We are all used to sleeping on soft feather or synthetic pillows. Lying down on them, as if drowning in a cloud. And how strong will the dream be if the filler turns out to be much more rigid material? In this case, we are talking about buckwheat husks. Manufacturers claim that such pillows are not only very convenient and comfortable, but also very healthy. Taking the shape of the body, this filler provides the best support for the neck, head and overall alignment of the spine and pain relief. Is it so? What are the real benefits and harms of a buckwheat husk pillow?

Buckwheat husk: what is the filler

Buckwheat husk is a product that is obtained from cereals at the last stage of its processing. After harvesting, buckwheat is washed and thoroughly dried, after which it is threshed. As a result, the scales are separated from the nuclei. They are harvested and used as pillow fillers.

Useful properties of a pillow

What exactly is a pillow for? – To ensure a sound and comfortable sleep throughout the night. However, not all of them fulfill their intended purpose, and the proof of this is insomnia, which affects quite a few city dwellers and those who have a sedentary job. Of course, on the state nervous system lifestyle and the frequency of stressful situations largely influence, but at the same time, the quality of sleep accessories also plays a huge role.

The pillow filled with buckwheat husk provides a good rest because it takes the shape of the head, supporting both it and the spine. As a result, the muscles of the neck and forearm are completely relaxed during a night's sleep, which improves blood circulation in the head.

Down and feather products are known for their ability to collect and accumulate dust, which often negatively affects the well-being of people with bronchial asthma and those prone to allergies. Buckwheat pillow does not have such qualities. This was proven back in 2004 in the course of scientific research.

Advice! If you still doubt that a pillow filled with buckwheat husks does not collect dust mites and is absolutely safe in this regard, then for complete certainty you can withstand it for several hours, preferably a day, in the freezer. At such low temperatures, the dust mite dies!

If you snore, then a buckwheat husk pillow can solve this problem. Due to the fact that the head and shoulder area are in an optimally comfortable position, you sleep soundly and at the same time do not interfere with the rest of the household.

Buckwheat husk has sharp peaks, thanks to which, during the rest, you also get a wonderful massage, which in its action is similar to acupressure. As a result of a thorough study of bioactive points, which are located both on the neck and on the shoulders, headaches disappear and blood microcirculation is established in all parts of the brain. In addition, such a massage helps to normalize arterial pressure relieves fatigue and helps to relax as much as possible. Plus, you get a unique opportunity to take care of your appearance just while you sleep. And this is again due to acupressure, as a result of which the skin becomes fresher and younger, as small wrinkles are smoothed out, and the hair is shiny and strong, which is associated with the effect of thin angles of the husk on the hair follicles.

The structure of buckwheat husks is such that air circulates freely through it. This allows the pillow to be very comfortable and comfortable even in summer - it absorbs sweat and at the same time does not create a thermal effect, and therefore it is not hot on it.

Disadvantages of buckwheat pillow

A buckwheat husk pillow may seem rather uncomfortable at first, and all because of the specific filler. The husk of buckwheat is quite tough and at the same time noisy. And despite the fact that a high-quality pillow is not capable of causing any harm to health, some refuse to use it precisely because of these disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • The pillow with buckwheat husks is noisy. The noise effect is created due to the fact that the husks rub against each other, and it will be especially bright when a person sleeps on his side, that is, directly with his ear to the pillow.
  • The accessory is very hard. Such complaints are usually heard from those who are used to sleeping on their stomach or, again, on their side. In such situations, the ears and cheeks “suffer” the most. But at the same time, those who sleep mainly on their backs experience practically no discomfort.
  • And lastly, a lot of weight. It all depends on the size and height of the pillow you choose. Its weight can reach five kilograms, and this is really quite a lot, especially when children or the elderly have to cope with such a sleep accessory.

Main selection criteria

For some reason, many people believe that absolutely all pillows with buckwheat husk inside are exactly the same in their action. However, this opinion is erroneous. The result of using this accessory will depend on many criteria.

Case material

Preference should be given to pillows in which the material of the cover is satin. He will the best option, as it is quite dense, and, accordingly, durable, but at the same time it will not interfere with normal air exchange.

If we consider other fabrics, for example, coarse calico, then it is much thinner and, with constant contact with the sharp edges of the husk, will quickly become unusable. Teak is characterized by low hygroscopicity, and therefore is able to significantly reduce the therapeutic ability of buckwheat pillow. As for synthetics, but in this case there can be no talk of it as a material for a cover, since such a fabric will simply negate the benefit of the product.

Buckwheat husk quality

What could be easier than filling a fabric case with husks, which is a residual product of the processing of kernels? But in fact, the filler filler is different, since the husk must certainly be clean, without debris and plant residues.

On a note! You can only determine the quality of the composition by touch, checking with your fingers for fragments of twigs and small fragments of debris among the husks. But it’s quite difficult to check whether the composition is good by eye!

The ideal material for filling such a product is a calibrated husk. It undergoes additional heat treatment, as a result of which it is disinfected and becomes less fragile. A pillow with such a “stuffing” will spring a little, which will provide an excellent orthopedic effect.

In addition, during operation, buckwheat husks should not go astray. A good filler will be free-flowing and always free of foreign odors.

The lineup

Pillows with buckwheat husks can have different shapes and sizes. It is believed that products with a width of 40 cm and a length of 60 cm have the best effect. They perfectly take the shape of the body and relieve stress from the shoulder area. If you have a figure with high shoulders, then in this case you should pay attention to pillows with dimensions of 70 × 50 cm.

At the same time, rectangular models are best suited for sleeping. As for round and square products, their shape does not allow to accept all the anatomical features of the body, respectively, they are not suitable for many hours of night rest. On sale you can also find pillows in the form of a roller - such products can only come in handy on the road, when there is no way to fully relax.


If you choose a buckwheat husk pillow for a child, then a product with dimensions of 40 × 50 cm will be suitable.

Important! Buckwheat pillows can be used by children who are at least two years old!

At the same time, you must regulate the amount of filler yourself, adding it in portions as the child grows. If your baby cannot sleep all night on such a pillow and wakes up often, then at first it is advisable to limit it to only short-term use, for example, several times a week during daytime sleep or during illness. In addition, today many manufacturers produce buckwheat husk pillows with medicinal additives: oregano, mint, lemon balm, hops, lavender, etc.

On sale you can also find an orthopedic seat made of buckwheat husks. Such a product is sure to come in handy for those who spend more than 4 hours a day sitting. It can be used in the office, in the car, on a hike, as well as at home, for example, while watching TV, sitting on the floor, while working at a computer or reading a magazine in your favorite chair. This accessory perfectly tones and has a conditioning effect. In addition, the orthopedic seat, like the pillow, provides a kind of micro-massage, which improves blood circulation in the pelvic area and prevents congestion.

And the last thing I want to draw your attention to is the care of a pillow made of buckwheat husks. You can only wash the cover, the filler cannot be wetted. From time to time it is desirable to sift the husk and remove crumbled particles. In the summer, it is recommended to dry the product in the fresh air, but only so that it is exclusively in the shade, without being exposed to sun rays.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Buckwheat husk is an amazing, environmentally friendly pillow filling that gives the product orthopedic properties. This material is not yet very common and only recently is gaining popularity. We will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a pillow made of buckwheat husks, what are the benefits and harms of the product, who can use it.

Natural filler from buckwheat husk

Pillow with buckwheat husk allows you to keep your spine in perfect shape and relax well during sleep

Buckwheat husks are small hollow pyramids, they pass air well and create a temperature suitable for sound sleep. Small sharp tips act on the skin through the pillowcase.

Buckwheat husk is natural product vegetable origin without additives

Such an effect favorably affects the blood circulation of the head, a small husk performs acupressure. Due to the effect on the skin, it becomes radiant, and the micro-massage of the hair follicles helps to enhance hair growth. Loose natural material takes an anatomical shape, relieving the tone of the head and neck, allowing the body to relax and completely rest.

Such products take a shape identical to the contours of the body

This solves problems such as:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • scoliosis;
  • pain in the spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • snore.

Useful properties when using a pillow made of buckwheat husks

A buckwheat husk pillow with an orthopedic effect not only ensures the quality of sleep, but also promotes recovery. It is recommended even for those who have suffered an injury or surgery.

Buckwheat husk is considered one of the best fillers for pillow

There is no harm from the product as such, but you should pay attention to such points.

Otherwise, this material does not bear any harm.

Properly processed material is absolutely safe for everyone

Positive and negative properties

If we talk about the advantages of a pillow with buckwheat husks, then there are a lot of them.

Beneficial massage effect of the husk on the muscles, skin of the face and head

There are several disadvantages, but, as a rule, after a while, many get used to the buckwheat pillow and do not notice the shortcomings.

The number of minuses is not so great, while some negative properties are controversial, such as noise and harshness.

What to look for when choosing a buckwheat pillow

But in order for the product to benefit and give pleasure from use, it is necessary to correctly choose a buckwheat pillow.

Criterias of choice

When buying products from buckwheat husks, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer - the quality of the pillow and your health depend on it

Padding material. The fabric of the cover must be natural so that the environmentally friendly filler can breathe. At the same time, a special density is required, because the husk is a rather hard and sharp material. It is not recommended to choose synthetic fabrics - they do not breathe. Thin calico is easily torn and will not last long, and teak has poor hygroscopicity. The best option– cover made of satin, it is durable, dense, made of natural threads.

The fabric from which the cover is made must be natural with a sewn-in zipper for convenient use.

It is desirable that the cover has a zipper or Velcro to facilitate the replacement of the filler and regulate its volume. It is recommended to choose a light-colored fabric on which buckwheat dust will be noticeable if the filler suddenly starts to spill out. It is better to choose products with a double cover.

Filler. Buckwheat husks should be well sprinkled and springy, for this it is calibrated and thermally processed, cleaned of impurities, debris, twigs. Heat treatment not only disinfects the husk, but also prolongs its service life. If the pillow is too heavy and hard, then this may indicate poor quality of the husk. There are also combined types of pillows, when a synthetic winterizer or holofiber is connected to buckwheat, but this type nullifies beneficial features filler. But the addition of aromatic herbs to buckwheat husks, on the contrary, is useful and increases beneficial properties. Mint, lemon balm, lavender, oregano and others can be used as additional components.

If the husk is cleaned of debris, then the pillow feels springy when touched, restores its shape well

Form. Pillows with buckwheat are produced by different form, however, the most useful and convenient are rectangular ones. Optimal dimensions 60×40 cm, and for children 50×40. Square and round products are not so convenient. There are models of an elongated shape or in the form of a roller, such accessories add comfort on the road.

In addition to traditional rectangular products, children's pillows, neck cushions in the form of a horseshoe or the usual round shape are made.

Buckwheat seat cushion

Orthopedic cushion made of buckwheat hulls for sitting

It turns out that a pillow with buckwheat is produced not only for sleeping, but also for sitting. Such products can be put on a sofa, chair, car seat. Such accessories differ in original colors and designs. Buckwheat husk has a positive effect on the reproductive system, promotes good blood circulation, relieves fatigue, tones. It is recommended to use buckwheat seat cushions for people associated with a sedentary lifestyle: office workers, drivers, those who spend a lot of time at the computer, and so on.

People who spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car, in the office can look after a buckwheat husk pillow for sitting

Can pregnant women use buckwheat pillows?

It is not only possible, but also necessary to use a buckwheat husk pillow during pregnancy. Orthopedic and massage properties will come in handy, because the body must have a good rest. During pregnancy, pain in the back, neck and lower back often occurs, and a buckwheat eco-pillow will help get rid of these unpleasant sensations.

During pregnancy, sleep is often disturbed, essential oils of buckwheat and the addition of lemon balm and mint will greatly help to restore it.

Buckwheat pillows for children

Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are useful not only for adults, but also for children. Rigid filler has significant advantages.

  • Prevents improper development of the cervical region.
  • Serves as a prophylactic against children's scoliosis.
  • Prevents deformation of the skull.
  • Provides proper and restful sleep.
  • Relaxes muscles and reduces tone.

It is important to remember that a husk pillow is recommended for children over two years old. It is necessary to monitor whether the child has an allergy to buckwheat. tame to unusual pillow better gradually, the amount of filler also needs to be adjusted from a smaller volume to a larger one. You can use a buckwheat eco-pillow for a child not all the time, but for example, only during daytime sleep or illness.

These pillows can be used by children, but it is better not for everyday sleep.

Do dust mites breed in a pillow of buckwheat?

Buckwheat husk pillow does not collect dust and dust mites do not start

The filler has a structure that prevents dust mites from appearing and multiplying, unlike products made from down and feathers. However, some consumers still doubt these properties of the product. Experts advise keeping the product in the freezer for several hours for complete safety, the dust mite does not survive at sub-zero temperatures.

Cleaning rules

Like any product, a pillow with buckwheat requires periodic cleaning. Caring for this accessory requires compliance with the rules.

  • It is impossible to wash such a product together with the filler and subject it to wet processing;
  • The cover is removed and washed separately, the husk is sifted and dried.
  • The pillow should be vacuumed 1-2 times a month.
  • In the summer, the product is ventilated in the shade. In no case, you can not lay out a pillow with husks in direct sunlight.

It is important to know that the filler loses its shape over time, collapses. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically check it, sift and, if necessary, add a new one. From correct selection the volume of the husk depends on the useful properties of the product, its healing effect. If you follow the rules for caring for the accessory, the buckwheat husk eco-pillow will last a long time, delighting with its quality and useful properties.

You can make a buckwheat husk pillow yourself if you find the right filler

Natural material will always outperform synthetic counterparts, so more and more people are choosing orthopedic pillows with buckwheat filling. Breathable material provides a healthy microclimate, does not interfere with the access of oxygen to the scalp. Small particles of husks have an orthopedic effect, relaxing muscles and having a beneficial effect on the spine. The number of positive aspects far outweighs the negative ones, so the eco pillow with buckwheat is deservedly gaining more and more popularity.

Video: Pillow filled with buckwheat husk Healthy sleep

The buckwheat husk pillow is a popular model that can be used for daytime lounging or sleeping through the night. Natural environmentally friendly filler produces a massaging effect, and a little rustling for many is a means of complete relaxation.

What is buckwheat husk

The husk is obtained by threshing. When processing buckwheat, this is the last stage. The grains are first washed, then dried, and then threshed. The husk is the outer coating of the grains, which has a dark color. When sorting through the cereal before cooking, sometimes you can see unpeeled nucleoli. Dark scales on them are husks.

Pillow filled with buckwheat husks does not contain any filling harmful substances. Chemicals are practically not used in the cultivation of crops, therefore, even in small quantities they do not accumulate in the husk of the grains. Buckwheat pillow does not cause allergies and has good orthopedic properties.

The filler is unsuitable for the life of a dust mite, which has been officially proven. Because of this, you can use such an item even with bronchial asthma, which completely excludes sleeping on a down pillow.

Indications for use

  • pain in the spine and neck that occurs episodically or is constantly present against the background of muscle strain and spasm;
  • scoliosis at any stage of development;
  • heavy sweating, especially at night - a common occurrence in women during menopause, when most pillow fillers feel very stuffy;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - an orthopedic pillow helps prevent exacerbation of the disease, not only due to the correct maintenance of the head and neck, but also due to constant massage that improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition;
  • severe headaches up to migraine against the background of sleep disturbance, increased nervous tension and the inability to fully relax in the evening.

For people suffering from allergic diseases and bronchial asthma, buckwheat is often the only comfortable item for sleeping. In this case, the pillow is additionally kept in the freezer for 24 hours every 6 months to completely eliminate the risk of ticks. The manufacturer considers this precaution to be unnecessary.

Types of pillows

Buckwheat pillows are produced in several types. In addition to standard square and rectangular products with dimensions of 40 by 40 cm, 60 by 60 cm, 40 by 60 cm and 50 by 70 cm, there are models of rollers. For children, the thing is done with a minimum amount of filler, since it is quite hard and in large volume will make the item uncomfortable for the sleeper. Often, mint, cedar shavings, oregano or hops are added to children's and adult models, which increase the relaxing effect of things on the body.

Before using a pillow with additional ingredients in the filler, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to them.

Not all pillows with buckwheat are designed for sleeping. There are models for sitting, which are especially useful for people who spend a lot of time at the computer in the wrong position for the spine. In addition to computer chairs, such an item is placed on a car seat, sofas and chairs. The action of these models is massage, tonic and prevents overheating of the body at the points of contact with furniture. Such pillows help maintain proper blood circulation, prevent the occurrence of pain and diseases of the pelvic organs.

Horseshoe-shaped buckwheat pillows, sticks or bones are placed under the neck to relieve muscle tension during a long stay in an uncomfortable position and cervical osteochondrosis. They are used for relaxation, not for sleeping. It is necessary to lie on the roller for 10 to 30 minutes, when unpleasant sensations appear in the neck and shoulder girdle. The same models are placed under the feet for diseases of the veins in order to relax and improve the outflow of blood and lymph.

Benefit and harm

A buckwheat husk pillow, the benefits and harms of which must be assessed before purchase, has its pros and cons. Everyone evaluates the value of both in their own way.


The advantages of a buckwheat husk pillow are determined by the properties of the filler. The hypoallergenicity of the item makes it suitable for everyone. Rigid filler follows the shape of the body well and keeps the head and neck in the correct position. As a result, the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle are completely relaxed, since the load is removed from them during the rest. Before lying down on the pillow, it must be shaken every time so that it takes the desired shape.

The thing absorbs sweat well and has a pronounced ventilating ability. As a result, when resting, overheating and a feeling of humidity are not created. The massage effect created by the husk has a positive effect on the skin. It is the prevention of wrinkles and baldness due to insufficient blood circulation in the scalp.

Buckwheat husk pillows help to cope with overexcitation of the nervous system, which interferes with the normal process of falling asleep and leads to morning fatigue and weakness. For children suffering from hyperactivity and nervousness, massage and the pleasant smell of buckwheat will be a good sedative that will make it easier to fall asleep.


Buckwheat husk pillows also have some negative qualities. They are not serious and, when you get used to the product, for the most part disappear. The main ones are the following:

  • noise - buckwheat husk rustles. The sound can immediately seem annoying and disturbing. To get used to it, it is recommended to first use the thing only for a short rest. At night, you can sleep on it only after the rustles stop disturbing;
  • stiffness - the filler is hard, so the pillow will seem too hard. After getting used to the discomfort will disappear;
  • weight - the thing will be heavy. The filler, even in a small volume, has a significant mass;
  • smell - husk, especially at the beginning, smells strongly. Not everyone likes this smell, and it can even annoy someone.

To make the smell go faster, it is useful to add a handful of mint or oregano to the pillow. Fragrant herbs soften it.

How to choose

A pillow with buckwheat husks has features of choice. Knowing the rules will allow you to get the best thing.

  1. Case. The fabric from which it is sewn must be natural and sufficiently dense. Well, if he has lightning. The cover, if necessary, can be easily washed by pouring out the filling. Light fabrics are better, as they will immediately be noticeable if the filler or fine dust from it spills out.
  2. The amount of filler. There should be enough of it. Excess husks, if desired, can be poured into a bag and put away for storage. If the pillow is too skinny, then changing its condition will be much more difficult.
  3. Size. The choice depends on who will use it. Do not buy a thing that is too large for a child or a small child for an adult. The wrong size will not be comfortable, so sleep will not be of high quality.
  4. Form. For a night's sleep, a rectangular pillow is more convenient. For a daytime rest for several hours, rollers and square models are suitable.

You need to purchase a thing in a store with a good reputation, which has safety certificates for all its products. A pillow filled with buckwheat husks of poor quality will only do harm.

How to care

Pillows made of buckwheat husks last long enough only when good care. You cannot wash them. If the cover is too dirty, then first you need to pour out the filler, and then wash only the fabric. Dry cleaning in the first 6 months of use is carried out once every 2 weeks, and then once every 2 months. To do this, the thing is simply vacuumed. To rid the item of spent filler particles, it must be sieved once every six months. This is easier to do if there are zippers on the case.

In the warm season, the pillow should be taken outside once a week for ventilation. This will remove the absorbed moisture and refresh the item. In winter, it is useful to freeze a thing once a month. Such a procedure will also eliminate accumulated moisture, which prolongs the life of the product. A pillow with buckwheat husks without drying and airing can begin to mold inside.

Whether or not to use a natural orthopedic pillow with buckwheat husks should be determined based on personal preferences. This thing does not belong to the category of suitable sensations for everyone.

Everyone loves to sleep on feather or synthetic pillows. There is nothing to be surprised here, because they are very soft and comfortable, but they are capable of very accumulate dust quickly, and this is not very good in terms of health care (especially for allergy sufferers and people suffering from bronchial asthma). That is why today, pillows with natural fillers are gaining more and more popularity.

general information

One of the most common natural fillers is buckwheat, or rather buckwheat husk. But before it gets into the pillow, it goes through a long process of separating from the grain, steaming, sifting, blowing and cleaning.

Some conscientious producers also carry out calibration and heat treatment of the husk. Thanks to such a complex and time-consuming process, there is no doubt that such a pillow has certain healing abilities.

Positive properties

The main advantages of using a pillow with buckwheat filler include:

  • Improving the quality of sleep.
  • pleasant, soothing scent and relaxing effect.
  • Ensuring the correct position of the head and neck, supporting the spine (due to the slight rigidity of the husk, the pillow adapts to the shape of the head).
  • The presence of a special cut on the lock or Velcro, which allows you to reduce the amount of husk, adjusting the product to your own preferences.
  • Improving blood circulation and lymph condition.
  • Favorable effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • General improvement in well-being.
  • It helps to reduce or completely get rid of snoring and diseases of the cervical region.
  • Positive impact on Airways.
  • A kind of scalp massage during sleep, resulting in reduced migraine attacks.
  • Strengthening hair.
  • Smoothing wrinkles on the face.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Ease of maintenance.

It is worth noting that buckwheat husk does not interfere with air circulation, so it is comfortable to use at any time of the year - you definitely will not be hot on it.

Negative sides

Like any other thing, a buckwheat husk pillow has both pluses and minuses.

The main disadvantages of such a bedding include:

  • Rigidity(if you have always slept on soft feather pillows may even cause pain.)
  • Rapid wear and relatively short life.
  • Making extra noise(the husk rustles when a person changes the position of the head or rolls over).
  • Quite a lot of weight(up to 4-5 kg, depending on the chosen size).
  • A peculiar smell (it is emitted by buckwheat essential oils).

It is worth noting that getting used to such a specific sleeping accessory is quite difficult at first. However, as positive changes appear and you feel better, you are unlikely to pay attention to small inconveniences.

Features of selection, application and care

The choice of product should be taken very seriously. Particular attention should be paid to case material. It's best that it be satin. It is more durable and perfectly passes oxygen, allowing the skin to "breathe". Coarse calico is quickly torn from systematic contact with a sharp husk due to its insufficient density, but teak, although quite dense, is very hygroscopic material. Synthetic materials will completely reduce everything positive traits products to almost nothing.

In addition, look at the quality of the filler: it must be clean, free of debris, residues from processing and extra odors. The easiest way to do this is to touch: a pillow with clean husks springs well and quickly restores its original shape. Also try to slightly wrinkle or pour the contents inside the case from one side to the other - if this does not cause any difficulties, then there is no doubt that the production technology was fully observed.

It has been noticed that pillows have the greatest healing and relaxing effect. rectangular shape and size 40?60 cm. In addition, they are very comfortable for adult sleep. As a roller under the neck, you can take a medium-sized product - 40?36 . Well, if you decide to purchase this bedding for kids, then it is better to choose the size 40?50 . However, keep in mind that doctors do not recommend sleeping on such pillows for children under 3 years old.

Finding a pillow with buckwheat husks in a regular store is almost impossible. However, it can be ordered in specialized salons or online stores. Product prices vary within from 400-500 to 1600 rubles(depending on the popularity of the manufacturer and the size of the product itself). To increase the effect of aromatherapy, some manufacturers add medicinal additives to the filler, the most popular of which are lemon balm, thyme and oregano.

Please note that if you buy a truly original product of high quality, then a certificate is always attached to it, indicating that the product complies with medical safety indicators. Before buying, be sure to ask if there is such a document in the store, carefully study it, especially if the relatively low cost of the pillow seemed strange to you.

This orthopedic accessory is usually used only for sleeping. However, sometimes it is used in the classes of some oriental techniques and even as a seat on a chair.

Caring for the product is quite simple: the cover can be washed at any time, but it is strictly forbidden to wet the filler, from time to time it is only allowed to pour it and, if possible, dry it in the fresh air. Once every two to three months, it is advisable to dry clean with a vacuum cleaner.


Thus, today a pillow with buckwheat filling is the best alternative to feather or synthetic bedding.

Many who tested this orthopedic accessory agreed that it is an excellent assistant in the fight against ailments and, despite certain shortcomings, its benefits are simply invaluable!

A person's well-being and health depend on the quality of sleep. If you stick healthy lifestyle life, they should sleep not only on a high-quality mattress, but also on an orthopedic pillow, for example, made of buckwheat. The benefits of sleeping on a buckwheat husk pillow cannot be overestimated. To verify this, check out the properties of this material.

Description and varieties

What is buckwheat husk and why is it used to stuff pillows? Surely everyone is familiar with the black particles found in buckwheat. Their hostesses carefully try to separate them from high-quality cereals before cooking. These products for recreation are filled with such a shell.

Sleeping accessories with buckwheat husks are made in such sizes - 40x60 or 50x70 cm. Bedding stores also offer products for children, as well as neck rolls and round products.

There is another type of such products, they are designed for sitting. They are recommended for people who spend a lot of time at the computer, in the car or in the office. They are endowed with a tonic and massage effect, improve blood circulation and prevent the occurrence of stagnant processes.

Please note: Buckwheat husks are environmental material. It may not be suitable for individual indications. Then it is better to replace the husk with artificial fillers.

The benefits of pillows

Before buying such items for sleeping, you should find out what are the benefits and harms of a buckwheat husk pillow. Experts highlight the following advantages of using such products for sleep:

  1. Husk has pronounced orthopedic properties. This effect is achieved as a result of processing the husk, after which it acquires a pyramidal shape. This allows the husk to pass air well and maintain a temperature comfortable for sleeping.
  2. The orthopedic pillow takes the form of the head, supports it, a neck and a backbone during a dream. Under such conditions, the muscles are in a relaxed state, due to this, blood circulation improves, stagnant processes are excluded.
  3. Sleeping on products filled with such natural material allows you to get rid of even chronic headaches. Recovery is achieved by improving blood microcirculation in the vessels of the brain and normalizing blood pressure.
  4. When using such bedding, the problem of snoring is eliminated. Getting rid of it allows the correct position of the head and open airways through which air passes freely.
  5. Patients with osteochondrosis notice improvements after the first sleep on such bedding. The intensity of the pain syndrome is significantly reduced, and with the constant use of the accessory, the pain disappears completely.
  6. The material is endowed with high hygienic properties and the ability to absorb moisture. Given this feature, it is useful to have such a thing for people who suffer from excessive sweating during sleep.
  7. At night, while you are resting on the pillow, the body receives acupressure of the skin of the neck, face and head. This action prolongs youth, improves the condition of the skin and hair.
  8. Buckwheat husk does not spoil when in contact with essential oils, so aromatherapy lovers can add funds directly to the filler.
  9. It is very convenient that the owner of such a pillow has access to the filler, as the cover is easily unfastened and fastened with a sewn-in zipper. This allows you to independently adjust the rigidity of the object - you can add or remove husks.

Given the beneficial properties of buckwheat husks, there are such indications for its use for sleep:

  1. soreness of the spine;
  2. headache;
  3. rachiocampsis;
  4. osteochondrosis;
  5. insomnia;
  6. snore;
  7. allergy to dust mites, feathers, fluff;
  8. increased sweating.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, manufacturers often mix buckwheat husks as a filler with mint leaves, lemon balm, thyme, hop cones and cedar shavings.

Interesting fact: Chiropractors have appreciated the benefits of such buckwheat bedding. According to Dr. Mick Hamilton, buckwheat husks are excellent neck support.

Disadvantages of buckwheat husk filler

Despite the useful properties of such a natural filler, it also has some disadvantages. They are connected, first of all, with inconvenience in use. Many people complain that such bedding is too heavy, hard and dense. Among the shortcomings caused by these qualities of products are:

  1. Noise. Buckwheat husk tends to rub against each other. And since it is solid, noise is created during movements. When you fall asleep, such a lack will disappear by itself. If you sleep on your back, and not on your side - with your ear to the pillow, then the noise will not be heard.
  2. Rigidity. The husk obtained after processing buckwheat is quite hard and tough, and this can be felt during sleep. Especially people who are used to sleeping on their side suffer from this lack of filler. With prolonged lying in this position, tingling and even numbness may be felt in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears and cheeks. In order not to face such a problem, but to get only the benefits from sleep, take the habit of sleeping on your back.
  3. Big weight. Such products made from buckwheat husks, depending on their size, can weigh up to 5 kg. Due to the large weight, such an item is not very convenient for children and the elderly. But you can solve the problem if you choose the shape and size of the pillow, which will not have a lot of weight.
  4. The husk has its own natural smell, which may be unpleasant for someone.

According to experts, the therapeutic effect of buckwheat husks far exceeds these shortcomings. They usually disappear after 3-4 nights, and the pillow becomes an indispensable item for a healthy sleep.

Caring for a buckwheat husk pillow is very simple. Follow these rules to keep it in good condition:

  1. The pillow with buckwheat filling cannot be washed. If necessary, you need to pour out the husk and wash the cover separately, and sift the buckwheat to remove rumpled particles.
  2. Shake the pillow every night to get the most out of your natural-filled pillow while you sleep.
  3. In summer, dry the product in the sun, avoiding direct sunlight.
  4. Dry clean with a vacuum cleaner once every two months. Process the product through the case.

How to choose a pillow

To sleep on a quality buckwheat husk pillow, it is important to know how to choose it. Check out the criteria that you should pay attention to when buying an accessory:

  1. the fabric from which the cover is made;
  2. husk quality;
  3. model;
  4. purpose of the product.


When choosing a pillow, give preference to covers made from natural materials. Most often, manufacturers use satin, it is endowed with strength and hygroscopicity. It will last a long time and will pass air well and absorb moisture. Do not buy products with synthetic cases. Artificial materials will negate all the benefits of a buckwheat pillow. In order for the product to be comfortable during sleep and benefit the body, the filler must be of high quality - clean, without debris and plant residues.

Tip: You can only check the quality of the husk by touch. Through the cover, it is easy to detect fragments of twigs and debris among the buckwheat husks.

Conscientious manufacturers use calibrated husks for filler. Such material is subjected to a special heat treatment, which disinfects the husk and increases its strength.

The lineup

Pillows come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Universal option products of 40x60 cm are considered. But if you have a large figure with wide and high shoulders, it is better to sleep on bedding measuring 50x70.

The rectangular shape is perfect for sleeping. Round and square products are designed for comfort on the road or while working at the computer.

If you choose a thing for a child, it should not be larger than 40 × 50 cm. Pillows intended for children's sleep can only be used from the age of two. Even if the child does not yet use such bedding by appointment, you can buy an accessory small size and place at the head of the bed to relieve nervous overexcitation, calm the baby and improve his sleep.

The term of use of a pillow with such filler is unlimited. More often there is a need to replace the old product with a new one when the cover wears out.

By choosing the right pillow with buckwheat husks, you will improve your sleep and improve your body.
