Lovers of variety « freedom» welcome the destruction of the centuries-old system of traditional values. But many of them would be unpleasantly surprised to learn that quite certain forces are behind this process, imposing a new religion on a person, and capable of destroying all their opponents in the near future. Olga Nikolaevna Chetverikova, a unique woman, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Politics of European and American Countries at MGIMO, tells us about this global danger.

- Olga Nikolaevna, not so long ago I happened to go to the Moscow House of Books. The "repertoire" of modern bookstores is, of course, a special indicator of the life of society. Do you know what surprised you the most? Number of esoteric and occult literature. This is not one, not two racks - an entire room is given over to this undisguised Satanism! Isn't it time to sound the alarm?

The fascination with esoteric teachings is not a new phenomenon in modern Russia; the measure of popularity and the activity with which this lawlessness is introduced is another matter.

If you look at the issue from a historical point of view, you can see that such teachings are generally characteristic of periods in the development of civilizations, when established social structures are breaking down. It is accompanied by profound changes in the public consciousness, a drop in confidence in the old norms and values, which is caused by a crisis of faith. Enough to remember Ancient Rome during its decline. Such a process of the deepest “crisis of hopes and ideologies” is also going through Europe today. True, the scale and depth of this phenomenon is completely different. For at this stage, the leveling of human consciousness is supposed to be achieved through the creation of the so-called "last world religion". It is global and all-encompassing, it is not inherent in disagreements due to its original universalism and diversity, which allows adaptation to any culture. In reality, we are talking about occultism, an occult world outlook, which the researcher Izyaslav Alexandrovich Adlivankin called the Gulf Stream in line with the world religious movement. In our time, the successor to the occult has been the New Age (New Age, or New Era) movement, which claims to create the last world syncretic religion, designed to replace Christianity.

The mass nature of this movement is frightening, because it penetrates into all spheres of human activity. Experts find it difficult to establish the exact number of his followers, but, according to some sources, in the United States, New Age adherents are from 10 to 20 million people, and the number of movement organizations is up to 10 thousand. A recent survey in the United States showed that 58% of the Americans who participated in the survey believe in reincarnation, and the worldview of 60% is infected with occult ideas about the world.

- All these data are very indicative. Olga Nikolaevna, tell us about the history of this evil.

The Theosophical teaching of Helena Blavatsky, who founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875, became the direct forerunner of the New Age. His task was the philosophical substantiation of spiritualism and esotericism, which by that time had received unusually wide distribution in America and Europe. The charter of the society enshrined provisions on the creation of the core of the "World Brotherhood of Humanity" without distinction of race, religion, sex, caste and skin color, that is, a new world society. Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine" became the catechism of modern theosophy in the New Age movement.

However, this idea is nothing new, it is the result of mixing and generalizing the ideas of the occult systems of Buddhism and Hinduism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Manichaeism. That is, a syncretic eclectic teaching that proceeded from a deliberately false and dangerous idea that all religions and religious doctrines lead to God. The idea was formulated of a certain “New World”, in which the more powerful developed mind, so far only the emerging sixth race, the first representatives of which are the Americans. With the advent of the seventh race, humanity will complete the cycle of earthly development and begin a new cycle on another planet.

That's how it all started. However, the mass enthusiasm for this doctrine is already characteristic of our time - in connection with the emergence of the New Age movement. It was created by a follower of Blavatsky Alice Bailey (Alice Ann Bailey), who became the "prophet" of the "new era", the era of Aquarius, that is, the new "world order". In 1922, she founded the Lucifer Publishing Company, later renamed Lucis Trust, which later became the most important New Age organization, whose main offices are today in New York, London and Geneva.

The New Age is the largest occult movement in the United States today. It differs in that it does not have a single and rigid structure, leadership, hierarchy, but is a network of numerous decentralized occult organizations, educational circles, institutes, clubs, publishing houses and foundations. Among them are the famous Greenpeace, the Theosophical Society, the Nicholas Roerich Society, UNESCO, UNICEF and others. This list was first published by the well-known American anti-globalist, economist Lyndon H. LaRouche. He can be trusted - the highest ranks of the US intelligence agencies call his research organization "one of the best private intelligence agencies in the world." In addition, most of the popular sects are in the field of influence of the movement: Scientologists, Moonies, "Children of God" and others.

Spreading the worldview new era is engaged in the film industry. So, the New Age films are classified as " star Wars”, “Batman”, “Poltergeist”, “The Hobbit”, “Lord of the Rings”. The value system of this society was promoted by a wide range of show business figures - including Elvis Presley, Shirley MacLaine, John Travolta, Sharon Stone, Demis Roussos and others.

As Carl A. Raschke, a professor of religious studies at the University of Denver, writes, “The New Age movement is the biggest social and political force in the world today. As much as it is political, so it is religious, and it is spreading in the business sphere.” The supranational nature of this doctrine, its striving for global control are in the interests of transnational elites, whose financial support ensured such a wide spread of this movement. The followers of the "New Age" are primarily representatives of the well-to-do social strata of Western society.

- What is the essence of the doctrine? In short.

Cultivating self-love by all possible ways: selfishness, the idea of ​​personal success, the desire for prosperity, physical and spiritual pleasure and pleasure, including sodomy sin. IN Russian branch"New Age" a certain Dmitry Verishchagin, who teaches the skills of owning one's own energy, gives fundamental guidelines. Among them, for example, such - "only the person himself knows what is good for him and what is bad"; "everyone should be happy"; “morality and immorality are artificial categories”; “guilt is a harmful feeling imposed on a person”; “God is absolutely indifferent to all human affairs; the universe is the mind of God." All this fully fits into the values ​​of modern civilization with its consumer morality and at the same time the thirst for the supernatural and the fashion for "spirituality".

The main weapon of the New Agers is the demand for lukewarm tolerance. It is UNESCO that plays an important role here, which gave this concept a sacred meaning by adopting the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance in 1995 at its General Conference. It is presented as "a rejection of dogmatism, of the absolutization of truth." Today, in my opinion, everyone understands that all this non-religious tolerance is just a tool aimed at destroying traditional faith and morality. When the task is completed, they will simply announce the end of religious freedom.

- Tolerance - this is the camouflaged form of the main law of the most famous Satanist Aleister Crowley: "Do your will, so be the whole law." This law allows you to sow the chaos through which the totalitarian "new order" is being built.

Thus, in our time, the foundations of the anti-church of Antichrist are being laid.

- And who finances these villains?

- New Age supports one of the richest people planet Bill Gates and his wife: their foundation is a trustee of the New Group of World Servers, a division of LucisTrast. On the website of this organization, Gates was noted, along with George Soros and Kofi Annan, as a great philanthropist and humanitarian. It is known that in 2012, Bill Gates generously donated 100 thousand dollars to the LGBT community, which is also part of the New Age, supporting it during the same-sex marriage referendum in Washington.

Today it is known that meditations and incantations are carried out to improve the efficiency of production and management of the economy in the largest firms. Thus, of the 500 largest US companies, more than half practice the New Age techniques of "expanding consciousness", spending about $ 4 billion annually on this. Major firms such as IBM, Procter & Gamble, General Motors are also hiring business experts from the New Age movement.

Moreover, the external ideology of the "global development" programs developed by the UN, UNESCO and other organizations is also based on the worldview of the "New Age" movement, which openly proclaimed the "end of the Christian era."

- What Blavatsky wrote about in the last century: "to wipe Christianity off the face of the earth" - in our time has begun to be realized at full speed.

The New Age bible was the book by Stanford Institute employee Marilyn Ferguson (Marilyn Ferguson) "Conspiracy of Aquarius", which proclaimed the beginning of a "paradigm shift", liberation from the old canons. As Ferguson wrote, “A strong, though leaderless, organization is working in the United States to bring about radical change. The members of this organization managed to break some key elements of traditional Western thinking… This organization is the Aquarian Conspiracy… This conspiracy caused the fastest cultural mutation in history, which turned out to be wider than reform, deeper than revolution.”

New Age star Barbara Marx Hubbard, the wife of the founder of Scientology, became famous for her outspokenness about human inequality. In her Book of Co-Creation, she wrote: “A quarter of humanity is destructive. These are tares. They used to be allowed to die own death, but today, as we approach the great leap from a man-creature to a man-co-creator, that is, to the heir of the power of God, a quarter of the destructive must be eliminated. We (the initiates) are responsible for this. We are responsible for the mission of the process of divine selection for the benefit of planet Earth."

- As far as I know, the peculiarity of the "New Age" is also that the trend is trying to replace not only religion, but also science.

Quite right. A striking example is the new pseudo-scientific discipline "noetics", which is a synthesis of ancient knowledge about the hidden possibilities of a person with the latest research in the field of quantum physics, neuropsychology, cognitive linguistics, anthropology, molecular biology, psychology and other sciences. Noetics is developed by numerous centers and organizations, the most famous of which is the Institute of Noetic Sciences, founded in 1972 by American astronaut Edgar Mitchell and philosopher John White. The purpose of these centers is the formation of a new type of man, homo noeticus, who will replace homo sapiens.

In addition, the “noetic psychology” developed in this way makes it possible not only to “spiritualise”, but also to achieve practical goals and career success. It is especially effective in working with entrepreneurs and top managers who want to make a “qualitative leap” in business. They are taught to conduct a deep diagnosis of the company, awaken the "financial intelligence", master the "energy of money" and achieve the desired level of material well-being. This is done by "noetic consulting and coaching" and "noetic management". A very fashionable trend in Russia now.

- How else does this movement manifest itself?

Today, the main mechanisms for promoting the New Age idea of ​​"unity of religions" are international summits of religious leaders, held with the assistance of UNESCO. We are talking about the World Summits of "religious" leaders, which have already been held six times.

Similar meetings are also held on the territory of the former USSR - in Astana. It was here that in 2010 the first session of the World Forum of Spiritual Culture (WFSC) was held, which was organized by the international association "Peace through Culture". The author of her idea was the notorious artist and occultist Nicholas Roerich. The session brought together a thousand delegates from 70 countries. The participants set specific goals for themselves. Among them is the creation of the Global Peace Institute, which would represent all possible religions and philosophical worldviews with the aim of forming a "World Spiritual Community". And on the eve of the second session of the forum, the notorious co-chairman of the WFDC, Iosif Kobzon, in his message to the participants called for "universal humanization" in connection with the "evolutionary ascent of mankind" in conditions when "the New Era is coming, the Era of Spiritual Culture", which "will exclude the principle of struggle and resistance evolutionary transformations.

- Olga Nikolaevna, is it really all a reality?

Alas, the prophecies are coming true. So watch and pray.

She graduated from the faculty of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1983. She worked at the Institute of Social Sciences at the Department of the International Labor Movement. She specialized in the problems of social and political history of Latin American countries. He has scientific articles on the problems of studying the characteristics of political religious movements, political consciousness and political culture Latin American countries. PhD thesis on "Trends and Contradictions of the Labor Movement in Peru in 1975-1980" devoted to the study of social conflicts in Peru during the period of the military regime of Morales Bermudez.

Research interests: the foundations and evolution of European religious consciousness, the Roman Catholic Church in European geopolitics, ethnic and religious conflicts in Western Europe at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries, financial mechanisms of modern European politics, religious and financial aspects of globalization, new religious movements and corporate religion.


Monograph "Religion and Politics in Modern Europe". M.: Moscow textbooks and Cartolithography, 2005.

  • Spiritual business corporations: sects in the economic and political life of modern Europe // for the collection “State, Church, Society: Historical Experience and contemporary issues". IVI AN. 2008.
  • Ethnic Minorities and Disintegration Processes in Europe// Proceedings of the International Conference "ICTY in the System of International Relations: Experience of Serbia". Belgrade, 2008.
  • Europe's Balkanization Strategy: Ethnoses and Regions in the Plans of European Construction//Russia XX1. 2007, No. 5,6.
  • Belgium, Spain, further everywhere: mechanisms for redrawing the map of Europe // Strategic Culture Foundation. Electronic edition. 28.12.2007 //
  • "Opus Dei" in Russia: missionary or political mission? // Strategic Culture Fund. Electronic edition. 04/27/2008//
  • July maneuvers of the Vatican//Strategic Culture Foundation. Electronic edition. 07/23/2008. Part 1. 07/24/2008. Part2//
  • Bilderberg-2008//Strategic Culture Foundation. Electronic edition. 08/07/2008. Part 1. 08/08/2008. Part 2//


Lectures and seminars on the course "Recent History of the West" in the 2nd year of the Moscow Region and seminars on the course " New story West "on the 1st course of the Moscow Region. Reading the courses “History of Belgium and the Netherlands in the 3rd year of the Moscow Region; Foreign Policy of Belgium and the Netherlands” in the 4th year of the Moscow Region; “Culture and Religion of the Western Countries” in the 3rd year of the Moscow Region; ”, “Financial Mechanisms of World Politics” at the 3rd year of the International Economic Relations and the 1st year of the Master’s program at the International Economic Society “International Finance”, participation in the reading of the courses “Political System and Culture of Western Countries” at the 3rd year of the International Economic Relations and “Conflicts in Modern Europe” at the 1st year of the Master’s program “ Regional Studies".

Participation in scientific conferences:

  • Scientific Conference "Church-State Relations in Modern Europe". Brussels, 2006, 20 October. Brussels Free University.
  • International conference "ICTY in the system of international relations: experience of Serbia" (Belgrade, 2007).
  • International Scientific Conference "Christianity, Culture, Moral Values" (IVI RAS, Moscow, 2007).

In October-November 2006, she completed a three-week internship in Belgium at the Free University of Brussels (Center for Interdisciplinary Religious Studies) and the Catholic University of Louvain.

Lovers of variety« freedom» welcome the destruction of the centuries-old system of traditional values. But many of them would be unpleasantly surprised to learn that quite certain forces are behind this process, imposing a new religion on a person, and capable of destroying all their opponents in the near future. This global danger is told to us by a unique woman, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Politics of Europe and America at MGIMO - Olga Nikolaevna Chetverikova.

- Olga Nikolaevna, not so long ago I happened to visit the Moscow House of Books.« Repertoire» modern bookstores - this is, of course, a special indicator of the life of society. Do you know what surprised you the most? Number of esoteric and occult literature. This is not one, not two racks - an entire room is given over to this undisguised Satanism! Isn't it time to sound the alarm?

The fascination with esoteric teachings is not a new phenomenon in modern Russia; the measure of popularity and the activity with which this lawlessness is introduced is another matter.

If you look at the issue from a historical point of view, you can see that such teachings are generally characteristic of periods in the development of civilizations, when established social structures are breaking down. It is accompanied by profound changes in the public consciousness, a drop in confidence in the old norms and values, which is caused by a crisis of faith. Suffice it to recall ancient Rome in its decline. Such a process of the deepest “crisis of hopes and ideologies” is also going through Europe today. True, the scale and depth of this phenomenon is completely different. For at this stage, the leveling of human consciousness is expected through the creation of the so-called "last world religion". It is global and all-encompassing, it is not inherent in disagreements due to its original universalism and diversity, which allows adaptation to any culture. In reality, we are talking about occultism, an occult world outlook, which the researcher Izyaslav Alexandrovich Adlivankin called the Gulf Stream in line with the world religious movement. In our time, the successor to the occult has been the New Age (New Age, or New Era) movement, which claims to create the last world syncretic religion, designed to replace Christianity.

The mass nature of this movement is frightening, because it penetrates into all spheres of human activity. Experts find it difficult to establish the exact number of his followers, but, according to some sources, in the United States, New Age adherents are from 10 to 20 million people, and the number of movement organizations is up to 10 thousand. A recent survey in the United States showed that 58% of the Americans who participated in the survey believe in reincarnation, and the worldview of 60% is infected with occult ideas about the world.

- All of these data are very revealing. Olga Nikolaevna, tell us about the history of this evil.

The Theosophical teachings of Helena Blavatsky, who in 1875 founded the Theosophical Society in New York, became the immediate forerunner of the New Age. His task was the philosophical substantiation of spiritualism and esotericism, which by that time had received unusually wide distribution in America and Europe. The charter of the society enshrined provisions on the creation of the core of the "World Brotherhood of Humanity" without distinction of race, religion, sex, caste and skin color, that is, a new world society. Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine" became the catechism of modern theosophy in the New Age movement.

However, this idea is nothing new, it is the result of mixing and generalizing the ideas of the occult systems of Buddhism and Hinduism, Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Manichaeism. That is, a syncretic eclectic teaching that proceeded from a deliberately false and dangerous idea that all religions and religious doctrines lead to God. The idea was formulated of some kind of "New World", in which the sixth race, which has a more developed mind, is still only emerging, the first representatives of which are the Americans. With the advent of the seventh race, humanity will complete the cycle of earthly development and begin a new cycle on another planet.

That's how it all started. However, the mass enthusiasm for this doctrine is already characteristic of our time - in connection with the emergence of the New Age movement. It was created by a follower of Blavatsky Alice Bailey (Alice Ann Bailey), who became the "prophet" of the "new era", the era of Aquarius, that is, the new "world order". In 1922, she founded the Lucifer Publishing Company, later renamed Lucis Trust, which later became the most important New Age organization, whose main offices are today in New York, London and Geneva.

The New Age is the largest occult movement in the United States today. It differs in that it does not have a single and rigid structure, leadership, hierarchy, but is a network of numerous decentralized occult organizations, educational circles, institutes, clubs, publishing houses and foundations. Among them are the famous Greenpeace, the Theosophical Society, the Nicholas Roerich Society, UNESCO, UNICEF and others. This list was first published by the well-known American anti-globalist, economist Lyndon H. LaRouche. He can be trusted - the highest ranks of the US intelligence agencies call his research organization "one of the best private intelligence agencies in the world." In addition, most of the popular sects are in the field of influence of the movement: Scientologists, Moonies, "Children of God" and others.

The film industry is responsible for spreading the New Age mindset. So, the New Age films include Star Wars, Batman, Poltergeist, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings. The value system of this society was promoted by a wide range of show business figures - including Elvis Presley, Shirley MacLaine, John Travolta, Sharon Stone, Demis Roussos and others.

As Carl A. Raschke, a professor of religious studies at the University of Denver, writes, “The New Age movement is the biggest social and political force in the world today. As much as it is political, so it is religious, and it is spreading in the business sphere.” The supranational nature of this doctrine, its striving for global control are in the interests of transnational elites, whose financial support ensured such a wide spread of this movement. The followers of the "New Age" are primarily representatives of the well-to-do social strata of Western society.

- What is the essence of the doctrine? In short.

Cultivating self-love in every possible way: selfishness, the idea of ​​personal success, the desire for prosperity, physical and spiritual pleasure and pleasure, including sodomy. In the Russian branch of the New Age, a certain Dmitry Verishchagin, who teaches the skills of owning one's own energy, gives fundamental guidelines. Among them, for example, such - "only the person himself knows what is good for him and what is bad"; "everyone should be happy"; "morality and immorality are artificial categories"; “guilt is a harmful feeling imposed on a person”; “God is absolutely indifferent to all human affairs; the universe is the mind of God." All this fully fits into the values ​​of modern civilization with its consumer morality and at the same time the thirst for the supernatural and the fashion for "spirituality".

The main weapon of the New Agers is the demand for lukewarm tolerance. It is UNESCO that plays an important role here, which gave this concept a sacred meaning by adopting the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance in 1995 at its General Conference. It is presented as "a rejection of dogmatism, of the absolutization of truth." Today, in my opinion, everyone understands that all this non-religious tolerance is just a tool aimed at destroying traditional faith and morality. When the task is completed, they will simply announce the end of religious freedom.

- Tolerance is a camouflaged formthe main law of the most famous Satanist Aleister Crowley:« Do your will, so be the whole law». This law allows you to sow the chaos through which thetotalitarian« new order».

Thus, in our time, the foundations of the anti-church of Antichrist are being laid.

- And who finances these villains?

- New Age is supported by one of the richest people on the planet, Bill Gates and his wife: their foundation is a trustee of the New Group of World Servers, a division of LucisTrast. On the website of this organization, Gates was noted, along with George Soros and Kofi Annan, as a great philanthropist and humanitarian. It is known that in 2012, Bill Gates generously donated 100 thousand dollars to the LGBT community, which is also part of the New Age, supporting it during the same-sex marriage referendum in Washington.

Today it is known that meditations and incantations are carried out to improve the efficiency of production and management of the economy in the largest firms. Thus, of the 500 largest US companies, more than half practice the New Age techniques of "expanding consciousness", spending about $ 4 billion annually on this. Major firms such as IBM, Procter & Gamble, General Motors are also hiring business experts from the New Age movement.

Moreover, the external ideology of the "global development" programs developed by the UN, UNESCO and other organizations is also based on the worldview of the "New Age" movement, which openly proclaimed the "end of the Christian era."

- What Blavatsky wrote about in the last century:« wipe christianity off the face of the earth» - in our time began to be realized in full swing.

The New Age bible was the book by Stanford Institute employee Marilyn Ferguson (Marilyn Ferguson) "Conspiracy of Aquarius", which proclaimed the beginning of a "paradigm shift", liberation from the old canons. As Ferguson wrote, “A strong, though leaderless, organization is working in the United States to bring about radical change. The members of this organization have succeeded in breaking some key elements of traditional Western thinking... This organization is the Aquarian Conspiracy... This conspiracy caused the fastest cultural mutation in history, which turned out to be wider than reform, deeper than revolution.

New Age star Barbara Marx Hubbard, the wife of the founder of Scientology, became famous for her outspokenness about human inequality. In her Book of Co-Creation, she wrote: “A quarter of humanity is destructive. These are tares. Previously, they were allowed to die their own deaths, but today, as we approach the great leap from human creature to human co-creator, that is, to the heir to the power of God, a quarter of the destructive must be eliminated. We (the initiates) are responsible for this. We are responsible for the mission of the process of divine selection for the benefit of planet Earth."

- As far as I know, the feature« new age» also in the fact that the trend is trying to replace not only religion, but also science.

- Quite right. A vivid example is the new pseudo-scientific discipline "noetics", which is a synthesis of ancient knowledge about the hidden possibilities of a person with the latest research in the field of quantum physics, neuropsychology, cognitive linguistics, anthropology, molecular biology, psychology and other sciences. Noetics is developed by numerous centers and organizations, the most famous of which is the Institute of Noetic Sciences, founded in 1972 by American astronaut Edgar Mitchell and philosopher John White. The purpose of these centers is the formation of a new type of man, homo noeticus, who will replace homo sapiens.

In addition, the “noetic psychology” developed in this way makes it possible not only to “spiritualise”, but also to achieve practical goals and career success. It is especially effective in working with entrepreneurs and top managers who want to make a “qualitative leap” in business. They are taught to conduct a deep diagnosis of the company, awaken the "financial intelligence", master the "energy of money" and achieve the desired level of material well-being. This is done by "noetic consulting and coaching" and "noetic management". A very fashionable trend in Russia now.

- How else does this movement manifest itself?

- Today, the main mechanisms for promoting the New Age idea of ​​"unity of religions" are international summits of religious figures, held with the assistance of UNESCO. We are talking about the World Summits of "religious" leaders, which have already been held six times.

Similar meetings are held on the territory of the former USSR - in Astana. It was here that in 2010 the first session of the World Forum of Spiritual Culture (WFSC) was held, which was organized by the international association "Peace through Culture". The author of her idea was the notorious artist and occultist Nicholas Roerich. The session brought together a thousand delegates from 70 countries. The participants set specific goals for themselves. Among them is the creation of the Global Peace Institute, which would represent all possible religions and philosophical worldviews with the aim of forming a "World Spiritual Community". And on the eve of the second session of the forum, the notorious co-chairman of the WFDC, Iosif Kobzon, in his message to the participants called for "universal humanization" in connection with the "evolutionary ascent of mankind" in conditions when "the New Era is coming, the Era of Spiritual Culture", which "will exclude the principle of struggle and resistance evolutionary transformations.

From 12/24/91 and vetoing the rehabilitation of Zionism in the UN

85 signatures

On the disavowal of the Letter to the UN of the President of the RSFSR

On the disavowal of the Letter to the UN of the President of the RSFSR Yeltsin B.N. from 24.12.91

On the disavowal of the Letter to the UN of the President of the RSFSR
Yeltsina B.N. dated 24.12.91 and invalid
voting representative of the USSR without authority
Vorontsova Yu.M., vetoing the UN Resolution

Dear Secretary General of the United Nations!

We bring to your attention and to notify the rest of the world, members of the Organization that all actions and transactions concluded, signed and carried out by unauthorized persons on behalf of the USSR or the RSFSR, the Russian Federation as a union republic within the USSR, in relation to other countries, states, commercial and international organizations, without the approval of the co-owners of the property of the USSR, which include citizens Soviet Union, having the proper powers of co-owners of the property of the USSR, are invalid (void) and do not give rise to any legal consequences, except for those related to restitution.

Only co-owners of USSR property or bodies legally formed by them have the right and authority to approve transactions of unauthorized persons on behalf of the USSR. These bodies currently include:

1. General meeting citizens of the USSR - co-owners of the property of the USSR.

2. The All-Union Committee of Creditors of the USSR, consisting of representatives of regional city and district committees of creditors of the USSR, keeping records of the lists of creditors of citizens of the USSR and the debts owed to them by solidary debtors (rebels and rebels who arbitrarily took possession of the buildings of the authorities and administration of the USSR and the mass media).

3. Secretariat of the OIC VOINR of the USSR, as a representative of the co-owners of the property of the USSR, who filed a claim by a citizen of the Soviet Union to simulators of separate republics, illegally formed by organizations banned in the USSR without legal capacity, staging and imitations of the formation of supposedly sovereign states.

An unauthorized person who did not have the right to speak on behalf of the USSR when signing and sending a letter to the UN on December 24, 1991, was the President of one of the fifteen union republics that make up the USSR, a certain B.N. Yeltsin. Like him, deceitfully, as allegedly representatives of the USSR, subsequently all other private individuals spoke, without having the authority and approval of the collective owner of the property of the USSR and the bearer of its sovereignty.

The statement contained in the said letter: “that the membership of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the United Nations, including the Security Council, in all other bodies and organizations of the UN system continues with the support of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States of the Russian Federation (RSFSR). In this regard, I ask that instead of the name "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" use the name " Russian Federation”, - we ask you to consider it disavowed, not having any semantic content and legal significance - void.

The rights and obligations under a transaction concluded by an unauthorized person in the interests of the owner of property with other persons, if such a transaction has not received the approval of the represented person, arise only for a person without authority as a violator of someone else's right.

Since all the described actions (transactions) on behalf of the USSR, starting from December 25, 1991, were carried out in relation to other persons at the international and foreign economic level by unauthorized persons, without any legal and logical grounds, except for fraudulent grounds, they need to be verified by the authorities owners of the property of the USSR in order to make decisions on them to approve or reject these transactions.

We ask the distinguished Secretary General of the UN, the UN governing bodies to take into account the circumstances and position presented, to bring them to the attention of other interested parties by publishing this letter on the website of the United Nations.

Resolution 3379 of the UN General Assembly "Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination" was adopted on November 10, 1975 at the XXX session of the UN General Assembly. It ranked Israel alongside apartheid states such as South Africa and Rhodesia and held that Zionism was a form of racism and racial discrimination. Similar resolutions have been adopted by various UN specialized agencies.

In 1975, the Arab countries took the initiative to adopt a resolution condemning Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination at the XXX session of the UN General Assembly.

During the discussion, international Zionism was condemned by representatives of the socialist countries. Thus, the representative of the Ukrainian SSR emphasized that Zionism is a form of racism, while the representative of Cuba pointed out that Zionism, which occupied Arab territories in 1967, continues to hinder the exercise of the fundamental rights of the indigenous population.

As a result of a long discussion, the XXX session of the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 3379. The resolution was supported by Arab countries, third world countries and the socialist bloc.

It contained a reminder of the resolution adopted at the XVIII session, which proclaimed the UN Declaration on the abolition of all forms of racial difference or superiority, containing indications that "every doctrine of racial difference scientific superiority is wrong, morally condemnable, social relations unfair and dangerous” and the concern it expressed about “the manifestations of racial discrimination still taking place in some parts of the world, which in some cases are perpetuated by governments individual countries through legislative, administrative or other measures.

Resolution 3379 referred to the resolution adopted by the XXVIII session condemning "the unholy alliance between South African racism and Zionism". The resolution also stated that "international Zionism" had previously been condemned by a number of international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.

The UN Declaration on the Abolition of All Forms of Racial Difference or Superiority, containing indications that "any doctrine of racial difference or superiority is scientifically wrong, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous", called Zionism "manifestations of racial discrimination ..."

However, Resolution 4686 of the UN General Assembly (Resolution 46/86) under the heading "Elimination of racism and racial discrimination" was adopted on December 16, 1991 by the UN General Assembly. It rescinded its resolution 3379 (XXX) of November 10, 1975, which held that Zionism was a form of racism and racial discrimination.

When voting for the adoption of this Resolution, a gross violation was committed - the interests of the USSR in the UN were represented by an unauthorized person, a certain Yuli Mikhailovich Vorontsov, who was also appointed by a person without authority on behalf of the USSR, allegedly by the President of the USSR Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich (Decree of the President of the USSR dated 18.04.1990 N 51 On the appointment comrade Yu.M. Vorontsova Permanent Representative of the USSR to the UN and Representative of the USSR to the UN Security Council in the rank of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR).

According to the current Constitution of the USSR Art. 127.1 The President of the USSR is elected by the citizens of the USSR on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot for a term of five years. Gorbachev M.S. was never elected President of the USSR, was an unauthorized person and did not have the right to appoint Vorontsov Yu.M. Soviet representative to the UN. Therefore, Vorontsov Yu.M. for Resolution 4686 of the UN General Assembly is invalid.

Authorized persons and bodies of the USSR considered the issues of repealing Resolution 3379, adopted by the XXVIII session of the UN General Assembly, which condemned the "unholy alliance between South African racism and Zionism", Resolution 4686, and unanimously came to the conclusion that it was necessary for the USSR to veto this resolution both morally, legally and logically unfounded.

Zionism deserves to be condemned and banned as a manifestation of racism, of which we inform you as the Secretary General of the United Nations. We ask you to make appropriate changes to the UN documents - to recognize Resolution 4686 of the UN General Assembly as not adopted.

Total _____ sheets

Signatures of the co-owners of the property of the USSR and bodies representing the interests of the co-owners:

On behalf of the Secretariat of the OIC VOINR of the USSR - Smirnov N.I. ______________ signature
On behalf of the All-Union Committee of Creditors of the USSR - Petrov V.A. _________________ signature
On behalf of the Audit Commission of the All-Union Committee of Creditors of the USSR - Popov A.S. _____________ signature

More than 5,000 citizens of the USSR signed a claim (closed)

Joining the claim gives the right to act as a co-plaintiff in court in this case.

5,147 signatures

Claim of citizens of the USSR

Sign the claim of citizens of the USSR (continued)

Registration of Claims against solidary debtors of citizens of the USSR, certificates of share and collection

242 signatures

Claim of citizens of the USSR*

The right to sign only for citizens of the USSR of voting age

CLAIMS OF CITIZENS OF THE USSR _____ Republics (legal entities): Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, their parliaments, presidents and governments By the beginning of the 90s years, the ruling Communist Party of the Soviet Union, represented by its supreme governing bodies - the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Politburo, degenerated into an organized criminal community to seize power and property of the people - citizens of the USSR. Realizing the monopoly right to personnel policy in the USSR, the OPS CPSU developed, organized and implemented a coup d'état in the USSR, with the aim of stealing public property belonging to the citizens of the USSR. For these purposes, an illegal law was adopted in violation of the principles of equality of citizens on the formation of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, which, along with deputies from the country's voters, included deputies from the CPSU party and controlled by the party apparatus public organizations. The Congress of People's Deputies formed in such a criminal way and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR were used to dismantle the country's governing bodies, grossly violate the Union Treaty, destroy the constitutional order in the Soviet Union - the collapse of the state into sovereign separatist national republics independent of obligations to the citizens of the USSR. The country, which was created as a single national economic complex with a system of planning, forecasting and integrated into world economic relations as a single entity with a state monopoly of foreign economic activity, was criminally divided into parts in which criminal privatization was carried out - the appropriation of property of citizens of the USSR by representatives of the OPS CPSU and others criminal gangs. As a result, the common joint property of citizens of the USSR suffered enormous damage and fell into decay, was destroyed and looted, dismantled and ceased to function as a single complex. For 25 years, the property of citizens of the USSR continues to be plundered, since the people of the Soviet Union - citizens of the USSR - did not give their consent to its alienation. On the contrary, the citizens of the Union expressed their will at the All-Union Referendum in the USSR on March 17, 1991 on the preservation of the USSR. The regime of public property in the USSR meant that the state property of the USSR in terms of the form of management, collective farm cooperative property, property of the Communist Party and other public organizations, trade unions, etc., belongs to all citizens of the USSR as their common joint property. It is impossible to change the regime of ownership of such property without the consent of the co-owners or against their will. And in case of failure to reach an agreement between individual co-owners and other co-owners on the procedure for possession, use and disposal of their common property, the issue can only be resolved by the court. Shares of co-owners in common joint ownership are recognized as equal, unless otherwise provided by the agreement. The Union Treaty did not establish otherwise, and therefore all property shares of citizens of the USSR are considered equal by default. A citizen of the USSR as an owner suffered losses. Losses are understood as expenses that a person whose right has been violated has made or will have to make to restore the violated right, loss or damage to his property (actual damage), as well as lost income that this person would have received if normal conditions civil turnover, if his right had not been violated (lost profit). A preliminary estimate of the amount of losses to a citizen of the USSR from the criminal seizure of illegal separatist republics illegally formed on the territory of the Soviet Union, taking into account lost income (lost profits) for the period since the coup d'état in the USSR, is in USSR rubles, equivalent to the cost of 1 gram of gold according to their exchange rate according to the laws of the USSR before the start of the coup d'état in 1990, thirteen quadrillion five hundred trillion US dollars at the current exchange rate on May 25, 2015, or 50 million US dollars per citizen of the USSR. Which is equal to 1 million 308 thousand 460 rubles of the USSR. Named illegal separatist republics (as legal entities) bear joint and several liability to the citizens of the USSR, and persons involved in the plunder of public property of citizens of the USSR, personal criminal and civil liability. The question of such liability is referred by the laws of the USSR to the jurisdiction of the people's courts of the USSR. The decision or resolution of the People's Court of the USSR, which has entered into legal force, is binding on the entire territory of the USSR for all citizens and officials. In this connection, citizens of the USSR have the right to form such courts by electing people's judges and people's assessors of the USSR courts in accordance with the USSR law on the status of judges and the USSR law on the judicial system. The bodies of the separatist republics have no right to cancel or change the laws of the USSR, since they are not the legal successors of the Soviet Union and the Union Treaty cannot be terminated by them against the will of the people. That is, the laws of the USSR have legal force and are subject to application throughout the entire territory of the Soviet Union. The status of citizens of the USSR was not terminated, and none of these citizens lost their citizenship of the USSR on the grounds specified in the Law of the USSR "On Citizenship of the USSR". We demand that the listed bodies of the separatist illegal republics on the territory of the USSR begin, before the end of the current year 2015, to pay debts to citizens of the USSR in the order of priority indicated in the lists of the register of creditors of the VOINR of the USSR, that is, the list of citizens of the USSR who joined this Claim. In case of refusal or delay in payment, the debt will be collected by force on the basis of decisions of the people's courts of the USSR, formed in accordance with the current norms of the law of the USSR. APPENDIX: List of creditors - participants of VOINR - citizens of the USSR. 05/28/2015 USSR VOINR Secretariat *** Upon reaching one hundred thousand signatures, the claim is automatically sent to the addresses of the presidents and governments of all 15 republics. At the same time, the procedure for open documentary voting of the participants who joined the claim begins, according to the election of judges and people's assessors of the district people's court of the city of Moscow in accordance with the legislation of the USSR to consider this case.
