In the list of materials in demand in interior decoration, paper wallpaper occupy far from the last place. Invented back in medieval China, they are practically the cheapest and, most importantly, environmentally friendly solution with which you can create a cozy and eye-pleasing environment without really bothering. But in order for the interior made with paper wallpaper to serve as long as possible without causing unnecessary trouble, it is important to study the main criteria for choosing them and understand the practical intricacies of gluing and caring for them during operation.

Types and features of paper wallpaper

Paper is a fibrous material, moisture and grease easily penetrate into its structure. It is an excellent springboard for dust and is even able to absorb odors. All this must be taken into account when decorating the premises - if you choose the wrong wallpaper, the atmosphere prevailing here will soon leave its indelible imprint on them.

Protection of the paper web from aggressive operating factors is provided by a number of modern technologies. In accordance with them, the following types of paper wallpaper are distinguished:

  1. Smooth

The basis is paper of various grades, sometimes with a light-resistant basis, and the drawing on the front side is applied by printing.

  1. duplex

They have 2 layers, thanks to which they do not tear, and if necessary, they can be easily removed from walls or ceilings.

  1. embossed

Also two-layer, but the front side is embossed, i.e. has a certain, often patterned, relief.

  1. Structural

They are made with the addition of sealants - sawdust, crushed walnut shells, etc., due to which they acquire a unique facial relief.

  1. Acrylic (foam wallpaper)

They are a two-layer canvas, on the front side of which a thin layer of foamed acrylic is laid - as a result, rather unusual patterns are obtained.

  1. moisture resistant

This type of wallpaper has a moisture-resistant coating, thanks to which they can be cleaned and washed.

Obviously, the more aggressive the atmosphere in the finished room, the higher the resistance to wear and tear should have wallpaper and the more they will cost. But the most important thing when buying is not to confuse different kinds canvases. For example, some paper wallpapers are almost indistinguishable in appearance from vinyl, which cannot be said about their price. In short, be careful not to accidentally overpay for properties you don't need.

Preparing for sticking

Paper wallpaper is a fairly simple material to work with, which is easy to handle even if you have no experience in gluing and alone. But first, it is necessary to properly prepare the surfaces to be trimmed: dust, remnants of whitewash and old wallpaper, etc. will not allow gluing normally, and defects in the rough finish will immediately appear on the front side of the canvas.

For sticking paper wallpaper you will need:

  • roller or brush;
  • wallpaper brush;
  • tracer;
  • plumb;
  • construction knife;
  • sponge;
  • container for glue;
  • wallpaper table;
  • ladder;
  • roulette;
  • long line;
  • wallpaper glue.

Having collected everything you need, you can begin the preparatory work. They are performed in the following order:

  1. Removing old wallpaper, whitewash and peeling plaster

Old wallpapers are very easy to remove if you scratch them first and moisten them with soapy water with a sponge. It is most convenient to work with a metal spatula. Those areas that peel off badly will have to be moistened again.

  1. Removing paint residue

Oil paint or enamel is removed with coarse sandpaper. Water emulsion and whitewash, similar to old wallpaper, is first soaked with soapy water, after which it is removed with a spatula.

  1. Elimination of defects of glued surfaces

For high-quality gluing of paper wallpaper, it is necessary to carefully plaster all the cracks and smooth out the bumps on the walls or ceiling, after which they should be cleaned with a plaster mesh.

  1. Primer

Before wallpapering, the surface of the walls and ceiling must be primed. This will ensure the normal setting of the glue and prevent the formation of air bubbles under the wallpaper.

  1. Cleaning

After finishing preparatory work indoors must be wet cleaning. This will avoid contamination of new wallpaper during the cutting process.

Preparing for sticking paper wallpaper on the photo

Web preparation

Wallpapers are sold in rolls, which are printed immediately before work begins. But first you need to mark the walls. To do this, you need a plumb line and a tracer. In the absence of the latter, you can use the level, a long ruler and a pencil or chalk. You should mark the top level of the wallpaper (for rooms with high ceilings) and mark the joints of the canvas with vertical lines.

There are two methods of wallpapering: butt and overlap. If the first option cannot be used, the web should be glued in the direction towards natural or electric light.

Immediately before gluing, you can perform wall laying: along the lines of the corners, as well as the area along the baseboard and the ceiling line, a 10-cm strip of glue is applied. After 2-3 minutes, the wall will be ready for gluing.

When starting to cut the wallpaper, you should wipe the surface of the table or, in the absence of the latter, the floor area on which you will temporarily fold the cut pieces of the canvas. Cutting is carried out with a margin of 3-5 cm on both sides of each segment for a small overlap along the line of the baseboard and ceiling. The finished stack moves with a 10-15 cm indent, due to which, applying glue to the top sheet, you will glue the joint strip on the next one. And remember that paper tends to get wet quickly, so glue should be applied in a moderate layer.

After gluing, the upper strip is folded in half, after which the same action, only in the opposite direction, must be repeated. The folded strip is set aside, after which you can proceed to the next one while the previous one is saturated with glue. It’s not worth taking more than 3-4 strips into work: you may not have time with pasting, because wallpaper glue dries very quickly in the air.

Selection, preparation and application of wallpaper paste

For gluing paper medium density glue is ideal for lightweight wallpaper, for example, CMC. As for its quantity, it depends on the area to be glued, which, like all the necessary proportions, must be indicated on the package. When buying, it is very important to pay attention to the presence of a quality certificate. The adhesive must not contain substances harmful to health.

Wallpaper glue preparation:

  • 5-7 liters of water are poured into a pre-prepared container;
  • the water is shaken and a dry adhesive mixture is poured into the resulting whirlpool;
  • the resulting mass must be thoroughly stirred, and then left for some time to swell.

The thickened wallpaper adhesive must be homogeneous. If you find lumps, they are easily eliminated by re-mixing the mass.

Glue on the back side of the wallpaper should be applied evenly, distributing it over the entire plane. It is most convenient to use a roller for this. After applying the glue, you must wait 5-7 minutes for it to be well absorbed by the paper web.

If the adhesive accidentally gets on the front side of the wallpaper during application, it must be removed with a damp sponge. You should not apply too much effort in this case - it is better to use more water. This will preserve the structure and color of the front surface.

Some types of wallpaper glue have special additives that reduce the setting time. Therefore, before cooking, you must carefully read the instructions, otherwise you will find unpleasant surprises in the form of a composition that thickens too quickly.

The technology of pasting walls and ceilings with paper wallpaper

You need to glue the wallpaper quickly and accurately. That is why it is desirable to work together. Paper wallpapers are almost always laid with a slight overlap, otherwise, due to the low wear resistance of the canvas, the joints wear out very quickly.

The sheet of canvas that you glued first, after 5-7 minutes, unbends so as to gain access to the upper edge. Next, you need to stick the top strip on the wall - just on the section of the wall that you treated with glue. Now, holding the canvas by the top, it must be carefully unfolded and glued to the wall. Along the way, with smooth arcuate movements with a dry sponge or rag, you need to smooth the wallpaper until they stick properly.

Small air bubbles can be left alone. When the glue dries, the paper wallpaper will shrink a little and drive the air out. If the bubbles are large, they need to be carefully pierced with a needle and etch the air. In such areas, it does not hurt to add glue. This can be done with a syringe, while the edges of the canvas are best glued with a brush.

After gluing 4-5 sheets, it is very desirable to remove the indents - after the glue dries, carefully cut them off without affecting the main canvas, it will be very problematic. Do not forget to control the orientation of the pattern on adjacent sections of the canvas - it must match.

Wallpapering on the ceiling is carried out in a similar way, with the only difference being that the canvas should be placed perpendicular to the direction of lighting. Please note that on the ceiling, wallpaper is always glued end-to-end.

Joint lines between adjacent sheets must be rolled with a narrow rubber roller. It does not hurt to perform this operation when gluing wallpaper on walls with an overlap - as practice shows, it is here that they most often peel off due to the different microstructure, and hence the absorbency, of the front and back surfaces of the wallpaper. You also need to remember about cutting the web in the currents for placing switches and sockets. It is advisable to do this before gluing - after the hole it remains to correct with a clerical knife.

If you have done a thorough preparation for gluing, have chosen a reliable glue, correctly cut and pasted paper wallpapers, they will serve you for the longest possible time. Of course, provided that you protect them from damage, moisture and dirt.

The mood of the owners over the next few years depends on how well the wallpaper is chosen and pasted. Their gluing is one of the final stages of apartment renovation. This work is quite refined, requiring skill, accuracy, patience. At the same time, it is so simple that the owners often do it themselves, without spending money on hiring professionals. If you undertook to glue wallpaper for the first time, then you want to gradually gain experience, choose those that will require as little of your skill and work as possible. How easy or difficult it is to glue wallpaper depends on many conditions:

Wallpaper is a versatile material for indoor wall decoration.

  • their material;
  • their width;
  • their thickness and weight;
  • drawing on them;
  • their colors;
  • glue application method;
  • the required quality of the walls.

What are wallpapers?

Methods for decorating walls with fabric: a - fastening a new thing to the wall, b - checking the verticality of the folds using a plumb line on a cord.

Their most common types: paper, vinyl, non-woven. Paper ones are good because they are cheap, light, and environmentally friendly. But they are short-lived, they are afraid of high humidity, pollution, and when gluing they require extra care - impregnated with glue, they are easily torn. They are single layer and double layer. The latter are stronger, but if they are lubricated with glue and overexposed, then their glued surface turns out to be dry in a matter of minutes. So, oddly enough, paper wallpaper is not so easy to glue.

Leadership in popularity is held by vinyl wallpaper. They are on a paper or non-woven basis. Their front side is covered with waterproof and airtight PVC. Environmentally they are not as perfect as paper ones. But they are suitable for all rooms: both the wettest and the dirtiest. Unless they are reluctantly glued in the nursery. They are quite durable and resistant to mechanical stress. With an excess of glue smeared on them, you can not be afraid that they will tear. It is not dangerous if their front side gets dirty with glue during gluing.

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How important is wall preparation?

Washable wallpaper - one of the subspecies of vinyl - has a significant drawback. Their subtlety requires careful preparation of the walls, sealing indentations, cracks, irregularities, otherwise all the smallest flaws will be visible behind the wallpaper: grains of plaster, brush hair, nail heads. Wall preparation is an important stage of work. Sometimes it turns out to be more labor-intensive than the wallpapering itself. Whatever you are going to paste over the walls, they must be impeccable - freed from old wallpaper, peeling paint, whitewash, leveled, puttied, sanded and primed.

But wallpaper made of foamed vinyl allows you to allow roughness of the walls. The embossed pattern on their surface makes them thick and creates some inconvenience when gluing. You need to smooth them with a rubber roller so as not to damage the bulk coating. Behind their thickness, small irregularities of the wall are invisible. The colorful pattern of the wallpaper also masks the flaws of the wall. If the wall itself after puttying has become motley, then through thin, light, plain wallpaper will look through dark spots. You are unlikely to be satisfied with such work. So, if you are too lazy at the preparation stage, then dark colors.

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Which wallpaper is easier to stick?

Wallpaper is easier to glue those that do not require pattern adjustment. As a rule, they give the room a strict, not very cozy look. Combining the patterns of adjacent stripes takes extra time. In addition, you have to cut off an unnecessary piece from each strip, and then the calculated rolls may not be enough. But in the end you will get a wall with a single pattern, and it will look very beautiful.

Most often there are wallpapers with a width of 53 cm and 106 cm. Narrower ones are easier to glue, especially when you have to do it without helpers. It will be difficult for an inexperienced master to cope with wide ones, but with the presence of an assistant, the process will go faster, and fewer joints between the strips will give the wall a more aesthetic appearance. But under them it will be better to prepare the wall, since with its significant irregularities it will not be possible to precisely join the glued strips. They are used for rooms of a large area, with smooth walls. Pasting wide wallpapers in the kitchen or hallway, where there are many corners and ledges, will turn into torment. Half a meter width is the standard inherited from the USSR. The optimal width - 70 cm - has imported wallpapers.

More often, wide wallpapers are non-woven. Its difference from paper is that glue is smeared on the wall. This is more convenient, because during the application of glue to the wallpaper itself, their front side, the hands and clothes of the worker, the table or floor on which the spreading is carried out are often dirty. Wallpaper soaked from glue is easily torn. On the other hand, under non-woven wallpaper, the wall should be perfect. There are many elite types of wallpaper: natural, textile, metal, glass. According to the gluing technique, they are not much different from paper and vinyl, but their high cost requires extreme accuracy.

So, which wallpaper is easier to stick? The ones you like.

It will give you strength to imagine how they will look on the wall, how the room will change with them, what a wonderful mood they will create.

And it’s harder to glue “compromise”, chosen for reasons of low, or, on the contrary, high price, a pattern that does not require adjustment, trendy color, the convenience of applying glue. Do not be afraid of difficulties, stick those wallpapers that will definitely please you until the time comes to change them.

Wallpapering is not as easy a job as many people think. Many do not know how to glue them correctly. Often, even with the correct observance of the wall pasting technique, various difficulties can arise, such as the appearance of bubbles, misalignment spots, and so on. Much naturally depends on who exactly is engaged in gluing in the apartment. But if you know some secrets of this process, then troubles can be avoided.

And so how to glue the wallpaper with your own hands correctly, so that in the future you do not need to redo everything? And how to do it in order to enjoy the process and the result?

  1. Wall height.
  2. Width.
  3. Length.

It is also important to take into account the parameters of the rolls, such as width and length. When pasting, you can ignore windows and doorways, and take it with a margin. Well, you can not take into account the area that is not subject to pasting.

When calculating, it is important to take into account even the colors. For example, if the drawing does not require "fitting", then you do not have to calculate additionally.

Let's start with a common situation. Many choose such wallpapers, where excessive docking and fitting of patterns is not required. Calculating the amount in such a situation is not difficult.

  1. We measure the dimensions of the room.
    To do this, we adjust the length of all the walls, because the perimeter is the sum of the lengths of all sides.
  2. We determine how many sheets will be needed.
    We divide the perimeter obtained in the first paragraph by the width of the selected rolls.
  3. Now we determine how many sheets one roll is enough.
    This is easy to determine. Divide the length of the roll by the height of the ceiling.
  4. And finally, we calculate how many rolls will be needed.
    To do this, we look at how many panels in total for the room turned out and divide that number by the number of panels from one roll.

If you have chosen a wallpaper with huge images (geometric shapes, plants), then carefully follow the fit of the stripes. It is important to consider the value through which the same pattern repeats - rapport. It is necessary to determine how many rapports are needed for the length of the panel. Remember that the larger this distance, the more rolls you will need. Moreover, you don’t have to calculate it yourself, because the size of the rapport on the roll label is already indicated.

When pasting a room, it is always important to purchase one or two additional rolls. Spare ones are especially useful if the connections are staggered.

It is important to pay attention to the serial number when choosing on the label. If the series are different, then after pasting there will be a noticeable difference in color and brightness.

If you made a mistake during the calculations, and it is no longer possible to purchase the same wallpaper, then you can purchase similar or contrasting with a large pattern and decorate one of the walls with them.

Preparatory work

Preparing the walls for wallpapering can take some time, but this is a rather important step. Over all uneven walls, especially in a new building, you need to work hard, preparing wallpaper takes time. So, in order to prepare the base of uneven walls for gluing from scratch, you need to go through several stages. This is especially true for those who equip the interior in a new building.

  1. The first preparatory stage. Spray about 3-9 mm thick. The consistency of the layer should be like that of sour cream in order to easily flow into all the bumps. Consistency is important to watch. After all, it depends on it how the plaster will subsequently lie.
  2. Now the primer surface is no more than 6 mm thick. Sometimes the primer is applied in several layers at once.
  3. At this stage, the final layer of plaster is applied with a thickness of 2 to 4 mm. So on the ground a thin light film is created, which is easily overwritten.
  4. Now smooth out all the bumps with fine sandpaper.

Well, what if there are old wallpapers on the wall. It is imperative to get rid of them. Many people prefer not to prepare the surface, as they consider this procedure too difficult and not at all necessary. However, having glued the sheets on top of each other, you will very soon have to take up repairs again, as the old ones will peel off along with the new ones. To remove the old layer, use:

  • sprayer or roller;
  • staple, water;
  • other means that simplify the procedure (vinegar, fabric softener, dishwashing detergent).

Auxiliary agents are best added to water, they play the role of an adhesive solvent.

Do not attempt to wallpaper previously painted walls. So they don't hold up very well. The paint layer must be completely removed. It is necessary to work well on such preparation of the walls. But sometimes people, when preparing the surface of the walls, try to simply sand the surface, or coat the walls with a primer. But often, sheets glued in this way do not even last a week.

The preparation of glue is made on the basis of the instructions attached to it.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

With how to properly paste the wallpaper, we figured it out a little. Pasting corners is a little different from standard wallpapering. The first feature of the gluing technology is that you should not glue the whole strip. If the angle turns out to be uneven, then the strip simply will not converge with the other strip. But in this case, how to glue the wallpaper in the corners?

You should leave a protrusion of about two centimeters. In this case, the strip will lie against the wall. It is recommended to use a plumb line. Especially when sticking thick wallpaper. It is necessary to glue a sheet with a slight overlap on the wall. It must also be vertical.

If there are sockets or switches somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corners, then it is required to turn off the electricity and remove the covers before gluing. First, stick the sheet directly onto the outlet or switch, and then make the desired cut so that it is slightly smaller than the casing. Now you can return the covers to their place. In the area of ​​​​doors, it is recommended to stick wallpaper on both sides. The strip that goes to the door must be cut vertically to the beginning of the frame. We cut off the excess.

The step-by-step instructions for pasting the wallpaper in the corners are as follows:

  1. Preparation. These works must be carried out before the gluing process even begins. Corners need to be equipped with specialized corners. They can be attached to putty. Moreover, they must be fixed securely enough.
  2. Corner wrapping. It is not recommended to glue all corners at once. It is better to choose one of the corners to start. Prepare a sheet of the required length. Coat the wallpaper and wall with special glue. Start gluing. If you decide to glue from left to right, then it is better to attach the left side to the inside of the corner. So the sheet can be positioned exactly everywhere.
  3. Start leveling. It is better to roll the sheet on the wall with a special roller or spatula. Then roll the next section and the next corner with glue.

If the wallpaper has a pattern with vertical lines, then their distortion is likely to be very noticeable. And if the lines are horizontal then they will look skewed in comparison to the ceiling and floor. To avoid this, it is recommended to make a small overlap on the adjacent wall. You can also try to hide the joint at the top of the corner. It is necessary to try so that the edge lies strictly along the plumb line. The opposite edge must be cut along the edge of the corner. Even if a small shift remains, then most likely it will be a flaw that only you will know about.

Required Tools

So, we glue the wallpaper ourselves. In the process, we will need some tools, for example:

  1. Clamping spatula. We may need it in the process of wallpapering with a more wear-resistant surface. Such as vinyl, non-woven and others. It can also be used to trim edges. It's easier to glue everything yourself.
  2. Special knife with a chipping blade. It is simply indispensable when cutting skirting boards or edges.
  3. Synthetic roller (roller). It is needed in order to apply glue to walls and wallpaper sheets.
  4. Brush. It is needed for more application of glue, if required by the type of wallpaper.
  5. Putty knife. It may be required in the preliminary preparation of the surface for gluing, to remove old wallpaper, paint and other things.
  6. Special roller for seams. Helps to smooth the seams so that they are invisible.
  7. Scissors. Needed for cutting, cutting rosettes and other things.
  8. Ruler and pencil. Measure and mark if necessary. But it is worth using a marker.

In addition to the above, to glue the wallpaper with your own hands, you may need:

  • Bucket for stirring glue;
  • Table for measuring and cutting;
  • An optional glue applicator can be purchased. With it, pasting surfaces with wallpaper will be easier.
  • So the layer will be more even. This will be especially convenient when sticking paper or non-woven vinyl wallpapers. It also depends on what methods of gluing are used.

Wallpaper selection rules

To stick wallpapers well, you must first select them. The main selection rules include:

  1. It's worth trying on before buying. Do not choose by packed rolls. Unwind the roll by 1-2 meters, right in the store and attach it to the nearest wall. It will become approximately clear how they will look.
  2. It is better to choose wallpapers from the same collection. The designers have done almost all the work for you. If you need to combine several patterns, then just look at one collection.
  3. Combine colors wisely. If you do not like wallpapers from one collection, then it is important that they match the colors. Even a difference of one shade can be noticeable. And it doesn't always look good.

After you have studied the above rules for gluing, you can get down to business. If you follow them, then the work done can be proud of.

Preparing walls for wallpapering

Repair is no easy task. So that both quality and appearance were at the external level, you need to take into account all the nuances. These include the process of preparing walls for wallpapering - after all, if you do not pay enough attention to it, then the coating will lie poorly, it will move away or bubble.

Surface cleaning

The preparation of walls for wallpaper begins with the careful removal of the old coating, the times when they were glued in several layers are long gone. Why you need to get rid of old wallpaper:

  • over the years, the composition holding them may weaken, as a result of which everything will gradually collapse under the weight of new material;
  • new wallpaper will take longer to dry;
  • a fresh coating will lie unevenly, bristle in places.

In addition, a lot of dirt and harmful microbes have formed under the old wallpaper over the years.

Dismantling of the old coating

Cleaning the walls for wallpapering will require some preparation. In particular, stock up on the following tools and materials:

  • film to cover the floor;
  • construction adhesive tape for fixing the film;
  • bucket;
  • stationery knife;
  • wide and narrow spatulas.

After checking that all this is available to you, you can get to work.

How to quickly remove old wallpapers

There are three main ways to remove old wall paper to prepare your walls for fresh wallpaper. If it does not hold well, then you can simply pry it off with a spatula and tear it off by hand.

Most often people use water method. First you need to make scratches in some places of the old wallpaper (for better absorption of moisture), then wet a rag or sponge and wipe the wall covering under the wallpaper. Once it softens, you can scrape it off with a spatula. Sometimes, before wetting, the walls are doused with steam, this facilitates the procedure.

Finally, hardware stores sell special chemical compositions, with which you can easily separate the old coating from the wall, if you properly lubricate it. They do not emit harmful fumes, and therefore do not harm health. However, this is an additional cost.

How to remove paintwork

If the walls are painted, then the technology for preparing them for wallpapering is different. There are three main removal methods old paint:

  • manual;
  • thermal;
  • chemical.

For manual, or mechanical, cleaning, you will need an ax or a hammer and a chisel. With an ax you need to make notches on the wall in several places. Then spray the paint with water from a spray bottle and after a while remove it by striking at an angle. Another option for mechanically removing old paint is a drill or grinder. But there will be a lot of noise and dust.

With the thermal method, the paint is burned out with hot air, but this procedure cannot be called simple. You will need a specialized tool (gas lamp or building hair dryer). And most importantly, hot paint releases toxic elements into the air. There is also no guarantee that all the paint will be burned out.

To remove wall covering by chemical means you, as in the case of wallpaper, will have to purchase in the store special composition. After protecting your eyes and hands from chemistry, generously lubricate the painted wall with the product and wait 4-5 hours. After that, the paint will become so soft that it can be easily removed with an iron brush.

Elimination of wall defects

After removing the old coating, pay attention to the condition of the plaster. If there are cracks, then they must be expanded and all exfoliating places eliminated. To detect hidden defects, you can tap the wall over the entire surface. If the sound is sonorous, then in this place there is a space between the plaster and brick or concrete. Here you need to completely remove it.

At this stage of preparing the walls for wallpapering, plastering is performed if there are too many defective areas.

plaster layer

If you purchased an apartment in a new building without repair, then in this case you will also need to completely plaster the walls before wallpapering. To make the surface perfectly flat as a result, use beacons - special elongated metal profiles that are installed vertically on the entire wall with a gap of 10 cm less than the length of the rule.

Primary primer

A primer is an important nuance in preparing walls for wallpapering, because it significantly increases the adhesion of the material to the wall, and also seals the surface and makes it stronger. Priming work can be performed using:

  1. Specialized blends. On the shelves of building stores today there is a large selection of such products. These mixtures have a wide functionality - a breathable consistency, the ability to qualitatively level the wall. They also dry quickly, fill microcracks, and some are even able to fight mold or fungus.
  2. Wallpaper glue. This method is relevant if in the future you are going to glue the non-woven coating. An important condition - for priming with wallpaper glue, the walls must be even, not crack or crumble. Also, do not forget to dilute the composition to a liquid state before starting work.
  3. PVA glue. Wallpaper glue can be replaced with PVA if the room has high humidity. There is a minus here - it will be difficult to separate the wallpaper from such a wall during the next repair, even water will not help. Before priming, PVA must be diluted to the consistency of milk.

Priming mixtures are also different. For example, acrylics are well suited for plywood, concrete, drywall, and cement. Alkyds are ideal for wood. Perchlorovinyl excellent adhesion to concrete, brick and metal. And glyptal can be used for wood and metal, but not at high humidity.


This is an obligatory part of the preparation for wallpaper, which entails the following advantages:

  • the moisture resistance of the walls will increase;
  • the last minor defects will disappear;
  • wallpaper will hold better;
  • less glue is needed to glue the surface.

Putty happens different types. The one that contains cement is designed for rooms with high humidity. If the temperature is stable, there is no extreme heat or cold in the room, then gypsum-containing putty will do. Polymer is more expensive than the rest, but it stands out for its versatility. The same can be said about acrylic. Latex is strong, but it needs to be applied in a very thin layer.

Both ready-made putty and powder are sold, which will need to be diluted independently. In any case, such processing is necessary for proper preparation walls for wallpapering.

How to treat the wall before wallpapering

In addition to the primer and putty, it is important to apply a special solution against mold and mildew to the walls. But first, if there is already mold on the wall, you need to carefully clean it with sandpaper. After that, you can process the walls. What to do? First of all, you will need to purchase fungicides - tools that help in the fight against mold and fungus. It can be:

  • ordinary hydrogen peroxide;
  • copper sulfate;
  • bleaching powder.

Do not forget that you can only work with gloves, preferably also with a respirator and goggles. Take a break from business from time to time and ventilate the room. You won't get all the mold off once. The procedure is repeated at least 4 times at intervals of 6 hours. But it is highly desirable to do this if you want to really competently prepare the walls for wallpapering.

Preparation of concrete surfaces

The peculiarity of preparing a concrete wall for wallpapering is that concrete contact can be used as a primer - a special dispersion primer. It is highly alkali resistant. The main component of such a mixture is quartz sand.

Betonokontakt is an indispensable component in the preparation concrete walls to gluing a decorative coating, because it seals the base, filling every pore with itself. As a result, after drying, a solid monolithic structure is obtained, on which the wallpaper will lie perfectly.

Final works

As a rule, the last step in preparing the surface for wallpapering is repeated (finishing) puttying. You can purchase a separate mixture for it, but if you have a universal putty, it will work too.

Remember that a second layer can not be applied under vinyl thick wallpaper. But under thin paper, this is a must.

The preparation of the primer varies depending on its type. Therefore, if you read the instructions for one, it is not a fact that you can handle the other in the same way. For example:

  • compositions from one component are dissolved with water or drying oil;
  • two-component formulations must be mixed with a hardener or thinner;
  • acrylic usually do not require any operation before use;
  • dry primer for processing before wallpapering is diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 4.

After opening the container with the primer, it must be thoroughly mixed before proceeding with further steps. If everything is done correctly, then the base for the wallpaper will turn out to be even and durable.

Instead of a conclusion

We hope you got a general idea of ​​​​the procedure for preparing walls for wallpaper. The procedure is necessary for the production of really quality repair that will look like new for more than one year.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on wallpaper

Since the beginning of the repair in the apartment, a person has faced a lot of problems. A large percentage of them are occupied by questions regarding wall decoration, as well as how to do it right. I want them to look stylish and neat.

The topic becomes especially relevant when repairing old apartment. Surface preparation takes a long time. Therefore, the owners are interested in whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on wallpaper. Professional masters say that this should never be done. It is possible and at the same time it is even desirable to remove old materials separately, prepare the surface of the wall: level, prime, degrease. Only the field of this to start pasting the walls with new models.

Therefore, do not rush. It is better to spend more time, but to make repairs qualitatively. As a result, the work will look neat, while serving for a long time.

Is it possible to glue non-woven photo wallpapers on old paper models?

Before you start gluing non-woven photo wallpapers, you need to make sure that the previous coating is made on the basis of paper. It should not be textured, but, on the contrary, thin, but made of quality materials. Also, you need to make sure that the old decor sticks well to the wall. It will not fall off or peel off after a short period of time.

But there are situations when it is impossible to stick a new non-woven material for decoration. It concerns vinyl surface. It retains its water-repellent properties well. In addition, in most cases, these materials have a relief and textured pattern. Therefore, when pasting over vinyl and non-woven photo wallpapers, all this will come through and become very striking. It is better to spend time, effort and remove such a coating from the wall.

This can be done in several ways. Among them:

  • Scratch the surface.
  • Wet it thoroughly.
  • Scrape off the cover.

In difficult cases, it is better to apply all 3 methods. They are done sequentially one after another.

You can stick one wallpaper on another only if the old ones are made of paper, do not have a bright embossed pattern and are firmly attached to the wall.

Is it possible to glue photo wallpapers on old models?

Most people believe that if you stick bright and beautiful drawings, they will help mask uneven walls. This is their main mistake. There are several basic materials for the basis of photo wallpaper. These include:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • textile.

Therefore, when asked: “Is it possible to glue new wallpapers on old models?”, The answer will be the base material. Vinyl is the best for this. It has a dense texture that can hide the old coating as much as possible, as well as the imperfect surface of the walls. Paper or fabric, unfortunately, do not have these qualities. Therefore, after gluing such wallpaper on wallpaper, this will lead to the fact that the pattern will begin to show through. That is, not only the illustration will become visually noticeable, but also the unevenness of the wall, which will spoil the whole impression of the repair.

Before you can start wallpapering, it's best to double-check everything, and also make sure that the surface is even so that after the repair you do not have to start it over again.

Wall murals can be safely glued over the old surface in such cases as:

  1. The walls were perfectly aligned in the last renovation.
  2. Old decor has a high-quality paper base.
  3. No tears, joints, cracks, wrinkles, bubbles or deep scratches.
  4. The drawing does not have a bright color or relief.
  5. Hold on tight, never lag behind the wall.

Only under all these conditions in the complex is it possible to stick them with a second layer.

How to glue new models on top of old ones?

Usually people use the technique of pasting new wallpaper over old paper ones to save their own Money, strength, time. To do this, it is worth carefully studying the surface where the work will be carried out. She must be:

  • Without defects.
  • No various holes.
  • Do not have uneven surfaces.
  • The joints are carefully connected to each other.

In addition, the pattern or shade should not be more contrasting than the new color. Since, after the repair, it will begin to show through, which is hello to re-alteration.

It is very important to choose which glue to glue. With poor-quality material, the surfaces do not adhere tightly enough to each other. As a result, after a while, they will simply lag behind the wall or bubbles will appear. Wallpapering on wallpaper will not look neat, even careless, which will definitely spoil the overall impression of the room.

An important rule on how to stick new models on old ones is to prevent air movement.. The room should not have air conditioning or a fan. It must not be ventilated or drafty. All work takes place with closed windows and doors. You can thoroughly ventilate the room only after all the canvases on the walls are completely dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Repairs always come with their pros and cons. One of the main advantages of this process will be saving material resources, as well as your own time. But it is worthwhile to understand that pasting new wallpapers on old ones does not always justify itself. If we do not take into account a number important features, this may lead to re-repair.

Therefore, before asking the question: “Is it possible to glue wallpaper on old wallpaper?”, It is necessary to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure. Benefits include:

  1. No need to additionally level, plaster the walls.
  2. No need to waste time processing, surface preparation.
  3. No money is spent on additional building material.

Now about the disadvantages of pasting new wallpaper on old surfaces. Among them are:

  1. You can't level the walls.
  2. There is poor adhesion of the old to the new layer.
  3. The service life becomes much shorter.
  4. It doesn't look aesthetically pleasing.
  5. Bubbles appear.

Therefore, before deciding how the wall decoration will take place, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. In which case, be prepared for additional cash costs, as well as the costs of your own forces.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on paint?

Professional masters strongly do not recommend doing this.. There is a high probability that the work will have to be completely redone. The paint does not lie evenly and perfectly on the surface of the walls. All irregularities, tubercles will immediately be visible under the new coating, even with the naked eye. In addition, the paint may simply lag behind the wall after wallpapering it. This occurs as a result of a strong load on the finishing material.

Therefore, it is better not to take risks and thoroughly clean all surfaces from old building materials.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners

Facing the premises inside is the final part of the repair. At this stage, many owners decide to use tapestries, but in the course of the work they encounter difficulties. Irregularities occur in private houses, apartments of the old fund and new buildings, so the issue of correct wallpapering corners is relevant for all homeowners.

Preparatory activities

Corrective action old finish and irregularities should be done in advance so that there are no troubles in the process. Visually, it may seem that the room has an even configuration, but when measured with a building level, flaws become apparent. Subsequently, the wallpaper in the corners (and not only on them) will look crooked: the joints will turn out to be not vertical, with unattractive creases, and the images on the products will shift. As a result, repairs will need to start over.

With a spatula or sandpaper, dust is scraped off the surface, old plaster or dirt. To eliminate curvature and voids, apply the right amount of putty. After the material dries, it is sanded and treated with a primer. This substance increases adhesion (adhesion) between surfaces finishing material and walls. It is enough to treat with one layer, wait about half an hour and apply a second layer. Specialists use wallpaper glue on top of the primer layers 5 hours before the start of work.

It is necessary to de-energize the sockets and switches, remove the casings from them, which then return to their place.

Leveling is done using perforated corners. They not only improve the appearance, but protect the joints from destruction. For small irregularities, cardboard corners will suffice, in other cases - PVC products. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Check for verticality with a plumb bob or laser level.
  2. Level the profile by filling it.
  3. After drying, treat with a layer of putty. If it is planned to glue the material on a paper or non-woven base, the profiles are additionally sealed with a finishing putty.

Work materials

You need to have the following tools:

  1. Stationery knife for removing excess tapestries.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Spatula about 15 cm wide.
  4. Roulette.
  5. Scissors.
  6. roller.
  7. Brush.
  8. Clean cloth to smooth.

Sticking technology

After we have prepared the surface, we begin to glue the products from the door or from the window. It is unacceptable to veneer all joints at once. To begin with, they choose one, after preparing the strip and smearing it with glue, the wall and the profile (if required by the material from which the rolls are made). We glue wallpaper from right to left or left to right, but only in one given direction. We follow the perfectly even position of each piece. Then, using a soft, clean cloth, roller, or plastic spatula, slowly flatten the finish to expel air.

In inner corners

There are more joints of this type in the rooms. The sequence is:

  1. Trim the canvas in width, leaving 1.5 cm for turning on an adjacent wall. If there are irregularities, the width of the inversion should be 5 cm.
  2. If, when pasting non-woven wallpaper, a wide piece remains on the edges of the walls, it can be used on an adjacent wall, provided that the patterns match.
  3. The canvas is pressed against the wall with a spatula for a snug fit.
  4. When wrinkles appear, the edges are trimmed towards them.
  5. The trellises on the adjacent surface should overlap with the edge, and the canvases should be aligned along a vertical line.

In outer corners

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Position the product with the possibility of turning 30 cm beyond the adjacent surface.
  2. If the edge is wrinkled, leave a fold width of 0.5–1 cm.
  3. The edges of the trim protruding outward are protected by PVC profiles, which are attached after installation work.

To veneer with the next strip, measure the width of the roll, retreat 5 mm and draw a mark. On the resulting vertical line, you can continue to work.

The tapestries are glued on top of each other so that part of the cut uneven edge goes beyond the other strip, while hiding the defects.

Pasting features

Secrets for beginners

When using thick or heavy products, it is enough to purchase a transparent special adhesive with high strength.

For the durability of the material, apply a primer completely over the surface. It's a good idea to buy an anti-fungal agent if the room is damp or there is a threat of mold.

It is important not to allow the strips to dry out, especially at the wall joints: it will become difficult to level them.

Features of gluing material with patterns

Rolls with images geometric shapes, clearly defined patterns and stripes, require proper gluing without distorting the patterns. To do this, glue the products, releasing a slight overlap so that the images fit together. The second edge is carefully trimmed along the edge. A slight shift in the pattern is possible, but this will not be noticeable if the canvases fit strictly vertically.

How to glue corners with non-woven wallpaper

Sticking non-woven wallpaper is done in the same way as lining with other materials. The nuance is the need to apply glue not to the canvas, but to the joint surface. The stripes are then aligned.

Features of the choice of finishing for joints with defects

You should not buy heavy rolls that will be difficult to adjust to the desired line. Instead, lightweight paper or non-woven rolls will do. The latter are easy to apply on a surface previously treated with glue. Although the design of the room becomes strict without patterns, it will be easier for a novice master to handle than with products with a complex image. It is easier to work with narrow canvases: they are easier to hold and level.

Beginner mistakes

Inexperienced craftsmen often make such mistakes:

  1. Poor surface preparation. This is especially true for joints. If it is impossible to achieve 90 degrees, try to get the result as close as possible to the best. You need to use plaster or putty, as well as profiles that are inexpensive.
  2. Inaccurate cut. The edges will diverge or unevenly fit together, so do not forget about the desired width of the overlap.
  3. Excess roll width. If the spare part is large, it will cause the following webs to deviate from the vertical line, resulting in crooked gluing.
  4. Incomplete bonding. According to the rules, the products are carefully pressed against the wall, so that the sections of the products will not sag in the air. This will help avoid peeling and tearing.
  5. Poor adhesive application. Often such a mistake occurs when lining products on non-woven fabric, which requires gluing the surface on which the tapestries are then placed. It is worth applying the substance with a brush, not with a roller, since it coats hard-to-reach places.

Thus, it is not difficult for beginners to glue wallpaper in the corners if they are aware of the considered features of the work. It is important to focus on the situation in a particular room, to select a finish that will not only be attractive, but also durable. Do you think all the nuances are considered in the article? What can you offer? What do you agree with and what do you not? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Knowing how to glue wallpaper and where to start, every master, even a beginner, will be able to avoid errors. Get the expected result. Wallpapers are different and you need to work with them appropriately so that they look beautiful and stylish. In addition to paper canvases, vinyl or non-woven fabrics are becoming more popular. In structure, they are thicker, wider and heavier than paper, information about where to start gluing wallpaper will not be superfluous for those who want to do the whole front of work on their own.

Correctly glue wallpaper - where to start

It does not matter which room is planned to be pasted over, there are a number of rules that must be observed:

  1. Remove old cover. It must be removed carefully so as not to damage the wall, otherwise it will have to be puttied - this will take additional time, and will also require cash costs for materials.
  2. If the old coating is made of wallpaper, and they are difficult to come off, they need to be wetted and left for some time at rest to swell. Ak will be easier and faster to remove them. True, this method cannot be used if the walls are coated with washable materials. Here you have to work with a spatula.
  3. When the old coating is removed, it will be necessary to examine the entire surface of the base well - if there are areas with unreliable plaster, it is removed and a new one is applied.
  4. So that the walls are not dusty, but wallpapering lighter, the base will need to be primed in several layers. So the surface of the base will become very smooth and it will be easier, faster and better to glue wallpaper.

Advice! To save money on buying a primer, you can make your own. This will require only a couple of glasses of PVA glue and 10 liters of water. Mix everything well and apply on the walls.

After the preparatory work, you can start cutting the strips. The length can be measured using a tape measure, measuring the distance from the ceiling to the floor, or by attaching a roll of wallpaper directly to the wall, unwind the required amount and cut it off. It is important not to forget about allowances.

Further, according to the instructions. glue mixture is being prepared. start sticking with glue mixture spreading the surface of the base (wall) and the strips themselves, if the wallpaper is not non-woven. Folding them for impregnation, as shown in the photo.

Before you start gluing, you should decide and solve the question - where will you start gluing the wallpaper from the window or from the door, prepare essential tool. In fact, there are several methods and you can choose the one that, in your opinion, is the most suitable.

Necessary tools for wallpapering

  1. Plumb or laser level to control the evenness of the wallpaper in a vertical position
  2. Regular pencil or marker
  3. Roller for applying glue to counting
  4. brush for hard-to-reach places(corners, batteries)
  5. Tray, bucket for glue
  6. Bucket with clean water
  7. Soft sponge or rag from old unnecessary things
  8. Plastic spatula for sealing corners in hard-to-reach places
  9. Conventional spatula for floors and ceilings
  10. Kitchen or stationery knife for wallpaper

Gluing methods and their features

Where to start gluing wallpaper in the room

What are the options and which ones are the best? If you previously started sticking strictly from the window, today it is performed differently. Choosing where to start gluing wallpaper in the hall, bedroom or room is a purely personal preference. You can implement it:

  1. From the door. If the canvases lie vertically, then a strict vertical should be observed. A plumb line or drawn lines will help with this. They glue the first strip on them, and all the rest are leveled along it or take some kind of landmark as a basis, for example, a slope or a door frame.
  2. From the corner. This method is advisable to use when the corners of the room are perfectly even. And not every apartment has them, so it’s more expedient start gluing stripes from any landmark.
  3. From several reference lines. This method can be used if the room has a large window and the stripes will lie on opposite sides of it. Where to glue the wallpaper, namely from which side of the window - it doesn’t matter, but it is advisable to do them both above the window opening and above the door. So the joining of the strips will be less noticeable.
  4. From the accent. If the room has several windows and passages, then sticking should start from the largest.

It is very important to glue the first strip evenly - the final result directly depends on this. For insurance, you can use a plumb line.

How to glue wallpaper correctly - where to start: to the window or from the window

There are a lot of wall decorations. Wallpapering is considered one of the fastest and most inexpensive. Where to start the gluing process is probably more than clear. If the option is chosen - from the window, then the question arises - in which direction is it better to move? If you have decided where to glue the wallpaper in the room, then it remains which way is better to choose - overlap or butt:

  1. Overlapping, you can start gluing the strips from the place where the light source comes from - from the window.
  2. Where is the best place to hang wallpaper? end to end? From the area that is least visible. The joining of the strips, in this case, will be almost imperceptible. But at the end of the work, a large piece may remain or the pattern may not match. Therefore, you need to finish gluing the strips in the place where you plan to put the furniture wall up to the ceiling.

Important fact! On thick wallpaper pasted with an overlap, a shadow will be displayed at the junction. Therefore, it is better to glue them end-to-end.

Where to start gluing wallpaper in the kitchen or room near the doorway and how to do it right? The canvas that lies on the doorway must be cut along the height of the riser. Then smear with glue, lean against the wall. Having adjusted the ends of the canvas along the top door frame, smooth with a brush or wallpaper trowel. Cut off the protruding ends, using a ruler, pressing the strip to the riser, and a knife.

Where is the best place to start gluing wallpaper on the corners

Here you need to devote time, as much as necessary, to the docking of the canvases. Glue non-woven wallpaper, as well as others, with a continuous canvas right at the corner - it is impossible. To avoid creases, distortions or folds. Where to start wallpapering- on the left or right side of the corner - there is no difference. In order for the strip to lie perfectly even, you need to make a transition from one side of the wall to the other, as shown in the pictures.

Important! If the humidity in the room is slightly higher than normal, then it is in the corners that mold begins to form in order to avoid this phenomenon, before how to glue wallpaper, they should be treated with a fungicide.

Where should I start gluing meter-long wallpaper in the room? From there, where and narrow. There are times when the strip has to be cut. If the wallpaper is plain and without a pattern, then the cut off strip will definitely find a place to use it. Even if they are with a pattern, they can still be found somewhere paste.

According to the gluing technology, the first strip should lie on the wall along the markup or plumb line - this is how the ideal vertical is displayed, and where to start gluing the wallpaper is up to you. Glue non-woven wallpaper somewhat more difficult. They are much wider than usual and thicker. Gluing them, due to the width, is faster and they look much richer than paper ones. For more information on how to glue non-woven wallpaper can be found in the article.

An important advantage of this type of wallpaper is the absence of the need to smear the strips with glue. It should only be applied to the base surface. Where it is right to start gluing non-woven wallpaper, decide for yourself at your own discretion. In what order and how exactly to carry out gluing, the figure below will tell.

Advice! When buying patterned canvases, you will need a little more material, about 20 percent or a little more. This is necessary so that when drawing up a pattern, they are enough for the entire pasting area.

Where to start gluing non-woven wallpaper so that the joints are not visible

To make the joints of the strips less visible, you need to take care of this even at the time of gluing. They need to be placed as close as possible, making sure that they do not go beyond the edges of neighboring ones. If the wallpaper is plain and it so happened that the strips were found one on top of the other, but you don’t want to peel them off, then the excess part can be very simply removed. How to do this is shown in the photo.

Due to irregularities on the wall, the wallpaper at the joints may diverge a little and it does not matter where the wallpaper started to stick butt. You can try to move them with your hands - the wallpaper tends to stretch and shrink a little. This way you can achieve the best result and the strips do not have to be peeled off. If the error is too large, then it still has to be done.

We eliminate shortcomings

It does not matter where they start to glue the wallpaper in the room, in the kitchen, hallway or nursery, bubbles sometimes appear on them. These are usually air bubbles. With simple actions, they are very easy to remove. To do this, glue is drawn into a regular medical syringe. The material is pierced with a needle and inserted into the swelling.

This can be done both on paper and non-woven wallpaper. The main thing here is to adhere to the time for impregnation. If paper ones take about 5 minutes, then non-woven ones can be immediately glued to the base. Level with a roller or spatula so that air and excess glue come out.

Dry cloths may peel off the edges. You can glue them back either with the remaining glue using a brush, or with a special adhesive composition for seams. The second is applied pointwise, and for ease of use, it is produced in tubes.

A few tips from the pros

Where do professionals begin to glue wallpaper? From where they want, from where it is easier and faster for them. With novice masters, they are made with some nuances and tricks, for example:

  1. It is better and easier to cut canvases with a kitchen knife - it is easier to manage. Trim the remnants - clerical.
  2. hanging down wallpaper in the kitchen, living room - in any other room, it is better to cut it off in a day.
  3. Where to glue vinyl wallpapers, the novice master will ask. An experienced person will answer - from where any others come from.
  4. If the eyes are a little “blurred” and the bubbles formed on the wallpaper are invisible, you can run your palm over them and listen. If a rustling sound is heard, then it is located in this place.
  5. Drafts for wet canvases are the most dangerous enemy. Basically, they shouldn't exist.

Question: where to start wallpapering considered by us. Using and following the recommendations given, each novice master will be able to do his job easily and quickly. The main thing is to adhere to the gluing technique, properly prepare the base, create an appropriate microclimate in the room, avoid drafts, and where better to start is a matter of taste and possibilities.

Meter wallpapers remain a curiosity for most domestic users, although they differ from ordinary rolled products only in a width of 1 meter. Thanks to this feature Finishing work take less time and effort, but the task becomes more complicated if you have to work alone. In this case, it is important to know how to glue meter-long wallpapers to one person.

If we talk about the positive aspects of this material, then the following stand out in particular:

  1. A small number of joints. To finish one room, you will need half as many strips, so you have to worry less about the correct joints. It also gives the impression of a monolithic coating.
  2. Work speed. Wide fragments cover a large area, it is easy to calculate that it is easier to stick three strips than six.

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • The material requires a perfectly prepared base.
  • High consumption. Wide wallpapers are more expensive, so if a small strip is not enough, you will have to pay for a whole extra roll.

On a note! Usually wide wallpaper is glued by two or three people, but you can do it yourself if you work quickly.

If a person has already had to glue ordinary half-meter wallpapers, then he will cope with meter-long canvases

Preparatory work

Before sticking wide wallpaper, you need to carry out a number of procedures, which include the preparation of tools and surfaces, as well as the calculation required amount material.

How to calculate the footage of wallpaper

Correct calculations will save money, as well as save you from a repeated trip to the store or ordering additional material at home. The first step is to calculate the perimeter of the room. To do this, you need to measure the length of adjacent surfaces and multiply the result by 2. Let's say one wall is 3 m long and the other 4 m. This means that the perimeter of the room is 14 m. Since we are talking about meter-long wallpaper, 14 strips will be required to cover the wall.

Now you need to find the largest distance from the floor to the ceiling and multiply it by 14. For example, a height of 2.5 m, multiply by 14, it turns out 35 meters. This is the minimum amount of material. If the room has windows, doors, a balcony, and so on, it is better not to subtract their dimensions during calculations, so there will be a supply of material.

Some people think that it is not necessary to seal the area behind the furniture, since the wallpaper will not be visible there. Here the decision is only for the owner of the home, but it is important to remember that when rearranging, a bald spot on the wall will be found. Behind a bulky cabinet that will not move until a new repair, you can not paste over.

When calculating the amount of material, it is recommended to take into account 1-2 rolls of stock. They may be required not only during pasting, but also after. If there are children or animals in the house, then damage to the wallpaper is a matter of time. So that later you don’t have to look for the same ones to replace the site or completely re-paste, it’s better to immediately purchase a stock.

Surface preparation

When sticking meter-long wallpapers with the most difficult stage is preparatory, as is the case with any other types of these products. If the apartment goes overhaul or finishing after putting the facility into operation, then all of the following activities must be carried out during work with the ceiling. So, you need to do the following:

Wallpapering is done only on clean and well-primed walls.
  1. Remove the front panels from all sockets and switches, carefully seal the resulting holes.
  2. Remove all fasteners from the walls: screws, nails, dowels, and so on.
  3. If there is a coating on the walls, you need to remove it. As a result, not even a single fragment of the finishing material should remain.
  4. Check if the walls are even. To do this, attach a building level to them at different points.
  5. For small distortions, it is enough to use finishing putty, with a serious blockage, plastering may be required.
  6. Wait for the material to dry and sand the area.
  7. Before gluing wallpaper on the walls, it is necessary to treat the coating with a primer. This material will increase adhesion and save on glue. The drying time for the compositions is different, but usually it is several hours.

Required Tools

To carry out the work you will need:

  • wide brush, roller or brush for applying glue;
  • container and construction mixer for the preparation of the composition;
  • ruler, level, stationery knife, marker or pencil;
  • rubber spatula and roller for ironing wallpaper;
  • rag to remove adhesive residue.

For gluing walls with wide canvases, a generally accepted wallpaper tool is used.


Step-by-step instructions on how to glue wallpaper alone:

  1. Prepare the adhesive composition according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Use a level and a pencil to mark the upper border.
  3. Bend a small part of the strip to form a corner.
  4. Lean the material against the wall and press firmly.
  5. Iron pasted wallpaper rubber spatula moving from the center to the edges. You can also use a roller to expel the air.
  6. Trim off excess with a metal spatula and utility knife.
  7. Inspect the strip and make sure it is fully adhered to the base.

Raw wallpaper does not cut well, so in some cases you will have to wait.

Regardless of the width of the canvas, pasting the room occurs according to a single scheme.


The glued canvas must go end-to-end with the adjacent one. If there are drawings on the wallpaper, then it is important to adjust them in height. During gluing, the strip must be smoothed at the same time and ensure that it does not move away from the previous one. At the same time, it is forbidden to stretch the material in order to achieve docking; after drying, it will pull back and a gap will remain.

The joints are rolled with a special roller, an attempt to forcefully tighten the sheets at the seam will lead to a gap after drying

On a note! If you need to glue non-woven wallpaper, then they can be moved over the surface for 10 minutes after pasting. If a different type of wallpaper is used, then it is worth choosing glue without additives that speed up drying.

If the joint does not work, you can overlap the wallpaper, and then cut off the excess with a clerical knife. The remaining non-glued side should be smeared with glue and ironed with a rubber roller.

Docking wallpaper overlap with pruning

Pasting in hard-to-reach places

Now about how to glue the wallpaper alone in the corners, behind the battery, above the doorway. It is better to arrange them at the main stage of pasting. To do this, leave a small overlap (about 2 cm), which will go to the adjacent wall. To glue the wallpaper behind and under the battery, you need to cut the material into small fragments and pick up a pattern. After that, the pieces are glued to the wall, as described above.

A simple way to glue the wall behind the radiator

Another difficulty that you will have to face is pasting the area with sockets. If at the preliminary stage the front panel was removed and the voltage was turned off, then you just need to glue the strip, ignoring the hole, and then cut through the wallpaper with a knife. If you get jagged edges - it's okay, the front panel will hide these flaws. In the case of door jambs, it is necessary to stick the canvas with a margin of 5 mm. After smoothing, the excess length is trimmed or covered with a platband.

It is advisable to cut holes for sockets and switches after the canvas has dried.

Before you work alone with meter-long wallpaper, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some expert advice:

  1. There should be no drafts in the room, suitable temperature regime- from +5 to +25 C. In addition, it is also quite difficult to work in damp rooms, so preparatory stage it is necessary to ventilate and carefully close the room.
  2. If sticking is planned in the cold season, it is better to turn off the radiator. If it is not possible to do this, it is recommended to reschedule the work for the time when the central heating is turned off.
  3. Most adhesives are universal, but when choosing, it is better to ask the seller what type of product this composition is suitable for. This will help to better fix the wallpaper on the surface.
  4. If defects were noticed immediately after gluing, in particular uneven joints, it is necessary to lift the canvas with a spatula and correct the problem. It is very important not to pull the strips.
  5. After gluing, sometimes there are difficulties with cutting the material. To do this, use a clerical knife or scissors. It is necessary to press the excess part with a spatula and draw a knife along the markup. In the case of scissors, it is necessary to bend the edge along the markup and cut it off.
  6. If there are uneven cuts at the top or bottom of the wall, do not try to fix it. As practice shows, this will lead to bad consequences. It is better to purchase skirting boards that will hide the flaws.

If ceiling fillets are not provided, then the perimeter can be cultivated using a frieze
