Medical statistics in the field of gynecology indicates the diagnosis of synechia of the labia in girls in 10 out of 100 cases. What is the problem, how serious is it, and is it easily fixable? The defect in the development of the child, when the labia are fused, more often - small, less often - large, was called synechia in girls. Such adhesion occurs in early age, in newborns, or at 1–2 years. The fused labia in girls in a small area is not dangerous and, subject to certain hygiene requirements, the pathology is resolvable, but it is important to prevent re-fusion.

What is synechia in girls

Synechia is translated from Greek as continuity, connection. Formation of adhesions, adhesions internal organs or external parts on the body is called synechia. As a rule, such a pathology is observed as a partial fusion of the small lips in girls, less often - the labia majora. In most cases, adhesion is asymptomatic, imperceptible to parents against the background of the absence of children's complaints. The peak of the problem manifests itself when the child reaches the age of 1-2 years and requires separation of synechia.

With timely detection, synechia does not cause discomfort to the baby, they are easily treated, however, advanced stages are dangerous with serious consequences, so it is important to detect fusion on initial stage. Parents need to pay attention to the well-being of the child and monitor the condition of the genitals. If the girl's anxiety appears and a pathology is suspected, you should consult a doctor. A gynecological examination is required if:

  • the baby experiences constant difficulties when going to the potty (cries, avoids, pushes);
  • there are changes of various properties on the genitals (peeling, redness, irritation).

What do they look like

With synechia, the labia can grow together in the lower third of the organs or along their entire length. The labia are interconnected by the thinnest membrane that blocks the entrance to the vagina. If complete fusion is observed, then the opening of the urethra is also closed. On the film, a strip is clearly visible - the place of fusion. There are cases of symmetrical fusion between the small and large lips on both sides. However, small external genital organs often stick together, closing the entrance to the vagina by a few millimeters, by a third or half, and complete overgrowth is possible.


Among the factors by which small lips have grown together in a child, a common cause is congenital pathology. Often the phenomenon occurs due to improper washing: the vulva membrane is very delicate, it can be injured when washing, and the labia can stick together during healing. The conditions conducive to the formation of synechia are as follows:

  • lack of the hormone estrogen in the body of a pregnant woman and, as a result, in the body of a girl (although low estrogen is the norm for a child until puberty);
  • the presence of infections and bacterial diseases of the urinary tract;
  • an allergic reaction to food, intimate hygiene products, clothing;
  • diaper rash due to untimely diaper changes;
  • rubbing with linen in the genital area;
  • the use of synthetic fabrics in baby clothes;
  • frequent washing (especially if soap is used every time the girl is washed).

What are the dangers of synechia in girls

The problem cannot be ignored: a neglected disease is fraught with serious complications. Synechia is dangerous by education closed space into the vagina, where vaginal discharge begins to accumulate. They create a favorable environment for the formation of bacteria. Due to urination disorders, inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs develop. In addition, the pathological development of the labia directly affects the reproductive system, and there may be problems with conception, gestation, and the development of infertility.

Treatment of synechia in girls

In the early stages of synechia in infants, they are easily corrected - with the help of a special cream. At night, an ointment is applied to the labia, which contains estrogen. At the end of the course (the duration is strictly individual), the drug is replaced with a baby cream. The use of perfumery hygiene preparations is necessarily limited. In the advanced stage, the small lips are separated surgically under local anesthesia. P After using this method, preventive treatment (lotions, ointments) is carried out. Either method requires strict hygiene with frequent diaper changes.


An alternative to surgical treatment are vaginal estrogen creams: Bepanthen or Ovestin. After hygienic procedures, Contractubex and Traumeel S anti-scarring agents are applied to the genital external organs. Malavit is used to relieve irritation. The effectiveness of creams is high with an initial and mild degree of pathology, which avoids surgery. The disadvantages of using hormonal ointments include extreme accuracy and application strictly to the stuck together area. The drugs are gradually being replaced by fragrance-free baby creams.

How to use Ovestin

With hormonal cream Ovestin, you can painlessly get rid of synechia. The drug is recommended for use with a lack of estrogen and with children's synechia. As a rule, a course of treatment is prescribed for a month. Topical application of hormonal drugs is practically safe, and the course can be extended up to three months, but if the effect is obtained in the early period, treatment can be stopped.

The advantages of Ovestin in pathologies of the mucous membranes of the genital organs in its mild and effective action, thanks to the component estriol, an analogue of estrogen. The complexity of use lies in the correct technique of application. After hygienic procedures twice a day, the drug is gently applied with a thin layer with a finger to the site of adhesion. In this case, you should not use cotton swabs, discs, put pressure on the vulvar mucosa. Do not attempt to separate tissue. Ovestin cream is recommended for use until the adhesion is completely destroyed.

Contractubex with synechia

This gel is used in complex conservative treatment to affect connective tissues. A positive effect is achieved from heparin and allantoin, which are part of the contractubex: the components help to smooth the place of adhesions, protect sensitive tissues. The gel is mixed with Traumeel C in the same proportion and applied with a thin layer of a finger to the place of synechia, similar to the use of Ovestin - gently and gently, exclusively on the problem area.

Surgical intervention

The last therapeutic measure for synechia is surgical exposure. It is used when conservative methods fail. Surgical separation, rather than dissection of the synechiae, is performed with local anesthesia, but in cases of tight adhesion, general anesthesia is possible. Doctors always try to treat the problem without surgery. Painful process requires recovery. The girl may have neurotic problems, and in the future - psychosexual disorders, so it is useful to show the child to several specialists before separating the lips in this way.

Folk remedies

In pathology, the use of home remedies is not excluded. Twice a day, the place of sticking should be wiped with fresh potato juice using cotton swabs. Such lotions are made carefully, stretching the fused labia. It is good to use olive, peach or other vegetable oils. At the same time, the problem area is lubricated with a finger, slightly pressing on the soldering area, as if separating it.

For a long time it was believed that such an intimate problem for girls as synechia was caused solely by improper or insufficient hygiene. Today, even residents of remote villages and villages have no problems with hygiene procedures, and fusion of the labia is still diagnosed from time to time. What should parents do if synechia is found in their daughter, says the famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky.

What it is

Synechia in girls is a cosmetic defect in intimate place, in which there is an fusion of the labia in a certain fragment, more often in the lower third, or along the entire length. Not only small labia can be connected, but also large ones, in some cases small lips are connected to large ones. Sometimes only the vagina is closed, and sometimes, with complete fusion, there is no way to even see the openings of the urethra.

In the process of accretion, the child does not experience any pain, itching or other unpleasant sensations, and therefore it is rather difficult for even attentive parents to understand exactly when this process began. Usually, a diagnosis is already encountered after a fait accompli, when a pediatric gynecologist begins to talk about synechia after examining the child. As a rule, this happens when applying for a kindergarten or school.

According to Yevgeny Komarovsky, 1-3% of all girls have this problem. This is only official data that exists mainly on paper. In practice, according to the doctor, the percentage of such babies in a single clinic can approach 35-40%. This is due to how a particular doctor treats the signs of synechia: if you really try, then fusion to one degree or another can be found in almost every baby under the age of two years.

Thus, says Dr. Komarovsky, the synechia of girls should not be considered a disease. Rather, it is a physiological feature of early childhood, and there is nothing wrong with this diagnosis. This does not apply to cases where the union is so extensive that it is disturbed and the outflow of urine is difficult. This can lead to serious gynecological inflammatory processes. In general, Komarovsky is sure, synechias in early childhood do not have any effect on future reproductive function.


The reasons for the appearance of synechia in modern medicine are not yet completely clear, although many specialized reference books point to some connection between the inflammatory process in the external reproductive organs and the subsequent fusion of the labia. So, bacterial inflammation, an allergic reaction can become a trigger for splicing.

Some gynecologists note that synechiae are more often formed in babies who are washed with soap by caring parents several times a day. With such hygienic procedures, the delicate skin of the labia is injured, and these microtraumas, healing, lead to fusion.

Synthetic clothes worn by a girl, too, according to doctors, can lead to the formation of synechia. An important role is also played by the washing powder the mother uses to wash the child's clothes - if it contains aggressive substances, synechia can be the result of chronic inflammation, which the daughter's genitals have been exposed to for a long time due to chemical irritation.

One of the most convincing causes of synechia, today, is considered to be a low level of the female sex hormone estrogen in girls in the first years of life, and this is the norm. Newborn babies rarely suffer from fusion of the labia, since they have an adequate supply of maternal sex hormones, but by six months the risks of synechia increase.


The only, but quite obvious symptom of synechia is a thin translucent film that connects the fused labia. Any doctor and almost all parents can see it if they look carefully. No tests and additional studies are needed to make a diagnosis.

If vulvitis or vulvovaginitis is added to the fusion, then redness will definitely be noticeable, discharge may appear with bad smell, the girl will begin to complain of itching in the genital area.


If the child does not complain about anything, if he is not worried about pain, itching, there are no problems with urination, you don’t have to think much about treatment, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. The degree of adhesion should be monitored from time to time by visiting a gynecologist. There is no need to “rush” into operations, because by the beginning of puberty, after 7 years, the girl will begin to produce female sex hormones (estrogens), and under their influence the labia will become more elastic, and the problem with fusion will be solved by itself. This outcome occurs in about 80% of girls.

The rest in adolescence will be prescribed medication - an ointment containing estrogen ("Ovestin"), which will need to be rubbed into the labia for several weeks. Gradually, the healing cream is replaced with any neutral one that does not contain perfume additives and dyes. It is used after swimming.

The standard treatment regimen looks like this:

  • the first 2 weeks "Ovestin" is rubbed twice a day;
  • for the next 2 weeks, the ointment is rubbed 1 time per day, for the second treatment, a regular baby cream is used;
  • in the future, Ovestin is canceled, only baby cream or another neutral cream is left, provided that the synechia has separated.

The drug should be rubbed in a strictly defined way: only with a finger, not with cotton wool or sticks, and only on the fusion area, avoiding contact with neighboring areas. You need to apply the ointment with a little pressure, but at the same time make sure that the child does not hurt. The pressure has at least importance than Ovestin himself.

Similar actions are usually not observed when using ointments and creams with estrogen, only a small number of small patients may experience slight swelling of the labia. At further use she disappears.

Such synechias, which are accompanied by problems with urination, unhealthy vaginal discharge, and pain, should be treated immediately. Parents should remember well that even in such situations, no one forces them to immediately take the child to the surgeon. First, therapy with the use of special estrogen-containing ointments is necessary, and only if it turns out to be ineffective, the mechanical separation of the fused labia will be shown to the child.

Yevgeny Komarovsky urges mothers not to agree to the mechanical separation of synechia by hand - this is exactly what pediatric gynecologists often offer to do. If your doctor is one of them, it's best to find another doctor who knows that it's better to use tools rather than fingers for separation in the 21st century, and that the girl should definitely anaesthetize her labia beforehand.

After a correctly performed procedure, Dr. Komarovsky recommends that you definitely take a course of estrogen ointment to avoid re-fusion. According to medical statistics, the probability of recurrence after surgery for the separation of the labia is about 30%.

To avoid re-union, or to prevent primary synechia, the girl's parents should remember that:

  • you need to wash the baby under running water in the direction from front to back, and not vice versa;
  • baby soap should be used no more than once a day, while it is important to ensure that it does not get on the mucous membranes of the labia and into the vagina;
  • baby clothes and bed dress should only be washed with baby powder, after washing, it is best to arrange an additional rinse with water, which was previously boiled and thereby “saved” of chlorine;
  • after the water procedures , as well as swimming in the river, in the sea or in the pool, the girl should be required to wear dry clean underwear, panties;
  • baby who hasn't learned to use the potty yet, you need to change disposable diapers more often, make sure that there is no contact with feces and prolonged contact with urine;
  • panties should be bought exclusively cotton, white, without textile dyes.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell more about synechia in girls in the next video.

From the point of view of female anatomy, the labia minora are the most delicate and thinnest skin folds. They are located under the labia majora and serve as a cover for the vagina. The absence of a mucous membrane, adipose tissue and the presence of sebaceous glands, as well as a closed state and a humid, and even warm environment at the junction of the labia minora, provides an excellent opportunity for inflammatory processes, as a result of which fusion often begins.

The fusion of the labia is of a different nature: complete or incomplete. If not complete synechia (unions of small length) does not cause any discomfort and when the girl’s hygiene is corrected, you can get rid of them yourself, then full adhesions are much more dangerous. They can provoke a violation of the outflow of urinary fluid, cause inflammation of the tissues of the external genital organs, provoke damage to the internal ones, and also negatively affect the functioning of the urinary system.

The fusion of the labia is essentially a natural process of healing healthy tissues in order to protect them from any aggressive influence, something like how a wound heals during an injury, forming small adhesions. In the case of the labia minora, as a result of infections and the development of other adverse conditions, which we will discuss later, the body begins to fuse the labia minora in order to protect them from aggressive influences.

Fusion signs.

To determine the appearance of synechia, you can independently carefully examine the children's external genitalia. The presence of a thin white-gray film connecting the labia minora in different places is a sign of their fusion. In addition, signs of the formation of synechia in a child can also serve as: pain when urinating, small vaginal discharge and irritation in the vulva. If you notice a similar picture in your daughter - do not panic and do not try to make a diagnosis on your own, and even more so, treat it. Contact a pediatric gynecologist, because only a specialist can prescribe tests in order to find the cause of adhesions, and then recommend a treatment method. As a rule, you will need to do a complete blood and urine test. It will be necessary to donate blood for sugar, feces for worm eggs, dysbacteriosis and enterobiasis, as well as make a number of smears for the presence of inflammatory processes.

Reasons for fusion.

In addition to infections that have entered the genitals, under adverse conditions and aggressive means, the girl's body can perceive soap, detergents and cosmetics that dry the skin and negatively affect it. To prevent these processes, the body begins to produce healing substances, which fuse the labia minora, suggesting that this is a traumatic impulse.

Too tight, God forbid, also synthetic underwear also injure the mucous membrane, and provokes the formation of synechia.

The same applies to diapers. Wearing them too often overheats the girl's genitals, and diaper rash is another step towards the onset of inflammation and fusion.

The conditions for such an fusion can also be a metabolic disorder.

Allergic reactions, which appear mainly on the skin, often affect the mucous membranes. Therefore, if you have an allergic girl, you should be careful about the redness of her genitals.

Various urinary tract infections, intestinal diseases and clay infestations.

Complications in a woman during pregnancy are also a reason for the formation of a synechia of a born child. It is especially worth being attentive to those whose pregnancy was difficult: there was severe toxicosis and there were intrauterine infections.

But the most important factor for starting the fusion process is the low level, in a little girl, of estrogens - female sex hormones. For this reason, the fusion of the labia occurs precisely during the period of hormonal dormancy of the female body - up to 6 years. It should be noted that congenital synechia is extremely rare. Basically, this is an acquired problem, and only the labia minora are fused.


After passing all the tests and making a diagnosis of "fusion of the genital organs", you should start treating your daughter as soon as possible. Depending on the length and severity of synechia, the treatment process can be conservative, medical or surgical.

1. Conservative methods of treatment.

They are used only with incomplete fusion and in the absence of inflammatory processes.

  • Proper hygiene procedures. Washing in the morning, in the evening, and also after each defecation process, with warm clean water only with the help of hands without various flavors and antiseptics. Do not constantly use soap and a sponge.
  • The genitals should always be clean and dry.
  • Refusal to use wet sanitary napkins, as well as powders and various waxed creams.
  • Replacing colored synthetic underwear with colorless cotton underwear.
  • Bathing the baby in water containing a solution of potassium permanganate, St. John's wort or chamomile.
  • Daily short-term massage with light pressing semicircular movements using baby cream.

This kind of treatment is, first of all, the prevention of fusion of the labia minora in little girls. Compliance with such recommendations will allow you to get rid of small synechia in a week or two. However, remember that even if you have never experienced synechia, girls under 6 years of age need a periodic visit to a pediatric gynecologist - at least once a year! Well, if there have already been adhesions - at least once a month, because relapses of synechia are a very common occurrence.

2. Medical methods of treatment.

They are used in case of complete fusion, the presence of inflammation and with difficulty urinating. It is the use of special creams, such as Ovestin and estrogen-containing drugs, such as Colpotrophin, as well as other medicines prescribed only by a specialist. In this case, the method of applying medications plays an important role. They should not be applied to all the genitals of the girl, but only to the nasinechia. Moreover, this should be done by slightly pressing, and pushing the labia minora apart.

3. Surgical method of treatment.

Despite the fact that today this method can be absolutely painless, thanks to the use of general painkillers, it is still used extremely rarely - in the case of complete fusion and if it is impossible to use medications.

The question of solving the problem, in what way to treat the fusion of the labia, lies, of course, on the shoulders of the parents. Only they, and only after consultation with a pediatric gynecologist, should draw final conclusions. If you find even a small fusion of the labia in your daughter, immediately begin to act, because synechia, if left untreated, can be very dangerous. External discomfort, infectious diseases, improper formation of the perineum, serious violations of the reproductive function in the future - all this can be easily and quickly avoided if you do not neglect the rules of hygiene, be attentive to your child, regularly undergo scheduled examinations and diagnose the problem in time.

Synechia in babies - fusion of the small and large labia in girls and the head of the penis with the foreskin in boys - are quite common. How do you know if a child needs treatment? Can the problem be prevented? What provokes the disease? The answers are given in the article.

What are synechiae and what do they look like?

Synechia is a common phenomenon that occurs mainly in babies 1-2 years old. Pathology is an adhesion of the labia (more often - small, less often - both large and small). The fusion is almost always asymptomatic, the baby feels good, so when parents discover an anomaly, they do not know what it is and how to help the baby.

Statistics show that mild or severe pathology occurs in 30% of children. To detect an accretion, you do not need to take tests - it is enough visual inspection external genitalia. How should it be if the child is healthy:

  • labia easily moved apart, separated from each other;
  • the gap and the entrance to the vagina are visually visible.

During fusion at the initial stage, there are redness and peeling in the perineum, then a thin film of grayish-white color is formed, sticking together the labia. The entrance to the vagina is blocked, which greatly complicates urination. In 1-2 years the problem reaches its peak. What synechiae look like can be seen schematically in the photo below:

The disease also occurs in boys: the foreskin fuses with the head of the penis, as a result of which the head is exposed. This is not considered a pathology, does not cause discomfort, adhesions resolve on their own at the age of 6-7 years - the foreskin will gradually hide the head.

Causes of pathology of the labia in girls

The most common cause of fusion of the labia is a congenital pathology due to severe maternal toxicosis during pregnancy or an infectious disease during the period of gestation. However, there are other factors causing the anomaly:

  1. Improper washing and violation of hygiene rules. Healing of delicate skin after trauma to the vulva due to sudden movement or hard pressure can cause sticking. Frequent washing with soap and infrequent diaper changes can also cause labial fusion.
  2. Infectious lesions - inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and mucous membranes. A baby up to a year old can become infected during childbirth or by household means.
  3. Allergy. The rash is often localized on the mucous membrane. It can be triggered by food allergens, hygiene products, synthetic clothing, etc.
  4. Infectious diseases and frequent use of antibiotics also cause synechiae.
  5. Lack of estrogen. Fusion in a baby in a year is sometimes the result of a hormonal imbalance. Although the low content of the hormone in infants is the norm, it can cause pathology. In such a situation, there is no need for treatment; by the age of 7, adhesions will disappear.

Most often, synechia is a congenital pathology.

Why is the disease dangerous?

If the parents find that the girl has overgrown small or large labia, the problem needs to be addressed urgently. An advanced disease is dangerous due to the formation of a closed vaginal cavity, where secretions accumulate, which are a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria and provoke the following conditions:

  • urinary incontinence and cystitis;
  • inflammation and infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • problems with conception, gestation;
  • high risk of infertility.

Features of treatment

Synechiae in girls do not necessarily require surgical separation. Treatment of a baby in a year or two, especially at the initial stage of the disease, can be done at home. Therapy includes careful hygiene, the use of special ointments, baths and observation by a doctor. Treatment methods are chosen by a specialist based on the clinical picture.

Surgical separation

Surgical intervention for sticking of the labia is an extreme measure. Separation and removal of synechia is carried out in cases where conservative therapy has failed. The operation is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia for several minutes by excising the adhesion.

The recovery period is painful, to facilitate urination and the general condition of the child, painkillers, antibacterial ointments, baths, and lotions are prescribed. Surgical intervention does not guarantee that the tissues will not grow together again.

Baby hygiene

If the labia are fused, but the pathology is at an early stage, the girl's parents should exercise proper care, which includes careful hygiene so that the adhesion resolves over time:

  • wash the genitals twice a day, as well as every time after a bowel movement;
  • use soap not often, choose a hygiene product without fragrances, paying attention to its acidity;
  • antiseptics and creams can be used only as directed by a doctor;
  • buy underwear made from natural fabrics and change it daily;
  • remove the diaper several times a day so that the skin "breathes".

In the presence of synechia, parents should take proper care of the baby

Medical therapy at home

Conservative treatment at home is prescribed for minor fusion of the labia. Preparations with estrogen (for example, Kolpotrofin) are applied to synechiae, while healthy areas of the skin cannot be affected. Means loosen tissues, destroying adhesions and separating the genitals. Therapy lasts from 2 to 3-4 weeks. The ointment must be applied twice a day, it should not be used without a prescription from a specialist. At the end of the course of treatment, the doctor should evaluate the results and stop or extend therapy.

In addition to hormonal creams, you can use the usual children's drugs: Malavit, Bepanten. They have a calming effect on the skin.


Ovestin cream shows a good result in treatment. It helps to painlessly get rid of fusion with a lack of estrogen in a child. Therapeutic course Ovestin lasts 1-3 months. The tool is safe, but when the desired effect is achieved, the use can be stopped ahead of time.

How to use the drug? After washing, apply a thin layer to the adhesion site, without using cotton swabs and discs and without putting pressure on the mucosa. Ornion cream has a similar effect - it is a cheaper analogue of Ovestin.


Gel Contractubex

A positive effect in therapy is achieved with the use of Contractubex gel. It acts on the connective tissue with the help of active ingredients: allantoin and heparin. They smooth out scars and protect delicate skin.

Contractubex is mixed with Traumeel S in equal proportions and gently applied to the problem area - similar to using Ovestin. The results before and after therapy become noticeable already in the middle of the course of treatment.

Folk remedies

Treatment of adhesion of the labia in a child can be carried out at home using folk recipes:

  1. An effective remedy is calendula oil. It has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. It is recommended to apply twice a day after washing the child.
  2. An infusion of chamomile, calendula and acacia flowers will relieve puffiness if it hurts for a girl to go to the toilet. The baby is put in a bowl of decoction for 10 minutes - the bath relaxes the muscles and reduces swelling.
  3. For washing children, it is recommended to use decoctions of nettle and St. John's wort. After manipulation, the genitals are lubricated with sea buckthorn oil in the affected area. It is important not to overdo it with hygiene - this leads to injuries, and in the healing process, re-adhesion of tissues occurs.

In severe cases, phytoestrogens are used - medicinal herbs with a hormonal effect (raspberry leaves, red brush, boron uterus). After preparing the decoction, they wipe the problem areas.

Prevention of fusion of the labia in a child

Hygiene plays an important role in the prevention of synechiae. You need to wash the child correctly:

  • use warm, preferably running water;
  • before the procedure, you must wash your hands;
  • the anus and genitals need to be washed with different hands to avoid bacteria and infection;
  • the stream of water should go from front to back, heading from the vagina to the anus.

For hygiene, you need to use special products intended for children. It is important that they have a neutral pH, they may contain trace elements. It is worth paying attention to additional components - they can cause allergies.

The baby should always be kept clean and dry of the external genitalia.

After treatment of fused labia, it is important to take care that there is no recurrence. Parents should follow these guidelines:

  • in an infant, you need to change diapers regularly, keep the skin clean and dry;
  • leave the baby without diapers for a while every day;
  • push the labia apart with each washing;
  • Apply ointment with estrogen once every few weeks;
  • at the first symptoms of inflammation, consult a doctor.

Synechias are common, but they should not be afraid. To prevent pathology, it is enough to follow the rules of caring for a child. Regular check-ups will detect the disease at an early stage.

What are the possibilities of classical homeopathy in the treatment of synechia in girls. A delicate problem requires an equally delicate and careful approach to therapy. In the case of treatment of synechia with homeopathy, surgery can be dispensed with.

What is synechia?

Synechia (from the Greek. synecho - fasten, connect) are called pathological connections (adhesions) between adjacent organs or surfaces of the body. In this case, we are talking about partial or complete fusion of the mucosa of the labia minora in girls.

How to define them?
Spike can be detected when examining the genitals. It looks like a film connecting the labia minora from the perineum and above towards the clitoris. Photos of the genital organs in normal condition and with fusion can be viewed here.

Symptoms that indicate a possible fusion are:
1. Girl's discomfort when urinating.
2. A stream of urine rising up.
3. Urinary irritation of genitals and thighs.

Why do they appear?
Among the main reasons for the appearance of adhesions, physicians call:
1. Lack of hormones (estrogens) that protect the mucous membrane from external influences.
2. Allergic reactions, manifested in the form of redness of the genitals and the area around the anus.
3. Irritation by mucous urine.
4. Excessive washing of the girl with soap - more than once a week.

Is this a new phenomenon?
No. Synechia appeared at all times, but now this problem has become much more common due to the tendency of children to allergies and improper hygiene procedures.

Is it dangerous?
No. If there has not been a complete or almost complete fusion that prevents the outflow of urine. BUT timely treatment is necessary in any case! Improper formation of the genital organs can lead to impaired reproductive function in the future.

At what age do synechiae appear?
Fusion can occur as early as the first year of life. Subsequently, repeated repetitions are possible up to 6-9 years. After this age, a sufficient amount of estrogens in the body prevents relapses.

And if the doctor suggests to separate surgically?

Disagree!!! This procedure injures the baby mentally and physically, but will not save from the appearance of synechia in the future.
The only exception is the situation when, due to complete or almost complete fusion, the child cannot urinate normally.

How to prevent their occurrence?
There are several ways to prevent and control the appearance of synechia:
1. Observe the rules of hygiene for girls. Gynecologist's recommendations can be found here.
2. Control the manifestation of allergic reactions. In case of reddening of the skin, immediately use Bepanten ointment or Malavit cream-gel.
3. Periodically inspect the labia to prevent complete fusion.

What are the possibilities of classical homeopathy in treatment of synechia in girls?

Patient O. 11 months.

The girl's mother turned to her with complaints of synechia (fusion of the labia minora) in her daughter, which recurred for the second time in her life after surgery.

For the first time, the appearance of synechia was noted by the district pediatrician when the baby was 3 months old. Local therapy with Ovestin and Contractubex creams was prescribed, but the synechia progressed very quickly and almost closed the genital slit in a few days. Then a surgical separation was performed. Unfortunately, a few months later everything happened again.

Mom is in despair, because she does not want to expose the child to another painful manipulation.

On examination, the child is very active, naughty, difficult to manage. Development is age appropriate. The girl is thin. Sweating is moderate, is on mixed feeding. He drinks little water. Often disturbed by colic from the age of one month, the stomach is swollen. The stool is unstable with a tendency to diarrhea. Mom follows a hypoallergenic diet due to allergic manifestations in her daughter on the skin in the form of rashes, especially in the groin and around the anus.

Since birth, sleeps and wakes only on the stomach. “We have an animal life,” my mother joked.

From a family history, before pregnancy, the mother was treated by a gynecologist for a long time for chronic adnexitis and recurrent candidiasis. The pregnancy proceeded with the threat of termination in the first trimester. Birth at term, independent. Apgar score 8-9 points. In the first days of her life, the girl had purulent conjunctivitis, which was treated locally with Levomycetin drops.

Medorrinum was prescribed in a potency of 200C, 1 dose.

A week later, my mother called and said that the synechiae began to disperse on the third day and now about 1 cm of the perineum remains closed by the synechiae.

A month later - there is no synechia, the child fell asleep on his back for the first time.

Treatment of synechia with homeopathy makes it possible to solve the problem without the use of surgery.

Synechia, adhesions, adhesions are called adhesions of organs or their parts to each other. But if we are talking about synechia in girls, then the fusion of the labia is implied. Yes, such a pathology exists, and we will talk about it.


It turns out that if you dig into the statistics, you can find that this phenomenon occurs in 3-30% of girls. The range is wide and is explained by the attitude of parents and doctors to the problem. Many do not take into account partial synechia in girls that are less than half a centimeter in size. After all, they do not cause subjective sensations in the child, are not complicated and resolve on their own.
Synechiae often develop between the labia minora, but there are cases of adhesions between the large ones, as well as between the large and small ones.

Previously, synechia of the labia in girls was attributed to congenital anomalies. This happened, but rarely. Subsequently, it turned out that more often the pathology develops during the second year of life and specific causes lead to it.

The essence of the process

The fusion of the labia develops in girls against the background of inflammation, one of the mandatory manifestations of which is exudate effusion. The latter is rich in proteins. With the "aging" of the exudate, the proteins begin to stick together, soldering adjacent tissues to each other.

In our case, the integumentary epithelium of the labia. Between them, a thin translucent adhesion is formed partially or throughout. As a result, the outflow of the constantly formed vaginal secret is difficult.
With a significant fusion, the outflow of urine is also difficult, because the urethra is anatomically covered by the small and large labia. As a result, or may occur.


Inflammation in the vulva is caused by several factors.

  • Low estrogen background. These female sex hormones stimulate the production of mucus by the glands of the cervical canal, cervix, and vagina. Estrogen deficiency leads to dryness of the mucous membranes, the growth of microflora and the development of inflammation, which contributes to gluing. It is the low estrogen background in a pregnant woman that causes synechia of the labia minora in newborn girls.
  • . When washing from back to front, E. coli is introduced from the anal canal into the area of ​​​​the external genital organs.
  • Insufficient hygiene. Everything is clear here: the absence or lack of hygiene measures contributes to the reproduction of microflora, both pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic. This also includes long-term wearing of diapers in order to save money with the development of diaper rash.
  • Excessive hygiene. With unreasonably frequent washing, especially with the use of bactericidal agents, the own immunity of the skin and mucous membranes, initiated by beneficial microorganisms, is depleted. As a result, pathogenic microflora begins to dominate.
  • Hygiene using irritating soaps and gels. Formed superficial, easily infected erosion.
  • , developing both on means for intimate hygiene, and being a manifestation of a general allergy.

Background for the development of inflammation are common diseases and conditions with immunodeficiency, as well as metabolic pathology.


Partial adhesions are asymptomatic or with mild discomfort. Symptoms appear with a significant fusion or inflammation. In the first case, urination is disturbed: the girl's synechia changes the direction of the urine stream, causing her slow discharge. The child pushes during urination, behaves restlessly, or even cries.
On examination, adhesions between the labia are visible.

The photo clearly shows the synechia of the labia minora, caused by diaper rash in the girl:

And in this photo you can see how the synechia of the labia majora looks like in a girl:

The prolonged existence of pronounced adhesions contributes to the development of an ascending urogenital infection. Its accession is evidenced by various types of discharge with an unpleasant odor, pain in the lower abdomen, itching or burning sensation in the vagina, back pain, and fever. Pain can be bursting in nature with a significant accumulation of vaginal exudate. And with complete fusion, acute urinary retention occurs.

With allergic inflammation, bright hyperemia, skin itching and the appearance of a rash join.


Adhesions between the labia are easily determined during a gynecological examination. But before treating synechia, the girls take secretions for cytological and bacteriological examination. Their results influence medical tactics. Also, ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed and general and biochemical blood and urine tests are done to identify background pathology.


No one treats asymptomatic partial adhesions. They will go away on their own over time. In case of violation of urination or the addition of inflammation, local therapy is indicated. With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment or severe symptoms, surgical dissection of adhesions is performed.

Conservative therapy

Synechia in girls does not require inpatient treatment, it is carried out at home. Mom can do it on her own.

  • An effective drug is an estrogen-containing ointment or cream. So, for example, in children, the hormonal cream Ovestin with synechia stimulates the regeneration of the epithelium, normalizes acidity and restores the microflora in the vulva. Not inferior to him and Kolpotrofin, which has a similar effect.
  • The cream must be applied after intimate hygiene and baths from anti-inflammatory decoctions. medicinal herbs twice a day for 2 weeks. Then, until the end of the month, it is applied once, and the second application is replaced with a neutral cream (for example, for children with lanolin).
  • Side effects in girls from topical application Ovestin or Kolpotrofin with synechia are minimal. But still, these are hormonal drugs. They must be applied only to the soldering and no more.

Other effective tool with synechia in girls, a mixture of equal parts of Kontratubex gel and Traumeel S cream is used. In combination, they relieve all manifestations of inflammation, promote tissue regeneration and increase their resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

  • The mechanical factor also plays a role. Each time you rub a cream or ointment from synechia, you need to lightly press on the treated surface - this will speed up the separation of adhesions in girls.
  • After successful separation of the adhesions, local therapy should continue, but wound healing oils (sea buckthorn, vaseline, olive) should be applied, which will also prevent the recurrence of adhesions.
  • Surgical separation of synechia in girls is a low-traumatic operation for dissecting adhesions with a scalpel or electrical appliances. After the operation, the use of local wound healing agents is indicated.


You will not increase the level of estrogen. With age, it normalizes itself. But you can properly wash and teach this child. Make it a rule to buy neutral and hypoallergenic baby care products. Change diapers in time and replace wipes with wet wipes for regular washing.

When the first signs of diaper rash appear, use special creams, this will protect against the development of synechia in girls. Keep allergic children away from irritants.

Komarovsky warns

The doctor considers pathology to be a feature of physiological development, in which expectant tactics are indicated. But with complicated synechia in girls, Komarovsky calls surgical the only method of treatment. The pediatrician insists on preliminary anesthesia, and if the gynecologist is going to do the manipulation “on the live”, he advises changing the doctor.

Video about pathology

The video briefly outlines the causes, symptoms and treatment of adhesions. Pay attention to which cream for synechia in girls is a priority for pediatric gynecologists.

Synechia in girls in most cases is asymptomatic and resolves on its own, but in case of complications, medical and even surgical treatment will be required. Did you know about this pathology? What exactly? Write to us about it in the comments.

In anatomy, the word "sinechia" literally means a adhesion of organs or parts of the human body. Basically, this is observed in girls in the form of a partial or complete fusion of the labia, covering, respectively, only the vaginal fissure or, together with it, the urethra. In the latter case, it is manifested by unpleasant and even painful symptoms. Synechia in girls is a fairly common phenomenon. According to statistics, they are present to one degree or another in 3% of female children, and according to other sources, the percentage is much higher. It's just that the pathology usually does not bother the child, and parents sometimes do not notice it.

According to recent studies, the peak of the development of the disease falls on two age categories: 1-3 years and 7-8 years. The fusion of the labia minora is more often observed, although there are cases of their adhesions with the large ones. Everything is easily determined by a detailed examination:

  • the genitals are connected by a peculiar film of light gray color;
  • breeding causes pain to the child, and the adhesion remains;
  • only part of the vagina is visible or it is completely closed.

Under normal circumstances, the gap between the labia after dilution is large enough, and the vagina should be visible through it without obstruction. In healthy girls, the labia minora look like separate petals, and their lateral surfaces do not connect with the large ones.

Synechia is also observed in boys (). They manifest themselves in the form of fusion of the glans penis and inner surface foreskin. Unlike girls, this condition is not considered a disease until the age of 3. Here, the body of the boys "uses" the synechia of the foreskin as a defense mechanism against infections.


The reasons for the development of synechia in girls are still under study. Previously, doctors believed that this pathology is congenital. But now there is a lot of refuting evidence. In most cases, it is caused by a low level of the female hormone transmitted by the mother - estrogen, that is, the disease appears in children after birth. Moreover, when girls reach the age of puberty, when their own body begins to actively produce the hormone, more than 80% of synechia completely disappear without medical intervention. And in newborns with high estrogen, such pathologies are not observed.

The following possible causes of pathology are also distinguished:

  • Excessive "passion" for sexual hygiene. Parents should understand that everything is good in moderation. This statement is also true regarding the procedures for sexual hygiene of children. In particular, it concerns little girls, since the mucous membrane of the vulva is sensitive to external influences. But when washing, soap is used, which increases the alkalinity of the skin. Moreover, even special children's hygiene products have such an effect. In addition, too hard water and even excessive friction when washing the child's genitals play a role. And repeated several times a day, can lead to the development of an inflammatory process, resulting in the formation of adhesions.
  • Poor sexual hygiene. The previous paragraph does not mean at all that it is necessary to wash away girls as little as possible. After all, such violations of hygiene rules can also provoke inflammation (the most common causes are the remains of substances after urination and vaginal discharge).
  • Bad underwear. Here we are talking about older children (7-8 years). If a girl wears poor-quality underwear (many seams, poor material, design errors in the development of the model) or underwear that does not match the size, over time, microtraumas occur on the vulvar mucosa. In addition, being made of synthetic material, it will cause sweat to build up. Such factors will provoke inflammation and increase the likelihood of developing synechia.
  • Infections. Fused small genitals are observed with a prolonged course of vulvovaginitis. Although most of this disease occurs in adult women, pediatric gynecology also sometimes records cases of infection. They occur after swimming in the lake, using someone else's washcloth or towel, and even from wearing clothes washed with "adults". Mothers themselves can bring the infection when washing the child with dirty hands. If synechia against the background of vulvovaginitis is observed in infants, it is with a high probability that it is permissible to say that the infection came from the mother. And, most likely, it happened during childbirth, when the girl was in contact with her genitals.
  • Allergy. Parents pay attention to the manifestation of allergies on the skin, forgetting that mucous membranes are also susceptible to a similar reaction. If the lesion affects the vulva, there is a possibility of synechia of the small genitalia.

Infectious causes of the development of this pathology are not limited to the consequences of vulvovaginitis. So, pathogenic bacteria can get on the mucous membrane of the vulva, not only from the outside, but in the process of urination. Moreover, the symptoms of such inflammation are absent or are manifested by slight redness. If you do not follow the appropriate rules for care during healing, synechia will develop over time.


Photo of the fusion of the labia in a baby.

In addition to external differences in the structure of the genital organs, which were described at the beginning of the article, synechia in girls may be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • irritations often appear on the genitals and inner thighs of the child - reddening of the skin, sometimes accompanied by its peeling, various rashes;
  • urination is accompanied by pain, and young children do not always indicate it, the girl's constant reluctance to go to the potty should make parents take a closer look at appearance her labia;
  • with partial synechia, urination itself does not cause difficulties for the child, but due to the pathology of the structure, the jet will be deflected upwards.

Sometimes there may also be signs of infection, if such an attachment has occurred. But in most cases, there are no symptoms of the disease, and parents usually discover it during hygiene procedures.


Usually the diagnosis of this pathology is confirmed after the first examination by a doctor. For children under one year old - a pediatrician, while older children are engaged in pediatric gynecology. If an infection is suspected, the child may be referred for additional examinations. Although this rarely happens, it is still worth knowing what tests are done in such situations:

  • diagnostics by PCR;
  • smears for flora;
  • bakposev;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis.


More often synechia are small in size (less than 5 mm), there are no dangerous health consequences. After all, such a minor pathology does not interfere with normal urination and does not cause pain. Although over time, the spike may increase, which will prevent the full development of the child's genitals and in the future will cause a violation of the childbearing function. That is, here it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the girl, and it is advisable to entrust the doctor.

In more serious cases, the space between the organs is closed, which creates a favorable environment for the development of infections. Moreover, the consequences of this can be the most deplorable, since pathogens tend to spread throughout the body. Timely access to a doctor and, if necessary, subsequent treatment of synechia are extremely important.


If there are no symptoms of synechia, no specific treatment is required. When the level of estrogen in the girl's body rises, the disease will disappear on its own. All that needs to be done here is to comply with hygiene procedures. Otherwise, you will need to use special ointments and creams that the doctor will prescribe. Occasionally, the dissection is performed by the method of surgical intervention.


The well-known children's gynecologist E. V. Uvarova formulated the rules of intimate hygiene quite clearly:

  • washing the girl must be running warm water after washing your hands;
  • the genitals and anus are washed with different hands to avoid infection;
  • a jet of water is directed to the vagina from front to back;
  • if the hygiene product does not have the appropriate certificate, it should not be used;
  • children's products for intimate hygiene should be pH neutral, without allergens, contain a complex of microelements and special enzymes that stimulate the development of normal microflora in the vagina.

Uvarova notes that the daily use of hygiene products (soap, gel) when washing organs, especially in girls with allergic manifestations, is not recommended.

Therapeutic baths and massage

In addition to hygiene procedures, herbal baths and massage will be useful, it is recommended to lubricate the finger with Bepanten ointment). For sitz baths, medicinal herbs such as chamomile, calendula, and sage are suitable. The duration of these procedures should not exceed 10 minutes. After that, you can lubricate the organs of the child. Here it is better to use oil without additives: peach or sea buckthorn.

Massage is done by lightly stroking with a finger without pressure, but the movements should be directed to the gradual separation of the organs. The Bepanthen ointment used during the procedure will speed up the healing process. The result will not be immediately, you need to try not to hurt the girl with unnecessary efforts.

From folk remedies, the following simple recipes can be given:

  • Squeeze the juice from the potato and soak two cotton swabs in it. Wipe the place of fusion of the girl's organs with them, slightly stretching them in different directions.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly, take sunflower oil and dip your finger in it. Hold them in the place of soldering, pressing a little, but so that the child does not experience discomfort.

Here it must be remembered that such procedures at home are carried out only with a partial form of synechia, which proceeds without complications. Before using any components, the possibility of allergic reactions should be considered. If the child does not tolerate sea buckthorn or peach oil, take olive oil.


When synechia in girls is accompanied by painful symptoms, standard treatment for fusion of both labia minora and labia majora includes the use of estrogen ointments and conventional baby creams. The first is not recommended to be purchased without a doctor's prescription, even though the risk of manifestation side effects they have a minimum. Ointments should be applied exclusively with a finger clearly along the adhesion line, trying not to touch the rest of the surface of the genital organs.

The standard duration of treatment is 2 weeks with the use of drugs 2 times a day. Next, the doctor evaluates the result and, if necessary, prescribes another two-week course, only now it is allowed to use the ointment once a day. The usual baby cream is added here, with which you need to lubricate the girl's genitals after bathing (Malavit cream-gel, which has a "soothing" effect on the skin, has proven itself well).

Now let's deal with the means used in the treatment:

  • estrogen therapy. "Ovestin" is the most acceptable ointment that helps get rid of synechia in most cases. With the gradual replacement of it with a regular cream (preferably containing lanolin), which will prevent the re-formation of adhesions, Ovestin is an effective time-tested method. Moreover, it is considered safe for the health of children. A similar effect has Trimekain ointment.
  • Alternative methods. For parents who are afraid to use hormonal ointments, doctors recommend a mixture of Contractubex + Traumeel. They are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the spike in the same way as the previous ones. The treatment lasts about 3 months, but Contractubex is a common anti-scar preparation, and Traumeel is a homeopathic remedy. And none of them contain estrogen. For the same purposes, doctors prescribe methyluracil ointment.

Surgical intervention

In rare cases, synechia in girls is not amenable to conservative treatment. If the adhesions are firm and interfere with urination, surgical incision is indicated. In modern medicine, such methods are painless, but here it is important psychological aspect. In connection with the experience, the child may develop a neurological disorder, which in the future can affect the quality of sexual life. Doctors try by all means to avoid surgery.


Prevention of the development of synechia in girls is quite simple:

  • observe the rules of washing;
  • when choosing intimate hygiene products, give preference to products without dyes and flavors;
  • avoid getting a large amount of soap on the mucous membrane of the vulva;
  • use diapers "in moderation" and change in time;
  • buy a girl white cotton underwear;
  • after each urination, rinse the genitals with running water without soap.

Even if the child has already been cured, prevention is not canceled, since the likelihood of relapse is high. It is recommended to monitor the condition of the girl until puberty. Those who have the disease for the first time should not make independent attempts to eliminate it. It's better to see a doctor.

Many parents have no idea what synechia of the labia minora is. At lectures for expectant mothers, this problem is not mentioned. Therefore, mother, although she herself is a woman, can not always determine the presence of an illness. So what is it? Synechia, simply put, is the adhesion of the labia. At the same time, both small labia and large ones can grow together. The fusion can be complete or partial.

It is possible to suspect synechia of the labia by self-examination of the child.

Before examining your daughter, you must:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Get rid of long nails, otherwise you can injure the baby.
  • Turn the child on its back.
  • As accurately as possible, spread your legs and proceed directly to the examination of the genitals.

After the opening of the labia majora, one can see that the labia minora are strongly in contact, and there is a film between them. The vagina is imperceptible, or a small part is visible. Disconnect attempts will be unsuccessful. The girl will feel pain and start crying.

If there are no deviations, the gap will be large, and the vagina will be noticeable. The labia minora are petal-shaped, easily separating from the large ones.

How to distinguish synechia

The most important symptom is impaired urination. The child will feel difficulties, will have to push. It will be easier after you manage to pee. The situation becomes especially acute at night - it is difficult for the baby to fall asleep.

It is worth examining the girl when:

  • Redness in the genital area, a slight rash.
  • The child complains of pain and discomfort in the vaginal area (cries, worries).
  • It became difficult to wash the baby - she shudders and cries.
  • A trickle of urine is raised up, like a boy's.
  • Urine leaks, the child goes to the potty, but the linen becomes wet.

Synechia in infant girls

From the first weeks of life, fusion of the labia in girls can occur. It is generally accepted that the cause of this phenomenon is the low amount of sex hormones in the body. But there is nothing strange in this, because sex hormones may be absent until puberty, and this is quite normal.

Until the eighth year of life, the disease may recur. With age, the mucous membranes of the genital organs become more resistant to external stimuli, gaining density. Adhesion of the labia practically does not occur.


The disease can develop due to:

  • Household allergic reactions to soaps, oils, wipes, powders, creams.
  • Not enough frequent washing.
  • Use of soap when washing.
  • Improper washings that are harmful to health.
  • infections.
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis and weakening of local immunity.
  • The presence of worms in the body.

To determine the causes of the development of synechia, specialists prescribe tests. Will not do without smears from the vagina, general analyzes blood and urine, feces for the determination of dysbacteriosis and eggs of worms, scraping for enterobiasis.


With early detection, the breeding procedure is much easier. At the initial stage of the pathology, the film will be thin and transparent, but if complete fusion of the labia minora occurs, it becomes dense, and without surgery it will no longer be possible to eliminate the problem. You do not need to do such procedures on your own, otherwise you can apply children's health irreparable harm.

When there is the slightest suspicion of synechia, you should make an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist for qualified advice.

In addition, there is not always a need for breeding - this procedure is done only in cases of discomfort and pain for the girl.

How is the treatment carried out

The dissection of synechia in girls is carried out only by pediatric gynecologists. For surgical interventions, a scalpel is used. The process takes a matter of seconds and takes place under local anesthesia. In the postoperative period, the baby will need special care.

To relieve pain during urination, to promote rapid wound healing, you can not do without sitz baths, lotions, and special ointments with antibacterial action. Antimicrobial agents are prescribed by the doctor after the operation is completed.

But you need to understand that the operation does not guarantee that the pathology will not appear again. Fusion of the labia minora may recur. Parents have the right not to resort to this technique, but they cannot do without it when a complete fusion has formed, in which it is very difficult for a child to go to the toilet. There is no other way to help the baby.

Preventive measures

To prevent the formation of fused labia, experts advise:

  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Do not use shared towels for baby care, etc.
  • Apply baby cream and vegetable oil in small amounts to the area of ​​the labia.
  • Do not forget about regular air baths, they are very useful for children's skin.
  • Timely treat any inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Washing should be not only regular, but also correct: running water, gentle finger movements from front to back - to avoid infection. Mom's nails should not be too long. Do not wash with a washcloth, otherwise the risk of damage to the delicate tissues of children's genital organs increases. Soap should not be used. Few modern parents are ready to completely abandon diapers, but not everyone knows about the rules for using: change every three hours or as needed.

Allowing a little baby to be without clothes - air baths very useful for the genitourinary system and skin. Choose linen from a good fabric, according to size. Children's clothes should be washed separately from adults' clothes. If a child is prone to developing allergic reactions, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the perineum, use diaper rash cream, and do not overdo it with potassium permanganate baths.

Treatment at home

It is possible to carry out treatment at home only with partial and uncomplicated accretion. In these cases, warm baths in a sitting position are used. Medicinal herbs are necessarily added to the water in small quantities (we are talking about calendula, string, chamomile). One procedure should take no more than 10 minutes. Then apply sea buckthorn or peach oil to the place where the pathology is formed. Choose only natural products, impurities should be absent. Pre-check for an allergic reaction to different types of oils.

Creams for synechia

With the progression of the disease, strong discomfort, experts prescribe creams containing hormones. Use a strictly limited amount only once a day. Apply with a clean index finger, exclusively on the affected area. Duration of application should not exceed two weeks. After completion of the treatment course, the area of ​​​​children's genital organs is subject to treatment with children's creams without aromas (upon completion of washing).

It is worth monitoring the condition of the genital organs by doing regular examinations - this is the only way to prevent synechia in girls.

Many mothers are very worried because of the frequent relapses of this pathology. This indicates that something has gone wrong in the body. With frequent relapses, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and undergo a full examination by a specialist.
