IN diet food The following principle applies: the more water a dish contains, the fewer calories it contains. Therefore, soups in this sense are ideal food for weight loss - there are even diets and diets. fasting days exclusively in soups.

Today we will prepare a dietary soup with buckwheat.

We will not put potatoes at all, but add fragrant champignons and vegetable sauteing. You can’t do without oil, it is necessary to reveal the taste of mushrooms and vegetables. Considering that there is practically no fat in champignons, and buckwheat is a slow carbohydrate, the soup will turn out to be very light.

Buckwheat soup with champignons will be an ideal first course for a diet lunch, it will saturate well and will not damage the figure. The main thing is to eat it without bread. Enough carbohydrates, which are contained in buckwheat.


- 2.5 ml of water
- 250 gr champignons
- 80 gr buckwheat
- 1 head of onion
- 1 carrot
- bunch of greenery
- vegetable oil for frying
- spices: bay leaf, peppercorns, salt


Put a pot of water on the burner, and when the water boils, pour in the washed buckwheat. Salt to taste, add Bay leaf. Then reduce the heat to a minimum, cover with a lid and leave to simmer over low heat.

Meanwhile, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Chop the onion.

Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater.

Fry vegetables in a pan with a little oil. Do not fry the vegetables, they should only be slightly saturated with oil and soften.

Cut the mushrooms, but not very finely, because after sautéing the mushrooms will decrease in size, but you want beautiful medium-sized pieces to float in the soup.

After cutting the mushrooms, throw them into a well-heated oiled pan and fry over medium heat until light golden brown. Approximately 3 minutes.

When the buckwheat in the soup is almost ready - 10 minutes after the start of cooking, throw the vegetable sauté and mushroom pieces into the saucepan.

Wash the parsley, chop, add to the soup at the very end. Taste the soup to see if more salt is needed. If the broth is too strong, the soup is too thick, you can add more water and bring to a boil again.

Dietary buckwheat soup with mushrooms is ready. Let it brew for 10 minutes and cool slightly, then pour into plates, serve.

Buckwheat soup is a hot first course with buckwheat. Its dietary option is popular - buckwheat soup for weight loss, boiled in water or low-fat chicken broth.

Based on it, even a short-term diet has been developed that promises significant weight loss in a short time. True, nutritionists warn against such bold experiments on their own body, as they are harmful to health. But dietary buckwheat soup itself is recommended to be included in the diet of overweight people.


For systematic weight loss, the dietary intake should usually not exceed 1200-1700 kilocalories (kcal) per day. The exact figure depends on the individual indicators of a person: gender, height, initial weight, level of physical activity.


The effectiveness of a mono-diet on buckwheat soup is due to the low calorie content of this dish. The principle of the diet is simple. A 3-liter pot of soup is cooked per day, the total calorie content of which does not exceed 800-900 kcal. For several days (4-5) you can only eat this dish (no more than the specified amount per day).

Since 900 calories a day is very little for almost any adult, everyone, with rare exceptions, loses weight significantly on buckwheat soup. Only for 5-6 days a little boiled chicken, fish and vegetables are added to the diet.

But doctors warn: mono-diets cause significant damage to health. In addition, smooth weight loss of no more than 4-5 kg ​​per month is considered effective. Weight lost quickly returns after a while.

First meal

Hot first courses, prepared according to the rules of nutrition, contain a minimum of fat, but a maximum of herbs and aromatic spices. It is effective to include a bowl or two of light buckwheat soup in a balanced diet 2-3 times a week. The dish perfectly satisfies hunger, combined with carbohydrate and vegetable diets.

How to cook

Among the popular recipes for light buckwheat soup are classic light options on water and chicken broth, fish, tomato. There are many variations of this dish. You can show your imagination and use any recipe you like. The main thing is to follow simple rules:

  1. Exclude options on fatty broths - beef, pork or lamb bones. The soup is boiled in water, light chicken broth (the chicken should be without skin and fat). You can use beef (but also without fat). From fish, low-calorie varieties, such as pollock, are suitable.
  2. Frying vegetable dressing for soup in oil is also prohibited. Instead, onions, carrots and other ingredients are lightly stewed in water or cooked in a double boiler until half cooked.
  3. Salt dishes on a diet are advised less. Excess salt leads to fluid retention in the body. But seasonings and spices do not need to be spared. They will give the dish a delicious taste and aroma.

You can safely add low-calorie vegetables to any recipe to your taste. Celery will do Brussels sprouts, green string beans.

Meal options

Pre-preparation of ingredients:

  1. Vegetables and herbs are thoroughly washed, wiped, and cleaned if necessary.
  2. Cutting vegetables is done to your taste.
  3. Buckwheat is sorted out before cooking, washed several times running water let her drain.
  4. Salt and spices are added to taste.

Peculiarity! A traditional set of spices and herbs for buckwheat soup: 2-3 bay leaves, black peppercorns (5-6 pieces), fresh dill or parsley. Spices are added 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Greens are poured directly into the plates.

On the water

For this low calorie soup you will need:

  • water - 2l;
  • dry buckwheat - 70 g;
  • potatoes - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • cauliflower - 200 g.

Put the water on the fire, load the buckwheat into the pan. Stew onions, carrots and cauliflower inflorescences a little (5-10 minutes) in a pan without oil. Peel potatoes, cook separately, mash into puree.

When buckwheat is cooked until half cooked, vegetables and potatoes are sent to the pan. Mix well so that the mashed potatoes are evenly dispersed in water, cook until tender.

With tomatoes and garlic

This recipe will appeal to lovers.

Dish Ingredients:

  • water - 2 l;
  • dry buckwheat - 70 g;
  • tomatoes - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves.

Put water with buckwheat on the stove. Scald tomatoes, peel, cut into small cubes. In a frying pan, simmer the onions, carrots, tomatoes and tomato paste in a small amount of water.

When the buckwheat is half cooked, send vegetable dressing to it and cook the soup. Squeeze the garlic into the finished dish and leave to brew for 20-30 minutes.

Important! The amount of ingredients in the soup varies according to taste. This tip works for any recipe. For example, they take more buckwheat, but less vegetables, or vice versa.

With Chiken

Classic buckwheat soup with chicken broth.

Required products:

  • water - 2 l;
  • dry buckwheat - 70 g;
  • skinless chicken (any part) - 150 g;
  • onion - 50 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 200 g.

Boil the chicken broth, remove the chicken, strain the broth, add buckwheat into it and start cooking. Lightly sauté onions and carrots in a frying pan. Cut the potatoes into strips, remove the bones from the chicken and cut into pieces. When the buckwheat is almost ready, add the rest of the ingredients to the pan, cook the soup.

You can add a pinch of turmeric to this dish while cooking. It will not affect the taste, but the chicken broth will turn a beautiful golden color.


In order to prepare such a dietary soup, it will take only 30 minutes.

Dietary buckwheat soup suitable for the children's menu during the period of feeding the baby, as well as for people who, for health reasons, need to follow a diet. You can cook such a soup during a religious fast. This dish is officially recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Soup is included in diet table number 5.

Description of step by step preparation.

It should be noted that in such a dish there is absolutely no oil or fat. It contains only buckwheat and vegetables. Soup is usually served in the morning for lunch.

Dietary buckwheat soup, recipe which is presented here, involves the use of medium light roasted buckwheat.

  1. Vegetables will need to be washed with water and peeled.
  2. Sort out buckwheat, cleaning it of debris. Then it needs to be filled warm water and soak. After that, rinse under cool water.
  3. Cut peeled carrots into cubes.
  4. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  5. Peel the raw potatoes and cut into cubes.
  6. Put a pot of water on the fire. When the water boils, salt it and add cereals and vegetables to it. Cook everything for half an hour until boiling over low heat.
  7. Before removing the pan from the heat, add fresh herbs to the soup and cook for no more than 1 minute.

Soup can be served with boiled lean meat.

Weight loss on buckwheat has its own characteristics. The product can be used in different form: boiled, germinated, baked, soaked in kefir. But the best option- is to fill it with boiling water and leave to languish.

There is a buckwheat diet for weight loss for 14 days, the menu for every day of which has its own differences and features. It all depends on the direction: fast weight loss for weight loss or therapeutic weight loss to improve health.

But in this case, we are talking about getting rid of unnecessary kg in a short time, respectively, the number of days for such a diet is 7.

So, buckwheat diet - menu for the week (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner).

1 day of weight loss

  1. buckwheat porridge and 1 egg, tea;
  2. Buckwheat soup and 150 baked vegetables;
  3. 1 banana;
  4. fermented milk product - 0%
  1. buckwheat porridge, 150 g cottage cheese, green tea;
  2. Greek stew 170 g;
  3. 2 apples;
  4. buckwheat casserole.
  1. porridge with milk, 1 egg, green tea.
  2. eat buckwheat cutlets with baked vegetables;
  3. 2 baked apples.
  1. milk soup in Greek;
  2. porridge with vegetables and 150 g boiled brisket;
  3. fermented milk product - 0%

5 day diet

  1. porridge and black bread with a slice of cheese;
  2. 1 banana;
  3. vegetable soup and 150 porridge; brisket cutlets (steamed);
  4. kefir 0%.
  1. 150 g cottage cheese, buckwheat pancakes;
  2. buckwheat soup and steamed vegetables;
  3. fermented milk product - 0%

7 day diet:

  1. in the morning we eat buckwheat on kefir, green tea;
  2. vegetable soup and 1 slice of black bread;
  3. casserole in greek - 120 g and 1 tbsp kefir 0%;

Such a diet, with a properly selected menu, will allow you to lose a few kg in a week and improve your body. Excess weight goes away subject to all the rules described above.

You can follow a mono-diet, that is, eat only buckwheat, or you can add non-fat kefir or yogurt to buckwheat. I usually eat only buckwheat and drink water, my friend ate buckwheat and drank kefir.

Buckwheat should be consumed without salt, sugar, spices and oil. During the day, you also need to drink about 1.5 liters of water, but without gas.

To be honest, I tried to cook buckwheat for a diet in two ways, cook like porridge and “steam” with boiling water. I didn’t feel the difference, I still lost weight, only I like boiled buckwheat more, and it’s more familiar. I don’t know about anyone else, but my boiled buckwheat turns out to be a little damp, which I don’t like.

In the classic buckwheat diet, it must be poured with boiling water. A glass of sorted and washed buckwheat should be poured with boiling water, a glass of boiling water should be poured onto a glass of buckwheat.

I did this in a saucepan, covered the saucepan with a lid and wrapped kitchen towel left overnight. Then you eat this buckwheat all day in small portions 4-5 times a day.

The last meal should be no later than 18 00 - 19 00 pm. That is, about 3 hours before bedtime, you don’t need to eat anything.

Perhaps this, of course, is not correct, but I just boiled buckwheat for myself two glasses of water for a glass of buckwheat. It turned out very tasty porridge, I did not add salt, sugar and butter to the porridge.

In general, I ate such buckwheat during the day. I didn’t feel the difference, since I ate both “steamed” buckwheat and boiled buckwheat for me there is no difference.

I lost 5 kg in 5 days. I lose a kilo a day.

But, I won’t say that everyone can lose weight like that, my friend loses 7 kg in 10 days, after all, each organism is individual.

If you decide to eat buckwheat with kefir, then for one day you will need about 1 - 1.5 liters of non-fat and fresh kefir. Kefir is best to take 1%. You can replace kefir with non-fat yogurt.

Which buckwheat is more useful green or brown

Buckwheat is the most useful, low-calorie product. Its calorie content is: 70 - 150 Kcal.

The effectiveness for weight loss lies in its composition. The high content of iron, potassium, vitamins and protein saturate the body with useful microelements and heal it. The product performs a kind of “cleansing” of the body and removes toxins and all kinds of “garbage” from the gastrointestinal tract.

Buckwheat diet is indicated not only for weight loss, but also for various diseases of the body. Weight loss is recommended by nutritionists and other medical specialists, because the product lowers blood cholesterol levels, cleanses the liver, and improves complexion. Also, the diet is indicated for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The effectiveness of the buckwheat technique lies in the fact that the product suppresses the feeling of hunger and saturates. This food can be eaten throughout the day, but dosed and at intervals. Menus and diet recipes must be carefully thought out so that the daily diet is rich and tasty.

How much weight can you lose?

A properly designed weight loss program on a buckwheat diet allows you to lose the hated kg without reducing muscle mass. The system of weight loss described below from the simplest and most delicious product will allow you to lose weight by 7-10 kg per week.

Note that for efficiency, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Drink plenty of water - 2 liters a day.
  2. Exclude juices and sweet water, the use of teas is welcome.
  3. Eat small meals.
  4. Don't overeat.
  5. Do not eat 2.5 hours before bedtime.
  6. Exclude alcohol.
  7. Use a minimum of salt.
  8. Exclude all foods that are not mentioned on the menu.
  9. Compulsory physical exercises are recommended (swimming, home exercises, running, gymnastics, etc.)

As you know, green buckwheat is much healthier than brown, according to nutritionists. Green buckwheat not subjected to heat treatment, unlike brown.

But, brown buckwheat is more familiar and tastier to me, but I always choose light brown buckwheat, it is less fried. I also always buy whole grain cereals, it is in such cereals that all useful substances and vitamins are stored.

But, there are no comrades for the taste and color.

Buckwheat diet. Contraindications

  • Buckwheat diet is contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers, especially during an exacerbation.
  • With gastritis during an exacerbation.
  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • For intestinal disorders.
  • In life situations when increased concentration of attention is required, with intense physical exertion. This group includes people who are preparing to take exams or reports.

Also, if you follow a buckwheat diet for a long time, dizziness, headaches, weakness, fatigue, fatigue are possible. Therefore, choose the time of the diet for yourself individually, whether it be one fasting day on buckwheat or 5, 7, 10 days of following the buckwheat diet.

Galina-89 2 weeks ago

Hello. I gave birth 2 years ago, after that there were problems with excess weight, well, I somehow went to the gym, to the pool and now I continue, but the weight does not go away and who seems to me to have heart problems against the background of this ... Tell me normal options - if any? Only without gesture

  • Since buckwheat is a common and inexpensive product, buckwheat soup for weight loss is available to every person who has no contraindications to its use. There are many options for preparing this very healthy dish.

    What is the essence of the diet on buckwheat soup?

    This very healthy and tasty soup should be introduced into the diet when you need to achieve a good figure, but without losing health. The calorie content of dietary buckwheat soup is a maximum of 50-60 kcal per 100 g.

    In addition to being beneficial for the figure, such nutrition helps to cleanse the body, improves skin and hair.

    Like any other, a diet using buckwheat has its own contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases (stomach ulcer, acute gastritis, intestinal disorders), pregnancy, lactation, increased emotional or physical stress, so you should consult a doctor before using it.

    The diet consists of not very high-calorie meals in combination with periodic (from 3 to 7 times a week) inclusion of buckwheat soup in it. They are replaced with more high-calorie meals in the morning.

    Such a diet does not require much effort, since buckwheat-based health dishes are satisfying, and their presence on the menu, without the categorical exclusion of all other favorite dishes, makes this nutrition easy for mental perception. At the same time, success will depend on how often high-calorie meals are replaced with buckwheat soup.

    Useful composition buckwheat

    Basic rules for making soup

    There are various recipes for this light soup: with chicken, vegetables, mushrooms and fish.

    The basic rule is to use right combination products with buckwheat.

    Such soups are prepared on the basis of water or light meat and vegetable broths.

    Chicken, turkey, rabbit and beef are lean. Frying for soup is prepared in vegetable oil, but it is better to exclude fried ingredients in the composition of the dish.

    Soup Recipes

    Below are recipes for buckwheat soup with ingredients and their quantities.

    On the water

    Required products:

    • water - 2 l;
    • buckwheat - 0.5 cups;
    • potatoes - 2 medium tubers;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • salt - 1/2 tbsp. l.;
    • greens (parsley, dill);
    • bay leaf and ground black pepper optional.

    Lightly fry chopped onions and carrots in sunflower oil. In boiling water, pour washed hot water grits and bring to a boil. Add cubed potatoes and sautéed vegetables to the soup. Cook for 20 minutes. Add greens and cook for another 5 minutes.

    You can cook soup from the same products, but using a slow cooker. To do this, lightly fry the onions and carrots in the baking mode, add buckwheat, potatoes, water and salt. Cook in simmer mode for 1 hour. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add greens.

    If you want to reduce the calorie content to a minimum, onions and carrots should not be fried, but added fresh to the soup.

    With tomatoes and garlic

    Tomatoes and garlic give a rich taste to this soup.

    Required products:

    • water - 2 liters;
    • buckwheat - 3/4 cup;
    • tomato - 2 pcs.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
    • parsley or cilantro.

    Buckwheat groats washed in hot water are added to boiling salted water, brought to a boil. Passivated finely chopped onions and garlic are placed in the broth. After 15 minutes, add tomatoes in small cubes and parsley or cilantro.

    With Chiken

    • water -2.5 l;
    • medium-sized chicken breast - 1 pc.;
    • buckwheat - 1/2 cup;
    • 1 small onion;
    • small carrots - 1 pc.;
    • salt - 2 tsp;
    • greens - 1 bunch (to your liking).

    Optionally - bay leaf and black peppercorns.

    IN cold water put chicken breast skinless and bring to a boil. Drain the liquid and add 2 liters of clean water. Boil the chicken semi-finished product for half an hour, remove the meat, separate from the bone and cut into small pieces. Return it to the broth and add the buckwheat, whole onions and carrots. Cook for 15 minutes. Add bay leaf, black pepper and finely chopped greens.

    Let it boil a little and turn it off.

    Optionally, you can replace onions and carrots with broccoli or Bell pepper in the same amount.

    With mushrooms

    Required products:

    • water - 2 l;
    • fresh mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons or any other) - 200 g;
    • buckwheat - 1/2 cup;
    • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • 1/2 st. l. salt;
    • bay leaf and ground pepper (black);
    • dill greens.

    Boil the mushroom broth (depending on the variety of mushrooms - from 30 minutes to 1 hour). Lay in it buckwheat washed in hot water, fried vegetables. After boiling, add potatoes cubes, salt. Cook for 15 minutes. Add finely chopped dill, bay leaf and pepper. Boil 5 minutes.


    Required products:

    • water - 2 l;
    • boneless fish - 500 g;
    • buckwheat - 2 tbsp. l. with a slide;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • capers - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 1/2 tbsp. l.;
    • dill - 1 bunch;
    • bay leaf and ground pepper (black, allspice) to taste.

    The dish is prepared on the basis of fish broth from low-fat varieties product (cod, pink salmon).

    To begin with, the broth is cooked: pieces of boneless fish are placed in cold water and boiled for 20 minutes.

    Groats are laid in the finished broth and, when it boils, passivated onions and garlic are added (capers and tomato paste can be added during passivation). Boil for a quarter of an hour and add dill, salt and pepper. Let it brew for about half an hour.

    Results and reviews

    As a result of such a diet with a light soup on the menu, you can lose from 5 to 15 kg of excess weight within 3-6 months and switch to a relatively healthy diet.

    This fairly low-calorie diet received positive feedback from people who used it.

    Anna, 40 years old, Kursk: Both I and my children eat this soup with pleasure. In six months, without effort and nervous breakdowns, she lost 10 kg. There is no more excess weight, but as a support I include soup in the weekly menu 2-3 times.

    Andrey, 52 years old, Volgograd: Every day at lunch I eat such dishes with different composition, and as a result, after losing 7 kg of excess weight in 3 months, I feel almost healthy. At the same time, I allow myself sweets for breakfast, but dinner is light - vegetables, chicken, turkey, fish, etc.

    Svetlana, 27 years old, Moscow: To liquid dishes from buckwheat in daily menu I’m so used to it that I can’t give it up even after a noticeable weight loss. I especially liked the buckwheat with tomatoes. For six months minus 12 kg, healthy skin and hair, and lightness throughout the body. This diet is easy to follow and passes without any special restrictions. I think that this is not a diet at all, but such an option for daily healthy eating.

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