It's good when a dress adorns a woman.

It is bad if a woman becomes an ornament of a dress.

Be always beautiful and happy and decorate this world with yourself.

The problem of “nothing to wear again” was never familiar to me. Perhaps due to natural taste, perhaps because even in Soviet time When I was just a child, and books were in short supply (especially books about fashion and style), I accidentally found and read a good book about how to dress beautifully, about taste in clothes - and, I must say, I remember it. And therefore, the problems of many women who complained that “there is nothing to wear again” and “well, there is no place in the wardrobe” were not very clear to me, they seemed more like a whim, a game for the public.

But one day an event happened that made me change my view on the ability of a woman to dress beautifully and manage her wardrobe, and therefore appearance.

And the following happened. A friend of mine (at that time already a novice millionaire, filing another big hopes) turned to me with a request: “Elena, could you help my fiancee learn how to handle the wardrobe? And then, if she does not learn this, then I will not marry her. (If you want to get married, R. Kirranov's book will help you with this "How to Marry Successfully" - I recommend to buy and read).

I remember I was very surprised then: the girl was both smart and beautiful, and he bought new clothes for her without question, and in general it was going to the wedding, but for some reason the groom hesitated. The groom (let's call him Marat), seeing my surprise, explained: “You see, Elena, the girl’s wardrobe is her “face” in every sense. You know, we used to say: if you want to know what kind of wife your bride will be, look at her mother. And I realized that you need to look not at the mother, but at the wardrobe. If a girl’s wardrobe is a mess, then it’s in family life we can't see order. If a girl cannot find anything in her own wardrobe, then how will she manage a large household of a wealthy husband? If the wardrobe is “bursting” with things, and again she has “nothing to wear”, then how will she help me save and increase my money, and not squander it?

And how can I give her, say, another fur coat, if she gets lost in the closet, and not decorate my wife? I want to make gifts with pleasure and admire them on my wife so that they bring joy to both of us ...

And if I have to take my wife to a business meeting, and then immediately to the ball, then I would not want to wait for her fees for several hours - my time is precious, and I would like my wife to shine both at the council and on the floor, and at the buffet, and one after the other. This is how my first wardrobe analysis to order happened.

Yes, some things I “flatly refused” to combine with each other, but still there were much more new interesting sets. So, we buy comfortable hangers according to the size of your things (so that there are no random, too large or too small hangers for your things) and hang separately skirts (all together), separately trousers, separately blouses, separately jackets, jackets and other tops, separately dresses etc. And - every day experiment with new images from seemingly old things. By the way, recently a well-known Western style and image specialist called a similar situation "shopping in your own wardrobe." I really liked this expression, it is very successful - you will really "discover" for yourself many things that you have not worn for years and have almost forgotten about their existence. You will be surprised how good you can look in them.

By the way, sellers often use this without a twinge of conscience, seeing that you liked the thing, but it is too small for you. You are often told that here, they say, take it - there will be an incentive to lose weight. In my experience, I can tell you that I have not seen a single woman who actually lost weight just because she really wanted to “fit” into things a size or two smaller than her own. It doesn't happen! Why? Yes, because a thing is just a thing, and cannot give a woman strong enough motivation to lose weight. Losing weight requires self-discipline - and you either have it (and then you don't "get fat") or you don't. Therefore, you will lose weight for the sake of anything (for the sake of health, for the sake of a loved one, for the sake of work, if you are a model or a fitness instructor, or an artist, simply because you do not have enough money for food ...), but let even in a very attractive thing you definitely won't.

So hang things that do not fit your figure, cluttering up your wardrobe. The same applies to those things that are great for you, although this happens less often - for example, they took a thing based on “shrinkage”, or “last size” in the expectation that you will take it in a little, or a very attractive price was on sale, or a thing sits very well on your colleague ... In the end, they just hide your beautiful forms from the world.

Therefore, when trying on your wardrobe, set aside things that do not sit on you to the side - they have no place in your today's wardrobe and do not need to be returned there. I understand that it’s quite hard to do this - many of these things were once very loved, they are “teared from the heart”, others are just a pity - the thing is good, but sometimes it’s even never worn! My advice to you is to pity yourself, not the thing. After all, you need to look good today, here and now ... And do not put off the joy of seeing yourself dressed “like a queen” here and now, and not sometime in an indefinite future that most likely will not come. If it's hard to part with things, just put them in boxes and take them somewhere: to the country house, to the garage ... Most importantly, do not leave them at home. In a year, you can come back and review them again (what if you really lose weight?). Or you can just take it and throw it away without opening it - because if you did without them for a year, then you can do without them. If you wish, you can find other options: swap things with friends, sell via the Internet or at a flea market, donate to a charitable organization - in general, invent your own options. But for now, leave only those things that are your size and fit well on you.

Try not to make such unnecessary purchases, in the hope that you will actually lose weight or the thing will shrink to a size. It is a myth. And you, in the race for the clothes that you need, risk becoming a shopaholic. “Shopaholism, how can the cat get rid of it?” read .

By the way, please note: if a woman is dressed in a too narrow, out of size thing, thereby trying to “hide flaws” and convince herself and others that she is “thin enough to wear size 44”, as a rule, they achieve the opposite effect. - in these things they look even thicker than they are ... I'm not even talking about the "treacherously crawling out" fat folds and other unwanted bulges, lack of a waist, etc., which narrow things harshly and cynically expose. At the same time, if a woman put on a thing of her size, then her “bulges” would simply be invisible, and no one except her would have suspected about their existence. Just watch the women on our streets and you will understand what I am talking about. And I want you to look good at any moment and in any thing hanging in your wardrobe.

In order to look good at any time, rule number three follows: all things in your wardrobe should be ready to wear here and now. This means that they must be put in order. Therefore, when reviewing things, put aside those that need repair (the lining came off, the button was lost, the zipper broke ...), in cleaning (I’m still not going to remove this stain, and it’s so uncomfortable to walk with it, it hurts in a conspicuous place, and such noticeable!), washing (be honest with yourself, don’t wait until the thing “breaks from dirt”, or “well, I’ll put it on again, and only then ...”, carefully inspect the collars, cuffs, fastening points ... just take and wash the thing) and ironing. Gather them together - and do what needs to be done, for example, washing, "in one fell swoop." So you kill two birds with one stone: firstly, things will be ready to wear, and will not hang in the closet in a "non-working state", and secondly, doing one thing at once for all things is much better than looking for time for repairing, cleaning, etc. each of the things separately.

We get significant time savings and get rid of stress so that we don’t have to repair the thing urgently “five minutes before the release”, when everything tends to break, tear, get lost ...

Pay special attention to things set aside for ironing. It is not good if you have to iron the item when you take it out of the wardrobe before it can be put on. Therefore, understand the causes of "bruising". It happens that things crumple in the wardrobe because there is "no place for an apple to fall." These are the problems we solve by getting rid of things that you don’t wear anyway. It happens that things wrinkle in the wardrobe because they “hang out of size”: for example, dresses, coats, raincoats require much more space “in height” than, say, miniskirts. If you followed the first rule, then you can already clearly see how much space in your wardrobe you need to allocate for "long" things, and how much for short ones. Just adjust the heights of the rails in your closet - it's not difficult. You can do it yourself or ask one of the men. It happens that things hang on a hanger "out of size" - too small or too big for this thing. It happens that you do not have enough hangers and you hang several things on one hanger at once - just buy the missing hangers and save a lot of time and effort that is now spent on ironing .

If everything is in order with your closet, make it a rule for yourself not to hang a thing in the closet if it is not ironed. This will save you from a situation where you grab a thing in a hurry, in which you will literally look badly wrinkled. And this will not add charm to you. We dry knitted things that tend to “stretch” on a hanger, lay them out on a horizontal surface and store them on the shelves of the cabinet. It’s easier with them: having put them on, you can “smooth” them right on yourself - just put them on not right before going out, but a little earlier. To speed up the process, you can slightly moisten them on yourself by spraying from a spray bottle or “stroking” with wet hands - but do not overdo it: going outside in a damp thing, you risk catching a cold.

This is especially true in winter, when many people have low immunity. "Immunity, how to increase it?" THIS article will help you find out.

In order to look good and dress well, pay attention to those things that need a slight alteration to be wearable - for example, they need to be sewn in or arranged. Set them aside, pick up everything you need to put them in order (for example, choose a fabric to “deliver” or arrange, outline which seams or darts can be “unraveled” or expanded, etc.). Plan on what day you will do this, if necessary, call and arrange with your modiste or atelier. Give yourself a week to resolve the issue. If after a week you still haven’t put things in order and haven’t prepared them for wearing, then feel free to remove them from your wardrobe - practice shows that you will continue to put it off and put it off, that is, you won’t be able to wear them. So why not recognize this fact right away and free yourself from wasting energy and unpleasant emotions?

There will also be things in your wardrobe that have “lost their presentation” - worn out, frayed ... In a word, you love them very much and they suit you very much, but ... it’s not very convenient to wear them. I found an elegant way in due time. When the edges of the sleeves and the edge with the clasp “climbed” from my favorite coat from long and frequent wear, I accidentally saw ribbons of the same color as my coat in a needlework store. I bought these ribbons and just sewed them on the edges of the sleeves and built a kind of placket on the clasp. Thus, I eliminated the defect that confused me and updated the coat.

Then, in similar situations, I began to experiment with different colors and textures (for example, I sewed lace or rope edging). I even like it - my favorite things do not bother me! Now I do it with trousers, with blouses ... This method has another advantage - you can hem new materials both on a typewriter and manually if a typewriter is not available to you. It does not affect the quality. In addition, if you wish, you can “update” the item at least weekly, simply by changing colors and textures, as if playing with a new finish every time.

But if things are really old, have lost their shape and nothing can be done with them, part with them without regret. Yes Yes. No need to think that your old stretched T-shirt "a la from an ex-boyfriend" will still serve you as home clothes or nightwear.

In general, keeping things from the "former" is not a good habit. Yes, sometimes it hurts to come to terms with the fact that you are not together, but keeping a thing that once belonged to "him" will not solve your problem and will not heal the wound. “How to survive parting with a loved one” will help you figure out THIS article.
Remember, you must always be elegant, even at home and even in your sleep. Moreover, it is at home and precisely for sleeping that you need to dress especially carefully, even more carefully than “in public”. After all, it is in this form that your loved one, your family and close friends see you every day. You should not upset them, giving a reason to compare you in the form of a “home waste” with a pretty neighbor or work colleague.

If the memory of old things is so dear to you - make a floorcloth or cleaning rags out of them, sew a doll or clothes for a doll out of them ... and you will have a chance to see them no less often than before. The times of scarcity of things are long gone - you can always find a worthy replacement for everything.

Now your wardrobe is ready to implement rule number four: hang things inside the wardrobe by season (summer, spring-autumn, winter), and inside the season - by color. So, on the one hand, it will be easier for you to search for things and navigate, and on the other hand, you will be calm that the “things in storage” will be stored properly. This "routine" saves me a lot of time and effort to care for things. As soon as it gets warm enough, I ventilate and “dry” winter things on the balcony, in the sun (things that are prone to fading dry by covering with cotton cloth or gauze), then I “ennoble” with herbs (bags of lavender or napkins with a drop of lavender essential oil or other similar herbs) - they protect things from moths and other uninvited "living creatures" and give a pleasant aroma and put them back in the closet until the new season. By the way, I add lavender to the closet.

I also like to “throw away summer things in the cold” on a fine winter day - things are wonderfully refreshed and, it seems to me, even in very hot summer they carry and give me coolness. I like it even more than the artificial "winter freshness" of washing powders.

Now that we have sorted out the things, we are engaged in accessories. After all, it is important not only to dress beautifully, but also to be able to choose accessories.

The most important rule is that we store accessories in the same place as clothes. Yes, yes - not only scarves, scarves, beads, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, etc., but also - shoes, belts, bags. Just as we put together new outfits from old ones, following the first rule, we put together outfits with accessories. Remember that an accessory can either make an outfit or kill it.

Another common mistake was when a woman put on shoes and took a bag that went well with a coat or raincoat, but ... when she came to the office, she took off her coat and raincoat, but did not change her bag and shoes. But they did NOT match her office attire. It also happened vice versa - on the street, shoes and a bag did not match with a coat, because they were matched to an office suit ... A familiar situation, isn't it? But people look at you both on the street and in the office, and not only when you are ready for it, but always. Often they try to solve this problem by buying two sets of shoes - the second to change at work. At the same time, changing the bag is often forgotten. Another disadvantage of this solution is the need to keep two sets of shoes instead of one. And again, shoes for the office should be such as to be combined with any of your outfits. And this is difficult, because after applying the above tips, you will have immeasurably more different images. Avoiding this is just very easy if you store accessories next to other things. Dressing “in layers” you will immediately see which accessory “stands out” from the image of yourself beautiful you draw - and you can immediately fix the matter ... Of course, you can’t choose everything so that everything is in harmony with everything. But using the above advice, you will be able to avoid very much blunders and always look tasteful and elegant. In addition, you get the opportunity to create your image of yourself as beautiful right "online" - and this is not boring, it's interesting, it allows you to discover new images of yourself every day.

Last but not least, never allow yourself to dress "casually". For example, one of my clients, having an impressive collection of bags, always took the bags "at random". Why? Yes, because she was “too lazy to shift everything”, “so faster”, “took the nearest one” ... We easily solved the problem of “too lazy to shift” by purchasing a travel bag, where documents, manicure accessories, basic cosmetics, keys are stored in separate pockets ... It is easy to shift from bag to bag and have everything you need and familiar at hand. You can make your own or buy ready-made. The problems of “took the nearest” and “it’s faster this way” were solved by placing the bags right in the dressing room next to the suits. Now she is happy to create beautiful and harmonious images before each exit from the house. I broke all my cosmetics into cosmetic bags (a mirror, 2-3 lipsticks or glosses, mascara, shadows, perfumes, a nail file; I added a few “pencil cases” with writing instruments - and put everything into bags. Now, to change the bag, I spend literally a minute, because I only need to shift my wallet and some documents, but otherwise each bag is ready.Moreover, I have a clutch or an envelope in the same color in each large bag, so that if necessary I can quickly “transform” into an evening mood.

The problem of "accidental" headgear is also too common today. Just today I saw beautiful girl, dressed "to the needle" from the legs to the collar of the coat. It’s just that a beanie hat was worn above the lush high collar of the coat, which spoiled her whole image, she didn’t fit with her, because, as it were, she “cut off” her head (the neck is not visible under the collar!). I complimented the girl for a good outfit and advised her to change her headdress - it was easy to fix the situation if you pick up a “high” hat, which, as it were, visually “compensates” for the neck lost in the collar. And of course, she asked why she wore a beanie - because it "broke" the whole image. The girl said that she always goes without a hat, but "it's cold today, so I had to take this hat." This mistake would have become immediately visible if the girl looked at herself in this coat and this cap in the mirror, especially from the back. Nowadays it is not difficult to choose a headdress that suits you. Moreover, one can choose different variants hats that match different combinations clothes. But despite such a simple solution to the problem, many women still buy hats without reference to the sets of clothes they have. As a result, the “wrong” headdress spoils the image, which is quite beautiful in itself.

To solve this problem, I picked up a few hats for myself in different styles and for different seasons, each of which goes well with at least 2-3 different looks of mine. I also have a collection of multi-colored berets and gloves of the same color, which are inexpensive and help me out well in different situations. I am happy to combine these berets with 2-3 scarves or stoles, in which there is a color of berets or colors related to them. In warm spring or autumn, I combine berets with light scarves and scarves or “French” ties. In addition to good compatibility, the beret is good because it can be given any shape. You can make it higher if you push it on one side, and lift the other. You can make it lower if you pull it low. Therefore, with the help of a beret, it is very easy and profitable to correct any broken geometric proportions.

In a word, for any problem you can find your own effective "wardrobe" solution. Therefore, do not spoil your beautiful image with randomly worn things.

Elena Lavrukhina

How to dress beautifully and on a budget will tell in your new article our fashion editor.

Oh, how you want to dress beautifully, tastefully and ... on a budget! And, most importantly, look expensive! “Is it possible?!” many people ask.

I answer: it is possible! And I talk about how to find, buy and make inexpensive, but bright, stylish sets. With examples!

Stage one. We empty the bins

Before any, small or global trip to the store, I recommend doing a wardrobe analysis. I am sure that you will find forgotten, but still very good things, completed in a suitable image, which lacks only some catchy detail to make it spectacular. This detail can be an accessory, or a blouse with an unusual pattern, or a bright scarf. It is important that when you go to the store you buy only this necessary addition, which will give your old clothes a new "sound". This review will save you money!

And at the revision stage, you will be able to determine whether you have a “base”, those very mandatory things that are the “foundation” of a rational wardrobe:

Sheath dress;

White blouse-shirt;

Classic coat;

Dark blue jeans;

A skirt of a suitable style, simple design, without details;

Classic boats;

Classic boots;

structured I have a good quality bag.

An example of a "base" wardrobe

Having a good quality “base”, you can simply buy interesting accessories for it and make spectacular sets. It is also the basis of an economical approach to the composition of the wardrobe.

Stage two. We study places.

For budget shopping, you need to know the secret places and shops where you can dress "cheaply and cheerfully":

1. Second hand and thrift stores. Someone will wince now, maybe, but the idea is quite worthy. The clothes in the "secondhand" are often beautiful, mostly foreign, clean and without any special defects. It is quite possible to make an interesting ensemble for little money. Do not exclude this possibility, find the second-hand stores closest to the house and go for reconnaissance.

2. Sales. A great opportunity to buy things of the outgoing seasons for half and even less cost. Sales are held in all shopping centers and stores and are: stable Christmas and summer sales, as well as seasonal sales, "last size" sales, sales on the occasion of the store's birthday or a national holiday, etc. You can find information on where and when which sale starts on a special website.

3. Discount Stores. This is a collection of things from the collections of past, pose-past, pose-pose-past years, which for some reason were not sold. Almost all stores have their own discount centers. Both in Russia and abroad. So, if you're not into fashion or want to build a basic wardrobe, try discounts for yourself.

4.Dress-crossing or garage sales. A recent trend is the exchange of boring things. An initiative person or a group of people organizes a room (large hall, hangar, garage) and invites everyone to bring clothes, shoes, jewelry that are irrelevant to them for sale at a minimum price or exchange. Very interesting and productive event. Its advantages:

    you will attach your jacket or skirt, which you haven’t worn for several years, but it’s a pity to throw it away;

    you will find something unusual, spectacular and possibly free;

    you will socialize and meet new people.

And, by the way, at such events they often treat them to something tasty or conduct an interesting master class.

5. budget stores.

Stores are different.

    luxury, branded, very expensive;

    boutiques and designer. Their prices range from high to affordable;

    Network shops. It is on chain stores that I recommend stopping, because in them you will always find new things and at affordable prices.

Add "raisin"

Any thing, even bought in an expensive store, will not make the proper impression if it is not properly “attached” in the kit.

Do you want to look spectacular? Follow the simple rule of combination:

Combine in a set one or more simple things with one or more things "with a twist".

Simple things are neutral in color (gray, white, black, beige) without original details and finishes, simple in design, not attracting attention.

Things with a twist attract attention with color, design, unusualness, etc. These are the things that are the accents in the kit.

Combining simple things and things with a "zest" you can make budget sets that will look stylish and "expensive".

There are several best ways combinations:

Simple clothes + simple accessory + accessory with a twist;

Simple dress + classic pumps + spectacular stole

The cost of the kit is 1888 rubles.

Clothing "with a twist" + simple accessories;


We know (and fully support!) the desire of girls and women to always look so “so that the eye rejoices and the soul sings.” But the price tags for beautiful clothes can significantly reduce the desire to update the wardrobe. How to learn to dress stylishly and at the same time inexpensively?

To ensure that your desire to look stylish and attractive always coincides with your capabilities, Academy experts have prepared several useful tips. These recommendations have already been appreciated by thousands of our students!


Without determining your individual characteristics, you can forget about how to dress stylishly:

  • Choose your individual palette;
  • Learn the type of figure and recommendations for it;
  • Decide on a style.
  • This knowledge will save you from unnecessary expenses - buying clothes that do not suit you, and then gather dust in the closet for years. In addition, things purchased “systemically” will be combined with each other and make up sets (which is also a significant savings). And, of course, such things will provide you with an attractive look and self-confidence.


    Learn to spend money wisely! In the theory of style, there is such a thing as wardrobe compliance with lifestyle (and main occasions). In order to determine the things that fit your lifestyle, write down the 2 most frequent occasions for which you dress (more than 4 times a week):

  • Everyday
  • Business
  • Romantic
  • Solemn.
  • According to the occasions, consider a list of in-demand items (for example, pipe jeans and a white shirt). Thanks to this list, you can plan your shopping budget.


    As Rothschild said: "I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things." And the thought of the baron is worth listening to! This is another trick for a girl to learn how to dress stylishly on a small budget - invest in quality:

  • Things made of high-quality fabrics retain their original appearance (color / ability to keep their shape) longer, and due to this they look expensive and respectable.
  • It is advisable to choose clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton, wool, silk).
  • Synthetics give fabrics additional practical properties (for example, the fabric does not wrinkle, is elastic), but make sure that it does not exceed 20% in the composition of the fabric.
  • Let there be few things, but they will delight you with their appearance for more than one season.


  • The ability to properly accessorize is one of the most useful skills for a girl who cares about how to learn how to dress stylishly while saving a budget.
  • Accessories will help to create many diverse images even on the basis of one set of clothes. A competent accent in the form of a stylish accessory will bring that very zest that will enrich the whole image.
  • The correct arrangement of accessories in the image will transfer attention from unwanted features of the face and figure to your most attractive places.
  • IMPORTANT! Try not to save on accessories: even a scarf should look high quality, expensive and match your style.


    Another solution on how to learn how to dress stylishly and inexpensively will be the ability to make diverse sets. The points listed above will help you with this - a capsule of things in one palette and the use of accessories. And, of course, theory and practice in composing images. This is a very interesting and exciting process, so we advise you to start it as soon as possible!

    Simplicity in clothing style helps you feel confident and attractive without much effort. This is available to everyone, you just need to pay a little attention to it. Try to simplify your look with light make-up, classic clothes and regular hair.


    Part 1

    Dress simply

      Create a classic base in your wardrobe. A few quality classics you can wear for a long time. They can be combined with each other and used at different times of the year. Choose versatile, classic and elegant pieces of clothing.


      Professional stylist

      Joanna Gruber is the owner of The Closet Stylist, a personal style service that offers wardrobe changes combined with organization. She has been working in the fashion and style industry for over 10 years.

      Professional stylist

      Basic things can be very multifaceted. Joanna Gruber, stylist and wardrobe organizer, says: “You don't need a closet full of last season's pieces to be trendy. Figure out which styles look good on your figure and which styles suit your personality. Then choose basic pieces that can be worn in different ways. For example, you can wear a silk blouse with leather pants and pumps to a restaurant, and then go to work in the same blouse with slacks and a blazer.”

      Choose quality, not quantity. Quality clothing from good stuff will serve you for a long time, unlike cheap things. You will be able to combine several good outfits if these clothes suit you.

      • Take the time to find quality classic clothing.
      • If you want to get a more elegant look, complete it with a necklace, earrings or other jewelry.
    1. You should have a pair of jeans in your closet. Jeans are the basis of your wardrobe, on the basis of which you can create a simple look. Choose good quality jeans in a neutral color without embellishments or decorative stitching. These are suitable for anyone. Dark-colored jeans are the most winning option, as they slim you down and go well with any top.

      Combine dark trousers with a light top. To emphasize the simplicity of the image, choose a white or gray top. Avoid bright and patterned shirts.

      • A pair of light-colored trousers or jeans that you already have is perfect for a dark top.
      • You can choose top from various materials, from cotton jersey to silk or satin.
    2. Wear practical shoes. If you want to look simple, choose solid color shoes for men and black shoes on flat sole for women. Depending on the weather, you can wear classic sneakers (such as plain tennis shoes), flats or sandals. Wear shoes that you feel comfortable in and that match your outfit; however, it does not have to be fashionable.

      • When choosing a style of clothing, act wisely. For example, you absolutely must have rubber boots if you live in an area where it rains a lot.
      • One pair of shoes is enough for each season: sandals for summer, shoes for autumn, ankle boots for winter, and so on.
    3. Make an accent that emphasizes your personality. Since your outfit is very simple, you can afford something like a tattoo, long flowing hair, or a large necklace. If you have something that highlights your personality, play it up with an outfit.

      • Wear clothing that reveals your tattoos, showing them off to others.
      • You can accentuate one thing, such as a brightly colored scarf, if you wear it with a plain white top.


      "One successful accessory can turn an ordinary outfit into a unique one."

      Professional stylist

      Susan Kim is the owner of Sum+Style Co., a Seattle-based personal style company with a focus on innovative and accessible fashion. She has more than 5 years of experience in the fashion industry, studied at the Institute of Fashion, Design and Merchandising.

      Professional stylist

      Part 2

      Creating a fresh blush on the face
      1. Wash and moisturize your face. First you need to rinse your face cold water. Apply moisturizer if you have dry skin. For those who decide not to wear makeup, this procedure will be the only necessary step.

        Use a facial toner if you decide to wear makeup anyway. The tonic will clean the pores much deeper than ordinary water. It will also help shrink pores and make skin appear smoother. Apply a few drops of tonic to a cotton swab and wipe your face with it, being especially gentle on the area around the eyes.

        • Tonic can also be used by men. It refreshes the skin and helps prevent breakouts and irritation after shaving. Just don't use toner immediately after shaving, as it may contain alcohol, which will burn the skin.
      2. Pluck your eyebrows. Well-groomed eyebrows help you look attractive, even if you do nothing else for it. You can also use an eyebrow pencil to fill in sparse areas and shape. To determine suitable shape eyebrows, you need:

        Try using foundation or concealer. To even out your skin tone while still looking natural, you can apply foundation or concealer. This is a great way to cover up imperfections.

        Do neutral eye makeup. Choose pallets in browns, pinks, and bronzes, depending on your skin tone. Apply eye shadow with a brush on the movable eyelid.

      Part 3

      Creating a simple hairstyle

        Part your hair. Men and women should style their hair differently, which will allow you to create new and easy looks. There are straight, side and even zigzag partings, in which the hair seems to intersect with each other towards the front of the head.

      1. Make a bouffant. If you want to give more volume to your hair, collect it in a bun and make a small pile, while retreating 2.5 cm from the roots. This will be a great idea when creating a bun or ponytail, as this way the hair will not look too slick.

        • For men, this method is perfect. If your hair is long enough, you can bouffant it to give it structure. Do not bouffant all over the head, especially for areas close to the face, on the sides and above the ears. Limit yourself to the area at the temples and a little further.
      2. Ask the hairdresser to cut some of the hair from the sides. The classic hairstyle for men involves combining a short haircut from the sides and more long hair at the top of the head. Such a haircut is called a "platform". To style your hair in the morning, use gel and comb or do it with your fingers.

        • In general, this hairstyle is easy to maintain, and there are many variations in length and shape that you or your hairdresser can try.

    A stylish female image is formed from details: well-chosen clothes, accessories, hairstyles, shoes and more. The choice of outfits is directly influenced by age characteristics, complexion. The question of how to dress stylishly and inexpensively for a woman cannot be answered in one sentence. There are universal tips, following which the young lady will look relevant, fashionable and stylish.

    Rules for women: save wisely

    No matter how old you are - 20, 30 or 40 - to dress stylishly, but at the same time inexpensively, you need to know what to save on and what things to buy only from leading brands. So, let's begin.

    First, here is a list of what you absolutely should not save on:

    • shoes;
    • accessories;
    • basic wardrobe;
    • underwear;
    • decorations.

    High-quality shoes, bags, belts, watches, hats and stoles - this is what forms the image, so saving is unacceptable here. Even with banal, inexpensive jeans, a chic bag and branded ankle boots will look stylish and fashionable.

    As for other accessories, for example, inexpensive watches or jewelry that has darkened from time to time completely level the style of any bow. It is better to choose an expensive brand of watches or jewelry (gold, silver, as an option), or completely abandon them.

    Silk, cashmere scarves, stoles are an appropriate addition to the image, so the choice of such products should not be superficial. There are no trends here - you should buy things that suit you.

    Lingerie is not something worth saving on, because it corrects the figure, creates a seductive silhouette, and this is self-confidence, proud posture and, as a result, a wonderful bow.

    And the last thing is the basic wardrobe items: trousers, skirts, turtlenecks, cardigans, jackets, coats, etc. These items of clothing are called the base because they are constantly worn and combined with others. Accordingly, the high quality and style of such clothing should not be questioned.

    What can you save on? Firstly, modern world good choice - branded items can sometimes be bought inexpensively. For example, you should look at sales in company stores - there are discounts of up to 70% on things that were very expensive. Especially inexpensive sales are popular at the border of the seasons. Although when updating collections, huge discounts on shoes, clothes and accessories can be in the midst of sales.

    It is also possible to save a little on additional things that make up combinations with basic wardrobe. For example, it is better to prefer an inexpensive, plain cotton T-shirt than an expensive one decorated with rhinestones, since the former is successfully combined with many looks.

    To diversify the wardrobe, no need to buy a lot of new clothes, sometimes it is enough to replenish the piggy bank of relevant accessories. On the contrary, buying super-fashionable novelties, such as shoes on an unrealistically bulky platform, a T-shirt a la “fish scales” or jeans sliding off the buttocks, is an absolutely useless purchase. Such clothes will only bring you disappointment and regret about wasted money, because by the end of the season they will look out of place.

    Inexpensive evening dresses - myth or reality? You can save on a dress for an ordinary corporate party or birthday, but for your child’s wedding or graduation, you should choose the most beautiful and expensive outfit.

    First of all, do not choose clothes that are not age appropriate (cropped skirts, T-shirts with cartoon characters like "Hello Kitty", blouses "hello from the last century", baggy mouse-colored dresses that fit women far beyond ...

    Things should be stylish, high-quality, elegant, emphasizing the silhouette, but not sitting on you tightly, like a glove.

    Secondly, all attention to the classics. Trendy shorts might flatter your figure this season, but look ridiculous next. Accordingly, such a purchase cannot be called economical. Get a classic item of excellent quality and wear it with pleasure.

    Thirdly, clothes should not hinder movement, and shoes should not cause discomfort. High heels and tight skirts that make it difficult for a woman to breathe are best left in the past. The motto of an elegant young lady is absolute comfort, discreet beauty, style and charm.

    Next, about heels. You should not forget about them, so you should not completely switch to sneakers worn to holes. You need to choose high-quality, stylish pumps and ankle boots that are really comfortable, because shoes are an important component of the image of a beautiful woman of any age.

    Decide on accents. Flaws of the figure are not only in 40, but also in 20 years, so you need to learn how to skillfully hide them, exposing only the most beautiful. For example, you have seductive breasts - so demonstrate this with a not too revealing neckline. Slim waist emphasize with a high-quality belt, and cover the first wrinkles on the neck with a silk scarf.

    Choice colors very important. Visually rejuvenate a woman and look very stylish shades such as Ivory, topaz, white, milk chocolate.

    There is an opinion that bright prints are appropriate at 20-25 years old, and after 40 - taboo. This is partly true, but the rule applies to too lurid or overtly childish patterns. Therefore, ornaments are welcome, but appropriate ones should be chosen.

    Regarding the length - restraint is welcome. Too much short dresses or skirts should not be chosen, even if the figure allows it. The most successful length is to the middle of the knee or slightly above.

    Choosing outerwear, dark tones should be avoided - only cream, light, pinkish. In such a coat you will be irresistible and young.

    In accessories and shoes, liberties are allowed, creativity, but without busting. Choose shoes in a more juicy shade, an original brooch or an unusual but elegant headpiece. It will go stylish look for good. But do not overdo it with expensive jewelry, as an attempt to demonstrate wealth can turn into absolute bad taste and pretentiousness.

    Bags choose neat, not too large, so as not to be associated with a boring lady with voluminous shopping bags. Perfect option for a middle-aged woman - clutches and small bags.

    In youth, you can afford liberties in clothes, and after 30-40 years it is wiser to leave bold experiments with your own appearance - classic looks are always popular, they look appropriate, stylish, seductive and relevant, so it’s better to stick to the traditional line in clothes.

    There are no trifles in a harmonious image: well-groomed nails, skin, lips, confident gait, neat and stylish hairstyle, high-quality clothes and shoes- all this makes an ordinary woman a goddess. Make sure that your clothes are always clean and ironed, and that they fit you correctly. Inexpensive but clean and right size clothes always look better than expensive ones that are wrinkled or don't fit well!

    As a result, a young lady of any age, with the right approach to bow formation, can look simply stunning and act on men like expensive, aged wine.
