Only a schoolboy is afraid of being considered too smart (what if they start teasing you as a nerd?). Adults understand: there is never too much intelligence.

If there were a magic wand that could instantly improve thinking and pump erudition, it would instantly become a bestseller.

Is it possible to develop intelligence in adulthood?

There is an opinion that it is necessary to “get smarter” in youth: they say, exchanging the third dozen, a person reaches his ceiling; then there is only one task left - to hold on to the occupied positions.

This view was shared even by scientists in the recent past.

Previously, theorists and researchers have argued that intellectual ability peak around age 20, however it is now clear that this conclusion is based on a misinterpretation of the limited research data available at the time.

Observations that were carried out in the 20th century using the longitudinal method (that is, long-term experiments) showed that after graduating from a university, a person has more than real chances to increase his own intellectual level.

“But what about physiological changes?” Readers will ask. Psychomotor reactions in a young guy are likely to be much faster than those of his grandfather.

The fact is that the efficiency of the mind not limited to biological potential nervous system.

R. Cattell and D. Horn singled out two types of intelligence - "fluid" and "crystallized". Fluid - these are basic abilities that allow you to learn new things (memorization, perception of relationships between objects, etc.). It tends to weaken with age. Crystallized intelligence - the accumulated amount of knowledge and experience - grows over the years and compensates for the declining speed of thinking.

With speed, fortunately, everything is also not so primitive.

A person who constantly practices intellectual skills, processing multifaceted information different methods, does not become less trainable. He simultaneously manages to maintain clarity of thought and operate with the accumulated baggage of ready-made data.

Great discoveries - especially in the humanities - were made not by 20-year-olds, but by 40-50 or even 70-year-old scientists.

An inspiring example. The famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov died at the age of 86. A year before his death (!) he mentioned in a letter to I.M. Maikov: “Until now, I do not allow changes in the distribution and size of my studies.” Even in the last hours of his life, the academician managed to surprise his colleagues. Already forgetting the words, he excitedly repeated: “Excuse me, but this is the bark, this is the bark, this is the swelling of the cortex!” As it turned out later, the diagnosis was absolutely correct.

Some people think they keep their intelligence working. However, many types of mental work associated with the performance of the same type of operations, which, moreover, is gradually brought to automatism.

To develop the mind, it is necessary to use intellectual capabilities to the maximum - for example, by doing self-study.

"Intellectual" exercises

I do not want to disappoint readers who opened the page in search of special exercises for the development of intelligence. Such puzzles exist, they are released in whole books.

Here are examples from a popular book Tom Woodjack "Mind Training"(published in 2011).

In the chapter about practice with words Woodjack recommends reading:

  • phrases in which the letters are written in reverse order;
  • statements written without spaces;
  • sentences from a literary text - and then, without looking, repeat them in order from the last word to the first;
  • printed text on a flipped sheet.
  • "Alphabetical order": for a while, write down as many words as possible in which the letters coincide with the alphabetic "direction" (beam - "l" comes before "y", and "y" - before "h");
  • “Through letter”: name the letter and come up with what it should be in a row; quickly recall the maximum number of suitable words (“sh”, the third from the beginning: cat, cup, tails, etc.);
  • "Duplets": take two words with the same number of letters and build a chain from one to another, replacing one of the letters in each link and using only nouns in the nominative case, singular(turn "goat" into "cake": goat - bark - court - cake; try to catch the "fish" into a "net" yourself or turn the "feather" into "ink");
  • "Anagrams": make words only by rearranging the letters (it's better to play with ready-made sources - murmur, bug, mouse, carriage, ash, herd).

For development mathematical ability Woodjack offers to perform exercises with numbers- pronounce number sequences:

  • from 1 to 100 and from 100 to 1;
  • increasing or decreasing by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • with increasing and decreasing in turn - for example, by 2: 2 - 100, 4 - 98, 6 - 96, 8 - 94, etc.

I advise you to look for more games in the book "Develop the intellect: exercises for development, memory, quick wit and intelligence" (K. Philip, Moscow, Astrel, 2003). It is inconvenient to retell fragments from it, since many tasks will be incomprehensible without illustrations.

All this is very exciting and great, but, frankly, I doubt that you will become a giant of thought only due to such exercises. More serious loads are also needed - for example, self-study.

Learn, learn and learn

Take an online math course or just work through a high school math textbook, and you'll improve your corresponding thinking much more than when counting from one to a hundred and back. Likewise with other areas of knowledge that matter to you. There will be materials (see), there would be the right attitude.

If you want to become more intelligent in general and improve your memory, learn some language on your own; it really helps. The Scottish scientist Thomas Buck conducted a study using the same longitudinal method that I mentioned at the beginning of the article. Dr. Buck determined the IQ level of a group of people, first in 1947 (the participants in the experiment were 11 years old), then in 2008-2010 (“Learning a second language in adulthood can slow brain aging”, “The Telegraph”, 06/2/2014).

It turned out that by the age of seventy, people who studied any foreign language usually remained in good intellectual shape. One caveat: the effect was noted when knowledge was acquired not for the sake of knowledge, but for active use, and did not lie in the memory of a dead weight.

Give preference to the language in which you intend to communicate at least sometimes, read, listen to programs, watch movies.

Here you will find practical advice self-study English:

No energy for regular classes? All right, play - in the evenings in doublets and anagrams, and on weekends - in "What? Where? When?" or "Reasonable people". In "Reasonable People" and "CHGK" it is not so much rich erudition that leads to success as flexibility of thinking.

Physical education for the mind

Physical activity, it turns out, is very conducive to intellectual.

A.F. Akhmetshina, N.P. Gerasimov (Kazan National Research Technical University them. A.N. Tupolev, Naberezhnye Chelny branch, article "Relationship of physical culture and sports with the development of intelligence", materials of the conference " Contemporary Issues physical culture and sports: retrospective, reality and future”) write that exercise has an impact for development:

  • attention;
  • observation;
  • speed of thought, etc.

Good health contributes to the improvement of cognitive skills (problems with the blood supply to the brain, which occur with many diseases, greatly complicate thought processes). This time.

Intense movement requires both muscle tension and intellectual effort. This is two.

And what, the more you train, the better? No.

In the article “The influence of physical exercises on the body and intellectual abilities of a person” (E.N. Kurganova, I.V. Panina, Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev, materials “Science-2020”) we read:

An interesting fact has been proven that the connection is established only between intelligence and the general indicator of the physical form of a person. With sports achievements, exhausting workouts, leading to overwork, this is not connected. Mental and cognitive abilities are developed in more in a person who regularly exercises, but does not set himself the goal of achieving high sports results.

The body's resources are limited. Too intense training does not tone up, but exhausts.

How to increase erudition?

Since you have decided to increase the level of intelligence, think at the same time how to develop your horizons. An adult is constantly harassed by business, but if desired, he will be able to set aside half an hour a day for cognitive rest.

Read popular science books and science news. See documentaries- it is easy to assimilate information from them due to a combination of visual and auditory perception. Do not get hung up on hunting for purely factual information: fresh emotions also teach a person to think more broadly - for example, those that classical music gives (see?)

But - an important tip - grow in areas that are for you interesting and/or useful.

Grabbing everything at once is pointless: to become a real polymath in the 21st century, you have to literally live in books for twenty-four hours a day. And in the end it turns out that Yandex and Google are still an order of magnitude smarter than you.




How nice to keep in touch with a wise man. From his first words it is clear that this is a man of extraordinary abilities. Mind is a quality that requires constant development. It is impossible to reduce the concept of the mind to some personal qualities. Good and evil, small and big, men and women, old and young can be smart. But they may not be ... That's why we want to talk with you, our smart readers of the site, how to strengthen your mental abilities and make them ideal.

If you think that the brain is responsible for all the mental operations of our body, then you are very mistaken. It is not the brain that thinks, all actions are performed by a person, controlling his brain. Of course, all this is complex and interconnected. But today I want to talk not about how the thought process occurs, but how to develop a person’s mental abilities.

Mind training, like any other, includes exercises that help you stay fit and improve. A weightlifter trains muscles and endurance, an accountant develops computational skills, a translator expands vocabulary. And a person who has decided to develop his mind should work on developing his intellect.

The mind is given to a person so that he can find the right solution in difficult life situations, make discoveries. However, this does not mean that if today you cannot solve a problem, then you will never cope with it. Mind can be developed. Now we will give you specific tips on how to become smarter.

1. Read more

2. Solve crossword puzzles

There are so many fun puzzles out there. And they all develop our mind! Puzzles and crosswords, charades and anagrams, riddles and palindromes are not just an interesting pastime. All this develops memory, attention, imagination, and therefore trains our brain. To distract from sad thoughts and avoid stress and depression, psychologists recommend picking up books and magazines with puzzles more often.

3. Compose your own pieces

Words make beautiful things. And it is possible not only from words. Musicians created their great suites and plays with sounds, and artists with color. And they all had their own mindset. The ability to find the right word, shade trains the brain, makes it work.

4. Meditate

In order for the mind to develop, it is important not only to work, but also to rest. Allow your brain to rest. Let him focus on important points, teach him to work harder at the right moment. You will learn this by mastering.

5. Learn foreign languages

If necessary, be sure to study foreign language. It outlines new perspectives and makes you think in a different language. It's hard, but real. You will quickly notice how much more interesting life has become for you. By memorizing new words and phrases, you will not only replenish your vocabulary, but will force your brain to think about understanding unfamiliar words in the text.

6. Just think for yourself

Never take the easy way out looking for the answer to a question. Look up the answer in an encyclopedia or on the Internet. Better yet, do your own research and draw your own conclusions. And then compare it with the conclusion of the great scientists.

If you use our advice, you will not only develop your mind. Put your brain to work. read books that develop the mind. Perfection has no limit. Let every day add to you not only emotional impressions, but also clarity of mind.

We caught ourselves thinking that after extraordinary drunken evenings, as well as endless idleness, which is accompanied by the stupidest actions in our lives, we are frankly dumber. Seriously, they were so smart at 18, and now IQ is clearly reduced to the level of the plinth. Why is this happening? And how, finally, to grow wiser, or to return oneself to the former “sharply intellectual” state?

To be honest, we have no idea what to do with it. We're not fucking experts. But we have one buddy who's into neuropsychology. Fumbling, because he himself is a neuropsychologist. And his name is Nikolai Frantsuzov. He works as an expert in the scientific department - this is a site that is designed to pump your intellectual abilities using various scientific methods. Moreover, the service is equally effective not only for you, but also for children or the elderly. With it, you can easily increase your efficiency, keep your brain in good shape throughout the day, and forget about mistakes at work.

The Wikium technique itself is aimed at increasing the number of synapses - contacts between two neurons that are responsible for the flexibility of the mind, memory, creativity, talent.

Never think you're too dumb for something

A person does not have an innate form of behavior in the environment. Its development occurs through the appropriation of historically developed forms and methods of activity. Thus, the development of generalizations is based not on communication of a linguistic type, but on the direct practical activity of the subject. As a result, throughout life, a person is capable of intellectual activity.

How often do you say to yourself something like: "I'm too stupid for this!"? It seems to us that this happens all the time, but it's not in your brain. If you are healthy, then you have exactly the same opportunities for development as other people. But it must be remembered that one cannot become intelligent or better adapted to life only through passive existence. On the contrary, you should actively dig into the learning process, constantly try something in practice, and not just in theory. If you do that, you'll be a really smart guy.

Watch your health

In our modern world a person is under the influence of various harmful factors that have a negative impact on him. For example, harmful ecology and various diseases, reduced oxygen and lack of physical activity, elevated level stress and anxiety, physical stress and disturbed sleep, monotonous activity and constant information noise. And this list goes on. All this leads to a decrease in mental and creative activity, especially in professional activities. It is known that temporary (conditional) neural connections that are formed in the cerebral cortex can be preserved for many years and decades. If they are reinforced from time to time, or renewed, these connections can be valid throughout life.

Yes, you hardly thought that you would see this advice here, but without it, nowhere. Your brain is a fucking organ that needs to be kept in order. It is connected with the whole body. Of course, if you start the body, drink wildly or get nervous, destroying your neural connections, then the brain will not work well. Have you ever seen an academic drunk? No, drunks can only be writers, and even then, this statement is a stretch. In general, do you want to catch everything on the fly? Go in for sports, eat the right food, stop worrying about little things, get rid of bad habits.

However, it is worth remembering that physical strength has little effect on the development of intelligence, despite the fact that a person’s mental abilities directly depend on physiological characteristics. E.P. Bebrish cites data that in terms of the development of physical strength, mentally retarded children are not inferior to normal schoolchildren. There are also many examples of people whose outstanding intellectual abilities have nothing to do with the presence of physical strength: Stephen Hawking, Chopin, Toulouse-Lautrec, Terence Tao, etc.

Instead of absorbing information, develop a systematic approach

Consistency, organization in memorization is the most important condition in the development of memory. It is necessary to strive for a system of knowledge, and not for a simple accumulation of facts.

Here we will once again quote our expert, who has detailed several simple, but effective exercises to develop systems thinking. This mindset, in turn, will help you properly handle the vast amounts of information that surrounds us today.

1. “Exclude from use for a while one or more cognitive senses. Try blindfolded eating, showering with your eyes closed, or plugging your ears while doing normal activities.

Such an exclusion will contribute not only to the development of other cognitive functions and, accordingly, to the consolidation of already created working neural connections, but also to the formation of imagery of what is happening. Also, the construction of logic between these images, which in turn will favorably affect the development of visual-figurative thinking.

2. “An excellent method would be to develop ambidexterity. That is, use your non-dominant hand in various types activities such as brushing your teeth in the morning, combing your hair or using a computer mouse. Try writing a short text with both hands at the same time, or swap the knife and fork while using them when eating. This method promotes the development of neural connections in new areas and activation of the brain, in turn, this has a positive effect on memory.”

3. “It is necessary to train observation. For example, throughout the day, pay attention only to green color, or a car of a certain model from the general stream, come up with a theme and focus on it. Thus, you will develop certain properties of the function of attention and memory (concentration, selectivity, distribution, switching, short-term memorization).

4. “Read and write as much as you can. After reading or learning something, try to write it down at least once if you have the time. Writing it down once is like reading it twice and organizing everything in your head.”

5. “In addition, make the material intended for memorization accessible to you, that is, if it is easier for you to memorize with the help of visual memory, then organize desired material in graphic form. It will be important to systematically organize all the information that you are trying to remember. Write down the necessary facts and establish semantic connections between them, remembering which you will see the whole picture.

And if you want to test your intellect before you start training it, then turn to classic puzzles like the Rubik's Cube, Tangram, etc. You can also try solving a few creative problems like the Carl Duncker or Sam Glucksberg problem. There is not only an IQ test in the world, as you already understood.

Read, read, read

When reading, we reason more in order to understand this or that idea of ​​the work, and present many details: characters, their clothes, surrounding objects. It is also necessary to remember a lot of things that are needed to understand the work. It trains memory and logic. Creative people can generate several great ideas at once. Where can they be taken from? From books.

Now do you understand why BroDude makes you read? We just want you to get smarter, friend. And we think that you need to read different literature. Not only non-fiction books pump your intellect. Fiction, especially of a high level, also helps to develop a personality. The books contain a lot of ideas that can later be brought to life - it's stupid not to use them. In addition, books help to look at the world more objectively. They help you make informed decisions.

And we have not described all the benefits. Nikolai Frantsuzov, our expert, if you forgot, says the following: “When reading direct speech, sections of the auditory cortex are activated in the brain. Connecting the auditory cortex when reading direct speech also causes its brighter effect: it is easier for the brain to imagine what is being said “in the first person”. Most likely, the same vocal areas of the auditory cortex are also involved in the work of the inner voice - say, in imaginary dialogues.

Smart people have always been highly valued by society. Possession of knowledge in different areas of life automatically gives a person an advantage and power. However, do not confuse erudition and the level of intelligence. You can know a lot interesting facts, but at the same time not to have a good speed of thinking and a high mindset. Fortunately, this shortcoming can be corrected, and even children can master the methods of developing intelligence.

How to develop the intelligence of a child?

Many parents often wonder how to develop a child's intelligence? The answer is obvious - you need to develop your IQ level with early childhood. Coefficient mental development manifested in the child's ability to think. And before you start developing thinking skills, it is worth remembering that the intellectual activity of children is inextricably linked with their physical activity. Many parents make a fatal mistake by limiting the space where the baby is allowed to move freely. Many actions of children annoy parents. For example, it is rare when children are allowed to pour sand around them, stomp in puddles, etc. However, it is in this way that the child learns the world, and any restriction can slow down brain activity. From the age of two, it is necessary to introduce logical games, easy mathematical tasks and exercises to work with words into the life of a child. The sooner you start reading with your child, the better his thinking and vocabulary will develop. For children elementary school board and computer logic games are well suited as a way to develop intelligence. Any acquisition of knowledge must be turned into a game, then the development of the IQ level will take place in a relaxed atmosphere, which contributes to a better increase in the level of thinking.

For many parents, the question of how to develop intelligence in adolescents is much more relevant. After all, the time of growing up is characterized not only by physical and mental changes. Numerous exams can be a real challenge for teenagers with intellectual difficulties. Adolescence is characterized by a lack of interest in cognitive activity. This common problem for many parents and teenagers can be solved not only by forcing the child to read more.

Intelligence Exercises

There are interesting and exciting psychological games that help develop a teenager's IQ level without making him fall asleep over textbooks. Here is an example of a pair of such exercises that are suitable not only for teenagers, but also for adults:

  1. Exercise "Similarities and differences". A fairly simple exercise, but its effectiveness is undeniable. It is aimed at developing the ability of thinking to compare different objects, since the comparison operation is one of the main intellectual abilities of a person. Participants of the exercise are offered two objects or concepts for comparison. For example: photography and painting, stubbornness and perseverance. When analyzing the responses, it is important to note the number of errors in the participants' thinking, the ratio of similarities and differences. The winner is the one who named the feature of one of the items last and no one else voiced a new answer.
  2. Method of focal objects. It consists in combining incompatible objects and objects, in which creative thinking and the level of intelligence develop. Objects and adjectives denoting properties are written in two columns. For example:

The first word of the first column must be connected with every word of the second. Original phrases such as a fragrant bus or a liquid wheel are obtained. Thus, by connecting words, you can develop a lot interesting ideas for implementation.

Games and books that develop intelligence

Among the ways to have fun and become smarter, games that develop intelligence are in the first place. You do not need to invent anything supernatural to increase your level of thinking. You can develop your IQ even while sitting in front of the TV. To do this, it is enough to watch a television game like "Who wants to be a millionaire" or "My own game". There are analogues of these shows in the computer version. For those who do not like to be irradiated near screens and monitors, crosswords and sudoku are quite suitable, which also have a positive effect on the brain.

As for books, this way to develop your thinking has already become a classic. True, there is a small reservation - you do not need to read everything in a row, but literature that will contribute precisely to the growth of intelligence. Such publications include: scientific literature (not necessarily with incomprehensible terms), philosophy, serious fiction, history, poetry. You need to read books not for show, but for the sake of self-improvement. Make an effort on yourself and start reading useful literature to become wiser and find peace of mind. Very soon, not only you, but also those around you will notice what a wonderful intellectual you have become.

Each person strives to be successful, and for this it is necessary to have a broad outlook: how to develop intelligence if you are dissatisfied with the level of your knowledge and skills? How to be an active and wise person in old age?

What knowledge is needed for parents who want to raise an intelligent child with a wide range of knowledge, an inquisitive mind, able to put their skills into practice? You can develop intellectual abilities all your life, this process never ends.

10 habits for developing intelligence in an adult

We all admire the connoisseurs of the What? Where? When?". We are amazed by the volume of their knowledge, breadth of outlook, ability to find answers to the most diverse and complex questions. Do not be upset and upset that you will never reach such a level. Intelligence is possible at any age.

Previously, it was believed that such development is possible only during the period of growing up - in childhood and adolescence, after which all these processes are inhibited, and progress is no longer possible.

But now scientists have already proven that new cells in the brain are constantly being formed and its plasticity, that is, the ability to develop under the influence of experience, changes - the richer your experience, the more flexible and developed your mind.


Play logic and mind games- chess, backgammon, puzzles train the mind, memory and attention, logical and spatial thinking

Read every day and everything that interests you- artistic, educational books will make the brain work constantly, besides, being well-read has never bothered anyone

Write down, sketch everything you want to remember, your ideas, ideas- when writing, several parts of the brain are activated, which helps to better absorb information

Do math - it trains several mental abilities at once: abstract, analytical, critical and logical thinking, their speed, as well as memory and attention

Do the math - this trains several mental abilities at once: abstract, analytical, critical and logical thinking, their speed, as well as memory and attention

Change your habits, what you do "on the machine" every day- walk the other way to work, brush your teeth with the other hand, etc.

go in for sports- physical activity accelerates the blood, the brain is enriched with oxygen, a protein is produced that helps form neurons

Eat properly and nutritiously receiving required amount vitamins and minerals, your brain will work at full capacity.

Don't get depressed perceive all failures and obstacles as a chance for improvement and development

Be sure to give yourself a good rest, preferably in silence and without TV

What is intelligence

If the brain is loaded with a solution, then new synapses will be formed - connections between neurons, otherwise these connections will die out as unnecessary.

What is intelligence? This is the quality of the human psyche. It combines thinking, imagination, perception. This is knowledge, understanding, the ability to analyze information, reason, draw conclusions, the ability to highlight the main thing, see patterns, generalize experience, and think critically.

The intellectual always seeks to know and understand what he did not know before. A person must control the work of his mind, and not vice versa.

Moreover, we can direct the development of the brain in the right direction, persistently, acquiring new skills or improving those that we already have.

Tip: read the book by Svetlana Pristalova "How to develop super-memory, intelligence and attention." In it you will find many exercises to help pump the mind.

Formation of intelligence

According to scientists, the intellect begins to form even in the womb, therefore, on the question of how to develop the intellect in a child during pregnancy, you can hear various recommendations.

Do not be nervous, visit nature more and admire it. It is also important to properly and fully eat so that the child can develop normally.

Much, of course, depends on genetics, but if a child was born without pathologies, then problems with intellectual abilities could arise during fetal development.

If the baby does not start talking or walking when his peers have already mastered these skills, you need to find out if one of the parents was also a little late with this, in which case you should not panic.

No one can do absolutely everything better than others. Each person has some kind of innate inclinations and talents, what he likes to do. The task of parents is to notice and develop these features in time. But here it is important not to overdo it.

There is no need to try to teach the child something for which he has not yet matured physiologically - this can provoke big problems in the future.

For normal development, it is necessary to combine the training of the intellect with physical activity, normal nutrition, walks and avoid overwork.

Toddlers develop by interacting with adults. Psychologists have long noticed that in families that are socially prosperous, with a high level of education from their parents, children have a higher level of intelligence.

Every person is born with some ability.

Still quite a baby, the child enthusiastically looks at bright objects, tries to reach them and taste them. This is how the intellect begins to develop.

In this, kids resemble scientists who are passionate about their work - they try to find out everything that interests them, explore from all sides and in all the same ways, while improving their skills, rejoicing in their successes.

How to develop intelligence in a child?

First of all, you need to communicate with the child, even when he is very small. Talk to your baby and you will notice how carefully he listens to you.

Do not stop his curiosity, but also watch out for safety. Play together, show and explain everything - children will learn from their parents how to act correctly.

Just do not rush to get ahead of the norms of development, even if the baby is very talented. Many of us try to fulfill our ambitions by "sculpting" a child prodigy.

Our task is to provide children with normal. Don't limit it to narrow limits.

The curiosity inherent in nature will certainly bear fruit, and the child will master all intellectual skills - distinguish objects by signs, generalize and highlight, see logical connections, retell fairy tales, build analogies.

Fundamentals of intelligence according to Doman

Many modern parents are familiar with Glenn Doman's early development methodology. He developed it for many years, researching and observing healthy and sick children.

Here are the basic principles of the methodology:

  1. The brain grows and develops under constant load
  2. By intensively developing the intelligence of a child from birth to the age of three, you can achieve the best results.
  3. The formation of the brain and motor intelligence helps physical development
  4. The active growth phase lasts up to five years. At this time, training does not require additional motivation.

You need to start from the age of three months, showing the child cards with images of various objects and naming them. It develops speech, attention, logic, memory.

Start training with your baby at the age of three months

Whether you adhere to this method or not, in any case, engage with the child, develop his creative and intellectual abilities, teach him to draw, write, invent and tell fairy tales.

A child at any age is interested in exploring something new, fantasizing and learning. And when everything works out, parents praise, then I want to know even more.

How to develop intellectual abilities?

Constantly training the brain with special exercises, you can develop both intelligence and memory and attention at any age.

For example, you can use any object to train attention and memory - take it in your hands, study everything very carefully. the smallest details- color, shape, weight, roughness, wear, remember your tactile sensations.

After that, you need to close your eyes and imagine the subject as accurately as possible.

You may not be able to do this right away, but regular exercise will help improve your memory. You can memorize and compare sounds - how they are similar, is it possible to replace one sound with another, as they do when dubbing movies.

Develop manual dexterity, because it is known that fine motor skills have a positive effect on the brain. Always strive to learn and learn something new - this is how new synapses are formed, and your intellectual abilities will improve.

Develop the abilities of the child, but do not try to make a child prodigy by force

All these methods are suitable not only for adults, but also for children. It is necessary to develop intelligence in a complex way, not limited to one way.

There are many activities that help the development of intelligence, they are especially important for people in adulthood - this helps to relax and learn concentration.

Dancing, where different areas of the brain are involved in order to remember the movements; martial arts developing concentration, a sense of balance; gardening, which significantly reduces the risk of dementia.

Knitting, which soothes and develops fine motor skills, as well as playing musical instruments; keeping a diary, which relieves stress and helps in decision making.

You can choose any of them or even several, and be sure to give them an hour or two a day.

Emotional intellect

How many of us understand ourselves and our feelings? With age, we drive inside ourselves, do not let them splash out.

What can we say about accepting and understanding the feelings of other people, the patterns of communication! We often lack emotional and social intelligence.

For harmonious development at any age, physical activity is necessary.

Emotional intelligence is the awareness of emotions, understanding and managing them, the ability to effectively communicate with people, understand and empathize.

If you are prone to impulsive decisions that you later regret, then you need to develop emotional intelligence.

How to do it?

  1. Track your emotions reactions to the events happening with you and around you, try to understand your attitude to this.
  2. Learn to feel the connection of body reactions with feelings. By learning to understand body language, you will better understand the experiences and feelings of other people.
  3. Record your emotions and subsequent actions in a diary. Don't ignore any feelings. Face the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be. After calming down and re-reading the notes, you can look at yourself from the outside. This helps you understand if you did the right thing. If you broke down because of nonsense, then next time try to be more restrained.
  4. Understanding the causes of unconscious reactions, you learn to manage them.
  5. Learn to see and hear- small nuances, such as movements during a conversation, the tone in which it is said, can tell a lot about a person, the feelings that he experiences. So you can learn to recognize a person is cunning or he is honest with you.
  6. Be open, friendly and honest in every way

Developed emotional intelligence helps a person to be less prone to stress, calmly and effectively communicate with any people.

Understand their feelings and be truthful in your emotions and reactions without hiding them behind a mask of equanimity. Use any of the above methods - all together or in some separate way.

Take care of the health of your mind. Choose how to develop your intelligence, and remember that it is important to learn, and laughter is called active meditation to help you avoid stress and relax.

To achieve the desired result, you need to make a lot of effort, because modern man is lazy. Overcome laziness and make your life brighter and happier.
