As each child grows up, starting from birth, draws conclusions about himself primarily from the words of others and depending on their attitude. This question is most acute when the child comes to school, to a new team, but the main experiences come in adolescence.

To interest a child so that he likes to study is often not so easy. Parents have to put a lot of time and effort into this. When patience and fantasies run out, psychologists come to the rescue.

Is your baby refusing to eat? Is your child not eating well and you can't get the baby to eat at least something? Is child nutrition a sore subject for your family? You are not alone in this problem. Many parents are very worried that their child either eats or does not eat at all. This problem is as important and relevant as ensuring the safety of children at home. And what to do to avoid battles with the baby at every meal?

Uncontrolled outbursts of anger, unbridled rage - such feelings do not color anyone. Especially if adults yell at children. Familiar? “Cooling down” and then remembering their unbridled outbursts of anger, there is dissatisfaction with oneself and an acute sense of guilt in relation to one’s child. How to cope with bouts of aggression and be calm parents?

IN modern world stepfamilies are common. Society is calm about new marriages between spouses who already have children. However, for children it is a big stress. Often, the union of two families leads to rivalry between half-siblings.

The term “maternity leave”, which does not exist in official legislation, is usually called the period of absence from work associated with motherhood. Before and after the birth of offspring, a woman receives from the state the opportunity to temporarily not fulfill her professional duties, but to devote herself to her family, while not losing either her seniority or losing financial assistance. It is useful for all working women to know how this type of vacation is arranged, which most women have to face at least once in their lives, and often more than once. The nuances of such often issued "rest" are also important for employees of personnel services.

Decree - complex leave

Under the stable jargon "maternity leave" in fact, there are 2 different holidays, the only common feature of which is their connection with the appearance of a child.

  1. Maternity leave
  2. Leave associated with the need to care for a child up to 1.5 or three years of age.

Components of the decree:

  • have different bases;
  • are issued separately and each in its own way;
  • different duration;
  • differ in payment by the employer and the state.

Rumor has combined them into a common "maternity leave", since in practice in most cases they go one after another and do not have breaks between them.

REFERENCE! Legislatively, the right to leave associated with future motherhood is regulated by Art. 255-256 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Special and work experience is not interrupted by a long decree.

Who is entitled to maternity leave?

The Labor Code establishes the right to go on maternity leave for any working woman, namely:

  • an employee who has drawn up an employment contract (work experience does not matter);
  • registered with the Employment Service with the official status of not having a job;
  • female student studying full-time;
  • a woman in military service;
  • the female part of the civilian personnel of military institutions.

NOTE! Some types of benefits paid on this vacation are for everyone, and some for only officially employed expectant mothers.

Term is an important issue in motherhood

When establishing the duration of maternity leave and the time of taking it, the legislation is guided not only by the natural rhythms of childbearing, but also by the conclusions of the leading pregnant doctor, which is reflected in the relevant legal acts.

Each type of leave constituting a decree has its own characteristics in terms of time.

Maternity leave (Maternity leave)

In the last months, the forthcoming childbirth, it becomes difficult for a woman, and sometimes beyond the power of her usual work duties, and often even the road to her place of work. The state provides her with the opportunity to be considered temporarily disabled, that is, to issue a sick leave for the prenatal and postnatal periods. The duration of these periods is different:

  • before the expected birth, a woman is allowed to rest 70 days according to the calendar;
  • after childbirth, the sick leave will continue for another 70 days if the birth was normal, and for 86 days in case of complicated birth situations (in particular, a caesarean section);
  • if more than one baby is expected to be born, but several at once, the happy mother will be allowed to rest 2 weeks earlier - the prenatal period will be 84 days;
  • the parent of twins and more children after childbirth is entitled to 110 days of paid sick leave;
  • the countdown of these terms begins with the issuance in the antenatal clinic sick leave what happens with a normal pregnancy at 30 weeks, and with multiple pregnancy at 28 weeks.

ATTENTION! If there are unforeseen inconsistencies in the estimated dates on which the vacation is based (for example, a woman gave birth ahead of time, endured or the gestational age was incorrectly calculated), the vacation periods remain unchanged. To extend it, you need a new sick leave and, on its basis, the design of additional leave.

When adopting a small child (up to 3 months old), a woman is also entitled to leave, similar to that provided by BiR.

Instructions for expectant mothers: how to take a vacation in BiR

  1. At a period of 30 weeks (or 28, if more than 1 baby is expected), the pregnant woman receives a certificate of incapacity for work from the doctor of the antenatal clinic and certifies it from her supervisor.
  2. A pregnant employee writes in her own hand to her employer. This document must indicate the reason for the future absence from work (BiR) and the terms calculated on the sick leave. It is also worth immediately adding a clause on the request to accrue appropriate benefits, otherwise they will have to be dealt with separately.
  3. The personnel department, on the basis of an application and a sick leave, issues an order to grant this type of leave. The expectant mother is completely free from labor worries from the date specified in the order.

Additionally, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • a copy of the identity card;
  • a certificate from the accounting department on income for the last 2 years;
  • bank account number or plastic card(for the transfer of benefits);
  • a certificate from the LCD stating that the woman was registered before the 12-week period (an additional payment is due for early registration).

Leave to care for a baby up to 1.5 or 3 years

It is issued after the birth of a child before the expiration of postpartum vacation days: the first vacation will smoothly turn into the second.

IMPORTANT! This type of leave, unlike the first, can be issued not only for the mother of the child, but also for any person who will take care of him - the father, relative, guardian, the choice is up to the child's family: it is possible if the mother resumed her labor activity after the appearance of the baby.

Labor guarantees for those on this leave:

  • maintaining the workplace in the “pre-decree” volume of workload;
  • payment of monthly "employer's" compensation;
  • accounting for the first 1.5 years of child care in the pension experience;
  • the impossibility of dismissal before going to work.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! The difference between 1.5-year and 3-year vacation is only in the payment of a monthly allowance from the employer and pension experience. Is not different types vacation, and one, issued 1 time, which can be completed at any convenient time before the child turns 3 years old.


  1. A mother or other officially employed close person submits a written application to his employer (it also includes requirements for the accrual of 2 monthly payments - benefits and compensation).
  2. Providing the child's birth certificate.
  3. If it is not the mother who arranges the leave, a certificate is needed stating that she does not use her right to the decree.
  4. Registration of the order by the personnel department (the applicant receives a copy).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Two maternity leave cannot be taken at the same time. If before the end of the decree a woman is going to the second, then the dates in the two orders should not overlap. In such a situation, it is financially more profitable for a woman to take out an BI allowance than to continue to receive compensation from her employer. Thus, it is worth writing an application for going to work, and then for a new leave for the second pregnancy and childbirth.

For adopted children, parental leave is issued in the same manner as for relatives.

How to maintain and even increase your professional skills on maternity leave? How, when entering a job, is it right to tell that you are not worse, but better than other applicants for the position? Experts of the SelfMama project - psychologists and career consultants - tell.

1. Decide what skills you want and can improve

Maria Skryabina is a psychologist and mother of two children:

According to analysts, the most important and sought-after professional qualities of the future will be resistance to uncertainty, effective communication skills and the ability to consistently multitask. But it is these skills that are maximized in!

A woman in the role of a mother quickly realizes that life with a child is almost impossible to control, because often all plans go awry because, for example, the child refused to sleep during the day today. Moms, like no one else, are able to accept the surprises of fate and gracefully maneuver, demonstrating at the same time.

2. Find a remote job

The fact that a mother has to stay at home for several years does not mean at all that she must inevitably lose her working skills and qualifications. You can find remote work, become a freelancer or volunteer. This is not only useful for career development, but also saves you from household chores..

Maria Nikonova - career coach, mother of two children:

One of the options available to a modern mother is study. Now we have many opportunities for distance learning, even in foreign schools. In addition, you can study not for the sake of a diploma, but for the sake of knowledge. A good platform for online courses is suitable for this: for those who own English language- Coursera, Udemy, EdX, for Russian speakers - Universarium, OpenEdu, Arche Center. There are a variety of online courses to help mom learn entrepreneurship or write a book. Some of them are free of charge.

4. Act according to the "rule of three R": correctly, constantly, gradually

Irina Bezmenova - PhD in Psychology, specialist in adult learning and development, mother of two children:

Having decided on the vector of your development, be patient and act according to the “rule of three Ps”. For example, you decide to learn a new foreign language. Every day you memorize only 10 words, but in a week it will be already 70 words, and in four months spent with children in the country - almost 1000!

Time works for you. Combine development with other activities: an audio lecture in the car with a sleeping baby, a webinar after he goes to bed, reading an expert column while you are expecting a baby on development boards, and so on. Enjoy small steps and praise yourself for them.

5. Learn how to properly present yourself and your professional skills

Tatyana Loginova is a career consultant with international CDS certification, mother of two children:

The work of a mother is one of the most difficult and responsible in the world, with an irregular work schedule. Let's try to translate into business language what competencies you have acquired or upgraded for:

  • negotiation skills with difficult clients;
  • work in multitasking conditions;
  • ability to cope with stress and tight deadlines;
  • budget management;
  • search and hiring of qualified personnel (builders, plumbers, teachers, nannies);
  • project management (cottage construction, repairs, family vacation planning).

All this meets the requirements for the position of a project manager or middle manager. And if, in addition to this, you managed to organize events in educational institution child, help in volunteer projects, study or moderate a group in social networks, then your value as an employee increases even more. Now it remains to indicate this information in the business language in the resume - and go ahead, conquer the labor market.

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life. Many mothers-to-be leave their jobs before having a baby and go on maternity leave. The article will tell you how to spend this time useful and pleasant, what new activities and hobbies you can find for yourself during the maternity leave.

We spend maternity leave with benefit: new hobbies and hobbies for a young mother

Maternity leave is a period, the purpose of which is to prepare for the birth of the baby, as well as the subsequent care of him. A young mother has a lot of free time. There are many ways to spend this period useful for yourself and the child.

When do they go on maternity leave?

If the pregnancy proceeds without any complications, then the woman has the right to go on maternity leave at the 30th week of pregnancy. In the case when future mother the birth of twins or triplets is expected, maternity leave is allowed 14 days earlier - at the 28th week.

Things to do

While on such a vacation, you can find useful activities for yourself both before and after the birth of a child.

Before the baby is born

  1. Prepare the necessary things for the unborn child:

After the birth of the baby, a happy mother will not have so much free time for shopping for children.

Such purchases are best made with a friend who already has children or with your mother. They will recommend what is best for the baby, and this will help to avoid unnecessary expenses and unnecessary purchases.

  1. Furnish your home. Before giving birth, many women have the instinct of "nesting" - the desire to make the house cozy for all family members. Therefore, equip the baby’s room in advance, as well as buy the necessary things for bath procedures and feeding.
  2. Expand your knowledge in the field of child care. Expectant mother is recommended to study the special literature on parenting, care and feeding. It would not be superfluous to visit some courses for pregnant women, where they tell in an interesting and detailed way how to care for a baby.

What to do on maternity leave for up to a year

  1. Spend more time with your child. Every mother should study the behavior of the baby well. In the first months of life, this is especially important, as it will allow timely detection of deviations in the development of the child, his health and take appropriate measures.
  2. Baby development. Closer to 3-4 months, the child has the first sounds. From this period, you need to connect educational toys, actively talk with him to develop vocabulary.
  3. Rest and self-care. Find at least a couple of hours a day for yourself. It is important for a young mother to look good, then her well-being and mood will always be excellent.

Adjust your diet, make time for daily physical education to keep yourself in shape.

What to do on maternity leave for up to three years

  1. Pay attention to the education and development of the child. At this time, the child already knows how to talk, walk and is capable of learning. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to write it down in the developing sections.

It is believed that at 3 years old children have very high abilities to memorize new information.

  1. Walk more. The child has already grown up, and you can spend more time with him in the fresh air. Visit all kinds of playgrounds, activities. Study the plants in the park or look at the animals in the zoological garden.
  2. Physical culture lessons. During this period, it is recommended to do fitness or water aerobics. In modern sports complexes There are classes for both adults and children at the same time. While the mother is in a group for women, children's trainers will work with the baby.

What useful hobbies to do during pregnancy: ideas

On maternity leave, you can not only engage in the development of the baby, but also come up with entertainment for yourself.

  1. Culinary creativity. If you've always wanted to learn how to cook, now is the time. During pregnancy, study cookbooks, websites and try yourself in cooking exotic dishes.
  2. Read more. With the modern pace of life, there is always not enough time to calmly and quietly sit with your favorite book. But during pregnancy, you can do this: re-read good books or discover new ones. Reading a classic fiction It's a great way to develop yourself.
  3. Blogging on a social network. If you like to take pictures and tell interesting stories, then your hobby could be blogging. This is a trendy and popular hobby, which is also profitable if you get a lot of followers on your account.
  4. Take up needlework. Knitting, sewing, embroidery or even modeling is a pleasant and useful activity for a future mother. Creativity brings pleasure and develops motor skills of hands and thinking. You can also make gifts for loved ones and things for the baby with your own hands.
  5. Make time for self-education. If you have long dreamed of taking manicure courses, getting a driver's license or learning a foreign language, then maternity leave is a great time for self-development and education. The Internet is a huge source of information, where you will find special courses and e-books.
  6. Find a side job. While on maternity leave, you can make good money. Now there are many options for remote work on the Internet. If you know a foreign language or are a specialist in any other field of knowledge, then take up tutoring at home.

Thus, maternity leave is an unforgettable time in the life of every woman, which can be spent with benefit and pleasure, discovering new entertaining hobbies.

Useful video

Self-development during the decree is a very real task. With the advent of the baby, a mother's life is divided into "Before" and "After", so that the world of a young mother will never return to its previous course. This is understandable, since now he revolves entirely around his beloved baby. That's what Mother Nature intended. After all, in order for the baby to survive, it must be nothing more than the center of its mother's universe, at least for several months. However, time passes imperceptibly, the baby gradually grows up and now the young mother can easily cope with all children's duties, and her life is no longer so stressful.

Is it true that a woman has a lot of time on maternity leave?

The vast majority of women who have successfully survived this period of life, on the contrary, note that they had a lot of things to do on maternity leave, and therefore time flew by unnoticed. This is a busy time. It should be understood and realized that this is a difficult period for a woman, since the accumulated fatigue with the notorious Groundhog Day does not allow her to fully enjoy life.

What can you do while you are on maternity leave


You can, for example, start learning languages. If you do not like self-study programs, then you can resort to the help of the Internet. There are video tutorials or online classes on Skype with native speakers, as well as watching movies without translation. This helps to quickly improve knowledge and reach a new level.

You can also find yourself a training course that will simply refresh your knowledge in your specialty and profession, or master some related field of knowledge. Numerous European as well as American universities regularly post lectures by their best professors to the public electronic access. And this is done completely free of charge. It goes without saying that you will need good knowledge foreign language, as well as special vocabulary. But, you also need to be prepared for practical tasks. This will take some time, as, in fact, the lectures themselves.


However, you can take breaks from homework to make time for studying.

Many of the young mothers on maternity leave are qualitatively rethinking their previous careers and come to the conclusion that they want to change the scope of their work. So the decree is a great great opportunity to get a second higher education. You can, as an option, choose evening or correspondence, or even distance learning. It goes without saying that this will not be easy at all, because being a mother to a small child and simultaneously mastering a completely new profession is almost unrealistic. But when there is a desire, then everything is possible.

Work and maternity leave - is it possible to combine?

part time job

It is possible that the current profession represents an opportunity for part-time work from home, in addition, the employer agrees to meet by offering piece work. This can be called the simplest and most convenient option, since you know your business very well, and after maternity leave, you do not drop out of work, remaining aware of all the features and innovations of work news.

Apply skills and abilities

If there is no such opportunity, then you can simply expand the circle of your searches a little and think about where your knowledge and skills may be needed. If you are fluent in the language, then it is logical to look for offers about translating texts, and if you write easily and, moreover, quickly, then you need to look for vacancies in various online publications, or start filling sites. For those who have experience with accounting, it is logical to try their hand at working with aspiring entrepreneurs.

If such options are not for you, then pay attention to vacancies where professional skills are not needed. For example, transcribing audio materials and maintaining some simple documentation, as well as working as a consultant on the phone and writing and then distributing reviews on sites.


Maternity leave is a specific time in a woman's life when she realizes herself as a mother. But, along the way, it is not only possible, but even necessary to try to realize yourself as a professional in any field. In addition, a decree can be an impetus for a change in profession or type of activity.

How to spend a decree with benefit
