Strictly condemned by righteous Muslims. The fact that witchcraft is evil is written in the holy book for Muslims - the Koran. Whoever is associated with this will never be able to enter Paradise and will draw closer to Allah.

The scripture says that only Allah himself can deal with evil forces. Therefore, people who profess Islam, having met with corruption and the evil eye, do not go to fortune-tellers and witches, but turn to the Koran for help.

How to live right?

In Islam there is such a thing as the will of Allah. It is possible that those failures and problems that you have encountered are the will of the Almighty in order to guide you on the true path.

In order for damage and the evil eye to bypass you, you must always follow the rules below. See if you follow everything.

  • Sincerely love Allah and his Messenger. Surah al-Hijr says: “O my Lord! Because You led me astray from the path of truth, I will embellish with them all the evil on earth and will certainly seduce everyone, with the exception of Your sincere servants. Show your devotion to the Almighty, follow his path. Praise Allah by constantly repeating the words of dhikr (remembrance of the Almighty).
  • Be part of the jamaat (collective) and perform collective prayers (jamaat prayer). It is easier for evil forces to overcome a lonely person. The collection "Sunan at-Tirmidhi" says: "Stick to the majority and beware of division. Verily, the devil is with one, but he is farther from two."

    The Prophet said: “There is not a single village or tent city in which at least three people live and in which they do not perform collective prayer, unless the shaitan has taken possession of them. So be with the team! Indeed, the wolf eats the separated sheep"("Jami ul-ahadith", 20433).

  • Read especially strong suras "Al-Ihlyas", "Al-Falyak", "An-Nas" and "Ayat Al-Kursi"(255th verse of Surah Al-Baqarah) (or listen to them in the recording). Strictly follow what the scripture says. Pray earnestly to the Almighty, ask for protection from evil forces, witchcraft. Only Allah can deal with Satan, because He created him.
  • Perform ablutions. According to the words of the Prophet, while a person is in ablution, angels guard him: “Cleanse your bodies, may Allah cleanse you, truly the servant of the Almighty does not lie down clean (in ablution), except that an angel spends the night with him, does not leave for an hour and repeats : “O Allah, forgive Your servant, indeed he went to sleep in cleanliness (ablution)”("Jami ul-ahadith", 13943).
  • Worship the Almighty at night if you want to protect yourself from witchcraft. When the Prophet was told about a man who slept peacefully all night, he said: “Truly, this is a man in whose ears the shaitan urinated” (“Sharh riyaz-s-salihin”, 1164).
  • Do donations.
  • Eat seven dates before breakfast. The Prophet said: “Whoever eats seven dates in the morning, neither poison nor spoilage will harm him that day” (“Umda al-kari sharh sahih al-Bukhari”, 5779).
  • Keep fasting in holy month Ramadan. By abstaining from food, drink, intimacy, smoking and everything that can give pleasure, the praise of the Almighty by prayers of a Muslim proves his sincerity, devotion to Allah. The Prophet said that all good deeds done in the holy month of Ramadan become more significant, more significant 700 times.

The main prayers for corruption

To take off, you need to perform a ceremony with the obligatory reading of the following surahs of the Qur'an:

  • 1 sura"Al-Fatiha" ("Opening")
  • Chapter 112"Al-Ihlyas" ("Sincerity")
  • Chapter 113"Al-Falyak" ("Dawn")
  • Chapter 114"An-Nas" ("Morning")

The ritual begins with the reading of Al-Fatih, the first sura of the Qur'an, which includes seven verses.. This is what it says in Surah al-Fatiha:

“In the name of Allah. Praise be to Allah, who rules over the world. The mercy of Allah is eternal and unlimited. Merciful, merciful, reigning on the day of judgment. We worship you and ask for your help and support. Show us the right path of truth, so as not to face the fiends of hell. Lead only those who have earned your blessing, who have not angered you and who are not astray."

They finish the reprimand with the sura "An-Nas"- the final sura of the Holy Scriptures:

“I seek refuge in the Lord of people, the king of people, the God of people from the evil intentions of the tempter, who tempts the hearts of people, appearing in the form of genies or people.”

A person who seeks to get rid of corruption should read the second sura of the Koran "Al-Baqara" daily, along with his relatives and relatives. The Prophet said that the devil is not able to read this surah. Ayat "Ayatul-Kursi", contained in the surah "Al-Baqarah", is the strongest remedy for evil spirits. If household members read his words at night, then no damage will enter this house.

Reading the last three suras of the Qur'an ("Al-Ihlyas", "Al-Falyak" and "An-Nas") before going to bed, the Prophet wiped his body three times with his palms, from head to feet. This helps to protect the believer from evil before sunrise.

Chapter 112"Al-Ihlyas":

"Allah is One and Eternal." If he had not given birth, he would not have been born. There is no one equal to him."

Chapter 113"Al-Falyak":

“I ask the Lord for the dawn, namely, salvation from the forces of evil emanating from those created by Him, as well as from the evil that descended from darkness. I ask for protection from envious people who conjure and evil, at a time when envy ripens in him.

How to protect a baby from the evil eye?

Newborns are especially vulnerable. They often suffer from the evil eye. To protect their child from evil forces, parents need to read the first, last, 112 and 113 suras of the Koran.

If it has already happened that your baby has been jinxed, then before sunrise and after sunset over it you need to read prayers. The evil eye can be very strong, and this method of reprimand will not help. In this case, prayers should be read together with relatives, relatives and friends, in chorus.

Before putting the child to bed, the mother can silently read the hundredth surah Al-Adiyat:

“I take an oath, suffocating! Leaping, striking sparks! I swear by attackers at dawn, leaving him (the enemy) in the dust and rushing riders into the midst of those fighting. Human ingratitude is visible to Allah and the people themselves! It is foolish to love material goods! For when the dead rise from their graves and what is in their breasts is revealed, their Lord will know all about them!”

You can also repeat seven times over the child:

“I resort to the perfect words of Allah so that they protect you from any shaitan, and insect, and from any evil eye!”

It is known that these words were uttered over al-Hussein and al-Hasan by the Messenger of Allah. For this reason, Muslims protect their children like this.

How to get rid of envy?

Muslim prayers can only be read by a Muslim. To protect yourself and loved ones from envy and the evil eye, you need to read all the same 112, 113 and 114 suras of the Koran. They protect not only the reader from the bad, but also his house.

From the evil eye after the morning prayer, you need to pronounce the words from 21 suras 121 times for 40 days:

“There is no god but You, you are pure! Verily, I was one of the oppressors."

  • Reading these prayers ask Allah to give you strength, protect you from envious people.
  • Need to pray every day three times.
  • In no case don't envy yourself. Fear the punishment of the Almighty.

Sabab can also protect the believer. To make it, you need to write a dua from hadiths or verses (verses) of the Koran on an exceptionally clean sheet of paper. They always carry this Muslim amulet with them to make it easier to resist evil spells.

How is damage removed in the Islamic tradition?

To remove the damage, you need to read Al-Fatiha, Al-Ihlyas, Al-Falyak and An-Nas in order. It is enough to read these suras for water, which a believer suffering from corruption (with a slight evil eye) will need to drink. In the most severe cases, they also read "Ya-Sin" (Sura 36 of the Koran). It contains 83 verses. Read it for about 15 minutes.

The Prophet called this sura "the heart of the Qur'an", because. she has great power. This surah contains a parable about a city whose inhabitants, with the exception of one old man, rejected the messengers sent to them, and about the punishment that befell them. Surah "Ia-Sin" says that everything was created by the will of Allah, provides evidence of the power of Allah, leading to faith in Allah and to fear of Him and the threat of punishment, about the inevitability of retribution for one's deeds.

The great significance of Surah Ia-Sin is mentioned in many hadiths. One of them says that everything has its own heart, and the heart of the Qur'an is Surah Ia-Sin. To the one who reads the surah "Ia-Sin", Allah will write down for him a reward as for reading ten Qurans.

It is believed that if you write Surah "Ia-Sin" on paper, put it in water, and then drink it, then Allah will fill the heart of the drinker with Light. And if you read it every day once, then Allah will send countless blessings.

There are several mandatory conditions to remove damage according to Muslim canons:

    It is best to start reading on Friday - the most favorable day for appeals, requests to God. It is necessary to know the prayer words (best in Arabic) by heart, you cannot read from the Koran, but it must be in your hands. This is not easy, so many believers turn to the mullah to read these surahs.

    After reading the request, the mullah should blow on the face of the one on whose behalf he read prayers. If you want to cope with the expulsion of corruption on your own, then you can listen and learn prayers using audio and video recordings posted on the Internet. Pay special attention to pronunciation and stress.

  • It is advisable to put the Koran in a special beautiful chest and wrap it in a clean towel or napkin.
    The room in which the ceremony will take place should be quiet, secluded and clean. Nothing and nothing should interfere.
  • Before you open the Quran, tune in, cleanse your soul, calm down. During the reading of prayers, thoughts should not be anything other than faith in Allah.
  • Best time to remove damage - night. It is at this time that Allah is not as busy as during the day, will listen to your prayers and help you sooner. Do not pray in the morning - with the sunrise comes the time of worship of Iblis.
  • Be sure to clean the house before the ritual and take a bath. Before turning to the Almighty, it is necessary to wash off all the dirt from yourself.
  • Before the start of the reprimand, you need to say: “Bismila hi rrahmani rahim auzu billahi meena shaytani rajim”, which means “I resort to the protection of Allah from the accursed Satan”. This will protect against shaitans, they will not be able to interfere with the ceremony.
  • The ritual is usually carried out within seven days(or rather nights).

Never ask Allah to punish offenders. Remember, everyone will get their own way. And a person who wishes evil to another will be punished doubly.

Try to do everything according to these rules, and you will be heard by Allah.

Reading the Koran helps from the evil eye and damage. Listening to sacred suras is useful both for those who suspect that they are under negative magical influence, and for those who want to protect themselves from the evil eye. Let's talk about how to read the Qur'an correctly for these purposes.

The holy book of Islam contains the great wisdom of the ancestors. The Quran contains colossal energy, so its suras have an incredibly powerful protective effect. But religious texts do not “work” for everyone.

It is important to follow some rules so that the sura from the Koran will help you:

  1. You must absolutely believe in the tremendous power of the ancient texts. This is the first and most important rule. Only your faith can activate powerful defensive magic. If there is no faith, reading the Qur'an will not help. It's the same as trying to light a match with water - it's pointless
  2. Only the people who believe in Allah are helped by the Quran. If you follow the canons of another religion in your life, then you should turn to it
  3. Surahs will help a person who not only believes in the power of the Koran, but also follows its commandments. Only pure thoughts and bright deeds - no negativity and harm. If in ordinary life you are a source of evil and negativity, you first need to cleanse yourself, change your behavior
  4. The ceremony is performed only at night. And deep, when the Sun has been below the horizon for a long time. If you see the first morning rays and light, stop reading immediately.
  5. At noon it is also possible, but the efficiency will be extremely low
  6. There is no limit on the number of repetitions of the verses of each sura. Read and say them as many times as your soul requires.
  7. The ideal place for sacred meditation is the desert. IN modern conditions finding a desert is quite difficult, so at least try to retire to a clean, bright and deserted quiet room
  8. If you need to remove the already induced damage, read the Koran on Fridays
  9. Before the ritual, it is recommended to meditate, enter a state of light trance in order to clear the mind, relax and prepare it

In the beginning, you can just listen to religious cleansing texts. Once you understand the correct pronunciation, you can repeat and reproduce them as accurately as possible.

House cleansing

If you suspect that your home has too much negative energy, it is worth doing the ritual of cleansing the house with the help of the Koran. But first, make sure the problem exists.

Signs of an unfavorable energy situation at home:

  • Households feel tired all the time, do not get enough sleep and get tired quickly
  • Sometimes you hear extraneous noises and sounds, the cause of which is unknown
  • Houses are constantly drafty. Too cold and uncomfortable. Or, on the contrary, very stuffy and hot
  • Insects constantly start up: either hordes of midges fly in, then cockroaches come from neighbors, then ants crawl
  • Household appliances and appliances often break
  • Any, even the most unpretentious indoor plants die
  • Pets often get sick or die
  • You have to constantly change light bulbs because they burn out quickly
  • Not so long ago, a man died in the house

If you have found at least some of the signs, it is imperative to cleanse the home of negative energy.

This Muslim prayer will help you:

Try to feel the whole essence of religious conversion. Sincerely ask for help and unconditionally trust that it will come. Imagine how happy you will be when all the negativity is gone, and family members feel calm and good. Visualize these emotions in your mind.

Important: before praying to cleanse the house, it is important to take a shower, put on clean clothes. Do not eat or drink after waking up. Read the words clearly, clearly and sincerely. It is advisable not to talk to anyone and spend the rest of the day doing meditation and spiritual practices.

If this is not possible, at least minimize contacts with other people.

Signs of spoilage

Before treating damage, you need to make sure that you really have it. Signs from the point of view of Islam can be as follows:

  • Constant apathy, weakness, lack of desire to do anything
  • Frequent desire to sleep, lack of vigor
  • Consciousness is changing: even a very cheerful person can become sad and despair, be disappointed in life
  • Bad breath
  • Unpleasant and fetid discharge from the genitals

If you know for sure that some ill-wisher has spoiled you, immediately proceed to energy purification with the help of sacred suras.

Strong Muslim prayer from the evil eye and corruption

Say the prayer several times. It is advisable that your close relatives also repeat the sacred text several times: during the day and at night. It is believed that evil spirits will leave the body of the sick person (the person on whom the corruption is) and will never again dare to enter the dwelling that Allah himself protects.

Important: do not read the prayer from the sheet, memorize it. If you copy the sura on a blank sheet, it should be white, not striped or in a box. Repeat the text every time you feel bad or feel the need for protection from negativity (for example, after contact with unpleasant people).

The influence of faith on any life events has been proven by science. When a person sincerely and sincerely believes in the Almighty, he connects to powerful Muslim egregor. This protects even from such strong negative influences as the evil eye and damage. The changes taking place in the energy structure of a Muslim do not just happen. It is necessary to enter into certain mental states and strictly observe the spiritual prescriptions.

What is the evil eye?

More and more people are appearing to whom healers and psychics without difficulty put the diagnosis that has existed since ancient times -<< сглаз >>. This happens when a person discovers strange ailments not amenable to medical diagnosis.

Often, instrumental and instrumental examinations in a polyclinic do not reveal typical signs of a particular disease, and the state of health and mood worsen. The victim of the evil eye begins to get lost in conjectures and conjectures, rush about in search of a fortune teller or<< знающей бабки >>.

However, for a truly believing Muslim, such a problem does not exist. The evil eye is considered to be an influence on a biological being. invisible force of a negative nature, excluding mandatory physical contact.

The evil eye is a consciously or unconsciously carried out influence of one person on another, causing harm to the body and fate through psychic energy.

What is spoilage?

Compared with the evil eye, damage is stronger energy-informational damage, forcing the affected person to completely distrust official medicine. With all her achievements, she is not able to help, since the violations are in the metaphysical realm, which she denies.

In any case, you should not be afraid of damage. It, like other occult influences, is a natural phenomenon, which means that it can be overcome. However, the task of getting rid of spoilage is more difficult than eliminating the evil eye.

When pointing damage is carried out rite of envoltation using incantations. Very strong sorcerers who carry out their black activities for money are capable of this. For many of them, doing evil becomes the highest ideal.

The painful suffering of a spoiled individual is created by a violation of biological, physiological and mental mechanisms through the influence of a sorcerer on the astral plane of existence. Ailments take on a severe, sometimes irreversible character. The family is falling apart, failures are haunting at work.

Corruption is the introduction of an aggressive destructive program into the brain and body of the victim, bringing a lot of trouble in all areas of life.

Prayer from the evil eye

During Muslim prayers pronounced Surahs from the Quran. One of the very effective for the evil eye is Al-Ihlyas. The miraculous effect of the sura allows you to resist witchcraft, eliminates the bad intentions of envious people. An open direct desire for evil or hatred in the gaze is powerless before this sura, which is designed to purify the faith and strengthen the body.

Al-Ihlyas says that Allah is one, self-sufficient and equal to Him does not exist. He was never born, which means he existed before eternity. It is impossible to comprehend it with the mind, as well as how to understand how this prayer relieves ailments and nightmares, and also prevents their occurrence. Everything is the Holy Will of Allah!

It is noticed that the Purification of Faith helps people who profess Islam. It is recommended to blow on your hands before reading the sura, and then wipe your face and body. The best time for the ceremony is before bedtime.

Muslim esotericists note that Surah Al-Muawuizatain is able to eliminate negative programs and strengthen Al-Ihlyas in the fight against the evil eye. Muslim prayer from the evil eye closes the energy breakdown in the aura.

From spoilage

The great power of the sura<< Верующие >> makes it one of the main protective means of the Muslim population from damage. It says that if you call on Allah alone, then evil spirits are expelled, and a person receives reliable protection from evil.

It is necessary to open the Koran and directly come into contact with a miracle! In dozens of verses of this sura, information is encoded, saving from harm. Removes any negative energy. A barrier is created from the conscious infliction of energy damage from one person to another.

Being an independent energy-informational entity, damage goes away if the believer complies with a number of instructions dictated by higher powers:

  • the prayer is said at night, before sunrise;
  • at noon it is necessary to read the prayer again;
  • the best day for prayer from corruption is Friday;
  • consciousness must be pure, and the intention unbending.

Leading a righteous life, reading namaz, donating to the poor, observing fasting is of great importance. It helps to wear special paper around the neck, on which the verses are written.

The Muslim prayer from corruption defeats direct deliberate damage to the human energy body resulting from skilled magical work. Along with sura<< Верующие >> successfully used the following:<< Аль-Фаляк >>, << Йа-Син >>, << Ан-Нас >>, << Аль-Бакара >>.

Prayer to protect a child

Children, especially newborns, are subject to energetic influences in more than adults. Therefore, the concern of parents regarding the evil eye and damage is quite justified. If they are Muslims, then they are lucky: the Koran provides the most wonderful suras to protect children.

The very first surah that opens the book<< Аль-Фатиха >> designed to beg for the child's well-being. In seven verses, an appeal is concentrated to the Many-merciful and Merciful Lord of the worlds, a request to lead the blessed on a straight road.

Worship and a request for help, poetically sounding in this sura, as a rule, do not go unnoticed by the Higher powers. Children are granted grace and all the previously listed suras. Prophet Muhammad pointed this out.

Surahs for health

The above surahs contain the secret of healing from all diseases and maintaining good health. They are truly versatile, you just need to know how to use them correctly. Reviews say that Muslim prayer not only relieves physical weakness, but is also able to normalize elevated body temperature.

The modern ordinary person tends to suffer from many chronic diseases at the same time. Use chemicals does not bring health. Methods known to science do not guarantee that the patient will recover.

Without denying traditional medicine, turn in prayer to Allah! Getting rid of a bunch of ailments that are very serious and intractable awaits the true adherents of Islam.

For the fulfillment of desires

In the Muslim world, it is not customary to cultivate increased demands on the blessings of life. Nevertheless, there is a prayer to the Almighty, which turns dreams into real events and phenomena.

Surrendering oneself to Allah does not exclude the invocation of the Holy Spirit for birth healthy child, family well-being, prosperity. For the fulfillment of desires, there is a special prayer - Salavat. There are separate prayers: for love, for good luck.

Purification of the soul

When you begin to praise excessively, or notice a very hateful look in your direction, remember Muslim prayers. But in any case, do not reproach anyone. Moreover, do not resort to the services of sorcerers in order to return the damage back to the one who sent it. It is better to leave to Allah the decision on the punishment, for that is how it really is.

In this world, and in all other existing worlds, everything is decided by the Almighty. It’s just that our limited consciousness is arranged in a very peculiar way: we hope for generosity higher powers without showing it properly in their own thoughts and actions.

The wise word of the Qur'an protects those who kneel before God. The fact is that the harmful negative impact of the evil eye and damage is more pronounced in persons who have allowed similar energy-informational structures to penetrate into the soul. Protecting the body and mind becomes problematic. A person himself unreasonably limits his protective capabilities, succumbing to sin.

Muslim prayer is salutary in many situations. Any attempt of shaitans to instill fear and force a person to leave the Truth becomes untenable. Lower spirits, pathological emotions and thoughts of other people, the evil of some social egregors are powerless before the will of Allah.

Stress, quarrels, aggression, energy attacks by practicing psychics are just illusions and wilds for a Muslim.

There is no punishment without guilt

Muslims are convinced that corruption and the evil eye, and indeed everything that happens, are under the control of Allah. And if an energy strike appeared, then the person somehow deserved it and gotta pray to return the favor of the Almighty. The laws of magic say: a negative magical effect (damage, evil eye) is superimposed on an existing character trait, reinforcing what already exists. You can free yourself by admitting guilt and begging for forgiveness.

In this article I want to talk about damage and the evil eye in a Muslim way. For what?

IN modern world borders between states are almost erased and representatives of various faiths can freely travel around the world. Due to the fact that in the Slavic countries you can easily meet a person who believes in Allah, it will not be superfluous to find out what Islam says about witchcraft, how to get rid of it and protect yourself.

Muslim sorcery

For any person, the features of a foreign religion are perceived as something incomprehensible, causing fear, which can paralyze the ability to think sensibly. Therefore, I want to talk about some of the features of Islam in relation to witchcraft:

  • Islam, like the Christian religion, is categorically against magicians and sorcerers. Muslims are very pious people. They still live according to the rules and customs of their ancestors, and look for solutions to their problems on the pages of the Koran.
  • Like the Slavs, people of the Muslim faith are sure that to induce the evil eye, it is enough to look at a person with evil or envious thoughts, and for damage, special rituals must be performed.
  • To get rid of the influence of witchcraft and protect against it, Muslims use prayers from the holy scriptures and various rituals.

As you can see, in terms of magic, there are practically no differences between us. But I want to warn you that it is the Muslim magician who should remove the induced Muslim witchcraft.

How the evil eye and damage manifest

Before a disease can be treated, it must be diagnosed. It is the same with witchcraft - before getting rid of it, you should make sure that it is present. So how do Muslims define the evil eye and damage to themselves or loved ones?

Signs of the evil eye are:

  • nothing pleases the victim;
  • the person on whom the evil eye cries for no particular reason;
  • the victim of the evil eye has memory impairment;
  • because of someone else's negativity, a person can constantly yawn and feel like sleeping;
  • a person under the influence of negativity may stop being attentive;
  • visiting a mosque or during prayer, a person with an evil eye cannot stop yawning.

Signs of damage are:

  • the character of the victim of induced witchcraft deteriorates sharply;
  • if damage was brought to a woman, then she may experience pain in the uterus. Moreover, all examinations show that there are no reasons for such a condition;
  • the victim of corruption cannot get rid of bad smell from the mouth - hygiene products do not work, and doctors cannot find the cause of this phenomenon;
  • it becomes difficult for a person with damage to control his behavior in relation to others;

People of the Muslim faith believe that the discovery of these symptoms on a person is already enough to proceed to get rid of witchcraft. Just in case, you can check yourself again during morning and evening prayers - if you experience discomfort, constantly yawn, then this is clear evidence that you are being influenced by magic.

How to read Muslim prayers correctly

As in Christianity, in Islam there are certain conditions under which the prayer will be heard by Allah, and the request of the asker is fulfilled. These conditions are as follows:

  • to carry out the removal of spoilage should be in the evening or even at night, after a complete cleansing of the body. Among the followers of Allah, there is an opinion that it was at this time that their God is free from daytime affairs and can help everyone who turned to him with a request for purification and protection from witchcraft;
  • to get rid of existing corruption and protect yourself from witchcraft in the future, you should use certain prayers from the Koran;
  • a prayer ritual for getting rid of witchcraft should begin no earlier than at 3 a.m., and end with the first rays of the sun;
  • prayers should be read exclusively in Arabic. If you do not speak it, you can use the help of a native speaker. Ask him to say the text of the prayer so that you can memorize it or record it on a voice recorder. In addition, you can use the Internet and find audio recordings of the necessary prayers;
  • it is best to read suras (prayers) from the Koran on Friday evening. There is an opinion that it is on this day that wishes come true and the effect of prayer can be strengthened;
  • the best effect can be achieved if during prayer to achieve a state of trance.

Prayers from the Quran to remove corruption

Now I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the text of the suras from the Koran, which will best help a Muslim get rid of various kinds of witchcraft.

Al-Fatiha (Opening)

Bismillahi l rahmani rrahim.

Alhamdu lillahi rabbil alamen.

Arrahmani rrahim.

Maliki yau middin.,

Iyyaka Nabudu wa Iyyaka Nastain,

Ihdina l sirata l mustakim

Sirata l azin anamtu alaihim gairi l magzubi alaihim wa la ddallin.

Al-Ikhlas (Sincerity)

Kulhu in Allahu Ahad

Allahu Samad

Lam yalid wa lam yulad

Wa lam yakun llahu, kufuwan ahad.

Al Falak (Dawn)

Bismillahi l rahmani rrahim

Kul auzu birahbi l falak.

min shari mahalak

Wa min shari gasikyn iza wa cab

Wa min shari l nnaffasati fi l ukad.

Wa min shari hasidin isa hasad.

An-Nas (People)

Bismillahi l rahmani rrahim

Kul auzu birabbi l nnas

Maliki nas

Ilahi nas

Min sharri waswasi l hannas

Allazi yuvasvisu fisuduuri nnas

Mina l jinnati wa nnas.

During the recitation of these prayers, one should fumigate the room where the purification is carried out. Qist al-Hindi is an Indian cane that can be easily bought in a specialized Islamic store.

Muslim rituals to remove corruption

As in Christianity, in Islam there are rituals that allow you to get rid of damage from minimal cost time and effort. The only thing that matters to them is to believe in the power of their God.

lead casting

  • Find a small piece of lead and hold it in your right hand.
  • Bring your right hand to the top of your head and turn the lead counterclockwise seven times. At this time, you need to pronounce lines from Surah Al-Fatiha.
  • This action should be repeated on every part of the body: arms, legs, forehead, solar plexus and below the navel.
  • When these manipulations are finished, spit on the lead 7 times.
  • Now you should wrap this piece of metal in the clothes worn by the corrupted one. The finished bundle is placed under the pillow or mattress of the victim of witchcraft for 7 days.
  • After the allotted time, you need to get a bundle, extract lead from it and melt the metal. It is best to do this on Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday.
  • Next, you should lay on the floor the thing in which the lead was wrapped. Put a bowl of water on it. You need to stand above the water in such a way that it is convenient to pour the molten lead, but at the same time protect yourself from splashes.

Evaluate the result. A flat and smooth surface indicates that there is no witchcraft effect on a person. Any defects on the surface of the cast metal indicate the presence of magical interference.

In this case, it is necessary to repeat this ritual 7 more times to get rid of damage, as evidenced by the acquired smoothness and evenness of the cast lead.

Each time a new piece of lead should be used for this rite, and the old one should be thrown away. It is advisable to do this away from home by throwing the casting into a deep body of water.

Rolling out with a bow

This method is essentially similar to which I have spoken about many times. This ritual should not be performed by the victim of witchcraft herself, but by a person in whom there is a strong trust. It’s good if a blood relative will be cleaning from spoilage.

  • The victim of magical interference must give his healer 3 onions of any size.
  • Having peeled the vegetables from the husk, the healer begins to drive each of them in turn over the patient's body. Start at the top of your head and work your way down your spine in a circular motion. The roll-out process should be accompanied by the words:

    "Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim wa Hual Aliil Azim" . At the same time, the healer and his patient must clearly imagine how the bulb absorbs all the negativity that the victim of witchcraft radiates.

  • The used vegetable is placed in a jar of water and covered with a lid.

Depending on the strength of the damage, the ritual should be carried out for 2-3 days, after which the used bulbs should be thrown away.

In conclusion

Now you know some of the features of removing damage with the help of Muslim prayers. I want to note that Muslims are of the opinion that you can try to remove the evil eye and light damage on your own. If a person is accompanied by serious problems with physical or psychological health, then you should contact a specialist.

I fully agree with this opinion and strongly recommend that you adhere to it. After all, when the forces are running out, then you need to quickly eliminate the root cause of such a state. And only a specialist has enough power for this.

Contact me at the coordinates indicated on the site and I will help you solve your problem related to magic.

In the modern world, not only among Muslims, in the first place, besides faith, there is success, money. Many dream of friendly family, rest, well-being. Some people get what they want. But very often success leads to envy.

Unfriendly neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances may be set against you. They either openly express their dissatisfaction, or angrily look after you. All this leaves an imprint on life, and things are not going so well. The evil eye, damage are the consequences of envy, and they need to be fought. There are many prayers, conspiracies that will help to cope with the problem.

The evil eye and damage can arise as a consequence of envy.

The best way to fight corruption is a righteous life

But even if you suffered because of the envy of your acquaintances, you can’t get angry at them, blame them for something, and even more so punish them. First of all, you need to analyze your life. Muslims know that any damage can be caused only if Allah Himself allowed it. Nothing happens on earth unless it was His will. Probably, you yourself did something wrong, made a mistake in something. If so, you need to ask for help from Allah.

It is also necessary to follow all the precepts of Islam. This is the best protection against the influence of magic, witchcraft and evil people, damage. There are several rules that are obligatory for a Muslim:

  1. Prayer is required
  2. Giving zakat is a donation for the poor
  3. Keep fasting in the month of Ramadan
  4. Repeat the words of dhikr (these are words that glorify Allah)

If it so happened that the removal of damage is necessary, you can do this using the Holy Book of Muslims.

To avoid the evil eye, it is necessary to follow all the precepts of Islam.

What you need to know before removing spoilage

There are Muslim prayers that can get rid of corruption and the evil eye. They are great at dealing with any negativity. But Muslim magic requires compliance with a number of rules.

  1. Only people of this faith can use the power of Muslim prayers from the evil eye and the negative effects of corruption. Christians must find other means of purification.
  2. Sincere faith is needed that prayers from corruption will help
  3. You can read the suras of the Koran only at night. Early morning, just after sunrise, is the time of shaitan, sorcery. But you can turn to Allah after noon. The best time is in the evening, at sunset. Then the Almighty is not as busy as during the day, and can listen to requests.
  4. The most suitable time to remove damage and the evil eye is Friday. This is the best day when you can ask the Prophet for the fulfillment of a desire.
  5. It is good if a person who reads prayers falls into a meditative trance. Then the removal of damage occurs much faster. But reaching this state is not easy.
  6. You need to read suras against corruption only in Arabic, using the text of the Quran

Prayers that help against the evil eye and damage

One of the main books of Islam is the Quran. Everything is based on it religious rites. The holy book is able to get rid of any negativity if its suras are used correctly.

Usually, people involved in removing damage begin the ceremony by reading the very first sura of the Holy Book, which is called Al-Fatiha. After it, you can start reading 36 Surah Ya-sin. It is quite voluminous, contains 83 verses. It takes about 15 minutes to read. This surah has great power, the Prophet himself said that it is the heart of the Qur'an. You can end with Surah An-Nas. It is best to purchase the Koran and take all the necessary prayers from it.

A person who wants to get rid of corruption, as well as his relatives who want to help, must definitely read Surah Al-Baqarah. The prophet himself advised her to those who are tormented by evil spirits or who are trying to tempt the shaitan. He also said that the sorcerer would never be able to read this sura. It is in it that one of the greatest verses “Ayatul-Kursi” is contained. No jinn or shaitan can tolerate the words of this verse. It perfectly heals from damage and does not allow evil spirits to enter the house.

The person on whom damage is directed should read the surah "Al-Baqarah"

Also, one of the most effective means is the end of the Surah "The Believers" (Al-Mu'minun). Her strength is legendary. If a believing person reads it next to a mountain, then it will split and a key will hammer from its depths. You can also read Al-Falyak and Al-Ikhlas.

Prayers to protect a child from the evil eye

Children are especially vulnerable and often suffer from the evil eye. Muslims, like any parents, fear that their child may be jinxed. This is especially true for newborns. To protect the child from the evil eye, the suras of the holy book are also read: the first, last, 112 and 113.

Surahs are recited to protect the child from the evil eye.

The very first sura or "Al-Fatiha" or "Opening". One of the greatest suras of Islam, which will protect your child too.

“Bismillahi l rahmani rrahim Alhamdu lillahi rabbil alamin. Arrahmani rrahim. Maliki yau middin., Iyyaka nabudu va iyyaka nastain, Ihdina al sirata al mustakim Sirata l azin anamtu alaihim gairi l magzubi alaihim wa la ddallin.

The last surah is "An-Nas" or "People". All nights before going to bed, the Prophet himself read the three final suras from the Koran, among which was An-Nas (also Al-Ihlyas and Al-Falyak). Then he wiped his entire body 3 times with his palms, from head to toe. This helped to protect a person from bad things, including witchcraft, until morning.

"Bismillahi l rrahmani rrahim Kul auzu birabbi l nnas Maliki nnas Ilahi nnas Min sharri waswasi l hannas Allazi yuvasvisu fisuduuri nnas Mina l jinnati wa nnas".

112 sura "Al - Ikhlyas" (Sincerity) The Messenger of Allah once said that this sura in its significance is equal to a third of the entire Holy Book, despite its small size.

“Bismillahi l rahmani rrahim Kulhu in Allahu ahad Allahu samad Lam yalid wa lam yulad Walam yakun llahu, kufuwan ahad.”

113 Surah Al-Falyak "Dawn" The Prophet Muhammad said that the best words uttered by those who seek protection from Allah are the last suras of the Qur'an - "Al-Falyak" and "An-Nas". They can also protect others and jinn from the evil eye. When these surahs were presented to the Prophet, he began to pronounce them, forgetting about other prayers for protection. Therefore, parents who are worried about their child can use these prayers.

“Bismillahi l rrahmani rrahim Kul auzu birahbi l falak. Min shari mahalak Wa min shari gasikyn iz va kab Wa min shari l naffasati fi l ukad. Wa min shari hasidin isa hasad.
