The asphalt concrete road surface of the Autobahn is exposed to constant mechanical stress from.

In addition, it is influenced by weather conditions and soil-hydrological factors.

Internal stress and strain roadwaycaused by these influences, accumulate, which leads to the appearance of defects and destruction of the upper layer of the pavement in the form of cracks and potholes.

To ensure the quality of the road surface meets safety requirements road traffic (Art. 12 Federal law dated 10.12.1995 for No. 196-FZ as amended on 26.07.2017 "On road safety"), road construction organizations carry out work to remove worn and damaged layers asphalt concrete pavement (ABP) and replacing them with new layers.

The volumes of old ABP removed annually in every large city of the Russian Federation amount to tens of thousands of tons, and in general, for the highways of Russia, it annually "runs up" more than a million tons dismantled asphalt concrete.

Modern technologies for processing old asphalt concrete are resource-saving, since the reclaimed pavement is successfully used in the process of creating a new ABP.

Regeneration of the dismantled ABP is aimed at restoring and improving the technical and operational characteristics of asphalt concrete material in order to reuse it for asphalt paving of highways or other road renovation works.

After the expiration of the service life of the road surface in its composition retains up to 90% of the useful mass asphalt concrete material suitable for further use.

To make the methods of processing used asphalt more understandable, let us consider in more detail the structure of the pavement and the properties of the main elements that make up it.

ABP road garments are the most common designs of all autobahn categories.

The above is the scheme of the so-called "road pie" - multilayer pavement with obligatory asphalt concrete pavement at least 15 cm thick.

GOST 9128-2013 “Asphalt concrete mixes ...” defines the composition of asphalt concrete mixes (p. 3.1) as rationally selected mixtures of crushed stone, gravel, sand and mineral powder with bitumen, mixed in a heated state. At the same time, it is customary to call asphalt concrete (clause 3.2) an asphalt concrete mixture (hereinafter - ABS) in a compacted state after rolling with rollers.

Distinguish between concepts asphalt and asphalt concrete used in road construction practice:

  1. Asphalt is astringent organic matternatural or artificial with different content of bitumen in its composition (from 13% to 75%). It is a mixture of bitumen with sand and gravel. Real natural asphalt consists of heavy oil fractions and is little distinguishable from ordinary resin, for which the ancient Greeks called it - mountain resin.
  2. Asphalt concrete - the result of technological mixing of bitumen with inert materials - crushed stone, gravel and sand, which significantly increase the strength characteristics of the asphalt concrete mixture. In other words, asphalt concrete is a modified version of traditional road asphalt pavement.

In ABP, bitumen is only 4.5-6.0%, the rest is crushed stone, gravel and sand.

This gave rise to a half century ago, on the basis of extensive research in the USA, USSR, European countries and China, to adopt concept of 100% suitabilityroad asphalt pavement for recycling and reuse.

Modern technologies for recovery and recycling asphalt concrete pavements are the processing of an ABP worn out during operation with bringing its technical indicators and physical and chemical characteristics to the required level.

The use of dismantled old asphalt concrete allows you to do this when minimum consumption of new binders and inert aggregates.

Waste material disposal

A kind of starting point for starting the processing of old asphalt concrete is the dismantling of the asphalt concrete bed.

It is carried out taking into account the state of the layer of the canvas, the type of coating and a number of other factors.

Asphalt pavement removed by layer-by-layer material removal of the worn-out bed, while dismantling either over the entire thickness of the road surface, or only the material of local damaged areas is removed.

In small areas so far use manual ways opening and removing asphalt using tools such as:

  • percussion pneumatic tools;
  • cutting installations;
  • crowbars;
  • pick;
  • sledgehammers;
  • pickaxes.

In large areas it is no longer necessary to remove the UPS without specialized equipment. The teams with jackhammers and shovels were replaced by mini excavators with hydraulic breakers.

Serious competition for traditional ways of removing the roadway is presented by modern road milling cuttersequipped with rotating milling drums for cutting old asphalt concrete to the required depth.

The width of the cut line on the road when removing the pavement depends on the width of the drum and varies from 350 mm to 2200 mm.

The steel teeth of the drums cut off the required layer of ABP and cut shallow furrows on the base of the pavement to improve the adhesion of the remaining base material to the new layer of asphalt or reclaimed asphalt concrete.

Milling layers the roadway is performed in two different ways:

  • hot milling, carried out in conditions of preliminary heating of the ABP;
  • cold milling, in which work begins without warming up.

Each of the milling methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Hot milling

This method for removing ABP was introduced earlier than cold milling was introduced.

With mobile infrared burners fueled by gas (propane-butane mixture) or kerosene, asphalt heats up and softens.

This helps to reduce the amount of force required to break the pavement to be dismantled.

Disadvantages hot milling are the following circumstances:

  • high cost of used fuel resources;
  • the risk of equipment fire and the risk of burns to personnel;
  • destroyed asphalt material sticks together, making reapplication inconvenient;
  • when stored in stacks at the warehouse of the ABZ, pieces of milled asphalt are caked in hot weather, which forces them to be sprinkled with sand or mineral powder.

When choosing hot milling, the priority motive is speed of repair workbecause the heated UPS shears off quickly and with minimal effort.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that the hot method is costly, but fast.

Cold way

Cold milling requires more effort and is more time consuming because the pavement layer is removed in its natural solid state.

Benefits of this technique are the following factors:

  • invariability of the pavement structure, which makes it possible to use the removed material in the composition of the prepared asphalt concrete mixture;
  • when stored in stacks, pieces of milled asphalt concrete do not cake;
  • cost-effectiveness of the milling process.

Asphalt concrete scrap and granules

Dismantling the old UPS results in the formation of pieces of asphalt concrete of various sizes called asphalt concrete scrap.

As part of such waste - scrap - the main components of asphalt and asphalt concrete pavements remain - crushed stone, sand and bitumen residues.

The thickness of the removed layers is from 5 to 15 cm.

Piece sizes asphalt is not standardized, however, in the practice of separating asphalt blocks it is customary to divide into three conditional groups:

  • small waste, the size of which does not exceed 20 cm;
  • average scrap with dimensions of elements 15-40 cm;
  • large blocks more than half a meter in size.

Asphalt scrap, being in the status of a secondary resource, is an excellent construction and repair material... The following qualities are considered the advantages of asphalt scrap:

  • resistance to mechanical static and dynamic loads;
  • resistance to atmospheric moisture and chemically active substances;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • the possibility of further crushing by crushing with a jackhammer;
  • low cost.

The average volumetric weight of asphalt scrap is 1800-2200 kg per 1 m3, while for asphalt concrete this parameter is slightly higher - from 2000 to 2450 kg or, respectively, 2-2.45 tons per 1 m3.

Depending on the crushing method pieces of old asphalt concrete get asphalt concrete granulate (hereinafter - ABG) and asphalt crumbwhich are in great demand. Average density ABG - from 2100 to 2200 kg / m3

Standard STO NOSTROY 2.25.35-2011 “Roads. Construction of pavement foundations ”, ABG is defined as crushed old asphalt concrete (clause 3.2), which can be used in the manufacture of pavements and pavements.

Due to the growing demand for ABG in road repair works introduced GOST R 55052-2012 “Granulate of old asphalt concrete. Specifications ", which regulates the requirements for this material by analogy with the European standard for asphalt concrete granulate EN 1310808.

This will raise the bar for the use of ABG as a high quality material for pavement.

On the Russian market building materials asphalt concrete scrap price varies between 100-300 rubles / cubic meter. m, while secondary ABG is offered at a price RUB 500-1500 per ton.

Recycling and recovery

In the world practice of road construction work on the reconstruction of autobahns, regeneration methods and recycling of used pavement materials, allowing save on the purchase of new building materials.

Quite often, information sources on this topic incorrectly interpret the concepts of regeneration and recycling of asphalt concrete, mixing into one heap the final results of completely different inherently technological concepts.

Let us clarify the features of these processes associated with their names. The term regeneration is taken from the Latin language - "regeneratio" means "rebirth, restoration".

Applied to the reconstruction of motorway pavements regeneration means the restoration of their technical and operational qualities:

  • continuity,
  • passability,
  • accident rate and safety, etc.

And for the ABP itself - restoration of physical and mechanical properties and quality indicators.

Among these properties:

  • roughness;
  • wear resistance;
  • shear stability;
  • crack resistance.

Experts call the reuse of the old UPS material by the English word "recycling", meaning recirculation - reuse, return to circulation, alteration / processing for useful use.

Recycling of the old pavement can be carried out without regenerating its properties, for example, in the case of using granulated asphalt scrap to strengthen road shoulders, there is no need to restore the plasticity required for the asphalt concrete mixture when it is reused in the road surface.

ABP recycling algorithm

For the technical implementation of recycling of old asphalt concrete in order to use it as a top layer of the road surface the following works are in progress:

  1. Removing the damaged layer coatings by hot or cold milling.
  2. Manufacturing ABG by crushing the layer removed by milling to the size of crushed stone fractions.
  3. Heating the granulate in a special furnace without an open flame to restore the binding and plastic properties of old bitumen in the composition of the removed asphalt concrete.
  4. Adding a portion of fresh bitumen for adjusting the binding and plastic properties of the asphalt mixture in accordance with the recipe.

When working on the processing of old asphalt, the following requirements must be observed, aimed at ensuring the quality of the new asphalt concrete pavement:

  1. For new asphalt mix obtained from the recycling process, preliminary design required its composition, in which the formulation of the new asphalt concrete mixture, the grain composition of the inert components, the viscosity of bitumen and its content in the old asphalt concrete, the processing technology and the type of mixing plant, the amount of old asphalt concrete in the composition of the regenerated mixture are determined.
  2. When heating granulate in furnaces, it is necessary to observe temperature conditions, preventing the beginning of evaporation of light fractions from the composition of the binder and its burnout, which can occur when the flash point of bitumen is exceeded (180-220 deg. C for viscous and 45-110 deg. C for liquid bitumen).

Quantitative indicators for the content of granulate and additives in new asphalt concrete should be determined by laboratory methods in accordance with GOST, TU and other regulatory documents.

Recycling Methods for Waste Asphalt Concrete

By venue recycling technological measures distinguish two ways of processing removed road building material:

  • regeneration of old asphalt concrete in stationary conditions at an asphalt concrete plant (ABZ), involving preliminary dismantling of the road surface and sending asphalt concrete scrap to the ABZ for processing;
  • recycling of ABP directly at the site of reconstruction of the canvas, involving the re-laying of the pavement using special road equipment - remixers, recyclers, asphalt heaters, etc.

Depending on the application of heating asphalt concrete in its processing recycling technology subdivide into two large groups:

  1. Hot recycling, which cannot do without heating the old asphalt concrete material to the softening temperature of the old bituminous binder. Heating is used at the stage of dismantling the ABP, in the process of restoring the plastic properties of old bitumen and while mixing granulate with fresh components in the manufacture of asphalt concrete mixture for laying instead of the removed canvas.
  2. Cold processing methods ( cold recycling), during the implementation of which there are no thermal effects on old stuff and the components of the fresh mixture.

The realities of road repair practice are such that most often combined versions of the named methods are used.

For example, hot processing of asphalt concrete not so long ago was identified with work in stationary plant conditions in an area with a developed industrial infrastructure (warehouses, transport routes for the delivery of asphalt scrap and export of prepared asphalt concrete mixture, containers with bitumen, etc.).

With the advent of mobile ADPs, asphalt processing is carried out directly on the road being repaired, ensuring that all the necessary technological operations inherent in hot recycling are performed.

Cold milling, used in the methods of cold recycling of mobile plants, has successfully "migrated" into the technological streams used at stationary ABZs.

Instead of warming up in mixers crushed pieces of ABP or granulate from road milling mixable with emulsion additives or foamed concrete, after which they are considered fit for styling.

As an alternative to the traditional technology of ABP recovery according to the formula "milling and re-asphalting" hot and cold regeneration techniques at the site of roadworks.

The first of them uses asphalt concrete regeneration at a stationary or mobile type plant, and the second uses loosening of the pavement material, processing it on site, improving the properties and laying it in the pavement pavement.

The work involved a set of thermoprofiling equipmentconsisting of an asphalt preheater, a hot recycler, also called a thermal profiling machine, and smooth-drum rollers.

Working principles of asphalt concrete plants

Process flow processing of asphalt concrete at the ABZ consists of next steps:

Hot processing at the ABZ has the following advantages:

  • the possibility of continuous quality control of the components of the old UPS;
  • regulation of the formulation of the mixture, taking into account the composition of the used granulate;
  • the ability to use up to 80% of the old material without reducing the prescription properties of the fresh asphalt mix.

Of the shortcomings hot processing under stationary conditions, the following factors are noted:

  • high costs of transportation of the dismantled coating;
  • high energy consumption of drying and heating of the asphalt concrete mixture components;
  • the presence of carcinogenic hydrocarbons and mineral dust in smoke emissions.

Features of hot and cold methods on site

Hot way, also called thermal profiling of asphalt, is carried out directly at the repair site roadbed.

For all technologies thermal profiling is characterized by the following operations:

  • warming up the upper layer of the ABP;
  • loosening the heated layer;
  • mixing of the loosened components;
  • re-styling.

Depending on the specific technology of hot recycling, at various stages of the technical process, operations for adding bitumen, adding plasticizers or fresh asphalt concrete mixture, etc.

Hot Onsite Asphalt Recycling Technologies have the following advantages:

  • high physical and mechanical properties of reclaimed asphalt concrete;
  • ease of use of technology;
  • minimal wear of the cutting tool;
  • preservation of the existing geometry of the coating;
  • the ability to work in one lane without interfering with movement in another lane;
  • reduction in the cost of repair and installation work;
  • increase in the service life of the coating;
  • reduction of the terms of repair work by almost half.

The disadvantages of the "hot" method include:

  • environmental problems - when heated, vapors of old bitumen evaporate;
  • deterioration of the plasticity of bitumen when the heat treatment temperature is exceeded;
  • difficulties in organizing work, since the entire machine complex used in work must be in "combat" readiness.

Cold recycling worksconducted on site, are performed in the following sequence:

Of the merits cold recycling in place note:

  • low power consumption;
  • ecological purity of technology;
  • preserving the integrity of the soil, the absence of its deformations;
  • high-quality regeneration of the coating.

The disadvantages of this technique are as follows:

  • high cost of equipment (emulsifiers, etc.);
  • the need for a clear organization preparatory work and constant monitoring of the technical condition of the equipment used.

Related Videos

A video about the benefits of on-site and small-scale roadway repairs using special equipment for infrared heating and waste asphalt regeneration:


The use of resource-saving technologies for the use of reclaimed old asphalt concrete materials makes it possible to create an adequate replacement for a certain part of the components of the asphalt concrete mixture in compliance with the basic requirements for the quality of road surfaces.

At the same time, it is essential costs are reduced for the purchase of bitumen, energy resources and materials are saved.

In contact with

Asphalt (asphalt) chips are recycled asphalt. The crumb looks like crushed stone, it is used for filling the road, parking, areas. Asphalt crumbs are obtained by cutting off the asphalt pavement using a road milling machine. Particles of bitumen, which are present in asphalt chips, make the surface stronger after compaction. Due to the large amount of bitumen and crushed stone in the composition of the crumb, it rolls very well with a road roller, vibrating plate or car wheels. A road, a parking lot made of asphalt crumbs will last longer than from crushed stone because the crushed asphalt is less exposed to precipitation, is not washed away by rain, and does not form dust such as limestone crushed stone. Asphalt crumb is also used as a base for asphalting , patching of roads, for overhaul roads, roadside dumping. Our company "MskDor" offers to buy asphalt crumb at a low price per m3 from under the cutter or from under the crusher (crushed crumb), it is possible with delivery and self-pickup from the site, sale in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Sizes of asphalt crumb: from 0.5 cm - 4.5 cm, small enough to fill roads for cars or paths in the country.

Asphalt crumb application:

  • Road construction, for summer cottages and country roads
  • Parking device, parking for cars
  • Laying asphalt chips on the road, in the garage
  • Backfilling of roads and shoulders with asphalt chips
  • Repair of a country or country road, filling tracks in the country

Before you make the laying of asphalt crumbs or a road in the country, you must first understand how much asphalt crumbs are needed. To do this, you need to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe road and multiply by the layer thickness.

Characteristics, sale and delivery of asphalt crumbs in Moscow, Moscow region.

The delivery of the asphalt cut is carried out by a dump truck, the measure of measurement is cubic meter m3 (cubic meter). Crumb compaction coefficient 1.3. Consumption of asphalt chips per 10 m2, with a rolled layer thickness of 10 cm, will be 1.3 cubic meters (m3). Our company "MskDor" offers you a service - asphalt crumb with delivery to Moscow and Moscow region (Moscow region). It is possible to buy for pickup. We make delivery around the clock in Moscow, Moscow region, delivery in the daytime (in the afternoon or in the morning) is also possible.

Asphalt crumb with delivery - price per m2. Buy asphalt chips in Moscow and the Moscow region. Weight 1 m3

Sale of asphalt chips at a price of 500 rubles. cube, delivery is possible in Moscow and the region from the company "MskDor" on the day of contact, the cost of delivery is calculated separately. The advantage of our company is that we sell crumbs of any volume, wholesale and retail, in small quantities. You can buy asphalt crumb from us in a small volume of 1 cubic meter (m3). Unlike us, many construction companies will not sell 3, 4, 5 cubic meters or 8 m3 chips due to low efficiency. Weight (mass) of asphalt crumb: one cube weighs 1.4 tons.

Asphalt crumb with delivery is more expensive than without delivery. The price is calculated and depends on the distance to your object, the number of cubes or tons. If you need high-quality asphalt crumb for filling roads and territories, fresh from under the milling cutter, then contact us, the sale price is cheap. Laying of asphalt chips is possible. Price per m2 with material from 170 rubles.

Asphalt crumbs from under the milling cutter are also called asphalt cut, because of the production technology by cutting the old asphalt road. Such crumb costs little more than from under the crusher (crushed crumb).

Asphalt crumb with delivery. Moscow Moscow region

The company "MskDor" offers: asphalt crumb with delivery - Moscow tsao (center) New Moscow, yuvao, vao, cjsc, yuzao, szao, sao, yuao, svao and the Moscow region (Moscow region) Ramensky district in Ramenskoye, Lytkarino, Lyubertsy Lyubertsy district Ostrovtsy Tomilino, Malakhovka Oktyabrsky, Zhukovsky, Voskresensk. Asphalt crumb with delivery of Bronnitsy in Bronnitsy, Voskresensky district, in Domodedovo in Domodedovsky district, In Chekhov, in Chekhovsky district, Domodedovsky district, Serpukhovsky district Serpukhov, delivery in Podolsky district in Podolsk. Asphalt crumb with delivery Moscow region Podolsk Shcherbinka Lviv Podolsk district, Balashikha district Balashikha, in Shchelkovo and in Shchelkovsky district, Gzhel Elektrougli Staraya Kupavna, Yegoryevsky and Shchelkovsky district, Chekhov in Chekhovsky district. You can buy a crumb in Odintsovo Odintsovo district Zvenigorod Golitsyno Krasnoznamensk, Aprelevka Moskovsky, Istra, Krasnogorsk Nakhabino Krasnogorsk district, Dedovsk Istra, Mytishchi district Dolgoprudny Mytishchi Khimki Lobnya in Mytishchinsky district, Khimki, Pushkino Korolev, Ivanteevka and Fupino district, Fryazo district Malino Stupinsky district, in Chekhov Chekhovsky district.

Delivery of asphalt chips in Moscow and the Moscow region (Moscow region) is carried out by dump trucks. Most organizations make delivery of material at night. The benefit when buying crumbs from us is the opportunity to buy crumbs with delivery in the Moscow region and Moscow, both at night and in the daytime - we work around the clock.

A discount applies for orders over 100 m3.

We work with legal organizations and individuals.

If you need, we can send our specialist to calculate the cost of work and measure the territory. Departure of a specialist and calculation - Free and seven days a week!

Sale of asphalt crumb from 500 rubles. for 1 m3. Asphalt, otherwise asphalt crumb is a bulk material for the road similar to crushed stone, which is cheap, after compaction it looks like asphalt. In terms of its characteristics, asphalt crumbs are somewhere even superior to other materials, since they roll well and are compacted with a roller.

Asphalt chips are obtained as a result of cutting off old asphalt from the road. The use of asphalt crumbs is very diverse: to equip an entrance - an exit to a house or plot, to raise and lay out a road from crumbs in the country, for laying and filling roads in SNT, territory, arranging a parking lot for a car. You can buy asphalt chips in Moscow, the Moscow region both with delivery and with laying, possibly for self-pickup: for a summer residence, parking, paths in the country, a road, a garage, level the road, fill driveways and the street. To order a delivery, please contact our company "RossDor" - you can buy fresh crumb from under the cutter from us in the morning or at night at your choice.

Asphalt crumb price

Prices asphalt crumb 500 rubles per cubic meter Delivery cost is estimated by the number of cubes and the distance to the unloading point in Moscow, Moscow region. Buy asphalt crumb from the RossDor company with delivery to Moscow and the Moscow region at a low price: Ramenskoye Bronnitsy district Ramenskoye Bykovo Zhukovsky Shchelkovo Shchelkovsky district, Balashikha Balashikha district in Ramenskoye, in Domodedovo Domodedovsky district Vidnoe, Mytishchi in Mytishchi district Korolev, Podolsky Podolsk region Klimovsk Shcherbinka, Krasnogorsk Istra, Krasnogorsk region Dedovsk Istra Zvenigorod. Asphalt crumb with delivery to Odintsovo Odintsovsky district Golitsyno, Narofominsky district, Noginsky Noginsk Kupavna Elektrougli Malakhovka Lyubertsy district Lyubertsy Konstantinovo Lytkarino in Bronnitsy, Stupinsky district Mikhnevo Stupino, Voskresensk district Voskresensk, New Moscow Vnukovo Dolginsky Aprelevka Troitskiy, Solntsevo district Pushkinsky district, Yubileiny, Fryazino Ivanteevka Losino-Petrovsky, Barybino, Zheleznodorozhny Gorki Leninsky, Serpukhov Serpukhovsky district Solnechnogorsky district Solnechnogorsk, Dmitrov Dmitrovsky district Sheremetyevo. Buy asphalt crumb in Moscow - the center of Cao Yuao Sao Vao Zao Yuzao Svao Yuvao Szao, New Moscow.

For the durability and strengthening of the crumb coating, after installation, we recommend spilling, treating with a bitumen emulsion, such an impregnation will strengthen the surface and increase the service life.

To order asphalt crumbs, fill out the order form on the website or call us. We work with individuals, individuals and legal entities.

The cost of laying services is calculated individually based on the laying layer and the area of \u200b\u200bthe road.

Departure of our specialist to calculate the volume and cost of work - FREE OF CHARGE!

Asphalt crumb price for 2019


Name Unit. Price from (rub.)
1 Asphalt crumb from under the milling cutter self-pickup / with delivery Moscow / Moscow region m3 500/800/1000
2 Asphalt chips from under the milling cutter at the site (from the base) in Moscow and the Moscow region m3 from 600 rubles
3 Asphalt crumb from under the crusher with delivery in Moscow / Moscow region m3 850/1000 rub

Transport infrastructure is one of the most important systems of any state. With its help, trade between cities is carried out. This is how the products most likely arrived at your nearest store. Therefore, maintaining the road in the best possible condition is necessary to meet all transport needs.

The first builders of roads under the understanding that we know today were the Romans. During the time of the Roman Empire, they were concerned about the need to lay trade routes to their capital from all over the empire. There is a saying confirming this: "All roads lead to Rome." This can be seen on the historical map.

It is worth noting that they approached this issue thoroughly, even after thousands of years there are well-preserved parts of it. We need to thank the designers who pointed out the need to create a solid foundation. It has provided reliability for centuries. On top, either smooth slabs or a scattering of small stones were usually placed.

In our time, the process of building roads has become more technological. This is done both to give a smooth surface and to increase the life of the web. All factors affecting service life are calculated by engineers. This must be taken into account, since serious loads act on the road surface around the clock. Summer high temperatures they simply "melt" the asphalt as a result of which a track appears from the wheels. During the first frost, the water penetrated by the cracks freezes and turns into ice, and, as is known from the school physics course, ice has a larger volume than water. Therefore, the water literally tears the road apart.Another advantage of modern roads is the speed of repair. A flawed place can be repaired in just one hour.

Sorting process of asphalt concrete scrap

During the repair work with the replacement of the roadbed, asphalt concrete waste is generated different sizes... This sometimes complicates the recycling process, as not all construction machines are capable of grinding large blocks of asphalt. For this, a conditional classification of sizes was invented. It is called conditional due to the fact that in GOST there is no column with an exact indication of the values. There are usually three groups of reclaimed asphalt lumps:

  • Small fragments - up to 150mm;
  • Medium wreckage - up to 400mm;
  • Large scrap - from 400mm.

Perhaps these conventions were not documented due to the fact that most often the workers have to grind the fragments themselves to the required size at the place of repair work.

Natural asphalt is a mixture of bitumen with various minerals.

Utilization and further use of asphalt scrap

The concept of recycling asphalt scrap means only its processing. The material is very durable, it has no limit on the number of re-uses. So just throw it away old asphalt to a landfill would not be the most rational solution.

Use in construction

Asphalt scrap is a fairly versatile material in construction. With the help of it, you can strengthen roads that are not paved, or simply fill in holes.

A much more correct solution would be to reuse old material in laying a fresh roadway. For this purpose, a special plant called a recycler is used, inside which asphalt is recycled. More specifically, it heats the mixture and mixes it until smooth. Approximately as a concrete mixer. To achieve the best quality product, you must strictly observe temperature regime... Externally, the installation has an unremarkable appearance: a barrel painted in orange color, which is mounted on the chassis from the trailer. There are many models of such stations, up to self-propelled ones, but the described type is the most common. This allows it to be mobile enough that it can be used in the narrow streets of the city.

Prices for asphalt concrete scrap

Waste from asphalt concrete production has a fairly low cost in the construction market. For example, one ton of untreated waste will cost only 200 rubles. This means only removed lumpy asphalt, usually large. Asphalt chips are much more expensive, about 1000 rubles. This is logical, since it is already a full-fledged repair and construction material.

There is also the concept of asphalt granulate, it differs from crumbs in more thorough preparation in the form of crushing, as well as screening in specialized installations. All information is prescribed in detail by GOST R55052-2012.

Keep in mind that the supplier may vary the price of granules, both upward and downward, depending on such factors:

  • Seasonality;
  • Volumes of purchased material;
  • The quality of the product provided.

Another cost stanza is the transportation of freshly acquired material to the work site. This fact once again proves the whole reasonableness of processing old asphalt into new one.


Thus, we have clarified the importance of recycling and secondary use waste. Especially if this process is simple enough and does not require the infusion of a large amount of money. We can only hope that in the near future this practice will be extended to other industries.

price from
800 RUB
for 1 m3

Asphalt crumb with delivery from under the mill in Moscow and the Moscow region. We will bring any amount of fresh and high-quality asphalt crumb (SMA) today or at any time convenient for you. We guarantee the compliance of the ordered and delivered volume. Let's calculate required amount and we will advise on all matters related to asphalt crumb and its laying. Call us, we have the best price for 1 m3 with delivery!

  • Delivery of any volume, no minimum order
  • We will bring you today from the closest facility to you at a bargain price
  • We will carry out a complex of works on laying asphalt crumb "turnkey"
  • Our experience with asphalt crumbs is over 10 years
  • The result is a long-term relationship with each Customer

Delivery of asphalt chips is carried out directly from the milling site. We work around the clock, so we can make delivery at any time by prior arrangement. If necessary, it is possible to unload the dump truck into several parts in different places of your facility.

Asphalt crumb prices - February 2020

Calculate quantity Calculate cost Make an order

The final price of asphalt crumb depends on the location of your facility and the volume ordered. In Moscow, there is a single price for 1 m3, since asphalt milling is carried out simultaneously in different parts of the city. The price of asphalt crumb with delivery to the Moscow region depends on the distance of the object from the Moscow Ring Road and is formed according to this principle - the more cubes the dump truck carries and the closer the delivery object, the lower the price per cubic meter and vice versa.

We are engaged in the production and sale of asphalt crumbs without intermediaries and fully control the process from loading a dump truck to unloading it at the site. Therefore, we can offer quality material at the lowest price in Moscow. With the help of our own dump truck fleet, we will inexpensively deliver asphalt chips to any area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow region. Keep in mind that the cost changes throughout the year, the lowest it is in the summer, in the midst of road repair.

Buy asphalt crumb on favorable terms

As you already understood, you can buy cheap asphalt chips in any quantity with delivery to any place in Moscow and the Moscow region. At the same time, the material will be of excellent quality, it will be delivered on time, and the delivered quantity will pleasantly surprise you. You can buy asphalt chips for cash and non-cash payments. In case of cash payment, payment is made upon delivery; in case of non-cash payment, we work only on a prepayment basis.

Before buying asphalt crumb, we advise you to understand all the nuances - from production methods to competent acceptance of the delivered material. With the knowledge gained, it will be easier for you to do right choice, save your budget and get the desired result. For this, we have prepared several articles on this topic. And if you still have questions, call us, we will be happy to answer them.

Frequently asked questions about asphalt chips

  • What is the price for 1 m3 of asphalt crumb with delivery to Odintsovo?
    Decide on the required volume and specify the distance from the Moscow Ring Road to the place of unloading, call us, we will tell you the exact price per cubic meter.

  • Is it true that a road made of asphalt chips quickly breaks up?
    If you use high-quality crumbs and follow the basic rules of laying technology, then a road made of asphalt crumbs will last a long time. If required, we are ready to organize all the work on the laying of asphalt chips with high quality and at reasonable prices. Call us, we will tell you what and how.

  • How much asphalt crumb is in Kamaz?
    In our fleet there are various modifications of Kamaz: 10m3, 16m3 and 20m3
