Wall decoration with ordinary paper, even if it is very durable, is not in fashion today, it is much more interesting by figuring out how to stick it correctly vinyl wallpapers, decorate the room with them, creating your own unique design.

What you need to know before gluing vinyl wallpaper?

If you decide to abandon the stereotypes in the decoration of living rooms, first take a broader look at available materials. Paper today looks almost primitive, but you should not rush to the opposite extreme either - and cork is quite expensive. Interlining is quite affordable, but requires very careful handling and, without experience, it is better not to mess with it. It remains to find out how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper, perhaps this will be the most optimal solution both in terms of price and ease of finishing.

So, the choice is made. Now let's take a closer look at the material that was preferred. In fact, this is the thinnest layer of PVC, or, in other words, polyvinyl chloride, a fairly common flexible plastic. The most common types of wallpaper from it are smooth and foamed. The former are divided into compact vinyl and silkscreen (with the addition of silk threads). The latter, obtained by heat treatment, are divided into varieties such as heavy, high density and chemically embossed.

The advantage of vinyl is that it can be washed, and special impregnations exclude the occurrence of fungi. In addition, the foam or textured surface of the material allows you to hide small irregularities on the wall or ceiling. The disadvantage of such wallpapers is that they do not let air through at all. In other words, if the house is built from breathable materials, vinyl trim will turn the rooms into a thermos. During the gluing process, the paper base can be stretched, due to which, if the material is handled ineptly, distortions are possible.

The website site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required number of wallpapers.

We glue vinyl wallpaper with our own hands - a step-by-step instruction

The first and basic rule that must be followed when decorating a room is in no case to glue vinyl wallpaper on uneven walls, with the exception of small cracks. Yes, the material in question is able to smooth out minor curvature of the plane of the walls, but the key word here is “minor”. And protrusions are unacceptable, even the most subtle. Therefore, as carefully as possible, with the help of plaster and putty. If you have to finish on a material with a high degree of moisture absorption, it must first be treated with a primer. Only then do we glue the vinyl wallpaper with our own hands.

In the room, the walls of which are to be covered with wallpaper, it should not be cold and damp, in addition, you need to turn off the air conditioner and take care of the absence of drafts.

Glue can be welded independently, it can be a paste or any other option available to you with the addition of PVA. However, a homemade composition is far from always good, especially if you need to cover a wall with it. The fact is that on dark concrete or on primed cement plaster it will be difficult to see where the glue has already been applied and where it has not yet been applied. And not smeared areas will definitely turn into problems when covering the walls with wallpaper. Therefore, it is better to take special mixtures, which, thanks to certain additives, when applied to any plane, paint it in a light pink color becoming transparent after drying.

Vinyl wallpapering technology step by step

Before starting work, take a plumb line and a pencil, and check how vertical the line of the corner is, from which it is best to start pasting the walls. Choose an arbitrary angle, preferably the one that is closer to the door, if it is not vertical, apply a plumb line to the highest point and beat off the line with a coated thread. Next, we will consider in detail the technology of gluing vinyl wallpaper.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper - step by step diagram

Step 1: Wallpaper layout

On a well-washed and dried floor, unwind the roll face down. We take a tape measure and measure the required length, having previously found out the height of the wall from the ceiling to the plinth (including the ceiling border). We make marks with a pencil along both edges of the roll and connect them with a cut line, along which we separate the measured piece of cloth with scissors. In the same way, we divide the remaining roll into equal parts, combining with the previous canvases so that the pattern at the joints matches.

Step 2: Surface preparation

The previously drawn vertical line, from which we need to glue the wallpaper, can easily be smeared when applying glue, so we draw along it with a pencil. Next we have 2 ways. If the vinyl layer is applied to a paper base, use a roller to cover a strip of wallpaper with glue, then fold its ends to the middle and leave it to swell for the exactly measured time, usually indicated on the roll.

In these few minutes, you can just have time to prime the wall with an adhesive mass. If the base is non-woven, the glue is mostly applied with a roller to the wall, and the cloth is covered with it only around the perimeter.

Step 3: Getting Started

The most difficult stage- sticking vinyl wallpaper with your own hands. We take the first strip by the upper corners (if they are with a paper base, then very carefully, without stretching) and apply along the previously marked line. You can glue both from the ceiling and with a slight indent, observing it around the entire perimeter of the room. Inserting a piece of wallpaper into a gypsum baguette requires special skill.

We smooth the panel from top to bottom, pressing it against the wall in successive movements. It is best to do this with a wide foam roller, just be sure to take a clean one, do not confuse it with the one that was smeared with glue.

Step 4: Complete wall decoration

Before gluing the joints of vinyl wallpaper, we apply the strips to the wall, following the pattern. Remember, the material you are working with is quite dense and overlapping always looks extremely ugly. In places where the wires exit the walls (switches, sockets), we make small holes before the panel completely covers this area, and we bring the wiring to the outside of the cut.

Then we continue smoothing. If the ceiling has a slope, for example, in an attic room, we apply the strip end-to-end to the previous one, holding the next cut at the corner closest to the seam, and leave the second one to hang freely. Then, pressing the panel along the upper edge of the wall, cut off the extra piece with a sharp clerical knife.

In the process of smoothing, we make sure that there is no air left under the wallpaper, you also need to try not to stretch the canvas, otherwise wrinkles will appear. Excess glue is also carefully driven out to the edges and then removed with a clean rag. If air bubbles still form, carefully pierce them with a needle and press the wallpaper in this place, smoothing it with a roller. When we reach the corner, we try to make the strip go to the next wall with an edge no wider than 5 centimeters, especially if the corners are uneven. At the end of the work, we carefully trim the canvas that has not yet dried out along the plinth and make the holes wider at the locations of the switches and sockets. We dry the wallpaper without air conditioning and drafts, without opening the window and tightly closing the door.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Wallpapering - simple and cheap way renovation of decoration in any room. But even such a simple task can turn into torment if you do not know all its subtleties. Anyone who plans to glue vinyl wallpaper will have to figure out where to apply the glue - on the canvas or on the wall - what tool to use, how to prepare the surface and how to finish hard-to-reach areas. All this is in our article.

Features of gluing vinyl wallpaper depending on the base material

Wallpapers with vinyl coated may have a paper or non-woven base. Not only the characteristics of the coating, but also the principles of gluing depend on the substrate material.

  1. The adhesive mixture is impregnated with a wall, not a canvas, which simplifies the workflow.
  2. Such a substrate is much stronger than paper, has high wear resistance, can hide small bumps and cracks on the walls.
  3. The disadvantages of wallpaper on non-woven fabric include the rigidity of the material. The low plasticity of the panels does not allow fast and efficient trimming of convex sections.
  • Glue is applied not only to the surface of the wall, but also to the canvases themselves.
  • The material stretches well, with its help you can quickly paste over protruding surfaces, such as niches, columns or corners.
  • The disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper on a paper backing include the possibility of breaking the fibers from a slight mechanical impact, increased glue consumption.

Tools and materials for work

For quality performance finishing works in addition to vinyl wallpaper and adhesive composition, you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Paint brush or soft bristle roller - for applying primer to the base and glue to the wallpaper or wall.
  2. Rubber rollers. A tool with a wide working surface is used for smoothing canvases, a narrow tool for high-quality joining of joints.
  3. Ruler, plumb line, building level, square and pencil - for marking.
  4. Masking tape - for protection individual elements from the ingress of adhesive.
  5. Plastic spatula - to remove air bubbles and excess glue.
  6. Sharp stationery knife and scissors - for cutting strips.
  7. Wide metal spatula - for cutting canvases near the ceiling and floor.
  8. Container for adhesive mixture.

Advice! To speed up the work, use glue with an indicator that makes it easy to control the uniformity of applying the mixture to the surface of the walls or canvas.

Surface preparation

Before sticking vinyl wallpaper, the following operations must be carried out:

  • remove the housings of switches and sockets, having previously de-energized the room, seal the sections with masking tape;
  • remove protruding fasteners (dowels, screws, nails);
  • clean the surface of the old coating;
  • repair irregularities with plaster or putty;
  • apply a deep penetration primer to the base and wait for it to dry.

Wallpaper can be glued only on dry and clean walls. Checking the dryness of the base is quite simple. To do this, take a small piece of plastic film 50 × 50 centimeters and fix it with adhesive tape on the wall so that an airtight space forms inside. A day later, the polyethylene is checked. The drops that have come out indicate that the wall has not dried out.

All the nuances of preparing concrete surfaces for wallpapering are described in detail.

Step-by-step instructions for processing a plasterboard wall or ceiling before pasting with wallpaper can be found in.

Important! It is necessary to level the surfaces under wide meter-long wallpapers especially carefully, even with small differences there may be problems with joining adjacent strips.

Making markup

After the preparatory stage, marking is carried out, which allows you to correctly position the canvases on the surface. Mark the walls with a long ruler, chalk and a plumb line.

  • The first line is combined with the edge of the window, gradually moving to the left along the perimeter of the room.
  • Further lines are applied taking into account the width of the wallpaper.
  • From the window to the left side, markings are made to the corner of the wall with a doorway, numbering each of the sections.
  • Next, the lines are applied to the right from the window to the door.

Preparing wallpaper for sticking

Before carrying out the main work, roll materials are cut into strips, the length of which corresponds to the height of the wall plus a margin of 5–10 centimeters. For greater accuracy, the height of the room is checked in different places. If the dimensions match, several strips are cut, the total width of which allows you to cover the entire plane of the wall.

If the ceiling height in the room is not the same, each subsequent strip is cut off after gluing the previous one, or each section between the marking lines is carefully measured before cutting.

During the preparation of strips with a pattern, the coincidence of the pattern is monitored. To do this, you need to combine adjacent canvases so that the elements of the image are joined in the correct order. The finished strips are stacked on top of each other in the desired sequence.

We glue vinyl wallpaper: step by step instructions

Work on pasting the wall with vinyl wallpaper is carried out in the following sequence:

  • We dilute the glue according to the instructions on the package. Ready solution should have a uniform consistency without clots and lumps.
  • We tightly close the windows in the room, turn off the air conditioners and fans.
  • We spread glue on the paper-based wallpaper or on the wall if the material is glued on non-woven fabric. In the first case, we fold the canvases with an “envelope” - the edges are aligned with the middle of the strip, and wait 5-10 minutes until the paper layer is saturated with glue. Vinyl on a non-woven base is glued immediately after coating a section of the wall slightly larger than the width of the wallpaper.
  • We apply the prepared strips to the base along the drawn line, joining adjacent elements, taking into account the pattern.
  • With a rubber roller, we smooth the canvas from the middle to the edges, getting rid of bubbles and achieving a perfect fit of the material to the surface. We remove the protruding adhesive residues with a piece of foam rubber or a clean cloth.
  • After drying, the edges of the wallpaper are pressed with a wide metal spatula and cut with a sharp clerical knife.

How to glue wallpaper near window and door openings?

The process of wallpapering near openings causes difficulties for inexperienced craftsmen. The canvases must be joined so that their edges do not fall on the corners of the window or door opening.

If the door is located in the corner of the room, the discrepancy between the patterns on the wallpaper will remain invisible. If door structure located in the center of the room, the pattern should be combined both before the opening and after it.

  • The last canvas is glued in such a way that it can cover the casing.
  • Then the limiting decorative element is fixed and the hanging part of the canvas is cut off with a sharp knife.
  • Next, the wallpaper is smoothed at the joints, as well as between the wall and the casing.
  • A short piece is glued at the top of the door, following the sequence of the pattern.

The procedure for gluing near window openings:

  • The strip is glued so that it covers the slope.
  • At the edges, several horizontal cuts are made that will allow you to bend the wallpaper downhill.
  • The edges of the canvases are trimmed along the border of the opening.
  • After sticking one of the side strips, short cuts of wallpaper are fixed on the upper and lower parts of the opening.
  • After that, proceed to finish the other side of the opening.

Advice. Before wallpapering the second side of the window, apply an additional marking line. This makes it easier to achieve the correct vertical position of the canvas.

How to glue wallpaper in corners and hard-to-reach places?

There are two methods for gluing canvases in the corner of the room: overlap and butt with undercut.

  • In the first case, we glue the strip, making an overlap on another wall 1–2 centimeters. Next, we draw a marking line along the width of the roll on a perpendicular wall and fix the second canvas in such a way that its edge runs strictly along the corner of the room and does not step onto another plane. After that, the wallpaper is gently rolled with a roller.
  • The undercut overlapping method is used to fix heavy vinyl wallpaper with a large pattern. The technology for carrying out work is at first similar to the previous method, but at the junction point the second sheet does not need to be coated with glue. Next, we take a long rule and a sharp clerical knife. We make an even cut, bend the edge of the roll material, apply glue and roll this area with a roller.

IN hard-to-reach places behind the heating radiators, the wallpaper starts from behind. After fixing in the desired position, the canvas is rolled with a narrow roller with a long handle.

In places where sockets or switches are located, roll materials are glued on top of the boxes, then cross-shaped cuts are made with a knife. The resulting triangular tails are bent, cut off all that is superfluous, the socket housings are put in place.

Trying to figure out how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper? They have their own characteristics in the application and, knowing them, the gluing process will not be difficult. Washable vinyl wallpaper is a very convenient and practical wall material. They are moisture resistant, it is easy to remove dirt from them, and they contain special antifungal components.

For those who decide to insulate their balcony or loggia and comfortably finish and equip this new room, we can safely advise the use of this material. Properly selected wallpaper will not only give the balcony a pleasant appearance but will last a long time.

  • Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base. The most durable of all types. Such wallpapers are waterproof, have some leveling properties (visually hide surface irregularities), are easy to use (glue can be applied directly to the walls), have a long service life, and have a beautiful and rich appearance.
  • Vinyl wallpaper on paper basis. They consist of two layers: paper and polyvinyl chloride. They are less durable than non-woven, but will last longer than many other types of wallpaper. Available in both smooth and embossed textures
  • Vinyl wallpaper for painting. They can be both paper and non-woven. They are impregnated with a special composition that prevents the penetration of moisture, and painting creates an additional protective layer. The structure of the wallpaper can be completely different

Once you have decided which type you will use, you can begin to calculate required amount wallpaper and all necessary materials.

Calculation of the amount of materials

One of the proven and reliable ways to calculate the required number of wallpaper rolls is to determine the perimeter of the floor and the height of the room. To do this, add up all the sides of the floor and multiply the resulting number by the height of the room. Then subtract from this the area of ​​the window and doorways and divide the remainder by the area of ​​one roll. Round up the final number - you have received the number of rolls that will be needed for pasting a particular room.

If carried out sticking vinyl wallpaper with a pattern, additional calculations will be needed to fit the image. An important concept here is the pattern pitch - the distance separating two identical images along the length of the roll. The difficulty lies in the fact that the actual step may differ from this figure, since you will be gluing the right and left parts.

Please note: in order to avoid difficulties, add 5 cm per strip in 10 cm increments. The amount of waste in this case will be equal to half the step from each strip.

Once you've figured out how many rolls of wallpaper you'll need, you can figure out how much glue you'll need. Do not blindly trust what is written on the package. The amount of glue for vinyl wallpaper is determined on the basis that a pack of 250 g is enough for an average of 20-25 sq. Sometimes the flow rate may exceed these parameters.

Necessary materials and tools for work

you picked up suitable wallpaper determined how much material would be needed. Next prepare everything necessary tools. In the process of preparing the room and when we glue vinyl wallpaper, we use:

  • Level
  • ruler
  • Scissors or knife
  • Brushes for applying glue and primer
  • Small brush for extra coverage of small areas
  • Roller to roll the seams
  • Spatula for leveling wallpaper strips
  • Spatula for pressing wallpaper areas in hard-to-reach places
  • Rags and sponges to remove excess glue from the wallpaper

Now you have stocked up with everything you need. Familiarize yourself with, and you can proceed to the direct process.

Stages of work

Stage I: Wall preparation

  1. Remove from the walls old finish: wallpaper, whitewash, paint. Surface must be level
  2. Treat the walls with a special antifungal solution
  3. Dilute adhesive for vinyl wallpaper and prime the wall
  4. Using a level, draw a vertical line - a guide for the first piece
  5. Turn off the electricity, remove all switches and sockets from the walls

Stage II: Sticking vinyl wallpaper

  1. Cut the rolls into even strips (+ 10 cm allowance)
  2. If you glue non-woven wallpaper, then smear the wall with glue. Paper - glue is applied to the strips themselves
  3. Place the first piece exactly along the drawn line. It is better to glue in pairs: one person applies the upper part of the piece, and the second supports the lower
  4. Glue the remaining pieces back to back. If the wallpaper has a pattern, don't forget to combine it
  5. Smooth out the glued pieces of wallpaper with a roller from the center to the periphery. Air bubbles must not remain
  6. Roll the seams carefully
  7. Apply glue to the outgoing areas
  8. Remove any excess adhesive
  9. Trim excess wallpaper from the ceiling and baseboards. Use only sharp scissors or a knife. dull blade tears wallpaper

Sticking vinyl wallpaper completed.

How to glue corners and joints: refinement of small things

The most difficult and painstaking work is the refinement of small things and gluing corners and joints. To avoid trouble in the form of gaps and pronounced seams, overlap the pieces of wallpaper. For vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base, it is 1-2 mm, on paper - up to 5 mm. It is somewhat more difficult to solve the issue of gluing corners.

This is the most difficult part of the job: the question, how to glue corners, often confuses, especially beginners. Starting this stage, thickly coat the corner with glue. It is better to cut the canvas in such a way that it goes 2-3 cm onto adjacent walls.

If you measured the angle with a level and found that it is very “littered”, use the cutting method. Glue the first piece in the same way, only leave the edges wider - about 9 cm. Position the side strips from it strictly vertically (the same level will help with this) at a distance of 2 cm. Cut the overlap with a sharp knife - both layers together. Then glue the top layer back on.

Completion and quality check

After all the main stages of work are completed, check how you glued the vinyl wallpaper. See if there are any unglued areas and bubbles on the walls. Replace previously removed sockets and switches. If there are any radiators, batteries or other devices in the room behind which hard-to-reach sections of the wall are located, then they can not be pasted over, but simply painted in a color similar to the wallpaper.

You have become familiar with how to glue vinyl wallpaper, and learned that even on the balcony and loggia they can be used as wall decoration. If this article helped you make repairs, then leave your comments. Or maybe you have your own secrets of wallpapering? Please share your unique experience. Your advice can be very useful to many people.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper photo

Below are photos on the topic of the article "How to properly glue vinyl wallpaper: step-by-step instructions." To open the photo gallery, just click on the image thumbnail.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper video

We also invite you to watch the video on the topic of our article. This video shows you how to properly install vinyl wallpaper.

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To the entry "How to properly glue vinyl wallpaper: step-by-step instruction" 10 comments

    For the first time, when it was necessary to glue vinyl wallpaper in the apartment, there was a slight shock. How to work with them?! But after reading the articles, having studied all the subtleties, wallpapering was not as bad as it seemed to me at first. The most important thing in this case, in my opinion, is to prepare the wall well for wallpaper. It should be clean (without any traces of the old coating) and even.

    And I was just very disappointed for the first time after gluing vinyl wallpaper, because I didn’t know all these subtleties and pasted this together with my husband. On the second day, they simply gasped together, the joints generally bristled. So for me the joints and corners turned out to be a big problem, and for the second time they hired a specialist. It is a pity that such an article did not catch my eye earlier then.

    I recently glued non-woven vinyl wallpaper in a country house. Irregularities, of course, they hide a little, but I had to fiddle with the joints for a very, very long time. Due to the fact that the walls are a little uneven wallpaper go either butt to butt, then overlap. Where joint to joint - everything is fine, even the seam is almost invisible. But that's where the overlap is the trouble. Wallpaper does not want to stick together, so the top layer sticks out very much. Maybe it's because the wallpaper is thick.

    We glue wallpaper at home always on our own. It always turns out differently. We often argue with my husband about how to properly glue wallpaper. After reading the article, we learned many subtleties of this difficult matter. It was useful to learn the stages of work, we realized our mistake, that we did not have the right organization and did everything in a blunder. Now we will glue strictly according to your recommendations.

    I was looking for a similar instruction on the net for a very long time, and thank you so much that you painted everything step by step. my husband is on a business trip and I had to do this “fun” thing myself - to glue wallpaper. it’s not an easy business, but there were helper children nearby (although they are 5-6 years old)) and a fighting spirit) I’ll start by saying that it’s very difficult to choose a wallpaper, firstly, finding a quality product and at a nice price is not always easy , secondly, to match the interior so that in a year or two the eyes do not get tired - sometimes there is not enough patience, well, to please all family members by color and pattern is not an easy task. in general, we dealt with this quickly, but here's how to glue them if you don't call a team ... if I hadn't found the video and photos, I would hardly have taken up this business. for me the most difficult was: gluing the corners. if not for your site, it would be just a “corner hell”, since I didn’t know how, what and where. thanks a lot! in general, my wallpaper was glued in 3 days)) with my own hand) so I feel like a heroine)) everyone is happy, thanks to you))

    When we glued vinyl wallpaper in a private house, the “first pancake” was a huge lump! But ... the Internet to help and having learned from this article a lot of all sorts of problems - they risked gluing another room on their own! A nice hint was to apply an antifungal agent to the walls. I hope the walls won't get moldy. But all the same, it was worth a lot of work to glue the corners correctly! But we did it! Now we have the experience of gluing and the next rooms are not so scary. I would like to put wallpaper in the living room. I think we can do it now!

How to properly glue vinyl wallpaper, preparation, gluing, working with corners.

In the previous article, we examined in detail the types of vinyl wallpaper:

Someone will say that sticking vinyl wallpaper is not much different from sticking paper-based wallpaper. But when you read this article, you will understand that there are quite a few differences. And if you do not take them all into account, then the wallpaper may fall off the next day, and you will have to do everything again, taking into account those nuances that you did not want to remember.


So, you will need to stock up on a fairly serious list of tools. First, you need a special brush designed to prime the wall and then apply glue to the vinyl wallpaper. Further, instead of a sponge, it is better to take a roller, which will roll the seams. You will also need a special spatula with which you will smooth the wallpaper, a soft sponge or cotton rag with which excess glue is removed, a brush with which you will smear small wallpaper areas. On the little things, you need to have scissors, a cutting knife, a level, a tape measure, paper tape, a ruler, and a wooden spatula, with which you will press and straighten narrow sections of wallpaper, for example, at the corners. Perhaps everything.

Wall preparation

Before you stick vinyl wallpaper, do the traditional preparation of the walls. You will need a special dry adhesive mixture for vinyl wallpaper, which must be diluted with water according to the instructions. Prime the walls with this adhesive over the entire surface. If you can't find glue, you can stock up on a deep-penetrating primer, which is common everywhere. Further, since the wallpaper is heavy and does not allow air to pass through very well, the walls must be treated with a fungicidal composition, protecting them from the appearance of mold under the canvases. After the glue and composition have dried, take a thread with a weight and fill a vertical line on the wall. This will be your guide for pasting the first wallpaper. At the end of the procedure, turn off the electricity, remove all switches and sockets.

Additional Information

If you do not know how to glue vinyl wallpaper, and have never done it before, it is advisable to have a person nearby who, as they say, is “in the know”.

Wallpapers are glued only on a dry, leveled surface, which is especially important for wide embossed vinyl wallpapers. The old coating must be removed from the walls. Cracks need to be puttied, the surface should be leveled.

You can check the dryness of the walls with a small piece of cellophane and masking tape, with which this cellophane will be glued to the wall. Leave the material overnight. If in the morning water drops form on the inside of the cellophane, then the dryness of the walls is not enough to glue vinyl wallpaper on them. Will have to dry more.

The strength of the wall covering is checked using ordinary adhesive tape. Stick a piece on the wall and pull back sharply. Look at the back of the tape. If there are particles of plaster or old paint, then the wall needs to be prepared: remove old layers, deal with priming and leveling.

Any person who knows how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper will tell you that the room should never be drafty. Air conditioners, fans, open windows - all this is a terrible taboo! Drafts are welcome only after the pasted wallpaper is completely dry.

Never glue a new wallpaper over an old one. The latter must be completely removed from the wall. Wet them with water, wait a bit, and then they will be removed with a spatula without any problems.

Wallpaper preparation

Cut the wallpaper into strips along the height of the wall, but with a 10 cm allowance in reserve. If you are cutting vinyl wallpaper with silk-screen printing or a regular pattern, then you first need to select the pattern of neighboring canvases with the maximum match. Fold wallpaper strips together pattern side down. Each stack should consist of 10 wallpaper strips, no more. And each strip should shift relative to the neighboring one by at least 1.5 centimeters. It is best to take meter-long wallpapers, which allow you to minimize problems with the selection of a pattern and the correct cutting.

How is the adhesive applied?

Vinyl wallpapers are glued only end-to-end. This means that the panels should not find one on top of the other. After the primer has dried on the wall, you can start the gluing process. First, apply glue to the section of the wall where the first panel will be located. Stick the canvas on the wall, coat the next one and glue it. The sequence of actions is repeated until the end of the work.

Additional Information

You need to work with glue very carefully, since a careless attitude will lead to the adhesive composition getting on the front side of the wallpaper.

Allow the mixed glue to swell well, standing for 5-10 minutes after kneading. This rule must be written in the instructions.

Read the information on the vinyl wallpaper roll. It is possible that the glue needs to be applied not only to the wall, but also to the wallpaper.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper?

Technology of correct gluing. Wallpapering alone will not work. Only double. And even faster - the three of us. One worker stands on a stepladder or on a chair and applies the top edge of the canvas to the wall. Another worker holds the lower end of the strip on the floor, aligning the edge of the wallpaper with the designated vertical line. Next, the wallpaper strip is lightly pressed to the base, after which all air bubbles are displaced with a brush. Brush work from top to bottom and from the axis towards the edges. If you notice any glue sticking out from the edge of the canvas, quickly wipe it off with a clean cloth, not a brush!

Trimming the edges

When gluing wallpaper under the ceiling and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baseboards, you should have excess material cut off along the ruler with a knife. In this case, the lower edge of the strip should go on the plinth by about 5 millimeters. Wallpaper cutting is done only with a sharp knife. If the blade is blunt, it will tear or dent wallpaper that is not yet dry with glue. Change the fast-dulling blade regularly during the pruning process.

Canvas at the plinth

If you didn't remove the baseboard before you started, insert the bottom edge of the wallpaper between the wall and the baseboard. The remaining part is cut off and glued with a strip on top, which will allow you to close the seam and the top of the plinth. I strongly recommend that you remove the baseboard before wallpapering, so that it does not interfere with your work. At the end of gluing, it is nailed or put back.

Gluing the top

The edge of the wallpaper sheet adjacent to the ceiling must be tucked 5 centimeters to protect the ceiling from glue. After that, the wallpaper strip is pressed against the wall from above and smoothed down with a brush. Other canvases are glued similarly. If you are not gluing the wallpaper to the ceiling (for example, you have paint or plaster on the top of the wall), then you must first mark the upper border of the gluing area on the wall with a pencil. This should be done around the entire perimeter of the room. The strip will help you orient yourself in the process of work.

Working with corners

In the corners, you need to leave extra vinyl wallpaper to the depth of the existing niche, taking into account the allowance. After that, cuts are made from above and below, and the panel is bent around the corner by pressing. Next, the wallpaper is carefully cut off, and in the corners of the overlapping panels and joints, they are strongly pressed against the wall, ensuring tight gluing. I note that at the corners of the room, the wallpaper should go to the other side by a maximum of 3-4 centimeters. At the same time, on the other wall, the first canvas is glued from the very corner, covering the previous 3-4 centimeters.

Sockets, switches, batteries

Behind the batteries, the walls should be pasted over by about 10-20 centimeters, no more. Pressing the wallpaper against the wall is carried out using a narrow roller equipped with a long handle. They can work both behind the battery (top, bottom, side), and through the radiator fins. Near switches and sockets, the wallpaper is not cut in advance. They are glued directly to the holes. Only after the glue has dried can the cut be made.

General information about wallpapering walls:

  • Is it worth it to take cheap ready-made plastic windows for giving, cost.

  • Treatment of furniture and terraces with teak oil.

  • Aerated concrete blocks for the house and its foundation, types and production.

For those who prefer to do repairs on their own, you need to know all the nuances of pasting walls with vinyl wallpaper. Only in this case the result will be aesthetic and of high quality.

If this is your first time doing this kind of finishing, then all the information below will definitely come in handy. We will talk about how to stick vinyl wallpaper with your own hands, without turning to professionals for help. More precisely, how to do it right.

Preparatory stage of work

Before you learn how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper, you need to read the terms preparatory stages. Naturally, the first step towards decorating the room will be the purchase of the products themselves.

  • The very first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing them is the main characteristics that are usually listed on the packaging. All further work on finishing the premises depends on what they will be. For example, light and thin options will require you to prepare the surface of the walls very carefully before pasting. Since everything, even small flaws and defects in the wall, if they are not eliminated, will play a cruel joke with you. And a room finished in this way will lose its attractiveness and aesthetic appearance.
  • If you choose thick and heavy wallpapers, then you can’t hope that all the bumps will hide under them. It is possible that damage to the wall of a small nature will be invisible, due to the fact that the thickness is significant, but it is impossible to hide serious defects under them.
  • In addition to the characteristics listed above, you need to pay attention to the basis of vinyl wallpaper. It can be either paper or non-woven. The second option will simplify the work of pasting the walls.
  • And yet, everyone knows that when determining the number of purchased products, you need to take into account their report. Simply put, you need to calculate the required footage, focusing on a repeating pattern. More precisely, on its size, since in the process of fitting the pattern, part of the wallpaper will go to waste.
  • The most advantageous option is wallpaper of a monochromatic nature (they do not need adjustment) or with a small pattern (the adjustment of which is minimal).

It's about the acquisition process. And now a few words about preparing the walls for decoration.

  • First of all, if there was already some kind of finish on the walls, you need to clean their surface.
  • If the walls are painted oil paint, you can not delete it. The main thing is that it should not be dark in color, otherwise it will shine through the wallpaper.
  • Further, all deep damage, such as cracks and crevices, must be repaired with mounting foam.
  • At the next stage, you need to putty the wall, as well as its alignment. Be sure to wait until the surface is completely dry, after which you need to apply a layer of primer.

Here is the whole list preparatory work. Now you need to decide what tools you may need in the process of decorating the walls with vinyl wallpaper.

List of tools

  1. First of all, of course, the wallpaper itself.
  2. Special tape for the design of joints.
  3. In order for the application of glue to be uniform and convenient, it is necessary to purchase a roller. It can be fur or made of foam rubber.
  4. In order for the canvases to lie flat on the wall, without air bubbles, you will need another roller, but already rubber or plastic.
  5. Glue designed for vinyl wallpaper or its universal version.
  6. Handy knife suitable for cutting.
  7. For more convenient wallpapering at the top of the wall, you need to prepare a stepladder. If it is not there, then a stable table can replace it.

Basically, this is the whole list. But I would like to add a few words about wallpaper glue, because both the final result and the work process itself will depend on it.

Glue for vinyl wallpaper - the most best option for them. Its component, in addition to the standard ones (starch, antiseptic), is methylcellulose. But if you are planning to combine different kinds products, it is best to purchase a universal adhesive analogue.

With it, you can stick any wallpaper with high quality, just pay attention to the fact that it will need to be diluted in different ratios (depending on the type finishing material). And now consider the information on how to glue vinyl wallpaper.

Start decorating

How to glue wallpaper? First you need to prepare them. What is included in this stage?

  • The rolls are cut into the desired size of the web, taking into account the fit of the pattern (if necessary), as well as from 3 to 5 cm of stock. If you have extra time and free space, then you can spread the cut strips on the floor, letting them rest. After this procedure, it will be easier to decorate the walls with them, since they will no longer twist, taking their usual shape.
  • Another caveat: all work is carried out only in a completely closed room, since even a small draft can interfere with its quality performance. If there are gaps in the room from which it blows, you need to seal them with adhesive tape at least for the time of work. Do not worry about being left without fresh air for a long time - it does not take much time to install vinyl wallpaper.

A strip of wallpaper is located on a horizontal surface (of course, clean) with a pattern down. Then glue is applied to its wrong side with a roller. Make sure that all edges are well smeared with it.

If you are gluing heavy wallpaper, then you need to apply the glue in advance, giving them time to soak a little. But light products should not be lubricated with glue in advance. If your vinyl wallpaper has a non-woven base, then the process is even more simplified, since in this case there is no need to lubricate, it is enough to apply the adhesive composition only to the wall surface.

Here are some more important tips. The wallpaper is glued end-to-end, starting from the top. During gluing, it is necessary to smooth the canvas from top to bottom and from the center to the edge so that there is no air left under it. This must be done immediately, because after drying it will become impossible.
