Many people who identify themselves as different religions, do not fully know what Ramadan is, although they have heard this name more than once. Ramadan is a holy Muslim fast lasting one lunar month. Its name is translated as "scorching heat", "heat", "heat". All the names of this ninth month of the Muslim calendar are associated with the time of the holiday. As a rule, this is summer or late spring: Muslim holidays are tied to the lunar calendar, so they change the schedule every year. Ramadan 2016 - the beginning and end of fasting falls on June 6 and July 5, respectively. And in Russia, Moscow, and in other countries, the calendar of all important holidays and events is the same. If in 2016 you are going to visit Tunisia or the UAE from June 6 to July 5, consider all the restrictions associated with fasting. Showing respect for the believers of Islam, in public, follow the prescribed restrictions and observe the rules of the holy Ramadan. If there are Muslim believers among your friends, be sure to send them congratulations on the beginning of the holiday on June 5th.

What is Ramadan, the holy month of Muslims?

What is the holiday of Ramadan, every child born of a Muslim knows. This is a month-long fast during the summertime, associated with the strictest restrictions on food, drink and pleasures. Its story is connected with the prophet Muhammad and his meeting with the angel Jabrail (in Orthodoxy: the archangel Gabriel). Through an angel, Muhammad received revelations from Allah, which appeared to him as verses that became suras of the Koran. For every Muslim, this event is sacred, because it revealed the message of Allah to the entire Islamic world.

Ramadan 2016 - the beginning and end of the holy month in Russia

The beginning and end of Ramadan 2016 in Russia coincides with the dates of holy fasting for the entire Islamic world. This year, all the faithful deliberately limit themselves in food, drink and carnal pleasures from June 6 to July 5 inclusive. All these days, fasting Muslims should not eat or drink until sunset. After the sun has gone below the horizon, you can eat, but the first meal of the day should be healthy and light. Russian Muslims, whose total number, according to various sources, range from 20 to 30 million people, treat fasting with respect, but not all observe it. The rules of Ramadan are humane, despite the seemingly strictest restrictions (not a drop of water before sunset, even in the heat!), and many believers may not fast. You will read about these exceptions below.

Ramadan 2016 - schedule in Moscow for Muslims

The schedule of Ramadan 2016 in Moscow coincides with its celebration throughout the Muslim world. However, due to the difference in sunset and sunrise times, the start and end times of the fast vary each day. According to the rules of fasting, Muscovite Muslims begin to strictly restrict food and drink at around 4 am on June 6, 2016. If you doubt the reliability of the hours when you can already eat and drink, find out the exact schedule of Ramadan days in the mosque closest to you.

Calendar for Ramadan 2016

Due to the binding of Ramadan to the lunar and solar calendars and the strict observance of fasting, it is better for every Muslim to purchase or print a calendar for Ramadan 2016. The calendar marks the exact hours for the start of meals in the evening (iftar) and the last morning meal and drink (suhoor). IN different countries the time varies a little, but in general the calendar gives reliable information. We provide a calendar of holy fast for the latitude of Canada and Tajikistan.

Ramadan 2016 start and end in Tunisia and UAE

The beginning and end of Ramadan 2016 in Tunisia and the UAE falls on June 6 and July 5. Tourists in these Muslim countries must respect the traditions of Islam. When hungry, do not eat in public, drink or smoke. Nobody forbids you to do this, but do it in such a way that no one sees you. In the countries of Islam, restaurants and cafes are closed until sunset, and entertainment events are not held.

Congratulations on Ramadan 2016 in beautiful verses

Be sure to congratulate your Muslim friends on their holiday - the holy Ramadan. It can be poems, and friendly wishes, and a miniature edition of the Koran, donated from the heart.

Spiritual holiday Ramadan,

What was given by Allah from above,

We honor with an open mind

And some bright simplicity ...

May all your dreams come true on this day

And troubles, sorrows will be forgotten.

Joy replaces sadness

All that is not a pity will go away!

May the holiday be bright Ramadan

Will eradicate any deceit,

Giving us comfort, warmth

And everything that should be in life!

Congratulations on Ramadan to the faithful Muslims.

Let all sorrows, deceit bypass you.

The great post is coming. Fasting for body and soul.

May God's creation complete your faith.

No smoking, no alcohol and no fancy food

We have to live a month so that there is no trouble.

May Allah bless your thoughts and hearts.

So that there is no end to your happiness and income.

May this month cleanse you of filth forever.

I wish you long life and health for years to come.

Fasting has come sacred,

There are no released.

Let's put aside all worries

Keeps the soul vow.

We repent of what we have done

Allah will forgive us all.

All people will get better.

Purify, enlighten the Qur'an.

And let the great Paradise give us a post,

Save from sin Ramadan.

holy month Ramadan 2016 - the beginning and end of fasting coincide all over the world. However, due to the difference in time and time zones, believing Muslims in Russia, the United Arab Emirates, and Tunisia begin and end fasting every day with a difference of several minutes. You can check the Ramadan schedule with the mufti and with the calendar available in all mosques in Moscow and other Russian cities. Do not forget to congratulate your loved ones on the upcoming Ramadan 2016 even before the holiday.

The holy Muslim month of Ramadan (Ramadan), in 2016, begins on the evening of June 5 at sunset. That is, from the night of the specified date, or rather from the morning of June 6th and ends in the evening of July 5th, 2016.
In fact, Ramadan is also referred to among the nations as "Ramadan" and represents the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. Every year the date of the beginning of the month changes in relation to the Gregorian calendar.
The month of Ramadan (Ramadan) is the most important and most honorable month-holiday for all Muslim believers throughout the earth, the end of which is celebrated as a holiday and this year it is established 6 -th of July 2016 since the new moon comes out at about 4 hours 21 minutes on 07/05/2016 Makkah time. Thus, Ramadan this year equals to 30 days (so far according to preliminary data).
ESSENCE: The month of Ramadan is considered obligatory for Muslims, the month of fasting (saum) and one of the five pillars of Islam. During the month of Ramadan, faithful Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and intimacy during the daytime in order to atone for their sins. In other words, the meaning of fasting is a test of the will for the sake of the triumph of the spirit over the desires of the flesh, concentration of attention on one’s inner world in order to identify and destroy sinful inclinations and repentance for committed sins, the struggle with one's pride for the sake of humility with the will of the Creator. The duration of the month is 29 or 30 days and depends on the lunar calendar. Fasting begins at the beginning of dawn (after the morning azan) and ends after sunset (after the evening azan).

Approximate posting time on 06/06/2016
Every day, before fasting, Muslims pronounce their intention (niyat) approximately in the following form: "I intend tomorrow (today) to fast the month of Ramadan, for the sake of Allah." It is advisable for Muslims to finish the morning meal (suhoor) half an hour before dawn and start breaking the fast (iftar) immediately after the time of breaking the fast. It is recommended to break the fast with water, milk, dates, etc.
Every day, after the night prayer (isha), Muslims collectively perform a voluntary tarawih prayer, consisting of 8 or 20 rak'ahs. In the last ten days of the month, the night of al-Qadr comes (the night of power, the night of predestination).
On the first day of the month of Shawwal, in honor of the end of Ramadan, a feast of breaking the fast is held. On this day, Muslims perform a festive prayer in the morning (go namaz) and pay obligatory alms (zakat al-fitr). This holiday is the second most important holiday for Muslims.
A complete rejection of simple human needs, even on the hottest and most exhausting days, gives Muslims the opportunity to demonstrate the strength of their faith. During fasting, Muslims seek to curb their instincts and passions (nafs). In addition to external cleanliness in this month, the fasting person tries to strictly observe internal purity - liberation from all thoughts and actions that defile a person. The fast of a Muslim, whose deeds and thoughts are unclean and not pleasing to God, is considered invalid because "Allah does not need to refrain from eating and drinking the one who has not left a lie." Muslims believe that the observance of spiritual and bodily fasting in the month of Ramadan has an extremely positive effect on their souls.
You have to fast for a few days. And if any of you is sick or on a journey, then let him fast the same number of days at another time. And those who are able to fast with difficulty should feed the poor in expiation. And whoever does a good deed voluntarily, so much the better for him. But you'd better fast if you only knew! In the month of Ramadan, the Qur'an was sent down - the right guidance for the people, clear evidence of the right guidance and discernment. Those of you whom this month finds must fast. And if someone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast the same number of days at another time. Allah desires ease for you and He does not desire hardship for you. He wants you to complete a certain number of days and praise Allah for having guided you to a straight path. Perhaps you will be grateful. (Sura Al Bakara).
During this month, Muslims approach the performance of prayers more responsibly than in ordinary months, read the Koran, do good deeds, distribute voluntary (sadaqah) and obligatory (zakat) alms. Many Muslims who, for some reason, stop performing prayers, most often return to observing this pillar of Islam this month. That is why Muslims await Ramadan with reverence.
It is impossible during fasting!!!
The following actions committed during the daytime break the fast. including:
Unspoken intention (niyat) to fast;
Intentional eating and drinking;
Sexual intercourse (regardless of whether there was an ejaculation or not), masturbation and ejaculation caused by caresses;
Entering rectal and vaginal medicines;
Swallowing sputum that has entered the oral cavity;
Spontaneous vomiting, in which oral cavity filled with vomit.
Unintentional eating and drinking;
The introduction of drugs through injections (shots);
Blood donation and bloodletting (hijama);
Bathing, in which water does not enter the mouth;
Kissing if the partner's saliva is not swallowed;
Caresses, if they do not lead to ejaculation;
Swallowing saliva and sputum that did not enter the oral cavity;
Brushing your teeth, provided that toothpaste will not fall into the throat;
Siwak teeth cleaning. Some theologians consider it undesirable to brush their teeth in the afternoon, mentioning the hadith that "the smell from the mouth of a fasting person is sweeter to Allah than incense";
involuntary vomiting;
Not performing prayers.
Categories of persons released from fasting
Not Muslims;
Minor children and mentally ill adult Muslims;
The old and the sick who cannot fast and do not hope that their condition will change. In atonement for fasting, they must feed the poor;
Pregnant and lactating women if they fear for their health and the health of their child. They must make up the post after the disappearance of the reason that temporarily relieves them of the obligation;
Wayfarers. The traveler is allowed to break his fast, regardless of his physical condition and the complexity of the journey.
Women who are menstruating and postpartum cleansing.
It is undesirable for those who do not observe the fast of Ramadan to defiantly eat or smoke during the daytime. In Islamic countries, during fasting it is forbidden to eat, drink, smoke, chew gum and turn on loud music in public places.
A prerequisite fasting is the intention (niyat) to do it. The intention is pronounced with the heart and confirmed with the tongue in any language that the fasting person understands. The intention is approximately as follows: "I intend tomorrow (today) to fast the month of Ramadan, for the sake of Allah." The intention is pronounced every day between the night (isha) and morning (fajr) prayers. The intention said at the beginning of the month for all the days of the month of Ramadan is considered invalid in all Sunni madhhabs, except for the Maliki.
Breaking the fast during Ramadan, without a good reason, is considered a sin. According to one of the five pillars of Islam:
For an unintentional violation of fasting for a good reason (serious illness, haid), a Muslim is obliged to make up for the missed fast with 1 day of fasting or pay a certain amount equal to 1 sah of wheat to the needy, or products purchased with this amount of money.
For a missed fast for a good reason, he must fast on any day convenient for him until the next month of Ramadan.
For sexual intercourse during daylight hours, you must compensate this day with 60 days of continuous fasting, or feed 60 poor people.
In case of impossibility of fasting for reasons permitted by Sharia, one must perform repentance.
According to authentic hadiths and the Qur'an, doing good deeds is considered especially important. According to the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah increases the significance of each of them by 700 times, and the devil is chained this month, so it becomes much easier for Muslims to perform them than in other months. Faithful Muslims in Ramadan try to spend more time in prayer and reading the Koran, give alms, and do other good deeds.
Suhoor is an early morning meal during the month of Ramadan. Food is eaten before prayer - fajr (before dawn). Suhoor and iftar (evening breaking the fast) during Ramadan replace the traditional three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
For Muslims, it is advisable to perform suhoor on the eve of the first signs of dawn, since the reward (sawab) from Allah for fasting in this case will be greater. If the fasting person does not eat before dawn, then his fast remains valid, but he will lose some of the reward, since he will not perform one of the actions related to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.
Iftor is the breaking of the fast, the evening meal during the month of Ramadan. Held after evening prayers local time. Iftar begins just after sunset. Postponing meals to a later time is undesirable. Breaking the fast according to the Sunnah begins with dates or water. The Prophet Muhammad said: “When one of you breaks his fast, let him break his fast with dates, and if he does not find dates, let him break his fast with water, for it truly cleanses.”
After the iftar is performed, the following prayer (dua) is said:
“O Lord, I fasted for You (for the sake of Your pleasure with me) and, using Your blessings, I broke my fast. I hope in You and I believe in You. Forgive me, O He Whose mercy is infinite. Praise be to the Almighty, Who helped me to fast and fed me when I broke my fast.”
“O Allah (O Lord)! For the sake of Your satisfaction with me, I fasted, believed in You, relied on You and broke the fast, using Your gifts. Forgive me past and future sins, O All-Forgiving!
Tarawih (break, rest, respite?) is a voluntary prayer (prayer) that takes place after the obligatory night prayer (isha) and lasts until dawn. Taraweeh prayer is performed both individually and collectively. The word "taraweeh" - plural from the Arabic word "tarviha", which means "rest" in Russian. Prayer is called so because after every four rak'ahs, the worshipers sit down to rest, praising the Lord or listening to the edifications of the imam.
During the time of the Prophet Muhammad, tarawih was made from 8 and 20 rak'ahs, however, taraweeh, consisting of twenty rak'ahs, was finally approved by Caliph Umar with the consent of the Sahaba. According to the opinion of 4 Sunni madhhabs, the tarawih prayer is performed in 20 rak'ahs (10 prayers of 2 rak'ahs each). It is performed every day during the entire month of Ramadan after the night prayer (isha). During the time of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, after every four rak'ahs, a short break was made, during which the praise and remembrance of Allah was performed or a short sermon was read.
Last ten days of Ramadan
During the last ten days of Ramadan, Muslims perform worship most diligently. At this time, it is recommended to stay in mosques (itikaf) following the example of the prophet Muhammad, who retired to the mosque for ten days, and in Last year secluded himself for twenty days of his life. A prerequisite for seclusion in the mosque is the pronunciation of the intention (niyat): "I intend to stay in itikaf in this mosque in order to get closer to Allah." When leaving the mosque, the intent is updated. These days, the night of al-Qadr (the night of power, the night of predestination) is expected.
Night of al-Qadr (Laylatul Qadr)
The Night of Destiny (Layla-tul Qadr), also the Night of al-Qadr, the Night of Power. It is believed that the 27th night of the month of Ramadan in honor of the discovery of the Surah “Inna anzalnagu” to Muhammad in 610 in the Hira cave of Jabal al-Nur mountain. On this night, according to Islamic sources, the archangel Jabrail appeared to the praying Muhammad and, pointing to the scroll, said: “Read!” (Koran!). The night of predestination is celebrated at the end of the ninth month of Ramadan. On the Night of Predestination, it is customary to ask God for forgiveness for the sins committed and read the Koran.
On the first day of the month of Shawwal, that is, on the 30th or 31st day of the month. Ramadan in honor of the end of Ramadan, the holiday of breaking the fast Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) is held. On this day, Muslims perform a festive prayer (Go namaz) and pay obligatory alms (zakat al-fitr).
Zakot al-fitr (breaking the fast?) - alms that must be paid to needy Muslims before the Ramadan holiday. Pay zakat al-fitrah is an obligatory act (wajib) for Muslims. The head of the family pays alms for all members of his family who are under his care. If the child was born after sunset last day month of Ramadan, then Zakat al-Fitr is not paid for it.
Zakat al-fitr can be paid to an authorized person in the mosque, or personally in need. The amount of alms is 1 saa of loose materials, common in the area where it is paid. For example, in Europe it is recommended to pay with wheat and barley, in Southeast Asia - with rice, in the Middle East - with dates. Saa is a measure of weight equal to 3500 g (in the Hanafi madhhab), or 2.176 g (in the rest of the Sunni madhhabs). In the Hanafi madhhab, half of the saa is paid. Zakat al-Fitr is best paid in the form of products, as was done in the time of the Prophet Muhammad. The payment of alms in monetary terms is permitted in the Hanafi madhhab.
The purpose of paying zakat al-fitr is to atone (kafarra) for possible mistakes and omissions made during the month of fasting, as well as to help the poor and those in need to celebrate Eid al-fitr together with other Muslims.
Congratulations and Ramadan calendar
The month of fasting for Muslims is a joyful event, with which they congratulate each other with the words Ramazani Kareem (I wish you a generous Ramadan!?) or Ramadan Mubarak (blessed Ramadan!?). The traditional wish this month is the words “May Allah please your eyes in Ramadan with sweet evenings and the friendship of the elect, the mercy of the All-Forgiving and the paradise of the pious!”. The fasting person is also wished that Allah accept his fast.
The beginning of each month of the Islamic - lunar calendar is the day after the new moon. The lunar calendar is shorter than the Gregorian calendar by about 10 days, so every year the start date of Ramadan shifts by about 10-11 days back relative to the modern calendar. It should also be taken into account that in some Muslim countries the first day of Ramadan is determined by astronomical calculations, and in others by direct observation of the moon, or can be determined based on the announcement of people authoritative in the Muslim world. In this regard, the beginning of a religious holiday may differ depending on the host country or weather conditions.
Forecast for the beginning of the month of Ramadan in future years:
Days of the week

What date does Ramadan start? and got the best answer

Answer from Nu you wait![guru]
When to celebrate Ramadan (Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, Uraza)? When does Ramadan begin and end (Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, Uraza)? Ramadan holiday? Muslim holiday Ramadan?
The holy month of Ramadan is determined for Muslims in the second year of the Hijri (622nd year). The month of Ramadan teaches people to love the principles of Allah, gives them the opportunity to show their strong-willed qualities, tolerance, be vigilant, conscientious. This month, Muslims observe fasting - orudzhlug.
The history of orudzhlug begins from the second year of the Hijra, when the Prophet Muhammad established the month of Ramadan for Muslims in the city of Medina. It was on one of the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan that Allah gave the Koran to Muslims.
It is said that this event happened on the night of the 23rd to the 24th, or on the night of the 26th to the 27th. This night is called "laylat al-Qadr" - a strong and powerful night. The Qur'an says the following about this night: "On this night we really gave strength, power, this night is stronger than a thousand months, the angels descended to earth and are waiting for the order of Allah, this night until dawn the world."
During fasting, orudzhlug is not allowed to eat, smoke, perform marital duties, etc. during daylight hours. Only children, the sick, pregnant women, those fighting at the front, travelers (travelers) are free from this. Orujlug begins with the appearance of a new Month (Moon) and lasts 29-30 days.
The Qur'an says: "Eat, drink until you distinguish between a black thread and a white thread, then observe orudj until dark" (2:187). Orujlug ends with the holiday of Eid-al-Fitr. On this day, all rich and wealthy Muslims should help poor Muslims.
When fitra is given - helping the poor, all family members are taken into account. Since 1993, the Orudzhlug holiday has been celebrated at the state level.
The number of such requests in search engines is constantly increasing on the eve of the beginning of the holy month. I found an interesting resource on the Internet, where, according to the lunar Muslim calendar, the beginning and end of the month of Ramadan is published until 2017. I am sure that the dates there are taken not from a hangover, but from the official religious sources of Saudi Arabia.
The beginning and end of the month of Ramadan (Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, Uraza).
The month of Ramadan (Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, Uraza) in 2011 begins on August 1 and ends on August 30, and on August 31 the holiday of Eid al-Fitr begins.
ATTENTION! THE EXACT END DAY OF THE MONTH OF RAMADAN IN 2011 is August 31st. That is, on August 31, ALL MUSLIMS OF THE WORLD CELEBRATE THE DAY OF EID-al-FITR (Uraza Bayram). (edited on April 23, data for 2011 corrected, re-verification will be carried out again)
The data will be rechecked and updated as the dates approach.
2011 - August 1 - August 30
2012 - July 20 - August 19
2013 - July 9 - August 8
2014 - June 28 - July 28
2015 - June 18 - July 17
2016 - June 6 - July 5
2017 - May 27 - June 25
These are the start and end dates of the month.
Below is the date of the Eid al-Fitr holiday itself, the Feast of Breaking the Fast.
2011 - August 31
2012 - August 19
2013 - August 8
2014 - July 28
2015 - July 17
2016 - July 5
2017 - June 25

On the night of June 5-6, the most valuable month for Muslims begins - the month of Ramadan, the month of fasting, during which during the whole daylight hours believers abstain from food, drink and entertainment, eating only after sunset. Therefore, based on the decision of the Council of Ulema and the Council of Kazyi of the DUM RT The first day of the holy month of Ramadan in 2016 falls on June 6
July 5 (Shawwal 1)Feast of Conversation, Uraza Bayram (`Eid al-Fitr), the festive Eid prayer in Irkutsk is scheduled to start at 07:30.

The month of fasting is eagerly awaited by all those who have in their hearts the desire to repent and come closer to the pleasure of the Almighty. Ramadan is the month of forgiveness and mercy, mutual help and support, abundance and prosperity, and more rewards are given for worship performed in this month than for worship performed in any other month of the year.

With the onset of Ramadan, Muslims begin to read after sunset special prayer- “tarawih”, which is read during the entire fast, as a rule, after the last of the five daily prayers is performed. In Ramadan, such a type of worship as “itikaf” (from the Arabic “solitude”) is also performed, when believers retire to mosques and places replacing them for prayers, prayers, reading the Koran and other religious books.

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam, which means an obligation to observe it for every adult absolutely healthy Muslim who does not suffer from mental ailments, who is in the place of permanent residence.

During Ramadan, the payment of fitr-sadaq and zakat is determined. Every free Muslim who possesses a set minimum of property, apart from what he needs for his obligatory needs, such as the maintenance of a family, is obliged to distribute fitr-sadaqa. The father, the head of the family, distributes fitr-sadaqah also for his children, if they do not have their own property.

Fitr-sadaqah is distributed to the poor. The monetary amount of fitr-sadaqah this year is determined from 100 to 600 rubles.

Zakat is an annual payment of 1/40 of a Muslim's capital. In 2016, the minimum amount of capital from which zakat should be paid is 224,000 rubles, for fitr-sadaq - 21,600 rubles.

Also approved last day of fasting - July 4 and date of celebration in 2016 Eid al-Fitr - July 5.

The main feature of the month of Ramadan, indicating its importance, is that in this month the sending down of the "Quran" by the archangel Jabrail to the prophet Muhammad began. Muslims remember this event, first of all, on the Night of Power and Predestination (Laylat al-Qadr) - the most important night of the year for every follower of Islam.

Those who are unable to fast during Ramadan fast in other months, and those who are unable to fast at all are paid fidyah. Fidyah is an atonement for every missed day of fasting. Fidyah can be paid in money. This year fidyah is 200 rubles.

Every year, Muslims around the world fast for a whole month, completely excluding food, drink and sex from their daily life. Such a strict fast is called Ramadan (or Ramadan), and it occurs exclusively in the summer. The fast of Ramadan is dedicated to the time spent by the Prophet Muhammad in prayer and solitude. Once, being a hermit in the mountains and praying, he received divine revelations. The first of them was included in the holy book of Muslims around the world - the Koran. According to various sources and ancient manuscripts, it was thanks to the revelations received by the prophet in restrictions and prayers that the Koran was written. The Muslim fast is linked to the lunar calendar, so its start and end dates are constantly changing. Find out from Muslim friends about Ramadan in 2016 - what date they will celebrate sacred holiday. Almost everyone already knows that fasting begins on June 6 this year.

What date does Ramadan fasting begin in 2016?

Due to changes in the movement of the globe and the rotation of celestial bodies, moon calendar constantly changing. More precisely, important dates marked according to this calendar “shift”. Fasting Ramadan, also focused on the movements of the moon, begins in 2016 on June 6th. Starting from this day, believers in the Muslim world do not drink liquids and do not eat food during daylight hours. Naturally, sexual and other pleasures are also prohibited. At the end of the day and with the onset of twilight, you can eat and drink; married people can fulfill their marital duty, you can cook food for the next evening and night. Since the time of Ramadan is always summer, keeping all the rules and restrictions of fasting is especially difficult. The heat, lack of rain and hot winds are especially hard to endure, so the summer fast, especially painful at noon, provides for “indulgences” for children, the elderly and the sick. These categories of people, as well as pregnant women and travelers (travellers) are also completely exempt from fasting: they are allowed to eat and drink. In the UAE, Ramadan 2016, starting June 6, will also come with many restrictions.

Frequent visitors to Dubai and other Emirates, of course, know that in this country that lives off oil and tourism, fasting Ramadan is not so strict. Service personnel of hotels, cafes and bars, restaurants are allowed to eat and taste drinks, otherwise they simply will not be able to understand what they serve to their customers. However, in this country, special screens are installed in all restaurants, separating diners from passers-by. Holidays, belly dancing and mass entertainment are cancelled. In Russia, in Ramadan, all believing Muslims also strictly adhere to the rules of fasting.

When does Ramadan end in 2016?

The month of Ramadan in 2016 ends on July 5th. Thus, from the beginning to the end of the great fast of all Muslims, almost a whole month will pass. Believers who violate the ban on food, food and sexual relations will be punished especially severely. If during fasting a Muslim, while washing himself, accidentally takes a sip of water, this is not considered a violation. The expiation of sins for breaking the fast is called Kaffara. Kaffara for violations of Ramadan prescribes the restriction of the offender in food for another 60 days. People who can hardly endure the restrictions of atonement for sins (and two months of strict taboos are really difficult to endure) can distribute alms, and they will do this during each of the sixty days of atonement for sins.

Meaning of Ramadan

The purpose of Ramadan is to strengthen the Islamic faith. Only a truly strong, believing person can cope with all the strict restrictions of fasting. Drinking taboos are especially heavy for many. It is believed that only by strict prohibitions on bodily goods, a Muslim achieves enlightenment, understanding the meaning of the Koran and most of the suras (verses of the holy book).

Share with your friends there what you learned about Ramadan in 2016 - what date the fast begins and when it ends. Tell them about the rules of fasting and atonement for possible violations. The time of Ramadan will help them think about the meaning of faith and life.
