Which of us in childhood did not try to spin like a spinning top, to the point of complete loss of balance and onset of nausea? Such a test of the vestibular apparatus for strength is a natural way of knowing the world and an intuitive need of a being who has not lost a special connection with nature and space. An inner voice tells the child that behind this rotation lies a certain secret that I really want to open, but there are no keys.

We spin, spin, fall, observe the rotation of the world around us and catch a short blissful state. As adults and on the path of finding female happiness, some of us have resurrected childhood memories, faced with esoteric practices that offer to repeat childhood experiences. Larisa Renard offers the practice of energy funnels, that is, rotational movements with arms raised up in the form of a funnel, to attract a successful man or financial well-being. At the same time, the greatest number of turns during regular exercises ensures the appearance in the life of a woman of the most wealthy man.

Another author, Oksana Sergunova, refers to the experience of our Slavic ancestors and recommends paying attention to twisting and twisting as a way to get energy. The author's argument is convincing: one of the most significant processes on a cosmic scale that structures matter is twisting. The DNA molecule has the shape of a double helix and serves as a template for assembling new molecules. Today, DNA is the main carrier of encrypted information about living matter. And in the restored "Gymnastics of the Slavic Enchantresses" torsion and rotation occupy a special place. Yes, and in Russian folk dances, many rotational movements have been preserved, and the round dance known to every Russian since childhood is nothing more than a variant of the twisting of an energy funnel.

Elements of human rotation around its own axis as part of folk art are found in all world cultures, in many esoteric teachings this technique is used as a powerful means of merging with higher powers. Let's try to figure out what is the secret of magical funnels, that is, sacred practices of rotation.

Let's start with the fact that rotation is the main movement of the universe: the planets, the solar system, the galaxy and everything that fills outer space rotate. The main human energy centers, which are called chakras in the Vedic tradition, and dantians in the Taoist tradition, are also characterized by the so-called "whirlwinds", that is, rotations of energy. The very word "chakra" in Sanskrit means "wheel" or "disk". Rotation can occur both to the right and to the left, that is, clockwise and in the opposite direction. Turning clockwise can be conditionally called masculine or yang. Since the energy "yang" is active, the activation of processes is stimulated by turns to the right. The yin energy is calm, feminine, and counterclockwise turns can compensate for the yang turns or calm down, reduce the activity of processes.

The most famous sacred practices that use the principle of rotation are the Tibetan practice "Five Pearls", the purpose of which is to rejuvenate the body and increase the energy potential of a person, and the famous Sufi whirling, "royal" meditation to achieve a state of trance, which consists in rotating people around their own axis half an hour to several hours. Curiously, Tibetan practitioners generally recommend clockwise rotation, while Sufis circle strictly counterclockwise.

As for space objects, for example, the Earth rotates from west to east, and when viewed from the North Star or the north pole of the ecliptic, the rotation occurs counterclockwise. The most amazing thing is that all the planets of the solar system, except for Venus, rotate in the same direction. This means that the universe also rotates in different directions. Practitioners working with chakra energy believe that clockwise rotation of chakra energy "sucks" external energy into the body, and reverse rotation draws energy, that is, allows it to radiate. The followers of some Eastern esoteric schools use this property of rotation for pumping energy and for cleansing the chakras - if you start rotating counterclockwise in the area of ​​​​the chakra, then the energy comes out, and thus the work of the energy center is harmonized. Accordingly, in order to replenish the energy potential of the chakra, you need to rotate your palm clockwise.

The same point of view was also among our ancient Slavic ancestors, who chose the symbol healing power swastika, or rather - the sign of the solstice. The direction of the swastika clockwise, salting, symbolized creation, and against it, called Kolovrat, was used in healing practices. Our ancestors led two circles of round dances: the male round dance was outer ring, and female - internal. At the same time, men circled salting, and women - kolovrat.

Well, we have dealt with the historical and philosophical basis of this ritual and we can quite consciously proceed to the "magic dance" that will help us embark on the path of finding harmony in personal life and physical healing. Now it is clear why the authors of many women's practices strongly recommend that their students more often indulge in the most natural of women's movements - circling around their own axis. It should only be noted that such a rotation can be practiced as a form of qigong, that is, a kind of work with energy. In this case, the position of the hands does not play a significant role. The arms pointing upwards serve only as a visual symbol of the funnel, the effect will be exactly the same if the arms were spread apart during rotation. You can absorb energy and just standing, remaining motionless, in practice this option turns out to be even more effective, but as difficult as possible. Moreover, since the brain is able to control the direction of rotation of the "funnel", it is possible to rotate in both directions, but at the same time consciously turn on the "injection" or "radiation" mechanism.

Finally, let's talk about the number of rotations required for the fullness of female happiness. The authors of the trainings are convinced that the more rotations a woman makes every day, the more status a man will enter her life. This is a perfectly logical point of view. Rotation helps to increase the amount of energy. Successful and wealthy men are people with a high energy status, in the first place, and a harmonious union with them is possible only for those women whose energy level corresponds to the energy level of the chosen ones. That is why the number of rotations and the quality of the process are directly related to women's success in men. Just do not twist until you lose consciousness! Do not lose your mind, striving for a happy future! Everything needs moderation and gradualness.

We want to make one more important remark: do not flatter yourself about the impeccability of this practice. The fact is that in addition to the same level of energy, it is necessary to have a high level of spiritual development. Attracting a wealthy man with your excess energy is only half the battle. Maintaining relationships for many years is the most important task of a wise woman. Without the unity of the physical, energetic and spiritual, it is impossible. And yet, spin, dear women! The whole world is spinning - and we are with it!

At one time we discussed this topic quite a lot. Alexey Serebryakov even wrote a letter with a question on this topic to the Teacher. I would like to introduce you to this extremely interesting conversation, I think its participants will not mind, especially since then the Teacher asked to acquaint everyone with his answer.

So, what was Alexey's question?

“Carefully studying the Studio's website to submit personal information there, I noticed that the Spiral, located on the main page, twists counterclockwise. I would like to find out what this direction means. My question is related to the fact that in symbols it is fundamental to rotate along the Sun or against the Sun. I myself get a lot of questions about which way tai chi should rotate and what it means to rotate in one direction or another. Since my knowledge is fragmentary and incomplete, I would very much like to receive your explanations ... "

And now the teacher's answer:

"Good question" In which direction should tai chi rotate and what does it mean to rotate in one direction or another? , so I send the answer with a copy to many. If I miss anyone, please copy and paste them.

Generally speaking, tai chi is able to rotate in all directions at the same time…

In our logo on the site, it rotates counterclockwise for a reason.

To the right, clockwise, in tradition and in the book of changes means "downstream", to the left, counterclockwise - "against the current."
Downstream is the development of normal life: before birth, prenatal period, birth, childhood, youth, maturity, illness, old age, death;
Against the current - a return to youth, with luck - to the state of a child, with super-success - a return to eternity, in Buddhist terms - "to the residue-free nirvana" or "absolute nirvana".
According to the Taoist version: with the flow - the fate of man; against the current - you become Xian (saint, celestial, "immortal", etc., etc.)
In the classics of tzz there are direct indications that “by controlling the process of development of the innate against the current, you return to yourself the innate (or what was before birth, i.e. pre-heavenly), which is also rooted in the Taoist version.
I recall a quote from Lao Tzu: “Reverse is the movement of Tao; the weak is what the Tao uses.”
In a narrower and shallower sense, we go against the accumulated tensions to active relaxation, to relaxation and inner peace, i.e. to psychophysical recovery, again against the current.
In biomechanics, action goes with the flow, reaction goes against the flow, and between them is tai chi, the mother of both. And tai chi is manifested against the background of wu chi, from where it originates, and where it returns. We devote a lot of effort to getting to know counteraction and its use. Then we will have to keep in mind both action and reaction, and their potential balance, and that elusive phenomenon - tai chi along with its wu chi background.
In the thought process, in the process of attention and sensations, one should also learn to work not in one direction, but in the opposite direction, and, gradually, in all directions ... "

This simple exercise, available to perform at any age and with any body type, will develop your energy in the shortest possible time, enhance the functioning of all body systems and start the internal process of self-healing. Requires only 5 minutes. But it has a huge impact. Doing it just 3 times a day will replace a full physical workout. At the same time, the exercise does not lead to the appearance of fatigue, but only increases the energy reserve.

Consistently doing it for several weeks will lead to progressive changes in your sense of self. The levels of perception and control over internal energy, which were written about in the legends of the masters of Indian yoga, will become available.

The exercise is not really new. We are not reinventing the wheel. It is part of the ancient Tibetan system of self-improvement of the body. Its main secret is that it can be performed completely in isolation and combined with any type of physical activity or even with its complete absence. It has no contraindications, does not require knowledge of yoga volumes. Everything you need to know is listed below.
You can do fitness or bodybuilding, and by adding it to your schedule, raise the level of your physical strength, revealing the subtlest levels of energy. Or to be a busy office worker or a housewife who is completely unable to take care of herself - and use it throughout the day to restore strength and renew herself internally. There are no restrictions.

You only need a few square meters and preferably a ventilated area.

Clothing should not be restrictive. Ideally, if it is a minimum.
Nobody has to follow you. Concentration and inner peace are needed.

Before doing it, it’s good to warm up a little for a minute or two. Run in place, stretch your joints.

Stand up straight, make sure that there are no places nearby that you can accidentally bump into.

Spread your arms out to the sides, palms down. Start rotating clockwise around its own axis. (If the imaginary clock face under your feet is looking at you). Perform 10-12 turns on average speed. And then 3-5 turns counterclockwise.

Stop. Put your palms together in front of your chest (as in prayer), and fixing your gaze on some point exactly in front of your eyes, inhale and press your palms strongly against each other along with exhalation. Inhale deeply and press again as you exhale. And so several times. This will stop the dizziness and stabilize the unwinding of the energy spheres. This is the stage of energy rotation speed stabilization. Next, lower your arms and just relax and stand straight for a minute or two, looking straight ahead with a defocused gaze.

Such a rotation around itself spins the invisible energy spheres of our body (located at the level of the spine and in the places of the joints), and makes them intensively suck in energy from the surrounding space. The fact is that they constantly rotate and our health and the actual amount of our internal energy depend on how correctly they do it. Rotation can go astray and slow down as a result of experienced mental stresses of a different nature, deposited on the subconscious. And this progressively can affect well-being and health in a negative way.

Daily performance of this exercise restarts and stabilizes the rotation of energy spheres, gradually bringing all systems back to normal. You need to do the exercise consistently and daily. It is very good if you can devote time to it 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Daily practice for several weeks will undoubtedly bring results. You will see it for yourself, you will feel the inner energy, you will notice that you are no longer tired. In the future, you can reduce the number of approaches to two per day: in the morning and in the evening. And then, when you feel that the condition has returned to normal (“you are constantly at the peak of your form”) - up to once a day. But don't interrupt it completely. Do this exercise prophylactically at least once a day, keeping your energy spheres stable.

The indicated number of revolutions (10-12 + 3-5) is the minimum level to start the practice. Further, the number of revolutions must be increased, and you can also increase the speed of rotation around its axis. The measure of the quantity is the normal state of health: during the rotation and after it, the appearance of nausea and dizziness is unacceptable. If even after the rotation stabilization procedure, you feel nausea - you need to reduce the number of revolutions and rotation speed! You don't have to drive horses. A week or two and gradually your results will invariably creep up. Gradually bring the number of revolutions to 30 (+ in the opposite direction 7-8). Again, avoiding discomfort, stopping dizziness in time.

Gradually, the chakras will unwind, grow, come into a harmonious state, and together with them your state will progressively improve. Just remember the following clearly: when rotated clockwise, the spheres open to the set, and when rotated counterclockwise, they close and encapsulate the accumulated. If you mix up where to rotate, you can even lose consciousness. Be careful! First, you open up for energy collection and fill the energy system with particles of energy from the surrounding space; then you close the system and distribute the accumulated, directing it inward into yourself - rotating counterclockwise and then stopping.

This is the whole principle. You need to understand it and competently build your studies on it. Only you can find out how many revolutions you need, and how much is enough for you. At an advanced level, after a month or so, you will be able to rotate freely 30 or more times without any dizziness and nausea and completely forget about them. Over time, you can even increase the number of revolutions to 100 or even more, but the trick is that there is no particular need for this. Enough and smaller efforts, most importantly constant.

The highest level of this exercise that can be achieved is its long execution with a consistent change in the direction of rotation. For example: 30 clockwise - 10 against, then without stopping, again clockwise, then again against. And so several times, back and forth. Chakras are trained in a very hard mode while doing this. If you do this at high speed, while having previously done breathing exercises- you can literally feel how the energy is sucked in and begins to vibrate in the body! This is a very high level. And the best part is that you can achieve it yourself! Without gurus and reading volumes of special literature. With this single 5-minute exercise.

The only nuance that will still be useful for you to know is that later, having accumulated energy, your body will give you signs that you will need to distribute it to some lagging, blocked parts of the body. You will want to do some stretching, twisting, joint massage, or just loading the muscles with regular exercises. You want to give excess energy an outlet, perhaps through sports, running, or dancing. Don't resist it. Follow your inner guidance and sensations, and your body will lead you to optimal well-being.

Rotation is the main movement of the universe: the planets, the solar system, the galaxy and everything that fills outer space rotate. The main human energy centers, which are called chakras in the Vedic tradition, and dantians in the Taoist tradition, are also characterized by the so-called "whirlwinds", that is, rotations of energy. The very word "chakra" in Sanskrit means "wheel" or "disk". Rotation can occur both to the right and to the left, that is, clockwise and in the opposite direction. Turning clockwise can be conditionally called masculine or yang. Since the energy "yang" is active, the activation of processes is stimulated by turns to the right. The yin energy is calm, feminine, and counterclockwise turns can compensate for the yang turns or calm down, reduce the activity of processes.

The most famous sacred practices that use the principle of rotation are the Tibetan practice "The Eye of the Renaissance. Five Tibetans." , the purpose of which is to rejuvenate the body and increase the energy potential of a person, and the famous Sufi whirling, "royal" meditation to achieve a state of trance, which consists in rotating people around their own axis from half an hour to several hours. Curiously, Tibetan practitioners generally recommend clockwise rotation, while Sufis circle strictly counterclockwise.

As for space objects, for example, the Earth rotates from west to east, and when viewed from the North Star or the north pole of the ecliptic, the rotation occurs counterclockwise. The most amazing thing is that all the planets of the solar system, except for Venus, rotate in the same direction. This means that the universe also rotates in different directions. Practitioners who work with chakra energy believe that clockwise rotation of the chakra energy "sucks" external energy into the body, and the reverse rotation draws energy, that is, allows it to radiate. Followers of some Eastern esoteric schools use this property of rotation for pumping energy and for cleansing the chakras - if you start rotating counterclockwise in the area where the chakra is located, then the energy comes out, and thus the work of the energy center is harmonized. Accordingly, in order to replenish the energy potential of the chakra, you need to rotate your palm clockwise.

If you feel bad at heart, you have no strength, you are tired, you do not have enough energy or you want to attract something new into your life, then try this ancient Himalayan energy practice. It will remove all existing indoor units, release stagnant negative energy, improve your physical condition, attract any pleasant changes into your life.

✨ It is best to perform this exercise on the street, in the yard, in the park, in the forest, in the clearing. But you can also at home in a spacious room or training room. The main thing - you have to like this place. Stand up straight, look at the sky, spread your arms to the sides. With these actions, you welcome the energy coming to you from space and from the earth. Now start spinning as fast as your health allows.

✨ But before that, choose the direction of rotation correctly. If you feel unwell and want to heal your body, then circle to the left side, this way you can clear your body of the energy blocking it.

✨ If you want to accumulate creative energy, tune in to any changes and new experience, then circle to the right side, absorbing the energy you need with your body. Spin around and repeat phrases that will help you get what you want from this practice. For example: "I am open to cosmic energy", "I am ready for a new experience", etc. They can be repeated mentally, whispered or even shouted. When you feel that it is time to end the spinning, then stop, cross your arms over your heart and stay like that for a few seconds.

✨ This practice is based on the opening of the 7th chakra of the head. It will fill your connecting channels between heaven and earth with the necessary strength, which will be able to open your subtle centers and draw energy to you. Do this practice as often as you like.

Remember that not everyone will immediately have a miracle, you need to be patient and continue this practice. Be open to everything new!

Original taken from

When viewed from the North Pole, the Earth rotates counterclockwise, and when viewed from the South Pole, it rotates clockwise. And the Earth (like all the planets of the solar system, except for Venus) rotates counterclockwise around its axis. The snail's house spins clockwise from the center (i.e., the rotation is in the counterclockwise direction). What else is spinning and spinning? In one cat, at the sight of sparrows (these are her favorite birds), the tail rotates clockwise, and if these are not sparrows, but other birds, then it rotates counterclockwise.

Therefore, the experimental proofs of the Earth's rotation are reduced to the proof of the existence of these two inertial forces in the reference frame associated with it. This effect should be most clearly expressed at the poles, where the period of complete rotation of the pendulum plane is equal to the period of the Earth's rotation around its axis (sidereal days).

There are a number of other experiments with pendulums used to prove the rotation of the earth. The first such experiment was carried out by Hagen in 1910: two weights on a smooth crossbar were installed motionless relative to the Earth's surface. Then the distance between the loads was reduced.

There are a number of other experimental demonstrations of the Earth's diurnal rotation. In general, the reason for the precession and nutation of the Earth is its non-sphericity and mismatch of the planes of the equator and ecliptic. As a result of the gravitational attraction of the equatorial thickening of the Earth by the Moon and the Sun, a moment of forces arises, tending to combine the planes of the equator and the ecliptic.

The explanation of the daily rotation of the sky by the rotation of the Earth around its axis was first proposed by the representatives of the Pythagorean school, the Syracusans Hicket and Ekfant. About a century later, the assumption of the rotation of the Earth became integral part the first heliocentric system of the world, proposed by the great astronomer Aristarchus of Samos (3rd century BC).

The fact that the idea of ​​the daily rotation of the Earth had its supporters as early as the 1st century A.D. e., some statements of the philosophers Seneca, Derkillid, astronomer Claudius Ptolemy testify.

Clockwise or counterclockwise?

One of the arguments of Ptolemy in favor of the immobility of the Earth is the verticality of the trajectories of falling bodies, as in Aristotle. It follows from the work of Ptolemy that the supporters of the hypothesis of the rotation of the Earth answered these arguments that both the air and all terrestrial objects move along with the Earth.

At the same time, however, he rejected one of Varahamihira's arguments: in his opinion, even if the Earth rotated, objects could not break away from it due to their gravity. The possibility of the Earth's rotation was considered by many scientists of the Muslim East. However, the role of air in this case was no longer considered fundamental: not only air, but also all objects are transported by the rotating Earth.

A special position in these disputes was taken by the third director of the Samarkand Observatory, Alauddin Ali al-Kushchi (XV century), who rejected the philosophy of Aristotle and considered the rotation of the Earth physically possible.

In his opinion, astronomers and philosophers have not provided sufficient evidence to disprove the rotation of the Earth. Buridan and Orem rightly disagreed with this, according to which celestial phenomena should occur in the same way regardless of what makes the rotation, the Earth or the Cosmos. If the Earth rotates, then the arrow flies vertically upwards and at the same time moves to the east, being captured by the air rotating with the Earth.

Basic movements of the Earth in space.

However, Oresme's final verdict on the possibility of the Earth's rotation was negative. Thus, the entrainment of air by its rotation plays the main role in the unobservability of the Earth's rotation. In refuting the arguments of the opponents of the hypothesis of the rotation of the Earth, Bruno also used the theory of impetus. He also predicted that due to the action of centrifugal force, the Earth should be flattened at the poles. A number of objections to the rotation of the Earth were associated with its contradictions with the text of Holy Scripture.

I became interested in the topic of what rotates clockwise and counterclockwise, and that's what I found.

In this case, the axial rotation of the Earth was under attack, since the movement of the Sun from east to west is part of the daily rotation of the sky. Since the command to stop was given to the Sun, and not to the Earth, it was concluded from this that it was the Sun that made the daily movement. You have set the earth on solid foundations; it will not shake forever and ever. Proponents of the rotation of the Earth (in particular, Giordano Bruno, Johannes Kepler and especially Galileo Galilei) defended on several fronts.

See what the "ROTATION OF THE EARTH" is in other dictionaries:

What is this news? In the end, they would have considered him a fool, and he really would have been a fool. These arguments were considered unconvincing by the Catholic Church, and in 1616 the doctrine of the rotation of the Earth was banned, and in 1631 Galileo was convicted by the Inquisition for his defense. It should be added that religious arguments against the movement of the Earth were brought not only by church leaders, but also by scientists (for example, Tycho Brahe).

Annual motion of the Earth.

According to the law of right-hand traffic, adopted in our country, the roundabout goes counterclockwise. That is, in some countries, helicopters are made with a propeller rotating clockwise, and in others - against.

Flocks of bats, flying out of the caves, usually form a "right-handed" vortex. But in the caves near Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), for some reason, they spin in a spiral, twisted counterclockwise ... But the dog, before going on business, will definitely spin counterclockwise. Spiral stairs in the locks they twisted clockwise (when viewed from below, and if viewed from above, then counterclockwise) - so that when rising, it would be inconvenient for attackers to attack.

The mass of Uranus, sandwiched between the mass of Saturn and the mass of Neptune, under the influence of the rotational moment of the mass of Saturn, received a clockwise rotation. The DNA molecule is twisted into a right-handed double helix. This is because the backbone of the DNA double helix is ​​made up entirely of right-handed deoxyribose sugar molecules.

In the solar system, counter-clockwise rotation (when viewed from the north ecliptic pole) is predominant, and therefore more likely. In this sense of the word, non-inertial motion, including the rotation of the Earth around its axis, can be called absolute. The idea of ​​the Earth's rotation forced to reconsider not only mechanics, but also cosmology.
