VSN 64-97


"Instructions on the technology of waterproofing and strengthening walls, foundations, bases with polymer water-repellent compositions" was developed by NIIMosstroy (Ph.D. B.V. Lyapidevsky, Ph.D. A.F. Lander, senior researcher T. A. Kleiman).

When using this instruction, you should take into account the approved changes to the standards and specifications for materials used for waterproofing and strengthening walls, foundations, bases with polymer water-repellent compounds.

Complex for perspective development of Moscow

Departmental building codes

VSN 64-97

Instructions on the technology of waterproofing and strengthening walls, foundations, bases with polymer waterproofing compounds

Introduced for the first time

Office of Extra-Budgetary City Development Planning

General Plan Development Department


1.2. When performing the work specified in., It is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulation and finishing coatings" and this instruction.

1.3. Polymer compositions proposed for waterproofing and strengthening structures made of brick, stone, concrete are compositions based on water-repellent silicon compounds.

1.4. Compounds intended for waterproofing and strengthening the structure of walls and foundations must be checked for compliance with the technical requirements specified in this manual.

1.5. Polymer compositions are delivered to construction sites ready for use.

1.6. Before starting work on waterproofing and strengthening structures, preparatory work must be completed.

1.7. When performing waterproofing works with polymer and polymer-cement compositions, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP III-4-80 * "Safety in construction" and this manual.

Fig. 1.1. Water absorption mechanism diagram

Liquid water absorption:

1 - rainwater; 2 - filtration water; 3 - rising moisture;

Water absorption in the form of water vapor:

4 - capillary condensation; 5 - hygroscopic water absorption; 6 - condensation

Work is permitted under the following conditions:

Outside air temperature must not be lower than + 5 ° С;

On the outside, the walls must be frostbitten by at least half of their thickness, which is achieved by keeping at a stable round-the-clock temperature of + 8 ° C for 5 consecutive days.

It is forbidden to perform works on covering waterproofing:

In hot weather when the air temperature in the shade is + 27 ° C and with direct exposure to sunlight;

During rain and immediately after rain on a surface that has not absorbed water;

When the wind speed exceeds 10 m / s.

Waterproofing of internal surfaces is allowed to be done indoors at a temperature not lower than 10 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 80%.


2.1. Before starting work on waterproofing and strengthening the structures of parts of buildings and structures using injection and cover methods, it is necessary:

Carefully inspect the surface of the insulated structures;

Clean up all defective places (cracks, potholes, places not tied with mortar);

The surface to be treated must be clean, durable, free from residues of fuel oil, tar, cement mortar, oil and grease stains, rubber paste, drips, etc .;

If possible, the surface should be scraped or sandblasted;

Surfaces with absorbent properties must be evenly and abundantly moistened with water, avoiding the formation of puddles;

Damaged places (chips, shells, cracks, etc.) are rubbed with polymer-cement mortar from a dry mixture of at least 75 grade, sealed with Asoplast-MC binder emulsion. (Asoplast-MC - a synthetic emulsion based on butodiene and styrene - gives the solidified solution increased adhesion, increases elasticity and resistance to soaking, reduces water permeability, increases chemical resistance).

2.2. In the case of immediate waterproofing of damp areas of surfaces, places of leakage and seepage of water in basements, mines, etc. FIKS-10s sealing cement is used.

2.3. If it is necessary to install horizontal waterproofing in the outer walls of the building, it is necessary to provide access for the installation of injectors and injection along the entire perimeter of the building (outside and inside).

2.4. Roots and cracks in walls and ceilings should be carried out with a polymer-cement composition using a dry mixture with Asoplast-MC and subsequent leveling.

The joints of dissimilar materials must be glued with gauze on a 50% plasticized polyvinyl acetate (containing dibutyl phthalate GOST 18992-80) dispersion diluted with water 2: 1 or Uniflex-B glue.

The gauze should be carefully smoothed out, not have folds, bulges and, after the adhesive layer has dried, should not peel off the surface.


3.1. Application area:

To stop capillary absorption by creating a horizontal barrier when renovating old buildings;

To eliminate voids and shells;

To eliminate leaks in concrete, if there are various types of fasteners (anchors, consoles, protruding supports, sleeves, etc.);

For embedding sinuses in underground structures filled with rubble, pieces of concrete, construction waste or lumpy soil;

For pumping the mixture during the construction of tunnels in fractured rocky soils behind the tunnel shell to fill the free space;

In case of poor-quality monolithing of the joints of prefabricated structures;

In those structures where the concrete has not been sufficiently compacted and there are separate gravel layers and loose working joints;

In case of violations of brick and rubble masonry, which occur with uneven precipitation of the foundation, in the absence of proper dressing of the seams and poor-quality filling;

To fill voids to prevent metal corrosion, eliminate water seepage;

In order to impart solidity to the structure and increase its strength;

For filling pores with porous concrete structure;

In the presence of deep cracks, spread throughout the entire thickness of the structure.

3.2. Requirements for injectable formulations.

The composition must meet the following requirements:

Possess a waterproofing property to stop capillary suction;

Be resistant to the action of water-soluble salts;

Be resistant to aggressive substances;

Have good adhesion to masonry or concrete;

The pressure taken should not compromise the strength of the structure and cause any deformation.

3.3. Compositions used for injection waterproofing (polymer).

3.3.1. Injection composition GUI-412e:

It is a hydrophobic and strengthening solution consisting of a mixture of silicic acid esters with solvents with dilution and hydrophobic - based on GKZh-11e with a solvent and dilution - two-component for injection hydrophobization;

Designed for conservation building materials, structural strengthening and volumetric hydrophobization of inorganic porous materials, as well as for external and internal work (injection waterproofing);

Prepared at the workplace in accordance with TU 2312-008-04000633-96;

Low toxicity and fire hazard before impregnation;

Storage: in tightly closed glass containers in accordance with GOST 9980.1-86 * (shelf life 1 year);

Transportation at a temperature not higher than + 30 ° С;

Consumption for injection treatment for 1 borehole with 2-fold filling - 1 liter.

3.3.2. Injection composition "Aquafin-F" by "Schomburg":

Ready-to-use solution for silicatization based on hydrophobic silicon compounds. When interacting with lime, it forms insoluble chemical compounds that stop capillary suction;

Designed to stop capillary absorption when renovating old buildings;

Hydrophobizes and narrows or bridges the capillary structure in concrete and masonry;

Does not cause corrosion of reinforcing steel;

Technical data: base - silicon compounds, liquid; color - transparent; specific gravity - 1.2 g / cm 3;

Storage: in a warm room in closed containers. Shelf life 1 year;

The consumption is calculated based on the absorbency of the wall, according to the processing of a test hole.

For injection, it is necessary to arrange boreholes with a length of at least 2/3 of the wall thickness;

When processing walls with a thickness of more than 1 m, as well as in the corners of buildings, boreholes should be placed on both sides.

3.3.3. Injection composition "Aquafin-SMK":

Silicone microemulsion concentrate prepared on the basis of silanes and oligomeric siloxanes;

It is used for the device of horizontal waterproofing - a barrier of rising capillary moisture;

Technical data: base - silane / siloxane; color - transparent; specific gravity - 0.95 g / cm 3. Shelf life 9 months, store in a warm room;

Consumption: 1.5 - 2 kg of concentrate per 1 m 2 of the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe wall;

Does not contain solvents, odorless, non-flammable, harmless to health.

3.4. Compositions used for injection insulation (polymer-cement).

3.4.1. Fast-setting sealing compound (BUS):

Aluminate-silicate non-toxic binder;



intensive expansion;

watertightness in a stamped state;

ease of clumping and good coining.

Technical data: base - alumina expanding cement, Portland cement, alumina cement, chrysotile asbestos; color - gray;

The water-cement ratio of the cement paste is 0.28 - 0.32;

Waterproof - in a day it should be waterproof;

2) injections without overpressure for solutions based on silicon compounds.

Injection holes should be drilled at intervals of not more than 15 cm with a diameter of 30 mm and at an angle of 45 ° to 30 °. The borehole length should be 5 - 8 cm less than the wall thickness.

Masonry with large cavities, hollow bricks, cracks or open seams of more than 5 mm should be filled with BUSS or Asokret-BM materials before injection work. (.).

Before impregnation, drill cuttings should be removed from the holes.

When working with Aquafin-F material, boreholes should be filled with a 0.1% solution of lime water before impregnation. The impregnation time is at least 24 hours.

Fig. 3.1. Drilling holes in stone structures

Fig. 3.2. Basement waterproofing scheme

Fig. 3.3. Basement waterproofing scheme at the facility

Fig. 3.4. Basement waterproofing scheme

Fig. 3.5. Sealing scheme of individual leaking injection sites

Then the boreholes are filled with BUSS or Asokret-BM material.

3.5.2. The technology for strengthening the underground and aboveground parts of buildings and structures with polymer-cement compositions by the injection method:

the process of injecting a polymer-cement mixture consists of three operations:

1) preparation of wells in the body of the structure for setting injection pipes in them.

2) installation and termination of pipes.

3) injection of the mixture.

The preparation consists in clearing and expanding the place where it is supposed to install pipes with a diameter of 19 - 25 mm.

This removes weak slurry and unconsolidated gravel.

The number of prepared wells is set by the working scheme depending on the size and distribution of the defect.

The borehole depth is drilled in such a way that the pipe goes into it up to 50 - 70 mm at a certain angle, ensuring good fluid flow into the defective area.

Cleaning of shells and expansion of cracks is carried out hand tool (with a scarpel, bolt, etc.). The prepared place is washed ().

When installing the pipes, it is necessary to ensure that they accurately hit a crack or a sink that goes deep into the structure ().

Injection pipes are sealed with cement mortar of 1: 3 composition with a cone draft of 2 ... 3 cm. If the sink or crack is very large compared to the pipe, then tow soaked with liquid glass is placed around it, which is tightly coined.

The end of the tube should protrude from the body of the structure by 50 ... 100 mm to attach the hose to it.

The sealed tubes are kept for some time in order for the solution to gain the required strength ().

Cement mix prepared from cement grade 400 with a composition of 1: 1.5 (1 part of cement and 1.5 parts of water by volume). The mixture is prepared at the workplace in metal barrels with a capacity of 40 - 60 liters, thoroughly mixed for 2 - 3 minutes, filtered through a metal mesh, and then enters the pump. BUSS or Asokret is diluted with water.

Fig. 3.6. Installing injection pipes on a crack and pumping the solution with a pump

The injection is usually carried out by 2 people.

Through the installed pipes or directly into the borehole under a pressure of 0.2 - 2.0 MPa, injection compositions are injected "to failure".

Maintaining the ultimate pressure in this state for 5 - 10 minutes.

After partial curing of the injection composition, the tubes are removed from the structure or cut flush with the surface of the structure, and the boreholes are sealed with polymer cement mortar.

Depending on the design, the nature of the destruction, the strength of the material and the depth of the pipe burial, the appropriate pressure is assigned for each individual case. As the well is saturated, the pressure gradually increases to the maximum set for a given structure and material.

The applied pressure should not compromise the strength of the structure and cause any deformation. During the injection process, a moment comes when the well stops accepting the solution, and a rapid rise in pressure indicates that the existing voids in the structure are filled and further injection should be stopped.

Sometimes injection is carried out in several stages with a break of one day. Re-injection is especially useful in underground structures, where there may be voids behind the wall, and the solution exiting through the through cracks creates layers and fills the voids between the structure and the ground.

The amount of injected cement mixture in one well depends on the volume of the structure, its location, the nature and size of the defect, and the correct placement of the pipes.

A lot of the mixture leaves when injecting underground structures due to the lack of proper compaction of the soil, the presence of various foreign inclusions in it - construction waste, formwork boards, frozen clods of soil, etc. In this case, the solution sometimes spreads over considerable distances from the place of cementation ().

At the end of the work, the injection plastic tubes are removed either by cutting them flush with the structure, or by removing them from the concrete body, if no more than 16-24 hours have passed after the end of the injection. The remaining holes are filled with mortar.

3.5.3. The technology of reinforcing underground and aboveground parts of buildings with polymer compositions by the injection method is performed in the following sequence:

Boreholes are drilled Æ 20 - 25 mm along the axis of cracks in defective zones or over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe structure. The injection technology, pitch, diameter, depth of holes depend on the nature of the damage and are determined by the author of the project at the site of work;

When compacting the material of structures (brick, stone, concrete, reinforced concrete) with undetected defects, the spacing of the holes is taken at the rate of 10 - 20 pcs / m2 of surface, and the depth of the holes is 2/3 of the thickness of the structure (;);

When creating horizontal waterproofing in external and interior walls the spacing of the holes is taken no more than 150 mm, the holes are arranged in two, three or more rows in a checkerboard pattern with a height offset of 100 - 150 mm (.;.;.);

Drill cuttings are removed from the holes in any way;

Metal tubes are installed in the holes of the holes (fittings 10-15 cm long, which are reinforced with cement or polymer-cement mortars. In case of dense concrete (stone), the installation of tubes is optional, in this case the injection is carried out using injectors;

To seal cracks and, in some cases (usually with brickwork), the surface of structures in order to prevent leakage of injection compositions from it, as well as leveling the surface of brick or stone structures (in the case of a subsequent device for painting waterproofing), polymer-cement plaster with a thickness of 10 - 20 mm (. ).

Equipment is being prepared for injection work.

Injectable compositions are being prepared.

Fig. 3.7. Injection and cover waterproofing device

3.5.4. Technological operations and equipment for drilling holes:

The special technology of NIIMosstroy includes the following technological operations:

marking of drilling sites.

drilling holes,

installation of plastic pipes in the holes,

monolithing of pipes with cement mortar - BUS,

injection or pouring into a hole special formulationsfilling microcracks and pores in the body of the wall and foundations and protecting against water penetration;

The most time-consuming and demanding operation is drilling blind inclined holes of a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 18 - 25 mm and a depth of up to 1 m. The angle of inclination of the holes and the horizontal plane is ~ 25 °, the distance from the floor is ~ 100 mm. The holes are staggered, the distance between them horizontally and vertically up to 150 mm;

The most effective means of making holes is the mechanization of these works using various types of hand-held perforators. The correct choice determines the optimal labor intensity and quality of the holes;

The mechanical method makes it possible to obtain holes by drilling, drilling, punching, cutting the material of the building structure, or a combination of these methods, for example, rotary percussion drilling;

Of all the mechanical methods of drilling holes, the most effective is the shock-rotary one, since the wear of the RI during such drilling is approximately equal to the average amount of wear with other methods (shock-rotary, rotary);

For making holes with a diameter of 18 - 25 mm, a depth of up to 0.1 m, the most suitable are manual electric drilling machines of heavy type with a drilling diameter of up to 23 mm, such as RN-38 by AEG, GBN 7/45 by BOSCH, VN45E by ELU, equipped with carbide-reinforced twist drills;

The drills have universal slotted shanks, which allows the use of drills from various foreign companies.

Fig. 3.8. Wall strengthening scheme

3.5.5. Technological operations, equipment and tools for injection and creation of a waterproofing barrier:

drilling and hole cleaning,

primary filling of holes with a polymer-cement composition,

re-drilling and cleaning of holes,

injections from working formulations GU-412e and GUI-412e,

re-filling the holes with polymer-cement mortar;

The initial filling of the holes with a polymer-cement composition is performed after they have been cleaned from drill cuttings. Filling and cleaning the holes from drill cuttings can be done in any available way (flushing, blowing, mechanical removal etc.);

The holes are filled through pipes without overpressure by a lever-type hand pump specially made for injection cement mortars, previously passed through a sieve of 0.63 mm. After filling, before carrying out further work, a technological pause of at least one day is maintained;

re-drilling of the hardened material and cleaning of the holes is carried out after at least one day to the entire depth of the hole with the same diameter drill as in the initial drilling. Cleaning is carried out by flushing, blowing, mechanical removal, etc .;

The injection of the working composition is carried out after cleaning the holes from drill cuttings under a pressure of 0.1 - 0.2 MPa with the same pump or repeated pouring without pressure until full saturation;

The injection time under pressure is usually 5 - 10 minutes, the pressing is considered complete when on the outer surface around the hole into which the injection is made, the working composition protruding on the surface becomes noticeable in the form of a round wet spot. If this is impossible to determine, then a special graduated glass tube is glued to the surface and filled with special compounds, and the saturation of the wall is determined by the consumption of this composition;

Re-filling of the holes with polymer-cement material is performed after injections with the working composition with a technological pause until complete saturation.

3.5.6. Safety precautions in the production of injection works.

When performing work on injection strengthening and waterproofing of structures of buildings and structures with compositions based on modified compositions, it is necessary to observe the rules provided for in the chapter of SNiP III-4-80 * "Safety in construction"; SN 245-71 "Sanitary standards for the design of buildings and structures."

It is necessary to systematically monitor the state of the air environment in the premises and the concentration harmful substances in working area, avoiding exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations (according to the sanitary standards for the design of enterprises). Indoor work can be carried out if there is effective ventilation in the basement.

Before being admitted to independent work, workers must be instructed in safety and fire safety.

Those working with polymer materials and compositions must have overalls and personal protective equipment (cotton gowns, cotton suits and rubber gloves).

In case of contact of the formulations on the skin, it is necessary to clean the skin area with a swab and rinse with plenty of warm water.

The premises must be provided fire safety: Provide fire prevention system and fire protection system.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training and received a certificate for the right to work with these tools, as well as certified in the first group of safety precautions, are allowed to work with pneumatic tools.

In the event of malfunctions in the operation of the mechanisms, the necessary repairs are allowed only after they have been stopped, the power is disconnected and the supply of compressed air is cut off.

All electrical housings must be reliably grounded.


4.1. Application area.

The compositions are used for waterproofing concrete, masonry, plaster in underground structures (inside and outside), sewage treatment plants, water tanks, swimming pools, heating plants, mines, dams, sluices.

4.2. Requirements for covering materials.

Covering materials should:

have a waterproofing property;

be resistant to the action of water-soluble salts;

be resistant to aggressive substances;

have an antiseptic effect;

have good adhesion to masonry or concrete.

4.3. Materials used for covering waterproofing.

For the installation of coating coating waterproofing materials are used based on organosilicon compounds - GU-412e and on the basis of cement-containing coatings - Aquafin-1K, Aquafin-2K and others.

4.3.1. Polymer composition GU-412e:

It is a composition consisting of a mixture of silicic acid esters with a solvent without dilution and a hydrophobic composition based on GKZH-Pe without dilution - two-component for covering waterproofing.

Designed for preservation of building materials, structural strengthening and for cover hydrophobization of inorganic porous materials, used for external and internal work;

Produced in accordance with the technological regulations approved in accordance with the established procedure;

In terms of physical and chemical indicators, it must comply with the requirements and standards specified in table.

The composition is prepared at the workplace in accordance with TU 2312-009-04000633-96.

Toxic and flammable before application to the surface.

Storage: in tightly closed glass containers in accordance with GOST 9980-1-86 *; shelf life 1 year.

The polymer composition is transported at a temperature not higher than + 30 ° C.

Consumption: for covering treatment for 1 m 2 - 0.5 l.

4.3.2. Waterproofing coating Aquafin-1K by Schomburg:

Supplied in powder form and prepared in a clean container with added the required amount clean water;

By stirring, it is brought to a consistency suitable for use with brushes, brushes or sprayers and applied to the prepared surface;

Does not contain substances that have a destructive effect on reinforcement and concrete.

After hardening, forms a durable hard coating.

If cracks may appear on the surface, then such surfaces should be treated with Aquafin-2K insulating agents.

4.3.3. Elastic cover waterproofing Aquafin-2K:

An elastic waterproofing coating consisting of three parts by weight of Aquafin-1K and one part by weight of Uniflex-B (liquid elasticizer);

The hardened coating Aquafin-2K resists the negative pressure of groundwater and stagnant water and is elastic enough to bridge hairline cracks;

It is also used for waterproofing surfaces to be coated ceramic tiles (pools, water storage tanks, etc.) and for terraces, balconies, roofs and during the restoration of old buildings;

In cold rainy weather and with highly damp surfaces, you should first put a primer tie coat Aquafin-F and immediately Aquafin-1K.

Examples of waterproofing basements, underground garages, balconies, under tiles, etc. are given on; ; ;

If you require high-quality injection waterproofing, then REMSTROYHYDRO is the right choice.

Injection waterproofing

Injection waterproofing is used to protect a building from the damaging effects of moisture. The use of this technology implies the introduction of a special substance into the wall or foundation, which makes it possible to create a protective layer that repels moisture. What types of injection waterproofing we offer:

  • - Protection of a brick wall, shut-off waterproofing of the foundation by injection method;
  • - Isolation of the concrete seam from moisture;
  • - We work with foam and expansion joints.
    The price of injection waterproofing is acceptable. Let's consider each type of service in more detail.

Waterproofing brickwork

Injection waterproofing brick walls can be produced independently. The execution algorithm is simple - you need to drill holes at an angle and make an injection inward. After the walls have been injected, a special substance will do the rest of the work. The walls will dry out for 90 days. After completing this procedure, you can get rid of a wet wall in a residential building.
Injection waterproofing of the foundation is made using a similar technology. If you have any questions about this procedure, we recommend that you contact our specialist.
Injection waterproofing of foundations and walls allows you to completely get rid of the threat of excessive moisture. The use of this technology will make it possible to extend the life of the building. Most of the projects under construction have a buried part, which is completely located under the ground. Therefore, full protection against moisture is always relevant. Leakage most often occurs through working and expansion joints - waterproofing floor joints will make it possible to significantly improve protection against moisture.
Particular attention should be paid to the places of mating of structural elements and areas where communications were summed up. Sealing with waterproofing is a demanded service.

Waterproofing a concrete joint

Waterproofing of a cold concrete joint by injection method is becoming popular in modern construction. The working cold concreting joint is formed in the process of placing concrete structures. This area is extremely vulnerable to mechanical stress and temperature extremes. In the case of moisture ingress and its freezing, cracks appear inside the concrete joint, which leads to a loss of strength. Pressurized concrete injection can solve the problem and patch up the damaged area. The reason for ordering this service is to create an effective barrier to moisture, which leads to the destruction of the reinforcement.
The integrity of the building structure is at stake. It is necessary to use a sealant for waterproofing joints in concrete. It is important to process the following places:

  • - Column connections and ribbed floors;
  • - Joints of slabs and foundations;
  • - Seams on the edges of the beams made of various materials.
    When waterproofing a cold concrete joint, jointing, cleaning and caulking must be done. Next, holes are made for the introduction of a waterproofing solution. It may also be necessary to inject concrete into the soil to improve the strength of the foundation.

Waterproofing foam seam

Foam seams are also highly susceptible to moisture damage. Despite the high strength of the solidified substance, frozen water easily breaks the foam mass, creating cracks. Injections into a foam concrete wall will protect the joint from constant exposure to moisture.
Professionals recommend waterproofing joints from the inside during the construction phase to significantly increase the durability of the building. In any case, this procedure can be carried out at any convenient time. Thanks to the ease of use of the technology, after three months you will get a durable barrier that repels moisture but allows air to pass through.
Waterproofing the joints between the slabs does not affect the ventilation rate. To get a good result, it is recommended to use the services of our company. We will provide professionals who are able to carry out all the necessary actions in a short period of time to complete the task.

Waterproofing joints

Waterproofing panel seams of houses is an important stage of construction. It allows you to restore the protective layer inside the building without excavating the ground. In most cases, renovations are carried out inside the house. The surface is processed locally and if the shut-off structure is damaged for some reason, repairs can be made at any time.
Waterproofing of interpanel seams makes it possible to get rid of cracks, restoring the bearing capacity of the building. The bulky layer prevents the formation of decompaction. This technology also increases the strength of the expansion joints placed in hard-to-reach places... Modern builders today have no idea how they used to do without waterproofing the joints between the floor slabs.
Thanks to the above technology, workers of construction companies have more opportunities to improve the bearing capacity of a building and achieve a total cut off of the wall or seam from the effects of moisture. It is very important to contact a trusted performer who is able to complete the task in accordance with the established algorithm. Despite the simplicity of execution, trusting a professional is a smart decision.

Expansion joint waterproofing

Modern waterproofing materials for expansion joints can partially get rid of the destructive effects of moisture. However, over time, the joints of various building structures begin to lose strength. Therefore, many building owners order the service of waterproofing expansion joints from the inside. This technology allows you to establish a full-fledged water protection within a short period of time.
LH is a cut in the building structure that divides the whole structure into separate blocks. This allows you to reduce the amount of load on the object in the place of possible deformation. After completing the work, a hollow space is formed, filled with filler. The expansion joint waterproofing unit does not allow moisture to penetrate into the filler, which significantly reduces the degree of destruction.
In the course of work, sometimes it is necessary to partially dismantle the joint filler and lay a new one in two layers. Further, holes are drilled and injection materials are introduced. The device for waterproofing the expansion joint is simple and effective. During the final stage, the holes are caulked. This type of injection method requires professionalism.

When performing work on the repair of damage and repair of cracks and voids in concrete structures, as well as if the situation requires a radical impact, when moisture, rising through the capillaries, soaks the walls from the bottom up, injection technologies are extracted from the construction arsenal.

Injection waterproofing is a method of waterproofing, which is carried out by pumping through prepared holes of special compounds into the ground adjacent to building structures, a structure, or into the seams and cracks of building structures.

This method of waterproofing requires specialized equipment and the skill of the contractor, and is expensive.

Injection technology

  1. Drilling holes
  2. Installation and tightening of internal packers (connecting elements between the pump and the structure)
  3. Installation of a non-return valve on the first packer and the beginning of the injection process
  4. As soon as the injected material begins to flow out of the adjacent packer, a check valve is installed on it.
  5. Stop injection at the first packer and continue the process at the second (adjacent) one.

The distance between the holes and the injection pressure are prescribed depending on the permeability of the treated mass and the viscosity of the injection composition.

Filter waterproofing

Membrane injection consists in the formation of a waterproof membrane outside the structure, which excludes the ingress of water into damaged underground parts of the building.

The device of an injection anti-filtration curtain is used if it is impossible to carry out renovation works from the outside of the structure, or in the presence of moving cracks, as well as, in the case of high costs associated with waterproofing from the outside.

To form a waterproof coating over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe flowing structure, holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 30-50 cm. The injection is carried out evenly, moving from one side to the other and from bottom to top.

Horizontal waterproofing of walls

The restoration of horizontal waterproofing to protect wall masonry from capillary suction by injection is an effective and widely used solution. To create a horizontal barrier at the bottom of the wall, holes are made in two rows and pumped over with an injection compound.

Waterproofing large volumes of masonry

Materials with very low viscosity and long curing times are ideal for wall injection. Due to this, such compositions fill both the seams of the masonry and impregnate the pores of the brick.

Waterproofing cracks in concrete

Cracking in concrete is a prerequisite its shrinkage. Cracks can appear in plastic or hardened concrete due to internal stresses due to temperature changes and changes in water content.

Crack repair
and filling voids in concrete

The presence of various cracks negatively affects the bearing capacity of the structure. Water often accumulates in damaged areas, moisture enters the room through cracks, subsequently it begins to increase.

The use of traditional methods, as a rule, does not lead to an effective solution to the problem.

One way to eliminate these problems is to inject cracks with sticky packers, which increases the load-bearing capacity and strength of structures by filling voids and bonding structures in the cracked zone.

Today, the term "injection waterproofing" can be understood as a very wide area of \u200b\u200bwaterproofing work.

Moreover, there is often a substitution of concepts or the usual confusion.

The purpose of this article is not the ultimate truth, but our idea of \u200b\u200bthis, currently quite popular, concept that we want to convey to you, based on a specific example: the availability of materials for injection waterproofing in the line of materials of the PENETRON waterproofing system.

To begin with, let's understand a little in terms so that we ourselves do not allow the substitution of concepts or confusion.

Waterproofing is a sequence of measures using special building materials, the purpose of which is to prevent contact with a specific building structure or prevent water from entering the building structure.

Types of waterproofing

All of the above types of waterproofing have the following disadvantages:

  • they all form a waterproof coating on the concrete surface
  • with the exception of plaster waterproofing, they all require a protective coating against mechanical damage
  • in case of mechanical damage or destruction of the integrity of the waterproofing coating created with their help, the concrete structure becomes defenseless against the effects of water
  • to prevent contact or penetration of water into a concrete structure, all the above types of waterproofing can only be used during the construction phase, since they are applied only from the outside of the protected structure, forming a waterproofing coating on the concrete structure from the ground (for underground structures) or water (for structures that come into contact with water during operation)
  • when water penetrates into the room, to restore the waterproofing of the above types, a complete excavation of the structure is required, the creation of a new waterproofing coating and backfilling of the pit.

Penetrating and injection waterproofing: buy and waterproof concrete

The following types of waterproofing are fundamentally different from those listed above, since they change the internal structure of the concrete structure in different ways, transforming the concrete itself into a waterproof environment.

These types of waterproofing can be divided into the following categories:

1. Penetrating (penetrating) waterproofing:

The principle of operation of this waterproofing is due to the special chemical composition a waterproofing material of penetrating action and a method of "delivery" of these special chemical components inside the concrete mass, followed by a change in the structural composition, giving the structure the property of watertightness.

The second name of this type of waterproofing is penetrating, it is no coincidence.

So this type of waterproofing began to be called by the name of the company, which 50 years ago was the first to produce waterproofing materials of penetrating action - PENETRON.

And when these materials began to gain more and more popularity every year, then these materials, and then the type of waterproofing began to be called "penetrating".

2. Injection, or injection waterproofing, the price of which, by the way, is quite low:

To perform waterproofing works using the technology of injection waterproofing, special equipment is required, since, unlike penetrating waterproofing (when the penetrating waterproofing material "PENETRON" penetrates into the concrete as a result of physical processes, and waterproofing is given to the concrete throughout the entire thickness of the concrete as a result chemical processes)
injection materials are pumped into the concrete under pressure with special pumps.

In addition, injection materials, in contrast to the penetrating material, are not chemically similar to concrete, usually these are polymer compositions, which, due to their initial viscous-flowing state, are called injection resins.

Since injection resins have a much higher viscosity than water, they cannot fill the capillaries of concrete, therefore, concrete injection, as a rule, is work on waterproofing cracks formed during operation.
Injection resin, for example, when it penetrates into cracks in the floor or walls, turns into a solid state, reliably waterproofing static cracks, that is, not subject to deformation.

But, often, cracks in concrete are formed in those places where periodic deformations of concrete occur.

Cracks in such places are characterized by a change in the width of their opening over time.

They are called dynamic, and for their waterproofing, injection resin is used, which, after hitting the floor or walls, forms an elastic filling of the crack cavity, which makes it possible to provide waterproofing when the crack opening width changes.

If water flows out of the crack, the cavity of which must be filled with injection material, then before applying injection waterproofing it is necessary to stop this leak.

For this, the concrete is injected in such a way as to get into the crack as close as possible to the outside of the concrete structure.

In this case, an injection resin is used which is hydroactive, i.e. which, upon contact with water, begins to increase in volume very quickly, filling the crack, thereby preventing the flow of water. After the water stops flowing, the cavity is filled with injection resin, which creates a durable waterproofing of the cavity.

Injection resins, included in the PENETRON waterproofing system line of materials, are effective materials for creating waterproofing cracks that have arisen during the operation of concrete structures by injection (injection) into concrete. You can buy injection waterproofing in the Penetron-Moscow company.

Materials for creating injection waterproofing

Material name


Features of the

Cost, rub.

(in view of VAT)


Two-component polyurethane resin for injection into dry and wet cracks, including mobile ones. The polymerization time is 40 minutes. Purpose: sealing static and mobile cracks, cutting off the capillary rise of moisture.

Low viscosity, which makes it possible to seal cracks with an opening width of 0.15 mm; High adhesion to concrete, metal and plastic; Resin reaction products are resistant to acids, alkalis and microorganisms.

Metal cans 19.2 kg + 22.8 kg

46 872,00


A two-component, hydroactive polyurethane resin that foams on contact with water to form a waterproof foam. Purpose: stopping pressure leaks through cracks. There are three types of material with different cure times:

1. PenePurFom N - 5 min. 2. PenePurFom HP - 3 min.

Low viscosity, due to which the material penetrates into cracks with an opening width of 0.15 mm; The ability to seal cracks and seams through which water is abundantly filtered; The ability to select the required type of material, depending on the intensity of water filtration.

Metal cans 20 kg + 24 kg

36 212,00

3. PenePurFom R - 1.5 min.

36 617,00


One-component, hydroactive, injection material based on polyurethane resins. Foams on contact with water to form a waterproof rigid foam. Purpose: stopping pressure leaks through static cracks in concrete, brick and stone structures.

The ability to control the polymerization time using a catalyst; The ability to seal cracks and seams through which water is abundantly filtered; The ability to effectively fill voids and compact the soil behind the structure, thanks to the low viscosity and large increase in resin volume (65 times).

Metal canister

19 680,00

Material name


Features of the

Cost, rub.

(in view of VAT)


One-component, hydroactive, injection material based on polyurethane resins. Foams on contact with water to form a waterproof resilient foam. Purpose: stopping pressure leaks through static and moving cracks; filling the cavity of expansion joints.

Possibility to control the polymerization time using a catalyst; The ability to seal cracks and seams through which water is abundantly filtered; The ability to effectively seal moving cracks due to the elasticity of the material.

Metal canister

17 820,00

Catalysts for one-component resins

Catalyst PenPurFom 65

Catalyst - an accelerator that significantly reduces the polymerization time of the polyurethane resin "PenePurFom 65"

Metal can 1 kg

2 070,00

Catalyst PenePurFom 1K

The catalyst is an accelerator that significantly reduces the polymerization time of the polyurethane resin "PenePurFom 1K".

Metal can 1 kg

2 340,00


Manual piston pump EK-100M

Designed for injecting polyurethane resins.

32 000,00

Piston pump with electric drive EK-200 Designed for injecting polyurethane one- or two-component resins.

90 000,00

Injector (packer) for piston pumps EK-100 and EK-200.
