Uzbek Baptists face criminal prosecution for holding Sunday worship at nursing home Six Baptists who held worship at a nursing home near Uzbekistan's capital Tashkent on 13 ...

And Allah, are among the revelations, everything else that does not satisfy this condition belongs to the tradition. Revelations are called Koran(reading, transmission), which applies both to individual passages and to their totality. Mohammed, not being able to do it himself... precious material, which has undoubted authenticity. Tradition in Islam has never reached the popularity it enjoys Koran. Although the collections mentioned are subdivided into well-known departments, this is far from suitable for the general public ...

Both Muslims (who know and do not know Arabic), and non-Muslims, representatives of other religions who have not heard Koran. The study found that reading the Qur'an miraculously restores arterial pressure patients, treats depression and various ... influences of the Koran on people's health. Let us recall in this connection that in Koran Allah Almighty (s.t.) informs the believers that Koran is a cure for the soul and body. And Islamic doctors have been successfully using...

Highly respected for his piety and displayed virtues. Whenever someone asked him how he achieved such holiness, he answered: - I know that in Koran. Once he had just given such an answer to a questioner in a coffee shop, when some cretin asked: - Okay, so what is...


Georges Lemaitre that the universe is constantly expanding. As you can see, the incredibly valuable scientific idea of ​​the expansion of the universe was set forth in the Holy Koran fourteen hundred years ago. And now the sacred Koran Sura 51 verses 47: With our dominion We erected the vault of heaven And for it we spread out a boundless space We expanded it.

Other Being". Indeed, in addition to the information presented in a clear and accessible form, both in the Bible and in Koran contains secret, hidden (in Arabic "an6a" al-gayb) knowledge. According to religious teachings, it is communicated ... but it is the realization of things hoped for and the certainty of things not seen "(Heb. 11: 3). "We believed in this!" - is repeated many times in Koran. * Ayat - the smallest passage in the Qur'anic text: compare the biblical verse. People do not know how information is recorded in ...

All early manuscripts of the holy book of Muslims. In Cairo, within the framework of the annual book fair, a seminar of specialists on Koran from Italy, France, Egypt, Yemen and Russia. All of them are engaged in the search and decoding of manuscripts ... all ancient manuscripts of the Koran will be carefully studied, and their copies will be placed in a single publication. One of the most valuable manuscripts Koran Osman" turned out to be on the territory of the former USSR. Ninety-seven sheets of parchment with the text are stored today in Katta-Langar (Uzbekistan...

so "z so" z so "z so" zaymanayman so "z so" z so "z many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many , many, many, many, many, many, many, many, more, more, more, more light
anfol, repentant, dolphin, hood, yusuf, rad, ibrahim, hijr, nakhl, isra, kaf, maryam, toha, anbi, hajj, mumin, light, furan, shuaro, naml, revenge, spider, rum,
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Compassionate, Event, Hadith, Hajr, Khashr, Mumtahana, Pure, Friday, Hypocrite, Ruling, Divorce, Disposition, Property, Pen, Truth, Maori, Noah, Jin, Muzzammil, Term, Judgment, Person, Mursalot, Grandson
", nazi" at, abasa, takwir, infitor, mutoffifun, croissant, bouquet, tarik, excellent, goshiya, fajr, ballad, pretend, lily, zuho, ​​comment, tiyin, weed, dignity, bayyin, hallzala,
custom, vampire, takosur, century, humor, elephant, quraysh, elk, brace,
It is divided into chapters of 114 chapters, called chapters in verse, chapters, verses, chapters, chapters, chapters, chapters, chapters, chapters and chapters.
It is believed that these 92 chapters were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, and Mecca and 22. The chapters are organized by size, not chronological order. Each chapter can be divided into verses.
the number of verses, depending on how they are calculated, is 6536 or 6600. The second is the second sura with 286 verses;
The Little Sura contains only three verses. The Qur'an is reading, the Qur'an, competition, reading. The Qur'an or Qur'an is the Islamic holy book.
For twenty-three years it has been revealed to our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) that Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the literary word of God.
reciting or reading a word from an Arabic verb;
The Qur'an is therefore a "descriptive reading" or required reading. The Qur'an describes the relationship of the universe, man and each other and the creator.
society, ethics, economics and many other sciences create laws.
It was written to be catchy and catchy.
Muslims consider the Koran sacred and inviolable.
For Muslims, the Qur'an is a sacred and immutable deity, a word that meets everyday human needs, both spiritual and material.
Discussion of Allah and his names and attributes, believers and their virtues, as well as the fate of unbelievers;
science, even questions.
Muslims not only follow the laws of the Qur'an but also practice the teachings of the Qur'an's prophets, examples and hadiths, also known as sunnah.

Al Quran Uzbek Features:

1. Surah list.
2. Sura details.
3. Multiple Arabic fonts.
4. Increase/decrease text size.
5. Reading mode.
6. Search option.
7.2 Translation.
8. Font & Design stylist.
9. NavigationDrawer for Surah, Pages of Khafizi of Quran Changes.
10. 4 Added Kari for Recitation.
11. Horizontal / vertical bar scroll to change sura verses, Pages Immediately.
12. Surah / Verse Bookmark.
13. Arabic / Uzbek Search.
14. Hafizi Quran with Horizontal and Vertical View.
15. Poetry Audio Play.

N.B.: These themes are not a Feature. So don't read below threads..

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