Usually salads are prepared from cucumbers, and this vegetable is unremarkable for most of us.

But it turns out that the composition of the product is unique, and the water, which is its basis, is structured, “alive”.

It is about the healing elixir - cucumber juice - that will be discussed below.

Cucumber juice: benefits and harms

In small quantities, the cucumber liquid contains almost all the substances needed by the body, and in an easily absorbed form.

A refreshing drink of a greenish color resembles the body's biological fluids in structure, and also saturates it with such elements:

  • Tartronic acid
  • Vitamins C, A, E, H
  • Vitamin PP
  • B vitamins
  • Key macronutrients
  • Iron, magnesium
  • Chlorine, silicon
  • Iodine, sulfur and other trace elements

Useful properties of cucumber juice

The most important ability of the drink is to maintain a normal acid-base balance and regulate metabolic processes. It is especially valuable for people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, urinary system.

Knowledge of what cucumber juice is useful for will be useful to those suffering from gout, arthritis and rheumatism - the drink will remove uric acid, eliminate excess salts, and prevent calcification in the joints. Other beneficial features cucumber juice:

  • Normalization of blood pressure
  • Memory recovery
  • Sedative action
  • Treatment of wounds, ulcers
  • Help with diseases of the liver, lungs
  • Thyroid Disease Prevention
  • Purgation
  • Heartburn treatment

From a dry cough, add a spoonful of honey to a glass of drink, take 50 ml of a cocktail three times a day. One dose should not exceed 100 ml. cucumber juice, and per day its volume can reach 500-700 ml.

Contraindications for taking cucumber juice

The benefits and harms of cucumber juice can be combined, because for some people it is contraindicated. Take cucumber drink with caution when:

  • Pancreatitis
  • kidney stones, gallbladder
  • Exacerbation of gastritis

Cucumber juice for weight loss

Cucumbers and the liquid from them are included in almost all known diets. The calorie content of cucumber juice tends to zero, and the benefits are enormous.

In order to normalize the weight, the liquid from the vegetable will have the following actions:

  • It will relieve constipation, remove all toxins from the intestines.
  • Prevents the transition of carbohydrates into body fat.
  • It will help to carry out a fasting day without harm.

Often in diets, cucumber juice is combined with kefir, preparing healthy low-calorie drinks. You can also drink a cocktail of cucumber nectar, honey and lemon in the morning.

Even okroshka is better to fill not with kvass, but with cucumber liquid or its mixture with kefir. During therapeutic starvation, instead of water or mineral water, you can use cucumber juice, because it will maintain the water-salt balance of the body.

Slimming Lemonade Recipe:

  • Squeeze liquid from 3 cucumbers, half a lemon, 1 celery root
  • Combine all ingredients, add honey and water to taste
  • If desired, you can throw mint, basil in lemonade
  • Drink a glass three times a day

cucumber juice for face

What is useful cucumber juice, any beautician will answer. This elixir is the leader among natural ingredients in tonics, lotions, creams. The effects of cucumber drink on the skin are as follows:

  • Wrinkle smoothing
  • Stimulation of collagen production
  • Acne removal
  • Skin whitening
  • Skin color improvement

Cucumber water can be used on any type of skin. It is also useful to wipe the face and neck with frozen ice from cucumber liquid - for toning, tightening the skin.

Face mask: add 1 ml of lemon juice, a spoonful of fat sour cream, a spoonful of cottage cheese to a tablespoon of cucumber drink. Apply for 20 min. on the face.

cucumber juice for hair

After rubbing cucumber elixir into them, hair becomes shiny, stops splitting, acquires great view. It also helps against baldness, excessive fragility of hair, with the abuse of perm.

The juice contains a lot of sulfur and potassium, and these elements are indispensable for healthy hair.

Mask to restore curls:

  • Mix liquid from 2 cucumbers, 3 tablespoons of sour cream
  • Apply mass to hair
  • Good scalp massage
  • Cover your head with foil
  • Leave the mask on for half an hour, then wash off

Hair rinse:

  • Mix equally the juice of carrots, cucumber, spinach
  • Dilute the mixture with water 1:1
  • Rinse your hair after washing
  • Put on a hat, wear an hour
  • Wash your hair with water

How to make cucumber juice

Before you drink cucumber juice, you need to cook it correctly, preserving the benefits. Three large vegetables are enough to get 2 glasses of drink. The production order is:

  1. Wash the vegetables, peel the skin, trim the ends.
  2. Grind cucumbers with a blender, meat grinder, food processor, or grate on the smallest grater.
  3. Squeeze out water with gauze, strainer. A convenient alternative is to immediately squeeze the drink with a juicer.

Keep cucumber juice for no more than 3 days, but it is better to drink it fresh, chilled. Honey can be added to improve the taste.

Cucumber juice recipe for the winter

Preservation does not deprive the juice from cucumbers. However, after adding salt, such a drink should be consumed very carefully for diseases of the heart and kidneys.

Products: cucumbers - 13 kg, salt - 100 g, horseradish root - 10 g, allspice and red pepper - 1 g each, black pepper - 2 g, dill seeds - 40 g.

How to prepare cucumber juice for the winter:

  • rinse the cucumbers, squeeze the drink by any convenient method, strain;
  • add salt (100 g / 10 liters of liquid);
  • finely chop horseradish, mix with spices, arrange in sterilized jars;
  • pour liquid into jars, leave for fermentation in heat (20 degrees) for 2 days;
  • then cork the containers, transfer to the cold for storage.

Freezing cucumber juice for the winter

Then it should be poured into containers or special ice bags, put in the freezer for 2 hours. Next, you need to get and pour the finished cubes into a regular plastic bag.

It will be especially convenient to use ice from cucumber juice for the face - for cosmetic purposes. Also in winter it can be used to make vegetable cocktails, combining with other components. The shelf life of cubes at a temperature of -18 degrees is a year.

Salads are prepared, and this vegetable is unremarkable for most of us.

But it turns out that the composition of the product is unique, and the water that is its basis is structured,.

Cucumber juice: benefits and harms

In small quantities, the cucumber liquid contains almost all the substances needed by the body, and in an easily absorbed form.

A refreshing drink of a greenish color resembles the body's biological fluids in structure, and also saturates it with such elements:

  1. Tartronic acid
  2. Vitamins C, A, E, H
  3. Vitamin PP
  4. B vitamins
  5. Key macronutrients
  6. Iron, magnesium
  7. Chlorine, silicon
  8. Iodine, sulfur and other trace elements

Useful properties of cucumber juice

The most important ability of the drink is to maintain a normal acid-base balance and regulate metabolic processes. It is especially valuable for people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, urinary system.

Knowledge of what cucumber juice is useful for will be useful to those suffering from gout, arthritis and rheumatism - the drink will remove uric acid, eliminate excess salts, and prevent calcification in the joints. Other health benefits of cucumber juice:

  • Normalization of blood pressure
  • Memory recovery
  • Sedative action
  • Treatment of wounds, ulcers
  • Help with diseases of the liver, lungs
  • Thyroid Disease Prevention
  • Purgation
  • Heartburn treatment

From a dry cough, add a spoonful of honey to a glass of drink, take 50 ml of a cocktail three times a day. One dose should not exceed 100 ml. cucumber juice, and per day its volume can reach 500-700 ml.

Contraindications for taking cucumber juice

The benefits and harms of cucumber juice can be combined, because for some people it is contraindicated. Take cucumber drink with caution when:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Kidney stones, gallbladder
  • Exacerbation of gastritis

Cucumber juice for weight loss

Cucumbers and the liquid from them are included in almost all known diets. calories cucumber juice tends to zero and the benefits are huge.

How to prepare cucumber juice for the winter:

  • rinse the cucumbers, squeeze the drink by any convenient method, strain;
  • add salt (100 g / 10 liters of liquid);
  • finely chop horseradish, mix with spices, arrange in sterilized jars;
  • pour liquid into jars, leave for fermentation in heat (20 degrees) for 2 days;
  • then cork the containers, transfer to the cold for storage.

Freezing cucumber juice for the winter

Then it should be poured into containers or special ice bags, put in the freezer for 2 hours. Next, you need to get and pour the finished cubes into a regular plastic bag.

It will be especially convenient to use ice from cucumber juice for the face - for cosmetic purposes. Also in winter it can be used to make vegetable cocktails, combining with other components. The shelf life of cubes at a temperature of -18 degrees is a year.

Cucumbers are perhaps the most beloved and widespread vegetable, which is not only actively eaten, but also used in folk art as a metaphorical symbol of something good and attractive (“well done - like a cucumber”, “you will be like a cucumber”, etc. ). undeniable, as well as the benefits of cucumber juice. It is no secret that cucumbers consist of 90% water, in which mineral salts and vitamins are dissolved, which is why cucumber juice is so useful and is one of the main dietary products.

What are the benefits of cucumber juice?

Cucumber juice, as mentioned above, contains a lot of minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances. Among the mineral salts in large quantities, the juice contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, silicon. From the vitamin group, the juice includes biotin, vitamin PP, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E in a small amount. A pleasant fresh aroma is given to cucumber juice essential oils. And one of the substances that inhibits the accumulation of fat in the body - tartronic acid, makes cucumber juice the most indispensable product on the menu of losing weight people.

Cucumber juice is, in fact, structured and enriched water, which, when ingested, contributes to the normalization of many processes: it maintains an optimal water balance, improves digestion, helps to eliminate toxins, toxins, and normalizes metabolism. Due to the high content of potassium and sodium, cucumber juice has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is noteworthy that cucumber juice is able to normalize arterial pressure. With low pressure, drinking juice will increase, and with hypertension, juice will lower pressure, due to the diuretic effect and removal of excess fluid from the body. largely based on the use of vegetable juices.

Freshly squeezed cucumber juice, drunk on an empty stomach, helps to normalize intestinal motility, has a laxative effect and helps get rid of constipation. This is especially true for pregnant women who should not take certain laxative medications. A glass of cucumber juice with a spoonful of honey will relieve chronic constipation; you need to take this “cocktail” for at least three weeks in a row.

With rheumatic pains, cucumber juice also helps, it removes the accumulation of uric acid from the body.

It is impossible not to say about the cosmetic benefits of cucumber juice. This liquid is an excellent base for a whitening mask that gives tone and elasticity to the skin.

The abundance of mineral salts (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur) most favorably affects the growth of hair and nails. This property is especially active in combination with other vegetable juices (for example, carrot). , when combined with cucumber juice, they become many times stronger and have the most favorable effect on the work of all body systems.

Speaking about the benefits, one cannot but say about the dangers of cucumber juice, although the harm is very conditional. You should not be zealous with the use of juice, at one time you should not drink more than 10 ml of the drink, and you should not drink more than a liter per day. The indicated doses will be enough to normalize the functioning of the body, and excessive use can disrupt the water balance.

Cucumber juice is contraindicated in exacerbations of gastritis, peptic ulcers, urolithiasis.

Among supporters healthy eating Cucumber juice has gained great popularity, the beneficial properties of which are difficult to overestimate. This drink contains many useful substances, while being a product with a very low calorie content.

The composition of the drink

Cucumber juice contains only water, vitamins and trace elements.

More than 90% of this drink is water. The benefits of this liquid for the body are undeniable: it helps to remove toxins from the body, speeds up metabolism, and maintains skin elasticity. In addition, the proper functioning of all internal organs depends on it.

A lot of cucumber liquid and vitamins. Vitamins of groups B, C, A, PP, E are contained in large quantities. There are many microelements necessary human body. This drink contains magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese, iodine, folic acid, silicon, chlorine, phosphorus, fructose and other substances necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

The energy value of this healthy drink extremely small. 100 ml of cucumber liquid contains only 14 kcal. It is impossible to recover from the use of this drink.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of cucumber juice? What benefits does a person get from using it?

This drink helps to get rid of wastes and toxins. This will allow not only to throw off a few kilograms, to get rid of problems with digestion. Cucumber juice is very beneficial for the face. It helps to get rid of some skin diseases.

Cucumber juice can relieve heartburn. This drink maintains the acid-base balance of the body, therefore, with its regular use, some unpleasant symptoms excess acidity.

It will be useful to drink cucumber juice for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. To achieve the maximum effect, you need to drink it half a glass a day. You should start using smaller portions so that the body has time to get used to it.

This drink is also useful for strengthening the immune system. For maximum effect, it is recommended to drink it mixed with 1 tsp. honey.

The benefits of cucumber juice for the body are enormous, but there are also contraindications. Do not abuse this drink for people who have stones in any organ. In addition, individual intolerance is possible. You should not drink cucumber juice and people suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis. Also, its use is not recommended during breastfeeding.

Vitamin cocktails

Cucumber juice is an ingredient in many healthy natural shakes and smoothies. Due to the large amount of vitamins and almost zero calories, it has gained popularity among supporters healthy lifestyle life.

What to mix cucumber juice with to get the maximum benefit?

From rheumatic diseases, a mixture of cucumber juice and carrot juice will help. This combination will be especially effective in combating excess uric acid that causes these diseases. You can also add lettuce and spinach juices to this mixture. Get a natural remedy that stimulates hair growth.

A mixture of cucumber, carrot and salad juices will be especially useful for people with skin problems. Such a cocktail will make the complexion more fresh, help get rid of acne and blackheads. With prolonged use, it is possible to cure even more serious diseases.

From cough and sputum, a drink made from cucumber juice and honey will help. It will be an excellent tool for strengthening immunity, preventing viral diseases.

Collection and storage

Cucumber juice is easy to make yourself. Not all fruits are suitable for him. To get the maximum benefit from cucumber juice, you should choose ripe young fruits. The best option will be cucumbers grown with their own hands. Sluggish and yellowed fruits will not only not be useful, but can also harm the body.

Imported cucumbers should not be used either. There are much fewer useful substances in them than in seasonal vegetables. Fruits grown in winter in a greenhouse contain a large amount of nitrates and are also not suitable for juice.

How to get cucumber liquid at home? First you need to rinse the fruits well, cut off the ends, peel. After that, you can grind the cucumbers with a blender or use a fine grater. When the process of grinding the fruit is completed, it is required to squeeze out the water. To do this, you can use gauze or a small strainer.

You can store the drink for no more than 3 days. It's best to use it right away.

You can make conservation for the winter. In this case, you need to add salt to the drink, then roll up the jar and put it in storage in a cold place. Use canned cucumber juice should be in smaller quantities. People with heart disease should be especially careful. In addition, there is not much benefit from canned cucumber juice.


Cucumber juice is useful not only for oral administration. The cosmetics industry has long used it as a natural ingredient in face and hair masks. A big plus of cucumber drink is its versatility: it can be used for faces with any type of skin. It is not necessary to buy expensive store products. You can make effective face masks at home using this juice.

If you mix 1 tbsp. l. cucumber juice with 1 tsp. lemon, 20 ml of fat sour cream and a small amount of cottage cheese, you get a very effective face mask. Keep it on the skin for 20 minutes.

For hair, the use of this tool will also be useful. Rubbing the drink into your hair will keep it shiny and healthy. In addition, the problem of split ends will be solved. An effective and simple mask can be created from cucumber water mixed with sour cream. Apply such a mask to the entire length of the hair, after which it is recommended to cover the head with foam and leave for half an hour. This mask restores damaged hair, gives them a healthier look.

You can also make your own conditioner. To do this, in equal proportions, you should take the juices of carrots, cucumbers and spinach, dilute the mixture with water. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with the resulting liquid and rinse thoroughly with running water.


Cucumbers are frequent guests on our table, in the season we eat them fresh with great pleasure, crunch freshly pickled cucumbers with even greater pleasure, salt, marinate for the winter, roll up various salads with cucumbers. It is difficult not to love cucumbers, because they have a pleasant taste and aroma, refresh, quench thirst, reduce hunger, and are very useful, despite the fact that most of their composition is water.

But it is not plain water, it is in cucumber juice that contains all the minerals and vitamins, which makes this juice so attractive in summer season. And today, dear readers, we will talk about the benefits and harms of cucumber juice for the human body, about its beneficial properties, how to cook and use it.

What is useful cucumber juice. Composition of cucumber juice

Cucumbers are perfect for the main component for juices. Despite the fact that 90 or even 95 percent of cucumber juice consists of water, it contains many substances that are beneficial to our health. And water always favorably affects the work of our body: our skin is moisturized, toxins are removed.

Most of the periodic table can be found in cucumber juice. First of all, these are macro- and microelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, silicon, iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese, sulfur, iodine, fluorine, chromium and others.

There are also many vitamins, mainly B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamins PP and H. Cucumber juice also contains a small amount of vitamins A and E. Chlorophyll, tartronic acid and essential oils can be distinguished among substances valuable for the body.

Cucumber juice. Beneficial features

Many people, due to certain diseases, cannot tolerate fresh cucumbers due to the presence of fiber in them, in such cases we can safely say that the juice will have much more benefit than the vegetable itself. Due to its composition, cucumber juice has many beneficial properties for human health:

  • tartronic acid in the composition of cucumber juice prevents the formation of fatty deposits,
  • has a laxative effect
  • has a diuretic effect
  • improves metabolic processes in the body,
  • reduces the acidity of gastric juice,
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • stabilizes blood pressure
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels,
  • cleanses the body of toxins
  • has an antioxidant effect.

Cucumber juice can be drunk as an independent drink, or mixed with other juices, for example, with the juice of apples, carrots, oranges or parsley, in any case, all these drinks will have undoubted benefits, as they will enhance the effects of cucumber juice.

Health benefits of cucumber juice

Let's look at how cucumber juice is useful for the body, for which health problems it is recommended to use it.

benefits of cucumber juice for weight loss

Cucumber juice is diet food, as it has a very low calorie content, only 14 kcal per 100 grams of product. This in itself is not unimportant. In addition, cucumber juice removes excess fluid from the body and breaks down fats.

And this means that in the diet of overweight people this juice is an indispensable product. And cucumber juice also has a mild laxative effect. Now, when fresh cucumbers are still in abundance in the markets, in shops and in your own beds, you need to use this wonderful drink and lose those extra pounds.

Cucumber juice for metabolism and diabetes

Cucumber juice regulates the acid-base balance in the body, positively affects the entire endocrine system, and in particular, the thyroid gland due to the presence of iodine in it, as well as lipid metabolism, which makes it possible to recommend its use to patients with diabetes mellitus. The sterols found in cucumbers help lower bad cholesterol levels.

The benefits of cucumber juice for the cardiovascular system

The presence of potassium and magnesium in cucumber juice, as well as vitamins H, PP C, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Recommended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, to strengthen the vessels of the brain and heart muscle, to normalize blood pressure. And for hypertensive patients, cucumber juice will reduce the amount of diuretics taken and reduce swelling associated with heart disease. It is useful to take this juice and coronary disease hearts.

The benefits of cucumber juice for our digestion

Cucumber juice has a laxative effect, with constipation it is recommended to drink it for several weeks in a row on an empty stomach in order to achieve regular and soft stools. In addition, this drink improves intestinal motility, binds and removes toxins, and reduces the acidity of gastric juice.

With heartburn, a good effect is the use of 100 ml of freshly squeezed cucumber juice 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks.

Cucumber juice for gout

Cucumber juice promotes the excretion of uric acid from the body, which allows it to be used for gout. Especially good in this case is the combination of cucumber, carrot and beetroot juices, which enhance each other's action, thereby accelerating recovery.

The benefits of cucumber juice for the nervous system

Due to the high content of B vitamins, cucumber juice is an excellent remedy for strengthening nervous system, it affects mood, improves sleep, relieves irritability and fatigue.

Cucumber juice for cough

When coughing, it is useful to mix slightly warmed honey with cucumber juice, as cucumber juice helps to expel phlegm from respiratory tract. This mixture is taken 2 times a day after meals, 1 - 2 tablespoons.

Benefits of cucumber juice for skin and hair

Cucumber juice is an excellent remedy for facial skin, it is added to masks, frozen, lotions are prepared from it, it cleanses the skin, whitens it, tightens, and tones.

When we drink cucumber juice, we improve the condition of our hair and our skin, as it contains vitamins A and E, sometimes called women's vitamins. In addition to the antioxidant effect, these vitamins affect the health of the female genital area, the condition of the skin, strengthen hair, and promote their growth. For greater effect, cucumber juice is mixed with carrot juice and juice squeezed from green salad.

And at home, we can treat ourselves to just cucumber masks, rubbing the skin with cucumber slices or frozen cubes with cucumber juice. Let's not forget about our simple secrets. Even such a simple procedure will make the skin look fresher and younger.

Aromas of cucumber in well-known brand compositions

Energy and aromas of cucumber are actively used in perfumery. Well-known firms include cucumber flavors in their compositions. And it's no coincidence! And if you have allergic skin, as well as those with very sensitive skin, you can recommend paying attention to compositions with cucumber flavor.

Among the most famous compositions with notes of cucumber, it is worth noting: Donna Karan "DKNY Be Delicious", Coach "Coach Poppy", Givenchy "So Givenchy", Calvin Klein "Eternity Aqua for Men". And these are not the fragrances that we remember, perhaps from Soviet times - remember cucumber lotion ☺?

How to make cucumber juice

The cucumber itself is a very juicy fruit, so squeezing juice out of it will not be difficult. Almost everyone in the house has a juicer, so making juice from any kind of vegetable or fruit is not difficult.

If there is no juicer, you can chop cucumbers with any accessible way, using the chopper of a food processor, a blender or a conventional meat grinder or even a grater, and then manually squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

For juice, fresh, not overripe cucumbers are best suited, they contain the greatest amount of nutrients.

Peeling the peel is not recommended, because it also contains useful substances. This is especially true for cucumbers, which are grown on our summer cottages. If you buy cucumbers in a store, and even out of season, then it’s better to peel the peel for juicing. The main thing is that the cucumbers are fresh, clean and healthy.

How to drink cucumber juice

It is necessary to drink juices freshly prepared, the longer the juice is stored, the less it remains. nutrients. Therefore, prepare cucumber juice immediately before drinking!

How much per day can you drink cucumber juice with health benefits?

No matter how useful cucumber juice is, you should not drink too much of it, at one time it is enough to drink half a glass of juice, it is not recommended to drink more than four glasses per day.

In order to prevent diseases, cucumber juice can be drunk twice a day for half a glass half an hour before meals.

Cucumber juice with honey

With exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system, high acidity, cucumber juice is recommended to be used with honey. A quarter of a teaspoon of honey is enough for half a glass of cucumber juice. This recipe is also good for those who suffer from chronic constipation. The best course is 3 weeks.

Smoothie recipes with cucumber juice. Bright, juicy, useful!

To enhance flavor and medicinal properties Cucumber juice can be mixed with other vegetable juices. By mixing cucumber juice with various juices from vegetables and fruits, you can come up with many options with different effects. Here are some of those healthy recipes.

Cucumber juice, lime juice and mint

A refreshing tonic drink on a hot day can be made from a mixture of cucumber juice, lime juice and a sprig of mint. Instead of lime juice, you can take the juice of a lemon, orange or grapefruit, you can take the proportions to your liking. Mix the mixture in a blender and add a piece of ice.

Cucumber juice and kefir

An excellent drink to improve digestion is obtained from a mixture of cucumber juice and kefir, which is best drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. This recipe is suitable for those who suffer from constipation. It is enough to take half a glass of juice and supplement the glass with kefir or a fermented milk product enriched with bifidobacteria. To improve the taste, you can add finely chopped dill or a clove of garlic to it, this is optional.

Cucumber juice, celery juice and carrot juice

Vitamin drink can be prepared from cucumber juice, celery juice and carrot juice, taken in equal proportions. It can be drunk during the day, it will give strength and vigor. And you can cook only cucumber juice with celery.
Cucumber juice with celery can be recommended to anyone who has kidney problems, joint diseases, heart problems.

Cucumber juice and green salad juice

Prepare a strengthening drink from cucumber juice and green salad juice, 100 ml each, add a little for taste lemon juice. A mixture of these juices is very good to take with problems with the heart and blood vessels.

I also really like to add parsley juice to cucumber juice, you can add dill there too. I would love to hear your cucumber juice recipes.

Dear readers, if you also love smoothies, as we love them in our family, I invite you to get acquainted with simple and healthy recipes that can be prepared depending on the season. And I often write about how good it is to give such smoothies to our children. See only possible contraindications, if children have allergies to something.

Healthy smoothie recipes for the whole family

Let's watch a video about the benefits and harms of cucumber juice. What doctors, nutritionists say about it, what useful properties it has, how it is used and for what health problems it is better to use it.

We have considered the beneficial properties of cucumber juice. Despite the benefits of cucumber juice, is there any harm in it, what you need to know about contraindications?

Cucumber juice. Harm. Contraindications

What you need to know about the possible dangers of cucumber juice?

  • Individual intolerance to this juice may occur.
  • If you have a tendency to allergies, start taking the juice with a few drops.
  • Cucumber juice should not be abused by people who have gallstones and kidney stones. With caution, it is used for urolithiasis and some kidney diseases, so a doctor's consultation is necessary if there are problems with the kidneys.
  • Like most natural juices, cucumber juice is contraindicated in exacerbation of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Here is such information about the benefits and harms of cucumber juice. Take it for health and beauty!

And for the soul, we will listen today Eleni Karaindrou - Waltz By The River A touching gentle waltz from the Greek composer Eleni Karaindru.

see also


    08 Sep 2016 at 0:40


    01 Sep 2016 at 15:11





