Styrofoam crumbs are polymerized rounded balls with a diameter of 3 to 7 mm. Styrofoam crusher (so often called this species crumbs) is obtained by the method of industrial crushing of industrial waste foam. Economically, this method is more efficient, because due to this method of processing the foam, it becomes cheaper as a primary material, and the initial properties of the foam during crushing remain the same.

Application of Styrofoam crumb:

Expanded polystyrene chips are widely used in the industrial and construction and repair sectors. Styrofoam crusher is mainly used as construction material and excellent insulation. Foam insulation is considered the most economical and reliable method for thermal insulation of foundations, floors, walls or roofs. Consider the basic principles and methods of use:

  • Filler: foam chips are filled with holes and cavities in the ceilings between the walls, in brickwork or for leveling surfaces. Thanks to its technical characteristics, the foam granules can take any shape, which avoids any cold bridges. High strength allows you to avoid deformations, unlike heaters such as expanded clay and mineral wool.
  • Floor screed with foam chips: the process of preparing polystyrene concrete takes place in several stages. Initially, a solution is prepared: take a small amount of water and cement, mix until a creamy consistency is obtained. The second stage: while continuing to mix the solution in a concrete mixer, add foam plastic crumbs. The material ratio depends on the expected thermal insulation result. The higher the percentage of foam granules, the greater the thermal insulation properties of your screed. However, the following must be taken into account, if the material is not properly distributed, the density may decrease. For example, if you are planning linoleum on the floor, the percentage of using foam plastic granules should be less than when laying parquet.

If you yourself want to make a floor screed with foam chips at home, then to obtain a solution, you must follow the following proportion (*recommendations of the builders):

  • 4-5 buckets of Styrofoam crumbs
  • 2 sand buckets
  • 1 bucket of cement
  • 1 bucket of water

It is important to note that when working with polystyrene chips, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of use and observe safety precautions: avoid open flames, do not use various chemical solutions.

Styrofoam crumb is an effective material for insulating concrete floors, it will last a very long time and will not lose its operational properties. Comfort and warmth guaranteed!

Int-Deco offers to buy a foam plastic crumb in Kyiv or with delivery in Ukraine. The crushed foam is packed in plastic bags of 0.33 m3.

Styrofoam for insulation

One of the most popular materials for insulation can be considered foam crumb. The choice of consumers is justified, since it is a high-quality, environmentally friendly material that will help make the house warm and comfortable without significant damage to the family budget.

Styrofoam crumb properties and applications

Styrofoam crumb has a number of advantages in comparison with other heat-insulating materials.

Styrofoam crumb - what is it

Styrofoam chips or granules are bulk material, which is noted for its versatility and is a foam ball with a diameter of approximately 5-6 mm.

Characteristics and properties of foam chips

Styrofoam granules have all the properties of a solid sheet, but unlike foam boards, granules can take the form of any container where they are placed. Expanded polystyrene granules have a number of features:

1 Conducts almost no heat. Styrofoam is ten times higher than the thermal insulation of conventional concrete and almost ten times that of ceramic bricks.

2 Safe for people, does not contain toxic substances, does not cause allergic reactions, odorless, no organisms live in it.

3 Light weight. For comparison, 1 cubic meter of foam chips weighs about 15 kg, and plywood - about 500 kg.

4 Wear resistance. Data from laboratories that test polystyrene foam will determine the durability of the material - approximately 80 years.

5 Very resistant to temperature changes and able to withstand drops from -170 to +90.

6 Sound insulation due to the elasticity of the granules, cellular structure, which reduce sound vibrations.

7 Ability to restore the primary shape during deformation.

8 Ensuring air exchange of the surrounding space, i.e. unlike conventional foam, the granules are able to "breathe". This prevents the greenhouse effect and the formation of mold in the future.

Styrofoam crumb is characterized by the following criteria

1 The density of the material from which the balls are made. The high density of the substance determines the increase in the mass and strength of the granule.

2 The diameter of the granules can be varied from 1 to 8 mm by setting the desired size when crushing.

3 Flammability. That is why this material is used in the inner layers of the walls. To increase fire resistance, fire retardant is added to the foam. After that, the material becomes self-extinguishing.

Advantages of foam plastic

All materials have their own advantages and disadvantages. Styrofoam granules are no exception.

There are such advantages in using foam chips:

Less weight of the final structure.

Savings for future finishing materials due to heat and sound insulation properties.

Ease of use.

Low cost.

Cons of using foam chips

The soft structure of the foam makes the screed from such a solution not so wear-resistant.

The need for isolation from air due to its flammability. Foam concrete is capable of rapid destruction if it comes into contact with air.

Varieties of foam chips

There are two ways to obtain foam pellets and, accordingly, two types of them:

Primary processing, when a special technology is applied to foam the polystyrene beads. This is an expensive process.

Crushing of foam plastic waste. This is a secondary production, therefore it is more cost-effective. The remains of the foam are placed in special machines that crush the material until smooth. If necessary, you can set the desired diameter of the ball.

The cost of styrofoam granules

The efficiency of foam plastic was noted as quality material for warmth compared to others. Depending on the characteristics of the foam pellets and the way they are produced, the price per cubic meter may differ significantly. The smaller the diameter of the granule, the higher its price. Styrofoam chips obtained by crushing are much cheaper than those obtained by primary foaming.

The use of foam granules in various fields

Foam chips insulate attics, walls, interfloor ceilings and floors.

1 Attic insulation. A significant percentage of heat is lost through the roof. Styrofoam granules are an excellent option for attic insulation due to the low degree of moisture absorption and resistance to temperature changes.

2 Wall insulation. In addition to the main characteristics, the foam crumb takes the form of a container in which it is located, this is especially important when insulating a facade with curly elements.

3 Insulation of interfloor ceilings. Noise isolation and the specific weight of the final structure are important in the formation and insulation of interfloor floors. Styrofoam chips are also useful for floor insulation if there is a basement under the house that is not heated and additional insulation is required.

Brief summary

Consumer interest in foam pellets is justified by its versatility and low price. Due to its unique properties, foam plastic chips are in demand in many areas from construction and furniture manufacturing to the creative process. design decorations and fishing.

The cost of foam pellets depends on specifications the granules themselves and the method of their production.

Insulation 10 mistakes

Leveling the ceiling with "warm" plaster based on expanded polystyrene crumbs

Aligning the ceiling by applying plaster in thick layers is not always justified: a reinforcing mesh will be required, and with a significant difference in the level of the ceiling, the layer will not withstand and collapse. Adding Styrofoam balls to the plaster will help you in this case, as well as when repairing walls, masonry in the well, joints of the exterior panels of the house and internal floor slabs, attics, roofs and floors. When connecting polystyrene foam balls with cement-sand or concrete mortar, the finished mixture perfectly keeps the heat indoors.

To work with the ceiling, we need the same tools as for ordinary plastering and at least two plastic buckets.

After cleaning the ceiling from old layers, carefully prime the ceiling with a “fur” roller. For concrete slabs, the primer "Betonokontakt" is suitable. Complex and hard-to-reach places prepare the ceiling several times with a brush.

The drying time of the primer is printed on the package - different manufacturers have different times from 3 to 8 hours. Experienced craftsmen they never follow the recommendations for curing, but try the surface by touch. If the ceiling is still damp, then it is worth waiting, otherwise leveling the ceiling will be in vain - a further layer will collapse in a few weeks.

Polymer plaster mortar is prepared from Styrobond glue in a 1: 1 ratio to M400 cement in a bucket. Mix everything with a drill with a mixing attachment until smooth, gradually adding water until the density of "sour cream". If the mixture seems too thick, you can add a little water to it.

Now we add polystyrene foam, and you have 2 options: use ready-made crumbs, which are sold in hardware stores by weight, or take a regular foam plate and crumble it over a bucket. The crumb fills a separate clean bucket to 75%, then add half of the glue solution that you just prepared from the first bucket. The proportion of crumb solution will be somewhere 1:2.5. Stir the composition until all the styrofoam granules turn dark.

If your screed (cement + sand) is too high, then it is better to abandon the unnecessary overload of floor slabs, and use a lighter material - polystyrene foam concrete. Its composition is simple: cement not lower than M400, expanded polystyrene balls and a foaming agent "Saponified Wood Resin" (SDO). Aligning the ceiling with expanded polystyrene concrete makes the layer not only light and warm, but also not subject to shrinkage and cracks.

Table 1. Methods for the manufacture of expanded polystyrene concrete
Description Advantages Flaws
"Encapsulation" when you need to reduce the density of the material. The granules are covered with cement glue, and the voids are not filled with sand. Without special equipment and chem. It is impossible to prepare such a mixture with additives! Possibility of production of PS concrete, the density of which is less than 200 kg/m3, the use of granules of the same size Mixture segregates when pressurized or transported, low bending strength (in case of block)
"porization" of the solution, which involves replacing the sand with air granules The possibility of producing PS concrete, the density of which is less than 300 kg / m3, and the change in this indicator in a wide range A stable characteristic is quite difficult to obtain due to the complexity technological process: bubbles are lost when stacking, transporting or squeezing
Creation of PS concrete with structure high density, which will not let water through even at a pressure of 2MPa All the advantages of the 2nd method + stability and preservation of its characteristics during transportation, spraying. Products are even formed from such PS concrete using a 3D vibropress It is necessary to have special equipment

Leveling the ceiling with styrofoam plaster requires the presence of a powder or mortar LMS, but if you can’t find it in your store, then you can do without it. A screed without LMS will not be as warm and light as with this additive, but better than a conventional cement and sand screed.

We do the application of plaster on the prepared ceiling in two passes. The first stage is a layer from the 1st bucket (thickness up to 3 mm), then immediately apply the mixture from the 2nd bucket. The iron is constantly wetted with water. Drying time - 3 days, after which we proceed to level the ceiling with gypsum putty from 1 to 5 layers. Each layer should dry well before applying the next (1-3 days).

Foam crumb (crushed) is a heat-insulating material used as an insulating backfill in inter-wall voids, under floors, as well as insulation in cement mortars.
Styrofoam chips are an excellent substitute for expanded clay, 5 times warmer and 40 times lighter.
It is successfully used as filling in open cavities (walls, ceiling, floor), as a component of warm and light concretes. Such lightweight concrete is used for screeding floors, roofs, load-bearing and internal walls.



It is perfect for inter-wall ceilings and uneven surfaces in wall voids, inter-wall partitions, floors, underground, attics (on logs, boards, etc. materials), where it is inconvenient to lay plates, and is also used instead of expanded clay.

High-quality foam chips have many advantages! The main advantages of the material include:
Environmental friendliness - does not contain substances harmful to humans. For example, from polystyrene, from which foamed granules are produced, packages for various products and utensils are produced.
Resistance to various atmospheric phenomena - effectively protects surfaces from moisture.
Excellent thermal insulation properties - Styrofoam balls differ in various diameters and shapes. As a result, the total area of ​​​​contact of the foamed granules with air increases, so the material is excellent for insulation. various premises and objects.
Excellent sound insulation - the material stands out for its excellent wave absorption. It is often added to cement and filled into cavities during repairs or construction.
Durability - foam granules do not change shape, physical or Chemical properties under the influence of changes in temperature or humidity.

Due to its structure and properties, the foam granule is considered to be a reliable and inexpensive packaging material: actively used to protect especially fragile products.

Styrofoam crumb blowing is one of those services that our company has been offering to its customers for several years now. This is done for heat and sound insulation of residential, office and industrial premises. IN last years this method of house insulation has become very popular due to the fact that there is a steady increase in prices for utilities, and the cost of insulation itself is relatively low, and allows you to save a significant amount of money in the future.

This method of insulation is great for floors between walls, uneven surfaces and voids, inter-wall partitions, floor insulation, basement, attic, any places where laying sheet insulation impossible.

The house is insulated with foam plastic using a special industrial installation under pressure. Due to the large air flow, a foam ball of various diameters is evenly laid and compacted in voids - almost to the density of sheet foam. Under the influence of pressure, the material clogs all the irregularities of the walls, cracks, potholes, thereby not giving the cold the slightest chance to penetrate into the room. It is also possible to carry out pneumatic laying of such bulk heat-insulating materials as perlite, ecowool, etc.

crumb insulation

The advantages of using this material:

  • Insulation with crumbs gives a kind of “thermos” effect, due to which a comfortable temperature is achieved indoors and the absence of its differences;
  • Insulation with foam chips is much cheaper than mineral wool(by about 35-40%);
  • The material itself is absolutely non-toxic to humans, does not emit harmful substances either immediately or after a while;
  • Loose foam balls do not start rodents;
  • It has good vapor permeability - which means that the vapors freely go outside, and the movement of air between what is inside and outside is free. This will save the walls from the appearance of such unpleasant signs of damage to the material as fungus or mold, which in itself is very harmful. That is why the insulation of walls with polystyrene will not harm the criterion.

In our country, there are many private houses that were built according to the same principle - they all have a fairly wide air gap between interior walls and external (the so-called "well" masonry). Our company will help you turn this feature of your building into its trump card! In the voids between the walls, we blow foam chips, crushed basalt wool, perlite, etc., thus, the house becomes not only protected from heat loss, but also acquires additional sound insulation.

Insulation with styrofoam

Styrofoam insulation, namely the blowing of inter-wall voids, occurs as follows: holes with a diameter of 35 mm are drilled in the walls (for comparison, this hole is a little more than a five-kopeck coin), their number can vary from 5 to 10 pieces, depending on the area of ​​wall insulation. Very important point- the minimum layer for pneumatic laying of a foam ball should be 3 centimeters. After all the holes are made, foam balls of different calibers are blown into the cavity under strong air pressure and compacted. The procedure is repeated until all cavities are filled with material.

Styrofoam insulation outside takes three to four hours, can be performed regardless of the season. Most often, work of this kind is carried out in spring, summer or autumn, but if necessary, we also perform during the cold winter period, there is no strict binding to the time of year.
Our company has been operating in the field of thermal insulation of buildings for more than a decade. We have acquired rich experience and valuable skills. All this allows us to assert - to cooperate with us is profitable, fast, reliable!

Foam chips are polymerized balls, the diameter of which varies between 3-7 millimeters. Get shredded (as this material is also called) by crushing foam waste. This is cost-effective, and the original properties of the foam remain the same. So, today we will find out what Styrofoam crumb can be used for.

Styrofoam crumb - how to use?

The material is widely used in construction and repair, as well as in industrial field, mainly as a heat insulator or building material. The use of foam plastic chips is an extremely beneficial method of insulating foundations, walls and floors. Let's find out what are the basic principles for the use of shredder.

  • 4 or 5 parts crushed;
  • 1 part water;
  • 2 parts sand;
  • 1 part cement.

Note! When working with crumbs, one should also not forget about safety precautions: you need to work away from an open flame, without the use of chemical solutions.

Where else is crusher used?

Among other things, the material is also used in the following situations.

  1. For fishing wobblers. Finnish fishermen, for example, attach crumbs to a hook and use them as bait.
  2. To decorate gardens and parks. It is rarely used, but, interestingly, the crumb allows you to make even an imitation of snowdrifts!

So, now you know how foam chips are used. That's all, good luck with your work!

Video - Knead the foam crumb

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Styrofoam can insulate a house, apartment, garage, barn, extension and even a bathhouse. But the latter must be insulated carefully, observing some rules. But are there construction objects that cannot be insulated with foam plastic? Yes, there are. Styrofoam cannot be used to insulate a basement and a building with a ventilated facade. Why?

The advantages of polystyrene foam as a heater are very wide. But its capabilities, as a material with certain physical and chemical properties, have some negative nuances. What are the pros and cons of styrofoam? This article is about this. But first, the positives.

The benefits of foam

One of the thinnest insulation

Among all heaters, ordinary foam, also known as polystyrene foam, has almost the lowest thermal conductivity. What does it mean? This means that its thickness as a heater will be the smallest compared to other materials. Here is a list of these materials in ascending order of their ability to conduct heat:

  1. Penoizol (50 mm).
  2. Polyfoam insulation (75 mm).
  3. Mineral wool (125 mm).
  4. Wood (340 mm).
  5. Brick wall(900 mm).
  6. Concrete (2132 mm).


  • in parentheses is the thickness of the materials at which their equality as heat insulators is achieved;
  • penoizol is liquid material, which consists of several components. When mixed, it swells and hardens. At the same time, it acquires a porous light structure similar to hardened mounting foam. Its main disadvantage is toxicity. Therefore, it can only be used for warming non-residential premises. Usually, it is poured into a specially prepared cavity inside the wall.

The lightest insulation

Find out the weight polystyrene boards very simple. All manufacturers indicate the density of the material on the packaging:

  • 15 kg / m 3;
  • 25 kg / m 3;
  • 35 kg/m 3 .

And the density of one cube is its weight. That is, one cube weighs 15, 25 and 35 kg, respectively. By the way, this way you can check the quality of the material you buy. If the package says 25 kg/m 3 , and the checked package of sheets weighs less, don't hesitate. You have been a little misled.

Sometimes the manufacturer bypasses this moment. For example, in a package with a declared density of 25 kg/m 3 there will be sheets with a really lower density. But this package will have something of its own. beautiful name. And a pack of sheets with a real declared density will be called differently: “ Warm house”, “Standard” or “What else is there”. But, in any case, the lighter the pack, the lower the density of the insulation. Remember this.

For work, you can use foam of any density. The main thing you need to understand is that the lower it is, the more fragile and fragile the sheet will be in your hands. And the use of such sheets, for example, on the first floor of a building is highly discouraged - the facade can easily be damaged upon impact. Therefore, the denser the sheet, the better.

One of the cheapest heaters

This is really the most inexpensive industrial material for insulation. At the same time, two types of it are used in construction practice:

  • sheet foam;
  • foam chips or balls.

Today, the sale price for both of these species is approximately equal. Most likely, this is due to an increase in demand for balls. Most often they are used for roof insulation. The cement-sand mixture is mixed with balls and poured onto the floor. It turns out warm, durable and inexpensive.

Styrofoam is a very versatile insulation

Here are its main areas of application:

  • wall insulation;
  • roof insulation;
  • floor insulation;
  • insulation of the basement of the house.

Wall insulation with foam sheets has become a classic today. The result is very warm, relatively inexpensive, strong enough and reliable. In terms of operating time, expanded polystyrene covered with a layer of plaster can serve for a very long time. Manufacturers guarantee the service life of the facade of polystyrene boards without overhaul for 30 years. They say that in Germany, foam-insulated houses are insured for longer periods. Up to 100 years.

When insulating the roof, polystyrene chips or balls are most often used as part of a cement-sand mixture.

Extruded polystyrene foam is used for the floor and plinth. It differs from the usual foamed manufacturing technology, greater density and strength. But it also has a much higher price.

A little more positive about polystyrene foam

Styrofoam is the most convenient and pliable building material in work. It can be cut with a knife or hacksaw. You can easily make any hole or recess in it. This property is very much used by builders in the design of curly elements of the facade of the building. To make cornices, ledges, window frames and other architectural elements from such comfortable material very simple.

Due to its lightness, the foam element can be glued to the facade in any place. Well, after the glue has dried, it can be easily further processed, for example, with a drywall planer.

These were the strengths of the foam insulation. But, like any other material, it has its weaknesses. What are the disadvantages of polystyrene foam and why can't it be used to insulate a basement or a ventilated facade?

Disadvantages of foam

For acceptance right decision, in addition to all the positive, it will be very useful to know some of the negative aspects inherent in expanded polystyrene. There are several.

Styrofoam is a combustible material

Whatever the manufacturer says on the packaging, when in contact with fire, polystyrene foam burns and melts. Therefore, you need to make sure that the fire does not get close to it. The consequences can be very dire.

That is why it is impossible to use expanded polystyrene on a ventilated facade. Direct contact with air and the void between the insulation and the surface of the facade create all the conditions for good combustion. Emptiness, by the way, works as an additional draft of air.

Styrofoam releases hazardous substances

In the process of natural aging - destruction, polystyrene foam releases styrene monomer from itself. Its smell can be clearly heard if you put a pack of foam sheets in a closed room. After a while, a characteristic bad smell. That is why it is impossible to make foam insulation inside residential premises. But, unfortunately, few people know about this.

By the way, that's why you need to carefully and carefully insulate the bath with polystyrene foam. When heated to 90 degrees Celsius, the release of volatile compounds dangerous to human health becomes very large.

Styrofoam is hygroscopic

That is, it draws moisture into itself. Whatever they say, he does it, though not quickly, but confidently. Therefore, insulate raw cold cellar regular styrofoam would be a very bad idea. It is better to use extruded polystyrene foam for these purposes. It has a different internal structure due to which it does not pull moisture.

To test this statement, you can put a piece of ordinary foam and extruded plastic into the water. After a while, you will receive two materials of different moisture content. One will be heavy and wet, and the second dry and light.

Styrofoam works as a vapor barrier

This is another serious minus, which few people think about at the design and construction stage. It manifests itself especially well in houses that are built entirely of polystyrene foam blocks.

A person in the process of breathing exhales warm water vapor with air. This steam must come out of the room. The main direction of steam movement is up and to the sides. The ceiling and walls work as a kind of steam vent, they "breathe". In a building insulated with polystyrene foam, good forced ventilation must be made. Otherwise, in winter it will be possible to collect water on the windows with buckets, and the room will be very humid.

Styrofoam is a good home for mice

This is a proven fact. Small gray rodents live well in ordinary polystyrene foam. For them, this is a kind of paradise - warm, soft and safe. Whatever happens, it is necessary to limit the contact of the insulation with the places of possible entry of rodents as much as possible. This can be done with mineral wool or metal inserts. Rodents do not like mineral wool, and they cannot gnaw through a metal insert. They also do not live in extruded polystyrene foam.

In this article, it was possible to list the main positive and negative properties foam. As a heater, polystyrene foam has a very wide range positive qualities. But as a material, it has significant disadvantages. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the use of expanded polystyrene in the insulation of housing itself in a balanced and thoughtful way.

By the way, the name itself - "polystyrene", came to us from the time Soviet Union. At that time, the first import supplier of polystyrene foam boards was a company with the word "Penoplast" in its name. It turned out like with a copier - the name of the company became the designation of a whole class of copiers. The same thing happened with styrofoam.
