Negative energy always accumulates in a person's home. It significantly changes the atmosphere in the house and very often can even provoke the development of household diseases. Believers periodically cleanse the house with the help of prayer. This is especially recommended after it has been noticed that major troubles and quarrels have begun to occur in your family.

Muslim prayer for cleansing the house

Muslim prayers are used by the faithful in a variety of everyday situations. They are the basis of the life of every Muslim. Therefore, it is quite natural that Muslim prayers are used to cleanse the house. Before such a ceremony, it is recommended to carry out a general cleaning.

According to Muslim tradition, the ritual should be carried out by one person, at a time when none of the household members are in the home. The ceremony involves the use of candles, which must be purchased at the church shop. Approximate calculation of their number - one per private room. It is necessary to provide a few additional candles in case they burn out quickly. It is advisable to carry out all actions aimed at cleaning the home in solar time. It is important that the vents and windows are open during the cleansing ritual.

Every room including utility rooms need to go clockwise. In one hand, you need to hold a container of holy water, and with the other hand, use a brush to spray holy water in the corners with cross-shaped movements. After that, you need to put one candle in the corner in all rooms and light it so that they burn at the same time.

How to read according to Islamic canons

Any Muslim prayer should sound confident. In every word you need to put faith in the fact that you understand that all life depends on Allah.

Prayer aimed at cleansing the home should be read according to Islamic canons. Ritual purity must be observed. That is, before prayer, you need to perform ablution. In addition, you should wear clean clothes. You should pray, turning towards the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba, which is located in Mecca.

In Islam, great attention is paid to external actions during prayer, namely:

  • You need to kneel on a special rug;
  • The feet must be joined together;
  • Arms are crossed on the chest;
  • Bows are made with knees not bent and feet straight.

The most powerful verse in the Holy Quran is Ayat ul-Kursi. It is believed that the believer who uses this verse for prayer reliably protects himself and his home from the harm of the jinn.

“Allah is great and there is no deity in the world but Him. We believers worship only Him. Allah is Existing and Living, by his will he keeps all people on earth and gives them existence according to their merit. Allah sees everything that happens in the world, he never slumbers and does not sleep. He alone owns everything that is in heaven and on earth. There is no equal to Allah. No one dares to intercede for another without the permission of the Almighty? Glory to Allah Almighty! He alone knows everything that has happened and will happen. No one can comprehend his wisdom and knowledge. We are all given to know only what He will allow. The Throne of Allah, His knowledge and power are enormous, they stretched from heaven to earth. This does not burden Him, He constantly guards us. Only He is the Most High, the One and the Great!

Understanding how this prayer sounds in translation from Arabic, you can put more energy into the spoken phrases, which means making the prayer more effective.

Listen for free:

Orthodox prayer for the protection of the home and family

There are many Orthodox prayers, which allow you to clean the house and put reliable protection. The most reliable defender of the dwelling is the savior of people Jesus Christ.

Words of prayer

You can turn to Jesus Christ for help with the help of the following prayer:

“Hear me, Great Lord God, Savior the Merciful Jesus Christ! I ask You to protect my home and save my family from all sorts of troubles: fires, enemy attacks, envious people and evil people. I ask you to stand as a high indestructible wall and protect my family from all kinds of misfortunes. I ask You to fill our home with joy, bright light and sincere love. I ask You to make sure that everything goes well in my family. I ask You to send us good luck and success in all endeavors. I ask You to drive away terrible ailments from me and my household and strengthen our health. Amen".

The words of the prayer may be different, but it is important that they sound sincere.

There are other important rules:

  • You can read a protective prayer, both to bless the new home, and to protect the old home.
  • It is recommended to repeat the prayer text three times in a row in full concentration on the spoken phrases.
  • Care must be taken that no one and nothing interferes with the reading of the prayer.
  • You can strengthen the effect of protective prayer if you pray in a secluded place in front of the icon of the Lord God, in front of which you should light a church candle.
  • After reading the protective prayer, it is recommended to sprinkle all corners of the dwelling with holy water.

It is very important after the prayer asking for the protection of the home and family is read, every day you need to thank God for hearing you.

Listen free prayer for protection:

Prayer-amulet is able to protect a person, his home and his family from many troubles and suffering. Tatar prayer appeals are very strong, their effectiveness has long been tested by many Muslims.

Surahs and verses from the Koran are very common as amulets. Such a home amulet for every day helps only Muslims. That is, the suras and verses of the Koran have a positive effect only on those who are connected to the Egregor of Islam. In order to create an amulet, it is necessary to write on a piece of paper 225 ayat 2 suras of the Koran. Such a prayer text has a special importance for the entire Islamic world. It is called "ayatul kursi". After the prayer text is written, the sheet is folded 3 times. It then needs to be wrapped in thick foil, and then sheathed with natural black fabric. The created amulet, which is a written prayer, must be worn on the belt without taking it off.

There is also a special amulet - Zulfikar. It consists of two daggers crossed among themselves. A special protective sura is written on them. It is believed that the person who will be the owner of the amulet will be protected by the power of a strong, pious warrior - the angel Zulfikar. You can not create this amulet yourself, but purchase it in an esoteric shop. If it is kept in the house, it will help protect the home from demons and shaitans and provide a favorable atmosphere.

In order to turn the purchased item into a talisman, you need to say the following words over it:

“My Lord, Allah Almighty, I ask You for protection from cunning demons when they approach me.”

Watch the video "Prayer for the consecration of the house"

Most detailed description: Koran prayer for cleansing the house - for our readers and subscribers.

Reading the Koran helps from the evil eye and damage. Listening to sacred suras is useful both for those who suspect that they are under negative magical influence, and for those who want to protect themselves from the evil eye. Let's talk about how to read the Qur'an correctly for these purposes.

How to read protective suras correctly

The holy book of Islam contains the great wisdom of the ancestors. The Quran contains colossal energy, so its suras have an incredibly powerful protective effect. But religious texts do not “work” for everyone.

It is important to follow some rules so that the sura from the Koran will help you:

  1. You must absolutely believe in the tremendous power of the ancient texts. This is the first and most important rule. Only your faith can activate powerful defensive magic. If there is no faith, reading the Qur'an will not help. It's the same as trying to light a match with water - it's pointless
  2. Only the people who believe in Allah are helped by the Quran. If you follow the canons of another religion in your life, then you should turn to it
  3. Surahs will help a person who not only believes in the power of the Koran, but also follows its commandments. Only pure thoughts and bright deeds - no negativity and harm. If in ordinary life you are a source of evil and negativity, you first need to cleanse yourself, change your behavior
  4. The ceremony is performed only at night. And deep, when the Sun has been below the horizon for a long time. If you see the first morning rays and light, stop reading immediately.
  5. At noon it is also possible, but the efficiency will be extremely low
  6. There is no limit on the number of repetitions of the verses of each sura. Read and say them as many times as your soul requires.
  7. The ideal place for sacred meditation is the desert. IN modern conditions finding a desert is quite difficult, so at least try to retire to a clean, bright and deserted quiet room
  8. If you need to remove the already induced damage, read the Koran on Fridays
  9. Before the ritual, it is recommended to meditate, enter a state of light trance in order to clear the mind, relax and prepare it

In the beginning, you can just listen to religious cleansing texts. Once you understand the correct pronunciation, you can repeat and reproduce them as accurately as possible.

House cleansing

If you suspect that your home has too much negative energy, it is worth doing the ritual of cleansing the house with the help of the Koran. But first, make sure the problem exists.

Signs of an unfavorable energy situation at home:

  • Households feel tired all the time, do not get enough sleep and get tired quickly
  • Sometimes you hear extraneous noises and sounds, the cause of which is unknown
  • Houses are constantly drafty. Too cold and uncomfortable. Or, on the contrary, very stuffy and hot
  • Insects constantly start up: either hordes of midges fly in, then cockroaches come from neighbors, then ants crawl
  • Household appliances and appliances often break
  • Any, even the most unpretentious indoor plants die
  • Pets often get sick or die
  • You have to constantly change light bulbs because they burn out quickly
  • Not so long ago, a man died in the house

If you have found at least some of the signs, it is imperative to cleanse the home of negative energy.

This Muslim prayer will help you:

Try to feel the whole essence of religious conversion. Sincerely ask for help and unconditionally trust that it will come. Imagine how happy you will be when all the negativity is gone, and family members feel calm and good. Visualize these emotions in your mind.

Important: before praying to cleanse the house, it is important to take a shower, put on clean clothes. Do not eat or drink after waking up. Read the words clearly, clearly and sincerely. It is advisable not to talk to anyone and spend the rest of the day doing meditation and spiritual practices.

If this is not possible, at least minimize contacts with other people.

Signs of spoilage

Before treating damage, you need to make sure that you really have it. Signs from the point of view of Islam can be as follows:

  • Constant apathy, weakness, lack of desire to do anything
  • Frequent desire to sleep, lack of vigor
  • Consciousness is changing: even a very cheerful person can become sad and despair, be disappointed in life
  • Bad breath
  • Unpleasant and fetid discharge from the genitals

If you know for sure that some ill-wisher has spoiled you, immediately proceed to energy purification with the help of sacred suras.

Strong Muslim prayer from the evil eye and corruption

We note right away: Islam has an extremely negative attitude towards any kind of magical rituals. Therefore, adherents of this religion should refrain from various kinds of witchcraft.

But it is not forbidden to treat damage with prayers according to the Koran. The only caveat: no amateur performance is needed, you must clearly repeat the words of the prayer, without distorting their meaning, without rearranging or distorting them.

Here is an example of an excellent prayer that removes damage:

Say the prayer several times. It is advisable that your close relatives also repeat the sacred text several times: during the day and at night. It is believed that evil spirits will leave the body of the sick person (the person on whom the corruption is) and will never again dare to enter the dwelling that Allah himself protects.

Important: do not read the prayer from the sheet, memorize it. If you copy the sura on a blank sheet, it should be white, not striped or in a box. Repeat the text every time you feel bad or feel the need for protection from negativity (for example, after contact with unpleasant people).

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Islamic prayers for cleansing the house

Home is the most important place for every person. We always want to return to it. Housing needs reliable protection at all levels - not only locks on the doors, and bars on the windows. It is also important to protect the house and its inhabitants from the interference of various incorporeal creatures.

We ask in prayers for God's help in a variety of life situations, there are prayers for keeping the house clean and well-being. There are not only Christian prayers - Muslim prayers are also widely read to cleanse the house.

In Islam, in addition to the traditional regular prayer - namaz, there are prayers (in Arabic they are called "dua") - a real opportunity for active communication with the Almighty.

He knows everything obvious and secret that is in the human heart, therefore, he will hear any prayer that is uttered with a pure and sincere heart.

Dua (prayer) to Allah must always be said confidently, because Allah created us and our difficulties relating to all spheres of life, He can change this world and solve any problem. You can read a prayer, or you can listen to how another person reads it, turn in your heart to the Almighty - and he will not leave His faithful one with his mercy.

Muslim duas are meant for different purposes and have different origins. Most of the prayers are taken from the Koran, some are received from the awliya (this is the name given to the friends of Allah, pious and faithful Muslims, often the spiritual and political leaders of Islam).

You need to pray for the well-being and prosperity of your home by reading special words in Arabic - this is the most appropriate way to address Allah. The Internet contains a large number of video-recorded prayers offered to Allah - turn them on boldly at full volume and catch the prayer mood that elevates the spirit to the inaccessible heights that the Almighty inhabits.

The text cannot be read from the screen of a computer or phone - only from paper Holy Quran. Islam is a conservative religion, and rather, this is precisely what its attitude towards certain aspects of offering prayers expresses. So, listening to the recording of the voice of the mullah is permissible and correct, but reading Divine texts from electronic media has not yet been approved by the authorized religious councils.

Perhaps the situation will soon change, then the process of turning to the Almighty will be fully automated. Under these conditions, the main thing is to keep your soul clean and not to replace the sincerity of the appeal with digital processing of images and sounds.

How to pray?

Before prayer, you need to cleanse your soul and body, with your thoughts to aspire to the Almighty. Before a ritual prayer, you need to dress in accordance with the traditions of Islam, cover the parts of the body that should be closed before reading or listening to a prayer.

Those who have been defiled by natural means must wash themselves, purify themselves before reading or listening to prayers. This is a mandatory rule.

You can’t defile yourself with anything before prayer, interact with sewage, have clothes stained with the hair of an unclean animal.

This rule does not apply to prayers uttered in a moment of danger for the sake of saving lives. Allah is merciful, he will forgive those who sincerely resort to his help and protection. It is necessary to listen to a prayer no less attentively and penetratingly than to read it.

Allah will support the one who will sincerely read or listen to the prayer addressed to him. Muslim prayers for cleansing the house are important and useful for every Muslim. It is useful to listen to prayers in Arabic, even if you do not fully understand the meaning of all the words.

Other types of prayers for cleansing:

Muslim prayer for cleansing the house: comments

Comments - 3,

I confess honestly, I myself an Orthodox Christian believe in God and pray only to him. But this does not prevent the study of other religions. Muslims are a people with a rich history and a very strong faith. You always draw parallels between people who pray in different ways, but believe, in fact, in the same thing. Everyone believes in the power of prayer, regardless of religion. Indeed, a prayer uttered from the heart and with a pure heart will always convey all the meaning invested in it to the addressee, and it doesn’t matter at all whether his name is God, Allah, or maybe Buddha.

I know how to eat but I'm so bad

Hello! I have a difficult period in my life. I am a single mother and I really need to find a job. The situation is more difficult than ever. Every day I pray, I ask Allah to help, but I just can’t find it. What's the matter, I don't know. I'm leading healthy lifestyle life, I try to help. And she herself was unemployed. I don't understand anything in this life. Sometimes I get frustrated and nervous. I do not know what to do.

Holy Quran: suras, ayats and duas for every day, a prayer for cleansing the house

At all times, man needed an invisible judge and assistant. For this reason, beliefs and religions were created, which historically divided into two main groups - polytheistic and monotheistic. The latter, over the centuries, have taken a dominant position. Including Islam - a young religion that appeared in the 7th century AD and contains the Koran - the main Amanat of Muslims.

What is the Quran?

A sacred book containing the instructions of the Prophet Muhammad, written down by his disciples over several years. The believers themselves consider the Koran to be the fundamental source of religious, civil, criminal and other rights.

The Quran is divided into 114 chapters, otherwise called surami. The smallest unit of structure for a scripture is verse, or otherwise a verse that Muslims use as a prayer. Appeals to God are divided into two types:

  • Namaz- a ritual prayer, obligatory for reading. It has strict instructions for the place, time, content of verses, etc. The main purpose is to praise Allah
  • Dua- free prayer. Read at will. Does not contain strict restrictions for reading. Used to ask the Almighty for help in life situations, such as eating or visiting a sick person.

How to protect your home?

Every believer in Allah also believes in the existence of genies, shaitans, spoilage and other harmful magical influences. Naturally, any Muslim wants to protect himself from the negative impact of spiritual pests. In this case, you should directly turn to Allah with a request for protection. You can do this in any language, but always with pure thoughts, when the prayer comes from the heart.

An example of such an appeal is the phrase “I ask for protection with the perfect words of Allah from the evil shaitan, from any and poisonous animals, from the evil eye.”

But the best protection at all times was considered the reading of the Holy Book. The faithful assistant of a Muslim in protecting the house from evil was 255 verses of the second sura of the Koran called "al-Kursi", which means "Great Throne". It tells about the exaltation of Allah over all the evil spirits in the world. Other verses are used in addition. For example, 81 and 82 out of 10 suras, 115-118 out of 23 and so on. Full list it is better to check with the mullah when visiting the mosque.

Reading Quran prayers at home

The holy book is written in Arabic. Muslims revere Islam very much, so they read and listen to prayers only in the original. Often a clergyman is specially invited for this.

Before reading, ablution is obligatory:

Large if there has been prior intimacy, menstruation, or postpartum bleeding.

Small - in other cases.

Before that, touching the Koran is prohibited. After ablution, it is necessary to dress in accordance with all Sharia rules, always in clean clothes.

Reading should be opened with salawat, and then ask Allah for shelter, saying the following: “Auzu billahi minash-sheitanir-rajim” (I seek refuge from the exiled devil with Allah). Next, you need to say "Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim" and start reading loudly, slowly and with respect.

Special seriousness is required for correct pronunciation, since it greatly affects the meaning of what is read. Finish reading the Qur'an with the words "Sadagallahul-Aliyul-Azim" (Great and Honorable Allah commanded the truth).

What suras help clean the house

In Islam, great attention is paid not only to the purity of the body, but also to the purification of thoughts, soul and space. It is very important to protect from the evil eye, negativity, jinn And yourself, and the aura in your place of residence.

This question is, among other things, the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who commanded his ummah to read the Koran in the house so as not to turn the dwelling into the likeness of graves.

Where does the cleansing of the aura begin?

Cleanliness of the house is, first of all, cleaning. Your home must be kept neat and tidy. Dirty dishes left in the kitchen are already a reason to attract shaitan to the house.

In one of the authentic hadiths it is also transmitted: “Cover the dishes, cover the containers with water. Verily, there is a night in the year during which sickness descends. And if any cup or vessel with water remains uncovered, it will certainly penetrate into it ”(Muslim).

The rule of the primacy of order, inherent in Islamic canons, is consonant with the provisions of other beliefs. Take for example such a widespread topic today as karma, taken from ancient Indian philosophy.

Karma of the dwelling and its essence from the standpoint of Islam

Karma in the modern sense is the energy of the object, which affects others. For example, when they say “negative karma of a home,” they mean a house with bad energy, where many troubles, quarrels, deprivations occur, families in this house are destroyed, and children become promiscuous.

From the Islamic point of view, no objects have karmic forces that can affect a person's life. The Qur'an clearly states that everything is by the will of Allah, and also that the troubles of people are from themselves. Therefore, an attempt to attribute certain misfortunes to the bad karma of one's place of residence is only a desire to find a guilty person from outside and relieve oneself of responsibility.

Therefore, the desire to cleanse the karma of the dwelling with the help of suras, dua and prayers is nothing but the wrong approach to understanding the issue.

Cleansing the house with the Quran

The way to cleanse the negative energy of the house (which, alternatively, may be caused by the appearance of genies) is to read suras from the Koran. Quoting the verses of the Holy Book of Islam not only drives away unclean forces, but also allows angels to enter the house, fill the house with nur (light) and grace.

Touching upon the question of which surahs are better to read for cleansing the house, certain verses cannot be brushed aside. All parts of the Qur'an, which are pronounced by a person in his home, have a beneficial effect on the situation in the house and on its inhabitants. However, there are some suras and verses that are desirable to read due to their particular features.

So, it is believed that suras "Al-Baqara" And "Al-Imran" protect the house from Satan for three days. But these are very long Quranic verses, and not everyone can read them all at once. Therefore, one can confine oneself to at least some verses - for example, Ayat « A eh Kursi"(Ayat u l - Kursi, "Ayat of the Throne"), which is the 255th verse of the 2nd sura of the Qur'an:

اللّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ لَّهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ مَن ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِّنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَاء وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ وَلاَ يَؤُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ

Allah la ilaha illahu, al-khayyul-qayyum. La ta-huzuhu sina-tuu-wa la naum. Lahu ma fis-samawati wa ma fil-ard. Manzallazi yashfa-u ‘indahu illa bi-iznih? Ya'lamu ma bayna aidihim wa ma halfahum. Wa la yu-hituna bi-shayim-min ‘il-mihi illa bima sha! Wa-si-’a Kursiyyuhus-Samaua-ti wal-ard; wa la ya-udu-hu hifzu-huma wa Huual-'aliyyul-'azyim.

Meaning translation: Allah - there is no deity but Him, and only Him we should worship. Allah is Living, Existing and keeps the existence of all people. Neither drowsiness nor sleep embraces him; He alone owns what is in heaven and on earth; and He has no equal. Who will intercede for another before Him without His permission? Allah - glory be to Him Almighty! - knows everything that was and what will be. No one can comprehend anything of His wisdom and knowledge except what He wills. The throne of Allah, His knowledge and His power is vaster than the heavens and the earth, and His protection of them does not burden. Verily, He is the Most High, the One and the Great!

Some Islamic scholars advise resorting to suras "An-Nur" And "Ar-Rahman" because many of the verses in them are devoted to home and family. Also, from damage and the evil eye, it is advisable to read the last three suras of Revelation - Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falyak, An-Nas.

A number of verses of the Qur'an serve as prayers, so they can be read as a dua. Yes, they are 81-82 verses of Surah Yunus or 115-118 verses of Surah Al-Mu'minun that protect against witchcraft.

It will also be useful to read certain names of Allah, which give peace, tranquility, prosperity in the house. These names include:

  • "Al Halima"- He who forgives sins, frees from torment;
  • "Ar-Rakybu"– Watching the state of His creatures and their deeds;
  • "Ar-Razzakku"- creating good things and giving them to His creatures.

After reading the suras of the Qur'an or repeating the names of the Almighty, it is advisable to make a dua and ask for well-being, cleansing the house in your prayers. Taking care of a favorable environment in everyday life is not just a sunnah, but an important aspect in Everyday life Muslim.

I do not deny the benefits of reading the Quran and prayers. I think it really helps. All the goodness and mercy of Allah Almighty, amin!

Intimacy is one of the natural human needs.

The house of the believer is one of the blessings bestowed by Allah in this life. A dua will help to make it safer to cleanse the house from the evil eye, damage and genies. The most powerful prayers are words from the Koran, the book of Divine heavenly knowledge, sent down to people more than fourteen centuries ago. She has become a beacon of light that Muslims look to for guidance in all aspects of life. Believers have great respect for the Quran, however, due to the busy routine of modern life, very few find time to study and read suras on a regular basis.

How to Prepare for a Muslim House Cleanse

The signs that you need to clean your house are:

  • unconscious feeling of anxiety;
  • constant fatigue;
  • frequent illnesses of family members;
  • quarrels for no apparent reason;
  • everything falls out of hand, there is no strength to resist the problems that have piled up.

This . In addition, genies from among the henchmen of Iblis (Satan) can live in the house, causing harm to the residents. Then you need to seek help from the Almighty.

In the time of the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet Muhammad), whether there is an evil eye, the Messenger of Allah answered them with the words of the prophet: "Resort to Allah for protection, because the evil eye is the truth." Thus, he emphasized that this energy impact is by no means fiction or something unreal. And he added that it was in the power of the evil eye to bring the victim to the grave.

For some Muslim peoples, it is customary to invite many guests to read the Koran in the house, to prepare treats. But this comes from the traditions that have developed in recent centuries, and is not a prerequisite.

To prepare for the cleansing of the house, it is necessary to remove all images of people, animals. Indeed, in the sayings of the Prophet it is said that the angels of mercy do not enter the house where there are images or statues of living beings. These include photographs, figurines, children's toy dolls, animals. Women should choose clothes that cover the entire body, except for the face and hands.

And the most important thing for cleansing is the right intention.

Important! Although dua and suras have great power, but help comes only from Allah. Therefore, there must be hope in Him in the heart.

Surahs from the Koran for cleansing the house

When cleansing the house from damage and the evil eye, it is necessary to read the following suras:

  1. Al-Fatiha, which in translation into Russian means "Opening". This is the first sura in the Quran. Reading at the rites of purification and treatment necessarily begins with it.
  2. Then they read Ayat-al-Kursiy, which means "Ayat of the Throne" in translation. This is the 255th verse (part) of the second sura of Al-Baqarah. It is read to protect the home.
  3. The cleansing is completed by reading the last three suras. These are Ikhlas - "Sincerity", Falyak - "Dawn", Nas - "People".

Each sura for cleansing the house from damage and the evil eye should be read an odd number of times, for example, 3, 5, 7. These suras are small, so it is easy for everyone to read them on their own. Even a person who cannot read suras in Arabic can use transliteration.

Important! When addressing Allah, the believer must understand what he is saying. Therefore, you need to read the translation of the suras.

Self-reading suras not only cleanses the house, but is also an act for which a Muslim receives a reward. Don't worry if it's not easy at first. After all, if a person who has difficulty reading continues to do so, then a triple reward is recorded for him.

To expel the genies from the house, after Al-Fatiha they read 1 time sura Al-Bakar. This is the second and longest chapter, spanning over 50 pages. Therefore, reading lasts at least two hours. You can include the following video, which recorded a beautiful recitation of Al-Baqarah:

To cleanse the house of genies, you need to read Surah Al-Jinn 7 times. You can listen to how it sounds from the video:

It would be a good idea to invite a knowledgeable person to read the suras and dua or turn on a recording of the reading of the Koran to cleanse the house of damage, the evil eye and listen to it as often as possible:

Dua for cleansing the house

Dua is the words of an appeal to the Almighty with a prayer. This is a request that believers communicate to their Creator, hoping for help and relying on His protection. There are prayers in Arabic that have come down to our times from the Prophet Muhammad.

Translation: “In the name of Allah. I resort to the protection of Allah and His power from the evil of what I feel and what I fear.

To eliminate negativity, the evil eye, and also to prevent the genies from entering the house, it is necessary to read the following short prayer at the entrance:

Transliteration: "Bismillahi wa lajna, wa bismillahi harajna, wa galya Rabbana tauuakkyalna."

Translation: “In the name of Allah they entered, in the name of Allah they went out. And we trust in the Lord."

The difference between a dua and a sura is that the sura is part of the Qur'an and has healing power when read only in Arabic. And the dua is the words of the people. Therefore, it is allowed to pronounce the dua in any language, with any words coming from the heart.

The Creator understands all the languages ​​that exist in the world. And there are no barriers between the Lord and the person who turns to him with a request. At any time of the day or night, in any state and situation, a believer can pray for protection, deliverance from sorrows, for solving problems, and help in achieving good goals.

Features of cleansing the house with the Koran from the evil eye and damage

Unlike other religions, Islam does not have complex rituals for purification. Sincere faith is enough, relying only on the One, pure intentions. Even a person who does not yet know anything can make dua in his own words.

In order for the house to be constantly protected, the dua and suras should be read as often as possible. The Prophet said: "Do not turn your houses into graves, read prayers in it." This means that a house in which the Koranic surahs do not sound, where people do not turn to Allah, becomes lifeless. The light of faith, calmness, well-being leave it. If it is not possible to constantly read the protective suras, you can turn on the audio recording with them more often.

Important! In Islam, during the lifetime of the Prophet, there were no amulets. Surahs were not hung on the walls for protection. All these innovations appeared much later. Therefore, they are not considered canonical.

All souvenirs wall panels with suras and duas are decorative. But, on the other hand, decorating their homes with Islamic paraphernalia, people surround themselves with reminders of the Lord. This is permitted.


Frequent listening to suras, reading dua to cleanse the house is a guarantee that the home will always be under the protection of the Great Creator. Such a house will attract the angels of mercy, and they will come and pray for its inhabitants.

Holy duas for cleansing the house - this is a Muslim prayer that protects the home, family from failures, illnesses and envious people. It is customary to pronounce the sacred text after sunset, at dusk or at night. In order for the prayer service to help, bring peace to the hearts, souls of the household, you need to follow the instructions for the dua from the Koran.

In the Islamic religion, the abode in which the family lives occupies one of the central positions in the value system. Cleansing the home should begin with cleaning: the Holy Scripture says that any dirt in the house opens the door for genies, shaitans. It is pointless to read duas, suras, individual verses from the Koran without first cleaning. In one of the legends about the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, it is said that it is necessary to cover uncleaned vessels filled with liquid.

“There are certain nights when ailments descend on the earth's firmament. If a container of water remains open, the disease will poison it.”

Before pronunciation sacred duas it is forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol.

The thoughts of the one who prays to Allah should be bright, sincere, aimed at cleansing the house with a Muslim prayer from all evil. The words are spoken with genuine gratitude. Sacred words are spoken, expelling shaitan, illness, poverty from the monastery, after sunset. You need to pronounce sacred texts only in your own home. It is better to turn reading the dua that cleans the apartment into a daily habit, then the trouble will bypass the family and the house.

Texts of the dua and sura from the Koran for cleaning the house from evil

A sacred dua for the home, cleanses the atmosphere in the family from evil, expel shaitans, sickness, it is better to speak in Arabic. If the language is not familiar, it is permissible to pronounce a prayer in the native dialect of the believer. Allah will understand everyone and any sincere prayer will be heard. In the case when you have forgotten the cleansing sacred text, turn to the Lord in your own words.

When making a dua, a Muslim should hold the Qur'an. You need to stand, turning to Mecca. Any prayer, including for cleansing the house, begins with a greeting to the Almighty God: in Arabic - “Allah-Akbar”. Connect the palms in the chest area, the right hand should be above the left. You can say several sacred texts 3-10 times. For each specific cleansing prayer for the home, there is a recommended number of repetitions.

For cleaning from the evil eye and shaitan

The strongest dua, expelling shaitan, jinn from the house, protecting from human envy, the evil eye, is considered the ayat "Al-Kursi". It was 255 verses from the 2nd sura of the Koran that the Prophet Muhammad recited every night before going to bed. The dreams of a faithful Muslim who has said a cleansing prayer will be calm, devoid of nightmares, the monastery will be cleansed. It is possible to correctly pronounce a petition to Allah at home using the transcription of the dua:

“Bismil-la-ahi-r-rahma-ani-rahi-im. Allahu-la-a-ilya-akhe-il-l-ya-a-huval-hayul-kayuum, la-a-ta-huzuhu-sinatuv-vala-a-naum, lahu-ma-a-fis-samaa- wa-ati-wa-ma-a-fil-ard, man-zal-lazi-i-yashfiau-i-indahu-illa-a-bi-of them, yal-lamu-ma-a-beine-aidi-ihim- wa-ma-a-halfahum-wa-la-a-ytskhiitu-une-bi-sheim-min-i-ilmihi-illya-bi-ma-a-shaa-a, wasi-ia-kursyuhus-sama-avati- val-ard, wa-la-a-ya-u-uduhu-hifzuhuma-a-wa-huval-a-aliyul-a-aziim.

The translation into Russian will help to understand the meaning of the cleansing dua for the well-being of the home:

“Almighty Allah is the One and only God, full of mercy. He does not sleep, he does not fall into a slumber. In the power of Allah, everything earthly and heavenly is cleansed. Who will stand before Him, only at the command of the Lord. Knowing to Allah the past and the future, The living will not understand even a crumb of wisdom, if there is no will of God. The majestic Throne, which belongs to the Almighty, embraces the heavens and the earthly firmament, protects and cares for the living without difficulty, with joy. Truly - Allah is above all and his power knows no bounds.”

If there are difficulties with pronunciation, you can listen to audio recordings with the text of the dua that cleanses and protects the house.

Gradually catch the rhythm, repeat after the prayers. It is not necessary to memorize, it is enough to read from a piece of paper. First say a prayer in Russian, if this native language. It is customary to repeat the dua 1 time before going to bed.

From diseases

The dua for cleansing the house and for health, called "Al-Asr", is mentioned in ayat Quran 104. Say on your own or with the whole family living in the monastery:

“Bismil-l-a-ahi-r-rahma-ani-r-rahi-im. Wal-a-asr. In-nal-inse-ene-lafi-i-khusr. Il-lal-laziyne-e-emenu-u-va-a-amilus-so-oliha-ati-va-tava-asav-bil-hak-ky-va-tavaasav-bis-sabr.”

Translated into Russian, the sacred text of the dua for cleansing the atmosphere in the house means:

“In the name of the Almighty, merciful and merciful. It is true that every living person is a sinner, except for the one in whose heart there is true faith in Allah and he does good deeds. Granted to the followers great health, patience.

daily prayers

Cleansing the atmosphere in the house with a Muslim prayer can be done every day, after prayer. Dua for protection from the negativity sent by enemies, envious people of Surah Al-Humaza, in transcription sounds:

“Bismil-la-ahi-r-rahma-ani-r-rahi-im. Waylul-likul-li-huma-zatil-lumaza. Allazii-jama-a-me-elev-wa-a-ad-dadah. Yahsebu-an-ne-ma-alahu-u-akhladeh. Kyal-la-a, la-yumbase-n-ne-fil-hutoma. Wa-ma-a-adra-akya-mal-hutoma. Na-arul-la-ahil-mu-ukada. Al-la-ti-i-tat-toliu-u-a-alal-afi-ide. In-nehe-e a-alaihim-mu-usode. Fi-i-a-amadim-mumad-de-de.”

To understand the dua for well-being and purification of the house, use the translation:

“In the name of Allah, the Merciful. Punishment of Hell awaits the one who dissolves slander, accumulates, counts wealth (excesses). The sinner thinks that money will save from the wrath of the Lord, but not to be - will be overthrown in al-khutama. Do you know what al hutoma is? This is a flame that devours the heart, kills with pain, forever tearing to pieces!

The dua "At-Tahrim" is used, more precisely - 11 ayah, on Arabic prayer to cleanse the atmosphere of the house from evil, it is written:

رَبِّ ابْنِ لِي عِندَكَ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ وَنَجِّنِي مِن فِرْعَوْنَ وَعَمَلِهِ وَنَجِّنِي مِنَ الْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ .

Correctly pronounce the words of the house-cleansing dua in Russian:

“Rab-bib-ni-li-y-yydakya-baytyan-fil-jan-nati-va-nad-jini-min-fir-a-auna-va-a-amalikhi-va-nad-jini-minal-kau -miz-zali-min.

In translation, the sacred words of the dua purifying the abode sound:

“God, create a house in Paradise as a gift to me, give me a place in Your abode, protect me from Satan and his servants. Protect from evil, envious people who oppress.

With the help of 106 suras of the Koran, called "Al-Fil", you can protect yourself from damage, curses, evil caused to the house by enemies. Correct pronunciation of the cleansing holy dua:

“Bismil-la-ahi-r-rahma-ani-r-rahi-im. Alam-tara-kiayfya-fa-alya-rab-bukya-bi-askha-abil-fi-il. Alam-yaja-al-qaydahum-fi-i-tadli-il. Wa-arsalya-a-alaihim-tairan-aba-abi-il. Tarmi-ihim-bi-hija-aratim-min-siji-il. Fa-ja-alahum-kya-asfim-ma-aku-ul."

In translation, the meaning of the dua cleansing the house sounds like this:

“In the name of the Almighty, merciful, merciful God! Do you know what Allah did to the owners of the elephant? The Lord turned their slander, intrigue into mistakes, called a flock of birds - Ababil, who attacked the Ethiopian troops with burnt clay cobblestones, and God turned the warriors into plants.

It is better to say cleansing dua before going to bed.

Do not wish harm to your enemies, ask Allah for justice, for only he can judge the living. Pray for bringing happiness to own house be filled with forgiveness. Additionally, read Surah 36 "Yasin" from the Qur'an.

The cleanliness of the home is one of the most important conditions for the karmic security of the people living in it. At the same time, the cleansing of the house should be carried out not only in the physical sense, but also from the point of view of esotericism and religion. In all Abrahamic religions, there are special prayers that cleanse the energy of the home and protect its residents from the negative effects of evil spirits.

But how to clean the house according to the Koran? What verses, suras and duas can be read to protect the house from shaitan? How to read suras and verses correctly? What is the significance of the dwelling and its karma in traditional Islam? You can find answers to each of the above questions in the current article.

Aura and karma of the dwelling, the meaning of the house in Islam

In traditional Islam, the concept of dwelling is given considerable attention. According to the Holy Quran, a man can call his dwelling a home only if his family lives with him. The formation of a family begins with a marriage to a highly moral girl who honors the laws of the Koran and lives by them. If a worthy man and woman enter into the Sacred Union, the house will be filled with fertile energy that prevents jinn and shaitans from entering the dwelling.

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Also, to preserve the positive energy of the house, its inhabitants should:

  • Fill the dwelling with religious paraphernalia;
  • Read the Holy Quran regularly;
  • Keep your own body clean
  • Visit the mosque and be sure to take your children with you;
  • Perform prayers at home;
  • Listen, watch videos and read suras and verses for the preventive cleansing of the house from dark energy.

Allah calls to keep their dwellings clean. Thus, you need to clean your home as often as possible.

Factors negatively affecting the energy in the home of a Muslim

The following factors contribute to the concentration of negative energy in the home of Muslims:

  • The presence of a dog in the home. According to the Koran, this animal makes it impossible for the messengers of Allah - the Angels - to enter the house. In addition, the presence of a dog offends Allah himself, since this animal is recognized as unclean. A dog can only be brought in as a guard of the yard, without running the animal into the house;
  • Decorating the apartment with photographs, artistic images of family members or famous personalities. Those who decorate their own homes in this way are considered to be of little faith. Images of animals are considered especially harmful. The angels of Allah will not protect people who have something like this in their house;
  • Constant scandals and assault in the house. Regular bursts negative emotions provoke the appearance of the devils. Also, a man should not beat his wife and children;
  • Luxury items, non-ferrous tableware (gold and silver) and pure silk bed linen. According to the Qur'an, a true Muslim may decorate his house, but should not strive for meaningless luxury;
  • Storing musical instruments even when no one is playing them. Any music should ascend to the glory of Allah. Also in the house you can not sing for fun and your own pleasure;
  • Eating meat from non-halal animals. Such forbidden food includes not only pork, but also the meat of animals that died of natural death or as a result of a natural disaster. In addition, slaughtered cattle must not be strangled.

How to properly clean a house?

Purification of the house according to Muslim custom begins with cleaning. It is important to keep everything clean - even unwashed dishes attract shaitan. Also, according to the text of one of the authentic hadiths, you need to cover dishes and containers with water: “I tell you the truth: there is a night in the year in which a disease comes to earth. If a vessel with drink remains uncovered, the disease will certainly penetrate into it. According to the Qur'an, suras, verses and duas for every day, like other prayers for cleansing the house, should be read after a general cleaning.

Reading prayers from the Quran for the home

  • You need to read suras, ayah and dua in Arabic;
  • While reading, the prayer should hold the Koran in his hands;
  • Before reading, you can not drink alcohol or smoke - the prayer must be in a state of sober mind;
  • The thoughts of the worshiper must be pure. You can not hold a grudge against anyone and wish the enemies of illness or other evil;
  • During any prayer, you need to turn your face towards Mecca, starting a prayer or dua with the words "Allah Akbar" ("Allah the Great");
  • The praying hands are folded on the chest. In this case, the left hand is under the right. In this position, the ayat “A`uzzu3 billaḣi mina-shshaytani-rrajim” is pronounced, which in Arabic means “I ask Allah for protection from the damned Shaitan”;
  • You need to read prayers for cleansing the house at night.

Islamic prayer can be strict (prayer) and arbitrary (dua). The chapters of the Holy Quran, or suras, in the process of prayer must be read in the order established in the scripture - the order of the suras must not be violated. As a prayer, you can also use individual verses - verses from the chapters of the Koran.

The text of the sura, ayah and dua for every day

First of all, in the process of prayer for cleansing the house, ayat 255 is read in the second sura of the Koran "Al Bakar" - ayat "Al Kursi" ("The Great Throne").

The original text of this verse is as follows:

Below is a transcription and translation of the verse "Al Kursi" for cleansing the house for every day:

Transcription Translation
Bismil Layahi Rrahmaani Rraahim In the name of the All-Merciful Allah, the Merciful
Allahu laya ilyayahe ilyaya huwal-hayyul-kayyuum There is no other God but Allah
laya ta - huzuhu sinatuv-valaya naum Neither sleep nor slumber take possession of him
Lahu maa fi-s samaavaati wa maa fi-l ard All that is created on earth and in heaven belongs to Him.
ma za-llazi yashfa`u ʻindahuu illa bi-life. i'lamu maa byna aidihim wa maa halfahum Who will stand beside Him without His permission? He knows what was before them and what will be after them.
wa laya yuhiituuna bi-shayi-m-min ʻilmikhii illa bi maa shaa` And they will not comprehend anything that is known to Him without His will
Wasi'a kursiyuhu ssamauaaaati ual ard wa laa yauduhu hifzuhumaa His Great Throne embraces both heaven and earth, and is not burdened by the protection of such
wa hual ‘aliyul ‘azim Truly great is the Almighty

With the use of verses from this sura, a dua or prayer can be read.

Short verses from the suras of the Holy Quran

Short verses from the surahs of the Holy Qur'an are used when performing prayers to cleanse the house. In particular, they are used:

  • Sura "al-Asr" (Quran, 104):

Wal-‘asr. Innal-inseene lyafii Khusr. Illal-lyaziyne eemenuu va ‘amilu ssoolihaati va tavaasav bil-hakki va tavaasav bis-sabr ""


“In the name of the Almighty, whose mercy knows no bounds! Truly, a person is flawed, except for those who sincerely believed and did good deeds and bequeathed long-suffering to those who follow!”

  • Sura "al-Humaza (Quran, 105):

“Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim.
Vaylul-likulli humazatil-lumaza. Allusions jama‘a meelev-va ‘addadah. Yahsebu anne maalyahuu akhlyadekh. Kyallyaya, layumbazenne fil-hutoma. Wa maa adraakya mal-khutoma. Naarul-laahil-muukada. Allatii tattoli‘u ‘alal-af’ide. Innehee ‘alaihim mu’sode. Fii ‘amadim-mumaddede»


“In the name of the Almighty, whose mercy knows no bounds! Hellish punishment awaits every slanderer, everyone who accumulates and counts his wealth! He thinks that his wealth will save him from Allah! But no - he will be overthrown in "al-Khutoma". And what is "al-hutoma", do you know? This is a fire that devours hearts, causing them unknown pain, tormenting them in eternity!”

  • Surah al-Fil (Quran 106):

“Bismil-lyayahi rrahmaani rrahim.
Alam tara kayfya fa'ala rabbuka bi askhaabil-fiil. Alam yaj'al kaydahum fi tadliil. Wa arsala ‘alaihim tayran abaabiil. Tarmiihim bi hijaaratim-min sijil. Fa ja'alahum kya'asfim-ma'kuul"


“In the name of the Almighty, whose mercy has no limits! Do you know what your God did to the owners of the elephants? He turned their intrigues into a delusion, called on the birds Ababil, who threw stones from charred clay on the army of Abraha, and turned the Lord of the warriors into grass.

Listen to prayers through video

We offer for familiarization the video sequence "Muslim prayers for cleansing the house: listen for free":
