The compressor can bring a lot of benefits in various areas of life. Perhaps you need a device for quickly inflating car tires, or you decide to do airbrushing, but you don’t have the right equipment, and you don’t want to buy it. You can solve this problem by making a compressor with your own hands. We will talk about how to do this and what is needed for this.

Make or buy

Before you learn how to make a compressor with your own hands, you need to figure out how and what tasks it can solve homemade version, and how to deal with them purchased in the store unit. In this regard, everything depends more and more on the direction for which you need a compressor. If you need it for a simple tire inflation, then you can use a home-made one.

Another thing is if you are drawn to creativity. It does not have to be airbrushing to trip over the disadvantages of the home option. The thing is that painting requires a uniform and uniform air flow. It should be free of debris and other small particles.

If these conditions are not met, it will be possible to get grainy paint or other types of defects as a result. This is what you should think about first of all when you see photos of homemade compressors.

To all of the above, you can add inhomogeneous spots and streaks, which will be a problem even when painting a bicycle frame, to say nothing about car details.

Despite this, both types of compressors are arranged in much the same way, as far as the basics are concerned. In any case, you need a tank in which the air is under high pressure. It can be generated by manual injection, or it can appear from mechanical impact.

If the first option is cheaper to implement, then it should be borne in mind that it will be much more difficult to work, because you will constantly need to monitor the pressure level inside the compressor.

In case the compressor is equipped with additional automation, all you need to do is add oil from time to time or change it. The result of the operation of such a device will be a constant and uniform supply of air, which can play a very important role for you.


Here we come to step by step instructions to assemble the compressor at home. If we talk about its advantages, then first of all it is worth remembering the volume of work, because such a unit will work much quieter than the factory version. To do this, it will be necessary to hermetically connect all the components, but this work is worth the effort.

What can you make a compressor with your own hands?

First you need something that can replace the receiver. A simple car camera works well for this. Next, you will need to find a simple pump on which a pressure gauge is installed. It is needed to increase the air pressure inside the chamber. To this we add a simple awl, a wheel repair kit and a simple camera nipple.

First of all, you need to make sure that the chamber is still tight and does not let air through. If it turns out that it does not cope with its tasks, under conditions of increased pressure, the consequences can be serious.

If during the check you find air leaks, then the chamber must be sealed, and this is best done using vulcanization.

Since our camera will act as a receiver, we will need to make another hole in it, for which we need a simple awl. It will need to paste the nipple, which I spoke about earlier. It will be used to bring air into the chamber.

For correct installation the nipple will work well with the repair kit, which is listed in the list of necessary parts. Then we unscrew the nipple and check how the air moves.

A do-it-yourself mini compressor is made according to the same principle, you just need to take a smaller chamber, for which you need a pump of less power. Such an installation will have lower productivity, but will have a certain compactness.


After everything that has been done before, you need to install the bleed valve on the nipple that was originally on the chamber. It is necessary to ease the pressure if it rises too high. In order to check the performance of the device not only by direct use, it will not be superfluous to install an additional pressure gauge.

Otherwise, if you are painting, you will need to first make a test run, then look at the uniformity of the enamel or plain paint, and only then start working. This is not very convenient, and can be quite expensive, depending on the price of materials.

It is important to know that when checking the pressure level with a pressure gauge, its arrow should not twitch. If this happens, the whole structure should be checked, as this is a signal that the air flow is not uniform.

In fact, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhomemade compressors and the manufacture of one does not require any superpowers. Naturally, you will need direct hands, basic skills in working with different tools, and, most importantly, the desire to do all this. If you need a compressor for professional needs, then it is better to turn to ready-made solutions.

There are many reviews that homemade compressors work more reliably and at the same time are more durable. It is important to understand that it depends primarily on who made this unit, and no less important are the materials that were used to create it.

If you want to work in your garage or shed as a hobby, then you have enough free time to do it - why not.

DIY compressor photos

A private house or garage needs compressed air. But the main problem is that the equipment capable of providing it required amount, has a rather high cost. At the same time, if the master does not professionally deal with such work, it does not make sense to spend a lot of money, which means that you need to look for cheaper options for resolving the issue. One of these is the manufacture of an air compressor with your own hands from improvised materials. This is what will be discussed in today's article.


The main unit of such equipment is a supercharger, consisting of an electric motor and pistons. However, it should be noted right away that compressors can be designed for various purposes. Eg, car device, designed for inflating tires, is also called a compressor, but it cannot be used to supply air to the spray gun. The thing is that with such a device, air is supplied unevenly, which is unacceptable when painting surfaces. For uniform supply to the spray gun, the device is equipped with a special tank - receiver.


Preparing to make an air compressor with your own hands

Do-it-yourself work on the manufacture of a home-made compressor begins with the main unit - the supercharger. Therefore, first of all, you should decide what will serve as its base. The supercharger can be dismantled not only with different household appliances, which has served its time, but also from the engines of some cars.


Many craftsmen who are professionally engaged in airbrushing or other work that requires compressed air in small spaces prefer 220 V electric air compressors made by themselves. This is due to their quieter (compared to factory options) operation.


Do-it-yourself receiver for a compressor: what to make it from

Most simple option here will be the use of a tubeless wheel from a car, however, it is worth remembering that the disk after the upgrade will no longer be suitable for travel. But such a home-made receiver for the compressor is as simple as possible to manufacture, and therefore more suitable for small amounts of work, such as airbrushing.


If a larger volume of air is required, it is best to use a fire extinguisher or an old gas cylinder as a receiver in the manufacture of a compressor with your own hands.

Supercharger, pressure gauge and other parts

If you plan to use a powerful supercharger dismantled from old technology, it is necessary to purchase a pressure gauge and an emergency valve that will not allow the pressure in the receiver to rise above the allowable one. As for the simplest compressor from an old wheel, an automobile device powered by a cigarette lighter and used to inflate tires is quite suitable here. However, even such a supercharger can create excessive pressure, which will lead to tire rupture. Such a situation is very dangerous and fraught with injuries, sometimes incompatible with life. Therefore, the emergency valve must not be forgotten in any case.


Consider an example of the simplest compressor based on an automobile electric pump and a tubeless wheel as a receiver.

How to make a simple DIY compressor

To work, you will need to purchase an emergency valve and a pumping fitting (nipple, spool, “nipple”). IN rim for it you need to drill an additional hole, as for the emergency valve. Next, the pumping fitting and valve are installed in their place, the wheel is assembled. It remains to connect an automobile electric pump to one of the pumping fittings, and to the second outlet hose to an airbrush or airbrush. Now, after filling the wheel with air, the DIY mini-compressor can be used for its intended purpose.


Making compressors with your own hands based on various devices

Homemade compressors can be made using parts from a refrigerator or vacuum cleaner as a basis. Such devices, in their manufacture, will not require large labor costs, and will not consume much electricity. If the master needs a more powerful device, then for the manufacture of a compressor with his own hands, you can use equipment, for example, from a ZIL 130, KamAZ or other machine that uses compressed air.


It is worthwhile in general terms to understand the manufacture of such devices.

How to make a compressor from an old refrigerator

The process of making an air compressor from a refrigerator with your own hands is extremely simple. This will require:

  • receiver;
  • filter and moisture-oil separator;
  • reducer with pressure gauge;
  • the compressor itself from the refrigerator, which is dismantled along with the relay;
  • safety (emergency valve).


Air compressor diagram

For a better understanding of how such a device is assembled, you can take a look at the schematic drawing below. However, the author of this drawing made one of the main mistakes of a beginner. It was in order to show it that the editors of Homius cited this image as an example.


As you can see, the author suggests installing a filter between the receiver and the compressor, which is not recommended. The fact is that with increasing pressure, the plastic case can simply break. An oil separator should be located in this place. The filter itself is mounted on the compressor tube through which air is sucked in.


Also, the diagram does not indicate an emergency valve, which should relieve excess pressure. It is best to install it on the receiver itself.


How to make a compressor from a vacuum cleaner: is it possible

Many novice craftsmen, having first heard about the possibility of making a compressor from an old vacuum cleaner, begin to ask questions about how the receiver is connected to it. However, this is all from the series “I heard a ringing, but I don’t know where it is.” The fact is that the name "compressor" is difficult to attribute to such a device. Rather, it is a spray gun, from which you should not expect much. Although, if we talk about the possibility of whitewashing the walls in the cellar or other similar work, this device can greatly facilitate the work. Such nozzles that were worn on a regular glass jar, came complete with Soviet vacuum cleaners, and now it is much easier to order them on Chinese resources or purchase them from hand than to make them yourself.



Making a compressor for an aquarium with your own hands

Such devices are quite in demand among consumers. But you should immediately make a reservation - there is practically no sense in such work. The cost of such equipment Russian market minimal, but it can take a decent amount of time. In addition, some parts will still have to be purchased. Therefore, it is worth first thinking whether it is necessary to start such work?


Advice! Before you start making any device with your own hands, you need to calculate whether there will be a benefit from such work, “is the game worth the candle”.

Compressor for painting cars: how to make your own hands

The most popular of all self-made compressors can be called equipment for painting a car or any other parts and mechanisms. In addition to a durable receiver, another blower will also be required here, which will fill the tank with air much faster than refrigeration equipment. Such a device is best made from a finished automobile compressor by connecting a 220 or 380 V electric motor to it as a drive.


Diagram and procedure for assembling a piston compressor

If we consider a schematic representation of such a compressor, it becomes clear that there is nothing super complicated in it. The main thing is not to forget to include a filter with a rigid housing that can withstand the pressure being pumped into it. It is installed at the outlet of the receiver in front of the air supply hose to the spray gun.


Many do not understand the purpose of this element, considering it completely unnecessary, but this opinion is erroneous. The fact is that the air in the receiver is in a compressed state, and a change in the density of any substance, as you know, also changes its temperature. As a result of compression and subsequent release of air and the resulting change in temperature, condensation occurs, which can enter the paint together, which will certainly affect the quality of the final result. The filter excludes this possibility.


The nuances of assembling a homemade compressor for painting cars

The main task here is the strength of the hoses and the tightness of the connections. Therefore, it is recommended to use copper pipes to transfer air from the supercharger to the receiver and further to the filter. From the filter to the spray gun itself, the use of an oxygen hose is optimal. It is reinforced with fiberglass, and therefore has not only the necessary flexibility, but also increased strength.


Quite interesting for making a compressor with your own hands is the option of using equipment from the Ikarus bus and a gas cylinder, which can be found in the picture below.


Routine work before starting the compressor

Having assembled a compressor for an airbrush or other work with your own hands, it should be tested. However, before this, as well as afterwards, before each launch, certain actions should be performed, namely:

  • check the tightness and reliability of all connections;
  • visually inspect hoses and tubes for cracks or breaks.


After the compressor motor is started, it is necessary to check the setting of the reducer on the pressure gauge. The answer to the question of how to set the compressor to the desired pressure is simple. It is set using the regulator mounted on the pressure gauge by turning the handle left and right. And the maximum air pressure in the compressor receiver from the engine is regulated by an emergency valve, which is activated when the permissible threshold is exceeded.

Portable air compressor, quiet, consuming relatively little electricity - this is probably the dream of every owner of a private house, cottage, garage, small business. Well, it is quite possible to make a mobile compressed air installation on your own, for example, by taking part of the equipment of an old household refrigerator. Each refrigeration unit has a built-in compressor. If you remove this part, add equipment, you get an air compressor from a refrigerator compressor,.

Before deciding to implement an idea, it is advisable to determine exactly: is this idea really worth taking on? Let's consider several important aspects of the topic in order to help future designers make the right decision:

  1. not designed for air service.
  2. The performance of compressors in household refrigerators is low.
  3. To lubricate the mechanism refrigeration compressors special oil is required.

From this follow the corresponding conclusions. When working with an air environment, the device will not be able to function for a long time without good cooling.

When the refrigeration compressor works with freon, due to other temperature parameters of the refrigerant, the housing is cooled.

The compression of the air mixture by a refrigeration compressor occurs in completely different temperature conditions, which will lead to an increase in operating temperature by an order of magnitude. Ultimately, without good cooling, the compressor will simply burn out.

A burnt refrigerator compressor as a result of a violation of technological operating modes. The same fate awaits the device, which is supposed to be used in the project, if you do not apply special protective equipment.

The low performance of home refrigeration units is another factor limiting the use of such equipment for producing compressed air.

For example, in order to pump up a 5-liter receiver to a pressure of 5-7 atm., It will take at least 15-20 minutes of operation of the refrigeration unit.

Meanwhile, this volume of air is not enough even to inflate a car wheel in one sitting or paint one wall of a small garage with a spray gun.

Low performance of the refrigerator system is a common thing for such equipment. But for an air compression system, especially with a large flow rate, a high-performance system is already required

Finally, another important factor is compressor oil. To lubricate the mechanism of refrigeration compressors, a special freon oil is used, the properties of which change dramatically in contact with air.

If you do not change the oil to another type of lubricant that is loyal in structure to air, after a certain time the compressor mechanism will simply “close” due to the rapid wear of parts.

DIY construction

So, if, despite all the noted nuances, a decision is made to assemble from the refrigerator, you can proceed directly to action.

Approximately such a design should be obtained as a result of the implementation of the conceived idea. By appearance no complaints. The device looks more than flawless and quite impressive

The first step is to collect all necessary details design tooling:

  1. Air receiver.
  2. Oil separator.
  3. Differential pressure switch.
  4. Copper tube.
  5. Inlet air filter.
  6. Shut-off control and control valves.

For an air receiver, a compressed air cylinder from a KAMAZ vehicle is optimally suited. The five-liter capacity is acceptable for the household environment dimensions and complies with the requirements for pressure vessels.

A home compressor made from a refrigerator is best equipped with one of the cylinders that are used on KAMAZ truck tractors. These vessels comply with Rostekhnadzor standards
Design option of the oil separator, which is recommended for use as part of the installation. For reliable operation of the system, high-quality separation of oil from air is required.

A differential pressure switch (for example, from the PT series) is used from among those used in industrial refrigeration plants.

A sufficient amount of copper tube is available in the design of the condenser of a domestic refrigerator. In diameter, it fits the outlet pipe of the refrigerator compressor.

The air filter at the compressor inlet is easy to make from any suitable plastic container by placing an ordinary foam rubber sponge inside. Shut-off control and control valves - valves, check valve, pressure gauges - can be bought at the store.

Assembly of the air unit

An air receiver (for example, an air tank from a KAMAZ vehicle) is mounted on a chassis made of a metal corner. Additionally, it is recommended to install a pair of wheels on the chassis for ease of movement, a supporting “leg” and a handle.

A platform for installing a refrigerator compressor and a bracket for mounting a differential pressure switch are fixed above the upper area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cylinder. An oil separator is fixed to the side of the receiver, through a clamp and an outlet fitting.

Hand made oil separator. For fastening, one clamp with a bracket was used on the left side of the separator, and the right side is attached to the fitting of the inlet pipe of the receiver

An air filter must be installed on the inlet pipe of the refrigerator compressor. The presence of an air filter is required to reduce the entry of foreign particles present in the air into the system.

It is easy to make an air filter from any plastic container by attaching it through an angled threaded transition to the inlet pipe.

Air filter at the unit inlet. It is easy to make one with your own hands from a suitable plastic containers. Foam sponge inside the filter housing

The outlet pipe of the compressor is connected through a compensatory copper tube-heat exchanger with the inlet fitting of the separator (oil separator). The outlet branch pipe of the separator is connected to the receiver through an angle adapter.

A tee is installed at the outlet of the receiver and (compressed air outlet). Through the branches of the tee, the outlet of the receiver is additionally communicated by copper tubes with a differential relay and a pressure gauge. There is also a safety valve.

Electrical part and principle of operation

The electrical circuit diagram actually remains intact, with the exception of minor changes. That is, the compressor from the refrigerator, as it was powered from the AC network through the starting relay, so this option is left unchanged.

Another question is that it is possible to modernize the circuit somewhat. For example, supplement it with a switch installed on the body of the assembled unit. Still, this option is more convenient than periodically plugging and unplugging the plug from the outlet each time the device is used in practice.

This design does not have a separate power switch. The compressor is connected to the network with a two-wire cord with a plug through the contact group of the pressure switch

Also, the circuit for supplying voltage to the compressor must be configured taking into account the inclusion of the contact group of the differential pressure switch.

Due to this configuration, the device will turn off immediately after reaching the set air pressure limit. Here, in fact, that's all. The air compressor from the refrigerator can be considered done.

Some notes on the project

A fire extinguisher for a receiver for a home compressed air unit must be selected taking into account a three-fold pressure margin. Powder OT bottle is not the best choice

Often, fire extinguisher cylinders are used as a receiver for home-made projects. Meanwhile, the containers of powder fire extinguishers have a low limit of the maximum allowable working pressure (8-12 atm.).

In addition, such vessels are subject to mandatory examination after a certain period of time in the relevant authorities. If you still take a fire extinguisher vessel under the receiver, then vessels from under carbon dioxide systems can be considered an acceptable option.

Finally, the most important point. Such structures, in fact, should be registered with the Rostekhnadzor authorities, since the assembly contains a vessel operating at a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (the operating pressure of the installation is 10 atm.).

Owners of unregistered home-made air compressors may well be held liable (administrative and even criminal), as soon as something extraordinary happens during the operation of the equipment with a threat to human life and health.

So it’s worth thinking a thousand times before trying to assemble an air compressor from a refrigerator compressor with your own hands.

The practice of assembling a compressed air installation


Household compressors for painting are available in large quantities in retail chains. Although it is worth saying that their price is quite high and depends on the manufacturer and its power.

Today we will tell you how to make a compressor for painting at home with your own hands. In this case, its price will not be significant, and instructions will be given in which you can see photos and videos and do everything quickly and correctly.

We make at home

First you need to do right choice paint compressor. This will depend on the amount of work being done. If you will use it for commercial purposes and make money on it, then it is worth making it more powerful.

Attention: The higher the power of the compressor, the higher its price. But if you will be painting cars or other small structures, then you should stop at the middle power range.

What you need and how it works

We will assemble an air compressor for painting, based on a conventional chamber from a vehicle / car.

To assemble a homemade compressor, we need:

  • Vehicle/auto camera. It will play the role of a receiver in our unit.
  • The pump, it is better to use it with a device - a pressure gauge. His role will be to enforce.
  • Repair kit.
  • Awl for comfortable work.

Now, after preparing all the parts, we can start assembling the station:

  • At the first stage, we look to see if the chamber allows air to pass through, there are no holes and pores in it. We pump it up. If during the process we found a depressurization of our object, then we can stick patches to the right places, or treat it with raw rubber.
  • The next step in the receiver is making a hole. For these manipulations, we need an awl. Next, we put the nipple from the camera there, it will act as an outlet for the air stream during the operation of our device.
  • We attach and glue the optional fitting. Just for this purpose, we originally prepared our repair complex. Then we attach the fitting itself. To make sure that the air leaves the container in a normal way, you just need to unscrew the nipple.
  • However, we will not touch the nipple itself, installed on the chamber, its role will be to perform the function of a valve, as well as to maintain the required level of pressure flow. In order to know the pressure volume, we must spray the colorful material onto the surface. If the enamel is applied to the metal in even layers, then our work has been done correctly and at a high level.
  • A pressure gauge can also help us determine the level of pressure. Even after turning on the airbrush, the pressure should also be uniform.

The process of assembling a homemade compressor for painting is relatively simple and does not require special knowledge and skills, but its comfort and convenience begin to be felt immediately. It is much easier to do colorful work with an airbrush than using a balloon.

Attention: K last advice it can be added that care must be taken to ensure that no streams of dust or liquid enter the vehicle chamber in any way.

If these elements nevertheless make their way there, then you will have to prepare the paint for work again. With the correct operation of the compressor, it will serve for a long period of time, however, if possible and desired, the air should be pumped in automatic mode, it is much more convenient and easier.

We assemble the compressor with our own hands at a semi-professional level

It is possible to assemble such a unit, which, by its properties, will in no way lose to special compressors from leading developers. As a basis, we will take an ordinary refrigerator.

To complete the work, you will need a number of spare parts and assemblies, namely: a receiver, a filter, a variety of adapters, oil, switches and other parts that we will get to know later. Consider the very principle of operation of this unit.

  • To make the process much easier, the engine of our unit will be a compressor from a conventional refrigerator, which was produced in the Soviet Union. The undoubted advantage is the presence of a blower relay. Domestic refrigerators have a higher level of pressure than their foreign counterparts, which is an important advantage. After the block has been removed, it must be prepared for operation, it is necessary to clean it from the corrosion layer.
  • For such work, we use a corrosion converter so that the oxidation reactions stop occurring. So we made preparatory work motor.

Having done all the necessary preparations, we can start to change the oil. After all, if you don’t particularly dissemble, then almost no refrigeration unit for many years of continuous operation has never been subjected to an oil change. Such a decision justifies itself, since during these works our mechanism is completely protected from external air.

  • To change the oil, we take material from semi-synthetics. It is no different in its properties from compressor oil and contains the additives we need.
  • The second step, we must find three tubes on our compressor, two of them will be in the open state, the second in a sealed state. In the operation of our installation, the first two tubes will serve to force air in different directions (it will enter and exit). To determine the course of air masses, you need to turn on our injection unit in the network. Next, we carefully look at where the air is sucked in, and where, on the contrary, it leaves our unit.
  • The tube, which is in a sealed state, will act as an oil change. From here we have to get rid of its closed part. For such work, we can take an ordinary needle file, we cut along the circumference of the tube. We pay attention that pieces of shavings and metal dust do not end up inside the injection unit.
  • Next, we break off the back of the tube and drain the oil into a special container. This is done in order to determine the subsequent volume of the next flood. Using a syringe, we introduce a new semi-synthetic oil in a small amount.
  • When new oil is introduced, it is important to shut off the entire engine lubrication mechanism. We must pick up the screw, after wrapping it with tape, and twist it into a tube. It must be remembered that a small amount of semi-synthetic oil will occasionally leak from the back of this tube. To avoid this, we need a special oil separator for work.
  • When we have successfully completed the previous assembly steps, we can proceed to the next steps of creating our injection unit. Work begins with mounting on a wooden bed of an engine with a relay. This must be done in such a way that it is like on a frame.
  • Such measures must be taken, since the injection unit relay is very sensitive to position in space. Actions must be precise, since the correct functioning of the compressor operating modes will depend on the correct setting in the future.

Air capacity

Where to get air capacity? For such purposes, we need a spray can, which is used in fire extinguishers. All this is dependent on the fact that they have high strength for the pressure exerted on them, they are ideal as a canopy.


  • As a basis, we take a fire extinguisher under the brand name OU-10. It has a ten-liter air volume and a high level of resistance to the pressure being tested. We unscrew the locking mechanism, then install the transition device.
  • If traces of rust come across, then you need to get rid of it promptly. using a corrosion converter. We place the above liquid inside the can and begin to shake it.
  • After the rust is removed and there are almost no traces of it left, we attach the cross. In the course of this work, we have created two important spare parts for the future injection unit.

We carry out the assembly

So that the parts do not interfere with each other, they must be immediately installed on the basis. For its manufacture, we take a board, the engine of the future injection unit and parts of the fire extinguisher will be attached there.

  • We use special threaded studs to install the engine on a wooden base. We put the studs into pre-made holes. Nuts will come in handy as never before. You also need to drill a hole for attaching a fire extinguisher. Other sheets are attached with self-tapping screws to our wood base.
  • We put the receiver on a vertical level, we need three sheets of plywood for such purposes. In one plywood, he makes a hole for attaching a spray can. We attach other sheets with self-tapping screws. We glue them with the receiver sheet.
  • In advance, we hollow out a hole in the base of wood for the receiver and its lower part. In the end, so that the installation can move, we will assemble ordinary wheels from ordinary furniture that are attached to the base.
  • Once we have completed the above collection work, we need to secure the protection functions of our installation from the dust flow. For these purposes, you will need a gasoline filter, which usually plays the role of coarse filtration. Its task is to become an air intake in our injection unit.
  • Next, we take the rubber hose and compressor tube. There is a low level at the compressor inlet, it is important to remember this, i.e. we do not need to increase the contact properties with the help of clamps.
  • Those. we have already made an inlet filtration system for our compressor. At the outlet of the installation, we attach an oil separator, which will protect the device from the penetration of parts of the dust stream. We will also need a filtering power supply mechanism. Since the level of pressure at the outlet of the system is high, here we will need vehicle clamps.
  • Now we smoothly got to the oil separator filter. We make its commissioning by connecting it to the input part of the gearbox. The reducer serves for decoupling and the output part of the compressor, i.e. in the output part we screw the crosspiece on the left, on the right side we attach a pressure gauge (this is how we will monitor the pressure level). We fix the control relay on the upper part of the crosspiece.
  • The control relay allows you to adjust the height of the discharge pressure, as well as, if necessary, close the power supply to the compressor.
  • With the help of these spare parts, we will turn on our injection unit if the pressure level is at a low level and, on the contrary, turn it off if the parameters rise sharply.
  • To set the recommended compressor pressure level, you need to use the relay springs, there are two of them. The largest spring is used to create low pressure, the small spring is for maximum pressure, and it also serves to adjust the shutdown of the unit.
  • PM5 was originally assembled for water supply, they are simple two-pin switches. One contact in our version is designed to work in a network where the voltage is at the level of two hundred and twenty volts, while the other contact works for communication with the injection unit.
  • We make power through a toggle switch for connecting to the second input with a pressure unit. If there is already a toggle switch in our circuit, we have the right to quickly turn off the system.

It goes without saying that all contacts must be properly soldered and insulated. Now we can paint our compressor with peace of mind and start trying to paint with it.

Monitor system pressure

Now that our setup is ready, it's time to check how it works or run some tests. We connect the airbrush or spray gun. Without touching the toggle switch itself, we connect our system to electrical energy.

  • We set the relay to the lowest possible pressure level and connect the injection unit to electricity. We look at the indicators and characteristics on the pressure gauge, monitor the level of pressure supplied. After we found out that the relay turns off the compressor engine, we look at the contacts and their tightness properties.
  • To find out the tightness, we use a regular soap solution. If the entire installation has successfully passed all the tests, then we must definitely remove the air below the level to start the entire mechanism of the blower unit. If the pressure level reaches the required limits, then the relay starts the compressor system itself. If everything works as it should, we can start colorful work.
  • To paint metal surfaces and bases, there is no need to prepare the base itself for the work initially. We only need to do required level pressure on our injection unit.
  • Such tests give us a chance to measure those necessary specifications, which will allow you to lay layers of paint evenly. It is also necessary to remember that such colorful work was carried out at a minimum of operation of the injection unit.

Instead of output

After completing all the above works and putting our injection unit into operation, we can sum up the first results. Thus, the very process of assembling a compressor is not difficult for all vehicle owners; special knowledge and skills are not needed here at all.

  • It is foolish not to say that the second type of compressor is much more difficult in terms of its assembly and the availability of the necessary spare parts and materials. However, due to the pressure in automatic mode and the special system for starting the entire injection unit, such a compressor is the most convenient and pleasant to use.
  • Also, you will not need to monitor the receiver. This machine can also be used for painting indoor doors or other surfaces.

Attention: It is not difficult to make a paint compressor yourself, it is also important to do its regular maintenance. Especially often they fail due to not changing the oil. Therefore, monitor its quality in the first place.

You now know how to choose a compressor for painting and you can do everything yourself. Pay attention to the tightness of the joints and then the compressor will serve you for a long time.

A simple air compressor, with which you can perform paint work or pump up car tires, can be made with your own hands from improvised materials. A homemade compressor will work no worse than its factory counterparts, and the cost of its manufacture will be minimal.

You can make a mini compressor for connecting a spray gun or an airbrush from a car pump, having improved it a little. Modernization of the compressor will increase its power (performance) and will consist in adapting it to a voltage of 220 V (instead of 12 V), connecting the device to the receiver and installing automation.

Adaptation of the device for voltage 220 V

To connect the autopump to a 220 V network, you will need to find some power supply (PSU), the output of which will be 12 V and the current strength suitable for the device.

Advice! For this purpose, a power supply from a computer is well suited.

You can find out the value of the current consumed by the device by looking at its nameplate. In this case, the power supply from the PC (see the figure above) will be quite enough in terms of current and voltage.

So, if you insert the plug of the electrical cord into the PC power supply and turn it on, then nothing will happen. This is because the PSU will not turn on until it receives a signal from the PC. To simulate turning on a PC, on the connector coming out of the PSU, you need insert a jumper. You will need to find among the many conductors one green wire, and the second black, as shown in the following photo.

These wires can be cut and twisted, but it is better to short them with a jumper.

Because the pump has car cigarette lighter plug, then it can be cut off, and the device can be connected to the corresponding color with wires from the PSU.

But it would be better if you buy a car cigarette lighter and connect it to the power supply, and connect the device itself using a standard plug.

There are 3 wires coming out of the cigarette lighter: red - “+”, black - “-” and yellow - “+”, designed to connect the LED. Connect the wires to the cigarette lighter, observing the polarity (see photo below).

If you insert the plug from the device into the cigarette lighter, you will get a 220 V electric air compressor that can not only inflate tires, but also work with an airbrush.

Connecting additional elements

To connect the device to the receiver, it is necessary to assemble the structure shown in the diagram below.

This binding includes the following elements.

  1. cross, which has all outputs with VR1/2. Marking means: "BP" - internal thread, "1/2" - thread diameter in inches.
  2. Tee, has all outputs with HP1/2 (“HP” – external thread).
  3. valves in the amount of 2 pcs. (VR1/2 - VR1/2). Designed to block the movement of air in both directions. The double marking means that there is an internal thread on both sides of the valve.
  4. . Designed to allow air to flow in one direction only. You can install a simple spring valve BP1/2 - BP1/2. If you plan to work with a pressure of 6-7 bar, then you need to select a check valve that does not have plastic parts.

  5. straight nipple, is an adapter with 2 external threads (HP1/2).
  6. adapter nipple HP1/2 - HP1/4. Allows you to change from one external thread diameter to another.
  7. Extension(60 mm) HP1/2 - HP1/2. This is the same nipple, only straight. That is, the thread at both ends has the same diameter.
  8. Reducing coupling. It is an adapter from an internal thread of one diameter to internal thread with another. In this case, from BP1/2 to BP1/8.
  9. Tee, which has all outputs already with a HP1 / 8 thread.
  10. Coupling straight BP1/8 - BP1/8. Has 2 identical internal threads.
  11. Hose adapter HP1/8.
  12. Pressure regulator (pressostat) with moisture-oil separator. The pressure switch allows you to maintain the air pressure in the receiver is not lower than the minimum and not higher than the maximum allowable level. The water separator can be omitted if the unit is to be used as a tire inflation pump. When using a painting unit, the installation of an oil-moisture separator is a prerequisite.

    The above piping scheme assumes 2 outlet fittings: the first for air outlet to the spray gun (airbrush), and the second for tire inflation.

  13. adapter nipple HP1/4 - HP1/8.
  14. Futorka(HP1/4 - BP1/8), is an adapter from a larger diameter of the external thread to a smaller diameter of the internal thread.
  15. Pressure gauges. These devices allow you to visually control the level of air pressure in the receiver and at the supply to the line.

When assembling all elements, it is necessary use thread sealant, for example, fum-tape. Pressure gauges can be connected via hose cuts high pressure. The latter should be pulled onto the adapters and fixed with clamps.

Pressure gauges can be screwed directly onto the thread, without the use of hoses, if it is not necessary to bring them to the front panel of the unit.

How the compressor piping assembled according to the diagram looks like is shown in the following photo.

The receiver for the autocompressor can be made from metal pipe large diameter, welded on both sides, a fire extinguisher or a gas cylinder. If the compressor is supposed to work only with an airbrush, then an ordinary tubeless wheel from a car can serve as a receiver.

Important! When selecting a container for the receiver, one should take into account the fact that the autopump can work no more than 10 minutes. continuously. Accordingly, the volume of the receiver should also be small (about 20 liters) so that the device can raise the air pressure in it to the required level before 10 minutes have passed.

A simple version of the unit from a fire extinguisher / gas cylinder

Making a compressor with your own hands using a fire extinguisher or a gas cylinder as a storage tank for air is quite simple. For example, the compressor unit itself, if you want to make a powerful unit, you can take from Zilovsky compressor. But first it needs to be tweaked a bit.

Drill 2 holes in each connecting rod (assembled, including liners) and 1 hole in each connecting rod cap.

During the operation of the unit, the oil in the crankcase will flow through these holes to the liners and reduce friction between them and the crankshaft.

If you take receiver fire extinguisher, then you first need to remove all unnecessary parts from it, leaving only the container itself and the lid.

The cast iron cap should be threaded ¼ inch. Also, under the cast-iron cover, it is necessary to lay a rubber gasket, if it was not there, and tighten the cover, using fum-tape to seal the thread.

The steps for connecting all the strapping elements were described at the beginning of the article. But, since this unit is made from a ZIL 130 compressor, and is more powerful than the previously considered one, it will require the installation of a safety (emergency) valve. It will relieve excess pressure if for some reason the automation does not work.

You can also do gas bottle compressor. But first you need to release gas from the cylinder, and then twist the valve. Next, you need to completely fill the cylinder with water to remove residual gas. The container should be rinsed with water several times and, if possible, dried. Usually, a gas burner is installed under the cylinder and all moisture is evaporated from the container.

A futorka is screwed into the hole where the valve was placed, and a crosspiece is screwed into it, to which the automation and the entire harness are attached. A hole must be drilled in the lower part of the cylinder and a condensate drain fitting welded to it. You can install a regular water tap on the fitting.

For fixing on the receiver of the engine and the compressor block, a metal corner frame. Mounting bolts are pre-welded to the cylinder. The frame will be attached to them (see photo below).

Important! The engine for this unit should have a power of the order of 1.3 -2.2 kW.

You can also make a compressor for inflating tires yourself chainsaw which is beyond repair. The device is made from an engine, that is, from a piston block: the outlet hose is connected through a check valve instead of a spark plug, and the exhaust gas hole is blocked. To rotate the crankshaft, you can use either an electric motor or a conventional electric drill.

An air compressor made from a refrigerator, or rather, from its unit, is the most silent. But you should know that such a device not high performance. With it, you can only inflate car tires or work with an airbrush. For the normal operation of various pneumatic tools (screwdriver, grinder, spray gun, etc.), the performance of this unit is not enough, even if you connect a large volume receiver to it. Although on the Internet you can find designs consisting of two or three compressors connected in series, connected to a large receiver.

So, the unit removed from the refrigerator has start relay with power cord. Also, 3 copper tubes come out of the apparatus. Two of them are designed for air inlet and outlet, and the third (soldered) is for filling oil. If you turn on the device for a short time, you can determine which of the two tubes sucks in air, and from which it is blown out.

The following figure shows how to assemble the entire structure consisting of the unit, receiver and pressure regulator with pressure gauge.

Advice! Instead of a filter at the outlet, which sometimes bursts due to high pressure, it is better to install an oil-moisture separator. Its presence is mandatory if the device will be used for painting.

Installed on the inlet pipe air filter to prevent dust from entering the unit. To automate the process of pumping air, you can install automation in the form of a pressure switch.

DIY high pressure compressor

The high pressure compressor (HP) is made from two-stage compressor head AK-150.

As a drive, you can take 380 V motor, 4 kW. The rotation of the engine shaft is transmitted to the shaft of the piston group by means of an eccentric, which also serves as a drive for the plunger-type oil pump. It creates an oil pressure of about 2 kgf / cm 2.

Compressed air, leaving the last stage, enters through an adapter with a pressure gauge installed into the fitting of a liter cylinder, which is installed in its lower part. It also has a condensate drain valve. The balloon is filled with polished glass chips and acts as a moisture separator.

Air exits from the top of the cylinder through the finger fitting. Compressor cooling is water. After 45 min. operation of the unit, the water heats up to 70 degrees. The author of this unit claims that during this time it is possible to pump up 1 cylinder per 8 liters and 2 cylinders per 4 liters up to 260 atm.
