Country Russia


Born on November 8, 1960 in Kaliningrad (now Korolev), Moscow Region. in a family of employees. Father - since 1993, Priest Alexander (Fedorov Albert Ivanovich).

Graduated in 1978 high school No. 7 in the city of Kaliningrad, Moscow region, in the same year he joined the KHIMMASH Design Bureau as a tester. In 1981-1984 was married.

In 1985 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute.

From August 10, 1986 to January 29, 1989 - an altar boy and a reader in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Krasnobogatyrskaya Street in Moscow.

Since January 30, 1989 - a resident of the Trinity-Sergey Lavra, on May 8 he was accepted into the brethren of the monastery. Carried the obedience of an architect in the economic department, warehouse manager, choir, etc.

On April 8, 1990, the abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Feognost (Guzikov), was tonsured a monk.

From November 25, 1990 to November 8, 1995, he carried out the obedience of the senior subdeacon of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.

From April 17, 1994 to December 29, 2000, he was a member of the working group for the design and construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (art history commission). Since October 5, 1994 - Assistant Dean of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior with the assignment of providing the necessary assistance in matters related to the reconstruction of the destroyed shrine.

On November 8, 1995, he was ordained a hieromonk with the laying of a loincloth and a pectoral cross. He performed divine services in the temple-chapel in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Sovereign" with the consecration (blessing of water) of the stages of construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. After the consecration of the lower Transfiguration Church, in which he oversaw decoration, performed worship.

Since 1998 - a teacher of church art at the 3-4 courses of the Nikolo-Perervinskaya Seminary in Moscow.

In the summer of 1999, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, he participated in a 7-day cross flight around the borders of Russia.

From December 30, 2000 - Rector of the Church of the Great Martyr. and the healer Panteleimon at the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways, Moscow. On May 5, 2001 he was appointed assistant confessor, from March 17, 2007 - confessor of the St. Panteleimon School of Sisters of Mercy at Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways.

Since April 3, 2005 - rector and builder of the Patriarchal Predtechensky metochion in the village. Sumarokovo, Ruza district, Moscow region

In 2006 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy (in absentia).

By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 5-6, 2011 (magazine No. 133) he was elected Bishop of Arseniev and Dalnegorsk.

On October 28, 2011, at the working Patriarchal Residence in Chisty Lane in Moscow, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill led the naming of Archimandrite Guriy as Bishop of Arsenievsky.

November 6, 2011 for Divine Liturgy in the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" on Bolshaya Ordynka in Moscow, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill led the consecration of Archimandrite Guriy as Bishop of Arseniev and Dalnegorsk.


1985 - Moscow Architectural Institute.

2006 - Moscow Theological Academy (in absentia).

In the world Shalimov Yuri Nikolaevich.

In baptism George.

In monasticism Guriy.

Born on September 17, 1946 in the village of Luchinki, Gorohovets District, Vladimir Region, in a working-class family.

In 1969 he graduated from the Gorky State Pedagogical Institute foreign languages, in 1975 - Higher Pedagogical Courses at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, in 1980 - the Moscow Theological Seminary, and in 1984 - the Moscow Theological Academy.

On July 24, 1977, he was ordained a deacon. On October 29, 1977 he was ordained a priest.
On October 5, 1985, he was tonsured a monk,

He served as a priest in the parishes of Vladimir (1977-1979), Vilna (1979-1981) and Krasnodar dioceses (1981-1984), as well as, through the DECR, abroad as rector of the Church of the Resurrection in Rabat (Morocco) - 1984 - 1986, Rector of the Resurrection Church in Zurich (Switzerland) - 1988 - 1992

He occupied the Korsun (1993 - 1999), Magadan (2003 - 2011) and Petropavlovsk-Bulaev (2011 - 2014) departments.

April 16, 2015 Decree of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'
appointed Rector and Chairman of the Parish Council of the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Kolomenskoye, Moscow.



1996 - Order of St. Blgv. Book. Daniel of Moscow II degree;

2000 - Anniversary Patriarchal Diploma in commemoration of the 2000th anniversary of the Nativity of Christ.

2007 - Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree;

2011 - Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow II degree.

2011 - Patriarchal commemorative panagia - for the 65th anniversary of his birth.

2013 - Order of Merit for the Orthodox Church of Kazakhstan.

2013 Anniversary medal Russian Orthodox Church"In memory of the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812".

2013 medal "In memory of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Kazakh Metropolitan District."

2014 - Order of the Holy Confessor Nicholas, Metropolitan of Alma-Ata and Kazakhstan.

2014 Patriarchal sign "700th anniversary Reverend Sergius Radonezh.

Date of Birth: November 8, 1960 A country: Russia Biography:

Born on November 8, 1960 in Kaliningrad (now Korolev), Moscow Region. in a family of employees. Father - since 1993, Priest Alexander (Fedorov Albert Ivanovich).

In 1978 he graduated from secondary school No. 7 in the city of Kaliningrad, Moscow region, in the same year he joined the KB HIMMASH as a tester. In 1981-1984 was married.

In 1985 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute.

From April 17, 1994 to December 29, 2000, he was a member of the working group for design and construction (art history commission). From October 5, 1994, he was assistant dean of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior with the assignment of providing the necessary assistance in matters related to the restoration of the destroyed shrine.

On November 8, 1995, he was ordained a hieromonk with the laying of a loincloth and a pectoral cross. He performed divine services in the temple-chapel in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Sovereign" with the consecration (blessing of water) of the stages of construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. After the consecration of the Lower Transfiguration Church, in which he oversaw the decoration, he performed divine services.

Since 1998 - a teacher of church art at the 3-4 courses of the Nikolo-Perervinskaya Seminary in Moscow.

In the summer of 1999, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, he participated in a 7-day cross flight around the borders of Russia.

From December 30, 2000 - Rector of the Church of the Great Martyr. and the healer Panteleimon at the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways, Moscow. On May 5, 2001 he was appointed assistant confessor, from March 17, 2007 - confessor of the St. Panteleimon School of Sisters of Mercy at Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways.

Since April 3, 2005 - rector and builder of the Patriarchal Predtechensky metochion in the village. Sumarokovo, Ruza district, Moscow region

In 2006 he graduated (in absentia).

By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 5-6, 2011 () he was elected Bishop of Arseniev and Dalnegorsk.

(was retired Bishop of Korsun).

Angel Day: 17.10

In 1947 the family moved to the city of Gorky. As a child, he learned from his grandmother to read Church Slavonic. In 1960 he graduated from the 7th grade of high school. In 1960-1964 studied at the Sormovo Engineering College, graduating with honors.

In 1964-1969. studied at the Faculty of Translation of the Gorky State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. ON THE. Dobrolyubova. After graduating from the institute, he went to work at the Department of English and French Gorky Pedagogical Institute. M. Gorky.

From August 1970 to 1972 he served in Soviet army. In 1974-1975 he studied at the Higher pedagogical courses at MGPI them. Lenin. From January to May 1976 he worked as a reader in the Feodoro-Stratilatovsky prayer house in the village. Shcherbinovka, Dzerzhinsky District Donetsk region, then in the Nikolsky prayer house in the city of Yasinovataya. On July 24, 1977, he was ordained a deacon by Archbishop Vladimir and Suzdal Vladimir (Kotlyarov), and on October 29, 1977, a priest.

In 1977-1980. studied at the correspondence sector of the Moscow Theological Seminary, graduated in the 1st category. From January 1978 he served as a priest at the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir. In January 1979 he was appointed secretary of the Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal.

In October 1979, he was admitted to the clergy of the Vilna diocese and appointed rector of the Alexander Nevsky Church in the village. Uzhusolis, and in 1980 - rector of the church of Sts. Vilna martyrs in the city of Taurage. In 1980-1984 studied at the Moscow Theological Academy. In April 1981 he was admitted to the clergy of the Krasnodar diocese. Appointed to the post of secretary of the Archbishop of Krasnodar and Kuban Vladimir (Kotlyarov). From December 1984 to March 1987 he was rector of the Church of the Resurrection in Rabat (Morocco).

Since March 23, 1987 - Cleric of the Zurich Vicariate. On September 11, 1988 (according to other sources: in July 1987) he was appointed rector of the Resurrection Church in Zurich. On April 29, 1989, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

Since January 29, 1991 he has been rector of the Intercession Church in Sydney, Australia. On December 22, 1992, the Holy Synod determined to be Bishop of Korsun.

Hirotonisan January 14, 1993. By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 31-April 1, 1999, he was released from the administration of the Korsun diocese with the provision of leave for health reasons

Place: birth: der. Luchinki, Gorohovets district, Vladimir region

Date of birth: 17.09. 1946 20th century

Date of tonsure: 05.10. 1985 20th century

Date of consecration: 14.01. 1993 20th century

Mitrokhin, 1997, p. 126-7:

OK. 7 classes, Sormovsky machine-building technician, in 1969 approx. Translation Faculty of the Gorky Pedagogical Institute Dobrolyubov, worked in the Gorky peda in Nizhny Novgorod, was in the army until 72, then he became a sexton, from Dec. 76 - subdeacon in Vladimir, 24.7.77 ordained a deacon by Kotlyarov, 10.29.77 a priest, ca. in absentia MDS, was the secretary of the Bishop, studied at the MDA in absentia, accompanied Kotlyarov to Krasnodar, from December. 84 rector of the church in Rabat (Morocco), tonsured 10/5/1985, in Zurich since 3/23/1987, hirtonisan 14/1/1993 in Korsun bishop.


TERRIBLE JUDGMENT-2 (Komsomolskaya Pravda, May 21, 1999) Turn around, my son!
This is how Bishop Guriy addressed his subordinates. Alexander Sologub, who suffered from his sexual harassment, is filing a lawsuit against Vladyka I will say IMMEDIATELY: I am a believer. And most of all I do not want to offend the feelings of Orthodox Russians. But the story told to me by an employee of the Moscow Patriarchate seemed so blatant that I have no right to remain silent. When my material about homosexual Bishop Nikon was published, believers thanked the newspaper for the words of truth. I was sure that the Nikon case was an exception. And that the Patriarch will punish the sinner who dishonored his rank. But the patriarchate was silent. A few days later, a man came to the editorial office who was harassed by yet another bishop, Bishop Gury of Korsun. The Holy Synod indirectly acknowledged his guilt by removing Guria from his post.

Sasha is a real man. Broad shouldered and bearded. At the sight of him, our journalists perked up and began to chirp cheerfully. Alexander's trouble is that, according to his story, elderly men in cassocks react to him in exactly the same way. Fifteen years ago, a 20-year-old youth entered the office of the first secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol in the city of Baranovichi and threw a membership card on the table. “I want to dedicate myself to God,” said Sasha Sologub. To study the renegade, a plenum of the city committee was convened. Sasha was expelled from everywhere; he worked as a watchman and dreamed of fighting the regime. Alexander studied for eleven years: he graduated from the Moscow Seminary, the Theological Academy and graduate school. Having become a candidate of theology, Sologub remained a layman. In 1994, he began working in the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.

The Church is a state within a state. The department of external relations of the patriarchate is sort of like the church ministry of foreign affairs. Our church has parishes almost all over the world - they spiritually feed Russian emigrants. ALEXANDER dealt with connections with the Vatican. His career was brilliant: in 1995, the Pope refused an audience with Yuri Luzhkov, but accepted Sasha twice. “Well, did you drag yourself again? - the elder asked the "diplomat" for the second time. “I told you, let’s meet!” The only thing that bothered young specialist, - unhealthy situation in the department. - I heard about the presence of "blue" in the patriarchate during my studies. But, just starting to work, I realized the scale of the disaster. According to Sasha, the head of his sector was a “dove”, the leading employee too. Of the entire sector, only Sologub was straight. Here followed a part of the text, withdrawn by the editors. We are ready to present to the leadership of the patriarchate the specific evidence cited by Sologub, but we do not consider it possible to present them to the public without detailed verification (Ed.). We remind you that sodomy for the Orthodox is the gravest sin. “Do not lie down with a man as with a woman,” says the Old Testament, “this is an abomination. And whoever lies down - let them both be put to death: the blood is on them. The question of why he endured this abomination for so many years made Sasha lower his eyes: - I really love my job. And to perform meant to fly out into the street. Spend eleven years studying to be under the fence? Sasha decided to endure. They did not drag him to bed - except that they gently convinced him of the advantages of his orientation.

In 1995, Alexander was assigned to Damascus as secretary of our church representation there. His chief was Archimandrite Joseph (Pustoutov). The patriarchate knows the heroic past of the holy father: in the 80s, in Morocco, he raped the son of an employee of the Soviet embassy. Joseph was expelled from the country at twenty-four hours, but he was not expelled from the church. Batiushka did not pester Sasha. But he so wanted everyone to envy him personal life... - He called Moscow and said: "Sasha is my joy, I bought him shorts." Maybe he wanted to do me a favor? The service turned out to be bearish. Once, "joy in shorts" was transferred to Paris - as a secretary to Bishop Gury of Korsun. And he had no shadow of a doubt that Sologub was a homosexual.

His Eminence Gury - in the world Yuri Shalimov, 55 years old. Served in Morocco, Switzerland. Since 1993 - Bishop of Korsun. The diocese covers France, Italy and Switzerland. Bishop Gury is a friend of Bishop Nikon of Yekaterinburg. To one of the students of the diocesan school, about whom we wrote on May 7, 1999, the bishops, according to his testimony, were molested together. -

GURIY is a passive homosexual. His roommate in Paris was Archimandrite Elisov. According to Alexander, the whole emigration knows about the inclinations of the bishop. In 1996, Stanislavsky's relative Olga Igorevna Alekseeva and the daughter of the White General Gurko wrote a letter to the Patriarchate about this. Soon the bishop came out to the flock, shaking the same document. “Olga Igorevna,” he said, “fools write, but smart people read.” Obviously, the paper was sent to him by the “blue lobby”. - Not a single parishioner, - says Sasha, - wants to give their children to serve the bishop. In general, for an Orthodox person, this is a great honor. But Guriy made a surrogate for sexual intercourse out of service. According to the rules, during the service, the boys must either dress or undress the bishop in the altar. And kiss his hand dozens of times. Satisfaction is simply written on Guria's face. Vladyka was waiting impatiently for Sasha. Elisov left him, and finding a partner was not easy. Too few people: in Switzerland, for example, there is only one priest. Searching on the side is scary. Guriy intended to live with the new secretary in the house of Berdyaev, which the descendants of the great philosopher sold to the patriarchy. - Gury took me to the Cote d'Azur. Marseille, Nice, Cannes... Having left Paris, Vladyka changed into shorts. In the rooms, he got drunk, stripped naked and waited for me to start my "direct duties." - Didn't you want to punch him in the face? - I could not stand it. Why would I raise my hand to a woman? Mowed like a fool. The showdown took place in the city of Angouleme. “What are you,” Vladyka asked, “is it your first day at church? Pray and think how we can live on.” “Yuri Nikolaevich,” Sasha answered, “you need to pray.” The people chuckled. Gury was shocked. He could not fire Sasha and wait for another - the documents are drawn up for a long time, a whole year. "I do not understand anything! - he called his friend in Moscow - Bishop Savva of Krasnogorsk. - I fed him oysters at presentations, and he offended the saint. And some woman will give herself for a piece of sausage! The pressure began. Sasha refused to cohabit with the bishop. He threatened: "I will destroy it." On December 15, Sologub, driven into a corner, wrote a report to the patriarchate. "You are a saint! - friends told him, - you should be given an order! A few days later Sasha was summoned to Moscow. In response to Sologub's accusations, Gury replied that he was "an enemy of the Russian Church and a secret Catholic." The Three Synods did not say a word about Guria. And Sologub said: if there is no decision, he will sue. - Harassment of a subordinate is a criminal offense. I will win the trial, and the patriarchy will pay me two million dollars. ON MARCH 31, the Holy Synod removed Guria from his post. Russian Paris is praying for its deliverer. In Russia, they shy away from him, as from a plague patient. Sasha knows that at any moment he can be “run over by a tram”. But he does not intend to retreat: - Guriy was removed "for health reasons." A canonical assessment of his actions is not given. This means that at any moment he can be appointed to some Russian diocese. Sologub seeks to deprive Guria of all degrees of the priesthood. He sues. And together with the fathers from Nizhny Tagil, he will demand a complete cleansing of the church from filth. What Sologub said is terrible. Righteous people should serve God, and not those who turn people away from the church. So that the flock would not ask the question that arose in me. 22 years ago, in a church in the Ukrainian city of Zhytomyr, a bearded priest dipped me into a font and christened me. Was he a true Christian, or was he also steeped in sin?


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Born on November 8, 1960 in Kaliningrad (now Korolev), Moscow Region. in a family of employees.
Father, Fedorov Albert (baptized Alexander) Ivanovich († 2012), born in 1993. was ordained a priest.
Mother, Fedorova Glafira Fedorovna, born in 1931. birth, deeply church person.
In 1978 he graduated from secondary school No. 7 in the city of Kaliningrad, Moscow region, in the same year he joined the KB HIMMASH as a tester.
In 1981-1984 was married.
In 1985 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute.
In the same 1985 baptized in the church of the prophet Elijah in the Ordinary lane_of Moscow.
From August 10, 1986 to January 29, 1989 - an altar boy and a reader in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Krasnobogatyrskaya Street in Moscow.
Since January 30, 1989 - a monk of the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra, on May 8 of the same year he was accepted into the brethren of the monastery. Carried the obedience of an architect in the economic department, warehouse manager, klirosny, etc.
On April 8, 1990, the abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Archimandrite Feognost (Guzikov), was tonsured a monk.
On September 21, 1990, he was ordained a hierodeacon by Bishop Vikenty of Bendery.
From November 25, 1990 to November 8, 1995, he carried out the obedience of the senior subdeacon of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.
From April 17, 1994 to December 29, 2000 he was a member of the art history commission working group for the design and construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, incl. supervised the decoration of the lower Transfiguration Church of the XXC.
Since October 5, 1994 - Assistant Dean of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior with the assignment of providing the necessary assistance in matters related to the restoration of the revived shrine.
On November 8, 1995, he was ordained a hieromonk with the laying of a loincloth and a pectoral cross. He performed divine services in the temple-chapel in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Sovereign" and the lower Transfiguration Church of the XXC.
On February 26, 1997 he was awarded the medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow".
Since 1998 - teacher of the course of Church art at the Nikolo-Perervinskaya Seminary in Moscow.
In the summer of 1999, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, he participated in a 7-day cross flight around the borders of Russia.
From December 30, 2000 - rector of the church of St. vmch. and the healer Panteleimon at the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways, Moscow. On May 5, 2001, he was appointed assistant confessor, and from March 17, 2007 - confessor of the St. Panteleimon School of Sisters of Mercy at Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways.
Since April 3, 2005 - rector and builder of the Patriarchal St. John the Baptist metochion in the village. Sumarokovo, Ruza district, Moscow region
In 2006 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy (in absentia).
By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 5-6, 2011 (magazine No. 133) he was elected Bishop of Arseniev and Dalnegorsk.
On October 27, 2011, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.
On October 28, 2011, in the working Patriarchal residence in Chisty Lane in Moscow, he was ordained, and on November 6, at the Divine Liturgy in the church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" on Bolshaya Ordynka in Moscow, he was consecrated Bishop of Arseniev and Dalnegorsk. The service was led by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.
