
Religion, no matter how much it adheres to the principles of poverty, is the mother of some of the most magnificent monuments of architecture in the history of mankind.

The list below contains buildings and temples of the most common religions.

10. Orthodox Christianity

St. Peter's Basilica is located in the Vatican and has been located at the center of the Catholic Church since the very beginning of its existence. In the first century AD, Saint Peter was buried at this site after his crucifixion. Because Saint Peter was the first Pope, early Christians remembered and honored this place. In the 4th century, the first St. Peter's Basilica was built, which in the 16th century underwent a total restoration designed by Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, Carlo Maderno and Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

This is one of the largest (if not the largest) monuments of Renaissance architecture that exists to this day. Contrary to popular belief, this building is not an official papal basilica - this honor belongs to the Basilica of St. John Lateran.

9. World religion Islam

Masjid al-Haram is a huge mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is the largest in Islam, and it is also the home of the Kaaba. This is a black square structure in which Muslims must pray every day. The Kaaba is believed to contain a stone with the footprint of Abraham, as well as a black stone, which Muslims believe was a meteorite that fell to the ground, which showed Adam and Eve where to build an altar.

The construction of this mosque began in 630 AD, when Muhammad won a territorial victory and began to establish his own rules.

8. Hinduism in India

Kashi Vishwanath Temple occupies a leading position among the sacred temples of the Hindus. It is located in Varanasi, India (the city is mentioned in Hindu scriptures as the home of Lord Shiva). Every Hindu, as a rule, should visit this place at least once in their life, and ideally they should scatter the ashes of their deceased family members in the Ganges River flowing there.

Hindus believe that this city is the oldest city in human history. It is worth noting that the temple has a 15-meter spire made of gold.

7. Buddhism in the world

The most important site in Buddhism is the Mahabodhi Temple, built on what is, according to Buddhists, the "Navel of the Earth". It was here that the Bodhi tree was located, under which the first Buddha is said to have achieved his enlightenment around 528 BC.

The temple is located in the state of Bihar in India. Unfortunately, in last years temple officials are increasingly accused of fraudulently using donations and selling sacred objects.

6. Sikhism

Sri Harmandir Sahib is the main shrine of Sikhism. The temple is located in the Indian state of Punjab and was built in 1574 AD. It contains the holy writings of the Sikh Guru Granth Sahib, consisting of many verses, hymns and religious injunctions.

The temple is also often called "golden" because its upper floors are covered with real gold.

5. Judaism as a religion

Obviously, there is no Jewish temple, so the Great Synagogue in Budapest was included in this list. It is the largest synagogue in Europe and the fifth largest in the world.

It houses a Holocaust museum, a school and a cemetery. The synagogue was built in 1854 and can accommodate three thousand people.

4. Bahai Temple

While it is not a major Baha'i shrine, the Lotus Temple in India is a new structure, but by far the most interesting in terms of architecture. It is built in the form of a lotus flower, so the idea was 100 percent realized.

The temple was built in 1986, making it the newest building on this list. Adherents of all religions are allowed to enter it, however, sermons are prohibited, music is allowed, but musical instruments are prohibited.

3. Chinese philosophy of Confucianism

The Confucius Temple in Qufu, China is the most important temple of Confucianism. It was the very first building of this religion, it is still the largest, and is also now a World Heritage Site.

It is the largest cultural site in modern China, and since it has passed through overhaul due to the fire right after the construction of the Forbidden City, he has very similar traits to him.

2. Jainism

Sri Digambar is the largest and oldest Jain temple located in the capital of India, Delhi. It was erected in 1656. In order to enter it, you must follow a few rules: no food, no leather clothing, and no menstruating women.

There are also other important historical monuments in this region, so it is worth considering visiting these places.

1. Roman paganism

In fact, the Shinto religion should have been at the top of this list due to the smallest number of followers, but alas, Shinto shrines are incredibly boring. Instead, in the first place is the temple, built in honor of all the gods of Ancient Rome.

The Pantheon is a stunning building built in 27 BC. It survives to this day largely due to the fact that it was accepted as the Catholic Church when Roman paganism gradually began to fade away. Although the temple has a large number of Christian alterations that have been made to make the temple suitable for Christian worship, it still retains its original pagan elements, including numerical and symbolic elements in the design. It is, as one would expect, located in Rome.

In the altar, the main place is throne- a consecrated square table. In the first centuries of Christianity in the underground churches of the catacombs, the tomb of a martyr served as an altar. In the aboveground churches, the thrones were first made of wood, in the form of an ordinary table, then they began to be made of precious metals, stone, and marble.

The throne marks the heavenly throne of God, on which the Lord Almighty Himself is mysteriously present. The throne also represents the tomb of Christ, for the Body of Christ rests on it.

Holy throne and sacred objects stored on it and next to it:
altar cross, holy altar, menorah, tabernacle, altar cross, antimnis, altar gospel

According to the double meaning of the throne, he puts on two garments. The bottom white garment is called asshole, it depicts a shroud with which the Body of the Savior was entwined. Outerwear,indity, is made of precious shiny fabric and symbolizes the glory of the throne of the Lord.

The throne is a special place where the glory of God is present, and only clergy can touch the throne.

On the throne are the antimension, the Gospel, the cross, the tabernacle and the monstrance.

Altar and sacred objects on it:
a spear, a censer, an altar, a spoon, small covers, a large cover of air, an asterisk, diskos, a holy cup or chalice, a ladle with a saucer, a sponge

Antimins called a silk scarf consecrated by a bishop with the image of the position in the tomb of the Lord Jesus Christ on it. A particle of the relics of a saint is necessarily sewn into the antimension. This rule dates back to the first centuries of Christianity, when the Liturgy was served on the tombs of the martyrs. Without an antimension one cannot celebrate the Divine Liturgy. The word "antimens" means "instead of the throne", since, in fact, it is a portable throne. On the antimension, you can celebrate the Liturgy in a camp church or some other place.

On the antimension itself lies a lip (sponge) for collecting particles of the Holy Gifts.

The antimension, folded in four, is wrapped in a silk kerchief - iliton, depicting the swaddling clothes with which the Infant Christ was wrapped at Christmas, and at the same time the shroud in which the Body of the Savior was wrapped during burial in the tomb.

On top of the antimension relies Gospel, usually decorated, in a precious binding, with images of the icon of the Resurrection of Christ, and in the corners - the four evangelists.

Next to the Gospel cross because the Bloodless Sacrifice is offered on the throne in memory of the sacrifice that the Lord offered on the cross. This cross, like the Gospel, is called "altar."

tabernacle called a vessel in which the Holy Gifts are stored in case of communion of the sick. Usually the tabernacle is made in the form of a small church.

Pyramid called a small ark in which the priest carries the Holy Gifts for communion of the sick at home.

Behind the throne is menorah(candlestick with seven lamps), and behind it altar cross. The place behind the throne at the easternmost wall of the altar is called mountain(high) place.

To the left of the throne, in the northern part of the altar is altar- a small table, decorated on all sides with precious clothes. Bread and wine are prepared on it for the celebration Divine Liturgy.

Sacred objects are on the altar:

Holy Chalice or chalice- a vessel into which wine is poured with water, offered at the Liturgy in the Blood of Christ.

Paten- a small round dish on a stand. Bread is laid on it for its offering at the Divine Liturgy into the Body of Christ. The diskos marks both the manger and the tomb of the Savior.

asterisk consists of two small metal arcs connected in the middle by a screw so that they can either be folded together or moved apart crosswise. The asterisk marks the star that appeared at the birth of the Savior. It is placed on the diskos so that the cover does not touch the particles taken out of the prosphora.

copy- a knife, similar to a spear, for taking out a lamb and particles from prosphora. It marks the spear with which the soldier pierced the ribs of Christ the Savior on the Cross.

liar- a spoon used for the communion of believers.

Sponge or boards - for wiping vessels.

Small covers, which cover the bowl and diskos separately, are called patrons.

The large veil that covers the bowl and diskos together is called air. It marks the airspace in which the star appeared, which led the Magi to the manger of the Savior. All the veils depict the shrouds with which Jesus Christ was wrapped at birth, and His funeral shrouds (shroud).

The most powerful, influential and numerous of all the main ones that exist today, ahead of Buddhism and Islam, is Christianity. The essence of religion, which breaks up into the so-called churches (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and others), as well as many sects, is the veneration and worship of one divine being, in other words, the God-man, whose name is Jesus Christ. Christians believe that he is the true son of God, is the Messiah, that he was sent down to Earth for the salvation of the world and all mankind.

The religion of Christianity was born in distant Palestine in the first century AD. e. Already in the first years of its existence, it had many adherents. The main reason for the emergence of Christianity, according to the clergy, was the preaching activity of a certain Jesus Christ, who, being essentially a demigod-half-man, came to us in human form in order to bring the truth to people, and even scientists do not actually deny his existence. Four sacred books, called the Gospels, are written about the first coming of Christ (the second Christendom is only awaiting). the glorious city of Bethlehem, about how he grew up, how he began to preach.

The main ideas of his new religious teaching were the following: the belief that he, Jesus, is indeed the Messiah, that he is the son of God, that there will be his second coming, there will be the end of the world and the resurrection from the dead. With his sermons, he called to love neighbors and help those in need. Proved it divine origin and those miracles with which he accompanied his teachings. Many sick people were healed by his word or touch, three times he raised the dead, walked on water, turned it into wine and fed about five thousand people with just two fish and five cakes.

He expelled all merchants from the Jerusalem temple, thus showing that dishonorable people have no place in holy and noble deeds. Then there was the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, the accusation of deliberate blasphemy and brazen encroachment on royal throne and a death sentence. He died, being crucified on the cross, taking upon himself the torment for all human sins. Three days later, Jesus Christ resurrected and then ascended to heaven. Christianity says the following about religion: there are two places, two special spaces that are inaccessible to people during earthly life. and paradise. Hell is a place of terrible torment, located somewhere in the bowels of the earth, and paradise is a place of universal bliss, and only God himself will decide who to send where.

The religion of Christianity is based on several dogmas. The first is that the Second is trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). The birth of Jesus happened at the instigation of the Holy Spirit, God incarnated in the Virgin Mary. Jesus was crucified, and then died, atoning for people's sins, after which he was resurrected. At the end of time, Christ will come to judge the world, and the dead will rise. Divine and human nature are inextricably linked in the image of Jesus Christ.

All religions of the world have certain canons and commandments, but Christianity preaches to love God with all your heart, and also to love your neighbor as yourself. If you don't love your neighbor, you won't be able to love God.

The religion of Christianity has its adherents in almost every country, half of all Christians are concentrated in Europe, including Russia, one quarter - in North America, one sixth - in South, and significantly fewer believers in Africa, Australia and

Christian relics- objects sacredly kept and revered by Christians, relics and objects associated with the events of the past, with the attributes of the life of saints, prophets or God. All Christian relics are consecrated by the church and are objects of worship, of varying degrees of importance, depending on the significance of the event or saint. By venerating the holy relics, Christians thereby honor the saint himself.

The veneration of relics is of great importance in Christianity, especially in Catholicism. Orthodox Church in more pays attention, not relics.

Relics in Catholicism

The first Christian relic is considered to be the shroud from the body of the Apostle Paul, which was used to heal the afflicted. During crusades a whole stream of relics poured into Europe, but the Catholic Church approved the worship of relics only at the Council of Trent in 1545-1563. The most valuable Christian relics in Catholicism are the fragments on which Christ was crucified.

Relics in Orthodoxy

The Orthodox Church previously focused on the worship of icons rather than relics. Later it develops into various countries world to worship the shrines, the custodians of which are now representatives of other Christian churches. As a rule, Orthodox pilgrims are given permission to do so and kind assistance is provided. In an effort to create the image of the "Second Jerusalem" and the "Third Rome", Orthodox sovereigns and patriarchs collected Christian shrines, which are available to believers in most temples Orthodox Church. In Russia, most of the relics are in the Kremlin museums - the Armory, the Assumption Cathedral. Among the main shrines are particles of the Robe of Christ, the Nail from the Cross of the Lord, particles of the Robe of the Mother of God. A unique relic is the ark of Dionysius of Suzdal with a particle of the tree of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord and 16 more shrines, among which are particles of the chiton of Christ, the crown of thorns, aromas that anointed the body of the Savior before burial.

Relics in Protestantism

Protestants only accept the Bible. The cult of sacred relics, saints and the Mother of God are abolished. Protestant reformers of the 16th century. unanimously condemned the worship of relics.

Relics associated with Jesus

Many relics associated with Jesus are sought after and revered throughout the history of Christianity. Some people believe in their authenticity, others doubt. For example, in the 16th century, the Catholic theologian Erasmus of Rotterdam wrote sarcastically about the number of buildings that could be built from wood, which was allegedly part of the cross on which Christ was crucified. In addition, while the experts were debating whether Christ was crucified with three or four nails, there were at least thirty of them.

Some relics are more revered than others. So a relic revered as the Lord's Crown of Thorns attracts fewer pilgrims than such a relic as the Shroud of Turin.

Shroud of Turin

It is the most famous relic. This is the fabric in which the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped after his death. There were bloody marks from the wounds of the body of Christ on it. In addition, scientists on it were able to detect the face of Jesus Christ and restore his image. It owes its name "Turinskaya" to the city of Turin, Italy, where it is kept. Some believers are convinced that the Shroud contains authentic imprints of the Face and Body of Christ, which is why the Shroud of Turin is valued as one of the most important relics of Christianity. The Catholic Church does not officially recognize the shroud as genuine, but considers it an important reminder of the Passion of Christ. The Orthodox Church has no official position on the issue of its authenticity; a number of church leaders consider it genuine.

Popularity: In 2010, the relic was opened for pilgrimage for the first time in the new millennium, and 2.1 million people saw it in 45 days.

crown of thorns

The crown placed on the head of the Lord (27:29). According to most interpreters, it was made from white thorns, which grew in abundance in the vicinity of Jerusalem .. A description of the relics of the passion of Christ, made by Nicholas Mesarite, the sacristan of the sovereign's temple, has survived to this day. It was compiled in 1200, that is, exactly four years before the sack of Constantinople by the crusaders. He notes that the crown miraculously blooms and, as it were, remains incorruptible, that it is “smooth and delicate” and does not have sharp thorns, but rather resembles flowers. At the end of the XIX century. the crown was sealed in an annular glass flask, and no scientific study of the plants was ever made. It is noteworthy that the absence of real thorns did not prevent the French kings from sending relics of the “thorns from the crown of thorns” as a particularly valuable gift to different countries the Christian world. The relic is located in Paris, in the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, and individual spikes are in many churches around the world.

Popularity: every first Friday of the month, and on Catholic great post- every Friday and Good Friday, the relic is taken out to believers, and every time thousands of people gather to look at it.

Christ manger

A manger is a feeder for pets in which, according to the gospel story, the Mother of God put the newborn baby Jesus like in a cradle. Two relics are known that are identified with the manger of Christ - in Bethlehem and in Rome.

Passion Relics

These and other relics refer to the events of the Passion of Christ and are especially important in Christianity as reminders of physical and spiritual suffering in last days and hours of the earthly life of Jesus. Relics of the Passion - specially preserved by the church for veneration and use in rituals.

The relics include some of the Instruments of Passion as instruments of martyrdom. The most famous and revered relics:

  • - a four-meter linen cloth, in which, according to legend, he wrapped the body of Jesus Christ after His suffering and death on the Cross ( );
  • , which, according to , was laid on the head of Jesus by the Roman soldiers during His time;
  • on which Jesus was crucified;
  • - according to one of the legends, it was with this spear that the Roman centurion struck the crucified Jesus Christ between the 4th and 5th ribs. Several relics are kept in various churches of the world, which are considered to be the spear of Longinus, or its fragment. Among them:
  • - a sign with the words " Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews» written at the direction ( );
  • - the name of the burial plate from the head of Jesus Christ described in the Gospel of John ( );
  • , whom, according to the Gospels, the Apostle Peter, during the taking of Christ into custody, cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest;
  • - a bowl in which, according to legend, the blood of Jesus Christ was collected;
  • - Jesus Christ, which, according to legend, appeared on a handkerchief that she gave to Jesus Christ when he carried his on to wipe his face;
  • - seamless, obtained by lot by one of the soldiers who were at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ ( );
  • - is, as stated, the pillar to which Christ was tied at the time in the house of Pilate;
  • - according to legend, this staircase was brought to and comes from the palace of Pontius Pilate and that Jesus Christ climbed it;
  • The nails with which the body of Jesus was nailed to the Cross;
  • Sponge with which Jesus got drunk;
  • The ladder with which they removed the body of the dead Jesus from the Cross;
  • Pliers used to remove nails.

Relics associated with the Virgin

Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The relic, which, according to legend, the Virgin Mary, before the ascension, gave along with a riza to two Jerusalem widows (in the Catholic tradition - to the Apostle Thomas). In honor of the relic, a celebration has been established in the Orthodox Church - “The Position of the Honorable Belt Holy Mother of God”, performed on August 31 (according to the Julian calendar). In the Catholic Church, the belt located in the Cathedral of St. Stephen in Prato is revered.

Popularity: More than 2.5 million Russians in 15 cities came to bow to the relic brought from Greece to Russia for a month.

Robe of the Virgin

The relic revered in the Orthodox Church is a garment that, according to legend, belonged to the Virgin Mary. In honor of the relic, a celebration was established - “The Deposition of the Honorable Robe of the Most Holy Theotokos in Blachernae” (Deposition of the Robe), performed on July 2 (according to the Julian calendar).

Relics associated with saints

Head of John the Baptist

John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod Antipas because of the intrigues of the Jewish princess Herodias and her daughter Salome. According to legend, one of her maids took out the head of Herodias from the palace, after which the shrine was secretly buried. The Orthodox Church celebrates the three Findings of the head of John the Baptist. The Catholic considers the only genuine head, which is kept in the church of San Silvestro in Capite in Rome. The followers of Islam, in turn, claim that the head of John the Baptist is in the Umayyad mosque in Damascus. However, there are several other places where the head is also believed to be kept: Amiens, Antioch and Armenia.

Popularity: the total number of pilgrims annually seeking to see the head of John the Baptist in all these places is in the hundreds of thousands.

Hand of John the Baptist

The relic is the incorruptible right hand of the holy prophet John the Baptist. One of the most revered shrines of christianity, since according to the Bible, John the Baptist laid his right hand on the head of Jesus Christ during Baptism. The relic is kept in the Cetinje Monastery in Montenegro.

Chains of St. Peter

Chains (chains), with which, according to legend, the Apostle Peter was shackled during his arrests. In the Orthodox Church, the celebration of the worship of the honest chains of the Apostle Peter is established, which takes place on January 16 (according to the Julian calendar).

Saint Peter's sword

The sword of St. Peter is a relic identified with the sword with which, according to the Gospels, the Apostle Peter, driven by ardent love and devotion, cut off the right ear of the servant of the high priest, Malchus, while Christ was taken into custody. This incident is mentioned in all four gospels, although only one Gospel of John allows us to clarify the names of the characters. Stored in the Museum of the Archdiocese (Poznan). An exact copy of the sword of St. Peter (the work of Bogdan Puchalski) is kept in the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Poznań.

While the soldiers appeared at night in the Garden of Gethsemane with the aim of taking Jesus into custody, only one disciple stood up for the Lord - the apostle Peter. Drawing his sword, he cut off the ear of one of those who came, but the Savior, even in His dying hour, healed the slave. Peter's use of arms and the reaction of Christ served as the basis for further secular discussions about whether the Lord was a pacifist.

The sword is made from a single piece of iron, only the guard was forged separately. Its length is 70.2 centimeters, and initially the sword was 1 or 2 centimeters longer. Width - up to 9.4 centimeters. On the handle of the sword there is a hole with a diameter of 0.4 centimeters and a depth of 10.3 centimeters. The sword was engraved with "In the beginning was the Word".

The scene in which the Apostle Peter cuts off the ear of the slave Malchus served as a motive for many works of European painters and often accompanies the main episode of the capture of Christ, and is also present in the bas-reliefs and murals of many cathedrals and churches, both Catholic and Orthodox. In particular, the scene can be seen among the murals of the Church of Theodore Stratilat.

Relics of saints

In the Christian religion, relics are carriers of grace-filled forces that can be given by God to believers through the remains of saints. The tradition of veneration of relics comes from the early days of Christianity, when Christians collected the remains of martyrs. Handkerchiefs soaked in blood, bones kept by Christians strengthened their faith.

Sacred objects used in worship

In the altar, the main place is throne- a consecrated square table. In the first centuries of Christianity in the underground churches of the catacombs, the tomb of a martyr served as an altar. In the aboveground churches, the thrones were first made of wood, in the form of an ordinary table, then they began to be made of precious metals, stone, and marble.

The throne marks the heavenly throne of God, on which the Lord Almighty Himself is mysteriously present. The throne also represents the tomb of Christ, for the Body of Christ rests on it.

Rice. 3. Holy throne and sacred objects stored on it and next to it.

According to the double meaning of the throne, he puts on two garments. The bottom white garment is called asshole, it depicts a shroud with which the Body of the Savior was entwined. Outerwear, indity, is made of precious shiny fabric and symbolizes the glory of the throne of the Lord.

The throne is a special place where the glory of God is present, and only clergy can touch the throne.

On the throne are the antimension, the Gospel, the cross, the tabernacle and the monstrance.

Rice. 4. The altar and sacred objects on it.

Antimins called a silk scarf consecrated by a bishop with the image of the position in the tomb of the Lord Jesus Christ on it. A particle of the relics of a saint is necessarily sewn into the antimension. This rule dates back to the first centuries of Christianity, when the Liturgy was served on the tombs of the martyrs. Without an antimension one cannot celebrate the Divine Liturgy. The word "antimens" means "instead of the throne", since, in fact, it is a portable throne. On the antimension, you can celebrate the Liturgy in a camp church or some other place.

On the antimension itself lies a lip (sponge) for collecting particles of the Holy Gifts.

The antimension, folded in four, is wrapped in a silk kerchief - iliton, depicting the swaddling clothes with which the Infant Christ was wrapped at Christmas, and at the same time the shroud in which the Body of the Savior was wrapped during burial in the tomb.

On top of the antimension relies Gospel, usually decorated, in a precious binding, with images of the icon of the Resurrection of Christ, and in the corners - the four evangelists.

Next to the Gospel cross because the Bloodless Sacrifice is offered on the throne in memory of the sacrifice that the Lord offered on the cross. This cross, like the Gospel, is called "altar."

tabernacle called a vessel in which the Holy Gifts are stored in case of communion of the sick. Usually the tabernacle is made in the form of a small church.

Pyramid called a small ark in which the priest carries the Holy Gifts for communion of the sick at home.

Behind the throne is menorah(candlestick with seven lamps), and behind it altar cross. The place behind the throne at the easternmost wall of the altar is called mountain(high) place.

To the left of the throne, in the northern part of the altar is altar- a small table, decorated on all sides with precious clothes. Bread and wine are prepared on it for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy.

Sacred objects are on the altar:

Holy Chalice or chalice- a vessel into which wine is poured with water, offered at the Liturgy in the Blood of Christ.

Paten- a small round dish on a stand. Bread is laid on it for its offering at the Divine Liturgy into the Body of Christ. The diskos marks both the manger and the tomb of the Savior.

asterisk consists of two small metal arcs connected in the middle by a screw so that they can either be folded together or moved apart crosswise. The asterisk marks the star that appeared at the birth of the Savior. It is placed on the diskos so that the cover does not touch the particles taken out of the prosphora.

copy- a knife, similar to a spear, for taking out a lamb and particles from prosphora. It marks the spear with which the soldier pierced the ribs of Christ the Savior on the Cross.

liar- a spoon used for the communion of believers.

Sponge or boards - for wiping vessels.

Small covers, which cover the bowl and diskos separately, are called patrons.

The large veil that covers the bowl and diskos together is called air. It marks the airspace in which the star appeared, which led the Magi to the manger of the Savior. All the veils depict the shrouds with which Jesus Christ was wrapped at birth, and His funeral shrouds (shroud).

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