Melissa is a perennial herb. Translated from the Greek, the name of this plant sounds like "bee mint". It is also called "lemon mint". Melissa is used as a seasoning in salads, fish and meat dishes and as medicinal plant, which has antispasmodic, analgesic, wound healing and soothing effects.

Melissa planting

Before planting lemon balm on your site, you need to know that this plant does not tolerate damp, heavy soils, and especially acidic soils. A sunny area is selected for planting, it is possible with a slight shading. The soil on it should be light and fertile.

The site for planting is prepared in the fall, digging up the soil and introducing organic and mineral fertilizers: per 1 sq. m - a bucket of humus, a glass of wood ash and a tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizer. If the soils in your area are clayey, then river sand is additionally added to them. Melissa is quite a heat-loving crop, so it is better to grow it in high beds.

Planting lemon balm seeds

Melissa can be propagated by dividing the bush and seeds. Seeds are either sown immediately in open ground, or for seedlings. Lemon balm seeds are small and germinate for a very long time. From the moment of sowing to the appearance of the first shoots, about 28 days pass.

Seeds can be sown in open ground at the end of May, but due to the very long germination, seedlings may not be seen among the grown weeds. That's why experienced gardeners it is advised to sow the seeds of lemon balm along with the seeds of radish or lettuce, that is, very early crops.

Lemon balm seeds and, for example, radish seeds are planted in different grooves, which are located close to each other to a depth of 1 cm and in no case deeper, because lemon balm seeds are very demanding on light. By the time the seedlings of lemon balm seedlings appear, the radish is already ripe, the roots can be carefully pulled out of the soil and the melissa can be grown further.

Melissa lemon: growing seedlings from seeds

For seedlings, lemon balm is sown at the end of March in containers and pots. Seeds are prepared in the same way as for sowing in open ground. Next, the soil mixture is moistened in containers and the seeds are sown to a maximum depth of 0.5 cm. The seeds germinate at a temperature of 20 degrees, in sufficiently moist soil and in good sunlight.

When the seedlings have the first true leaf, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance of 3 cm between the plants. After a month, the seedlings can be planted in open ground in holes at a distance of at least 40 cm, since lemon balm loves space and in one place can grow up to 10 years.

Melissa lemon: cultivation

Lemon balm care is not difficult, because it is an unpretentious plant, and if its growth is not limited, melissa is likened to weeds. The main recommendations are loosening the soil and good watering especially in dry hot weather. Usually lemon balm is watered twice a week with a water consumption of 10 liters per 1 sq. m.

Every spring, lemon balm must be fed - 0.5 liters of mullein and a spoonful of complex mineral fertilizer are added to 1 bucket of water. This top dressing is enough for the entire growing season. For the winter, it is advisable to cover the lemon balm by spudding the bush with humus or peat and falling asleep from above with fallen leaves.

This herb is an interesting find for lovers of culinary arts. Melissa simultaneously contains honey and mint notes that echo each other. It is thanks to this combination that lemon balm can be used to prepare salads and other dishes. You can grow this spicy plant yourself on suburban area or directly in a pot of seeds or seedlings.

What are the benefits of Melissa

Melissa herb is perennial with a tetrahedral stem. The height of an adult bush reaches from 40 to 80 cm. The leaves, depending on the plant variety, have a different color and shape. Each leaf is covered with barely visible villi that gleam in the sun. The rhizome of the plant is highly branched and has well-developed shoots that are underground. During flowering, purple, pinkish or white flowers appear under the axils of the leaves, depending on the variety of lemon balm. And during the ripening period on an adult plant, you can see very small round brown fruits.

If you pick the leaves of lemon balm and knead them in your hands, you can enjoy a pleasant light lemon aroma. Melissa has a bitter taste.

The leaves are rich in vitamin C and essential oils. Because of this feature, the cultivation of lemon balm has always been popular, since this herb is used as an additive to dishes, drinks, and also in medicine - lemon balm will help in the treatment of neurosis, heart and stomach diseases, increase appetite and relieve headaches.

If you pick the leaves of lemon balm and dry them according to all the rules, then it will not lose its aroma and spice even after a year.

In the people, the grass melissa is called differently: honey, bee grass, lemongrass. In a sense, these names even justify themselves, because during the flowering period around the lemon balm you can see a large number of bees, and a separate plant variety has a persistent lemon smell.

plant varieties

In nature, there are many bred varieties of lemon balm. Each of them differs in the size of the bush, the shape and color of the leaves, the duration of flowering and aroma. Common varieties of lemon balm:

  • lemon;
  • pearl;
  • royal,
  • lime;
  • freshness;
  • upright.

There are also varieties of spicy plants in which the color is very different from ordinary lemon balm - this variety is called "pure gold" due to the fact that the leaves have a light yellow tint. And when they get Sun rays, then thin mother-of-pearl villi shimmer in the sun.

A popular variety of lemon balm that can be found in the fields and grown even at home in an ordinary flower pot is Variegated lemon balm. It has a bright aroma and has dark green leaves with golden veins.

You need to know that some varieties are decorative, and some can be used for cooking, as a spice and used for medicinal purposes.

If we compare Russia with other countries, then in Europe it is customary to massively cultivate lemon balm in fields, gardens and even on balconies. Lemon balm leaves are added to salads, soups and drinks. It has a light lemon scent. Imagine how just a few leaves of lemon balm can enrich the taste of spinach soup!

If you are a beginner gardener and want to grow lemon balm from seeds, then you need to familiarize yourself with the process and learn how to grow lemon balm.

Growing lemon balm from their seeds

Since lemon balm belongs to frost-resistant plants, it can be grown even in autumn - it will overwinter well even in open ground. Lemon balm seeds can be collected independently or purchased in a bag in a specialized store.

Melissa is sown at a convenient time - there are no clear restrictions. The plant will feel equally good in the ground (with the exception of the cold season). For example, you can sow lemon balm in spring, during the summer months, in autumn and before winter.

When planting seeds, it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. The distance between rows should be at least 25-30 cm.
  2. According to generally accepted standards, the sowing density is 1.5-2 g per m 2 of land.
  3. You can deepen the seeds by only 1-2 cm.
  4. It is also necessary to take into account that the seeds are very tiny and they will germinate for a long time. Therefore, so that the first shoots are not lost among the weeds, lemon balm seeds must be sown with other crops that serve as beacons. Mix lemon balm seeds with lettuce or radish seeds, in a ratio of 2:1. Sow the mixture in one previously prepared groove. When the first shoots appear, the radish or lettuce will already enter the ripening stage. Just at this time, they can be removed completely or transplanted.
  5. Seed germination persists for 2-3 years.
  6. Seeds can be sown in spring in open ground.

If you manage to grow lemon balm from seeds, then do not wait for the first year of flowering - the plant should gain strength.

The most acceptable option for growing lemon balm is planting seeds for seedlings at home.

How to plant melissa:

  1. In the middle or at the end of the first spring month, it is necessary to prepare boxes or small cups for seeds.
  2. For seedlings, you can sow lemon balm seeds directly into the greenhouse, if you have one.
  3. Please note that the germination of lemon balm seeds is very low.
  4. When planting small seeds, try not to bury. Just 0.5 cm is enough, in which case the shoots will be simultaneous.
  5. After friendly shoots, you can discharge the plants so that they do not interfere with each other during development. The best option- the distance between each sprout - 5 cm.
  6. After the first shoots, seedlings need a lot of light, so take care of this in advance. For example, you can install a box with seedlings on a bright windowsill, and in sunny days take them to the balcony. Also a good optionartificial lighting. You can make a seedling lamp yourself and turn it on on cloudy days.
  7. In order for the seedlings to develop well, add a little nitrogen fertilizer to the ground or immediately plant lemon balm in peat pots.
  8. As soon as the leaves appear, the seedlings need to be thinned out. Melissa picking is not done.
  9. After 40 days, it is advisable to plant lemon balm in the ground or a free pot in a permanent place.

When planting lemon balm in open ground, you need to choose a suitable place in the shade of trees, but so that the sun hits the plants. Melissa does not like shade, and from the abundance of moisture she can die. It is best to plant seedlings in a place where there is partial shade.

The soil needs to be well drained. The ideal land for growing lemon balm from seeds is sandy, slightly acidic or neutral.

When planting perennial spicy grass, it is advisable to prepare the soil in advance - since the fall. Dig it up well, remove all weeds and add mineral and organic fertilizers. Make sure that the earth does not turn sour in your area. If this happens, then you should take care of drainage. It can be crushed brick and small gravel. Soil acidification is fraught with rotting of the root system.

If the soil in your area is clayey, then it is better to dilute it with sand. It is also necessary when planting lemon balm to make the beds high.

As soon as the soil begins to warm up, it's time to get to work. First, prepare the site and remove the weeds. Then mark out the beds. The distance between the rows is 45 cm. You can plant seedlings grown from seeds in 1 or 2 rows, depending on the chosen location and purpose. It is desirable that there is free space between each plant, ideally 40 cm, then the bushes will not interfere with a friend. If you have enough free space on the site, plant lemon balm at a distance of 60 cm from each other. The plant will look more aesthetically pleasing, and when it begins to multiply, new bushes will quickly fill the empty space.

With the advent of the first shoots, lemon balm needs to be divided (end of spring), but this part of the work can be done at the end of summer. In the first year, the plant is strengthened, and in the second it will bloom and give good greenery. The crop must be harvested before the plant begins to bloom, that is, in the second year.

Growing lemon balm on a windowsill

Lemon balm is a popular herb used as a spice and as a folk remedy for the treatment of neuroses, vascular diseases, heart, stomach and allergies. You can grow medicinal lemon balm at home on the windowsill.

Plant propagation can be obtained in various ways:

  • dividing the bush - if lemon balm grows on your site, then it can be divided and transplanted into a pot. The procedure is performed in the spring, when young shoots begin to grow from an adult plant. They dig up a small bush of spicy grass, shake off the ground, cut it into small bushes with a sharp knife. Rhizomes are cut so that each sprout gets several young shoots with a bud. Then the young lemon balm is transplanted into a pot of earth;
  • layering - if you have an adult melissa bush, then you can propagate it much faster. It is not necessary to dig it out, young shoots will take root perfectly right on the bush. This must be done before the plant begins to bloom, that is, in the middle of summer. Young shoots (10-15 cm long) are lowered down to the ground, fixed in any way and sprinkled with earth. The place is abundantly watered. After 2 weeks, the young shoot will take root and can be cut off with a pruner, and then transplanted into a pot. After transplanting, the pot is placed in a shaded place and they wait until the shoots take root in a new place;
  • if the above methods do not suit you, then you can propagate lemon balm by cuttings. This is easy to do: we go to the store or the market and buy a bunch of freshly cut lemon balm. We cut off the tops with scissors and put them in a container with water. We wait until the sprouts take root (after 10 days) and transplant into a pot;
  • propagation of lemon balm by seeds is a long and troublesome business, but if you have patience, then such a melissa bush will be much stronger and more enduring than the spice grown by the methods described above.

Let's take a closer look at how to grow lemon balm from seeds:

  1. Before planting, the seeds should be well pickled in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours.
  2. Plant seeds in peat pots or boxes with earth to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  3. Seed containers are covered with foil and placed in a warm place.
  4. After 15 days, the first shoots can be expected.
  5. When the first 2 leaves appear, the seedlings can be dived into a large pot with 6-7 sprouts in each container.
  6. It is worth taking care of good drainage in advance.
  7. The height of the pot should be no more than 15 cm.
  8. After 7 weeks it will be possible to harvest the first harvest. During this time, the lemon balm will grow 6 leaves.

How to care for Melissa

Melissa loves the light, so you need to choose the right place right away. It can be a well-lit window sill. Although, if there is not enough light, the bush will not die, but will only slow down its growth and the color of the leaves will be paler.

Melissa loves moisture, so water the plant especially in summer period need plenty. On cloudy days and cold seasons, watering should be moderate.

Do not allow waterlogging of the soil, because the plant will begin to hurt. Also, water should not be allowed to stagnate in a pot - the bush can get sick and rot. That is why you need to take care of good drainage in advance.

Melissa loves moist air very much, so in the summer the bushes need to be sprayed with cool water from a spray bottle. If you do this every day in the heat, the sheets will become larger and acquire a bright juicy color.

Do not feel sorry for lemon balm bushes - they need to be cut off as often as possible - timely pruning of the plant will help to push back the flowering period, during which the leaves become rougher.

For normal growth and development of spicy grass, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature, within 18-20 ° C. The plant tolerates temperature fluctuations well, but this may affect the juiciness of the leaf. By the way, heat is detrimental to leaves, and melissa can endure cold.

In order for the bush to serve you for a long time, it is necessary to fertilize in a timely manner, for example, Agrolife fertilizer - 1 tsp. in the topsoil 1, maximum 2 times a month.

Mint is propagated vegetatively. In the first half of autumn, cuttings are cut or a mint bush with roots and a clod of earth is dug up. This lump must be cut with a knife so that 2-3 shoots with roots or buds remain in each lobe. Divided parts or cuttings should be planted in pots with a diameter of about 10 cm.

Drainage is laid at the bottom of the container, and then a moistened mixture is poured from a part of garden soil or two parts of humus. The roots of the plants should be in the ground, and the aerial part is cut at a height of 5 cm above the surface.

To speed up the process of leaf regrowth, the planted mint is placed as close to the light as possible.

Plants should be regularly watered with settled water at room temperature. It is desirable that it be constantly in the pan, since mint prefers air with a humidity of about 80%. It is also useful to periodically spray the leaves.

When the mint takes root and the leaves begin to grow, you can carry out one feeding with a solution of urea (1-2 g of urea per 1 liter of water). As a rule, the plant is fed at the end of September. In winter, top dressing is not carried out, they are resumed in February, when the sun appears.

How to grow lemon balm

For seedlings, lemon balm seeds are needed in early March. To do this, in a container with a ready-made soil mixture (one part of peat, soddy soil and humus) in grooves 0.5 cm deep, you need to lay dry seeds and spill warm water. Before germination, the soil must be sprayed every other day. Shoots appear in 8-10 days.

Seedlings should be planted between April 25 and May 5. Plant the plants at a distance of 12 cm from each other. Melissa is watered 3 times a week. When the plants reach 20-25 cm in height and buds appear, they should be pinched off to prevent flowering. This will increase the lateral branching, and during the summer period the greens can be cut 2-3 times.

When the plant reaches a height of 40-50 cm, it is cut off along with the stem, leaving 10 cm each. Thus, the splendor of the lemon balm bush will be increased several times.

Melissa is not afraid of the cold, so she can be left on the loggia or balcony until the late autumn cold sets in. Further continue. At the same time, 1-2 plants are placed in each flower pot, along with clods of earth from the box. The plant does not need fertilizer. For this purpose, you can use sleeping tea and eggshell infusion for watering.

Often in the garden you can see a modest plant - lemon mint, the care and cultivation of which will not cause complications even for beginner gardeners. The scientific name of the inconspicuous bush is lemon balm. The herb has many virtues, the use of fragrant leaves and stems is recommended in cooking, folk medicine, home cosmetology. Before you start planting and caring for lemon balm in the open field, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the features of agricultural technology.

Origin and description of culture

According to one of the legends, medicinal or lemon balm owes its name to the exhaled honey aroma - “honey” and “leaves”. The Greeks interpret differently, in their opinion, the culture was named after a girl who disrespectfully treated the Olympic deities. For her defiance and pride, she was turned into a bee that preferred lemon balm to other plants.

Another version of the origin of the name is that the nymph Melissa lived in Ancient Greece, who regaled Zeus with a special drink made from milk and honey. In honor of her, an inconspicuous fragrant culture was named.

Lemon mint is a perennial. The height of the bush reaches one and a half meters. The base is a powerful rhizome, reaching a length of several meters. The leaves resemble hearts, have teeth.

In July and August, lemon balm is covered with small white (sometimes pink) flowers that exude a delicate aroma. Fragrant mint is revered by bees - at the time of flowering, tireless workers circle over it, collecting nectar. Taste, smell, useful qualities honey did not go unnoticed - the bee product collected from lemon balm is considered the most valuable. The peculiarity of the perennial is that after flowering the fragrant aroma disappears. Leaves exude quite bad smell.

Varietal diversity

If the owners plan to grow lemon balm in the garden, it is better to study its varieties in advance, this will help to make a choice. There are many types of lemon mint, they differ in the height of the bush, flowering, aroma intensity:

  • It has a bright green shade of leaves and a persistent aroma. The height of an adult bush does not exceed a meter. Flowering begins in June, continues until mid-August. Used in cooking.
  • Inconspicuous bushes, reaching a height of 55-60 cm. The leaves are ovate, exude a delicate aroma. Flowers begin to bloom in early summer.
  • A feature of the bush is a height that reaches 130 cm. Flowering begins in mid-summer and lasts almost until autumn. Distinguished by the persistent fragrance of the leaves.
  • Melissa of the Lemon flavor variety is especially popular with gardeners, the smell of which does not differ from the fragrance of citrus fruits. It is commonly used in conservation, for the manufacture of perfumes and face and body care products.
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Agrotechnical requirements

Growing lemon balm is not as difficult as it seems to many novice gardeners. It is enough to follow simple agrotechnical requirements, which include:

  • soil preparation;
  • choice of location;
  • proper hydration;
  • timely feeding.

The soil for growing in open ground will need light, nutritious. Melissa likes good lighting, but without drafts, so it's better to choose cozy corner in the garden. The earth should not be abundantly moistened, often the bushes do without watering - dirt can destroy lemon mint, causing root rot.

It grows in one place up to 10 years, this must be taken into account when planning plantings. Adult bushes endure movements painfully, take root for a long time and may die.

How to plant melissa

Growing lemon balm is a simple process, but on condition that all the requirements of agricultural technology are met. Landing is carried out in several ways:

  • seedlings;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds in open ground;
  • layering.

The most difficult and time-consuming method of reproduction is through seedlings. Difficulties arise even when sending planting material into the soil - the seeds are small and not everyone can distribute them evenly over the surface of the substrate. Another feature of sowing is the need for stratification. For soaking, a pink solution of potassium permanganate is most often used.

Adult bushes can also be used for breeding - delenki take root well. If everything worked out and the plants survived, lemon balm will please you with a good harvest in the first year after planting. The bushes branch well, so an easier way is to propagate by layering or cuttings.


Getting lemon balm from seeds is troublesome, but interesting. Before sowing, be sure to soak the seed in a solution of potassium permanganate, then dry it on a napkin. It is recommended to use soil for growing seedlings for tomatoes and peppers - it is light, well passes moisture and air, necessary for plant growth.

Required condition- good drainage. At the bottom of the container, put a layer of expanded clay, clay shards, pieces of foam. Send the seed material to a depth of about 1 cm. After sowing, cover the container with a piece of glass or polyethylene. Shoots will appear in 4 weeks. After half a month, carry out a pick. Send seedlings to the beds at the age of 6 leaves.

The division of the bush

If there is no desire to grow lemon balm from seedlings, you can do it easier - get full-fledged specimens from cuttings. Engage in the process better in spring before the leaves appear. Dig up an adult bush, divide it into several parts, each of them must have a kidney. Delenki are planted in pre-prepared soil. Add ash, a small amount of sand, compost to the soil.

The first time after transplanting, it is necessary to irrigate the soil abundantly, especially if spring does not indulge in rains.

Reproduction by layering

A quick and easy way to get full-fledged bushes is to use layering for propagation. The process is simple:

  1. Dig a few deep grooves from an adult bush.
  2. Put a shoot of lemon balm in each furrow.
  3. Press the shoots to the ground with steel clamps.
  4. Sprinkle the places of contact of the plant with the soil surface with soil.

Water the earth abundantly throughout the summer. Usually by the beginning of autumn strong roots grow. Do not plant the resulting lemon balm bushes, leave until spring. After the snow melts, cut off the shoots, dig up the plants with a large clod of earth and transplant them to a pre-selected place.


You can use cuttings to grow lemon balm. It is recommended to cut them from an adult plant, and if it is not possible, then purchase a bunch of lemon mint in the store and use it for sprouting. The length of the handle should not exceed 15 cm.

At home, place lemon balm cuttings in water on a sunny windowsill. After a week and a half, the roots will appear, you need to let them get stronger and plant them in a nutrient substrate. If the weather is sunny and warm, it is recommended to land immediately in the garden or on the beds.

Growing from seed

Despite the fact that growing lemon balm from seeds is considered the most troublesome, many gardeners prefer to plant lemon balm in this way. In addition to the disadvantages, there are also advantages:

  • you can plant several varieties and independently check their differences and advantages;
  • renew plants that degenerate over time, which affects the aroma and beneficial qualities.

If garden soil is used for planting, be sure to disinfect it - send it to a hot oven for half an hour. It is better not to use boiling water - hot liquid will not be able to destroy some types of bacteria. Send planting material to beds in open ground in April-May, pre-fertilize and dig the soil.

seedling method

After the lemon balm seeds germinate, care for seedlings should be carried out, as for indoor plants. Conduct frequent but sparing watering, loosen the surface of the soil with a sharp stick, trying not to damage the roots that are in the upper layers of the substrate.

When picking at the age of 4 leaves, be sure to leave a clod of soil on the roots. It is better to plant plants in separate cups filled with drainage and a light substrate. After transplanting, place the containers on a bright windowsill, making sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the lemon balm.

Sowing in open ground

It is possible to carry out the cultivation of seeds not through the seedling method, but immediately in the open field in the country. The danger for such plants is in the weeds - they are able to drown out the tender sprouts of lemon balm, preventing them from growing and developing. It is difficult to cope with herbs - it is not easy for an inexperienced gardener to determine where the weed is and where the spicy culture is.

If you carefully weed the weeds, there will be no difficulties in growing lemon balm. A month after germination, thin out the bushes, leaving the strongest. Melissa bushes grown from seeds are resistant to diseases and climatic conditions, easily tolerate frost.

The main thing is to make sure that the soil is moist, but not dirty.

Features of care

Caring for mint is simple, the main processes that need to be carried out during the season:

  1. Watering. Irrigation is rarely carried out - excess moisture causes rotting of the roots and the death of lemon balm bushes.
  2. Soil loosening. Carry out carefully, without delving into the lower layers in which the rhizome of lemon balm is located - it can be damaged.
  3. Mulching. A thick layer of mulch (pine bark, chopped straw, sawdust) will protect against evaporation of moisture and weeds, loosening will have to be done much less frequently.
  4. Top dressing. Bring in nutrients recommended only for growth retardation. Most often, nitrogen compounds are used. Do not use fertilizer before collecting leaves.
  5. Shelter for the winter. Some varieties of lemon balm do not tolerate frost, so in the fall it is recommended to cut off the aerial part of the plant and cover the soil with agrofiber, sawdust, spruce branches, and dry grass.

In the cultivation of lemon mint, you need to remember one feature of the plant - despite the fact that in one place the bush can grow up to 10 years, cold resistance sharply decreases already in the fifth year. It is imperative to cover an adult lemon balm for the winter, otherwise it will die at the first frost.

Growing a house on a windowsill

You can grow lush compact bushes at home, using a sunny windowsill instead of a garden bed.

Growing and caring for lemon balm on a windowsill starts with seedlings. It differs little from the preparation of young plants for planting in the beds - send seeds to a nutritious light substrate, wait for germination and dive into pots. After the bushes grow a few full-fledged leaves and begin to branch, transplant into larger containers. Transplantation is carried out annually.

You need to take care of lemon balm, as for unpretentious houseplants:

  • prevent waterlogging of the soil;
  • protect from direct sunlight;
  • periodically loosen the top layer of the substrate;

Lemon mint, growing on the windowsill, needs to be pruned - this will allow you to get a compact beautiful bush. For the winter, it is better to completely cut off the aerial part - in the spring, young shoots will begin to grow from the root.

Melissa is one of the few crops that is easy to grow and care for. The main thing is that you can collect the spice 2-4 times a season, make preparations and even dry it, which will allow you to enjoy the aroma and taste of lemon mint in your favorite dishes throughout the year.

The origin of the name unsightly by appearance but fragrant and rich useful properties plants shrouded in legends. According to one version, the name is formed by two Greek words, translated meaning " honey bee»; Melissa is the name of the nymph who treated Zeus himself with milk and honey; according to another version, the beauty, turned into a bee by the will of the gods of Olympus, was called Melissa.

Melissa is a good honey plant, thanks to which the people received such nicknames as honey, mother liquor, beekeeper, swarm. You recognize the plant by its strong lemony scent, giving rise to another name, lemon balm. Other names: censer, lemon mint, mint, bee mint.

When Melissa Blooms

Melissa begins to bloom in the second year of growth. The flowering period of lemon balm falls on July-August. Before flowering, the plant smells of lemon aroma, at the end of flowering, the aroma becomes sharp.

When to plant

Reproduction of lemon balm by dividing the bush

You can divide bushes aged 3-4 years - by this time they will grow well. The most favorable time for division is the end of May or the end of August. Carefully dig up the bush and divide it into parts of approximately the same size, each of which should contain well-formed roots and 4-5 shoots. Delenki plant immediately in open ground. In order for them to take root well, provide shade and moderate watering.

Reproduction by cuttings

For rooting in spring, cut from young shoots. After cutting, put in water, you can add a growth stimulator. Roots will appear in about 2 weeks. Grow in a container with nutritious loose soil, then transplant into open ground.

Melissa is easy to propagate from cuttings, and if you don't want to disturb old bushes, just cut and root cuttings to quickly get excellent planting material.

Lemon balm care in the open field

There is no difficulty in planting and caring for lemon balm - it is unpretentious, care does not require special specifics.

Weeding and loosening the soil

The first year after will require closer attention. Young plants are not yet strong, they can easily be destroyed by weeds. weed grass it is better to pull it out by hand. Loosen the soil regularly to ensure oxygen access to the root system. Successful rooting will have a positive effect on further development lemon balm and yield.


Water sparingly during the initial growth stage. Mature plants are watered only during a severe drought, while watering is supplemented by loosening the soil. A layer of mulch will help keep the soil moist longer and prevent weeds. As mulch, use humus or compost, which will additionally serve as fertilizer.

How to feed

It is enough to feed lemongrass 1 time per season - at the beginning of the growing season. Use complex mineral fertilizers (proportions per 10 liters of water are 50 g of superphosphate, 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 15 g of potassium chloride, consumption per 1 m²). In order for the plant to successfully overwinter, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are applied at the end of summer.


Don't be afraid to trim the lemon balm. After pruning, it quickly recovers, gives a large number of new branches, the bushes become thick. This will allow you to collect good harvest, also neat cute bushes will decorate the site. Even when growing seedlings, pinch the shoots at a height of 10-15 cm. In the future, two or three times per season radically bushes: at a distance of 10 cm above the soil surface.

Melissa wintering in the Moscow region and the middle lane

To protect the roots of lemon balm from freezing, in the fall, mulch the soil surface with peat, compost and humus. Cover with additional thick layer of straw.

Melissa transplant

In one place, lemon balm bushes can grow for about 1 dozen years. At the same time, it was noted that frost resistance decreases from the 6th year of growth. Therefore, under the conditions middle lane In Russia, it is better to transplant lemon balm with dividing the bush every 5 years.

Harvest and storage

Regarding the question of when to cut lemon balm for drying, everyone decides for himself. Melissa is able to produce 3-4 crops per season. In June, young leaves have a delicate taste and aroma - at this time it is already possible to harvest. With the beginning of flowering, the concentration of essential oils is maximum, due to which the aroma intensifies, but the leaves become more rigid.

Lemon balm leaves and tops of shoots collected during flowering are medicinal raw materials. It is officially recognized in more than a dozen countries. Gourmets also prefer to harvest lemon balm at this time. The ability of lemon balm to quickly recover allows you to harvest before and during flowering.

For collection, it is better to choose a cloudy day, when the evaporation of beneficial essential oils is minimal. Dry in the shade at an air temperature of no more than 35 ° C, ventilation is necessary. For drying, spread the raw materials on paper or fabric, you can use cold dryers. After drying, store in glass jars with a well-closing lid, porcelain containers, can be folded into a plastic bag. The shelf life is two years.

Useful properties of lemon balm

Melissa can be called the embodiment of the dream of the most sophisticated gourmets: it combines citrus aroma and subtle honey notes. It gives the dishes a tonic, refreshing taste. In fresh or dried form, lemon balm is added to hot dishes (whether meat, fish or soup), mushrooms, salads are seasoned with spices, and is also used for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. From this herb you can cook incredibly fragrant and healthy tea, refreshing summer drink or liquor.

Melissa can be called a universal remedy. Since ancient times, the plant has been used to treat diseases of the stomach, liver, gallbladder. This is an excellent sedative for nervous disorders, hysteria, insomnia, lemon balm tea helps relieve headaches and dizziness. Currently, lemon balm is used in the complex treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Melissa also helps the female body with various diseases of the genital tract, hormonal disruptions, and menstrual irregularities.

Melissa varieties with photo name and description

Consider the best varieties lemon balm for cultivation on a personal plot.

Lemon tea - flowering occurs 80 days after sowing, the flowers are white. The yield is 2.9 kg per 1 m².

Mojito - white flowers appear 5 months after sowing. More than 3 kg of crop can be harvested from 1 m².

Freshness - bushes about 80 cm high with blue flowers. For two cuts, you can collect 4.3 kg of young shoots and leaves. Suitable for growing in farms and in household plots.

Lada is a very productive variety (dry matter yield 34 c/ha), grown on an industrial scale.

Zhemchuzhina - the variety is suitable for cultivation in all winter hardiness zones. The yield reaches 5.6 kg per 1 m².

Lemon balm - blooms 2.5 months after germination. The stems are semi-deciduous, the flowers are purple. Productivity - 3 kg.

Dozia - a plant 0.9 m high with dark green leaves and snow-white flowers. From the second year of growth, the yield of green mass is 3.4 kg.

Quadrille - each bush gives no more than 15 shoots, the yield is up to 1.5 kg per 1 m². Flowers of a light lilac shade bloom after 80 days.

Lemon flavor - lovely variety for horticultural cultivation. The height of the bushes is 60 cm, which is convenient for growing in a container as well. The plant yields 1.2 kg per 1 m².

Tsaritsynskaya Semko - the stem is erect, branched, the shoots are densely covered with small leaves. The yield is more than 2 kg.

Isidora is a plant up to 0.8 m high. The first crop can be harvested 2 months after germination. Productivity - up to 3.5 kg per 1 m².
