the age of the camel. The undercoat of young camels is soft and pleasant to the touch, while the hair of adult animals is prickly.
Deformation resistance Thanks to the curled fibers, sheepskin is more resistant to deformation than many natural fillers. Resistant to deformation and can last for decades with proper care

When a person cannot decide which blanket to choose, if funds allow, it is better to buy 2 products: dense camel wool for cold winter nights and thin woven sheep wool for the warm season. No need to refuse to buy, if the material is prickly, you can just put on a duvet cover. This will not only relieve discomfort, but also make the blanket even warmer and help maintain its operational properties for a long time.

Which blankets are warmer: camel or sheep? The first thing to be based on when choosing is your own feelings. Before buying, you should also study the properties of these bedding, the rules of care, how durable their use will be. This knowledge will help you make a purchase without additional checking the blanket.

The structure and benefits of sheep's wool

Sheep wool used to fill blankets has many valuable properties. It began to be used a long time ago, in particular, to leave premature babies.

What are bedding made from sheep wool:

  • heavier than camels;
  • cost twice as much;
  • they are difficult to care for. Avoid washing at home. Because of hot water sheep's wool will turn into a dense felt, cold will not be able to remove severe dirt. The only way out is dry cleaning.

To create blankets, coarse-haired breeds of sheep are selected. When combing them, not only hard hair is removed, but the undercoat, which has softness and fluffiness. Blankets are made from this material.

Coarse wool sheep will give much more weightless fluff than merino, which is soft all over the wool.

Sheep wool hairs are twisted into curls. The things created from them are elastic. They are more pleasant to the skin than camels, as they do not prick. This bedding is suitable even for a child.

To figure out which blanket will be really warm, the labels placed on the product will help. This is true only for high quality products. They are filled with color circles. They determine the ability of the product to warm a person in different seasons:

  1. One circle is a light sheep blanket, suitable for summer.
  2. Two is the standard.
  3. Three - can be used in all seasons, but in winter only in rooms that are heated.
  4. Four - a warm blanket.
  5. Five - very warm, retains heat well inside.

The structure and benefits of camel hair

Different fillers have different hygroscopicity. This point is important, because sleeping, sweating heavily under a heavy blanket, is not particularly comfortable.

Accessories made of camel wool absorb moisture very well. They also have other benefits:

  1. Good air conductivity - lying under it, a person will not rise up.
  2. The ability to absorb sweat and then bring it out through the microchannels inside the camel hair (evaporation process).
  3. Keeping clean for a long time. Camel blankets do not require frequent cleaning.
  4. They do not absorb bad odors.
  5. Do not accumulate static electricity inside.

The described properties are due to the structure of camel hair. Inside each hair is a void. Due to this, an air cushion is formed, which provides thermoregulation, the absence of overheating of the body. For this reason, the camel calmly endures powerful desert temperature fluctuations.

Good absorption of moisture also has an explanation. Inside, camel hair is made up of small villi. They, forming a capillary effect, remove moisture from the body to the outside. The outer surface of the hair, in turn, does not allow the liquid to penetrate inside.

A camel blanket can absorb about a third of its original weight in moisture, but the person sleeping under it will not feel it.

A blanket has all these virtues if the wool from which it was made is taken from a young camel. Adult animals are also combed out, but the raw material is coarse, has a specific smell, and is not suitable for making camel blankets.

Types of wool blankets

Woolen bedding made from camel or sheep wool is available on the market in three varieties:

  • fur;
  • whole-woven;
  • quilted.


In some cases, one side of a camel blanket or sheep wool product is covered with fur. The thing is very soft and warm. Many models can be washed by hand.

If the water icon is crossed out on the label of the fur blanket, only dry cleaning is allowed.


The product is created from a rather thin, but strong woolen material. It can be washed by hand. The stores sell options that are allowed to be washed in a typewriter.


The canvas of quilted camel or sheep bedding is completely covered with fabric and then stitched. Because of this, the wool is distributed evenly, does not roll down during the entire period of use. Hand washing allowed.

Thickness Matters

The thickness depends, first of all, on the weight of the blanket, as well as how well it will retain heat inside. Thin camel linen is nice to hide in warm seasons. For the winter good choice becomes a thick bedding.

In camel fillers, the thickness index ranges from 200 grams per square meter to 400-odd grams. These common parameters are considered very useful. They will help to keep warm on a cold day to a person who is in a cool room.

Closed-type quilted sheep's accessories are also thick, very warm. They are created from a layer completely filled with wool and a fabric cover stitched together.

The thicker the wool layer, the better. Sheep wool products are easily selected for any season. There are light, not too thick (100-150 grams per square meter), universal (250-300), standard (350-400). The thickest reach up to 800 grams per square meter.

Conclusion, which is the warmest

All that is described above allows us to come to a logical conclusion. When buying the warmest woolen blanket, you should opt for models filled with sheep's wool. This is very a good option for people who prefer to relax at high temperatures. Bedding with this filler is also recommended for small children, people with allergies, asthmatics.

If the main requirement for the buyer is warmth, it is worth stopping without hesitation on models with sheep's wool. They are not only comfortable, but will easily fit into any interior, turn into an original accent.

Camel stuffing is a solution for lovers of not so much the warmest as light natural bedspreads.

For such a weightless, healing product, you will have to pay a lot. The money spent will quickly pay off as soon as the owner of the thing feels the effect of its many properties.

camel blanket - one of the varieties of blankets with wool filler. Camel wool differs from the wool of other animals in its consumer properties: it is lighter than sheep, adapted to stronger temperature changes, etc. Good blanket with camel hair is a premium product that will help create coziness in your bedroom and warm even in extreme cold.

Camel wool is one of the most popular fillers for blankets. Indeed, its merits are difficult to overestimate:

  • Temperature fluctuations in the desert where camels live are very strong. Their wool perfectly warms in the cold, preventing overheating;
  • due to the hollow structure, it is noticeably lighter than sheep;
  • it perfectly absorbs and removes moisture, passes air;
  • does not accumulate static electricity;
  • beneficial effect on health: due to the presence of lanolin, it normalizes blood circulation, relieves inflammation, promotes the removal of toxins, improves the condition of the skin and joints;

Such blankets are durable - the service life can reach 20 years, they hold volume well. Of the minuses, the following can be mentioned: lanolin can cause allergies, especially with a predisposition, if not undercoat was used in the manufacture of an open blanket, but hard outer hair, the blanket can “bite”, as well as the price, which, however, is justified by quality and durability.

Types of camel blankets

Woolen blankets, including camel wool, are:
  • Open - with wool outward, more like a plaid than a blanket. In fact, this is a woven product with finished edges. To make it not prickly, use the fluff of young animals. Such blankets-plaids can be used both for warmth and for decorative purposes;
  • Closed - the wool filler is hidden inside the cover. Since the contents are not visible, producers can use coarse guard hairs for them, but ideally there should also be fluff (undercoat). So that the filler does not clump, it is prepared in the format of a thermally bonded fabric, a finer stitch pitch is used, or a cassette filling method is used.
The thickness of camel blankets can also be different, for example:

Surface density (g/m2)


900 g/sq. m

Very warm. For those people who are always cold, or with poor heating in severe frosts


Winter, for any winter


Demi-season, for autumn or spring, as well as for those who calmly react to changes in air temperature


Suitable if the bedroom is warm


More like a blanket than a blanket

The assortment of the GOLDTEX factory offers a blanket with a density of 300 g / m2 - the most popular and demanded option in terms of warmth. Although the contents are hidden by a dense cover of 100% cotton down-holding teak or satin-jacquard (70% cotton, 30% viscose), the filler is not coarse outer hair, but a soft warm undercoat. For long-term preservation of volume, elasticity and warmth, polyester microfiber of increased crimp is added to the thermally bonded fabric, and the “Barkhany” figured stitch not only securely fixes the filler, but also gives the blanket a special “desert” charm.

Camel Blanket Selection Criteria

If you are allergic to wool, it is better to choose a blanket with artificial filling - for example, "swan's down", a polyester microfiber. But if you decide to buy a camel blanket, decide which product is right for you:

  • Size - the easiest way to determine this parameter is to measure the duvet cover;
  • Thickness (density) - formulate for yourself what time of the year you plan to use this particular blanket, how well your bedroom is heated, you consider yourself to be one of those who are constantly cold or who are always hot. Based on this, it is already possible to choose a thicker or thinner camel blanket;
  • Reliability - for closed ones it is important that the cover does not let the filler through, for open ones - so that the villi cannot be “pinched off” from it;
  • Tactile sensations - the "prickly" texture can be softened by hiding the blanket in a duvet cover, but it's better if you like to touch it.

Price, manufacturer, brand, open or closed are also important parameters, but they are rather subjective.

Camel Blanket Care

Like other woolen products, a camel wool blanket requires careful handling. We list the basic rules:

  • Regular airing and drying - preferably outdoors, always in dry weather;
  • It is better to do this by straightening the blanket on a flat horizontal surface;
  • The blanket should be stored in a dry place, in no case in plastic packaging. It is better to sew or purchase a special cover made of cotton or other breathable fabric;
  • Recommended hand wash delicate detergents for wool and silk at water temperatures up to 30⁰С, without bleaches and conditioners. Can also be washed in washing machine in the appropriate mode, but given that the filler absorbs water well and the product becomes noticeably heavier, it is advisable to assess in advance whether the machine will cope with the load;
  • It is impossible to wring out such products - in fact, the blankets must be left soaked for a while, then rinsed gently and removed to dry;
  • Dry on a horizontal surface, shaking occasionally so that the filler does not clump;
  • Professional dry cleaning is possible, but make sure the dry cleaner you choose is skilled in handling wool.

At right choice and proper use and care, such a blanket will serve you for a long time, delighting you with warmth and comfort.
