From time to time, even the strongest and most independent woman who does not like to cook wants to feel like a real cook.

Inspiration for culinary feats can overtake a woman at any time, the absence of a mixer should not prevent her from accomplishing them

As a rule, such a desire is not limited to simple scrambled eggs, you certainly want something like that. For example, to make a breathtaking bizet, but, as evil, there was no mixer at hand, without which it is simply impossible to whip the protein properly. A sudden creative urge shouldn't be overwhelmed by the lack of a mixer. Self-made mixers can be for the kitchen, for children or for construction.

If there is a whisk, then an ordinary drill can save the situation.

Homemade kitchen mixer

Quite by ourselves. For this you will need:

  • First of all, you need to get a motor. It has to be powerful enough to handle the egg white; we won't talk about foods with a harder consistency for now. A suitable motor can be obtained from an old cassette player, for example.
  • Tin. Everything is simpler here, you can cut a piece from a can of any drink.
  • Plastic lid from the can.
  • A pair of plastic cups.
  • You will also need a switch.
  • The power supply unit is selected depending on the motor power.
  • And of course, all this will be tinkered with a regular screwdriver.

One of the motor options

Capacity and drive

It's time to get started. We start with a glass in which you need to make a small hole. To do this, heat the metal end of the screwdriver with matches or a lighter, then make a hole with the heated tip right in the center of the bottom of the glass.

Next, we place a motor in the center of the glass and draw a marker around its edges, marking in this way where it will be located. While the engine moves to the side and manipulations with the glass continue. That is, it is clear that the mixer body is assembled first.

Now you need to cut a hole along the lines marked with a marker with a clerical knife at the bottom of the glass into which the motor will be placed. The motor should fit snugly in the hole and not fall out of it, so the hole should be slightly smaller than the motor.

This motor will be more than enough

Food and communication

Now you need to prepare a place for the switch and wiring. If the power supply has two wires, then one is attached to the switch, and the other to the motor. Then the switch and gearbox are connected together using a piece of copper wire.

Thus, a kind of mixer body is obtained. In order not to worry that the structure will fall apart, you can fix the motor and switch with superglue.


Let's move on to the second step. A tin is needed to make a screw. To do this, we put a thin piece cut off from the can, fold it into a ring, and wrap the resulting ring in the middle with the second piece of the same kind, so that in the end we get a figure resembling a butterfly. We got the screw, now we put a silicone nozzle on it on the glue, which will be put on the pin.

While the tin is set aside until the glue is dry. We return again to the body with the motor. Place the glass with the cut side down. Here you need a second glass, in which a hole has already been made in advance with a screwdriver. It must be installed on top of the motor. The result is a design in the form of a cup on a stand. In the center of the cup is a pin, which is pre-glued to the motor, about a centimeter long.

During this time, the glue on the screw should have dried completely. We attach it to the pin. Done, now you can try. Put the necessary ingredients in a glass with a screw, cover with a plastic lid for mixing without splashes, and turn on the mixer.

Homemade doll mixer

Each child enters the age when he wants to be like an adult, necessary, responsible, to do the same as adults, girls in such a period often copy the behavior of mothers, and boys, fathers. The child shows interest in household chores, including seeking to help parents in the kitchen. However, not all household appliances can be allowed to children. For example, a mixer, this is not a safe toy at all, and improper operation can lead to tragic consequences.

You can get out of this situation so that the child is satisfied, and the parents are calm. Namely, build your own mixer for him. For this you will need:

  • Plastic tube.
  • Electric motor.
  • Any two wiring.
  • Batteries or portable power supply.
  • USB cable
  • Small switch.

It will not be difficult to make such a simple device, and the child will be satisfied not only with the result, but also with the assembly process itself. And an adult will also enjoy creating something with his own hands from improvised means, you can feel like the host of the program "Crazy Hands".

So, to begin with, the switch is glued with a silicone gun or superglue to the motor. Next, we take a USB cable, cut off one side of it to free the wiring, clean the rubberized base from the wiring by about two centimeters. There should be two wiring. We connect one to the motor, the other to the switch. After that, the switch and the engine are connected with a copper wire. It is better to secure the wiring with a soldering iron, but if you do not have one at hand, then you can simply tighten them properly.

Children love when something is done especially for them, he and this will appreciate more than the most expensive toy

Now the turn of the straws for drinks, we cut it into two pieces 6 centimeters long. We glue them well together along. A motor is attached to the lower part of the connected tubes. While the glue dries, grab the stirring element. To do this, you will need a simple lollipop stick. A quarter of the stick must be bent in such a way that the letter "G" is obtained from the stick. With an even tip we attach the stick to the pin at the base of the mixer. Done. We connect the USB cable to a portable battery or any other power source and press the switch. Such a miniature of a mixer will perfectly cope with mixing tea or eggs, and there will be no limit to the delight of the child.

DIY construction mixer

The repair process is very laborious and sometimes you can't keep track of everything. For example, you need to mix concrete mortar, now everything has been bought and ready, when it suddenly turns out that the construction mixer is out of order or it was not at all. How to be in such a situation? Run to the store? But extra spending can not always be foreseen and there may simply not be funds for such a purchase. You can get out of the situation by making a concrete mixer yourself. For such a mixer you will need:

  • Drill.
  • Hairpin 8, 40 cm long.
  • Four metal plates.
  • Nuts and washers.

So, work begins with a hairpin. It must be turned in such a way that it is convenient to screw on the nut. On the other hand, you need to grind the pin under the triangle. This is necessary in order to properly attach it to the drill.

Next, we take on the plates. With an 8 mm drill, you need to make one more hole from the edge on each. Now you can proceed to the assembly of the mixer. A nut, washer, then platinum is installed on the length of the stud. The distance should be at least three centimeters. The top and bottom plates need to be bent like blades.

It should look something like this

The second end of the hairpin is attached to the drill, that's it, the construction mixer is ready. However, this type of home-made construction mixers will only handle small volumes of mortars.

Such a mixer will not master large volumes of work

For stirring more liquid substances, for example, paint, this option is also suitable.

For a large amount of mortar, you will need a concrete mixer, which you can also make yourself, but this will take much more time and materials, so it will be easier to borrow from friends or use the rental services. Moreover, such a device brings more usewhen completely independent than requiring constant supervision. In this case, it is better to choose the gravitational method of mixing the solution.

An example of a concrete mixer made by yourself

The main thing to remember is that when assembling any mixer, you must observe safety precautions, and if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better not to undertake such painstaking work, but to go to the store and buy a decent product.

A drill mixer is a great helper for any builder. Such devices have a rather powerful motor and two ergonomic handles, which are necessary in order to hold the tool while mixing mortars and mixtures. This is a convenient mechanism that combines several important functions at once.


The construction sector of the industry does not stand still - every year new compounds appear that are used for the construction of structures, small and overhaul... Both glue and plaster and many other materials go on sale in the form of a powder, which must be diluted with water in order to make a complete composition out of it.

In order for the components of the mixture to mix as well as possible and to form a homogeneous working mass, it is necessary to choose the right tool. For example, if you can knead wallpaper glue with a regular stick, then for cement mortars and putty which method will be ineffective, especially if you need a solution in large volumes.

Mixing building mixtures with improvised means, as a rule, does not give the right quality working composition: a lot of lumps form in it and a large percentage of dry matter remains, which could not get wet properly.

Many users in such situations resort to a hammer drill., which has the necessary rotation capability; nevertheless, experts do not recommend using this method, since the hammer drill is initially oriented to loads in a different plane without any influence of radial forces. Of course, it is possible to mix a small volume of solution with its help, but in large quantities you risk simply disabling your instrument, which, by the way, is quite expensive.

An excellent solution in this situation, the purchase of a drill-mixer may become, which is optimal for mixing compositions in a volume of up to 15 liters in one go.

Such devices are optimal both in everyday life and during professional repairs. Unlike the hammer drill and the usual drill, they have a stronger bearing, in addition, the mechanism is equipped with a powerful gearbox, which is protected by a particularly durable metal case. Thanks to this configuration the device can work even at the lowest rpm.

An important plus is the fact that such construction mixer can simultaneously perform the function of surface drilling, that is, in fact, it is a 2-in-1 device.

Types of structures and their characteristics

The drill mixer is used to carry out renovation works in large volumes; the user usually holds it in his hands when mixing the solution, because the device has ergonomic handles that make the operation of the tool less laborious. If the motor of the device has a power of more than 1 kW, then a special gearbox is built into it: it is suitable for use not only at the very first speed, but also when switching from the first to the second.

The first is used for the preparation of thick dense mixtures, for example, mastic, and the second - for gypsum and cement. Stirring of paints and varnishes and other liquid substances with a minimum torque is also permissible at the second speed.

In order to make the work more comfortable, it is better to use tools that are supplemented with a speed stabilizer or starting current limiters.

These drills, as a rule, have different configurations. Usually they come with several types of nozzles, which can have several shapes.

  • Right-hand spiral mixing nozzle - used for such solutions that have a very viscous structure. These include cement, concrete, as well as various kinds of plasters and glue. Such a nozzle mixes the solution, as if pushing it upwards, mixes the composition at the top, and then drops back.
  • Left-hand spiral nozzle optimal for mixing paints and varnishes. Here the principle of operation is reversed: the mixture is pushed from top to bottom, where it is stirred and rises back.
  • Screw nozzles allow mixing light compositions.
  • Crosspiece- a more specialized nozzle, it is used in cases where it is very important to prevent air from entering the container with the mixture.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the drill mixer is its multifunctional use. On the one hand, the tool is classified as a drill, therefore, in addition to mixing mortars, it can be used to form holes in surfaces different types, even the hardest and densest. On the other hand, a drill of this type belongs to the category of low-speed ones, therefore it cannot replace a drill by 100%, but at the same time, it is precisely low speeds that make it possible to mix even the most dense compositions.

Obviously, such a structure cannot be used in industrial volumes, its power and design features not enough to cope with intensive use. But with the solution of small everyday tasks for minor repairs and decoration of an apartment or a private house, she will cope in full.

Such a drill weighs much more than an ordinary one: its weight is more than 3 kg, therefore, frequent drilling with such a unit is associated with significant physical efforts.

Principle of operation and features of use

Depending on the principle of operation, there are three types of tools:

  • drill mixer;
  • drill mixer with one whisk;
  • device with two rims.

A conventional electric drill mixer is a low-speed, impactless type. The power of this tool ranges from 500 to 2000 W, there are 2 comfortable handles, a rather large cartridge with a diameter of up to 16 mm.

Two-handed models are divided into options with a single whisk or with two, the difference follows from the name: mechanisms with two whisks mix even the most viscous mixture, they are equipped with a rather powerful gearbox and can easily cope with solutions of a wide variety of consistencies - from light to concrete.

Model rating

Drill mixers of the following brands are the most popular among consumers.

  • FiolentIs a product russian production, which is optimal for mixing the thickest and most viscous compositions. The power of the device is 1100 W, and the speed is 600 rpm.
  • Rebir- the most popular low-speed drills are produced under this brand. Selected models from this manufacturer have exceptional performance characteristics: power up to 2000 W and rotation speed up to 500 rpm.

  • Interskol- offers a wide range of drills-mixers, the power of which reaches 1050 W. Such a tool is optimal for mixing any building mixtures, even concrete, and also for drilling: for example, if you put a special drill for wood in it, you can get a hole up to 1 m long in a matter of seconds.
  • ZUBRIs one of the most demanded brands on the domestic market. The models represented in the range of this manufacturer have exceptional power parameters - up to 1200 W - and rotation speed (up to 850 rpm).
  • MakitaIs a well-known Japanese brand that is in demand all over the world for its quality and reliability. It is noteworthy that all models of this brand, in addition to excellent technical characteristics, are also practical, because they consume much less energy than competitors.

How to choose?

  • product weight - in the range of 2.7-4.5 kg;
  • power - 620-110 W;
  • rotation speed - up to 1050 rpm;
  • torque - 70 N / m.

In addition, when choosing suitable model pay attention to additional functions that may be useful to you: soft start, automatic switch-on mode, additional housing insulation, overheating protection and others.

How to do it yourself?

If you wish, you can make a construction mixer yourself. For this, you need to use the most common drill as a drive, and any product with a hex shank is suitable as a nozzle. Such a device is rather easily fixed in the drill chuck, the main thing is that the dimensions of this hexagon correspond to the minimum chamber size that can be placed in the chuck.

However, keep in mind that the motors and gearbox of a standard mixer are designed exclusively for a longitudinal surface, therefore, using such a homemade tool, only very small portions of the mortar can be mixed.

In the next video, you will find the basic features of drill mixers.

Every woman sometimes wakes up a desire to cook something, but not always there may be necessary electrical appliances in the kitchen. For example, making bizet or whipping protein without a whisk or mixer is almost impossible. Do not give up the idea due to the lack of any adaptations, make a mini-mixer with your own hands and turn your culinary ideas into reality.
Store-bought yogurt isn't always healthy. Its long shelf life (up to 6 months) is questionable. You can make the exact same yogurt at home.

Let's watch the video of the mixer:

To do this, you will need:
For yoghurt
- sour cream;
- sugar;

For mixer
- a motor, preferably more powerful, since it will be difficult for him to grind. Can be removed from an old cassette recorder.
- a small piece of tin, can be cut off from a tin can with a drink;
- usual plastic cover for banks;
- two plastic cups;
- switch;
- power supply unit (depending on how many volts you have a motor). In our case, the motor is 8.5 volts.
- screwdriver.

We take a plastic cup and a screwdriver. We heat the edge of the screwdriver with a lighter so that it can safely melt a cent of a plastic cup.
When we have a small hole in the center of the cup, we need to insert a motor into it and circle its edges with a marker. This will mark where it will be. We take out the motor and continue working with the plastic cup.

We draw along the edge, which we circled with a marker, with a sharp or stationery knife. As a result, we should have a large hole in the bottom of the glass. Our motor should pass through this hole. Make a hole with a diameter slightly smaller than the motor, it should not fall out, the edges of the glass should hold it.

Then we measure the height of the motor (let it be 3 cm). We will have to leave exactly the same height at the glass in which we made a hole for the motor at the bottom. We leave our 3 cm - we cut off the rest.

In the workpiece, cut out a place for the switch and a hole for the wire.

The power supply always has 2 or more wires. We need a 2-wire power supply. We solder 1 wire to the switch, and the second to the motor. Take another small copper wire and connect the switch and motor together.

As a result, you should have a workpiece in height slightly larger than our motor, in which a hole for the switch, a hole for the wire and a hole for the motor will be made. To prevent the switch and motor from falling out, they can be fixed with super glue.

Next, we take a thin piece of tin and make a small ring out of it. With the second small pieces of tin, we wrap this ring in the middle to make a butterfly. We should have an impromptu screw.

We glue the silicone cap to the improvised screw with glue, which will then be put on the pin.

While the glue dries and fixes on the tin, we return to our workpiece with a motor.

We turn the cut side over to face the table, a round plastic surface with a not protruding motor in the central part should look at us.

We take the second glass, where a hole has already been made in the central part at the bottom and install it on the motor. You should have a cup on a stand. There should be a centimeter pin in the center of the cup.

When the glue is dry, install the screw.

Both the mixer and the electric drill are far from essential items. Not everyone can afford to keep both at home. But even if you can boast of having an electric drill at home, most often it is a powerful kilowatt device that is convenient for drilling walls. But after all, it will be difficult to drill out radio boards or repair shoes with it, right? Therefore, I had the idea to make a special attachment for the mixer, with which now you can not only cook an omelet, but also a hole in hard to reach place drill.

The drill adapter is inserted into the socket of the “high speed knife” attachment. If you have a rubber joint between the mixer and the nozzle, you will have to redo that too. For the effort that he is able to transfer is not enough even for the operation of the coffee grinder. A square is best for joining, but a hexagon is also suitable.

The drawing shows the dimensions of the details of the nozzle for the "MP-2E" mixer produced by the Minsk Electrical Equipment Plant, but due to the similarity of all mixer models, the correction will be quite insignificant. I took the cartridge from a hand drill. You should not count on drills with a diameter of more than 5 mm even when drilling wood (after all, the power of the mixer motor does not exceed 100 W), so if you can choose the chuck, you should choose the smallest possible size.

Diy diagram for making a drill from a mixer

Parts 3 and 4 require manufacturing for lathe; in the absence of a head of the required size for part 3, the groove for the hexagon will have to be milled. In the case of complete production of part 3, a slight improvement can be made, which consists in the following. To exclude an additional surface of friction between 3 and 4, make a sample for a hexagon with a slope of 5-6 degrees relative to the horizontal axis. This is necessary so that the head, sitting on the hexagon, adheres to it during advancement and is jammed by frictional forces. In this case, there will be a small gap between the head and the sleeve, which will prevent additional heating of the unit and the associated loss of power.

Part 4 can be made from any structural steel, but if you can find a piece of polyethylene suitable sizes, the design will only benefit. If structural steel is used, a through hole should be provided in the sleeve to lubricate the shaft; the polyethylene sleeve should be lubricated with grease. Typically, the chuck shaft is surface hardened and MB threads should be easy to cut. The nozzle is assembled as follows. A sleeve is put on the chuck shaft, then the head is screwed on. The nozzle assembly is screwed to the mixer along the MLO thread.

The fact that the mixer, unlike most electric drills, has a smooth speed control, which creates additional convenience during operation, also speaks in favor of using the attachment. By the way, maybe you have an old enlarger lying around? In the conditions of the victorious offensive "Kodak" you will hardly need it already, and its tripod can be adapted for a drilling machine. Especially convenient is a tripod with a toothed rack from the UPA enlarger. The adjustment handwheel feeds the drill as smoothly as on drilling machine... If you have a low-power Master drill, you can place it on a tripod as well.

Video instruction - how to make a drill from a mixer
