Many of us often have gas cylinders left in our homes. They are made of fairly high-quality metal, which is sometimes just a pity to throw away. In order to get started, you will need a similar capacity of 50 liters. It often remains from propane.

A little about security measures

You may not even suspect it, but there will be gas residues inside. Of course, you can’t start working with them, you need to get rid of them. To do this, simply open the container and leave it for a few hours. Just make sure there is no fire nearby. Also, after all this, rinse the container with water. It will completely rid the balloon of gas residues. You can also use chlorine or lime for cleaning. The truth may remain after this bad smell. But it's easy to remove. It is enough just to hold the product over the fire for a while. Wait for the paint to burn off.

Work process

From the resulting cylinder, it will be possible to make a portable compressor station without any problems. Surely you have a large number of wheels on the farm. They need to be pumped up from time to time. So such a homemade invention will be most welcome. Small wheels will make such a station as mobile as possible, you do not have to carry heavy tires with you.

In order to get started, you must first find a gearbox, the maximum pressure of which will be 2 atmospheres. With it, even children will pump up the wheels without any problems.

Next, you can easily build a stove. It will do an excellent job of heating the workshop. To create it, you need only one burner, which can heat up to 140 degrees and a small chimney. By the way, with such a device it is possible to easily dry nuts and do many more manipulations. Look at the pictures below to see what it looks like.

Of the interesting, it should be noted the skating rink for the garden. It can also be used as a track leveler. To do this, it is enough to simply prepare a special iron base, which you can easily hold on to. You can make such a skating rink in just an hour, or even less. It all depends on how quickly you find the iron handle.

Lovers of outdoor recreation can also be satisfied. In particular, you can make a quality barbecue. To do this, simply cut off the top. By the way, it is possible to make a smokehouse without any problems by combining several cylinders at once. Look at the photo below. Looks attractive enough.

By the way, if you have any parts from the cylinder, then in no case throw them away. From the half it is possible to make a stand for the burner. Just need to attach a few small legs. You can also use part of the sidewall. It should be used as a protection for the sharpener.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. If you have no desire to do something complicated, then you can, for example, make an ordinary urn out of a balloon and decorate it. In general, it is enough just to show your imagination. Do you have piglets? Then just make a feed trough for them. This is a great opportunity to save money.

If you need to wrap a gift, but you don't want to use boring bows and ribbons to decorate it, then our article is for you. Today we will tell you how to decorate a gift in an original way with a handmade flamingo.

Materials and tools:

  • pink yarn
  • pink pipe cleaners
  • scissors
  • cardboard

How to make a flamingo with your own hands

Cut out two identical circles from cardboard. Cut out the center section of each circle so they turn into rings.

Fold two cardboard "donuts" together. Take a very long thread of yarn, and start winding it around the rings, after each turn, passing the end of the thread into the center hole. Wrap the cardboard rings all the way around.

Insert the tip of the scissors between the cardboard rings and cut the yarn in a circle along the outer edge.

Spread the rings a little, tie a tight knot around the central part of the pieces of yarn. Leave the long ends of the thread, they will become the legs of the flamingo.

Make the neck of a flamingo from a pipe cleaner cut to the desired length. Insert the brush into the pompom and bend it into the shape of a neck.

Remove the cardboard rings, straighten the pompom, giving it a neat shape. If necessary, cut off the protruding pieces of yarn.

A cute flamingo is ready, it remains to fix it on the package.

Note: such flamingos can be used not only for decorating gifts, but also for decorating rooms, as Christmas toys.

Original article in English.

But really, what can be done from a gas cylinder with your own hands? It's been that way since the days Soviet Union that many products can be fundamentally recycled and new designs can be obtained from them that will perform completely different functions. As it turned out, a lot can be done from a gas cylinder and, mind you, everything will be done with your own hands.

balloon stove

First of all, when you are looking for an answer to the question of what can be done from a gas cylinder with your own hands, a potbelly stove comes to mind. Such a unit has many advantages, as well as in the very principle of installation. Firstly, the thickness of the walls of the gas cylinder is 3 mm, and this is quite enough so that the potbelly stove from it does not burn out in the first season of operation. Secondly, it will take quite a bit to finalize the gas cylinder - the stove is made in one day with your own hands. The third advantage lies in the huge choice of designs: you can make a stove from one cylinder or two, a vertical design or a horizontal one. Your own fantasy or tips from the Internet - and you can make a product out of a gas cylinder that will help you out in a cold winter.

Disadvantages are also present. Or rather, these are not even shortcomings, but features that must be taken into account so that they do not turn into shortcomings. For example, it is necessary to remove the paint from the outside of the parts from the cylinder before the first firewood fire. Otherwise, the paint will begin to fade and fill the room with acrid smoke. It is also MANDATORY to take care of fire safety. The walls of the stove from a gas cylinder can heat up red-hot and this is fraught with many troubles. It may seem to you that such heating is only a plus, because it will be warm inside the room. But everything that can flare up from such strong heating will certainly flare up if it is too close to the potbelly stove. And the walls of the room itself need to be taken care of: in our workshop, the cinder block wall cracked vertically over its entire height after just a few evenings of use. What can be done to protect the wall: install the stove at a distance from it, protect it with a galvanized screen mounted on the wall at a short distance from it, or heat the potbelly stove in moderation. The latter, by the way, is not the best - it will be difficult to “guess” the optimal amount of firewood. And most importantly: a stove from a gas cylinder with your own hands (and even strangers too) will cool down very quickly. As long as the fire burns inside, while firewood is thrown up, it will be warm. But as soon as the firewood burns out, the stove instantly cools down. The insulated walls of the room where such a potbelly stove will be used, and the elimination of even minimal gaps in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows, doors or gates of the room, will help.

Feeders for animals and birds

This is another option for what you can do with your own hands from a gas cylinder and at the same time get excellent quality. Such feeders seem to be, if not eternal, then 100% durable. The gas cylinder is cut along its axis and you get two halves, each of which will be an excellent feeder for pigs, sheep or a bird drinker. It remains only to weld the stand, since the lower part of each of the halves will be semicircular and, of course, will not stand on the ground. You can also cut off the top and bottom of the cylinder along the line of the lining rings and get round small feeders. They are suitable for medium-sized animals and provided that we are talking about one or two individuals. Or maybe it will be drinkers for chickens - you decide.

Here you also need to take into account some features, so as not to be upset later. Since food will be poured inside such feeders, you should especially carefully clean the inside of gasoline. If the cylinder has survived multiple refueling and has not been cleaned, then gasoline is collected inside, which has a very strong odor. A strong smell plus oiliness over the entire surface - this must be removed so as not to poison the bird and animals. How to do it yourself: a set of actions helps, including washing in boiling water using various cleaning agents, burning with a blowtorch and cleaning with a drill or angle grinder attachment.

Manual rammer roller

And also from a gas cylinder, and also with your own hands. The skating rink is a rarely used thing, but if you really need it, it is difficult to find it. tamp down asphalt pavement if you have to do it yourself and you don’t have to rely on the rink; ramming the base under paving slabs, soil compaction - there can be many situations. The main thing is that making a manual ice rink from a gas cylinder with your own hands is even easier than the previous crafts that we mentioned above. A U-shaped pipe with a diameter of about an inch, the ends of which will be attached to the center of the upper and lower parts of the cylinder by means of bearings and a handle of a shape and length convenient for your hands - that's the whole design. Water or sand is used as a filler. Water is lighter, sand is heavier, so the choice depends on the purpose of the rink.

The main thing is safety. Since parts will be welded to the gas cylinder, care should be taken to clean the gasoline to prevent trouble. We will talk about this in more detail at the end of the article.

Other balloon crafts

If you thought that a stove, a feeder and a skating rink are the whole list of what you can do with your own hands from a gas cylinder, then you are mistaken. There is no limit to ingenuity: various containers for storing something, a smokehouse, a brazier, a feed cutter, an autoclave, a compressor and even a boiler - this is a relatively complete list of crafts. Another thing is that some of these designs are not always justified and it will be easier to purchase (buy) a ready-made unit for safety reasons. If the master knows what he is doing with his own hands and it is so safe for operation, then the question is removed. But if the mind is not enough, then you can either ruin yourself or your relatives. We do not want to offend anyone, but cases are different.

How to disassemble a gas cylinder

We promised above that we will teach you how to disassemble the cylinder safely and we keep our word. First of all, do not think that everything is so simple and safe - if you act incorrectly, you can get burned in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Let's take our youth as an example. This is exactly the period when there is little experience, there was no Internet, but there was a burning desire to use the gas cylinder for other purposes. Logic dictated that even that small fraction of gasoline inside should be wary of, but I didn’t want to get too dirty. Therefore, knocking down the valve with a sledgehammer, we began to fill the cylinder with water, shake it off and drain the liquid. After repeating this five times, we decided that the threat was gone. The grinder began to cut the cylinder along the axis and already 90% completed the work. And only then (!) the remains of gasoline flared up and the master was enveloped in a cloud of flame. It's okay - just burned eyebrows and hair all over the open body - but it's unpleasant.

The instruction will help you disassemble the cylinder (cut) without consequences:

  • Even if you are sure that the cylinder is empty, you must open the valve. By venting even that small amount of gas, you once again insure yourself.
  • The valve must be removed. Here everyone tries by virtue of their capabilities and imagination. Some knock it down with a sledgehammer, others cut it off with a grinder or a hand saw for metal, and still others unscrew it. The last option is the safest, but difficult to do at home. Clamping the cylinder so that it does not scroll under the force of the key is difficult. If cutting the valve at the very base of the cylinder is used, then ONLY with a hand saw! No cutters and angle grinders!
  • The hole that formed after removing the valve is small in diameter, but this is enough to pour water inside. Why is it necessary? The water will displace the remaining gas and nothing will flare up when cutting. Here is a little difficulty, or rather, an inconvenience: you need to cut a bottle with water inside and water will surely flow out of the resulting cut. There's nothing you can do about it - this is such a feature that you need to be able to adapt to. For example, the place where you will work with your hands should be such that spilled water does not collect and you do not have to knead the dirt with your feet. Naturally, this operation should take place outdoors, not indoors.
  • If an abundance of water cannot be avoided, then you can risk rinsing the cylinder several times, washing off the remaining gasoline. Just note: we specifically wrote the word “risk”, since we cannot give security guarantees. in our case, as you remember, there was almost no gasoline, but a flash of it followed already at the end of the cut.
  • Cutting with a grinder is the most fast way. Mark the line with a marker (pencil graphite will quickly fly off the surface from vibration) and start cutting. Since the gas cylinder is round, it is better to put something under it from the sides so that it does not roll during operation.
  • cleaning inner surface necessary even if the balloon structure will not be used for poultry or animal feed. The smell is strong and persistent, so you need to remove it. To begin with, you can wash it with boiling water using various kinds of cleaning products. This will help partially, so next comes the burning. Blowtorch or campfire - decide for yourself. Both options will help 100% and you just have to complete the cleaning with a metal brush. It is better to use the appropriate nozzle on a drill or grinder to make things go faster.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the question “what can be done from a gas cylinder with your own hands” has many answers. The main thing is your safety, because you are going to work with your own hands, which means you are risking them. Any design that you make from a balloon will last you a long time. Reason: high quality steel, which is now rare. Only we advise you to think over everything thoroughly - is it worth doing the thing with your own hands, if the store option is more reliable. For example, we would not risk working homemade compressor from a cylinder or a boiler - life is more expensive.

Today we will teach you how to make an aerosol can with your own hands from improvised means. This process is not as laborious as it might seem at first glance.

So, from the tools you will need: a clerical knife, a drill and drill bits, a saw and a bicycle pump. As for the materials for manufacturing, these are: a bicycle inner tube, rubber-based glue, an empty plastic bottle, an empty can and paint.

Well, let's get started?

Step 1.

First you need to release the remaining pressure from an empty can. This will protect you from its possible explosion. This can be done by releasing all the air from it. After that, you need to saw off the tip of the can and get its base, as well as a glass ball.

Step 2

Next, we cut the inflation tube from the bike tube and glue it close to the base plastic bottle. And yes, don't forget to drill a small hole where you stick this straw! Rubber-based glue is just perfect for this purpose.

Step 3

Now we need to make a nozzle. To do this, we drill a hole in the bottle cap suitable for the tip of the can with a straw, which we received by completing the first step. To fix it, glue also does not interfere.

Step 4

It's time to pour the paint. To do this, you can use a homemade paper funnel. IMPORTANT! Mix need oil paint with oil, and acrylic with acrylic. Mixing oil paint with acrylic is not worth it!

Step 5

And now our spray can needs pressure. For this we use a bicycle pump.

So, if you did everything right, then with this simple invention you can create at least something like this:

An interesting solution for coating is spray paints. With their help, you can evenly paint the surface. The consumption of paint and varnish material due to aerosol spraying is not very large, and the marking on the product helps to facilitate the selection of the required tone. You can even refill the spray can yourself. The presence of marking codes is very important when, for example, a car body is partially repaired or restored.

But such a factory form of release is much more expensive than conventional dyes, and it is not always possible to choose the right tone among finished products. What to do in this case? You can refill the necessary paint purchased or tinted with your own hands into the spray can yourself, or you can turn to the services of specialists, and then enjoy all the benefits of fine spraying.

Advantages of aerosol application of dyes

Usage paintwork materials, released in ready-made containers with a sprayer, provides a number of advantages:

  1. Material saving. All the paint released from the can will fall on the surface to be painted, and will not remain on the roller, brush or other painting tool.
  2. Quick preparation for use. Such paint does not need to be diluted before use and poured into a container for convenient use. It is enough to shake the dye bottle for 5 seconds so that the balls in it provide mixing of the solution, and you can spray the coating onto the surface.
  3. The possibility of dosed use by the difference in the force of pressing the sprayer. When painting over small scratches and cracks, it is enough to slightly press the spray button.
  4. The ability to carry out partial restoration repairs by spraying the coloring composition on damaged areas. With a properly selected color scheme, after drying, the surface will appear evenly painted.
  5. Easily painted even the most inaccessible places.
  6. No special painting skills are required, even an amateur can handle the job.
  7. The remains of paint in a can do not require quick use; in such a container, they will retain their original qualities for a long time.
  8. Convenience in storage and transportation: the balloon container is airtight, the dyes will not spill out of it and will not stain the floor.

In such containers, dyes of various composition and qualities are produced, they can be used on wood, metal, glass, concrete; apply to outdoor or internal works. Selection desired color won't be difficult.

When it is necessary to fill the dye into the cylinder

You need to do this if:

  • tinted paint remains, and it must be preserved for a long time;
  • color matching among finished aerosol products is impossible (for example, a complex color or such a dye simply does not exist).

You can pump paint into a spray bottle by contacting a specialized company, where, using a vacuum unit, they will quickly fill the necessary container. But such a refill is quite expensive, and if immediate use is expected, then you can pump the paint into the balloon with your own hands.

How to fill the balloon yourself

Refilling paint and varnish solutions in a spray can may well be done by hand.

Of course, it will not provide such complete filling as with vacuum pumping with a special installation, but it is simple and cheap.

The balloon can be used repeatedly.

Required tools:

  1. An empty can of deodorant or paint. If a container is used after dyes, then you need to fill in a solution of the same quality (for example, after acrylic - acrylic, after alkyd - alkyd). Incorrect selection of paint and varnish components can lead to a "chemical conflict" that will affect the quality of the coating.
  2. Refueling paint. Any will do - purchased in a store or independently tinted with the necessary selection of shade.
  3. A large medical syringe without a needle: with the help of it, the paint will be pumped into the balloon. For more efficient pressing safety valve you can put a broken needle on it.
  4. Bicycle nipple (can be cut from a worn tube).
  5. Pump (car or bicycle).
  6. Pressure gauge.

Operating procedure:

  1. Remove the cap and atomizer from the can.
  2. Draw the dye solution into the syringe, insert it into the cylinder until it stops, depressing the safety valve.
  3. Pour the dye into the container.
  4. Repeat the filling procedure until the container is about 2/3 full.
  5. If a deodorant container was used, then 3-5 metal balls must be added there. For this purpose, balls from worn-out bicycle bearings are quite suitable.
  6. The rest of the bottle must be filled with pressurized air, otherwise the atomizer will not work. To do this, firmly insert the bicycle nipple, squeezing the safety balloon valve.
  7. Connect the pump to the nipple and, pumping up, create pressure up to 3-5 atmospheres. If you do less, then full-fledged spraying will not work, if more, the balloon capacity may not withstand the load.
  8. After inflating, remove the nipple, replace the cap with the sprayer.
  9. Now you need to shake the can a little, stirring the coloring solution, and check it in operation. For this purpose, release a small portion of the dispersed mixture onto an unnecessary board or other surface.


Thus filled with paint, you can:

  • paint a decorative composition;
  • evenly paint surfaces that have a complex configuration;
  • carry out cosmetic or complete repairs of the car body;
  • draw graffiti on the walls or airbrush on the car;
  • restore furniture and much more.

Self-filled dye, when the necessary pressure is created in the balloon container, is evenly sprayed over the surface, providing material savings and quality finishes.

The balloon form of release is convenient during operation, provides material savings and long-term preservation of the quality of residues unused during repair and decorative work.
