Production of tiles from crumb rubber can be seen as profitable business... This is due to the profitability of these products and the low competitive environment. The high demand for these products is due to the long service life compared to other materials. Unlike other types of paving slabs, rubber tiles are distinguished by their non-slip surface and frost resistance. This quality allows them to find a wide range of applications.

Modern equipment makes it possible to produce high quality tiles that will not crack from temperature changes and crumble. Correct installation tiles allows natural sediments to pass through it, which is an undeniable advantage. This coating will stay clean and dry during rain or snowmelt in the spring.

A wide range of products and colors allows you to choose the necessary coating in size and color. For arranging the territory of the playground, you can use tiles with a variety of patterns. Do-it-yourself production of such products at home can be considered as a trial option. Making tiles in this way takes a lot of time and allows you to produce a minimum amount of products.

Most often, such a coating is used:

You can sell products through private companies, construction trade networks, construction organizations. In addition, the laying of the coating can be done by hand.

Features of production

The price for finished products is taken from the calculation spent materials. The more ingredients were used in the production of the tile, the more expensive it will be in finished form. The average retail price of finished colored tiles can be about 1,500 rubles per square meter.

When producing products from crumb rubber, it is required to strictly observe the production technology:

The use of the cold pressing method makes it possible to obtain high quality products with good resistance to environmental influences. Products receive high density, strength and flexibility.

Equipment and price

Regardless of the type of production , either private business or industrial production, you will certainly need equipment for manufacturing rubber tiles.

Equipment for the production of rubber tiles usually includes:

As an additional equipment for rubber tiles, you will need to purchase a heating cabinet, a platform for a mixer, a forming table, stands for fixing tiles.

The purchase of all equipment for medium production, taking into account its delivery and setting up for work, will cost about 2,000,000 rubles. But it will not work to start production in the absence of raw materials. D production requires crumb rubber, dyes and glue.

The average cost of a ton of crumb rubber is 19,000 rubles. Depending on the choice of pressing (cold or hot), the cost of the glue will be from 140-200 rubles per kilogram. For the production of multi-colored tiles, the purchase of dyes will be required. The price for 1 kg of dye varies between 80-190 rubles.

Room selection

It will not be possible to open a full-fledged production without the availability of the necessary space. Its size is dictated by the scale of the products manufactured. According to environmental safety requirements, the facility for the manufacture of such products must be located in a suburban area. There should be no living area near its location.

The rent should be affordable. When renting an object, you should take into account not only its area, but also its height. These parameters are required for placing equipment. It is recommended to choose a room with office rooms so that all employees can be accommodated in the same area and control the tile production process. It is advisable to choose an object located near highways.

Manufacturing flaws

When opening a new business, you can face some risks:

Before starting your own business, you should collect all the necessary documents and obtain a certificate for the products. It is also recommended to find a trusted supplier of equipment and raw materials in advance. In this case, you can rely on warranty service of the equipment, which will avoid long downtime. In advance, it is necessary to outline the possible markets for the finished material. You should also rent an area of \u200b\u200bsufficient space for the production and storage of products. After that, you can start buying equipment and raw materials, searching for personnel and starting work.

Alfa-MSK offers interested parties to buy equipment for the production of rubber tiles, as well as:

  • curbs and paving stones, rubber rolls;
  • seamless coatings based on crumb rubber.

Reasons to buy equipment for the production of rubber plates and coatings from us

  • we value the time of each customer and provide in detail all the information of interest;
  • delivery times to any city in Russia - from 2 days, delivery in Moscow is possible the next day;
  • the equipment is always in stock, there is no need to wait;
  • the price for a standard package is the most affordable in Moscow and the region!

Together with the line we provide Certificate of conformity, and Declaration.

We are always ready to provide technical and consulting assistance throughout the year of the warranty period and much later.

We work throughout Russia and neighboring countries. All equipment is manufactured in Russia.

We offer several configurations:

1) Now opening your own production without attracting serious investments has become possible for 850,000 rubles !!!

We are talking about a new line of equipment for the production of rubber tiles, which offers the Alfa MSK modernization service. The main difference between the new line and the standard configuration is its small dimensions and affordable price... This rubber tile equipment does not require large production areas and significant material investments.

The production of rubber tiles is the most effective method recycling of old worn out tires. The end products are highly durable and durable. The production of such a material allows us to solve two important problems - to make products with excellent performance and to safely dispose of unnecessary tires. This is a great idea for anyone looking to start a home business.

Raw materials for the production of rubber tiles

If you plan to start producing rubber paving stones at home, the main raw material - crushed rubber, can be purchased at the factory. Many domestic enterprises are engaged in the processing of old tires, so there will be no problems with the purchase of raw materials.

You can make a crumb of tires with your own hands, but in this case you cannot do without special equipment.

Waste tires can be purchased for next to nothing or received free of charge, with only transportation costs.

The composition of the mixture for the manufacture of rubber paving slabs includes:

  • fractions of rubber crumb;
  • glue;
  • pigments;
  • modifying fillers.

it recycled material from old car tires, which is obtained by mechanical crushing, followed by the separation of unnecessary impurities such as textile fibers and metal cord. The crumb contains synthetic rubber, various oils and fillers, so the raw materials are initially strong and durable. Tires are resistant to acids and alkalis.

Automotive rubber is highly elastic and perfectly retains its shape. It is difficult to deform even with high temperaturesoh.

The size of the crumb can vary between 0.1-10 mm. Raw materials 0.1-4 mm are used for the production of black or colored single-layer tiles. Larger fractions are intended for the manufacture of the lower layer. They may contain metal inclusions.

Pigment dyes make it possible to obtain finished products of different colors. The colorants are in a dry powdery phase. They can be organic or inorganic. Externally, pigments look like multi-colored flour. Coloring of the mixture for the manufacture of tiles from crumb rubber occurs when the dye interacts with polyurethane glue. The coloring matter coats the crumb rubber and gives it the desired color.

Inorganic dyes can be based on:

  • titanium dioxide - white;
  • iron oxide - red;
  • iron oxide hydroxide - yellow;
  • cobalt is blue.

Mixing the primary colors produces different shades.

Polymer glue

The binder that is added to the tile mix is \u200b\u200ba non-toxic polyurethane-based mass. It can be:

  • one-component;
  • two-component.

The second option differs in composition. It comes with a hardener. When choosing an adhesive, pay attention to its quality. It has the entire load, so it is worth purchasing a binder in small quantities from several manufacturers and empirically choosing the appropriate option.

Modifying fillers

This component makes it possible to increase the strength and wear resistance of secondary raw materials, and also gives elasticity to the finished product. At a low concentration, modifying fillers do not improve the mechanical properties, and at a large concentration, the material becomes brittle, and therefore the mechanism of its destruction changes.

Forms for tiles

You can make your own rubber tile molds. But this activity will take you a lot of time and money, so it is better to purchase finished products or order their manufacture according to a sketch.

Do not forget to treat the mold with soapy water or silicone before use so that the solution does not stick to it. After removing the finished rubber, non-metallic forms are treated with an acidic solution to eliminate dust.

Equipment for the production of

Components for the production of tiles by cold pressing will cost more than hot ones. The most expensive option is to install automated line... Such equipment is suitable for industrial production, so a large room will be needed.

Special equipment for the production of rubber tiles at home consists of the following units:

  • raw material mixer;
  • volcanic press;
  • press forms;
  • libra;
  • conveyor carts;
  • forming tables;
  • drying chamber.

The components of the working mixture are loaded into a mixer with slow-speed blades, which are thoroughly mixed. Most often, the main raw materials and glue are mixed separately, so another machine of this type will be needed.

The mixture is loaded into molds on special molding tables. After that, the molds are placed on carts and placed under a press. The loaded carts are sent to the drying chamber.

The performance of all electrical equipment depends on the size of the drying chamber. For production to be profitable, its area must be at least 200 m².

For the production of raw materials (rubber crumb) at home, a method of mechanical crushing is used using special cutters. This inexpensive piece of equipment is suitable for making garage tiles. In industrial production, the method of shock wave crushing is used. Such equipment is fully automated.

Manufacturing technology

Two pressing methods are used for the production of tiles:

  • hotter;
  • cold.

The first option is cheaper and faster. But you will end up with a toxic product of poor quality. Domestic manufacturers prefer cold pressing. This method allows you to get durable tiles, but it does not have a high performance.

Electricity costs for both methods are the same. Only the nature of electricity consumption differs. With the hot method, electrical energy is consumed cyclically, only during the operation of the press. Cold pressing requires constant energy consumption to maintain the desired temperature regime in drying chambers.

Consider the main stages of production:

  1. Preparatory. At this stage, the main raw materials are prepared. For this old car tires freed from metal rings and textile threads, and then crushed on a crusher to the desired fraction.
  2. Preparation of the mixture. Into the mixer into the right proportion load rubber crumb, glue, pigments and modifying fillers.
  3. Forming. The finished mixture is filled in special forms and sent under the press.
  4. Pressing. The raw material is pressed to a predetermined density and thickness.
  5. Baking. In the hot production process, the material is baked under a press at + 130 ° C. Cold way implies the installation of molds with raw materials in ovens for processing at lower temperatures (+ 60 ° C).

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the production technology of rubber tiles. Pay special attention to the following important nuances:

  1. The size of the rubber crumb. The quality of the coating and its physical and mechanical characteristics depend on this parameter.
  2. The presence of lubricant in the molds before loading the mixture.
  3. Compliance with the proportions when preparing the mixture.
  4. To increase the water resistance of the tiles, you need to use a smaller fraction of chips and increase the pressure of the press.
  5. The larger the fraction of crumb rubber, the faster the color of the material is lost during operation.
  6. Tiles with a thickness of more than 2 cm are best done in two layers. The upper layer is made of small crumbs, the lower one is made of large ones. If you want to make your rubber tile in two layers, you will need an additional mixer to prepare the different layers.
  7. One press machine needs to produce tiles of the same thickness, regardless of their configuration. The thinner the coating, the faster it will form.

Many manufacturers produce double layer rubber tiles. This approach allows them to significantly reduce the cost of finished products, since the mixture includes a cheap coarse fraction of the feedstock.


To prepare a mixture of crumb rubber, all the necessary components are taken in the following proportion:

  • rubber crumb - 80%;
  • polymer glue - 10%;
  • pigment - 3.5%;
  • modified fillers - 0.5%.

The smaller the crumb fraction, the more glue you need. Pigment substances dry out the binder, so there may be less of it in black tiles. Before pouring the ingredients into the mixer, they must be accurately dosed using a scale. Failure to comply with the technology can negatively affect the quality characteristics of the finished product.

Hot way

For the hot method of tile production, a vulcanization press is required, under which the vulcanization process takes place at a temperature of + 130 ° C. Forms with the mixture are pressed for 30 minutes. After this, the finished tile can be removed.

Hot pressing significantly increases volumes as it speeds up the tile making process. However, fast is not always good.

When using the hot method, the characteristics of the product deteriorate, which negatively affects its quality. These tiles have a brighter smell of burnt rubber. In addition, it is rapidly degraded by various environmental factors.

The glue should be well absorbed into the structure of the mixture components. With the hot method, it does not have time to firmly bind all the components, so the tile becomes fragile and not strong enough. High temperatures connecting links do not dry, but bake, which negatively affects the elasticity of the tile and its strength.

Cold way

The finished rubber mixture is loaded into molds and placed under a press. After pressing, the carts with molds are loaded into special chambers for drying. They are kept for 4-6 hours at + 60 ° C. After this time, you can remove the carts from the chamber.

The productivity of the cold method depends on the volume of the drying chamber. The larger the chamber, the more carts it will fit. Thanks to this, you can regulate the amount of products produced.

At first glance, it may seem that the production of tiles in this way is less productive. With cold pressing, chemical reactions slow down, the glue has time to reliably bind all the components and, as a result, you get a durable quality material with excellent performance characteristics. Production volumes can be increased by purchasing additional equipment.

The practice of using the rubber coating shows its excellent properties. In many respects, rubber tiles outperform paving slabs and other coatings. Suffice it to note its strength, which extends the service life up to two decades.

Selection of premises for production

Tile production needs a special room. It should preferably meet the following requirements:

  • total area of \u200b\u200bthe room - at least 80 square meters;
  • ceiling height - at least 3 meters;
  • internal room temperature - not lower than + 15 °;
  • connection to an industrial power grid - from 20 kilowatts;
  • floors with a flat surface;
  • distance from the residential sector at least 300 meters.

Raw materials for the production of rubber coating

To establish the production process, you will need to purchase the following materials:

  • rubber crumb (colored and black);
  • dyes;
  • polyurethane glue.

The main raw materials are rubber crumb ... Mainly, it is a used tire. The key to the strength and durability of crumb rubber is the high quality of both natural and artificial rubber, as well as softening oils and fillers that are used in the manufacture of car tires.

Crumb rubber is produced as follows. First, waste rubber products are collected at a dedicated site. Then, from the place of storage of crumb rubber, it is delivered by a forklift to the workshop.

There it is loaded into a special plant that processes rubber products. The process of making rubber crumb of a certain fraction is started. Finished products are unpacked into bags and transported to warehouses by a forklift.

Equipment for the production of rubber tiles

When buying this type of equipment, each entrepreneur primarily focuses on the amount of start-up capital. The market today offers a wide range of equipment of this profile.

So, what kind of equipment is required to open your own enterprise for the production of crumb rubber tiles? The standard technological complex includes the following units:

  1. Mixers (six pieces). They are needed for the mixing process of various ingredients.
  2. Ovens (or drying chamber). Here the raw material will be heat treated.
  3. Six fixing stands for tiles.
  4. Forming tables (three to six pieces are needed).
  5. Mixer platforms.
  6. Press (hydraulic model) for the production of rubber tiles. This machine will provide the product forming process.
  7. Molds They will serve for manufacturing necessary products.
  8. Conductor. It is necessary for the formation of technological holes.

This is the minimum set of technological line components that will allow starting the rubber tile manufacturing process. This equipment will make it possible to manufacture products of various thickness and density.

Video: Equipment for the production of rubber tiles.

Manufacturing technology

When producing two-layer tiles, for a softer and cleaner top layer, you will need colored fine rubber. For a dense lower base layer, black coarse crumbs (0.2-1 cm) are required.

Each layer of crumb rubber involves a separate manufacturing process. In this case, it is assumed that the composition of the lower layer may include textile inclusions, metal elements and other impurities.

On initial stage production is a mixture with the addition of glue and pigment. All ingredients are mixed as thoroughly as possible. Then the resulting raw material is poured into molds having the desired parameters and a given shape.

The formation of products is achieved by pressing. After that, you need to carefully remove the tiles from the molds. If the work is done without flaw, then quality tiles packed and sent to the warehouse or transported directly to the customer.

Methods for the production of crumb rubber tiles:

  • hot pressing;
  • cold pressing.

The first - high-temperature - method is characterized by high productivity, but the tiles obtained by hot pressing loses their durability and acquires the smell of burnt rubber.

With cold pressing, both process performance and product quality can be achieved. The main thing is to comply with all technological requirements.

Video: Comparison of Hot and Cold Pressed Rubber Tiles.

Stages of production of rubber tiles by cold pressing

  1. Kneading preparation. The line with six mixers will allow you to thoroughly mix all the components.
  2. Loading the mixture into the mold.
  3. Pressing process. The molds are loaded in ten levels into trolleys that undergo pressing - squeezing under pressure up to 5 tons.
  4. Drying. The trolleys are placed in a drying chamber for 4-6 hours, where the temperature is set to 60 °.
  5. Unloading carts and removing products from the forms.
  6. Quality control of finished rubber tiles.

Advantages of the cold pressing method

  • all ingredients are thoroughly mixed, which affects the increase in product quality;
  • under the press, the tile acquires a high density;
  • a sauna effect is created in the drying chamber, which contributes to the good absorption of dyes and glue into the rubber crumb - this will subsequently affect the strength and flexibility of the tile;
  • the rubber tiles obtained by cold pressing do not have a specific odor and do not suffer from environmental influences.

Cost-effective rubber tile manufacturing process

The mini-plant, which will host this equipment, can cost a novice entrepreneur from 2 to 3 million rubles, including VAT and the complex of all works on launching the line.

You should not be afraid of the costs of purchasing equipment for the production of rubber tiles and organizing a business in general. They will justify themselves quickly enough. The main advantage of such a line is that it will save workers on labor. Three or four operators will be able to service it.

The profitability of the production of rubber tiles on such equipment will be 40%. With a 22-day work schedule, production can be increased to 3 thousand m2 of tiles per month.

The main thing is competent operation of the equipment and a thoughtful approach to the production process. With the growing demand for rubber tiles and little market competition, there is every reason to count on the success of the enterprise.

  1. When purchasing equipment for the manufacture of rubber paving slabs, one should take a responsible approach to the question of choosing a supplier.
  2. A bona fide supplier will provide information on the location of sales markets and help create sales schemes.
  3. It would not be bad for a novice entrepreneur to acquire a list of documents for obtaining a certificate.
  4. The supplier can also assist in purchasing the necessary raw materials for the production of rubber coating.
  5. You should buy rubber tile production equipment from a supplier who will not only install it and help launch it, but also guarantee that it will renovation works in case of force majeure.

Name amount
1 Hydraulic press 1

Mixing system (mixer with gear motor, filling platform, forming table, plastic surface inside the tank, electrical cabinet)


Fractional crumb rubber is the basic raw material for tiles and rubber flooring. This raw material is actually taken from waste, or rather it is extracted by recycling old worn out tires from cars. Car tires are made from fairly expensive high quality components (various oils, synthetic rubber, fillers), since these products must withstand huge loads for a very long period of time.

Of all existing species tire rubber, by its structure, stands out for its high strength and durability. Such rubber easily transfers the hit of acidic and alkaline solutions on its surface, is very elastic, does not stretch, does not bend and is able to withstand temperatures from -45 to + 60 degrees.

raw material:
Automotive crumb (or crushed rubber - RD) - is mined as a result of processing worn-out tires of other rubber goods. Its price depends on such indicators as: quality, manufacturing method, dimensions, place of manufacture and sale. In Russia, the retail price for a crumb fluctuates in the district 6-15 rubles per kilogram.

Places of crumb rubber production:
- factories that process car tires into crumb as the main raw material;
- for by-product production at RTI factories
- factories that restore tires by roughing them (tread treatment) as a production waste.

Used crumb rubber fractions:
Fractions of crumb rubber vary from 0.1 mm to 10 mm and directly depend on their purpose. So, fractions of a small type (0.1 - 4 mm) are mainly used in the production of colorless (black) or colored single-layer products. In the manufacture of the lower colored layers, mainly fractions of a larger nature (2-10 mm) are used. Most often, they are cheaper in comparison with more miniature fractions, as they can contain textile or metal inclusions. The production of tiles with two layers (the upper thin colored layer, the lower dark layer with large crumb fractions) is permissible and relevant when the original thickness of the product exceeds 1.5 cm.

Layering allows you to reduce the cost of the product due to the following points:
... Inclusion in the composition of a cheap coarse fraction of crumbs. Such a crumb may contain textile or other inclusions.
... Housekeeping on paint - the bottom layer remains black.
... Larger crumb fractions require less binder for their crosslinking, which is carried out by enveloping the surface of the crumb particle
... The absence of a dye allows using less binder for crosslinking the particles, since the mixture dries up in the colored crumb.

Equipment and raw materials (prices)

The line, which produces rubber coatings, has the following set of equipment:

A volcanic press with a capacity of up to 100 m² per day. Price - about 350 thousand rubles;

Compression forms. Cost - 30 thousand rubles a piece;

Drying chamber (for a mini business, it is possible to make it yourself), price from 100,000 rubles.

Raw materials:

Rubber crumb - black (17 thousand rubles per ton), colored (from 23 to 35 thousand);
... polyurethane glue - 140 rubles / kg;
... dyes - 7 rubles per kg;

Electricity consumption by the line - 15-15 kW / h.

Coatings can be made:
- both soft and hard in density;
- waterproof, or with water admission (drainage);
- thin and thick;
- as colorless (black), colored, or black with splashes different color;
- with good grip and more slippery;
- with or without a picture;
- single or multiple layers;
- for laying on a soft base (ground) or hard;
- with or without connections (bush, lock).

Paving slabs are often laid parallel to conventional paving slabs. It is for this combination that rubber coatings of the same sizes and shapes are created as ordinary pavement tiles.

Premises for a mini tile production workshop.
Criteria for the production of rubber coatings (provided that the equipment is optimal and has an average level of performance):

1. The area occupied by the technical line - 70-100 m² (excluding the warehouse);
2. Change of workers, which consists of 4-5 employees (1 senior per shift);
3. Power consumption:
- standard - 52 kW;
- average - 13 kW / hour (explained by the cyclic operation of the equipment);
4. Average level of productivity (taking into account possible stops and rejects).

Equipment and materials are located by sector:
§ Raw materials warehouse for storage of rubber crumb, its dyes and glue;
§ Preparation sector where the material is used for dosing, mixing, weighing processes
§ Forming sector, with installed pressing equipment and tables;
§ Warehouse with finished products, where manufactured products from tire crumb are stored.
Presses start to operate prematurely, 30-50 minutes before starting to warm up the press mechanisms.

General axioms:

1. Consumption of glue.
§ The amount of binder is inversely related to the crumb fraction. The finer the crumb, the more binder is needed for crosslinking. The larger, the smaller.
§ Dyes dry out the glue. Because of this, its amount in the black coating is less.
§ The higher the density of the product, the less glue is needed.
2. Average consumption of glue for the manufacture of various coatings from 4 to 12%, depending on the presence / absence of dye, density of materials, quality of glue, and the size of the tire crumb used.

For example, to make a colored coating Mat 500 * 500 * 16mm (from fine crumbs) you need 6% dye and 5% glue from the amount of rubber crumbs.
a) Black coating (crumb size - 4-10mm) - 4% glue.
b) Black coating (crumb size - 2-3 mm) - 5% glue.
c) Black coating (crumb size - 1.2-1.8 mm) - 6% glue.
d) Colored coating (crumb size - 1.2-1.8 mm) - 7-9% glue.
3. The water resistance increases, the smaller the crumb rubber fraction and the higher the pressure.
4. The larger the crumb, the faster the color of the product will be lost due to abrasion.
5. The larger the crumb, the stronger the coating, but compliance with the thickness of the coating must be observed
6. Thick coatings (2 cm or more) are best made in two layers. For the upper part, use fine crumbs, for the bottom - cheaper coarse crumbs (5-12 mm) with possible impurities. Each layer has its own proportions of glue. Each layer is kneaded in different containers.
7. It is recommended to produce products of the same thickness on one pressing mechanism, regardless of the configuration, since the thickness affects the operating time of the press (the thinner the product, the faster its formation passes).

Additional accessories for production.

A trolley to transport raw materials (crumb, dye).
- A trolley with a special tripod to transport containers with glue.
- Scales to weigh components (50 kg electronic is best).
- Trowels for uniform laying of coatings.
- Special measuring cups and scoops, depending on the product standard.
- Mixing glue and dye drill with attachments.

Price for implementation rubber plates:

One pack
100 tiles - 57 thousand rubles.

The cost of 1 m² is 1,584 rubles.
The price of 1 plate is 570 rubles.
The minimum batch is 100 slabs (25 m²).

Sales of products.

For coating on production lines, in warehouses, or as a rubber coating for garages;
- used in areas near skating rinks, dressing rooms, playgrounds;
- in combination with paving slabs;
- as a covering for various sports complexes or children's playgrounds;
- on farms, livestock facilities;
- on roofs, terraces
- in baths and other places.

As you can see, the release of such products is part of the ecosystem, engaged in high-quality injury-safe products - rubber tiles or crumb coating.

Production of tiles from crumb rubber: