With the help of the French encyclopedia of chocolate, let's try to join the art of chocolatier. Yes, you will need some tools (for example, a thermometer to measure the temperature of chocolate), you will have to acquire a certain skill ... But on the other hand, the thinnest chocolate leaves and flakes that amaze us on factory cakes and pastries will come out from under your hands. And it will be as easy as shelling pears to cover handmade sweets with chocolate icing!

Tempering chocolate for couverture (chocolate icing)

Tempering chocolate is an operation, as a result of which it acquires a special brilliance and quality, which makes it possible to apply it in a thin layer and make various decorations for cakes, pastries, sweets from it. Only culinary chocolate that is specifically designed for the preparation of confectionery products can be tempered, as it is significantly more fluid than slab chocolate. The tempering process does not depend on the amount of chocolate required to implement a particular recipe.

Cooking chocolate bar (dark, milk or white) 300 g
Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking: about 5-6 min

  1. Grind the dark chocolate with a nail file and pour 200 g into a bowl. Melt the chocolate in a saucepan over a double boiler, making sure the bowl does not touch the bottom of the saucepan. Stir slowly with a wooden spoon, as measuring the temperature of the chocolate requires it to be completely melted. The temperature is measured with an electronic thermometer and should reach 55°C.

  1. Immediately remove the liquid chocolate from the water bath and pour the remaining 100 g of chopped chocolate into it. Put the bowl of chocolate in another bowl, bigger size by filling it with water and adding 4-5 ice cubes. Stir the melted chocolate from time to time as it will start to set around the edges. Measure the temperature again: it should drop to 27°C. However, to cool to this temperature, it is not necessary to put the chocolate in a bowl of ice - just stir it from time to time.

  1. Once the chocolate has cooled to the indicated temperature, put the bowl back into the water bath. Be very careful when heating the chocolate, as its temperature should remain low. Stir slowly with a wooden spoon. Measure the temperature: it should be in the range of 30-33°C. Chocolate at the right temperature is ready to use.

Applying a layer of chocolate to candies and other sweets

400 g chocolate (dark, milk or white), melted and tempered.
Cooking: 15 minutes

  1. Place a piece of candy or something similar that is intended to be covered with a layer of chocolate on the tip of a fork. Carefully dip the fork into the melted and tempered chocolate and remove, holding it over the chocolate for a few seconds to allow the excess to drain into the bowl.

  1. Gently run the bottom of a fork around the sides of the bowl of melted chocolate a few times until the bottom layer of the chocolate coating is thin. Lay out a sheet of cooking paper on the board. Put a fork on it and with the tip of a knife slide the chocolate-covered product from the fork onto the paper.

chocolate flakes

For 80 pcs.
400 g dark chocolate
Cooking: 30 min

To make this and the next decoration, you will need a Rhodoid leaf. Rodoid is a sheet of food-grade polyvinyl chloride, a transparent semi-rigid material, the plates of which are used to mold and harden tempered chocolate. Sold in specialized stores. The decoration elements are easily separated from the rhodoid leaf and have a shiny surface.

Spread a sheet of rhodoid on a marble slab. Chop the chocolate with a saw blade and temper. Pour the tempered chocolate into a piping bag fitted with a No. 8 smooth nozzle and pipe onto the rhodoid in portions the size of a hazelnut, or scoop it out with a spoon and spread it out. Press down on each portion with the end of a metal spatula to form into flakes. Store products in the refrigerator without removing from the rhodoid.

Thin chocolate chips

For 30 milk chocolate leaves
260 g milk chocolate
Cooking: 30 min

  1. Chop the chocolate with a saw blade and temper. From 3 sheets of rhodoid, cut out squares with a side of 20 cm. Place one of the squares on a sheet of cooking paper. Place tempered chocolate in the center. Spread the chocolate evenly using a long metal spatula. Pry up the corners of the rhodoid with two long spatulas and quickly remove the spatulas so that the sheet falls back onto the table. This will smoothen the surface of the chocolate. Do the same with 2 other sheets of the rhodoid.

  1. Place the chocolate in the refrigerator for a few minutes to harden. Once the chocolate has hardened slightly, remove the sheets from the refrigerator. Make a 4 x 10 cm stencil out of cardboard or rhodoid. Place it on top of the chocolate and circle with the tip of a knife. Place the chocolate bars back in the refrigerator for a few minutes to harden.

  1. Cover each chocolate sheet with a second sheet of rhodoid and press down with a baking sheet so that the edges of the sheets do not curl up. Keep in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Remove the second sheet of the rhodoid. Cut the rectangle along the intended contours, without waiting until the chocolate has completely hardened. Dry your knife thoroughly before each cut.

Chocolate Holly Leaves

100 g chocolate (dark, milk or white)
Cooking: 30 min
Cooling: 15 + 30 min

  1. Chop the chocolate with a saw blade and temper. Wipe the holly leaves together with the petioles with a damp cotton cloth and dry thoroughly. Dip the tip of a clean, dry brush into the tempered chocolate. Shake off excess chocolate carefully. Holding the leaf by the petiole, "paint" its underside from the middle to the edges, making sure that the chocolate does not get on the other side of the leaf.

  1. Spread the chocolate-covered leaves on a sheet of cooking paper. Place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes to harden the chocolate. After removing from the refrigerator, in exactly the same way, apply a second thin layer of melted and tempered chocolate on them.
  2. Put the leaves back in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Take them out one at a time and, holding the petiole with two fingers, peel off the chocolate “leaves” from them, gently pulling up.

In the same way, you can cover the leaves of laurel, orange, lemon, ficus, gardenia or camellia with a layer of chocolate. For this purpose, you can use artificial plastic leaves. Depending on the type of leaf, apply the chocolate to either the smooth side or the veined side.

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Many housewives are interested in how to decorate a cake with chocolate at home. Do-it-yourself sweet dishes and desserts are distinguished by their amazing taste and interesting design. With the help of chocolate, you can create a real culinary masterpiece. Inexperienced housewives decorate pastries in the usual way, which is also known from our grandmothers. To decorate, it is enough to melt the chocolate bar and pour over the dessert with the resulting composition.

Modern confectioners offer many ideas with which you can create chocolate compositions, invent something new and interesting. There are a lot of options, desserts of unearthly beauty are obtained. Chocolate delicacies will be able to take pride of place on the family table, will become one of the most beloved.

What kind of chocolate is required for decoration?

Allocate different types chocolate, many housewives do not know which one to prefer. Experts say that you can choose bitter, milk, white chocolate for decoration. However, you should pay attention to the content of cocoa in the product. Confectioners prefer chocolate produced in bars.


Jewelry can be created from cocoa powder. In this case, you should pay attention to the quality of the product. Poor quality powder can spoil the taste of the finished dish.

Chocolate decorations: according to all the rules

To create culinary masterpieces, you should learn in advance how to decorate a cake with chocolate with patterns. There are often stunning patterns on the surface of sweet dishes, geometric figures, ornaments. At first glance, it may seem that the work is done by professionals.

However, having listened to the advice of experts, even a novice hostess in her own kitchen will be able to work wonders. Culinary experts recommend giving up dyes. You can use only food approved by the Ministry of Health.

For work, various devices and special techniques will be required. You should familiarize yourself with them in advance and choose the most convenient option for yourself.

Chocolate bow decoration

Chocolate bow - interesting decoration which you can easily do yourself. You need to prepare the chocolate chips in advance. It must be cooled, held at a temperature of 25 degrees. This will make it easy to cut the chocolate with a knife and form an attractive tube out of it.

A bow is made from the resulting figures, which adorns the finished product. Chocolate elements - can be represented in the form of branches, trees, letters, numbers, figures of animals, birds.

Cooking technology:

  1. Take the chocolate and break it into pieces.
  2. Melt the chocolate bar in a water bath.
  3. This process should be carried out carefully, the mass should not burn.
  4. Take a parchment cornet, pour the mass into it.
  5. Decide in advance on the pattern, put cellophane on it, pour the chocolate composition along the contours.
  6. Place the resulting figure in a cold place.
  7. As soon as the mass hardens, remove it from the paper with a knife .;
  8. Move the decoration to the finished product.

How to make chocolate leaves for cake decoration

Chocolate oak leaves - the composition of the leaves looks interesting. Leaves are laid out on the surface of the sweet dish different shades work deserves special attention. Great option for holiday table, such a dessert will not go unnoticed.

Cooking technology:

  1. Prepare a drawing of an oak leaf.
  2. Put a tracing paper on the picture.
  3. Pour the melted chocolate into the cornet.
  4. Circle the contour of the sheet with the chocolate composition, pour the middle.
  5. Using the back of the knife, draw a straight line in the center, and draw oblique lines on the sides.
  6. This will create the veins of the leaf.
  7. Create the rest of the leaves in the same way.
  8. Put the composition on top of the confectionery in random order.
  9. Works that combine figures of different colors look interesting.

How to make flat chocolate decorations

Flat decorations - how to decorate a cake with chocolate with unusual figures is of interest to many housewives. The elements look amazing on sweet pastries, making the dish solemn.

Cooking technology:

  1. Melt chocolate.
  2. Prepare parchment paper.
  3. Pour chocolate onto the paper, the layer should not exceed 3 mm.
  4. Lubricate recesses vegetable oil, cut out shapes with them.

Volumetric chocolate decorations

Volumetric jewelry is a real work of art. It is best to entrust the work to a professional, only in this case it will be possible to obtain figures of incredible beauty.

For the preparation of jewelry, special forms should be prepared. They can be plastic, clay, metal, held together with a clamp.

Cooking technology:

  1. Forms should be cleaned of chocolate, rubbed, heated to a temperature of 30 degrees.
  2. Pour chocolate with a temperature of 30 degrees.
  3. If double-sided molds are used in the work, the chocolate mass is poured through the bottom.
  4. Shake well for 2 minutes.
  5. In order not to form voids, and the mass is evenly distributed, turn the form over.
  6. Put the form down, pour the rest of the chocolate mass.
  7. A layer of up to 4 mm will remain on the walls.

fruit decorations

How to decorate a cake with chocolate and fruits is a rather relevant question. Often there are confectionery products that are decorated with fruit slices. Such desserts look very bright, attract special attention.

Decorating pastries with fruit is quite simple. You can use any ingredients, you can also place fruits as you like. In order to make the cake festive, you can pour chocolate on top of the fruit or install several chocolate figurines. It all depends on fantasy, any creative ideas and experiments are welcome.

There are a lot of recipes for making chocolate decorations. There are more simple options, represented by inscriptions and flat figures. There are also more complex compositions. You can decorate the cake as you like, every housewife will definitely find something for herself. best option, with the help of which he can create real culinary masterpieces in his own kitchen.

The cake should be tasty, but also beautiful. Not everyone knows how to decorate a cake with chocolate. This is an easy and delicious way to decorate. Works of art can be created not only by professionals, it is also possible at home. There are five ways to decorate cakes with chocolate: openwork, shavings, lace, leaves, wavy.

The openwork way of decoration is thin chocolate nets, flowers, figurines.

In order to create such a decoration, you only need parchment paper, chocolate, a spatula, and foil.

  1. You need to come up with or select the desired pattern in advance. It must be applied with a pencil on the foil.
  2. Pour the heated chocolate into a bag made of parchment paper.
  3. Carefully cut off the bottom corner of the bag, circle the pattern with chocolate.
  4. The foil must be placed on a hard surface, put in the refrigerator. When the chocolate has hardened, separate the pattern from the foil with a spatula.

Do not forget that it is very fragile. These patterns can decorate cakes, desserts or even ice cream.

Chocolate chip decoration

Cakes can be decorated with chocolate chips. It can be of different shades, colors, shapes, sizes. There are several ways to get shavings.

You can use a regular chocolate bar without filling.

  1. It must be put in a warm place, when the tile becomes soft, with a sharp knife at an angle, you need to cut thin slices.
  2. They curl up into tubes, before decorating the cake, they should be cooled.

If you need colored chocolate chips, then you will need to melt the white chocolate and add food coloring to it. Do shavings in the same way as with ordinary tiles. From shavings, you can lay out drawings, combine patterns and much more.

Chocolate lace decoration

Decorating a cake with lace at home is not easy, but possible. To prepare this type of decoration, you will need: a lace napkin, parchment paper, tracing paper and a tray.

  1. Make a bag out of parchment paper, cut off the bottom corner of it.
  2. Pour the hot chocolate into the bowl.
  3. Put a lace napkin on the tray, tracing paper on top, repeat the pattern of the napkin with a chocolate bag.

  1. Put the resulting tracing paper with chocolate in the refrigerator.
  2. After 2 hours, carefully separate the pattern from the paper with a spatula and decorate the cake with it.

Chocolate leaf decoration

Even a beginner can decorate the cake with chocolate leaves. Making leaves is very easy. You will need: dense fresh leaves from roses or cherries, a brush, paper napkins.

  1. Wash and dry the leaves.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.
  3. Using a brush, apply it to the side of the leaf on which the veins are clearly visible.
  4. Chill the finished leaves in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  5. Carefully separate the real leaves from the chocolate ones.

If you want to make colored leaves, then you need melted white chocolate and food coloring. The decoration is very original.

Decoration with chocolate waves

With your own hands, you can make chocolate waves to decorate the cake. You will need: thick foil, thick plastic wrap, spatula.

  1. Cut foil or film strips of the length you need.
  2. Using a spatula, spread the hot chocolate over them. Roll the foil or cling film into a neat ribbon.
  3. Place the tapes in the refrigerator. When the ribbons have cooled, separate the foil from the chocolate waves and decorate the cake.

If you love baking and decorating cakes, this article is for you.
Everyone has long been tired of oil roses and leaves, and printing a birthday photo on a cake is simply not fashionable anymore.
But how then to decorate the cake so that everyone enthusiastically holds their breath at the sight of it?

Modern confectioners know that in the world of cakes and sweet pastries, as well as in the world of fashion, there are trends. Now in the top are birthday cakes decorated with sweets and chocolates. However, just putting sweets on top won't surprise anyone. Be patient, because further you will learn interesting and simple ways decorate the cake with sweets and chocolate.

What sweets can decorate the cake

Candy and chocolate can be used as independent decorations, or they can create an interesting design in tandem with other sweets.

For decorating with sweets, they usually use:

  • chocolate candies;
  • colorful lollipops;
  • marshmallow;
  • small cookies;
  • curly marmalade;
  • waffle cone;
  • kitkat;
  • Twix;
  • M&M's;
  • Snickers
  • kinder;
  • wafer rolls;
  • salted cracker;
  • caramel;
  • macaroni (macaroni, macaroons, macarons);
  • savoiardi cookies (lady's fingers);
  • gingerbread;
  • marshmallow;
  • meringue;
  • chocolate figures.

In fact, you can use any sweets, this is just a list of the most commonly used.

How to make sweets with your own hands

If you do not trust store-bought sweets, or simply cannot find them with the right taste and shape, you can make them yourself. DIY cake decorations for beginner pastry chefs may seem too complicated to prepare, however, this is not so, there are many simple and understandable sweet recipes.

Classic Chocolate Candy Recipe:

  • cocoa butter in a briquette - 200 gr.;
  • cocoa powder in a briquette - 400 gr.;
  • sugar syrup (can be replaced with useful analogues) - 200 gr.;
  • fillers: nuts, dried fruits (optional);
  • confectionery molds.

Note: the filling in chocolate must be added after pouring into molds.

A simple DIY chocolate recipe:

  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • condensed milk - 200 gr.;
  • butter - 100 gr.;
  • cookie crumbs - 70 gr.;

  1. In a metal bowl, mix cocoa, condensed milk and butter.
  2. We put the mass on a small fire and stir until the cocoa dissolves.
  3. Remove from fire and let cool.
  4. We mix the still soft mass with cookie crumbs and form small balls - our sweets.
  5. We send to freeze in the refrigerator. You can roll them in chocolate chips or nuts.

At home, you can easily prepare sweets such as caramel, marmalade, waffles, cookies, gingerbread. So don't be afraid to experiment to make your cake unique.

How to decorate a cake with chocolate at home

Ordinary chocolate decorations are easy to make yourself and they always look very impressive. They can be used alone (if you like minimalism) or as an addition to other sweet decorations.

There are several types of jewelry made from chocolate:

  • chocolate chips;
  • 3-D decorations;
  • glaze.

The easiest way to prepare chocolate chips, you just need to grate the chilled chocolate.

Making glaze is also not difficult. But with 3-D elements you have to tinker:

Then, pour the melted chocolate into a piping bag and cut off the spout so that the chocolate pours out in a thin strip. Draw the outline of the butterfly. Repeat the action several times if the figure is too flimsy. Place the film with the pattern on the open book so that the pages slightly lift the wings of the butterfly, and leave to harden. It is better to send the design to the refrigerator or to the balcony.

After hardening, carefully remove the butterfly from the film.

Please note: it is best to gently pull the film down while holding the chocolate decoration, and not try to pick out the butterfly.

If you are new to making chocolate cake decorations, make them with a margin, because openwork decorations are very fragile.

Decorating a children's cake at home is a very responsible business. After all, we choose the best for children, and when we bring out a birthday cake, we expect to see genuine delight.

I propose to consider decoration options only with the help of a simple list of sweets, which is given above.

How to decorate a cake with sweets for a girl: "Amusement Park"

We will need:

  • gummy bears;
  • small marshmallows;
  • large round caramel on a stick;
  • small rectangular cookies (eg Leibniz minis);
  • chocolate egg Kinder;
  • waffle cone;
  • savoiardi cookies.

Our task is to create a real Amusement Park on the surface of the cake: we cover the side parts with savoiardi cookies. Closer to one of the edges, we put a large round multi-colored caramel, after cutting the stick to the optimal length - this is our Ferris wheel. Under the "wheel" of cookies, fold two "benches" and seat a couple of gummy bears on them. Place a waffle cone horizontally on the opposite side.

You can stick it so that the tail is a little higher. Under the horn, from small marshmallows, build a soft "lake". Arrange the gummy bears in such a way that it looks like they are flying out of the cone straight into the marshmallows. On the free side, one after the other, place the two halves of Kinder eggs, make wheels from marshmallows - this is a train. Put gummy bears on the train. Candy cake is ready!

If you are creative in its creation, gratitude in the form of a child's joy will not keep you waiting.

Chocolate cake for a boy

We will need:

  • kitkat;
  • Twix;
  • M&M's;
  • Snickers.

Cut each chocolate bar into even pieces and sprinkle them randomly over the entire surface. Throw multi-colored M&M's on top - you get a concise cake for a serious guy.

Cake decoration for a man or salted caramel cake

There are men who are not averse to eating strawberry cake with coconut flakes, but there are comrades who are especially harsh and hard to please. For them, something will be the next cake.

Cheese cream cakes are best suited for salted caramel-style decoration. The combination of cheese cream, sweet caramel and salted cracker is unusual and very tasty.

What you need:

  • soft caramel;
  • salted cracker or salted sticks.

First we need to prepare soft caramel:


  • sugar 250 gr.;
  • butter - 50 gr.;
  • milk with a fat content of at least 3.2% - 150 ml.

  1. In a metal bowl, put the sugar to melt on a small fire. Stir constantly;
  2. As soon as it becomes liquid, we stop stirring and wait for the sugar to take on the shade of autumn foliage;
  3. At the same time, in a saucepan, heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil;
  4. Remove both ingredients from heat;
  5. Slowly add milk to liquid sugar and stir. If the mass does not become homogeneous, and the sugar thickens, put it on a slow fire. Constantly stirring, wait until the ingredients are completely mixed;
  6. Remove the mass from the stove and add oil to it. Mix well.

Please note: Work with caramel should be started immediately after cooking, because after standing, it will become thicker and the cake with smudges simply will not work.

We make caramel smudges at the edges. Well, if the color of the surface is white, then our decorations will contrast beautifully with the overall color.

  1. Crumble the cracker, and sprinkle the surface with salty crumbs. With the remaining whole cracker, decorate the cake as you like.
  2. Cover the surface with a whole cracker in an even layer. On one side, let the cracker slide down the side, as if sliding down.

Universal cake decoration with chocolate at home

What you need:

  • Oreo cookies;
  • Chocolate without additives;
  • Snickers
  • Round chocolates like Ferrero Rocher.

To begin with, the chocolate must be melted in a water bath. Next, we make chocolate smudges. Cut the Snickers into even pieces, take the sweets out of the wrapper. We spread sweets around the edge: oreo, snickers and so on. As a final touch, everything can be covered with “gold dust”, then the cake will look not only tasty, but also festive.

Cake decoration with pasta

What you need:

  • pasta of different colors;
  • colorful meringue.

This decoration looks beautiful on plain pastel cakes.

Place the macaroni along the edge of the cake, side down, slightly spaced apart. In between, place 2-3 pieces of small meringue.

In the center, you can put a beautiful curly candle, or put a lot of fresh berries.

Bonus: old chocolate cake? Recipe step by step

Well, not exactly from the old ones (after all, chocolate should have a good shelf life), but rather from those that no longer look the best, or from those that you simply don’t like.


  • Ordinary chocolates (without mousse or jelly filling) - 300 gr.;
  • Cream - 50 ml;
  • Butter - 50 gr.;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Flour - 200 gr.;
  • Baking powder - a teaspoon;
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.


Decorating the chocolate cake is up to you. It can be covered with sour cream or any other cream and decorated with airy marshmallows. And you can make a multi-colored chocolate cake with mmdems.

Decorating a cake with your own hands at home is a fascinating, and most importantly, rewarding business. Whether you're making a kitkat and mmdems cake or creating a masterpiece of confectionery art, your loved ones will appreciate the love you put into your creation.

It is not enough to make a delicious cake for serving it to the table or for direct sale, it is important to give it a beautiful appearance and unique design. A versatile ingredient in any decoration is chocolate, which has a robust texture, durability and great taste.

Decorating a cake with chocolate at home will allow you to unleash your creative skills and calm the central nervous system. In addition, it belongs to one of the most useful products nutrition for the human body.

Beginners do not always understand how to prepare a variety of decoration elements from ordinary tiles. Therefore, it is necessary to understand this issue in more detail, taking into account all the nuances.

Suitable varieties for decoration

There are three popular types of chocolate for decorating a cake or pastries. Confectioners also prefer to use good quality cocoa powder, but only in rare cases.

Consider 3 famous varieties sweet product:

  • Dark milky - the sweetest milk product containing at least 25% cocoa.
  • White - does not contain cocoa powder, but consists of 20% cocoa butter.
  • Bitter - from 40% to 55% cocoa.

Before using dry cocoa, check its suitability. Bad or spoiled powder will squeak on the teeth.

Any chocolate should be stored carefully in a cool place to avoid melting. The optimum room temperature should be 15-20 degrees.

How to heat tiles or drops?

The composition of chocolate sweetness contains cocoa butter, which is extremely picky about the conditions. external environment. An accidental mistake by the cook can turn the contents of the bowl into sticky clumps.

There are 2 best way to melt chocolate for cake decoration: microwave and bain-marie.

In the first case, you need to turn on the oven for high temperature, and finely chop the tile (we just throw the drops into a bowl). We warm the chocolate in the microwave, stirring it every 15 seconds to avoid burning and lumps.

For a water bath, we need 1 large saucepan and 1 smaller one. Pour water into a large one and put on fire, wait for the liquid to boil. At this time, we cut the tile, and send it to a small container. Carefully put a small saucepan in a large one with water.

While the chocolate is melting, do not forget to stir with a whisk or spatula. Make sure that vapors and liquids do not come into contact with the contents.

WITH microwave oven things will go much faster, but most confectioners prefer the steam method. It allows you to always control the combustion process.

Quick design options

If you have no experience or time is running out, then emergency cake decoration at home will come to the rescue. Any of the recipes does not require special skills or a “stuffed” hand, which allows you to avoid spoilage of the product.

KitKat and any candy

For such a dessert, it is important to bake a cake base of a certain size. Make sure the KitKat is 2 cm higher than the cakes, this is necessary during the cooking process.

  • For a beautiful cake, we need to divide the crunchy chocolate bar into strips.
  • We attach all the slices to the side parts of the cakes, fixing them with sticky cream.
  • We pour small sweets of any kind and color into the inner space.

A beautiful satin ribbon will help to complete the picture, which needs to be tied up with a cake.

chocolate shavings

An easy way to design a solid or colored dessert. You can sprinkle shavings on the top, sides, or use a stencil to give a pattern.

It is better to choose a medium type of grater so that the curls come out in a neat size. During the decoration process, do not cool the tile, because a product that is too cold will crumble in your hands.


The popular dessert tiramisu is simply sprinkled with cocoa powder on top. In the same way, you can decorate a homemade cake with your own hands. For a smooth drawing, use a stencil.

We put the cut out stencil for decorating the cake on top of the dessert. Using a sieve, fill the open space with powder or grated chocolate of any color. It is better to use a small strainer.


Icing is the most common way to decorate sweets. Appetizing glazed cake can also be decorated with any fruits, berries and sweets.

Before watering, the base should be cooled, but the glaze should be at room temperature.

Ganache with cream

Heat cream until boiling. At this time, we cut dark (100 g) and milk (150 g) chocolate into identical bars, and throw it into hot cream. Do not forget to stir the contents thoroughly.

If desired, you can adjust the color of the ganache by changing the amount of ingredients. And for colored glaze we use only white chocolate and food coloring.

with gelatin

The ingredient will turn the dessert into a mirror work of art. Before decorating, make sure that the surface of the cake is flat and free of bumps and crevices.

  • 1 large spoon of gelatin powder.
  • A glass of sugar.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • 65 grams of cocoa.
  • 65 grams of heavy cream.
  • 60 grams of chocolate.

Cooking process:

  • Dilute gelatin with water and set it aside for 10 minutes. After the elapsed time, pass the swollen mixture through a sieve to remove water.
  • Mix sugar, cocoa, cream and water in one bowl. We heat the contents on fire, stirring constantly. At the moment of boiling, we fall asleep chopped chocolate.
  • Pour the gelatin into the chocolate mixture.
  • Cool the icing to 30 degrees and pour over the cake. In order not to stain the surface of the table, it is better to place a baking sheet and a wire rack under the dessert.

Drawing with white chocolate

Pretty simple and fast way decorate any sweet. To do this, we prepare dark and light glaze in different bowls.

We completely cover the cake with the liquid from the first bowl, and carefully draw lines and circles on top with a lighter glaze.

Using a toothpick, draw one of the types of design:

  • Hearts.
  • Gossamer.
  • Chevron.

Video tutorials or step by step photos decorated chocolate cakes will help the beginner to prepare a beautiful dessert in his own kitchen.

chocolate figures

What could be better than homemade edible decor items. This decoration method has no limits, so we use our imagination at full capacity.

For beginners, it is better to use a 2D silicone mold, which will allow you to get any figure in a short time. To do this, pour melted chocolate into the holes of the mold in a thin stream, and cool it until it is solid. Delicious decor elements will be ready after a few hours of languishing in the refrigerator.

Another way to get voluminous figures is to use ready-made pictures. We put a thin layer of parchment on the printed paper with drawings and curlicues.

Outline the translucent lines with chocolate using a pastry bag with a small hole. We wait for hardening and remove the blanks from the parchment.

Decorative ornaments and chocolate figurines for the cake are also made in other ways, but with the use of additional confectionery tools and some experience.

Photo of decorating the cake with chocolate
