Many girls mistakenly believe that ordinary shower gel or baby soap is suitable for intimate hygiene. Gynecologists warn that such inattention to the most delicate places can result in problems with the microflora - simply, thrush. The fact is that in this part of our body it is especially important to maintain the acid-base balance. If you use ordinary soap, this balance is shifted towards more alkaline (while the environment in this zone should be acidic), and the fragile microflora becomes susceptible to bacteria.

Moreover, products for the intimate area do not contain soap at all. They have a pH level of 4-5, which corresponds to the natural pH of a woman. For comparison: the pH of baby soap can reach up to 7, and regular soap up to 9. In other words, the risk of disturbing the balance of bacteria in the most delicate places is very high if you do not use special cosmetics.

After all, you don't put hand cream on your face and wash your hair with shower gel, do you? Intimate places deserve no less attention than the skin of the face or hair.

Gel for intimate hygiene Intimate Natural from Nivea

The Nivea soft cleansing gel pleases not only with its affordable price, but also with its composition, which does not contain alkaline soaps and dyes. True, the product still has a fragrance, but barely noticeable and delicate - the gel has a deodorizing effect, but it should not cause allergies (just in case, do an allergy test before use). The product contains chamomile extract and lactic acid, which help to neutralize inflammation and soothe the skin.

Price: 190 rubles.

Gel for intimate hygiene Lactacyd Femina

You will not find this remedy in a regular store - Lactacyd gel is sold only in a pharmacy. In its composition, the gel has lactic acid and milk whey (lactoserum) to maintain normal microflora. The product is consumed very economically - a few drops are enough for one application. In addition, we liked the texture of the gel - silky and delicate.

Price: 210 rubles.

Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel

This product contains burdock extract, skin-soothing panthenol and even hyaluronic acid! Still, the most delicate places also need special care and attention to ensure that the skin remains elastic for as long as possible. In addition, the gel relieves minor inflammation of the mucous membrane, significantly reduces the risk of thrush.

Price: 2400 rubles.

Gel for intimate hygiene Carefree Sensitive

One of the best options for daily intimate care - the gel is inexpensive, economical and, most importantly, suitable for very sensitive skin. The gel whips into light foam, has a subtle aroma and deodorizing effect. True, the package lacks a dispenser - in this sense, the product is inferior to its competitors.

Price: 170 rubles.

SebaMed Feminine Hygiene Gel

Another pharmacy remedy our list includes SebaMed low pH 3.8 gel. Manufacturers claim that the gel for intimate hygiene is suitable for young girls, who mostly have a slightly acidic balance - this is why the pH level is slightly underestimated. This gel has a fragrance, but also light and barely perceptible. And in the composition of natural ingredients - panthenol, virgin nut extract and betaine, which relieve inflammation and restore the microflora of the delicate zone.

Price: 350 rubles.

Gel for feminine hygiene "Epigen Intim"

Like most intimate hygiene gels, Epigen contains lactic acid - you guessed it, it helps to maintain the right balance. But unlike similar products, this gel also contains glycyrrhizic acid, which fights bacteria better than others. That is why we do not recommend using the product every day, it is more suitable for some problematic moments - for example, after sexual intercourse, during menstruation, or if you are simultaneously treating thrush. In this sense, the gel will be the best helper!

Means for intimate hygiene is a rather delicate issue, which is little talked about and written in magazines. However, many girls are constantly looking for the perfect intimate area care product. I WANT prepared a selection of the 5 best products in this category.


Daily use of ordinary soaps and gels in the care of the intimate area, we can disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina, which will lead to various female diseases. Therefore, a special tool for intimate hygiene is not a tribute to fashion and not a marketing ploy, but a very necessary thing in the bathroom of every girl and woman.

When buying intimate hygiene products, carefully read the composition. Its formula should contain a physiological acid for the body (for example, lactic acid), which will maintain the natural acid-base balance of the intimate zone. Also, the composition should contain any biologically active substance that has a preventive antibacterial effect. It is desirable that the intimate hygiene product does not contain dyes, fragrances, and soap.

Intimate hygiene product with lactic acid Lactacyd Femina

One of the most popular remedies among women is Lactacyd Femina. The product is designed for daily use, does not contain soap and does not cause irritation. The emulsion formula contains lactic acid, which maintains a normal acid-base balance. Approximate cost - 50 UAH.

Gentle antibacterial intimate soap "Green Pharmacy"

Delicate soap from the Belarusian brand "Green Pharmacy" gently cleanses and deodorizes the skin. In the composition you will find tea tree oil, which has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, calendula extract, which has healing properties, provitamin B5, which moisturizes and eliminates irritation. The product restores the natural protective functions, normalizes the microflora and maintains the optimal acid-base balance of the skin. Approximate cost - 15 UAH.

READ ALSO - What are the dangers of personal hygiene products?

Gentle gel for delicate skin careTianDe

The product is based on natural, soft ingredients that gently cleanse the skin on the most delicate areas of the body. The gel has an optimal pH balance and does not cause dryness, burning, irritation or allergic reactions. Also, the tool prevents the growth of bacteria that provoke diseases and bad smell. Approximate cost - 97 UAH.

Intimate hygiene gel with aloefromcare free

The gel is designed for sensitive skin in intimate areas. It gently and gently cleanses the skin without overdrying it. The product does not contain soap and alcohol. It has an unobtrusive odor and a neutral pH. Suitable for daily use. Approximate cost - 30 UAH.

Gel for intimate hygieneIntimatefromNivea

The product contains chamomile extract and lactic acid and does not contain alkaline soaps and dyes. Nivea Intimate Gel is approved by gynecologists and dermatologists. Suitable for daily use. Approximate cost - 38 UAH.

To date, there are all kinds of means to care for any part of the body.. Soap gradually fades into the background, giving way to more gentle gels, foams and other products that gently care for the skin. One of the delicate areas that you need to constantly and properly care for is the intimate area. The leading position in this matter is occupied by a gel for intimate hygiene. It allows you to gently cleanse the skin, eliminate unpleasant odors and support women's health.

What is it needed for

The walls of the vagina are home to many beneficial bacteria and microorganisms.. They have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, destroying harmful microbes, and preventing their further appearance and reproduction, and do not allow the infection to penetrate into internal organs. In addition, beneficial bacteria create the desired acid-base balance. But this balance can be easily upset if you use soap or the wrong gel for washing, as they are too alkaline and can kill not only harmful microbes, but also beneficial microorganisms. And in the absence of a proper protective barrier, infections can get inside, cause discomfort, or even worse, cause diseases. It is better to use the right remedy for your health, it will not disturb the state of the female microflora.

You can break the alkaline environment not only with soap, but with too hard or chlorinated water, and also if you do not follow the hygiene of intimate places. The right gel will gently and efficiently remove impurities, preserve the acidic environment of the intimate area, give a feeling of freshness and have a healing effect.

Beneficial features

Let's look at why intimate hygiene gel is so useful for women:

  1. Cleans gently and gently, since the composition contains a very small amount of active ingredients that easily remove dirt, but do not negative impact to the natural environment.
  2. Does not violate the acid-base balance. The pH level of your cleanser should be neutral so as not to kill the beneficial bacteria. The gel has a neutral acidity, so it does not harm a woman.
  3. Antibacterial effect. Useful microflora must be maintained. It is broken quite easily, for example, a long stay in the cold or heat, frequent wearing of underwear made of synthetic materials, active sex life. The composition of the product must necessarily contain useful trace elements that help maintain and maintain women's health. They will prevent the growth of microbes that can get on the mucous membrane.
  4. Eliminates an unpleasant smell and the reason of its occurrence. The cause of an unpleasant odor can be a lack of proper hygiene and care or pathogens. Therefore, you need to pay more attention to maintaining the purity of your body. The gel contains components that destroy harmful bacteria.
  5. Calming effect. Every day, our skin is exposed to perspiration, and on hot days this is especially pronounced. The intimate area is no exception. As a result of profuse sweating, redness or inflammation may occur in it. Lactic acid and extracts from medicinal herbs which must be included in the composition.

Composition features

The stores offer a wide range of intimate care products. And when choosing, you can get confused and confused. In order not to harm your body, study the composition written on the label - it should not contain irritants or components that can cause an allergic reaction. If you are not aware of these possible problems, then you can first go to an appointment with a doctor who will help clarify this issue. In addition to the cosmetic cleansing effect, it is advisable to choose a gel that will also have a therapeutic effect. It must be with lactic acid, extracts from medicinal herbs and antiseptic substances.

Composition features:

  • Lactic acid maintains the necessary pH level of the mucous membrane. It is she who sets the structure of the gel - it should be moderately slippery and pleasant to touch. In addition, acid kills pathogenic microorganisms that can harm the body.
  • Herbal extracts soothe and moisturize the skin. Plants can be different - calendula, chamomile, lavender, aloe, etc. They relieve redness that may occur due to rubbing of the skin, after depilation or sexual intercourse.
  • antiseptic ingredients. If you see furatsilin or chlorhexidine on the label in the composition, then you should not be very scared. These substances kill pathogens, but they can also harm useful ones, so you should think about purchasing such a tool.

In addition to all these components, it is advisable to choose a gel that contains substances such as panthenol - it eliminates irritation and does not dry out the mucous membrane, tea tree oil - will have a calming effect on redness and protect against infection in the genital tract.

But in no case should the composition of the selected product contain alcohol, dyes, alkalis, flavors, since all these components will adversely affect the state of beneficial microflora. You should also look at the shelf life, if it exceeds a calendar year, then preservatives are included in the composition, therefore, it is also better not to purchase such a tool. The more chemical ingredients, the more harmful and beneficial bacteria will be destroyed, which is not always good for comfort.

Knowing what should be, and what is better to refuse, you can easily navigate when choosing a tool and get the right one.

How to choose according to age

So, with the composition of the gel, everything is more or less cleared up, but you should not immediately run to the store for a purchase. There are some more nuances that you need to consider when buying. For example, the age of the woman who will use it. After all, the gel for a young girl and a grandmother cannot be the same, because it does not meet all the conditions.

In order not to doubt the quality of the product, it is better to purchase it in pharmacies or in the women's departments in specialty stores.

Children's gel. Before the onset of the menstrual period, girls have a very vulnerable mucous membrane, since the pH level is neutral and the natural bacterial defense has not yet been formed. This means that care for the intimate area must be extremely delicate. For its implementation, it is necessary to purchase a product with a neutral pH value and soft ingredients in the composition. A large number of herbal ingredients will only be a plus, as they will create a protective barrier and provide comfort.

Yes mom Those who have reached childbearing age should remember that during this period the acid-base balance of the vagina changes - from neutral it becomes acidic. This creates a natural protective barrier for women's health. The composition should contain lactic acid and plant extracts, as they prevent the appearance of irritation.

Young ladies leading an active lifestyle should remember that the high rhythm of life has its own characteristics. The pH level is adversely affected by hard water, sweat, and tight clothing. These factors create all the conditions for increased reproduction of pathogens. An intimate hygiene product should actively protect against pathogenic microbes and maintain the acid-base environment at the right level.

Women during pregnancy should remember that all the resources of their body are focused on the health of the child they are carrying. The pH level becomes even more acidic, which is good protection against pathogens. But in an acidic environment, fungi survive, which are difficult to eliminate. Lactic acid and natural ingredients that will fight fungi can help to cope with this task.

Menopause. During this period, changes occur in the reproductive function of women. The number of beneficial bacteria decreases, which causes dryness and even burning. To support women's health during this period, a gel with a neutral pH, without lactic acid, is needed.


Gel for intimate hygiene is a very soft and gentle product that can be used by almost everyone and always. But even for him there are contraindications, in which it must be used carefully or completely abandoned:

  • postoperative period. During this period, you should stop using any soap-based products, as they can cause rashes and irritation.
  • Childbirth by caesarean section. In this case, sutures are applied, which should not interact with soap or soapy water. The seams are treated with antiseptic preparations.
  • Allergic reactions. Allergies may well occur to some plants and herbs that are included in the composition, which will provoke irritation.
  • Intolerance to dairy components. Lactic acid and lactulose are very useful ingredients, but if you have an intolerance to them, then choose a product without them.



It is impossible to determine exactly which gel will be the most effective for intimate care, since it must be selected based on the state of women's health.

The most vulnerable female body becomes after childbirth., and then it is important to properly take care of the microflora of intimate areas so as not to catch the disease. The gel should have strong cleansing properties, but should not cause inflammation or allergies. In addition, it should have an antibacterial effect.


Dry mucous can be caused by menopause or hormonal failure. This reduces the protection of the intimate area and can cause diseases. Moisturizing gels will help.

"Siberian Health"- an inexpensive remedy, it contains many extracts from plant components. It does not contain lactulose.

"Vagisil"releases a series of products for the care of the intimate area. The gel restores the microflora, suitable for use every day.

Company Faberlic is a product suitable for sensitive skin. It gently removes impurities and soothes the skin. Maintains bacterial balance in the vagina.

"Ivomed"- a natural gel that has a complex healing effect, eliminates dryness and heals irritation.

"Femofit"Contains in its composition a large number of herbs for women's health. Helps prevent inflammation, the effects of hormonal disruptions. Can be used every day.

Saugella takes care of women's health during menopause. The gel eliminates dryness, discomfort and normalizes the acidic environment.


Cleansing gels contain many antibacterial components. Such funds are well suited for women who lead an active lifestyle and during menstruation. They cleanse well and maintain health.

cosmetic company Oriflame produces a special tool that maintains the acid-base environment in the normal range. The composition includes natural antiseptics - aloe extract and chamomile extract, which protect against pathogenic microbes. The gel is hypoallergenic, suitable for owners of very sensitive skin.

"care free"It foams well and is easily washed off. The composition is almost natural. It cleanses well without irritation, softens the skin. Suitable for daily use. The price is quite democratic.

Firm Nivea produces an inexpensive product for daily use. Its washing composition contains lactic acid and chamomile, thanks to which the gel removes impurities and moisturizes and heals minor damage.

Company Avon produces a whole line of products for the care of intimate places. The gel has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates unpleasant odors, provides freshness for the whole day.

Gel called " Bliss"relieves irritation on the genitals, perfectly moisturizes. Heals microtraumas and restores the microflora.

Armelle provides gentle care, freshness and comfort for the whole day. It contains many natural ingredients that prevent dryness and irritation. Despite the antibacterial ingredients, the natural microflora is not disturbed. The gel is recommended for daily use.

How to use

Finding the right gel is only half the battle. For care to be truly effective, it must be used correctly. Instructions for use are written on each bottle, but they are not always informative. Care should be as follows:

  1. Wet your genitals thoroughly.
  2. Squeeze a drop of gel into the palm of your hand and lather it up.
  3. Apply the resulting foam with circular massage movements to the intimate area, clean it.
  4. Rinse off with plenty of warm water.
  5. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel.
  6. It is necessary to apply the remedy twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Everyone knows that a woman's health depends on many factors. Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene is one of the conditions necessary for a woman to observe in order to maintain health.

For many women, pregnancy is a problem. Alas, the negative impact of the environment on women's health often leads to infertility, as well as the reproduction of various diseases that have a significant impact on the conception of a baby.

It is worth noting that the intimate organs of any woman have a rather delicate structure, and are also very vulnerable. The uterine cavity is rightfully considered sterile, and any woman knows what its role in conception is.

In the case of penetration of infection and microbes into the uterine cavity, the process of diseases involuntarily begins to develop, which is quite difficult to get rid of. It is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene to prevent the formation of various kinds of diseases.

Hygiene rules

There are several rules of intimate hygiene that a woman should be aware of:

What is PH balance?

PH balance is an indicator of the ratio of acid and alkali.

The proportion is strongly influenced by charged ions, which can be both positive and negative.

The role of ions is to form an acidic environment and an alkaline one. Acid-base balance is the balance of acid and alkali.

Why do I need an intimate hygiene gel?

Doctors insist that any woman needs to wash herself stably twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, respectively, without the use of any cosmetics, let alone soap.

Cosmetic products are allowed for use, but you can wash yourself with different gels and other products no more than twice a week. At other times, it is better to give the choice to clean running water.

It must be remembered that microorganisms can easily penetrate into the mucous membrane of the vagina itself, as well as adjacent labia. Such components are important for the vaginal environment. It is they who affect the level of acid-base balance, the preservation of which is essential for a woman's health.

Moreover, microorganisms contribute to blocking the reproduction of opportunistic microflora, from which women suffer in the future. In other words, microorganisms are, let's say, a gate that prevents infection from entering and spreading into the vagina.

Washing ourselves with soap every day, we harm ourselves and remove the necessary protective shell. The risk of infection increases many times and the woman does not notice in the future how the diseases begin their active development directly in the vagina.

Due to the removal of bacteria that play an important role in a woman’s health, diseases are formed that are not so easy to get rid of. The most common diseases are vaginal dysbacteriosis and. Diseases are accompanied by itching and burning in the intimate area.

Gel for intimate hygiene and will great solution to ensure the necessary hygiene of intimate places. It is impossible not to pay attention to the composition of the gels available for sale today.

The basis of the composition are the components:

Which is better soap or gel?

Of course, soap is able to cleanse the vagina of all secretions that accumulate in this area, and also helps to eliminate odor.

Assessing the benefits of gel and soap, it is still worth making a choice in favor of a gel designed specifically for intimate hygiene. Why? Soap is best left for washing underwear and for other purposes.

After all, the use of such a remedy contributes not only to the formation of dryness of the skin in intimate places, but also to the destruction of the acid-base balance necessary to protect the vagina from germs and infection. It is better to give the choice to the gel for intimate hygiene.

Washing with gels for intimate hygiene is recommended twice a week, no more. The reason for the development of many diseases in a woman's body is the neglect of the use of laundry soap, which destroys the necessary environment to protect against infections and bacteria.

How good is the gel?

Gel for intimate hygiene has several advantages:

The use of the gel twice a week will be quite enough for a healthy state of a woman and the ability to maintain a favorable environment in the vagina in order to protect against unfavorable microbes and bacteria.

Composition features

What are the features of the composition of the gel?

  1. Firstly, the gel does not contribute to the drying of the skin in an intimate place. This is one of the biggest pluses.
  2. Secondly, the gel does not wash out the acid-base environment that protects the vagina from infection and microbes.
  3. Thirdly, the gel contains herbs, relieving a woman from itching, if any.

How to choose an intimate hygiene gel?

How to choose the same intimate hygiene gel that is suitable for a woman and does not cause irritation after use?

Types of gel for intimate hygiene

Conventionally, gels for intimate hygiene are divided into moisturizing and cleansing. What is the difference and which one is best to choose?


Moisturizing gels for intimate hygiene are necessary when a woman has dry skin around the vagina.

So, as a rule, it happens with frequent washing with soap. Soap is known to dry out the skin.

This type of gel is chosen by women who need to moisturize the skin. Of course, the formula and composition of such a product will be aimed at obtaining hydration.

In the process of application, you can already notice in the near future that the mucosa has disappeared.

This is exactly what a woman with such a problem needs to achieve. This type of gels contain in their composition, primarily lactic acid. It is necessary to pay utmost attention to this when choosing a tool. The composition must necessarily contain lactic acid, if the goal is to purchase an intimate hygiene gel to moisturize the mucosa.


Cleansing gels for intimate hygiene are designed to remove from the vagina, as well as the secretions produced daily by any woman.

Of course, the purpose of such a product, as well as other gels intended for intimate hygiene, is to maintain the acid-base balance during cleansing.

Cleansing the intimate area from secretions, it is possible to get rid of the acid-base environment, which is necessary for the health of a woman.

When choosing a hygiene product, it is important to choose something that really cleanses the intimate area, without getting rid of beneficial microbes that perform a protective function against the development of various diseases.

There are as many cleansing gels as there are moisturizers. In most cases, there are gels that simultaneously promote cleansing and moisturizing.

How to understand that the gel is not suitable for you?

Often, of course, there are disappointments after using gels for intimate hygiene.

Contraindications for use

Like any similar cosmetic product, gels intended for intimate hygiene have a number of contraindications, which it is better to inquire about in advance.

Cases in which the use of the gel is contraindicated:

The best gels for intimate hygiene

In the cosmetics market, women have already identified favorites for themselves and know exactly which gels are allowed to be used without any harm to health:

  • Gel for intimate hygiene Intimate Natural from Nivea. This gel is designed specifically for the care of the area of ​​​​intimate places in women. The product contains chamomile, which performs a calming function, as well as Bisabolol, whose role is to slow down the development of bacteria. The absence of alcohol in the composition is one of the biggest advantages. The purpose of the gel is to maintain the acid-base balance, as well as moisturizing the skin. intimate place. Gel cost from 230 rub.
  • Gel for intimate hygiene Lactacyd Femina. Lactic acid and milk whey are the basis of the composition of the gel for intimate hygiene Lactacid. The main task of the remedy, like many other similar ones, is to restore the acid-base balance. The gel helps to restore the internal microflora, and this is precisely the problem of many girls. The price of these funds from 240 to 300 rubles.
  • Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel. This product is classified as a cosmetic product with a delicate texture. The tool contributes not only to the delicate cleansing of the vagina, but also to moisturizing, restoring the skin in case of irritation and itching. The cost of the product, of course, is significantly different from other similar cosmetic products, but the value for money really pays off. Gel price from 2350 rub. for 200 ml.
  • Gel for intimate hygiene Carefree Sensitive. Such a gel belongs to the category of gentle gels, the composition of which is not similar to many other cosmetic products. This product contains sandalwood oil. Agree that not every gel for intimate hygiene can find such a component in the composition of the product. According to the pricing policy, such a tool is quite democratic and, moreover, economical in consumption. This is important for women - quality and economy. The product is suitable for particularly sensitive skin. Choosing it, you can not worry that the gel will not work or cause discomfort after its application. Price from 149 rub.
  • Gel for feminine hygiene "Epigen Intim". The product is used for the preventive purposes of thrush and various diseases of this kind. Of course, the function of the product is not only the use as a cosmetic product, but also the prevention of diseases common today. Such a gel is prescribed according to the instructions for HPV disease. The advantage is that such products not only perform the function of cleansing and moisturizing, but also the prevention of diseases. The price of the product is 790 rub.
  • Emulsion for intimate hygiene Cleanic Intimate. An easy-to-use product with a dispenser, containing chamomile, helps cleanse, moisturize and normalize the acid-base balance. Democratic price from 70 rub.

Epigen Intim

Doctors' opinion

According to doctors, it is best to choose gels intended for intimate hygiene, rather than soap, which dries out the skin and displaces the acid-base environment. Before using any cosmetic product, it is necessary to study the composition in order to avoid an allergic reaction to the components.

To maintain a healthy state of the body as a whole and maintain required level PH in a woman's body, it is necessary to use exclusively high-quality intimate hygiene care products, as well as follow other components of the rule. Particular attention should be paid to the frequency of washing during critical days.

Julia Body care

Very often, women complain of dryness, itching and discomfort in the perineum. Often they try to get rid of discomfort by strengthening hygiene. Many visit doctors to find the cause of their discomfort, or spend money on expensive advertised drugs. But in many cases, the causes of the problem are not at all in insidious bacteria and viruses, but in improper or even excessive self-care. Sometimes a properly selected gel for intimate hygiene is more effective than expensive drugs.

Cleanliness can cause disease

We are all taught from childhood that cleanliness and careful personal care will help to avoid illness. Therefore, many women find it normal and beneficial to cleanse the genitals daily with soap. But they don't consider what it is detergent can cause serious problems such as:

  • Irritations. A large amount of alkali in soap dries out the mucous membrane of the genital organs.
  • Inflammatory diseases. In overdried mucosa, microcracks easily occur. Pathogenic bacteria often penetrate into them, provoking the development of inflammation.
  • Edema and itching. The alkali in the composition of the soap not only cleanses the skin, but also kills all the beneficial microflora, changing the level of acidity on the surface of the mucous membranes. This leads to the destruction of the body's natural defenses and opens access to the body of pathogenic microflora.

You can avoid all these troubles by limiting the use of soap. But how do you cleanse your skin? You can use a special gel that cleanses the skin and mucous membranes of intimate organs gently, without overdrying them without causing irritation.

What is good for intimate hygiene gel?

In the domestic market, intimate hygiene products have appeared relatively recently. But the understanding that different means are required to cleanse different parts of the body arose long before that. To cleanse the genitals, women have long used herbal decoctions, which have moisturizing and antiseptic properties. Modern gels for intimate hygiene also contain extracts of medicinal plants.

Usually, lactic acid is added to intimate hygiene products, which gently cleanses the skin without destroying lactobacilli and other representatives of beneficial microflora.

What other benefits do intimate hygiene gels have?

  • They have a very nice texture. While natural products don't usually lather well, they're easy to apply and rinse off.
  • Good intimate hygiene gels usually have a pleasant natural scent and do not contain chemical fragrances.
  • Such detergents often have a bactericidal effect. If you visit the pool, the use of an intimate gel will be very useful.
  • The acidity level of the intimate hygiene gel does not differ from the pH in the vagina (4.0-4.2) while the pH different types soap can range from 6.0 to 10.5.

Do I need an intimate gel or is it better to use soap?

Although the benefits of intimate hygiene gels are obvious, many women wonder if they can be dispensed with or replaced with other cleansers. Of course it is possible. But keep in mind that any, even the highest quality and natural soap has an alkaline reaction, and therefore can disrupt the normal acidity in the female vagina. Because of this peculiarity, you should not use soap more than twice a week, and on other days wash with clean boiled water.

Men can use soap for intimate hygiene without risk to their health. The microflora on their genitals prefers an alkaline environment, so no detergents harm it.

Often women in search of the most gentle detergent do not quite right choice, giving preference to baby soap, laundry or tar. But none of these means should be used for daily care behind the genitals, as they negatively affect the microflora of the vagina. Use every day without risk to your health, you can only special means for intimate hygiene.

How to choose an intimate hygiene gel?

The choice of cosmetic and hygiene products today is very wide, so it is not easy to choose the really best. It is very important to avoid buying a fake. Therefore, any cosmetics should be bought in specialized stores, pharmacies or supermarkets, where quality control of goods is organized at a high level.

Most gynecologists agree that a good gel should have an acidity level similar to that found in a healthy woman's vagina (about 4.0). Then it will not only not destroy the natural microflora, but will also contribute to its strengthening. This will maintain an optimal acid-base balance and protect the woman from infections.

By the way, there are research results that prove that women with healthy microflora have the lowest chances of contracting AIDS, about 1:150.

It is very good if the gel for intimate hygiene includes:

  • Lactic acid. It helps to maintain a normal pH level in the mucous membrane of the genital organs.
  • Aloe extract. It moisturizes the skin well.
  • Chamomile extract. It is an excellent healing and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Herbal antiseptics. Extracts of oak bark, calendula and other plants with similar properties help protect the genitals from excessive reproduction of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora.
  • Tea tree oil. It also has antiseptic properties and is a prophylactic against a number of gynecological diseases.
  • D-panthenol. This substance moisturizes the skin and heals microcracks, and also helps to get rid of irritations.

Also, good gels for intimate hygiene may include substances whose names often scare women, these are phytosphingosines and activated glycyrrhizic acid. Phytosphingosins are substances extracted from the cells of yeast fungi. They have a slight antibacterial effect and prevent the appearance of redness and irritation. Glycyrrhizic acid is obtained from licorice root. It, like milk, normalizes the pH level, regulates the development of microflora, prevents redness and irritation. Also, many products contain glycerin, which helps to retain fluid, moisturizing the skin and mucous membranes.

Often the cause of problems with the genitals of a woman becomes excessively chlorinated water in the water supply. In such a situation, it must first be boiled and defended or home filters should be used.

Good gels for intimate hygiene should not contain piece dyes and fragrances. If the chosen product has too bright a shade or a pronounced aroma, this is a reason to refuse to use it.

How to understand that your intimate hygiene product is not right for you?

The healthy microflora of the female vagina is able to protect it from a variety of sexually transmitted diseases and inflammations. But as soon as the pH level deviates from the normal (pH-3.3), problems begin. The first sign is itching, burning and discomfort in the perineum. Gradually, the normal microflora of the genital organs changes and dysbacteriosis occurs, which can be suspected when an unpleasant "fishy" smell from the vagina appears.

If at this stage you do not change your approaches to intimate hygiene and do not put the pH level in the vagina in order, this threatens the development of candidiasis, gardnerellosis and other infections. Such diseases are not only a source of discomfort, but also the risk of their transition to a chronic form, damage to the uterus and other organs, as well as infertility in the future.

Very often, women in search of causes of discomfort end up with unscrupulous doctors who love “commercial diagnoses”. Such doctors prescribe expensive treatment for infectious diseases, which in fact do not exist. And to get rid of an unaccepted symptom, you just need to change the means for intimate hygiene.

It is important to remember that not only improper washing, but also hormonal disorders and various somatic diseases can lead to a violation of the acid-base balance. It is also important to take into account the age of a woman - in young girls and in women during menopause, natural defenses are reduced.

The best gels for intimate hygiene

If you don’t know yet which intimate hygiene product is best for you, then you should try one of the proven gels that have earned a lot of positive feedback from customers.

An important feature of all cosmetics in this series is the complete absence of soap and alcohol in the composition. Their active ingredients are 1% lactoserum and 0.07% lactic acid. Also of great importance is attached to such additives as nut butter, lactose (milk sugar) and casein (milk protein). This completely eliminates the possibility of shifting the pH of the products to the alkaline side. The composition of the Lactacid Fresh gel also includes menthol, which provides a long-lasting feeling of freshness.

Lactacid Femina gels can be used daily. Before use, the bottle with the product should be shaken to make it more homogeneous. Then a few drops of the gel are squeezed into the hand, mixed with a small amount of water, slightly foamed and applied to the skin. Then the agent must be washed off with clean water.

A contraindication to the use of any cosmetics is hypersensitivity to their components.

According to reviews, the Lactacyd Femina gel cleanses the skin and mucous membranes very gently, without overdrying them. The product has a light unobtrusive aroma and foams very well. It can be used during pregnancy and during menstruation. Such a detergent is not contraindicated for children and adolescents.

Gel for intimate hygiene Carefree (Caffrey) is produced in France by Johnson "s & Johnson" s. It comes with aloe or for sensitive skin. Both types of detergent are very gentle and gentle on the skin, do not overdry it, while cleansing well. Aloe extract helps to moisturize the skin and eliminates irritation. Carefree gels are soap and alcohol free, but they lather well and rinse off easily with water.

This cleanser can be used daily. It will not have a negative impact on the microflora of the genital organs. The gel does not have a pronounced color or aroma, which indicates the absence of chemical dyes and fragrances in it.

Uriage is a French cosmetic line based on the famous thermal water Uriage. Healing properties of this water have been known since the time ancient rome and are widely used for the treatment of skin and allergic diseases. Uriage Intimate Hygiene Gel contains this miraculous water, as well as lactic acid to maintain normal microflora and a special cleansing Glyco-Gin complex.

This gel does an excellent job of cleansing the intimate area and does not cause overdrying of the skin and mucous membranes, and also guarantees freshness throughout the day. It can be used for the hygiene of girls from 4 years old.

The German company Nivea has long been known as a manufacturer of high-quality and relatively inexpensive cosmetics. The intimate hygiene gel from this manufacturer also does not disappoint. It contains natural chamomile extract and lactic acid, which help maintain normal microflora on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, and also eliminate redness and irritation.

Nivea intimate hygiene gel is quite thick, so it is consumed slowly and helps to save money. It has a pearl-pearl color and a very light, unobtrusive aroma of chamomile. The product lathers well and washes off easily with water. The gel contains no alcohol, but there is bisabolol, which is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. It prevents irritation, for example, after shaving intimate areas.

This remedy is allowed to be used daily. First, a few drops are applied to the intimate areas of the body, then foamed and washed off with water.

This is a very gentle cleanser for the care of intimate areas. It effectively eliminates unpleasant odors and is suitable for daily use. The composition of this gel includes lactic acid, which is necessary to ensure the normal development of the microflora of the genital organs. It also contains a whole herbal complex of extracts of sage, aloe vera, chamomile officinalis and tea tree oil. In addition, TianDe gel contains colloidal silver, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Thanks to powerful antiseptics in the composition, such as colloidal silver and tea tree oil, the gel has a healing effect and helps to overcome bacterial, viral and fungal diseases.

TianDe Intimate Hygiene Gel has a fairly viscous consistency, so it is easy to spread over the skin and mucous membranes, as it does not spread through the fingers. At the same time, it foams well and is easily washed off with water. Its color is usually translucent yellowish. The shade depends on the harvesting season of the plants used. The smell is vegetable, slightly tart. The tool is suitable for women of any age, also pregnant and lactating.
