April 7th is a unique day. It was this date in the history of mankind that became key for the development of many modern technologies... On this day, the works of the greatest composers, which are rightfully recognized as masterpieces of musical classics, were presented to the public. Details of what happened on April 7th, what famous people were born as well as others interesting Facts will be given below.

Historical events

April 7 is a significant day for the European education system. It was then, in 1348, that Charles University was founded in Prague, the first Slavic higher educational institution, which is still one of the most prestigious universities in the Old World.

In another European capital, namely Vienna, in 1805 the genius L. Beethoven presented his work "Symphony No. 3" to the general public.

Two years earlier on this day in the Russian Empire the phrase “ railway", Which is everyday and absolutely familiar to a modern person. It was sensationally used on the pages of Vedomosti in St. Petersburg.

On April 7, 1926, there was a failed assassination attempt on the Italian leader and dictator Benito Mussolini. It was committed by Violetta Gibson, who shot the politician with a revolver. But the bullet did not reach its target, only slightly hitting Mussolini's nose. In order not to spoil relations with Great Britain, of which Gibson was a subject, Mussolini sent the girl home. This event contributed to the establishment of a dictatorship in Italy and intensified the work of propaganda.

Lunar calendar for this day of the year

April 7 in 2015 is considered 18 lunar days. The moon is waning, and Mars is the dominant planet. Astrologers describe this day as favorable enough for new deeds and beginnings. This is the most appropriate time for the implementation of the most daring ideas and new projects. Ideas will help to carry out a high concentration on the business sphere, as well as thoughtful and balanced decisions. Don't act impulsively. In some situations it is necessary to show restraint, patience, prudence.

Can cause frequent mood swings. Determination and a firm position will help in business, therefore, it is not recommended to change decisions during the day.

Zodiac sign

How can you describe the character of people born on April 7th? The zodiac sign of such personalities is Aries. Aries are usually very gullible and naive. We can say that they are stepping on the same rake, even if they have already happened to get into unpleasant situations on the same occasion. Aries are very active and energetic. They are capable of implementing complex projects and are always willing to innovate. These are the so-called people of progress, who always have a large number of ideas and plans. Aries are extremely confident and even self-confident. In the zodiac constellation, they are one of the most important egoists. Aries love to be leaders in everything, for which they are ready to do everything possible.

What else does the horoscope say about people who were born on April 7? The zodiac sign Aries predetermines that a certain naivety is inherent in the character of a man - a representative of this sign, which causes many minor troubles in life. Aries men are impatient and can hardly finish what they started. They like it better when someone else finishes things for them. Especially Aries men thrive in professions related to art, as a result of which they are often in the center of attention.

Aries women are always ready to help the person who needs it, they are very self-confident and serious. They cannot keep their thoughts and emotions to themselves, so they often seem too straightforward. They are quite practical and calculating, thanks to which they have a large number of useful acquaintances and connections that ensure success in their careers and in society.

Celebrities born on this day

April 7, many were born For example, in 1964 a famous Hollywood actor was born, who became famous after filming the film "Gladiator".

A decade earlier on the same day, another actor was born - Jackie Chan, who starred in many action films and comedy action games. A cartoon was even created, where the main character was Jackie Chan.

In 1962, the famous Russian singer Mikhail Krug was born, who conquered the audience with such hits as "Vladimirsky Central", "Confession", "Fraer" and many others.

In 1975, Victoria Beckham was born, the wife of the famous football player David Beckham. Victoria is known for her work in the field of fashion design and perfumery.

A year later, the Russian actor Mikhail Politseimako was born, who starred in many feature films and series, and also worked for the theatrical agencies Art-Partner XXI and Art-Theater.

Holidays on this day

Everyone celebrates a very significant holiday on this day. On April 7, all users of the global network in Russia celebrate Runet Day. This date is dedicated to the registration of the .ru domain zone in 1994, which made it possible to make sites available in Russian.

What other holiday is celebrated on April 7? The main goal of this event is to attract the attention of various organizations, state and municipal authorities to the healthcare sector. Medical institutions, both private and public, on this day, with the help of the media, inform the population about measures to prevent and prevent viral diseases.

Orthodox holidays

In our country, some orthodox holidays also celebrated on 7 April. The Annunciation holiday is one of them. It is dedicated to the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who brought her the news that she would soon give birth to the Son of God, the Savior of people on earth. People have been waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ for more than five thousand years, as was said in many sacred books. The Savior was born of the immaculate Virgin Mary, and the carpenter Joseph in the small city of Nazareth was entrusted to protect her.

It is important to remember that all Christians celebrate one of the main ones on April 7th. The Feast of the Annunciation in Russia is associated with the tradition of releasing birds, which symbolizes the union of the soul with heaven and liberation from sins.

Like all representatives horoscope sign Aries born 7 april, radiate energy and self-confidence. They are straightforward, open-minded and have a healthy humor. In youth, everyone born on April 7, regardless of gender, is extremely easy-going, active, and even capable of actions associated with a certain degree of risk. Those born on this day of the week can give the impression of having their heads off, but the fact is that the nature of this activity is quite concrete and even mercantile, and lies in the desire to ensure for oneself a completely predictable and quite calm future. They spend too much energy on rebellion in their youth. Over the years, however, those born on the 7th of April become wiser and more tolerant of others, but the anger that accumulated in their youth remains a real problem for them.

Personal horoscope for April 7

Aries born in April are spiritual people and often religious. For everyone who was born on April 7, spiritual life is of great importance. They build their lives in accordance with religious postulates, while not caring too much about the opinions of other family members, who may be a burden to religion. Retaining the ability to objectively and critically perceive reality is what can be very important for these people. Born 07 april are sensitive to positive energy from other people.

In general, men and women born on this day give the impression of being reliable people. So it is, in general, and it is when life is measured and calm. But in critical situations, people should not rely on people according to the Aries horoscope who were born on April 7, since they do not live up to the expectations associated with them. do not want to take on the burden of responsibility, in addition, the sense of reality in these people is poorly developed, but the degree of aggression and anger is high. In conflict or critical situations, those who were born on 04/07 yearn for solitude, seek it, and, having found it, are in no hurry to return to the reality where they are uncomfortable. Born on April 7 in love, they prefer partnership. They like it when their loved one remains independent and able to make decisions and be responsible for them. They encourage self-esteem in a partner, and are always ready to support him in word and deed.

Astrological compatibility of born on April 7

They converge well with Leo, a good union can turn out with Libra, Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Gemini.

Complete list of animals according to the Eastern calendar

  • MONKEYS - 1920 zodiac / 1932 zodiac / 1944 zodiac / 1956 zodiac / 1968 zodiac / 1980 zodiac / 1992 zodiac / 2004 zodiac / 2016 zodiac
  • COCK - 1921 of the zodiac / 1933 of the zodiac / 1945 of the zodiac / 1957 of the zodiac / 1969 of the zodiac / 1981 of the zodiac / 1993 of the zodiac / 2005 of the zodiac / 2017 of the zodiac
  • DOGS - 1922 zodiac / 1934 zodiac / 1946 zodiac / 1958 zodiac / 1970 zodiac / 1982 zodiac / 1994 zodiac / 2006 zodiac / 2018 zodiac
  • KABAN / Pig / - 1923 year of the zodiac / 1935 year of the zodiac / 1947 year of the zodiac / 1959 year of the zodiac / 1971 year of the zodiac / 1983 year of the zodiac / 1995 year of the zodiac / 2007 year of the zodiac / 2019 year of the zodiac
  • RATS - 1924 zodiac / 1936 zodiac / 1948 zodiac / 1960 zodiac / 1972 zodiac / 1984 zodiac / 1996 zodiac / 2008 zodiac / 2020 zodiac
  • VOLA / Ox / - 1925 zodiac year / 1937 zodiac year / 1949 zodiac year / 1961 zodiac year / 1973 zodiac year / 1985 zodiac year / 1997 zodiac year / 2009 zodiac year / 2021 zodiac year
  • TIGER - 1926 year of the zodiac / 1938 year of the zodiac / 1950 year of the zodiac / 1962 year of the zodiac / 1974 year of the zodiac / 1986 year of the zodiac / 1998 year of the zodiac / 2010 year of the zodiac / 2022 year of the zodiac
  • RABBIT / Cat / - 1927 zodiac / 1939 zodiac / 1951 zodiac / 1963 zodiac / 1975 zodiac / 1987 zodiac / 1999 zodiac / 2011 zodiac / 2023 zodiac
  • DRAGON - 1928 zodiac / 1940 zodiac / 1952 zodiac / 1964 zodiac / 1976 zodiac / 1988 zodiac / 2000 zodiac / 2012 zodiac / 2024 zodiac
  • SNAKE - 1929 zodiac year / 1941 zodiac year / 1953 zodiac year / 1965 zodiac year / 1977 zodiac year / 1989 zodiac year / 2001 zodiac year / 2013 zodiac year / 2025 zodiac year
  • HORSE - 1930 zodiac / 1942 zodiac / 1954 zodiac / 1966 zodiac / 1978 zodiac / 1990 zodiac / 2002 zodiac / 2014 zodiac / 2026 zodiac
  • SHEEP / Goats / - 1931 zodiac / 1943 zodiac / 1955 zodiac / 1967 zodiac / 1979 zodiac / 1991 zodiac / 2003 zodiac / 2015 zodiac / 2027 zodiac

People born on April 7 zodiac sign Aries have an energetic and assertive disposition. But very often in childhood they have to go through not very pleasant moments, which leaves a negative imprint on their personality. It can be an unsettled relationship with parents or terrible living conditions. They devote all their energy to securing their future, and apply all their mental and physical strength to this. However, part of their energy is spent in a useless direction, wasted on all sorts of conflicts with society. Being already in adulthood, they have the opportunity to look at the past with different eyes, and to rethink some of their views, but they still cannot cope with their own character.

Fate has provided people with a date of birth on April 7 zodiac sign Aries, great opportunities, from the right choice which depends on their whole future life. The first such period occurs at 28 years, when the first cycle of Saturn's revolution ends. The second such decisive moment falls on 42 years, when the position of Saturn and Uranus will turn out to be exactly the opposite of their position taken on the birthday of these people. By choosing the right direction at these crossroads, they will achieve the greatest possible success in their lives.

People born on April 7 zodiac sign Aries are able to sense the spiritual energy of other people, and perceive it. Some of them devote themselves to religious or social activities... The development of spiritual values \u200b\u200bhas for them essential, and in life they are guided by sacred commandments, even if they do not belong to any religious trend. This is not always perceived adequately by their loved ones, so they should have reduced their striving for perfection and perceive the surrounding reality in more real colors.

Sometimes those who were born on April 7, the zodiac sign Aries, only look reliable, trustworthy people, but if any problems arise, they do not show the expected actions of them. Their inner dissatisfaction with the injustice of fate, which, in their opinion, gave them much less than others, leads to their complete refusal to take any action. In such cases, they go deeper into themselves and move away from others, interrupting all contacts with them.

In relations with those who are dear to them, they are very caring and always give them the right to make their own decisions, trying to support their initiative and individual freedom. In the position they hold, they achieve all kinds of success, encouraging others to be active by their own example. Although too much passion for unrealistic ideas will not give them constructive results. And all sorts of failures increase their score, which they present to fate.

What should people think about when born on April 7 zodiac sign Aries? Do not try to drive others into a framework that exists only in your imagination. These futile attempts are doomed to failure. Try to see the world with real eyes. Channel your energies in a more productive direction.

Zodiac sign of people born on April 7th: Aries. The sun on this day is, as a rule, at 18 ° Aries. Behavior type: Cardinal. Astrological element: Fire. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Birth horoscope April 7

Character by horoscope

Already in childhood, they are distinguished by a rebellious character, however, with age they learn to obey the rules, but do not lose their enthusiasm and ability to create.

They find it difficult to control themselves in moments of anger, so periodically they need to let off steam, which helps in sports. They often volunteer, they can be members of sects.

It happens that, because of their optimism, they hardly give out truly objective judgments.

Love by horoscope

Throw themselves into various sentimental stories that often result in disappointment. Reliable people, they are always open to dialogue, both with a partner and with children.

It may happen that the partner will "rely" on them too often and eventually lose confidence in himself.

Career by horoscope

They are hard workers, but it often happens that at some stage in their careers they can no longer move forward. In this case, they can only change jobs if, in addition to enthusiasm, they are also driven by a thirst for fame, and they want to achieve success.

They are reliable partners, but they do not always show due patience with colleagues, so those born on April 7 are encouraged to work for themselves.

Tarot card of April 7th: Chariot

Figure Name: Chariot, Lord of the Triumph of Light.

Figure depiction: a four-column cart driven by the victorious king. The cart is pulled by two horses, connected in the middle in the abdomen: one pulls to the left, the other to the right.

Symbol: travel to spiritual world.

Meanings: loyalty, balance, fame, discretion, triumph, well-being, success.

Analogies: Astrology: Venus in Libra; health: general well-being; professions: pilot, driver, travel agent.

Planet of born 7 April

Venus (7): symbolizes changes in transformation and metamorphosis. Focus on what is different from others, as well as what is far from generally accepted norms. Accompanying art, genius and mysticism.

Birthday number April 7

Number 7: The number 7 person moves away from material things in order to fully devote himself to the soul and meditation. He has a desire to be in solitude in order to get to know himself and the world.

A penchant for research and reflection.


Nervous gastritis, anxiety attacks, colitis, nervous tics.


Manager, entrepreneur, politician.


Responsiveness, originality, positivity.


Intolerance to the mistakes of others, impatience, absent-mindedness.

7 april became a day of faith, perhaps that's why zodiac sign Aries, despite all adversity, is charged with such enthusiasm. True, if they were born into a poor family or lost their parents early, then a note of sadness always slips in their smile. In their youth, these are active people. Behind every word, deed and thought is a clear desire to secure a peaceful and planned future. But a huge part of the energy is still spent on the segment of rebellion. Of course, with age, they reconsider their mistakes and become wiser. But the anger accumulated during that time manifests itself at any moment and creates problems.

Character traits

Some of those born 7 april may face a stage in which zodiac sign everything will have to be radically changed. This happens when their intellectual abilities reach the ceiling and no longer develop. This happens when a person turns 28 or 42 years old. If it turns out to successfully step over this critical moment, then everything will develop well.

Aries articles

  • Features: ;
  • Features;
  • how ;
  • Who is Aries most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

He is incredibly sensitive to any manifestation of positive energy. Enlightened people use it for religious purposes or in their philosophy. It is the spiritual side of the personality that plays an important role, since they act according to certain commandments. Moreover, it is not necessary to become members of a sect or attend church. Do not forget that those close to you do not always like such blind optimism. Therefore, at times you will have to take off your rose-colored glasses and look at everything in real color.

If he has not reached a high degree of his development, then he remains good-natured and cordial, but in dangerous situations he does not justify the hopes placed on him. He loses the concept of realism and starts to get angry. Even the smartest of them are incapable of taking responsibility for everyone. Therefore, they retire and close in themselves for a long time. Self-esteem is welcomed in their partner and even strengthened with their support. Feel great in public office and inspire others to do more. The danger comes only from the illusions that the zodiac is sometimes so keen on.

Notable personalities

Jackie Chan, Edward Speleers, Russell Crowe (actors), Valentina Matvienko (politician), Franck Ribery (soccer player) and Evgeny Platov (figure skater) celebrate their holiday.

What fate will bring

7 april brings with it some mystical influences, therefore zodiac sign never ceases to be interested in secret communities, mystical rites and psychic research. Loves music and can learn to play an instrument. In terms of religiosity and social manifestation, he puts forward a very unusual ideas... Because of his strong emotionality, he is not always understood or perceived as an adequate person. But he does not notice this and cheerfully persuades everyone to follow him. He spends his free time traveling and looking for new experiences.

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25, 29.
  • The ideal soul mate can be found among those born on 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 25 and 29.
  • Color can bring good luck and intensify energy waves, so cream, pink, electric blue, red, blue and green are suitable for the zodiac.
  • The ideal stone will play the role of a talisman if it moonstone, amethyst, pearls, green jasper and any red mineral.
