Many dackets have repeatedly seen this grass in their sites, growing together with weeds. It is quite difficult to snatch it, because powerful long roots chain hold the plant in the ground. Before him, it is impossible to touch without garden tarpaulin gloves, as tough spotted leaves are covered with many sharp spiny spikes. When it grows up, she begins to bloom in small pink flowers.

This plant is one of the subspecies of the thistle and is found almost everywhere as a weed grass: on the roads, in the fields, wasteland and landfills, in gardens and gardens. It is completely unpretentious to soils, climatic conditions of growth and the amount of precipitation. Theer is the most important thing that this is quite aggressive weed, on which gardeners spend a lot of effort, is a valuable medicinal plant.

What is a terminhop?

So it looks like a millet, photo

Many know this grass like Maryn, milk or a motley thistle, and its scientific name is a spotted milk thistle. This is a fairly tall plant reaches a height from 1 to 1.5 meters, belongs to the Astrov family and can be grown as annual or duct. The homeland of the millet is considered to be the Mediterranean coast, from where a herbaceous plant and has spread almost all over the world.

Subneal large leaves have a wavy shape and patterned edges, and their glossy green surface is covered with intricate white patterns. It is this "marble" pattern on the leaves and is distinguished by distillers from other types of thistle. It blooms from mid-summer to autumn, and although the flowers do not differ in large decorativeness, the spectacular leaves of this plant, covered with long sharp spines, can serve as an decoration of any garden.

In addition to their decorative qualities, the millet also has a number of healing properties that are due to the presence of rare biologically active substances in the plant, in particular silimarine. It is useful for the liver, because it protects it from intoxication, the destructive effect of alcohol, heavy metals and other aggressive substances, helps restore liver cells and strengthens cell membranes.

In historical documents, references to the use of milk thistle as a drug is preserved. The healers of different countries have successfully used the therapeutic properties of the milk thistle for the treatment of diseases not only liver, but also other organs. In the second half of the last century, interest in the plant resumed after the scientific research of its healing qualities.

Therapeutic properties of the milk thistle - why is it useful?

The main active substances that are contained in this plant are unique natural compounds: flavonolygnons protecting liver from toxins, and flavonoids with antioxidant and antibacterial effect. They prevent the penetration of toxins into liver cells, weaken and suppress the effect of toxic substances and begin to decompose them before those can have a detrimental effect.

In addition to them, there are macro and micro elements (zinc, copper, selenium), proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and K, alkaloids, saponins, amino acids, oily oils, thiramine, histamine and other biologically active substances. As the most effective drug, the ripe seeds of the milk thistle, but all parts of the plant have therapeutic properties.

Drugs-based drugs contribute to the protection of the liver and strengthen the cell membranes, improve the function of this organ, normalize digestion, neutralize the effect on the body of harmful compounds, stimulate the formation and excretion of bile, improve the metabolism.

The beneficial properties of the milk thistle are widely used to treat diseases of the liver and gallbladder: acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and toxic liver damage, colic, diseases of bile ducts. In addition, the tool has proven itself in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin, respiratory tract, hemorrhoids and a number of gynecological diseases.

Application of milk thistle in medicine

In addition to persons with liver diseases, thyroid gland and spleen, it is recommended for the use of people who have passed chemotherapy or irradiation course, as well as to eliminate the consequences of the body intoxication in the presence of alcohol and narcotic drug addiction, food and other poisoning.

As a prophylactic agent, the drugs are shown to persons living in adverse environmental conditions and polluted areas working with toxic materials in harmful production. In therapeutic and preventive purposes, all parts of this amazing plant are used. Of these, various drugs are obtained:

  1. Seeds of milk thistle. The most valuable part of the plant is the most valuable part of the plant, since it contains Silimarine. Rights into powder seeds are used to prepare healing infusions and decoctions.
  2. Mephlestock. It is the cake remaining after receiving oil seeds. It is a powerful antioxidant, which practically does not have contraindications. Modern medicine recommends that the metering metering is used under the following indications: as supporting therapy with hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, for the treatment of cholecystitis, dyspepsia, disorders in the work of the stomach, intestine and gallbladder.
  3. Military oil. It is made from seeds by cold spinning or extraction. Characterized by the high content of valuable polyunsaturated acids, fat-soluble vitamins and silimarine. It has hepatoprotective, toning, choleretic, laxative, wound-healing, anti-sized, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Effective for wound healing and burns, as a prophylactic means from frostbite and tempering of the skin. As part of the face care of the face, the oil of the milk powder has a rejuvenating effect, improves the condition of the skin, its elasticity and complexion.
  4. Alcohol and aqueous extracts. Used to enhance the formation and removal of bile, removing spasms of smooth muscles, the treatment of functional pathologies of the liver and light digestive disorders.
  5. The pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs from distillation for the liver: "Bondjigar", "hepaben", "Silbor", "Carsil", "Levalon", "Hello", "Hepasil". You can buy any of these medicines in the pharmacy, and to appoint a doctor in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. These drugs normalize the amount of bile produced, facilitate its receipt of bile ducts, protect the liver cells from toxins and contribute to their recovery, normalize the function of the liver under various pathological conditions.
  6. Fruit-based violet. It is used to prevent the diseases of the liver and the gastrointestinal tract, as a lifting agent that gives force and increases the vitality. Phytquia can also be prepared from the leaves of the plant, brewing them with boiling water and insisting within 10-20 minutes.
  7. The syrup of the milk thistle. It is used as one of the means of complex therapy in the treatment of liver disease, stomach (gastritis), cardiovascular diseases.
  8. Decoration from the roots. Take as rinsing during dental pain, and inside - for the treatment of diarrhea and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as well as as a diuretic.

For a decoction of the roots, they take 1 tablespoon of dried and crushed roots of the plant, put them in the enameled dishes, poured boiling water with a glass, bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then the decoction must be strain, add boiling water to a volume of 200 ml and drink 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before meals.

Take a milk powder (meal) powder, flour or seeds, climbing in a coffee grinder, follows one teaspoon three times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, drinking with plenty of warm water. Apply this means with a duration of 40 days. If necessary, the course is repeated in 2-3 weeks.

In prophylactic purposes, ground seeds, flour or meals are used once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, one teaspoon, drinking with plenty of water. Powder from milk thistle can also be used for cosmetic purposes, adding to the masks for the face, peeling or slant.

As a common assembler, to increase the immunity and the resistance of the body, the colds and infectious diseases of the National Medicine recommends drinking tea from the shrottop.

To prepare, one teaspoon of the product should be pouring a glass of boiling water in glass or ceramic dishes, cover with a lid and insist for 10-15 minutes, strain. Drinking such tea follows 1/3 cup three times a day. The course of reception of this preventive means is 1 week.

For the preparation of the brave, it is necessary to take 30 grams of the seeds of the milk thistle, chop them in a coffee grinder, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook on a water bath until the volume of the fluid decreases by 2 times. Then the decoction should be strain and take 1 tablespoon each hour throughout the day, from 8-00 to 20-00.

This agent is recommended for toxic lesions of the liver, cirrhosis, hepatitis, when carrying out radiation and chemotherapy. The reception rate is 3 weeks, then you need to make a two-week break and repeat the course of treatment.

Contraindications and precautions

Those who first hear about the therapeutic properties of the milk thistle, which will probably become interested in not only its useful properties, but also contraindications. Like any drug used in folk medicine, it is necessary to eat, observing precautions. Although this drug practically does not have contraindications, the uncontrolled reception will not give the expected results.

Before starting the application, you should seek advice with the doctor, and in the treatment it is necessary to follow the dosage indicated by the manufacturer. It is not recommended to take a break back during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as to give children without appointing a pediatrician.

Do not use drugs from this plant in blocking the bile ducts, the presence of stones in the bustling bubble and in individual intolerance to the product.

As a rule, the tranillage intake is well tolerated by the body. However, in case of deterioration of the well-being or appearance of pain, it should be discussed.

If you decide to grow this herbaceous plant on your household plot, be sure that its cultivation will not require any effort or time spending. This grass will grow almost like a weed, decorating your site with picturesque patterned sockets of its big spotted leaves.

The millet is very unpretentious to weather, climatic conditions and the composition of the soil. The only thing she does not like is heavy marshy soils. It is better to highlight a dry sunny plot for planting. For this large plant, a lot of space is required, so it is not necessary to plant seeds or seedlings too thick. The distance between the rows should be made at least 0.5 m, and between plants in the row - 0.4 m.

The bloom of the millet starts in July, and already in August you can start collecting seeds. All parts of the plant have useful properties, but it is precisely the seeds of a milk thistle contain miraculous silimarine. Boxes with fully overwhelmed seeds are neatly cut and dried.

  • The roots and leaves of the plant are harvested late in the fall, after the end of the flowering period.

Today, we find out the useful and therapeutic properties of the milkness for the improvement of the entire body, especially the liver, recipes based on it, their use in official and traditional medicine, contraindications for use, learn its favor and possible harm, read the photos of the plant, browse the video.

By the way, you can see a photo below how this plant looks like:
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I have a favorite barley - Spotilla's milk, here is my story about her today. We find out the therapeutic properties of the milk thistle, in what form it can be taken, how to use it and under which problems of the body it is an indispensable healer.

The ramor's plant still has such titles as guests and Mary Thistle, the thistle of the Virgin Mary (Mariendistel), Tataknik, silver.

Spotted milking (holy or milk thistle) have long honored many people of the world as a super useful agent. Traditions argue that this Virgin Maria presented to people as a gift a healing milk, capable of healing different diseases (white spots on the leaves of the flipstocking leaves). When the stem or leaves faults, the white liquid appears, which they used to use those who had no milk to feed the baby.

History documents say that 2,000 years ago, the Greeks used the decoction of seeds of this plant in order to treat various diseases. Modern recipes of traditional medicine coming to us the same information. Especially popular flour from the seeds of a milk thistle and meal. The meal is the seeds of milk thistle, the squeezes, which remained after receiving the oil of the milk thistle ..

It is difficult to believe that such a unbroken plant can have such a large restoring effect, but I was convinced of this myself.

I will tell you how I got acquainted with the effective action of this medicinal plant. In the past life, before the blocking, I was engaged in phytockomplexes that I accept to this day. And there is such a phytocomplex that I often mention in my articles - Lifsef (with English. Liver in the safe - that is, the protection of the liver).

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He developed by scientists from the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine under the direction of Professor Lapshin and its composition includes:

  • ground fruit frost frost
  • immortelle sandy
  • melissa Drugs
  • yarrow
  • corn silk

Each of the listed medicinal plants performs its function, but the main one belongs to the terminal - it is seeds of this grass contribute to the restoration of the cells of the patient liver, speaking as a phyto-hepato protector.
Thanks to the milk, I a lot of things renovated in your body, which at that time began to take my position - my health began to disturb me (10 years ago).

What I got rid of, thanks to the wheezing:

  1. i started working the liver normally - I stopped sick often, and if I happened to pick up something, it was quickly and without complications, as the liver is our inner healer
  2. the extensive light brown spots on the face in the area of \u200b\u200bSkyl, chin and forehead were disappeared, which appeared as soon as the sun became more active - I was ripple and hid it in a tonal cream
  3. the surface of the skin itself has significantly improved - it has become smooth and smooth, without a single pigment spin or pimple
  4. emotional bursts and mood drops have significantly decreased, I have become much calmer and not blinding from the floor of turns from any nonsense
  5. the intestinal work began and walked, rumbling and drilling in the abdomen and intestines were gone
  6. forever, bitterness in the mouth in the morning and my tongue is never happening whispered and loose, I also got rid of the poor smell of mouth

The result I received is sufficient to recommend this plant to everyone - suddenly you have similar troubles that spoil life.

Application of terminors. In what form can be used

Spotilla is a frosty medicinal plant. In the pharmacy and trading network you can purchase various derivatives of the milk thistle:

  • oil squeezed from seeds
  • distorbish seed tincture
  • syrup
  • seeds and flowers, fluttered into powder
  • meal - Seed residues after oil squeezing
  • fresh leaves and flowers - additive to salads and raw materials for tea

At home, teas and infusions, decoctions are made from the milk thistle.

Thistle in capsules Release various manufacturers of phytopreparations (food additives). I myself use a nonsense in a capsuated form.

The oil is used for burns, they are treated to the field. It softens dry skin well, used as a means of wrinkles in cosmetology.

The meal and leaves, the plants stems are an excellent sorbent in poisoning of any kind: chemical, food, alcoholic. Regenerating and regenerating function, choleretic - does not have equal.

Chemical composition

To find out which therapeutic properties of the milk thistle contains, you need to look at its composition and find out what, according to your phytotherapy directories, is hiding in the depths of this green treasure.

A chemical composition of substances, thanks to which the plant acquires its natural painting was relatively recently recently. As it turned out, these substances, called flavonoids, have not only "coloring" effect, but also therapeutic. This is achieved by antioxidant flavonoid properties.

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Not only in the leaves, but also in the tissues of the milking are also containable flavonoids, including so-called silimarines, among which the Silidian, Silibin and Silicrystine are included. It is these compounds that give the plant to its main drug properties.

The plant has a rich vitamin composition, contains rare substances necessary for a person, many trace elements. Most often in therapeutic purposes, plant seeds or their meals are used as a food additive, it is used in dietary nutrition.

Silimarine restores hepatocytes - the main building material of the liver. After removing the part of the liver, it is capable of regenerating its own fabric and the first assistant in this is silimarine, which contains a milk.

It strengthens the walls of the liver, making them light-permeable for various harmful factors and gradually the liver is regenerated. It is known that the seeds of the milk thistle this process is significantly accelerating. That is, after damage to the liver, the use of drugs of milk thistle leads to a quick recovery.

The milk powder has an antioxidant effect: Silimarine protects the membranes of liver cells from aggressive impact of free radicals than prevents the reincarnation of cells into cancer.

Iron, zinc, group vitamins and a large number of trace elements made a distillation to famous in folk and official medicine.

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The plant has a number of useful substances in its composition:

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In a ramist, a large set of micro- and macroelements:

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: trace elements" width="232" height="363" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=232&ssl=1 232w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=192%2C300&ssl=1 192w" sizes="(max-width: 232px) 100vw, 232px" data-recalc-dims="1">!} The presence of vitamins of the group B, K, F, E, A, D, C helps to quickly restore the vitality and function of the body, applying a nonsense in any form, especially - in the form of shrot and flour from seeds.

The leaves and stems of a young plant in composition are similar to vegetables - contain a large number of plant fibers, which helps to clean the intestine and remove toxins.

Seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and can be decent to replace similar from the fish.

Its most valuable components are considered to be: silimarine (flavanoids), silibin and silidonin (flavanolygnons), mineral compounds and the presence of fatty unsaturated acids.

Silimarines and other flavonoids are not the only components of the tissue components. Here are just some of the most widely represented substances in this plant, which can noticeably strengthen the therapeutic effect:

  • Tiramine and histamine - substances that stimulate natural biological processes.
  • Metals and other inorganic elements, such as iodine, selenium, chrome, manganese, boron and the most "weighty" components, copper and zinc. All these substances are present in extremely small doses, from 0.09 micrograms for each gram to 1.16 micrograms. At the same time, the content of such components as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and magnesium is measured already in milligrams per gram - from 0.08 mg to 16.6 mg.
  • A whole vitamin bouquet - first, group B, second, A, K, D, F and E.
  • The so-called factor T is an enzyme contributing to the resorption of thrombus.
  • Phospholipids, tocopherols and acylglycerin, we can talk about the whole complex of lipids.
  • Essential and fatty oils (the latter in high concentration, in some cases about 32%).

And this is only a small part of the composition of the fabrics of the milk thistle, useful elements are much larger.

Useful therapeutic properties of milk and contraindications

Consider a ramisture from the point of view of therapeutic and beneficial properties for our body, why it must be administered to your diet as a food additive or in the form of salads from leaves and plants stalks.

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Rasschopshche: Medical properties for our health

To find out which therapeutic properties of the millet in itself contains, we considered its composition described above. According to phytotherapy reference books, in the depths of this green treasure, it contains useful elements of more than four hundred.

The plant has a wide range of action to improve human health. It possesses the following healing properties:

  • Antoviral
  • Antiallergic
  • Antioxidant
  • Immunomodulatory
  • Hepatoprotective and cytoprotective
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antitoxic
  • Antitumor (antifibrotic)
  • Laxative
  • Choleretic
  • Diuretic
  • Wound-healing
  • Elementary
  • Spasmolitical

Based on this list, it can be concluded that Maryina Spiny is excellent for incorporating it into the complex therapy of many types of diseases. Most often, it is part of the grassmes against such ailments:

  1. cardiovascular disease diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, myocarditis, varicose veins)
  2. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (hepatitis, adhesive hepatosis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, colitis, chronic constipation)
  3. pathologies of the spleen and pancreas (splenite, pancreatitis, diabetes)
  4. skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, acne, allergic dermatitis)
  5. light and bronchial diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema)
  6. the ailments of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatic arthritis and arthrosis, radiculites, plexitis)
  7. violations in the urogenital system (prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, jade)

Also, decoctions and infusions from different parts of the dams are used to reduce the weight and normalization of the overall metabolism, for prevention or elimination of anemia, to maintain the health of vision. But the main highlight of this plant lies in its unique and unique healing power from liver disease, we will deal with this more.
First, I propose a brief video about the benefits of a milk thistle:

Therapeutic properties of spotted thistle for the liver. How Silimarin works

Hepatoprotective or restoring liver cells, the property of milk thistle is based on its part of the unique substance called Silimarine.

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His uniqueness is that this is the only naturally produced nature of a full-fledged drug for high-quality and comprehensive recovery of liver tissues and functions.

It is possible that Silimarine is also in relatives' wheels, for example, in an ordinary Tatarnist, but this fact is not yet confirmed. Thus, it turns out that Maryina Spiny today is the only comprehensively studied source of Silimarin.

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The liver tissue is about 60-80% consist of cells called hepatocytes. These cells take on the side of the poisonous substances entering the body, as well as aggressive free radicals. With these effects, the cell membrane suffers primarily. Thus, to save the liver, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Block admission to the cells and tissues of the most dangerous, damage to the hepatocytes themselves, poisons.
  2. Stop further destruction of already damaged membranes and launch the mechanisms of natural cell recovery.
  3. Neutralize free radicals and reduce the effects of substances that destroy the hepatocyte membranes.
  4. Remove painful inflammation of damaged tissues.

Silimarines contained in a wheezing successfully solve all four tasks. Even such a strong toxin, which contains pale custodia, is successfully blocked by silimarines. At the same time, the RNA polymerase is developed, which, in turn, is noticeably intensified the process natural recovery of cells.

Silimarines sharply weaken oxidation processes, which reliably protects cell membranes.

A wide range of healing exposure to silimarine makes the use of a termination of a non-indispensable tool for treating or preventing many liver diseases.

Here is a list of these diseases:

  • acute and chronic bacterial hepatitis
  • hepatosis
  • viral hepatitis C.
  • cirrhosis liver toxic or viral origin
  • acute poisoning of poisonous mushrooms, compounds of heavy metals, halogen-containing hydrocarbons, medicines for conducting chemotherapy
  • acute or chronic violation of general or liver fat exchange
  • acute and chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis and tendency to stone formation in the bustling bubble and biliary ducts

But in a barrel with a healing honey, that is, Silimarin, there was an annoying spoon of concert, this component is extremely tight to dissolve. However, this unpleasant fact was able to bypass, concluding the drug opportunities of the milk in pills and capsules.

Saturated and unsaturated fats. Useful and therapeutic properties

The fruits of the milk thistle contain approximately 32% of oil, consisting of a unique complex of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

If they hit them in the digestive system Human, they provoke a choleretic effect, namely, a cholerastic action (the uniform synthesis of bile is improved) and, partly, a chopinetic action (the otkolok is improved). This primary fatty effect of milk thistle contributes to disinfection of food, it is better to assimilate and reduce the manifestations of the intestinal dysbiosis.

In case of fatty acids in the bloodThey have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, hepatoprotective activity. They are also used as a source of energy. Since the integral part of the oil oil is vitamins a and e, the range of action is significantly expanding. But only if it is correct to take the fruits of the milk thistle - for one reception of approximately 10 grams of fruits. Then the described effect of the use of fruits of fruits is invariably achieved.

If you use a smaller amount of crushed plant fruits, then these actions may not appear. When the gallbladder is dyskinesia, chronic pancreatitis can also be due effect not to reach the fruits of the plant, since it is necessary to use certain features in the power system in these diseases.

Carbohydrates of the seeds of the milk thistle. Useful and therapeutic properties

Despite the fact that carbohydrates in the fruits of the plant are quite a lot, in this indicator the fruits are not contraindicated even with diabetes, on the contrary - they are shown. How can this be? Just the main polysaccharide is starch and its content is approximately 15%.

It is capable of slowly turning into glucose in the digestive system and, falling into the blood, it does not create any liver problems (even with fatty hepatosis) nor the pancreas (even with the manifestations of the diabetes of the first or second type).

The remaining polysaccharides that are in the fruits of thistle (mucus, pectins, fiber) are not able to split to simple carbohydrates and absorbed into the blood, causing a load on the pancreas or liver. Moving by intestines, mucus, pectins, fiber enhance the intestinal peristalsis, together with fats that provide a gilent effect, contribute to the elimination of frequent constipation.

There is no coarse cleansing of the intestines, as some laxatives do, and the cleansing of the intestine in the full sense - due to the swelling of the mucus. The mucus is able to firmly swell in an aquatic environment. If there is a sufficient amount of water in the diet, the mucus swells in the intestine and collects not just water, and water with the toxic substances dissolved in it. A similar action is performed by pectins, fiber.

On insoluble carbohydrates, a saprofite (useful) intestinal microflora is more actively developing, which produces additional portions of vitamins. Competently suppressing the pathogenic microflora, promotes the improvement of the intestinal microflora.

And if you remember that the choleretic function of vegetable oils helps our liver to free the place in the bustling bubble for new portions of bile (and this is the dirt that the liver has found in the blood), then there is a global blood purification and cleansing of our body as a whole. As we see, the effect of the proper use of polysaccharides is in the presence of a sufficient amount of water - a sufficiently serious and important for health.

Fluity proteins - Useful and Medical Properties

An important component in health thistle is proteins. They are contained about 6% and in this indicator the plant lags behind the croup and cereals by about twice. True, due to the large fat content, the fruits have high calorie content - about 370 kilocalories.

The presence of a protein in the milkman makes it useful for people who switched to a vegetarian power method. The addition of chopped flour from the seeds of the milk thistle will help partially fill the deficit of the protein in their organism.

We dealt with the beneficial properties of marina barbs, now let's deal with contraindications and side effects, because they also have a place to be, and they need to know and remember.

Basic contraindications for the use of terminors

Even though most drug users on the basis of the terminors argue that there are no contraindications in the application of the plant - they still exist.

Here are there any contraindications for the Chertopoloha Spotted reception:

  • individual intolerance of the components of grass
  • availability of serious mental illness (epilepsy, depressive manic state, protracted neurosis)
  • aggravation of gallstone disease, when high risk of movement of stones, or big stones
  • heart disease, where the leading role is played by the level of calcium and phosphorus (more often it applies to the work of cardiac valves)
  • intestinal diseases, accompanied by diarrhea, and generally a tendency to liquid and frequent chair

According to individual reviews for receiving oil or shrot, pain may occur in the field of liver, the swelling of the abdomen, the mesmer nausea. But in most cases, all these phenomena pass a couple of days after the start of the reception.

With great caution, it is necessary to treat preparations from the marina barrels to pregnant women and nursing mothers, since this spotted herb can cause expulsion of the fetus or to serve as a strong diarrhea in the baby.

Contraindications to the use of a cessing for liver are mainly to use alcohol tincture. It is worth adding this list only to an indication that the liver is unusable for nursing mothers, pregnant and "cores".

It is undesirable to use any parts of the ram and for children under 12 years of age, this contraindication is associated with the instability of a young organism and the danger that the beneficial actions of the plant will turn into trouble in the form of diarrhea, heartburn and upset digestion.

In pharmacies, you can purchase more familiar tablets and capsules for many patients made of distillers. Medicines "Legalon", "Hepaben", or "Phosphycial" are represented by capsules protected by a layer of gelatin, inside which powder is located.

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Tablets are no different from any other medicines. It may be "Sibectan", "Legal", more familiar "Carsil" and "Carsil Forte", as well as Salimar. All tablets are sold along with accurate instructions on their use.

Also, the meal is also for sale - essentially, already cooked powder from the dissolve seed.

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Experts believe that in this form, the plant benefit will not bring Since Silimarine is easily destroyed from the effects of light, oxidation in air, as well as when heated. So that prepare decoctions and brew "healing tea" absolutely meaningless(This is the opinion of pharmacists).

The listed medicines (drugs) can be easily found on any pharmacy, the price of pills with therapeutic properties of the marina spiny varies from 250 to 900 rubles per box designed for a monthly course. Preparations are combined under the general name of plant hepatoprotectors.

All drugs of the group of plant hepatoprotectors work quite interestingly. If you get into the stomach, they are absorbed into the blood and then fall on the bloodstream in the liver.

There they are taken by hepatocytes in an approximately half of their total amount of quantity, and the rest of the drug goes into bile. From the gallbladder the remnant of the medication is thrown into the 12-rectory, it falls into the delicate intestine, where it is absorbed into the blood again and goes into the liver, where it is absorbed.

It turns out that one plant tablet brings use 2 times more than synthetically created. By the way, herbal pills are popular only in Russia and the CIS countries, and in Western Europe and the United States, they practically do not use them due to insufficient studies of the composition of raw materials.

Of course, a dose and the term of the reception of pharmacy should be a doctor, based on the individual state of the patient and analyzes taken from him.

The inflammatory processes stop due to the fact that the body under the influence of fatty acids contained in the ramist produces prostaglandins.

Independent manufacture of therapeutic drugs at home

The liver is used in various kinds, and the simplest options allow self-preparation of the medicine. Actually, such options are mostly two:

  • tincture
  • powder.

And in fact, and in another case, the crushed seeds of the milk thistle go. The only difference is that for the manufacture of tincture, the powder is poured with vodka (ideally alcohol) and insist during the week. Vodka must be five times more than powder.

The convenience of tincture compared to the powder is that the tincture can be stored and consumed gradually, but the prepared powder needs to be taken immediately and make each time once doses.

The effect of tincture is more pronounced, so it is best to take it only with the consent of the doctor. The tincture is contraindicated by those who cannot be used alcohol. So, with alcoholic cirrhosis, this method is unacceptable. The use of tincture also is excluded in the presence of cholecystitis in acute form, pancreatitis and liver failure.

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Dosage for the tincture of the milk thistle - from one to 20 drops (more accurate dosage it is better to know after all the physicians), and for powder - one tablespoon per day. Take powder before meals.

Overdose may be the cause of pain in the right side. It can cause a blockage of a biliary flux by stones. Also an overdose may be the cause of the movement of previously static gallstones. Therefore, remember the recommended dose of the intake of the tincture or the milk powder.
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Milshch for liver: how to take

The liver will not give failures if you use products that enhance the release of yellow. Recovery the milk through - an excellent choleretic agent. It will clean and restore liver cells.

This is a powerful weed, which is cultivated in many countries of the world. Apply it not only in folk medicine - the plant gives the necessary raw materials for the medical industry. It is part of choleretic products, food additives known worldwide.

It is known that the liver is an important, multifunctional body. It is like a small laboratory, where enzymes are constantly being created, important for the work of the whole organism.

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  • find and remove poisonous substances from the body, clean the blood
  • separate fats, ensuring assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins
  • control, maintain the body's energy balance
  • the liver is a kind of storage for all substances necessary to power different cell cells.

With the first signal, the lack of an element, the liver immediately replenishes it - but only if it is not weakened and can respond quickly.

Any liver failures can be determined by such unpleasant symptoms:

  • meteorism, constipation or diarrhea
  • constant weakness
  • irritability, emotional jumps without visible causes
  • cardiopalmus
  • reducing the level of hemoglobin in the blood
  • worsening vision

Digestion is a complicated action. Poor digested foods cause violation of metabolic processes. Without the participation of the liver digestion is impossible. During the day, a healthy organ produces near the liter of yellow.

What is needed so much

For daily production of bitter-yellow liquid - yellow, minerals, proteins, water are consumed. Stored horizontal in the horizontal bubble.
When digesting, food comes from the stomach in the duodenum to continue the process. At this point, the required amount of yellow is distinguished from the bubble - provided that there is at least small portion of fat.

This liquid helps recycle food, assimilate all useful substances from it. The horizontal displays poisonous compounds formed in the body or received from the external environment.
The horizontal stimulates the opening of the intestine, destroys presentation processes in it. With violation of the outflow of yellow, there is a deterioration in digestion, the work of the whole organism is disturbed:

  1. food is poorly processed, digested, exchange processes are violated.
  2. enhanced gases formation
  3. appears constipation
  4. the lack of yellow worsens the work of the pancreas than may cause its disease.
  5. papillomas appear on the skin, stains
  6. accumulated toxins, extra salts are not displayed with urine, feces. This will attract the disease in the joints.
  7. pains pain in the temple part of the head

Stagnation of herbs in the horizontal bubble cause stress, fears, irritability, a sedentary lifestyle, infection, fatty food.
Because of the fact that it became thick thunder, there is no her outflow, sand appears in the bubble, stones begin to form. Pains appear in the right side.

Cleansing and restoring liver

Preparations from milk thistle improve the work of the liver. The highlighting of yellow, the ducts are cleaned, the sands of the horizontal bubble leaves.

A rare connection is included in the chemical composition of the milk thistle, which is easily decomposed toxins, not allowing them to liver - silimarine. This substance helps liver to form new cells instead of destroyed by the disease or alcohol.

Oil, tincture of milk thistle cleans the liver, blood, removing slags and excess sugar out of it. The intestines is also cleared, constipation disappear. Sustained pains. Improves the work of the pancreas, kidneys.

To protect the body from intoxication by poisons in harmful production, it is recommended that the use of drugs from a ram in preventive purposes. The use of these drugs gives good results in the treatment of hepatitis.

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Crumpled flowers and terminal seeds can be used in dish, not requiring heat treatment. Add to salads, sandwiches.
Or, a few minutes before the meal, eat a teaspoon of the product, picking up water. This will strengthen the choleretic effect. After the monthly use of drugs make a break.

An independent use of choleretic means is recommended if the gall bubble is clean, without stones. If there are stones, you need a doctor consultation and his observation during the reception of the behavior of the pebbles.

How to take the seeds of the milk thistle in the liver disease

The greatest healing force of the entire plant of the dialecty, its seeds, their beneficial effects on the liver and other organs were used in many centuries before the Nativity of Christ. It is from seeds that make tablets and extracts lying on pharmacy shelves. It is this part of the milk thistle thoroughly and repeatedly subjected to various experiments and research.

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In the process of processing from seeds, three main products are obtained, which are consumed in cooking, folk and official medicine - this is:

  1. butter

Seed oil The Motherod's Grass can be added to baking, refueling them salads and drink for the treatment or prevention of liver and pancreas. In preventive purposes, they use 1 teaspoon of oil - an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before breakfast, making it daily until the entire bubble end, repeating such courses every six months. With the medical goal between the courses described, take a break in 1 month and drink oil again until the next bubble is over. So alternate the reception and breaks until the disease disappears or fail.

Flour gets from non-ripe mature plant seeds. They are most often used to baking bread and adding to dishes and some pastries, intended for people with diabetes and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Flour, as well as oil, useful to take 1 teaspoon 15-30 minutes before meals, permitted quantity up to three times a day. The course, depending on the health of the liver and other organs, can be from 10 to 30 days, the reception date is advisable to consult with the attending physician.

And a special place in this trinity takes meal - Mulco-like powder made of squeezed seeds. It is believed that it contains the concentration of the healing properties of the marina spiny. From myself I will say that this statement is not an exaggeration, I was convinced of this on personal experience and on the example of one of his girlfriend, suffering from sharp jumps of blood sugar and the state of prediabet.

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At one time I took the meals with courses, completely cleaned the liver and for many years I do not go to the clinic, do not hurt with colds, not fat and I look great for my years. And my friend, survived a year ago, clinical death, on one of the analyzes learned that sugar in her blood is 2 times higher than the norm. I recommended her to kick a meal thistle, and already a week later, she boasted me that the sugar fell from 13.7 to 8.5 units.

I think that the oil, flour or the meal barrels should include each person, especially the city dweller, and, as a sore, and healthy. Agree, to prevent the disease is much easier than to treat it, especially since the price of oil, flour and a meal out of the terminals are only 80-120 rubles per box or a bottle for a monthly course, and their therapeutic properties are truly invaluable.

How to treat the grass of the milk thistle: decoction, juice, tincture

The grass of milk thistle, as well as its seeds, is widely used to treat liver diseases and other digestive organs. Some of it are preparing chasters and infusions, both for drinking and for outdoor use in the form of a mow, compresses and baths for skin diseases.

Also from the leaves of the milk thistle prepare juice, on healing actions is not inferior to the above-ground part of the plant. And now - several recipes.

Herbal decoction for reception inside

Take a 1 tablespoon of crushed grass of milk thistle and pour it with a glass of steep boiling water. Then heated on a water bath for 15 minutes, then remove the decoction from the fire and let it stand for another 45 minutes, shook the tank in the towel. When the decoction is imagining, strain it and take a third of a glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals, the course lasts 30 days.

This decoction helps not only to treat the liver, but also to establish metabolism, normalize the chair and clean the skin from acne. It can also be poured over the molds for ice and, frozen it in cubes, wipe the skin of the face after morning and evening wash to eliminate acne and oily gloss.

To get juice, the leaves are passed through the meat grinder, and then put them in a gauze, fresh in 3-4 layers and thoroughly unscrew the fluid into the enamelized ass. Another, more easy way is to skip leaves through the usual household juicer. The cooler of the marina spray is used in many liver diseases, skin, constipation, hypovitaminosis, disorders of digestion and metabolism.

Jpg "alt \u003d" (! Lang: juice treatment recipe" width="300" height="218" data-recalc-dims="1">!} The classic use option is to drink fresh juice of 1 tbsp. Spoon on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. If pure juice is difficult to drink, it is mixed with 50 ml of water, the course of treatment is 15-30 days.

Juice can be presserved by making a tincture from it. For this, 1 liter of fresh pressed juice takes 100 ml of 70% alcohol or good vodka, thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand 3-7 days. The resulting tincture takes 1 tsp on 50 ml of water on an empty stomach - 30 minutes before breakfast, the course is 30 days. Use the tincture to process the skin with wounds, ulcers, guns and other inflammatory processes.

Considerable healing force has a Chertopoloha spotted and flowers. To treat the ailments of the liver, gallbladder, intestines and skin of them, boils and infusions are preparing. For infusion of infusion 1 Art. A spoonful of floral baskets are poured with a glass of steep boiling water, wrapped and leave overnight.

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Prepare a decoction: take raw materials and water in the same proportions that for infusion, and boil on low heat or on a water bath for 10-15 minutes. The finished medicine is filled with and take a third - quarter of a glass 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

By the way, the hardworking babes of bees collect amazingly delicious honey, whose healing properties are also used in medicine, and in cooking, and in cosmetology. It needs to eat 1-2 tablespoons per day, better in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch.

This honey can also be added to tea or milk, just make sure that the temperature of the liquids does not exceed 40 degrees. In too hot beverages honey quickly collapsing and loses its healing opportunities and can even decompose on harmful and dangerous carcinogens.

If you are bothering acne, acne and fat brilliance of the skin of the face, then from the thistle honey you can make an excellent mask. Without the causthery, apply the product with a thin layer on the face, hold the mask of 10-15 minutes, and then beware of warm running water without soap. Do this procedure 2 times a week, and in a month you will forget about the skin troubles mentioned.

Attention, honey from the milk thistle, like any other honey, an allergenic product. If you have individual intolerance to the products of beekeeping, then from the treatment of thistle honey will have to refuse, and what it looks, look at the photo.

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Root of the milk thistle - how to apply

It does not fall behind in the healing properties from the other parts of the marina barrels and the root of the plant. From it, too, preparing infusions, decoctions and tinctures for treatment already mentioned above the diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Here's how to prepare a medicine from the specified part of the plant:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. Grid roots, place them in a refractory enameled container and fill with one glass of steep boiling water.
  2. Then, for 30 minutes, heated infusion in the water bath, and then, shitting, insist the medicine for about about an hour.
  3. When this time comes out, slow down in the fette of the four-layer gauze and bring it to the original one.

Take the infusion of the root of 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, a course from 15 to 30 days. By the way, in the preparation of drugs, you can mix any parts of the milk, for example, seeds and roots, or grass and flowers, so the effect will be even brighter. And now let's see when that from parts of the plant should be harvested.

Rasschoch for other internal organs

The ramphist is used primarily for therapy and restoration of liver cells. The liver, as is well known, suffers greatly in poisoning of the most different species, as well as with hepatitis. It is these diseases for the "profile" terminors. However, silimarines help restore cells and other internal organs:

  • kidney, which makes it possible to use nonsense in nephrolithiasis;
  • pancreas, which indicates the possibility of treatment of cholecystitis;
  • ureterals and biliary ways, which indicates the use of terminals against diseases such as ultraurium and dyskinesia (for biliary tract).

Since some drugs have unpleasant side effects in the form of influence on the kidney and liver tissue, it should be used in these cases as a rehabilitating agent in parallel with drug treatment.

When collecting seeds. Instructions for collecting different parts of the plant

Immediately I want to warn if you do not know the appearance of the plant, live in a polluted area and you have no opportunity to go to an environmentally friendly area, it is better to buy raw materials in pharmacies. Fortunately, prices for dried grass, meal and milk thistle oil budget, and even grandmothers with a small pension can afford such drugs.

But if you know well a plant and still decided to take the collection yourself, here's a small instruction on collecting different parts of the milk thistle.

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Holding to her, therapeutic properties of the plant will fall to you in the most complete composition:

  1. An overhead part, that is, the grass, collect when the plant is in bloom;
  2. Flowers are collected when they completely revealed;
  3. The leaves are torn before the start of flowering when the buds are already swollen as much as possible, but have not yet opened;
  4. Seeds are removed after their full ripening, approximately in late August - early September;
  5. Roots dig out in the fall after October 15, or in the spring after April 15.

Now you know, in what period of vegetation plant is better to collect different parts of the milk thistle to preserve the greatest usefulness.

It remains to find out how doctors practitioners and ordinary prick speak about the marina bar.

Plant seeds are rich in flavonoids, micro and macroelements, fiber, which allows them to be used as healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agent. The millet is able to strengthen the cells and restore the liver.

Rollard will help strengthen liver, immunity and gastrointestinal tract


Spotilla fry It is a medicinal plant, seemingly resembling a barr from a number of weeds. The people of therapeutic grass are also called dairy thistle. It grows in Ukraine, in the European part of Russia, in the west of Siberia and the Caucasus.

The plant reaches 2 meters in height. Bottom stem is thick surrounded by fleshy leaves of oval shape bright green color with white spots in the middle. The top of the thistle is decorated with small baskets of which violent flowers can be seen. Inflorescences, leaves and stem thistle are protected by large sharp spines.

The most valuable part of the plant is considered the grain, which at the time of full ripening have a dark brown color. Collect fruits start from mid-August. After that, the leaves and roots of the useful grass are harvested.

What a millet looks like, shown in the photo.

Flower of milking is used in various fields of medicine

The most valuable part of the flower - grains

Flower milk thistle is rich in fiber

Chemical composition of the plant

The thistle milk most of the beneficial substances contains in seeds. Almost 30% is therapeutic vegetable oil, the rest includes:

  • proteins;
  • lignan, flavonoids, alkaloids;
  • disaccharides, Monosaccharides;
  • resins, enzymes, saponins;
  • micro and macroelements - magnesium, calcium, boron, iron, manganese, vanadium, zinc, potassium, chrome, copper;
  • vitamins E, K, D, group B;
  • flavolygnok - Silimarin and Silibin.

The unique composition of the fruits of the milk thistle allows the use of means as an effective hepatoprotector - protects the sheath of liver cells from alcohol intoxication, the effects of free radicals, toxic substances and poisons.

Useful properties of milk thistle

The seeds of the diamond thistle are very useful for the human body.

Healing properties of the plant:

  • improvement of digestion and metabolic processes;
  • purification of vessels from sclerotic plaques and prevent their appearance in the future;
  • improving blood circulation and elimination of congestive processes in vessels;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reduction of inflammation with tonsillitis, angina, periodontalosis, stomatitis;
  • it acts as a soft diuretic, normalizes the work of the kidneys and bladder.

Due to special compounds - flavolignas - therapeutic properties of plant fruits are replenished with hepatoprotective, antioxidant and choleretic effect. Liver cells are strengthened, the growth of new hepatocytes is stimulated, the supply of tissues with useful components is improved, the organic dystrophy of the organ is prevented.

Use for women

Therapeutic properties of the milk thistle for women are:

  • increasing lactation during feeding period;
  • improving well-being during menopause - decreases tides, headaches, nervousness and irritability;
  • stimulating the normal process of blood circulation and the strengthening of venous walls in varicose vein;
  • reducing inflammation and struggle with infections and bacteria in diseases of the urogenital system - cystitis, colpit, vaginitis, eryosia of the cervix;
  • increase in pressure under hypotension;
  • getting rid of bad cholesterol;
  • restoration of the processes of regeneration of skin cells during eczema, vitiligo.

Rasschoch is applicable to rapid skin regeneration after eczema

Regular reception of decoction or infusions from the seeds of dairy thistle has a positive effect on sleep, normalizes the work of the nervous system, relieves fatigue and drowsiness.

Medical properties for children

There is a ramphistus, it is recommended to give children from cough, which is caused by bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, or a consequence of frequent colds. The fruits of the plant are struggling with inflammation and strengthen the immunity, creating a barrier from viruses and bacteria.

A positive affects the seed of the medicinal grass on the digestive tract of a small organism, helps to get rid of constipation, removes toxins and slags, improves appetite.

For men

Flowing the male organism with the missing substances, the means from the termination increase potency, contribute to the elimination of the manifestations of the gout, stop premature baldness.

Miller is widely used when problems with the liver and for the prevention of diseases that are connected with it

The beneficial effect of the milk thistle on the human body is achieved through the purification of liver, bile, kidneys, vessels from toxins and slags, as well as maintaining their normal operation.

How to prepare therapeutic remedy from the milk thistle?

In folk medicine, the polar is used, which is produced in the form of powder, and flour from seeds. Flour and meals are different concepts. The first product is easy to prepare at home with a blender or coffee grinder, and the second is produced in production conditions from the cake after pressing seeds to obtain oil - to really purchase it in specialized stores, pharmacies.

From the mushrooms make chambers, tincture, infusions and teas. Exceptionally used raw materials from seeds, in rare cases root and leaves.

Recipe infusion from a milk thistle

In 1 cup of boiling water brew 1 tsp. Flour from seeds or swords, cover and insist for 15 minutes. Before using the drink, be sure to strain and pretend the required amount of boiled water to replenish the required volume.


Most often use decoction of seeds

Seed flour in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. Mix with 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil on a water bath until half of the ragger is popping. The cooled medicine is separated from a thick sediment with gauze.

Decoration from Shrot.

In 200 ml boiling water brew 1 tbsp. l. Powder, place everything on a water bath and tomorrow 20 minutes. 10 minutes after removing the decoction from the fire to filter and connect with boiled water in the amount of missing to the initial 0.2 liters.

Srota tea

For the prevention of gallbladder diseases Path ordinary tea

In a circle with boiling water, pour 1 tsp. Powdered mass and insist 20 minutes, strain.

Recipe Tincture on Vodka

Meal or flour from seeds pour vodka - 50 g of raw materials on 500 ml of alcohol fluid. In a dark place to insist at least 14 days. Streviated tincture store in the refrigerator.

Dairy decoction from shrost for children

In the glass of hot milk brew 1 tsp. Powder and insist in a closed container of 30 minutes, then strain.

Seed oil terminals

On weak fire to break 20 minutes a homogeneous mass of 6 tbsp. l. crushed seeds and 500 ml of olive oil. Product strain after half an hour after removal from the fire. Store the means at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees.

Ripe seeds are suitable for the preparation of drugs from the milk thistle, which are pre-crushed into flour with a blender or coffee grinder, as well as ready-made additives purchased in the pharmacy. In pharmacies, drug-based drugs are sold in the form:

  • powder (meal);
  • flour from seeds;
  • dragee, pills, capsules;
  • oil extract from fruits.

Can make oil from the milk

Before use of drugs from a disturbance, be sure to read the instructions for use and observe the daily doses, as well as methods of application. This will help to avoid side effects and get the maximum effect from the folk medicine.

How to apply a nonsense?

So that folk recipes helped to cope with a particular disease, you need to know from what and how correctly the chopped fruits of the thistle of dairy are taken.

Table "Indications for the use of terminors and doses"

To normalize the work of the stomach, removal of toxins in alcohol poisoning, to purify blood from harmful substances125 ml infusion from the millet drinks to drink half an hour before the food three times a day. Therapy is 2-4 weeks
To purify the kidneys, the operation of the gallbladder, eliminate the processes of inflammation in the urogenital system and biliary ducts, when gouging, radiculitis, arthritis, with eczema and vitiligo, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, colitisDecoration from the shrost to use 1 tbsp. l. For half an hour before each meal. Course treatment - 3 weeks
To improve the work of the liver, the restoration of hepatocytes, strengthen the protective shell of the organ, to purify the gulb bubble, to increase the protective forces of the body and the oppression of pathogenic cells during oncologyA decoction of chopped fruits of plants to drink 1 tbsp. l. Every 60 minutes. The course of taking medication depends on improving the patient's well-being, but should not exceed 40 days
With diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, hepatitis, exacerbation of psoriasis, for weight loss, purification of poisonous and harmful substances, with eczema and allergiesConsume 1 h. Oil or plant extract 3 times a day. Reception is better to exercise 20-30 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts at least 3 weeks.
For cleansing the kidneys, bladder and gallbladder, liver, strengthening the body as a wholeDrink a tincture on vodka for 20-25 drops before each meal intake. The duration of treatment is 20-40 days.
To normalize sleep, improving the mood, strengthening immunityDaily for a month to drink 1stakan of warm tea from the milk thistle the number of techniques per day - 3, half an hour before meals. To improve taste in a drink add 1 tsp. jam or honey
To restore the liver in children and normalization of metabolic processes, from constipation, cough, colds3 times a day to give a child for a glass of a glass of milk ragger. Treatment lasts before improving the state

Infusion of milk thistle prepare from fresh and dry herbs

Using a nonsense in treatment, it is important to observe the doses, frequency and duration of the use of the drug. Violation of the instructions for use can lead to side reactions and harm health.

Side effects of the medicinal plant

The uncontrolled reception of the seeds is very dangerous for the body - leads to failures in the work of the internal organs, which manifests itself in:

  • intestinal disorder;
  • spasms or butter pain in the stomach;
  • skin rash;
  • astmatic manifestations - shortness of breath, cough.

Intestinal disorder - one of the side effects, with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to consult with a doctor

If, after eating a millet, side effects appear, the treatment of the people's facility is better to stop.


Long-term reception of milk thistle or exceeding a permissible dose often provokes an overdose, which manifests itself in:

  • major Bole in the right hypochondrium and stomach;
  • nausea, bowls, diarrhea.

Be prepared for diarrhea under overdose

With such signs, it is necessary to stop receiving the milk thistle, to use enterosorbents, rinse the intestine. In the future, it is not necessary to use the fruits of the plant for therapeutic purposes without prior approval with a specialist.

Compatible with alcohol

The use of alcohol in the treatment of dissolved is permissible. The plant reduces the load on the liver and reduces the harmful effect of alcoholic beverages.

Rasschopshche reduces harm from the effects of alcohol on the body

Compatibility of therapeutic grass with alcohol does not mean that you can use alcohol in uncontrolled doses. To achieve the largest therapeutic effect at the time of treatment of dissolved alcohol, completely exclude from the diet.


Grinding fruits and preparations based on milk thistle cannot be taken to people suffering:

  • the presence of stones in the bustling bubble - with urolithiasis, there is a risk provoking the blockage of bile ducts;
  • allergies on the components of the means;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe depressive condition;
  • jazzen processes in the digestive system.

The presence of stones in the bustling bubble is a contraindication

Rasschopha (Tatarnik) - the plant of the family of thistles. His spiny stems up to 2 m high and no less spiny flowers are found everywhere on the wastehouses, in the courtyards, in the fields, on the side of roads, along the edge of the forest belts in steppe areas. This plant carries people invaluable benefit, prolongs longevity and improves the quality of life.

The history of treatment was calculated by millennia. It was used in ancient Rome (trembled bubble, liver and melancholy), in antique Greece (used snakes, spiders, poisonous insects during poisoning and bite). Among those known references on therapeutic properties of the terminors are the treatises of the ancient Greek doctors of the Senior and Dioscarid plate.

In times of struggle with witch and signs, many knowledge of the methods of application of the plant were lost. However, even preserved disruptive information pushed middle-aged healers to the use of seeds in medical practice. So in medieval Europe, the seeds of the milk thistle becomes the main effective medicine from hepatitis.

Modern medicine uses a wheezing for the treatment of gallbladder and a sick liver. In therapeutic purposes, seeds are used and sometimes roots, plant leaves. The components of seeds and roots strengthens the old biliary cells, regenerate new, treat hepatitis and poisoning, improve the outflow of digestive bile and amplify the filter function of the cells. How is a simple weelon plant treats such an important organ of the human body?

The content of medicinal components in a wheezing

Therapeutic properties of the milk thistle are determined by its biochemical composition. The first official studies of plant seed components were held in 1968 in Munich at the Pharmaceutical Institute. They produced a real boom in medicine and pharmaceutical industry. It turned out that plant seeds contain more than 200 different components - trace elements, vitamins, acids.

But most importantly, they contain a rare and unusually useful liver cell substance - silimarine. This natural component restores damaged liver cells and ensures the main beneficial properties of the milk thistle.

Silimarine is a collective term. In fact, this is not one component, but a group of substances that call flavonolygnons (silibin, silibinin, silicrystine, sylidiadine).

A group of silimarines ensures the following action:

  • Antioxidant (Silibin produces an enzyme to counteract the destruction of free radicals).
  • Protective (counteract the toxic effects of poisons, alcohol, antibiotics). Silimarine is a famous antidote from the mushrooms of a pale leafing.
  • Anti-inflammatory (Displays toxins and makes inflammation).
  • Antiallergic (Cleans the liver cells and this reduces the sharpness of allergic reactions).
  • Regenerate (Strengthens the membranes of old cells and forms new).

The maximum content of silimarine is in the fruits of the plant (up to 3%). In addition, it is in stems, leaves and roots (in smaller quantity).

In addition to silimarine, seeds are different parts of the plant contain:

  • Micro and macroelements.
  • Vitamins: A, B, D, E, K.
  • Fatty acid.

Efficiency and benefit for person

The benefits of distillation are most effective in the following diseases:

  • Liver disease - hepatitis of any origin, dyskinesia, biliary disease, cirrhosis.
  • Diseases of other gastrointestinal organs - most of the diseases of the stomach and intestines occur due to a patient or contaminated liver. Restoration of normal operation of the gland, regeneration of new liver cells instead of older improves the operation of other digestive organs. Therefore, the millet is shown in gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, as well as with hemorrhoids and ulcers.
  • Allergies (the force of manifestation of an allergic reaction depends on the contamination of liver cells).
  • Skin diseases are also often determined by the functioning of the liver. If the main iron of the body does not cope with the removal of toxins, then skin covers are involved in the process, through which ballast substances are derived (so formed acne, acne, rash). Food poisoning.
  • Alcoholic and narcotic poisoning.
  • Production and industrial poisoning.
  • Medicinal poisoning.
  • Poisoning poisoning of animal and plant origin: snake bites, spiders, arthropods, poisoning with mushrooms and poisonous plants.

Why are the seeds of milk thistle so effective for any poisoning?

Poisoning and exposure to the liver

The liver is the main iron of the human body. It performs three life-definition functions:

  • metabolism;
  • digestion;
  • detoxification.

The liver cells are permeated with blood vessels. In 1 minute, they filter 1.5 liters of blood and purified it from toxins. Thus, the liver protects other human body organs from pollution and poisoning.

With full liver death, the body dies in a few days.

With partial death of cells, toxins fall into blood vessels and other internal organs. So the diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis), digestive organs, bone tissue are formed (arthritis and arthritis - direct consequence of incorrectly working liver).

Chronic poisoning or to someone

Technical progress presented to people not only metal and electricity. For life comfort and household amenities, we pay chronic poisoning. Residents of cities receive daily doses of industrial and automotive emissions. The rural population suffers from a large number of herbicides.

The tradition of cultural beyona provides periodic poisoning of most of the population with ethanol. Plus, traditional antibiotic treatment, children's vaccination components are also factors of the poisoning of the human body.

Therefore, the millet is necessary for almost every representative of a civilized society:

  • People who work in harmful production live in industrial centers.
  • Employees of agriculture.
  • Alcoholics and people after feasts and holidays.
  • Those who have overweight problems, metabolism or just wants to lose weight. Distribution for weight loss is an excellent tool of natural origin.

Liver cells have an amazing property - they are able to recover.

When removing 70% of the gland tissue, the liver restores its sizes for 3-4 weeks. The recovery rate of the liver cell depends on the presence of the necessary components ("building material"). The liver is a unique tool that supplies the liver cells all the components necessary for regeneration.

Application in the form of drugs

The widespread spread of the plant as a weed allows you to receive inexpensive raw materials for the production of medicinal preparations.

Want something interesting?

What types of drugs are produced on the basis of a milk thistle?

  • Powder (meal).
  • Oil (bottled and in capsules).
  • Extract.

How is powder or meal

The powder of the milk thistle is obtained by grinding the ripe seeds of the plant after their drying. Get a powder medicine can be at home (grind seeds on a coffee grinder). Or purchase a ready-made powder in a pharmacy. Other powder names are meal, flour.

In addition to the treatment of liver and gastrointestinal bodies, the meal is effectively reduced weight, sugar and reduces the manifestation of varicose veins.

The use of shrotes of the milk thistle is shown both official and non-traditional medicine. How to take a fuss powder for the liver? The dose of shrot (powder) for an adult is 1 teaspoon three times a day (before meals). For a child up to 12 years old - from 1/3 to ½ part of a teaspoon (depending on age).

The meal does not have a bitter taste, so when treating children, it can be given separately before eating and after drinking water. However, if the child is small (2-3 years old), then the milk powder can be mixed with a drink or add to porridge (to prevent particles of powder particles in respiratory moves).

Medicinal and cosmetic oil properties

Millar oil is obtained from ripe plant seeds and used as a wound and anti-sparentr. Cold spin product has the greatest biological value. It is obtained without heating seeds and their oxidation. Therefore, such a means contains a complete complex of substances.

Milk oil oil (in capsules or bottled packaging) contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, water-soluble vitamins of group B, fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 9), silimarine, chlorophyll (due to it, oil has a greenish tint), trace elements (zinc , selenium, magnesium and manganese). The components contained determine the drug and cosmetic oil action. What is the benefit and harm of the oil of milk thistle under different diseases?

The benefits of a natural preparation manifests itself in various livelihoods. The use of oil oil in gynecology is necessary in erosion therapy, vaginites (oil is used inside and externally - in the form of tampons). In addition, the oil inside is shown in the ulcers of the stomach and the twelfth intestine (for healing erosion formations).

With sclerosis, the components of the oil can absorb the vessels and make them more elastic. In dermatology, oil facilitates removal of toxins through the skin, as a result of which the manifestations of psoriasis are reduced, the sizes of acne. In cosmetology, skin fabrics nourish with medicinal oil, support their elasticity, prevent aging, stretching, "vascular stars", cellulite.

How to take dissolute oil? The reception of the oil medication is prescribed three times a day 1 teaspoon (5 ml or 5 g) for half an hour before meals. The use of the drug before meals provides its full absorption and maximum drug effect. The course of treatment is from 3 to 4 weeks with a break for 1-2 weeks and a re-course.

In preventive purposes, the oil can be added to salads, soups, porridge and other food (added to the cooked dish, so as not to expose oil components to thermal heating).

The harm of the oil is manifested only in rare cases due to the individual intolerance of Silimarin.

The ram in capsules is a biologically active additive (BAA), an oil preparation form, convenient for transportation and use. In capsules, oil is concluded in gelatin form. Each capsule contains 300 mg of oil.

Extract - as the basis for tincture

Plant extract is a hood of its useful components. Water or alcohol is used as an exhaust base. The alcohol tinctural melt is prepared from 50 g of powder and half-liters of vodka. Take it 20 drops 30 minutes before meals.

Ranthop in pills and capsules

The extract of the drug can be produced in tablet and croaked form. Here are some drugs that contain a stretch extract and have a form of tablets or capsules:

  • Hepaben - Each tablet of the drug contains 50 g of siliba and an additional choleretic component. In the package - 30 capsules.
  • Karsyl Forte - Bulgarian drug, which contains 90 mg of siliba in each capsule and 35 mg in each tablet. In 1 pack - 80 dragees.
  • Legalong - In each capsule - 140 mg of siliba (one-time dose of an adult). In the package - 60 capsules.
  • Silimar - Domestic drug, in the packaging of which 30 tablets of 70 mg of siliba.

How to take a nonsense in tablets? The optimal dose of the medicinal substance is 400-420 mg of siliba per day. The specified amount of milligram is divided into several techniques (2-3 per day).

Dammatic harm: whether deterioration is possible

Instructions for the use of terminors describes the action of the plant and a list of diseases in which the tool is most effectively. It is indicated that the seeds of the milk thistle stimulate the outflow of thickened bile and emissions of toxins from liver cells. Therefore, in the treatment, there is a feeling of gravity in the right hypochondrium, pain, chairs.

If a painful state occurred during the treatment of oil, meal or tablets, then it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug substance (powder, tablets or oil). If the deterioration of the state has a sharply pronounced character, accompanied by strong pains, the drug based on the wheezing is canceled. This does not mean that the treatment of fruits is nonsense is not suitable for a given patient. Most likely, a large dose is chosen.

For people with severe diseases of the digestive organs, the millennium is introduced in small portions.

The first reception of powder or oil is several grams of powder ("on the edge of a spoon" or a few drops) once a day (in the morning 20-30 minutes before meals). If there is no painful reaction, then after 2-3 days the dose of drugs increase. So bring the drug to the preparation to 1/3 teaspoon 2 or 3 times a day.

In addition, it should be used carefully in mental disorders, as well as in patients with shortness of breath (components of the plant can trigger a suffocation by suffocation).

Contraindications to the use of the terminors:

  • Pregnancy and lactation: Plant components stimulate cleaning processes in the liver, so they can cause premature genera or miscarriage. When breastfeeding, the milk thistle stimulates the yield of toxins, which fall into the blood and milk of nursing mother, and after - in the digestive system of the child.
  • A sharp lesion of galls. Seeds of milk thistle stimulate bortery. With damage to the biliary passes, this can lead to their overload and internal bleeding.

There is a natural agent that can be singing for a long time. It really stands for approval, positive feedback and other compliments. Be sleess and healthy together with a natural natural drug!

Alternative medicine recommends for the treatment of liver diseases, spleen, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and even skin seeds to apply the seeds of the milk thistle. The properties of this product are known for many times. The seed of this plant was actively used in medicine not only in Russia, but also in Rome, Greece, Scotland, America, India and other countries.

What are the therapeutic properties of the seeds of the milk thistle? How to use this plant for therapy of different diseases? Alternative medicine will give an exhaustive answer to this question. So read!

Rasschopsy: Brief description of the plant

The folk title of the above plant is a milk thistle, or a silver tattar. It relates to this complex color annual or a two-year plant, differing in sufficient height - more than two meters.

The ramure has the following characteristics:

  • straight branching stems;
  • beautiful filamental leaves of dark green with yellowish spiners on the sides;
  • purple flowers collected in baskets;
  • fruits - black or dark brown seeds.

Therapeutic properties of the seeds of the milk language are known for a long time. Very often in the people, it is called a barbed doctor. This plant is widely used by alternative and official medicine in many European countries, as well as in Russia, Ukraine, USA.

There is a belief that Virgo Maria pointed to people for the healing properties of the seeds of the milk thistle. Interestingly, historical documents are preserved confirming the use of this plant for the treatment of many diseases in ancient Greece.

Also, the Romans were actively used in alternative medicine, the seeds of the milk thistle. The useful properties of them were used by these people for the treatment of such liver diseases, like cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Useful composition of seeds of this plant

In therapeutic purposes, it is precisely the seeds of the milk thistle. The beneficial properties of them are so high due to a unique healing composition. Scientists investigated that the seed of this plant contains more than 200 diverse components, which are particularly valuable for the human body. It:

  • macroelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron);
  • trace elements (copper, zinc, manganese, selenium, boron, chrome, iodine);
  • vitamins (retinol, d, tocopherol acetate, k);
  • the substance of Silimarine is a promising means for the treatment of liver disease.

Scientists have proven that Silimarine is able to suppress the development of peritonitis and polyarthritis. In addition, this substance prevents the penetration of poisonous compounds into liver cells. Silimarin pleaded the poisons until they entered the above body.

Also, the separation seeds contain flavologists (silibin, silicrystine, sylidian), essential and oily oil, biogenic amines, resins, factor T. Thanks to the last component, the level of blood platelets increases. The main flavonoid of seeds of this plant is Cracitin.

The lipid complex consists of phospholipids, acylglycerin and tocopherols.

Therapeutic properties of seeds

The seed of the above plant has the following effect on the human body:

  • cleans it from slags, nitrates, toxins;
  • enriches useful substances;
  • strengthens the vessels;
  • regenerates liver cells;
  • prevents aging processes;
  • normalizes the bile, the work of the digestive system, the metabolism;
  • lowers the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • contributes to the active fight against extra kilograms;
  • produces a wound-healing effect.

Therapeutic properties of seeds are actively used by alternative medicine for the treatment of symptoms of such female diseases, like vaginitis and erosion.

Application of plant seeds

As in alternative and official medicine, the seeds are actively used. Pharmacy offers this product in different forms:

  1. The meal is the overwhelmed seeds of the milk thistle.
  2. Decorations.
  3. Seeds are whole.
  4. Alcohol tincture.
  5. Seed oil milled.

Brief description of therapeutic products from distillation seeds

The meal is made by grinding the seeds of the terminastic and undergoes a cold spin procedure. It is sufficiently enriched with fiber, vitamins and microelements. The meal is used to normalize blood pressure, regulation of fat metabolism, activation of intestinal peristals, prevention of diseases of the liver and kidneys. This product is shown to people with diseases such as problems with respiratory bodies, diseases of the spleen, kidneys and liver, hemorrhoids, colitis, rock formation.

The meal produces hepatoprotective, laxative, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Also, the seeds are used to obtain oil. Therapeutic properties of this form of drugs of the above plants help with diseases of ENT organs, heart, skin, gastrointestinal tract.

The oil from the seeds of the above plant contributes to the regeneration of cells, thereby producing a rejuvenating effect. Also, this tool normalizes the operation of the reproductive system, improves vision, prevents the development of bile-imaging disease, neutralizes allergic activity.

Oil from the seeds of the above plant has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, bactericidal, anesthetic, antisclerotic, antitrog, hepatoprotective and choleretic effect.

Honey terminors - the most valuable view of honey, has extremely high healing abilities. It optimizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, soothes the nervous system, normalizes the sleep, reduces the stomach spasms, stabilizes the pressure. It should be noted that honey from the above plant is actively used in cosmetology:

  • he lies burns and wounds;
  • eliminates the angry rash;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • satures the skin with vitamins and other useful macro- and microelements;
  • regenerating skin cells, thus preventing aging processes and producing a rejuvenating effect.

The alcohol tincture of the seeds of the above plant Alternative medicine recommends taking with diseases of the gallbladder, liver and spleen, as well as in chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, chronic bronchitis and articular rheumatism.

Distribution for weight loss

The fiber of seeds of the milk thistle is actively used in the form of a dietary additive to the human diet, which has overweight. It is a natural nutritional product with an increased biological value.

The fiber from the terminal seed contains biogenic amines, silimarine, useful macro- and microelements. She acts like this: falling into a man's stomach, she swells. The fiber vegetable from the seeds of the milk thistle sorbitates and effectively displays slags and other harmful substances from the body.

People suffering from obesity, it is advisable to use fiber instead of bread, as it does not contain yeast and white flour, which contribute to this diagnosis. They are recommended to add the above additive to a variety of dishes. The fiber is already normalized by the intestinal microflora and contributes to the full absorption of food.

Therefore, alternative medicine advises to use people with an excessive weight of the seeds of the milk thistle. Slimming occurs as follows: The body is cleaned from toxins and slags, as well as from biliary pigments, overhaul ammonia, cholesterol. As a result, a person resets extra kilograms, and he has normal weight.

For the production of fiber, only high-quality and fresh seeds are used forbidden to use the above-mentioned product to people with duodenum and stomach diseases (ulcers, erosion gastritis), as well as children under 12, pregnant women and nursing mothers. In case of individual intolerance to the components of this product, its application should be discontinued.

The fiber from the seeds of the above plant is available in the tablet and in powder form. The course of therapy is no more than one month. Instructions for use says that tablets should be used by 5 capsules every 12 hours necessarily at least half an hour before the use of any food.

The fiber in the form of powder is taken across the tablespoon every 8 hours also before meals.

Distracy for the treatment of liver

The seeds of the above plants have a hepatoprotective effect on this body. They contain special substances that contribute:

  • from slags and nitrates;
  • regeneration membranes of its cells.

They also enrich the liver with useful vitamins and elements, protect it from toxins.

With the help of dissolved seeds, such liver diseases are effectively treated:

  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • various lesions of the organ as a result of the action of radiation, alcohol, toxins or drugs.

Alternative medicine draws attention to the fact that it is with the help of the above product you can get rid of the symptoms of poisoning and survive.

Folk recipes for the use of the seeds of the above plant

Russian signs make chambers and infusion using the seed of the milk thistle. How to receive data tools, read on.

  1. With toxic lesions of the liver, as well as hepatitis and cirrhosis, it is necessary to take 3 tablespoons of the crushed product and pour the half-time of boiled water. To keep this mixture on the steam bath until half of the liquid evaporates. Strain the tincture. Russian signs are recommended to use this tool through the tablespoon every hour until the patient condition improves.
  2. With alcoholism, varicose water and disturbed digestion, it is important to take a teaspoon of crushed seed and fervent boiling water. Give to stand up a drink for about 20 minutes. Alternative medicine advises to use the brain-received infusion on the third part of the glass before bedtime and 30 minutes before lunch and breakfast, that is, three times a day.
  3. When dental pain: need a tablespoon of seeds to pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for a short time - up to 15 minutes. Use this infusion for rinsing. You can also make a row on a sick tooth.
  4. In atherosclerosis, traditional medicine advises to use the seeds of the above-mentioned plant on the tablespoon of the seeds of the above-mentioned plants every 6-8 hours. You can also simultaneously use the oil oil: his Russian signs are recommended to add to food. This combination of these two products produces an incredible healing effect.
  5. With trichomonate colitis and erosion of the cervix: 3 ml of oil from the above product are introduced into the vagina. The course of such therapy is 12 days.
  6. With exacerbation of psoriasis, alternative medicine recommends consulating every 6-8 hours on a tablespoon of shroves before meals.
  7. With poisoning, Russian signs recommend to consume every 4 hours a table spoon of shrost until the symptoms are completely disappeared.


It should be noted that the above plant does not cause side effects. But still there are some recommendations and cautions when used in therapeutic purposes of the seeds of the milk thistle:

  1. It is not desirable to apply them to nursing and pregnant women.
  2. Children up to three years to eat millenno seeds are prohibited.
  3. In the case of individual intolerance, the use of the above plant should be discontinued.
  4. With a stone disease, it is necessary to use the seeds of the milk thistle under the strict control of the doctor, not exceed the specified dosages.

Contraindications for the use of dissolve seeds:

  • cardiovascular diseases (due to the content of large amounts of phosphorus and potassium);
  • epilepsy;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • psyche diseases;
  • severe depressive condition.

In any cases, it is necessary to contact the doctor for the consultation before drinking the seeds of the terminastic. Therapeutic properties will in this case will be much more efficient. After all, self-treatment does not always lead to a welcome result. In most cases, even the opposite.

Seeds Distators: Reviews

There are quite a lot of responses about the use of the above product for therapeutic purposes. They testify exclusively on the positive results of the use of dissolve seeds for therapy of various diseases.

People share their observations and feelings during the course of treatment. They argue that during the first week of regular use of dissolve seeds, they have noted relief and normalization of the work of the organs of the digestive tract.

A separate group of reviews concerns the use of dissolve seeds to eliminate skin problems. Patients note that this product contributed to the ambiguity and rejuvenation of their skin. In addition, rashes and small wrinkles disappeared.

Also, people who apply the seeds of the milk thistle, did not observe any side effects in the process of therapy. Therefore, they insist that the separation seeds are a completely safe product with incredible healing abilities.

Many of the patients are divided by their recipes for the preparation of therapeutic agents based on the seeds of the milk thistle. People are confident that it is thanks to the above product that they successfully got rid of many health problems.

Terminally seeds have a beneficial healing effect on the digestive organs, contribute to the normalization of their system's work, successfully purify the body from various kinds of contaminants. But before using the above product, it is necessary to discuss this issue with the doctor. Although there are no special contraindications to the use of seeds, there are no, and there are no side effects in the process of therapy, after all, there are a number of recommendations and rules that need to be observed. Also do not exceed the dosage of the product.
