Despite the fact that the seasoning is used in cooking in very small quantities, the benefits and harm of the saffron became the subject of study not only of folk healers, but also official medicine. Useful properties in the most expensive spices so much that it is used in medicinal and cosmetology. More often than saffron used in cooking. It has a spicy taste with bitter notes, gives the dish rich fragrance. More about the "king" seasoning in this article.

What looks like and where saffron is growing

Crocus Sowing (or Saffron Sowing) is a perennial plant related to the Iris family. It reaches from 10 to 30 cm. The color varies from the lilac-purple to yellow-orange.

The plant grows on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, in Spain, France, in Asian countries: in China, India, Japan, as well as in Crimea, Dagestan. In the wild shafran not found. Culture culture is common worldwide, as Saffron is a plant that benefits human health, as well as a spice with a bright unique taste.

Flowers plant for only 3 days, in spring or autumn depending on the type. For the preparation of the spice, the flowers are collected immediately after their disclosure. Then separated the stroke to dry and get in the end spice. Drying takes no more than 20 minutes, after which the stilts are immediately placed in hermetic glass cans. So they do not have time to lose properties. That is, it is the stigs of Flowers of Saffran with therapeutic properties, useful for a person.

The production of saffron is an expensive process, as 3 stilts are obtained from one flower. For 1 kg of spices it is necessary to process 150 thousand flowers. On average, 20 kg of spices is obtained from 1 hectare. Unfortunately, other parts are roots, leaves, saffron seeds, - do not benefit a person.

Spice is sometimes called red gold due to high cost. In Russia, the average price for 1 g of saffron is from 70 rubles.

Chemical composition and calorie Saffran

Saffron is a fairly calorie spice: 310 calories are contained in 100 g of product. But since in cooking it is used less than 1 g of spices, its calories can not be taken at all - there will be no harm for thinning from it.

B / w / y ratio:

  • proteins - 11.43 g;
  • fats - 5.85 g;
  • carbohydrates - 65.37 g;
  • fiber - 3.9 g

As part of the spices, useful minerals were found:

  • potassium - 1724 mg (per 100 g);
  • magnesium - 264 mg;
  • phosphorus - 252 mg;
  • sodium - 148 mg;
  • calcium - 111 mg;
  • manganese - 28 mg;
  • iron - 11 mg;
  • selenium - 5 mg;
  • zinc - 1 mg;
  • iron - 0.33 mg.


  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • riboflavin (Vitamin B2).

The saffron includes essential oil containing antioxidants.

Since the spice is used in meager quantities, count on it as a source of useful minerals, vitamins are not rational.

What is useful saffron

The use of saffron for the human body is primarily expressed in the wellworking effect. Useful properties are often used in folk medicineWhat will be said below.

The spice has the following types of impact on the body:

  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • low anesthetic.

Those regularly in moderate quantities add a spice in food, note such positive changes as:

  • activation of human mental activity;
  • reduction of sweating;
  • improvement of appetite;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • normalization of the digestion process.

Especially useful spice for women. In particular, with problems with an irregular menstrual cycle. It increases libido, strengthens swells during childbirth.

Indian Medicine Ayurveda considers a spice useful to everyone without exception.

What diseases treats saffron

It's hard to argue with the presence of Shafran medical properties, Especially if we take into account that it is added to some eye drops. Indeed, thanks to its properties, he helps elderly to normalize impairment of vision as a result of muscle degeneration or pigment retinit.

The benefits of working cardiovascular, nervous systems are noted when using a sliding tincture with a useful spice content.

Due to the expectorant effects of specialists even treat cough in children, respiratory diseases.

The use of saffron is being studied with lung, dairy, pancreas, as well as some other tumors. For example, in oil contains antioxidants that are combined with already existing cancer cells or their appearance.

Is it possible to give saffron children

To avoid harm to children under 2 years old, and on some source up to 3 years it is not recommended to add saffron to food.

Even after the onset of the 3-year-old age, the additives of the spice in the children's food should be meager, as even an adult man is dangerous overdose.

The spice has an effective expectorant property, so children are allowed to use when coughing as a supplement to the treatment appointed by the doctor.

Attention! Before using spices to treat, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician to not harm health.

Whether saffron is allowed pregnant and nursing women

Pregnant women better abandon the additions of spices to food, as it can cause harm to change the tone of the uterus. The result in the worst case becomes a breakdown of pregnancy and miscarriage. In later dates, premature birth can begin.

The ban on the use of spices for nursing women is not: Specific benefits or damage for this state are not detected. At the same time, the product must be carefully administered into the diet, watching the reaction of the child. If negative consequences are noticed, it is necessary to abandon the spice on time and check by the doctor if the spice really became the cause.

Recipes of folk medicine using saffron

Folk medicine healing properties Saffran is known for a long time. The area of \u200b\u200bits use is extremely wide: from the treatment of diseases of internal organs before healing of wounds and boils.

It is used as externally in combination with other useful ingredients and inward in the form of infusion or with tea. Take Shafran B. therapeutic purposes It is necessary to carefully, since an overdose is capable of causing harm.

From kidney stones

Dosage benefits is to purify the kidneys from harmful stones: Saffron contributes to their crushing and removal from the body.

Most often used with honey melted in a water bath. Reception is carried out for 1 tsp. 2 times a day before meals.

It is also useful in Safran's infusion. For preparation take 1 tsp. Spices, that is, about 5 threads and poured a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, the drink is filtering. So that there is no harm, they drink no more than 1 cup infusion per day. On this therapeutic properties of the chaffran tincture do not end: this recipe is also useful for the treatment of other diseases.

With a cold

First of all, spice is used to prevent colds.

If the person is already sick, then tea with spice or in the form of a separate infusion improves overall well-being. Drink is able to reduce high temperature, eliminate cough due to expectorant properties.

Especially effective tea in combination with cinnamon, ginger, which also possess therapeutic properties, helping with a cold.

In diseases of the liver and blood system

In Asian countries, the liver treatment is common spice. The benefits of receiving tea with saffron for the prevention of diseases are seen.

The drink cleans the blood system. It can be replaced by a tincture prepared according to the standard recipe.

With eye diseases

In official medicine, Saffron meets in eye drops. It is useful and when used inward, helping from eye diseases: both genetic nature and caused by aging. The disease does not completely disappear, but its development slows down.

Spice use not only in the form of tincture: the benefits of milk with saffron in the form of tea are known.

From headache and insomnia

With a strong headache, a silt with Saffran is useful.

With weak pains, as well as in the case of insomnia, the receipt of spices inside helps:

  • in the form of infusion;
  • together with honey;
  • with warm milk.

It is better to take an hour before sleep because of the Safran's sleeping pills.

From the seizure of the leg

Place the use of spices in the sevagors of the lower extremities.

For general impact on the body, you can take a tincture. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. Figs 1 cup boiling water. Let it stand. When cool, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. tincture 2 times a day.

You can also prepare "ointment". For this purpose, 3 egg whites are mixed with a small amount of spices. Used immediately after preparation: the storage of the mixture leads to the loss of its use.

Tea with saffron to enhance potency in men

Invaluable beneficial features Shafran for men: He is able to raise libido not only in women, but also have a similar effect on the male organism. Saffron is sometimes referred to as the seasoning-aphrodisiac.

To make a drink mix 4 spice threads and 1 tsp. black tea. The use of saffron tea increases with the addition of 20 - 25 g of ginger and chopping of black pepper. The resulting mixture is pouring a glass of water, boil on the water bath. Then strain.

When impaired menstrual cycle

The useful properties of saffron for women are highly appreciated in Ayurveda, in particular, to regulate broken menstruation.

The infusion of saffron helps them cause them in case of delays or, on the contrary, facilitates the state with long and abundant menstruation, leading them to normal. In the infusion also add turmeric.

During thrush and painful monthly

The spice is used as a spasmolytic, reducing pain during menstruation.

During the thrush, along with the treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can try the next recipe. Mix 1 tsp. Saffra and grass borovy uterus. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it be broken for 15 minutes, then strain. The resulting useful drink to use half a glass every morning.

For stimulation of fights

Pregnant women are forbidden to eat spice, as it causes premature contractions. However, if the birth has already begun, then this spice facilitates the process.

Some sufficient threads of saffron add to hot milk and drink. It is useful to do this at the very beginning of the process or with weak fights.

Attention! This is a potent means, so in other cases, it is not necessary to use during pregnancy in order not to harm the health - your own and the future child.

From cystitis

The spice has a pronounced diuretic property, therefore it is used for the treatment of cystitis, urolithiasis and other urinary tract diseases.

For treatment take 1 tbsp. l. Infusion of saffron before each food intake, but not more than 3 times a day.

Treatment of furunculov and purulent wounds

With hard skin damage with the same infusion it is useful to make a bummer or wet bandages.

Application of saffron in home cosmetology

The use of saffron for women is not limited to the borders of the kitchen. For example, the benefit of a mask with a saffron for a person is known: it contributes to external rejuvenation, helps to cope with acne and pigment stains. The spice also applies in hair masks recipes to give lines and a healthy look.

Important! Before applying any mask on the skin, it is necessary to pre-verify the absence of an allergic reaction or the component. To do this, a small amount of mixture is applied to the inner surface of the elbow. After 15 - 30 minutes should not be redness, itching. It is so easy to avoid possible harm from a new mask.

Cleansing face mask

Saffron for the face is useful and in the form of a cleansing mask.

For her preparation you will need:

  • ¼ h. L. saffron powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. any cosmetic clay suitable for a specific type of skin;
  • water in such a quantity so that the mixture on the consistency is similar to sour cream;
  • optionally, 1 - 2 drops of lavender essential oil are added.

The resulting mask is applied to the face and keep 10 - 15 minutes: until the clay begins to dry a little. Then neatly washed with water. It is not necessary to rub my face.

Important! It is not necessary to wait for the claline completely dried on the face. In this form, it is tightened and dried with skin, that is, instead of useful impact, on the contrary, causes harm.

Facial acne mask

For this mask need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt without any additives;
  • ½ h. L. lemon juice;
  • 3 - 4 strands of saffron.

The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 10 minutes, then washed off with cool water. The benefits are noticeable after the first application.

Hair Mask

Often, saffron is used in hair products. In the home recipes less often, as it can often give a painting effect.

One of the popular is a mask with, since the latter itself is useful for hair. Depending on the length of the curls, the proportion varies within the following limits:

  • 1 - 2 packs of henna;
  • 3 - 4 h. L. Saffron.

The mixture is applied for the entire length of the hair for 30 minutes. Then wash off using shampoo and hair balm.

Important! Because of the strong coloring properties, the side effect of the mask can be the miserable lightening of the hair or staining in the golden-copper shade.

What dishes add saffron

Spice adds piquancy products. Therefore, it is used for cooking:

  • meat dishes;
  • fish dishes;
  • seafood;
  • plov;
  • creams, sauces;
  • desserts;
  • bakery products (buns, cupcakes, cookies, etc.);
  • even drinks.

At the same time, the burning season is added at the stage of kneading the test, and in hot dishes for 2 - 5 minutes until readiness.

The taste and smell of saffron are not revealed immediately, so baking is fragrant the next day. For hot dishes it is useful to prepare a spice in advance. First roast the strokes on a dry pan, then grind them and mixed with a tablespoon of milk or water. Only then add to the dish. So the fragrance becomes more saturated, although it is well felt and without prior preparation.

Important! With other spices, the saffron is better not to mix. It is a strong seasoning that interrupts almost all spices, except rosemary, turmeric and cinnamon. At the same time, the fragrance itself is peculiar, so the first time a combination of spices may not like.

The amount of spices depends on the specific recipe, but in any case it is measured by pinch or several stilts. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the dish will have a bitter taste: a large amount of saffron can cause harm to health.

Properties and Application of Saffron Oil

Essential oil Saffran has an intense smell. Its useful properties are found:

  • antispasmodic;
  • rejuvenating;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • strengthening;
  • soothing.

Saffron oil apply.

  1. For medicinal purposes. For example, 2 drops of essential oil and 2 - 3 tbsp. l. Basic rubbing for the treatment of rheumatism.
  2. In cosmetology. Particularly noted the use of saffron essential oil for the face. Leather color is aligned: it begins to shine from the inside.
  3. For flavoring food: Pre-spice is stirred with any basic oil.

Harm saffron and contraindications

The benefits and harm for the body for the body depend on the number of food eaten with food. If it is a small volume, then it brings a person only benefit. A large portion with a high probability will cause harm. Sometimes Safran may even cause death.

The negative consequence is likely to be poisoning, which is accompanied by symptoms:

  • diarins;
  • vomiting;
  • nose bleeding;
  • yellowing skin or eye.

If at least one of them is detected, immediately cause ambulance.

For an adult healthy person, 10 g. For children, elderly and people with weakened health, this threshold decreases.

Spice is contraindicated:

  • people with bipolar disorder;
  • in the presence of allergies or intolerance of the product (therefore for the first time to use in small quantity);
  • with hypertension;
  • if there was previously a stroke or heart attack - apply with caution.

To avoid harm to the body, you need to follow the shelf life of saffron, dosage in the recipe, as well as for your own state of health.

What is different saffron from turmeric

Many are mistaken, considering these spices identical. The error is caused by the fact that both spices have the same properties: painted food, are somewhat similar to the shade and taste. In addition, in his homeland, in India, Kurkumu is called Indian Saffron. On this similarity, products ends. The benefits and harm for the Saffron for human health will not be equal to the properties of turmeric.

Saffron - luxury spice. He is collectively going and selected, what was written above.

For the production of turmeric, the entire root plant of the plant is used, and not just the flange of flowers. Therefore, the spice is easier to get, and its price is significantly lower. Kurkuma is sold by large portions, and saffron - for 2 - 4 g.

Since the cost of saffron is high, the sale of spices in the form of powder is often deceived and offered cheaper spices. In particular, turmeric. They are similar in color, but closer to a yellow or orange shade, and saffron to a saturated red and even brown.

How to choose and store saffron

In stores and markets for sale a stroke or ground powder.

Since the powder is often forged, so in order to be confident in the use of saffron, it is better to buy a stall and cast them independently before cooking.

Similar to long threads, saffron stilts correspond to this description:

  • soft;
  • saturated dark red color, sometimes closer to brown or with splashes of yellow yarns;
  • sold for high cost (if low, then there is a high probability that the composition was mixed with cheap spices).

Important! To check the purchased spice, it is necessary to lower its small amount into milk or water. The fake will paint the fluid instantly, and the real saffron - for 10 to 15 minutes.

In order not to confuse beneficial properties, stored saffron follows no more than 2 years in a sealed packaging in a dry form. Capacity or packaging put in a dark place.


The benefits and harm for the saffron are regulated by the correct dosage of this product: the less the amount of spice in food, the less likely to cause the harm to its body. But even several threads of spices help treat diseases, increase the efficiency of home cosmetology procedures. The most important thing is to buy natural productwithout confusing it with other spices.

Saffron, not the most popular and most often used spice in the kitchen, but it is definitely the most expensive spice in the world. Its use is known in the Mediterranean region, primarily in Greece and Spain, South-West Asia.

Flower saffron

The seasoning is obtained from a saffron crocus - a flower with lilac petals. If you look at Crocus near, you can see three orange threads in the center. These threads (stilts), in the future dried in the sun, add to food.

It is interesting! Saffron threads are collected only manually, so the price is so high. It takes about 225,000 fishing or 75,000 flowers for 0.5 kg of spices.

What is used, to what dishes fit

The seasoning is used in South European cooking. For example, in the Spanish Palela Valenciana, Marseille Fish Soup "Buyabes". However, saffron is more popular in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. In stores there are dried, ground and crushed saffron.

Suitable for such dishes:

  • stew;
  • pudding;
  • ice cream;
  • baking;
  • soup;
  • seafood dishes;
  • sauces;
  • basmati;
  • paelle;
  • risotto.

Where to add and how much

Spicy spicy, bitter taste. It is necessary to use it carefully, which is also associated with the value of the spice. Although the saffron has a strong taste, mainly used for color - adds yellow-orange tint. Therefore, Paella "Valenciana" and many Indian rice dishes acquire a typical bright color. The spice is well combined with the aroma of apples, almonds, cardamom, honey, cream, cinnamon, citrus.

If high-quality saffron is used, a pair of stilts will be sufficient. They will give a golden shade and characteristic taste.

Ways to prepare spices for use:

  1. Slightly fry the saffron threads to completely dry them, amplifying the taste. Is this a good idea depends on how carefully the saffron is dried. Persian Saffron is not recommended to fry (you can burn), Spanish is suitable for roasting.
  2. Brewing. Immerse the threads water at least than 20 minutes.
  3. Grind saffron threads in powder (first fry).

Important! The spice pigment released is so strong that it easily stains any surface. Avoid wooden or plastic dishes, or containers.

The benefits and harm of the plant

The flower has the following beneficial properties:

  • it is an antioxidant, helps protect cells from free radicals;
  • improves memory;
  • struggles with cancer, slows down the growth of tumors;
  • is an antidepressant and a fitting agent;
  • has soft sedatives;
  • removes muscle spasms;
  • contributes to sweating, helps at high temperatures;
  • painful;
  • used in kidney disease, reduces the size of the increased liver;
  • from colic in children;
  • regulates the menstrual period in women;
  • treats gastrointestinal disorders.

This grass is usually safe, however there is contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding. Large doses (more than 1-2 art. L.), Can be toxic, although it is a rare phenomenon.

Saffron oil is part of creams, shampoos. The cream makes it possible to improve the complexion, moisturize, get rid of pigmentation, scars. Ingredients, in the composition of oil, have a positive effect on metabolic processes inside the cells, own anti-inflammatory, healing properties.

Plant history

Saffron There are thousands of years. Although Small Asia is a native home for the plant, for the first time it was grown in Greece, where there was an important status in the 8th century BC. e. The plant was valued for its healing properties, was also used in the royal baths, halls, courtyards and amphitheaters, as an aroma. It was used to dye royal clothing, potions, ointments and lotions.

Turmeric also gives a yellow shade. Its other name is "Indian Saffron", but this seasoning is less valuable. It has a golden color, sharp and bitter taste, which is characteristic of use in such dishes as curry. Also suitable for seafood, sauces, rice, salads, beef and lamb, for chicken broths and marinades.

Saffron Imereti

It is ground, dried velvet flowers. The seasoning came from Central America and used in Morocco, Mexico, also in Ukraine, Georgia. To cook the seasoning yourself, you need to collect velvette flowers during flowering, dry them, crush. The spice has a spicy, flower taste, yellowish tint.

Added to salads, snacks, meat, fish dishes, as well as bird dishes. In Georgia, many sauces and soups do not fail without this ingredient.

Turkish saffron.

This spice is available not to many. In Turkey, it is sold in many stores at a low price. From which it can be concluded that it is replaced, for example, on the petals of the Saflor flower (Mexican Saffron).

Saffron with its subtle, captivating aroma - spice is unique in all characteristics, ranging from appearance, colors and properties and ending with the price. The time of time was appreciated by the weight of gold, and no wonder. The price of saffron was formed under the influence of several factors, the main of which were the difficulties of growing and collecting. Today, the price for 1 kg of Iranian saffron is about $ 2,000. It is in Iran and collect up to 90% of the world's harvest of the precious spice, according to Wikipedia. But even in the tiny amount of saffron (the price of which is so much so huge) has the ability to work wonders. About these wonders, about the beneficial properties of saffron and its use of Papigutto and will tell in this article. You are also awaiting not a big excursion in the history of amazing spices.

What is saffron? Appearance and cultivation

Saffron ("Crocus" - his Latin name) refers to herbatous plants From the Iris family. Its fairly large flowers can be gently lilac, and bright purple. Each saffron flower has three stamens (stilts), which will be considered an invaluable spice after gathering.

Saffron - the plant is also unique and what blooms only twice a year, and it lasts that bloom only a few hours. But this is not all: the secret of receiving a full spice is that collecting flowers you need to have time before they completely reveal, and, as you understand, manually. The laboriousness of the process is impressive. To get a kilogram of spices, you will need to assemble 200,000 flowers. It affects the cost of the type of flower and the country where Saffron is assembled.

Where does the saffron grow? Safran sowing you will find in Iran and Greece, in Spain and Japan, in China and New Zealand, in the United States and Turkey, in Pakistan and other countries where it is grown on an industrial scale.

How to grow saffron at home? To be honest, the occupation is not for the faint of heart. Sensitive and capricious crocus is extremely demanding and to the conditions of irrigation, and to the soil, and to climate, and to lighting. But at the same time he is frosting. If you are still confident that Saffron is a plant suitable for your windowsill or country side, and decided to advertise "buy saffron", choose a reliable vendor who can order quality tubers. Knowing how much saffron is and how high it is valued on the world market, we are afraid of suggestions with clearly lowered prices.

The story of the most expensive spice in the world

During the period of civilization, called antichny times, the saffron was in demand, popular and loved, but, of course, only those who could afford to buy it. It is believed that Cleopatra could very much, therefore she took regularly precious saffron baths. By the way, then Saffron had also fame power AphrodisiacaAnd the ancient seductive sprinkled their beds with his bird threads.

The preserved images of the saffron can be found on the walls of ancient buildings in Malaya Asia, the mention of it is not uncommon from the authors of those times. He was appreciated by the abbys of temples. And in Europe, Saffron appeared after Arabic. Significant spices flooded European countries - mostly Italy and Switzerland, which dictated their prices. One day, when Basel merchants did not share a gem, a real "saffron war" broke out, which broke out for a couple of months and went to no, as the locals learned how to grow saffron, and began to produce spice themselves.

Founding in France in the middle of the twentieth century, judicial documents of 800 years ago testify to the cruel punishment, which were subjected to falsifier criminals who have fake valuable spices. They were burned alive and buried in the ground.

Can I buy saffron in Ukraine? Of course, it is possible, but this purchase is conjugate with known risks. Times and morals are changing, and today unscrupulous vendors and falsifiers are not that they do not execute, but not even subjected to public spanking, so they want to make money on counterfeit and selling poor quality goods as much as you like. Therefore, buy saffron (real, and not a fake or cheap substitute) has become more difficult than ever. Alas, a high price is not yet a product authentication. It makes it difficult to choose and variety of species - Kashmir, Iranian, Spanish, Imereti, American, Indian (so often, and saffron is not related to it at all).

Before ordering and buying saffron in Kiev or other cities of Ukraine, you should learn about the existence of two major saffron substitutes. It is turmeric and safflower - spices also possessing a characteristic orange color, but not having the tenth lobes of the qualities of real saffron. If, choosing where to buy Shafran, you prefer shopping on the market, keep in mind that the safflower can be identified by the absence of a bright aroma, and the tint of turmeric is more yellow than reddish. So, no matter how the seller proves you in the bazaar, that Kurkuma is saffron, only Indian, do not doubt - you need a completely different spice. At all, you should not buy ground saffron, you can mix anything in the powder. As for the coloring abilities of spices, then only two threads of the true saffron will paint three liters of water in a characteristic expressed color.

Saffron spice - chemical composition and calorie

As part of saffran dominate useful carbohydratesThey are almost 62% of them in spices, but Safran is rich in squirrels and fats. And it contains:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • a huge number of potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins of groups A, B and C;
  • essential and fatty oils;
  • gum;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotenoids;
  • alpha and beta carotene;
  • licopene.

There are in saffron and calories - 310 kcal per 100 grams of the product, but if you use saffron in cooking, it is not necessary to take into account its calorie content. It does not make sense to even take into account because they use saffron into negligible small quantities.

By the way, the excess of saffron does not just deform the taste of the dish, giving it bitterness, but can also cause poisoning. A dose of 2-3 grams of fresh high-quality saffron can be lethal! The strongest skephran tonic, the benefits and the harm of which deserve careful consideration, in large (excessive for this spice) doses leads to a significant voltage of senses and serious excitation. Spice Saffron, if you add it to wine, will strengthen the effects of alcohol.

Saffron - Properties, Application, Use

The popularity of invaluable spice surprises the "unfading" millennium. And even today, when technology has reached unprecedented heights, saffron, the use of which is extremely wide, is produced annually in volumes, barely exceeding 200-250 tons. The flower of saffron and its leaves also have useful substances, but the healing properties of the saffron are hidden in his stilts. They are used in other industries. Consider how and in what areas the sefran useful properties that are considered unique ones.

Saffron - Medical Properties

For the ages of using saffron, therapeutic properties demonstrated their effectiveness in the treatment of almost hundreds of disease. Its powerful antioxidant abilities, as confirmed by recent studies, several times accelerate the processes of recovery in various diseases, even in launched and protracted forms. We list, for which you need saffron (therapeutic properties of which are scientifically proven), to which it is capable of:

  • Saffron cleans blood and updates its cells.
  • Beneficially affects the heart and vessels, strengthening them.
  • Improves brain activity, stimulates the growth of nervous tissue and contributes to its update (for this purpose, the saffron is added to hot milk).
  • Helps in the fight against neurosis of a different nature.
  • Effective with insomnia and helps with headaches (row with saffron).
  • Deeps degeneration of visual function.
  • It has an effective toning effect.
  • Acts as an antioxidant.
  • It derives from the body bile, and in combination with natural honey, it provides effective assistance in the problem to crush and remove stones in urinary and gallstone diseases.
  • Works like a spasmolitic.
  • Effective in dermatological diseases, tumors and burns.

What is interesting, even side effect Saffran can be used with benefit for business - it reduces appetite, and therefore it will be very useful for those who dream of getting rid of the couple of superfluous kilos.

Saffron in folk medicine today is also used to prepare all sorts of liners, eye drops and other medicinal tinctures. Some scientists argue that Saffron ( medical recipes which are so popular) as the main or auxiliary element can be successfully treated four fifths of all known humanity. So the infusion of Safran's stamens can be considered a real panacea. But be alert and carefully examine the question of how to take Saffron for medicinal purposes, as well as read all the contraindications to its use.

Today, Saffron, the price per gram of which reaches $ 11, is already several times cheaper than gold, but remains the most expensive specialist in the world, which is not surprising, since it can be used as a natural medical agent that heals hardly from all ailments. If since ancient times he was famous for the remedy that deliberates from the Black Melancholy, then modern studies made it possible to highlight crishetinic acid from saffran, purposefully destroying stem cancer cells from the pancreatic tumor. Is it not true, against the background of such discoveries, widespread use of saffron in cooking and as a natural dye seems not worthy of particular attention?

How to use saffron in cosmetology

It is logical that cosmetic preparations that have saffron in their composition, the cost of which is high in itself, is not cheap pleasure. So the low price for creams, masks, balms and gels with saffron should immediately alert you. Why are Saffron use in cosmetology? Manufacturers include it in the composition of which the task of which is to keep moisture, soften and moisturize the skin. It also has the ability to improve its structure, toning, restore and update. Is it possible to use saffron for cosmetic purposes at home? Of course, make an effective mask from it very simple, besides, it will be more profitable and more reliable than the purchase of a ready mask.

Saffron - Beauty Recipes:

  1. For a whitening mask you need only 3-4 stilts. Fill them with two teaspoons of hot milk, let it brew for 15 minutes. Then climb the stroke, squeeze the spoon and return back to the milk. That's all, you are ready for a fragrant mask, which greatly lightes the skin, lines its tone and relieves black points.
  2. Another variant of the mask is saffron with honey. In this case, the stilts are grinding and connected with high-quality, liquid natural honey (1 teaspoon). The mixture is applied to the skin for 10 minutes. The honey-saffron mask is very soft and perfectly cleans the skin.

Both masks are washed away with the help of a soft sponge, and the face is rinsed with cool water. But, again, pay attention: Indian saffron, the use of which is affordable by price, will not bring the desired effect. In general, a hammer saffron is not the product that you need. For cosmetic masks, Iranian saffron should be used or even more valuable Kashmir Saffron, the benefits of which is hidden in thin weighty stamens.

Sefran's seasoning - Application in cooking

Saffron - a spice possessing a huge force, one gram can be enough for a variety of dishes. The fragrance of this spice is very strong, intoxicating, but it is not immediately revealed and even long cooking does not destroy it. For full disclosure, the bouquet may be needed from 12 to 24 hours. It is best to soak the stigma of the saffron in water or milk to add to the dish it is not saffron, but its tincture. How to use saffron in cooking? Consider the main methods.

  • The spice saffron is rarely included in the combined spices, so self-sufficient and peculiar aroma. But, given the individual taste preferences, you can try to combine it with cinnamon, basil, rosemary and, perhaps, more with Kinse and Timyan.
  • For dairy dishes, creams and dessert gravy, for baking, ice cream and saffron jelly - the seasoning is perfect. 7-8 Ryers added to custard cake, completely painted it in golden color and create an exceptional fragrance.
  • In the East, Saffron is very valued, for which it is not used. It is especially popular for cooking dishes with and chicken, and, of course, seasoning saffron for is holy. And if you put the saffron in the pilaf (sweet) with raisins, dried fruits and almonds, it will give your dish truly wonderful and refined notes.
  • Fish and seafood dishes are also often seasoned with a precious spice. In the delightful color, saffron stains transparent fish broths, and sauces.
  • Safran tea will not spoil and (especially with milk), on the contrary - two stigs added to the drink will make it simply unmatched.
  • Finds saffron in cooking and other use. What dishes add saffron other than those listed? In the Mediterranean cuisine, for example, it is put in, used in the production of butter, as well as different types of cheeses, again because of its remarkable ability to give products a golden hue. And Safran flavors some types of liquors, do not cost without it and the production of non-alcoholic beverages.

As you can see, the answers to the question: "What are Saffron use?" - There is a huge amount. You can find a lot of all kinds of recipes with it, but let me put an emphasis once again - when it comes to a real spice, the use of saffron is strictly limited by homeopathic doses. Many are added to the saffron, but if the recipe you come across the line: "1 teaspoon of saffron powder," you will immediately understand that the Iranian Saffron is doing here and we are talking about turmeric. And saffron and turmeric are completely different spices. Kurkuma is a suitable answer to the question: "What can be replaced by saffron," but only in the case when the conversation is about coloring properties, which concerns aromatic, taste and therapeutic properties, there are no equal saffron in nature.

Saffron is the most expensive spice, so it is also called "red gold" due to the red shade and high cost. It is widely used in the cooking in the form of a spice, as well as for dyeing dishes.

Names in other languages:

  • lat. Crocus sativus;
  • english Saffron;
  • it. Gewürz Safran;
  • fr. Safran.


Saffron sowing or crocus sowing belongs to the Iris or Casatikov family (Iridaceae). This perennial plant is a relative crocus. It blooms only in autumn. From the tubers germinate the leaves of a narrow shape and flowers of a pale purple shade. Its height reaches from 10 to 30 cm. The bulbs have the appearance of a tuber, the diameter of which is up to 3 cm. Leaves and flowers germinate from the bulbs. Leaves of plants are reprehensible narrow core.

On one bulweone can be from 1 to 3 large flowers. Each flower has many yellow anthers and one long yellow pestle, which ends with three eggs of orange-red shade and a length of 2.5-3.5 cm. It is the stigs to prepare a spice.


  • Kashmir is grown in India. It has a dark red tint, long stigmas and a special aroma.
  • Spanish is produced in Spain. It is dried in special furnaces using fire. Coupe is the most expensive and best gradeAfter all, when it collects, fragrant red tops of the fishing are taken. Superior is distributed fairly enough, it is made from a solid still, therefore it has a mesmer fragrance.
  • Iranian is considered the cheapest and common among other species.

Where is growing?

Saffron refers to thermal-loving plants, so prefers the territory with hot summer. This spice is grown in Greece, Pakistan, Spain, Iraq, India. It is also grown in Portugal, Crimea, China, Japan, the Transcaucasia. Wild view can be found in almost all countries of the world.

Spain, India and Iraq, are engaged in the most cultivation, because they provide the whole world by 80%.

Where and how to choose a spice?

Depending on the quality and color of the threads, saffron can be:

  • The natural consists of flower threads of red and yellow shades and may contain anthers and residues of the pestle. It has low quality.
  • Saffron only from red floral threads - high quality. Such a spice passes the selection of quality.

The highest value is spanish or Indian saffron.If the price of the spice is low, then this is American safflower or velvets. This spice is not added with spoons, but use several saffron strings. For getting saturated color And the fine fragrance of such a quantity is quite enough. They are easily crushed in their hands before adding to the dish.

Some merchants cover the threads of glycerin to increase weight, and accordingly earn more. To expose dishonest sellers, you need to try saffron, glycerin gives sweet taste. You still need to pay attention to the color - the real has a dark red color.

Pigments have paint properties, so it cannot be kept in the sun, but only in hermetically closed container.

When buying a hammer saffron, you can buy turmeric, in appearance these spices are very similar.To make sellers could not mislead you, it is necessary to buy it only in a hermetic labeled packaging.

To determine the freshness of this spice, it is enough to have a glass at hand with warm hand. Fresh threads will quickly swell, and the water will become yellow, but non-freight - will remain in primeval form.

Method of manufacturing spice

  • During the flowering of spices, the colon is harvested, each of which blooms separately only three days. Plantation of this plant blooms about 30 days.
  • Flowers of saffron are going only in good sunny weather.
  • Next, from each flower, the strokes are plucking, their number is three things.
  • Then dried under the rays of the roast sun or use special dryers, where the drying process takes from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the temperature used.
  • Carefully sort the threads, separating red from orange.
  • To determine the variety of spices, threads dip in water - those that fall on the bottom is the highest grade, and those that remain afloat relate to the lower grade.
  • Saffron is stored in hermetically closed dishes.


  • Plugged the division of a tuber-bully.
  • The plant blooms from September to November, it depends on the place of cultivation.
  • It has a strong aroma.
  • The seasoning is bitter, a little sharp taste.
  • Futi plants are soft to the touch.

Nutritional value and calorie

100 grams of saffron contains:

More information about saffron you can learn from the video.

Chemical composition

Saffron has rich chemical compositionTherefore, it is favorable on the entire body. This spice contains a large number of useful substances. Contents in 100 grams of dry product:

Useful properties, action on the body

  • It has a stiff, antispasmodic and antibacterial effect on the body.
  • This spice is a strong antioxidant, therefore applies to cell regeneration.
  • This component is used as a strong aphrodisiac.
  • It has a tonic effect on the whole organism, and also relieves fatigue.
  • A vitamin cocktail from saffron and water is favorable on dry skin, it becomes silky and young.
  • In combination with other herbs, this expensive spice helps with coughing, stomach disorders, bloating, baldness and insomnia.


It needs to be taken in small doses. Overdose may result in the overexcitation of the nervous system, narcotic juicy, poisoning or fatal outcome.


  • It is impossible to use during pregnancy, because this spice can provoke an increased tone of uterus or uterine bleeding;
  • In large doses, as a narcotic substance acts;
  • Enhances the effect of intoxication if you use a spice with wine;
  • It is impossible to give children up to two years;
  • It is prohibited to use this spice during diabetes.


Saffran essential oil is called Shafranol. Today it is used in different cosmetics products: shampoos, gels, lotions, creams or masks for face and hair. Also on its basis, they create dear spirits and incense.

Application of essential oil:

  • 3-7 drops add to the baths
  • for massage use 5 drops by 5 grams of the base
  • 5 drops of 5 grams of the foundation add to creams and masks
  • for reflexomassage, this oil with vehicle oil is used (1: 1)
  • for aromasemamelons, enough 2-3 drops
  • with rheumatism, a mixture of several drops of saffron oil and 0.5 chain are used. Spoons of almond oil. This solution is rubbed into patients with joints.


In cooking

Saffron is better to acquire in the form of threads, because the hammer spice can be diluted with other spices. In the presence of impurities, in the hammer form it can lose its unique fragrance.

The main ways to prepare spices before adding it to food:

  • Before adding threads, you need to soak in warm water or milk also make a tincture on alcohol. Next, the spice is added to food together with the solution.
  • On a dry frying pan, fry a spice strait, then make powder powder, pour warm milk and give it in 30 minutes. This mixture can be added to baking or different rice dishes.
  • The spice as a powder can be used without prior soaking.

The real saturated fragrance of saffron can be completely sensing only after 12 hours.

  • This spice is very famous in the countries of the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia and the Middle East, it is added to fish, meat or rice dishes. For example, Provenski fish soup (buuyabes), a risotto in Milan or Sweet pilaf with almond, cashew and raisins.
  • In Europe, saffron is used to dye cookies and pastries, and can also be added to soups, rice dishes, sauces, pasta and various desserts.
  • This spice is used in the form of seasoning to sweet gravy, milk dishes, moussam and jelly, cream and ice cream, as well as for a variety of baking.
  • In the Mediterranean cuisine, this spice is added to seafood, different broths and soups, sauces and butter. This spice is perfectly combined with tomatoes, asparagus or cauliflower.
  • This spice is added as flavoring in liqueurs and non-alcoholic beverages.
  • The spice is added to tea or coffee with milk, just two stilts will give an unforgettable aroma hot drink.

Saffron has a kind of aroma, so they are trying to use it separately from other spices, but, nevertheless, it creates a harmonious combination with such spices: thyme, kinza, basil, cinnamon or rosemary. This spice is added to a large number of varied dishes.


Korean cabbage


  • Half Kochana cabbage
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon 70% vinegar
  • 3-4 Shafran Lines
  • 1 onion onion
  • 2 Slings garlic
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar
  • Chopping red and black pepper, coriander and salt
  • A bit of vegetable oil


Cabbage you need to finely cut and pour boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Water merge.

Preparing marinade. Separately in a saucepan boil the liter of water. We will add all spices to boiling water: black pepper, coriander, saffron, vinegar, salt, sugar and garlic. Cut on a cube bow and fry on vegetable oil, add red pepper to it. Next, the bow is added to the pan with spices, and cook on a small fire. We are posing a ready-made mixture with spices cabbage. We put in the refrigerator for 24 hours.



  • 250 grams of rice
  • 1 tbsp. Water spoon with milk
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • 0.5 Chain. Spoons of Saffran.
  • To taste Sol.


First, it is thoroughly rinsed rinse and add. Pour a 1.5 liter of water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, then add oil olive, rice and cook on a small heat for 15 minutes. Take milk with water, heat and add saffron slightly, let it brew a few minutes and pour into a saucepan with rice. Mix everything thoroughly. This side dish is suitable for pork chops and baked meat.


  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • 3-4 Round Shafran
  • 500 ml of cream
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon of vegetable oil
  • To taste Sol.


Finely cut onions, add saffron and fry on a small heat so that the onions become transparent. Then add cream and salt, continue to cook until thickening. This sauce is suitable for meat dishes.

In medicine

Saffron has a favorable effect on the entire human body, and to enhance this effect, doctors recommend it to apply it in combination with black pepper and ginger.

Saffron is used in medicine with different diseases:

  • increases the number of erythrocytes in the blood;
  • improves the work of the heart;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improves blood composition;
  • helps with vision problems;
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • helps to relieve inflammatory processes of Disen;
  • with vascular disease;
  • regulates fat metabolism;
  • helps to fight stressful situations;
  • helps in the early stages of atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease and angina;
  • used during asthma;
  • struggles with the attacks of a strong cough;
  • used in diseases of the spleen and a stomach ulcer;
  • posseably affects many organism systems: nervous, digestive, blood and female sex;
  • strengthens and soothes nervous system;
  • it struggles with convulsions and spasms, therefore used in epilepsy.
  • soothes with depression, hysterics, fear or exconstructation.

You can learn about the use of saffron in medicine from the passage of the transfer "Live Great!"

Saffron effectively used to treat the following diseases:

  • Saffron with milk helps strengthen the heart and nervous system, improves the condition of the skin, struggles with depression. You need to take 1 liter of milk and add 0.1 grams of saffron.
  • For outdoor use, binds are used that help to fight strong headache, migraine and insomnia. It is necessary to prepare a mixture of 3 shaffle threads and 3 drops of fuel oil. This solution must be launched in the nostrils, as well as drip into the nose.
  • With disorders of the menstrual cycle or pains, 5 yarn per day. To facilitate prenormal pains, you need to increase the dose of up to 10-12 threads.
  • In the inner bleeding will help the healing mixture. It is necessary to mix 5 strands of spices, 0.5 chain. Spoons of turmeric and hot milk glass.
  • With blood and liver diseases will help 3 threads of spices, 10 pieces of raisin and half a cup cold water without boiling. Then let it breed eight hours and use 2 times a day.

In cosmetology

Face masks with saffron moisturize and soften the skin. It is necessary to take 1 chain. A spoonful of liquid honey, 2-3 filaments of saffron and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. All ingredients mix and apply on the face for 20 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed with warm water.


  • All cosmetic products based on saffron have a strong rejuvenating effect, because this plant stimulates metabolic processes inside the cells.
  • It has a wound-healing property, so protects the skin and prevents inflammatory processes.
  • This is a very popular component of expensive face creams and other cometic products for the care of body, hair and skin of the face.


Kashmir Saffron has three varieties:

  • Shahi.
  • Mogra.
  • Lachha.

Spanish saffron has two varieties:

  • Coupe
  • Superior.

Collection and cultivation

Shafran's collection takes a lot of time and effort.

To get 1 kilograms of this spice, you need a whole day hard to work dozens of workers:

  1. In the morning the collection of flowers, which have light purple color begins.
  2. From each flower you need to get an orange-red squeeze. It is very long and monotonous work, so all family members are made.
  3. The threads are dried and only after that they acquire their original fragrance.

Saffron is usually grown in the territories with a hot climate. About eighty percent of spices produced in Iraq and Iran. Growing saffron B. climatic conditions Russia is almost impossible.


It is assumed that the birthplace of the plant is Central Asia or the island of Crete, because there are no accurate facts. It is known that in the second millennium BC, Shafran was actively grown in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. In Egypt, it was used as a valuable medicine that helped fight different diseases. Clothes and shoes that were painted with it, enjoyed great popularity.

Today it is difficult to say where for the first time began to grow this spice. Researchers are allegedly called Small Asia, India and Iran. At the time of antiquity, the Romans were called it crocus and used as a therapeutic drug or coloring substance. Over time, interest in this plant disappeared. And only after a few centuries, Shafran acquired new life In Spain, where he was brought by Arabs. Next, it began to grow in Italy and France.

  • To get just 1 kg of saffron, you need to recycle from 80,000 to 150,000 flowers.
  • In one gram of saffron from 450 to 500 fishing.
  • One hectare plantation brings 6 kg of spices in the first year, and for the second year - up to 20 kg.

Saffron - Spice, which is obtained from herbaceous perennial Plant Family of Iris. Another name of the culture from which spicy seasoning is made is crocus. This plant has adorable lilac flowers, whose fragrance without exaggeration is chasing. And the spice itself is considered noble. Its price is great. The benefits of this seasoning are legends. And the taste and flavor can decorate almost any dish. What kind of spice is such a saffron, "I will try to figure it out in this article.

Saffron: Motherland Spice

Let's start with the origin of everyone known, but such an inaccessible spice.

Homeland saffron can be called countries with a very hot climate. It is warm and a lot of sun require crocuses to grow. So, Saffron grown on Plantations Greece, Pakistan, Portugal.

The production of this spice in India, Iraq, Spain is very developed. These countries provide almost 80% of seasoning supplies around the world. The plant in Japan, China, the Crimea, in the territory of the Transcaucasia, is also successfully grown.

Wild species of saffron can be found worldwide. However, mostly cooks and folk heaters are just interested in the spice produced from cultural species of plants.

The most common and valuable types:

  • spanish;
  • kashmir (India production);
  • iranian saffron.

In Spain, produce the most expensive saffron. Iranian seasoning refers to a cheapest category. A spice brought from India usually has a medium or very expensive price tag. The cost of seasoning is determined by the varieties, the principles of processing and selection of raw materials. But in any case, Saffron is a noble, very fragrant, who has a pleasant taste of spice.

What makes saffron

As mentioned earlier, Saffron is a spice, which is made from a cultural plant called "Crocus". If you take into account the details, then the plants are required for the production of saffran. The seasoning is created from a certain part of these fishing. Collect and separate these parts manually.

The stilts are first dried, then crushed. Each manufacturer applies its own technologies for the production of seasoning. But at the exit, a spice is obtained, externally resembling thin dried ropes (veins) of saturated-red or brown-brown color, sometimes with yellowish residences. The final shade depends on the variety of the cultural plant, from which the seasoning was produced.

Why saffron is the most expensive seasoning

This spice is really worth very expensive! For example, Spanish Saffron has a price of about 15-20 thousand dollars per kilogram. The cost of Kashmir Saffran reaches 30 thousand dollars. Iranian saffron costs about 400-500 dollars per kilogram. And it is hardly the lowest price for this spice.

"Where does the prices come from?" - you ask. The thing is that this spice is collected practically manually. Machine assembly technologies are not suitable due to the fragility of the assembled material and the value of preserving its integrity. And from one hectare, there are only ten kilograms of the finished spice. It is difficult to disagree that it is very costly and time-consuming production. This also plots the benefits and nutritional qualities of seasonings. Spice is unique. So where the transcendental price is taken from here at first glance.

Saffron: health and harm

To understand how much the spice is useful, it is worth considering its composition and nutritional value.

In the stilts of the crocus plant contains a huge amount of useful substances. It is for this that the saffron is valued.

The seasoning includes:

  • vitamins of group B, C, A, RR;
  • zinc, calcium, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, potassium and other minerals;
  • essential oils.

100 grams of the product contains: proteins -11.44 grams; Fats - 5.6 grams; Carbohydrates - 61.2 grams. Energy value - 310 kcal per 100 grams.

The use of Shafran

  • improving the operation of the digestive tract;
  • cleansing the body from toxins;
  • relaxing the nervous system;
  • strengthening the skin and increase the elasticity of tissues;
  • strengthening bone muscular structures in the body;
  • stabilization of the system of blood formation;
  • blocking the development of pathogenic flora in the body;
  • the establishment and strengthening of the immune system.

Using this spice make a huge amount of folk agents for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

For example, saffron in combination with milk (herbal tea) and honey is used to dissolve stones in the kidneys and bile bubble. Various decoctions and infancy on saffron are used to purify and rejuvenation of the body. Means based on saffron are used to treat diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract. Actively prevents seasoning with the development of viral, bacterial, fungal infections. In folk medicine, there is a huge number of saffron-based recipes, which are aimed at the treatment of joints and muscle tissues. Saffron is part of various soothing fees. This seasoning relaxes the nervous system and contributes to a healthy sleep.

With the help of saffron, you can quench pain, remove spasms. Therefore, this spice is included in the formulation of painkillers, antispasmodics. Saffron has an anti-inflammatory effect, stabilizes metabolism. Therefore, the spice is good to maintain the health of the organs of the digestive system. Often, saffron includes the composition of endocrine fees. This seasoning is used as a natural aphrodisiac to restore and maintain the sexual function of men and women. Sometimes saffron is used to treat asthma and other allergic diseases.

However, with whatever medical goal, Shafran is applied, do not appoint it to himself independently and use without control of the doctor. After all, any chronic diseases, as well as sharp pathological conditions, can become a serious contraindication for the use of this spice.

Harm saffron

Like any spice, saffron can carry the body benefits, and in some cases cause harm. After all, a number of contraindications are available for each product.

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • children's age up to 3 years;
  • diabetes mellitus I, type II (with caution);
  • increased blood pressure and hypertension in the aggravation stage;
  • panish intestinal disease, stomach, duodenum.

In large quantities, the saffron has an exciting effect on the nervous system. It is not necessary to go beyond the recommended norms (it is permissible to use up to 1 gram of saffron per year, for 1 dish it is permissible to apply no more than 5 ratios of seasoning), even if this seasoning is very like and is available in unlimited quantities.

It is also not recommended to use this spice in case you suffer from food allergies. With caution, the saffron should be used by persons suffering from nervous, mental disorders and prone to negative reactions from the nervous system.

With any doubts related to the peculiarities of the body or those based on the current state of health, it is necessary to consult a specialist for the admissibility of sefran's use.

Saffron: Application

Saffron is an expensive, noble spice, which is characterized by a very pleasant spicy aroma and the ability to give dishes spicy, sophisticated taste. Of course, first of all, this seasoning is widely used in cooking. Where only the saffron add! The spice is perfect to the first and second dishes. It is good in sauces and gas stations. Harmoniously fits saffron in the composition of rice dishes. It perfectly complements the taste of this spice in the composition of vegetable, salad combinations. Good saffron as part of marinades. A spice for decorating taste and fragrance of dishes based on legumes. Combined with cereals, starch vegetables, rooted roots. A little saffron does not interfere in the composition of soft and hot drinks.

Saffron is the original, virtually nothing like a spice. It is called the Queen of the Chair!

It consists that the dish where Saffron is added should not be supplemented with some other spices. The fact is that this spice does not tolerate combinations with other seasonings. This is its peculiarity, which, however, is easy to understand, trying the dishes made by Saffron. Nothing more is not required. The spice saturates dishes and drinks by all the necessary notes.

In addition to cooking, the saffron is used immediately in several areas. For example, the use of spices in cosmetology is widespread. Means based on saffron are used to achieve the effect of rejuvenation. Masks with saffron soften, moisturize, nourish the skin. With this component, it is possible to achieve the smoothing of the skin and a significant reduction in wrinkles. In addition, saffron has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Except in cosmetology and cooking, saffron is used in aromatherapy and traditional medicine. This component allows you to achieve many positive changes from the body. So saffron is really valued and added to modern folk remedies and aromacomposition. We use a spice, purposefully wanting to improve the state of health or simply seeking to achieve a general positive effect from the appearance, an internal mental state.
