The question of what can be made from old batteries is asked by people interested in electronics.

A small penlight battery is completely harmless in appearance. But it contains a decent contingent heavy metals. It has been proven that one such little thing pollutes 20 m of the earth. Metals settle in the soil, get into the water, and then it all returns to people.

What can be done with old batteries?

The best option for those who do not understand anything about electronics is to take used batteries to special collection points. Then this raw material is processed and used with benefit. Unfortunately, there are very few such items. People who know a lot about electronics can try to give these gizmos a second life. Most often for their research they use:

  • case as a material for home-made devices;
  • rod as a material for electrolysis.

These are excellent materials for such experiments.

What can be made from AA batteries: flashlights

Electricians can try to make a small flashlight out of an old alkaline battery. From the tools you need to prepare a soldering iron, a wire stripper, scissors and a piece double sided tape. With search necessary materials will have to work hard:

  • used battery;
  • white LED;
  • transformer core;
  • piece of cable;
  • button;
  • resistor;
  • transistor;
  • round board.

First prepare the battery holder, then fix the button with tape. After that, the negative wire must be soldered to the button contacts. The LED is inserted into the board, while its legs are bent and soldered. The next step is to install the transistor and resistor. After that, you need to strip the wires. The board is attached to the holder and the wires of the holder are soldered.

The two wires are then attached to the breadboard, soldered, passed through the core, and wrapped around. In this case, the wires must not cross. The ends of the wires must be pulled through the holes in the board and soldered. Now you can insert the battery and check if the device works. If all is well, the board can be fixed on the holder.

A battery or galvanic cell is a chemical source electric current. All batteries sold in stores, in fact, have the same design. They use two electrodes of different composition. The main element for the negative terminal (anode) of saline and alkaline batteries is zinc, and for their positive (cathode) manganese. The cathode of lithium batteries is made of lithium, and a wide variety of materials are used for the anode.

An electrolyte is located between the electrodes of the batteries. Its composition is different: for salt batteries with the lowest resource, ammonium chloride is used. Alkaline batteries use potassium hydroxide, while lithium batteries use an organic electrolyte.

When the electrolyte interacts with the anode, an excess of electrons is formed near it, which creates a potential difference between the electrodes. When closing electrical circuit the number of electrons is constantly replenished by a chemical reaction, and the battery keeps the current flowing through the load. In this case, the anode material gradually corrodes and collapses. With its full development, the battery life is exhausted.

Despite the fact that the composition of the batteries is balanced by manufacturers to ensure their long and stable operation, you can make the battery yourself. Consider several ways how you can make a battery with your own hands.

Method one: a lemon battery

This homemade battery will use the citric acid electrolyte found in the pulp of a lemon. For electrodes, take copper and iron wires, nails or pins. The copper electrode will be positive, and the iron electrode will be negative.

The lemon needs to be cut across into two parts. For greater stability, the halves are placed in small containers (glasses or glasses). It is necessary to connect the wires to the electrodes and immerse them in a lemon at a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm.

Now you need to take a multimeter and measure the voltage on the resulting galvanic cell. If it is not enough, then you will also need to make several identical lemon batteries with your own hands and connect them in series using the same wires.

Method two: a jar of electrolyte

To assemble a device with your own hands, similar in design to the first battery in the world, you will need glass jar or glass. We use zinc or aluminum (anode) and copper (cathode) for the electrode material. To increase the efficiency of the element, their area should be as large as possible. It would be better to solder the wires, but the wire will have to be attached to the aluminum electrode with a rivet or bolted connection, since it is difficult to solder it.

The electrodes are immersed inside the jar so that they do not touch each other, and their ends are above the level of the jar. It is better to fix them by installing a spacer or slotted cover.
For the electrolyte, we use an aqueous solution of ammonia (50 g per 100 ml of water). Aqueous ammonia solution ( ammonia) is not the ammonia used for our experiment. Ammonium chloride (ammonium chloride) is an odorless powder white color used in soldering as a flux or as a fertilizer.

The second option for preparing the electrolyte is to make a 20% solution of sulfuric acid. In this case, you need to pour acid into water, and in no case vice versa. Otherwise, the water will instantly boil and its splashes, along with acid, will fall on clothes, face and eyes.

Protective goggles and chemical resistant gloves are recommended when working with concentrated acids. Before you make a battery using sulfuric acid, you should study the safety rules when working with aggressive substances in more detail.

It remains to pour the resulting solution into a jar so that at least 2 mm remains to the edges of the vessel free space. Then, using a tester, select required amount cans.

A self-assembled battery is similar in composition to a salt battery, as it contains ammonium chloride and zinc.

Method three: copper coins

The ingredients for making such a battery with your own hands are:

  • copper coins;
  • aluminium foil;
  • thick cardboard;
  • table vinegar;
  • wires.

It is easy to guess that the electrodes will be copper and aluminum, and an aqueous solution of acetic acid is used as an electrolyte.

Coins first need to be cleaned of oxides. To do this, they will need to be briefly dipped in vinegar. Then we make circles of cardboard and foil according to the size of the coins, using one of them as a template. We cut out the mugs with scissors, put the cardboard ones in vinegar for a while: they should be saturated with electrolyte.

Then we lay out a column of ingredients: first a coin, then a cardboard circle, a circle of foil, again a coin, and so on, until the material runs out. The final element should again be a copper coin. You can solder the wires to the extreme coins in advance. If you don’t want to solder, then the wires are applied to them, and the whole structure is tightly wrapped with adhesive tape.

During the operation of this self-assembled battery, the coins will become completely unusable, so do not use numismatic material that is of cultural and material value.

Method four: a battery in a beer can

The anode of the battery is the aluminum body of the beer can. The cathode is a graphite rod.

Additionally you will need:

  • a piece of foam with a thickness of more than 1 cm;
  • coal chips or dust (you can use what is left of the fire);
  • water and ordinary table salt;
  • wax or paraffin (candles can be used).

From the jar you need to cut off the top. Then make a circle of foam plastic according to the size of the bottom of the can and insert it inside, having previously made a hole in the middle for the graphite rod. The rod itself is inserted into the jar strictly in the center, the cavity between it and the walls is filled with coal chips. Then an aqueous solution of salt is prepared (3 tablespoons per 500 ml of water) and poured into a jar. To prevent the solution from spilling out, the edges of the jar are filled with wax or paraffin.

Clothespins can be used to connect wires to graphite rods.

Method five: potatoes, salt and toothpaste

This battery is disposable. It is suitable for starting a fire by shorting the wires to produce a spark.

To create a potato lighter you will need:

  • large potato;
  • two copper wire in isolation;
  • toothpicks or similar thin chips;
  • salt;
  • toothpaste.

We cut the potato in half so that the cut plane has the maximum possible area. In one half, with a knife or spoon, select a recess where we pour salt and add toothpaste. Mix them together until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The amount of "electrolyte" should be flush with the edges of the recess.

In the other half, which will be the top, we pierce two holes at some distance between each other so that they both fall into the recess with the electrolyte when assembling the “battery”. We insert wires into the hole, previously stripped of insulation by about a centimeter. We put the halves together so that the ends of the wires are dipped into the electrolyte. We fasten the halves together with toothpicks.

We wait about five minutes, after that, by closing the wires together, you can strike a spark and make a fire.

All the methods described above are not a full replacement for a battery purchased in a store. The voltage on homemade elements can fluctuate and its value cannot be accurately adjusted. You won't be able to use them for long either. But somewhere in the wilderness, in the absence of electricity, it is quite possible for everyone to assemble a battery for a mobile phone or an LED light bulb with their own hands. Naturally, if you have the appropriate materials at hand.

Do-it-yourself eternal battery 2.13 volts.

Today I will tell you how to make a battery that can last about half a year.

Today I’ll tell you how to make a battery that can last about half a year, or you can use an alternative, for example, a 12-volt solar battery manufactured by Chinaland Solar Energy.

We'll need:

  • case, it will be a glass jar, plastic will not work;

  • some piece of silver, in this case it is a spoon, it will serve as a core and will also participate in a chemical reaction;

  • copper wire, it may be an old winding from some old electrical appliances;

  • cling film, it will serve as insulation between the layers of the winding.

For the solution in which all this will happen:

  • apple cider vinegar 6%, a teaspoon;

  • glycerin, it is sold in any pharmacy, it costs ten rubles, four vials;

  • ordinary table salt fine, a teaspoon.

First, wrap the spoon with cling film so that there is no direct contact with the copper wire. I wrapped the spoon with a film, as you can see, the upper and lower ends of the spoon are bare, this is in order to interact with the solution, now let's start wrapping it with a wire. We leave a piece more authentic, this will be one of the contacts and wind the first layer. I wound one layer, as you can see the turns are not close to each other, there should be space between them for insulation. Now gotta rewind cling film, I wound the second layer, the film needs to be wound as freely as possible so as not to impede the flow of the solution between the wires, and now you need to wind the second layer of wire and so on, the film, then the wire, and so on until you get bored.

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A battery is an energy storage device that usually works on the principle of reversibility of a chemical reaction. The simplest battery is arranged simply, for the first time his idea was tested in practice by Ritter in 1803, it was a column of 50 copper plates laid with a damp dense cloth.

How to make a battery with your own hands? Collect from copper plates? There are simpler methods for creating an energy storage device from improvised means. You can make both an acid homemade battery and an alkaline type device.

Acid and lead

The most simple in the device is a lead-acid design for the accumulation of electricity. To build it you need:

  • stable capacity, with the possibility of its tight closure lid;
  • electrolyte - a solution of battery acid and distilled water;
  • lead plate - you can use a flattened piece of lead from cable insulation or purchased at a hunting or fishing store;
  • two metal pins - electrodes that must be driven vertically into lead plates.

Next, we present the manufacturing process of this device. Lead plates are put on metal pins, with a small distance between them. After that, the structure is immersed in a container filled with electrolyte. Lead must be completely under the solution. The contact ends of the pins are passed through the lid of the container and securely fixed on it. An electrical consumer can be connected to the ends of the electrodes. The container is installed on a stable surface, after which the device is charged. By complicating the design, rolling the lead plates into a roll and, accordingly, increasing their area, with a small volume, good performance of such a device can be achieved. According to the same principle, rolls are made in modern gel energy storage devices.

Important! When working with homemade electric drives, follow the safety rules: the acid used in the electrolyte is a rather aggressive substance.

Salt, coal and graphite

This device does not need an acid, as an alkaline reaction is used. How to make this type of battery? The basis of this type of energy storage device is a container with an electrolyte in the form of a solution of water and sodium chloride - table salt. To create it, you need:

  • graphite rods, with a metal cap for soldering the contact;
  • activated or charcoal, crushed into crumbs;
  • fabric bags for placing coal powder;
  • container for electrolyte with a tight lid for fixing the ends of the electrode.

A graphite rod in a dense carbon lining serves as electrodes. Graphite can be used from worn-out batteries, and charcoal - charcoal or activated, from gas mask filters. To create a tight lining, coal can be placed in a permeable bag, after which a graphite rod is inserted inside, and the fabric of the bag is wrapped with a thread or wire with an insulating coating.

To increase the performance of this kind of design, you can create a battery of several electrodes placed in one container.

Important! Storage capacity and voltage on the contacts homemade devices for the accumulation of electricity are relatively small, but at the same time they are quite enough to connect a low-power light source or other purposes. A battery of several electrodes has higher performance, but they are more bulky.

Lemons and oranges as a container for electricity

Lemon is not only tasty and useful fruit but also a natural accumulator. To use it, it is enough to combine several lemons in a serial circuit, using metal electrodes. After that, you can connect the "fruit" drive to charger. Instead of lemons, you can use other citrus fruits that contain acid, which will serve as a natural electrolyte. The more citrus fruits are involved, the higher the parameters of the "natural" battery.

Lemon juice, acid or its solution can be used separately. To do this, just pour them into a jar. small size and install a copper and steel electrode there. The voltage of the natural energy storage device is small, but, nevertheless, it will be enough for a low-power lighting source.

Even in the absence of a factory-made energy storage device, you can easily make a battery with your own hands. To create it, you only need knowledge of the basics of physics and chemistry, as well as the presence of an acid or alkali of any type at hand. Almost any metal that is available can be used as electrodes, but the best option- this is the use of steels with a high content of iron, as well as copper and its alloys.


Of course, now there are no problems with buying batteries and accumulators, but, apparently, it will be interesting for you to get acquainted

with gas accumulator design. Consider the design of the simplest battery. Design

the battery is so simple that anyone can repeat it. (which is not unimportant, and has already been discussed in the comments ..)

1. container 5.15% saline solution

2.lid 6.pouch with activated carbon

3. carbon rod 7. clamp (clamp)

4.activated carbon 8.plug

The design of the battery is clear from the figure. Opaque container 1 with lid 2 is filled with electrolyte - 15%

saline solution. Two identical electrodes are lowered into the container. The electrode consists of a carbon rod,

around which there is a bag 6 with activated carbon 4. The bags must be wrapped tightly

threads to ensure good contact of the electrode with activated carbon. Activated carbon layer thickness

should not exceed 15mm.

Battery. A simple homemade battery.

If you add to the solution for every liter 1g boric acid and 2g of sugar, battery performance will improve.

Sugar is added during long discharge cycles. Charge the battery direct current based on 4.5 volts

for each element (jar). Charging time up to 12 hours. Full charge signal - copious gas emission. For

so that the gases do not “squeeze out” the electrolyte from the container, a plug is provided, which is necessary when charging

open. To get a capacity of 1a * h, you need to use 65g of activated carbon. Electrolyte change once per

1. If the walls of the vessel transmit light, the battery will quickly discharge. The container outside can

2. It is better to use distilled water or melt snow, as tap water is highly mineralized, and

3. 15% common salt solution is obtained by diluting 5 tablespoons of salt in one liter of water.

well, here's more:
Homemade battery
If you don’t have a set of fresh batteries on hand, you can make a homemade power supply. To do this, you will need two carbon rods from an old battery, two woven bags with a diameter of 20.25 mm and a height of 60 mm. Rods are installed in them and filled with activated carbon (crushed medical tablets).

The following solution is used as an electrolyte: dissolve 5 tablespoons of table salt, 2 g of boric acid and 3 g of sugar in 1 liter of water.

The walls of the glass jar need to be painted with black paint.
The power supply will output 1.5V.

How to make a battery with your own hands
Of course, now there are no problems with buying batteries and accumulators, but, apparently, it will be interesting for you to get acquainted with the design of a gas accumulator. Consider

battery blocks of 200A

Next, we solder in each block 80 pieces in parallel, 4 cans each, we use cassettes for a set of battery cans, you can buy on aliexpress. We also need a copper bus with a thickness of 1-2mm. thin copper wire. Next, solder the findings from every 4 pcs. 18650 for the controller that will monitor the charge of the cans.

We connect 3 such assemblies in series and get a powerful battery.

Quality Li-ion 18650 charging systems


Opus BT-C3100 (version 2.2) Intelligent Li-ion/NiCd/NiMH battery charger

How does the BMS board work?

- increase service life,

– keeping the battery in working condition.

Functions BMS (Battery Management System)

  1. Monitoring the condition of the battery cells in terms of:

– voltage: total voltage, individual cell voltage, minimum and maximum cell voltage,

- charge and depth of discharge,

– charge/discharge currents,

Incorrect charging is one of the most common causes of li-ion battery failure, so charge control is one of the main functions of the BMS microcontroller.

Based on the above points, BMS evaluates:

– maximum allowable charge current,

– maximum allowable discharge current,

- the amount of current during discharge,

is the internal resistance of the cell,

- the total operating time of the battery during operation.

The BMS protects the battery by preventing it from exceeding safe operating limits. BMS guarantees the safety of connecting / disconnecting the load, flexible load management, protects the battery from:

– overcurrent,

– overvoltage (during charging),

- voltage drops below the permissible level (during discharge),

  1. Balancing. Balancing is a method of evenly distributing charge among all cells in a battery, thereby maximizing battery life.

– providing a modular charging process,

- by adjusting the output currents of the battery cells connected to the consumer.

How to make a powerful battery with your own hands
We make a powerful power bank for 12 volt 200A / h We need 240 pieces of 18650 A lot of tin and a lot of patience

A battery or galvanic cell is a chemical source of electric current. All batteries sold in stores, in fact, have the same design. They use two electrodes of different composition. The main element for the negative terminal (anode) of saline and alkaline batteries is zinc, and for their positive (cathode) manganese. The cathode of lithium batteries is made of lithium, and a wide variety of materials are used for the anode.

An electrolyte is located between the electrodes of the batteries. Its composition is different: for salt batteries with the lowest resource, ammonium chloride is used. Alkaline batteries use potassium hydroxide, while lithium batteries use an organic electrolyte.

When the electrolyte interacts with the anode, an excess of electrons is formed near it, which creates a potential difference between the electrodes. When the electrical circuit is closed, the number of electrons is constantly replenished due to a chemical reaction, and the battery maintains the flow of current through the load. In this case, the anode material gradually corrodes and collapses. With its full development, the battery life is exhausted.

Despite the fact that the composition of the batteries is balanced by manufacturers to ensure their long and stable operation, you can make the battery yourself. Consider several ways how you can make a battery with your own hands.

Method one: a lemon battery

This homemade battery will use the citric acid electrolyte found in the pulp of a lemon. For electrodes, take copper and iron wires, nails or pins. The copper electrode will be positive, and the iron electrode will be negative.

The lemon needs to be cut across into two parts. For greater stability, the halves are placed in small containers (glasses or glasses). It is necessary to connect the wires to the electrodes and immerse them in a lemon at a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm.

Now you need to take a multimeter and measure the voltage on the resulting galvanic cell. If it is not enough, then you will also need to make several identical lemon batteries with your own hands and connect them in series using the same wires.

Method two: a jar of electrolyte

To assemble a device with your own hands, similar in design to the first battery in the world, you will need a glass jar or a glass. We use zinc or aluminum (anode) and copper (cathode) for the electrode material. To increase the efficiency of the element, their area should be as large as possible. It would be better to solder the wires, but the wire will have to be attached to the aluminum electrode with a rivet or bolted connection, since it is difficult to solder it.

The electrodes are immersed inside the jar so that they do not touch each other, and their ends are above the level of the jar. It is better to fix them by installing a spacer or slotted cover.
For the electrolyte, we use an aqueous solution of ammonia (50 g per 100 ml of water). An aqueous solution of ammonia (ammonia) is not the ammonia used for our experiment. Ammonium chloride (ammonium chloride) is an odorless white powder used in soldering as a flux or as a fertilizer.

The second option for preparing the electrolyte is to make a 20% solution of sulfuric acid. In this case, you need to pour acid into water, and in no case vice versa. Otherwise, the water will instantly boil and its splashes, along with acid, will fall on clothes, face and eyes.

Protective goggles and chemical resistant gloves are recommended when working with concentrated acids. Before you make a battery using sulfuric acid, you should study the safety rules when working with aggressive substances in more detail.

It remains to pour the resulting solution into a jar so that at least 2 mm of free space remains to the edges of the vessel. Then, using a tester, select the required number of cans.

A self-assembled battery is similar in composition to a salt battery, as it contains ammonium chloride and zinc.

Method three: copper coins

The ingredients for making such a battery with your own hands are:

  • copper coins,
  • aluminium foil,
  • thick cardboard,
  • table vinegar,
  • wires.

It is easy to guess that the electrodes will be copper and aluminum, and an aqueous solution of acetic acid is used as an electrolyte.

Coins first need to be cleaned of oxides. To do this, they will need to be briefly dipped in vinegar. Then we make circles of cardboard and foil according to the size of the coins, using one of them as a template. We cut out the mugs with scissors, put the cardboard ones in vinegar for a while: they should be saturated with electrolyte.

During the operation of this self-assembled battery, the coins will become completely unusable, so do not use numismatic material that is of cultural and material value.

Method four: a battery in a beer can

The anode of the battery is the aluminum body of the beer can. The cathode is a graphite rod.

  • a piece of foam with a thickness of more than 1 cm,
  • coal chips or dust (you can use what is left of the fire),
  • water and common table salt
  • wax or paraffin (candles can be used).

From the jar you need to cut off the top. Then make a circle of foam plastic according to the size of the bottom of the can and insert it inside, having previously made a hole in the middle for the graphite rod. The rod itself is inserted into the jar strictly in the center, the cavity between it and the walls is filled with coal chips. Then an aqueous solution of salt is prepared (3 tablespoons per 500 ml of water) and poured into a jar. To prevent the solution from spilling out, the edges of the jar are filled with wax or paraffin.

Clothespins can be used to connect wires to graphite rods.

Method five: potatoes, salt and toothpaste

This battery is disposable. It is suitable for starting a fire by shorting the wires to produce a spark.

To create a potato lighter you will need:

  • big potato,
  • two copper wires insulated,
  • toothpicks or

Homemade battery from improvised means
How to make a homemade battery from available materials. Short description the principle of battery operation. How to make a battery from a lemon, copper coins, potatoes, aluminum cans.

How easy it is to make a battery

Hello everyone again thinkers! Today I will tell you how to make a battery yourself and from improvised materials!

AA batteries are widely used cylindrical batteries with a nominal value of about 1.5V, about 49-50mm in length and 13.5-14.5mm in diameter. They are easy to make yourself, and the very manufacture of this brain homemade can serve as an excellent visual aid for explaining physical and chemical processes to children.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

  • corrugated cardboard
  • copper flat washers with a diameter of 10 mm - 12 pcs.
  • zinc flat washers with a diameter of 10mm - 14-16pcs.
  • heat-shrink tubing
  • distilled water - 120ml
  • vinegar - 30 ml
  • table salt - 4 tablespoons.
  • soldering iron and solder
  • solution mixing cup
  • digital multimeter
  • scissors
  • sandpaper
  • needle nose pliers
  • lighter or hot air gun
  • old AA battery for verification

Step 2: Cleaning Washers

The basis of this homemade 11 copper-zinc elements that "give out" 1.5V. Copper and zinc washers must enter into chemical reactions, so we clean them from oxides, dirt, etc. Using brainskin with 100 grains, we do not just clean the washers, but polish them to a shine.

Step 3: Electrolyte preparation

Copper and zinc create a potential difference, but you also need a medium through which charges will pass between these potentials. For the electrolyte, dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in 120 ml of distilled water, mix everything thoroughly until completely dissolved, then add 30 ml of vinegar and let it brew.

Step 4: Cardboard

To keep the washers at a distance from each other, you need to lay them brainboard, namely corrugated cardboard impregnated with electrolyte. We cut the corrugated cardboard into squares with a side of 1 cm and soak them in electrolyte, which was infused for at least 5 minutes after adding vinegar.

Step 5: Stretching the Tube

Now you need to slightly modify the heat shrink tube. To make it easier to install copper-zinc battery cells into the tube, we stretch the tube itself with needle nose pliers by about 10% of the initial diameter.

Step 6: Testing

It's time to test our elements. Put on a copper washer braincardboard, impregnated with electrolyte, and a zinc washer on it. Use gloves! Next, turn on the multimeter in the “constant 20V” mode, touch the copper washer with the black wire, and the zinc washer with the red one. The multimeter should show about 0.05-0.15V, this is enough to create a battery of 11 copper-zinc cells.

Step 7: Battery Assembly

We collect the battery from the prepared elements: copper - zinc - cardboard. It is in this sequence. See photo.

First, we insert a copper washer into the tube, align it perpendicular to the length of the tube, put a zinc washer on it, then cardboard, and so on, all 11 elements. For convenience, lightly tamp the elements with a plastic rod.

After installing the last zinc washer, we verify the resulting workpiece homemade with an old standard AA battery, if necessary, add another zinc washer. After adjusting the length, we heat the tube, thereby forming a battery, cut off the excess ends.

Step 8: Mounting the contacts

It remains to add contacts. We heat up soldering iron and solder balls of solder to the ends of the battery. That is, we solder a ball of solder onto the copper end, so that when installed in the battery holder, our homemade product touches the contact of the battery holder. Then we turn the battery over and do the same with the zinc end.

Step 9: Everything is ready, apply!

A homemade battery is ready, let's try it in action. We connect the multimeter in the "constant 20V" mode and measure the voltage, it should be about 1.5V

If the voltage is below 1.5 V, then try stretching the battery a little, if this does not help, then you may have made a mistake in the order in which the washers were installed.

If everything is in order, then install the battery in your favorite braingadgets and enjoy their work!

How easy it is to make a battery
How easy it is to make a battery Greetings to all brainers again! Today I will tell you how to make a battery yourself and from improvised materials! AA batteries are widely
