A kind of alms that Muslims donate exclusively in the month of Ramadan is sadaqa fitr (zakatul-fitr). Its main purpose is to help those in need, as well as cleansing from minor sins committed by a person during holy month post.

One of the hadiths says: “The mercy of the worlds, Muhammad made it a duty to pay fitr-sadaqa to cleanse bad words and treat the needy” (Muslim, Abu Dawood).

Zakatul Fitr Payment Status

Regarding the obligatory payment of this alms among theologians, there are some disagreements. Hanafi scholars categorize fitr as necessary action(wajib). This means that for ignoring it, a sin is recorded for a person, but not as serious as in case of violation of an obligatory prescription (fard). In turn, for the payment to the believer, a reward (savab) is due. According to the Shafi'i, Maliki and Hanbali madhhabs, the payment of fitr-sadaqah is a sunnah (desirable action), that is, for leaving it, a sin is not counted, but a person deserves a severe censure, and a reward for doing it. According to Shiism, this sadaqah is obligatory for payment to Shiites.

However, all these requirements are imposed on people who have the opportunity to pay such alms. The main indicator of property valuation is the possession of a nisab (a kind of subsistence minimum), equated in value terms with gold weighing 84.8 grams. From a Muslim who does not have a nisab, the obligation to pay alms to fitr, as in the situation with, is removed. However, this burden in such a case is placed on the shoulders of relatives by Shari'ah. For example, if children in a family are not able to pay alms on their own, then the head of the family should make a donation on behalf of all his dependents. If there is a pregnant woman in the family, then it is desirable to pay fitr-sadaqah for the baby in the mother's womb. If there are people in the family who do not profess Islam, then this financial obligation is not assigned to them, since it is provided exclusively for Muslims. In cases where the income of the family as a whole does not reach the subsistence level, or the poor person does not have relatives who meet the criterion of prosperity, then this obligation is completely removed from such people.

Who can give alms to fitr

  • People in need - these include people and families who do not possess the nisab, which was discussed above;
  • Dispossessed- these are people who experience some financial difficulties and are in distress;
  • Persons involved in the collection and distribution of zakat. As a rule, these are employees of special zakat funds, Muslim clerics and other people involved in charity;
  • Muslim converts (neophytes). This is due to the fact that such a sadaqah could help strengthen their iman and help financially;
  • Freeing slaves. This category is no longer relevant in our time, but, unfortunately, slavery is still present in some parts of our planet. If a person seeks to free another from slavery, then he, too, can be a recipient of Fitr alms;
  • Debtors. Here we are talking about people "mired in debt" - any alms will help alleviate their situation;
  • Those who are in the path of Allah by which are meant people who finance or are engaged themselves in any charitable deeds. For example, charity, building wells in Africa, helping orphans, and so on;
  • Travelers, that is, people recognized as such, according to.

You should not pay sadaqa fitr to your close relatives (parents, children, etc.), since the meaning of this alms is precisely to help other people. In addition, it is advisable to donate it to the needy and the poor living in your locality, since you will know exactly about their status.

Is it permissible to donate fitr-sadaqah to non-Christians?

On this issue, the vast majority of theologians are inclined to believe that sadaqa fitr is allowed to be paid exclusively to Muslims. Gentiles are allowed to pay this alms only in one case - if you want to make Islam attractive to others. Moreover, this applies to those people who express their desire to accept the Religion of Allah, or are very close to it. But, according to such scholars, non-Muslims are allowed to donate ordinary alms. Shia theologians are of the opinion that only devout Shiites can be recipients of fitr-sadaq.

The amount and timing of the donation of fitrah

The size of zakatul-fitr was established by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) in the second year of the Hijra. In one hadith, which Muslim cites, it is said: “The Prophet ordered to pay fitr-sadaqa in the month of Ramadan to every Muslim in the amount of at least one saa of barley or dates.”

Saa is a measure of weight used by the Arab peoples. Depending on the country, its size varies, which affected the disagreements among the madhhabs. According to the Hanafi madhhab, one saa equals approximately 3.2 kg. According to the Shafiites - 2.2 kg. And each Muslim country has its own measure of saa. But in order to be sure not to make a mistake, large values ​​should be taken into account, since one saa is the minimum threshold. At the same time, it is not necessary to pay fitr-sadaqah only with barley or dates - it is allowed to donate flour, various cereals, wheat, as well as money, but it is still better to resort to food. There is no maximum limit for Fitr charity, and therefore a believer can pay any amount that is more than one saa.

As for the term, it can be any day of the month of Ramadan. However, the final days before (Uraza Bairam or Eid al-Fitr) are considered desirable. The Most Pure Sunnah contains an indication: “The Prophet ordered to pay sadaqa fitr before people leave for holiday prayer"(Bukhari). Based on this, it is recommended to make a donation a day or two before the holiday.

If for some reason a believer did not have time to pay alms on time, then this should be done later. However, according to some scholars, it will no longer be considered sadaqah fitr.

Sizes of fitr-sadaqa for 2019, established by local muftis in Russia and the CIS:

Russia (Council of Ulemas of the DUM RF and the Council of Muftis of Russia) - 100 rubles for the poor, 300 rubles for people with an average income, 500 rubles for wealthy people;

Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of the Russian Federation - the base rate is 100 rubles, for Muslims of average income it is 300 rubles. and 600 rubles. - for well-to-do individuals;

Bashkortostan (DUM of Bashkiria) - 50 rubles for the poor, 150 rubles for people with an average income level and 300 rubles for the wealthy;

Tatarstan (DUM RT) - the base amount is 100 rubles, and for those who pay zakat - 600 rubles;

Crimea (DUMK) - 230 rubles;

Adygea and Krasnodar region- 150 rubles;

Kazakhstan (DUMK) - 300 tenge.

The volume and measure of sadaqa fitr, zakat and fidia were determined at one time by the Prophet Muhammad himself(peace and blessings be upon him)

A counted time remains until the end of the Holy Ramadan, the Uraza ends - one of the main pillars of Islam. The holiday of Eid al-Fitr (the holiday of Uraza) comes immediately after the end of the month of Ramadan and falls on June 4th. On this day, according to custom, wealthy people distribute alms to the poor, needy and orphans, the so-called sadaka fitr. By the way, you can distribute it without waiting holiday any day of Ramadan.

Its meaning, as described in the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), is that Sadaqa Fitr eliminates those shortcomings and roughness that may occur during fasting, and increases the hope of a person that it will be accepted by God in full. The head of the family usually distributes sadaqah fitr for his wife and children. If a baby appeared in the family before the beginning of the month of Ramadan, sadaqah is also allocated on his behalf. If the children are already adults and have the opportunity to earn money on their own or live with their families separately from their parents, then they pay sadaqah fitr on their own.

This year minimum size of fitr-sadaqah (almsgiving of breaking the fast) is equal to 100 rubles. For those who pay zakat, this amount is 600 rubles. These amounts are established based on the cost of barley and wheat groats, dates and raisins. Nisab for the payment of zakat on gold - 230 thousand.

The hadith from Anas bin Malik says: “Uraza, which was observed by the faithful in Holy Ramadan, hangs, as it were, between heaven and earth, and only after the distribution of sadaqa fitr it ascends to heaven. (Imam Dailami)

As the theologians say: “Muslims allocate part of their fortune to those who suffer, and this act brings up mercy in them.” It is considered preferable to distribute sadaka fitr for two or three days before the onset of Eid al-Fitr. Thus, social equality is achieved to some extent between people. According to the faithful, let them rejoice as we do. The amount and volume of sadak fitr does not depend on the whim of religious figures or ulema, but they are tied to the average prices of dates and barley for that period in a given area. Sadaka fitr is distributed to the poor and needy people, as well as to those who are homeless or who are starving. Those who are terminally ill or unable to observe uraza are required to feed some beggar every day during Ramadan. Sadaka-fidia refers specifically to these categories of people and its amount this year is set at 200 rubles.

The Ulema Council determined the amount of zakat in the amount of nisab (minimum amount) of 230 thousand rubles, which depends on the value of an ounce of gold on the world market. The starting point is the volume of gold weighing 84 grams. In other words, the sum of the value of 84 grams of gold in monetary terms is displayed and the amount of nisab is established.

In the event that a person has precious metals, securities or goods in circulation and the total amount of this fortune exceeds 230 thousand rubles, then the amount of zakat is equal to one fortieth of this indicator, that is, 2.5 percent. If there is no such amount, no payment is made. If the amount of cash available at home and savings in a bank account does not reach 230 thousand rubles, you do not need to pay zakat.

Zakat is paid to the poor (those who have a low living wage and do not have a nisab), those who do not have a place to live, food, those who collect zakat, who are unable to pay off their debts and travelers. According to the canons of Sharia, bridges, mosques, and madrasahs are not built with funds received in the form of zakat. All this money is paid only to specific individuals.

In the media, members of the public sometimes express different opinions and interpretations about the amount and amount of Sadaq allocated in the month of Ramadan. In this regard, it must be emphasized that the volume and measure of sadak fitr, zakat and fidia were determined at one time by the Prophet Muhammad himself (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him). We must also remember that all this is directed to the needs of the poor and suffering.

‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz and Abul-‘Aliya regarding the words of Allah Almighty: “Successful is the one who cleansed himself, remembered the name of his Lord and prayed”(al-A'la 87: 14-15), they said: “This means: he paid the zakat al-Fitr, and then went to the holiday prayer” See “Ahkamul-Kuran” 3/176.

Ibn ‘Umar said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ordered to pay Fitr before going to the holiday prayer” al-Bukhari 1503.

Imam Ibn at-Tin said: “The time of payment of Fitrah after the morning prayer and before the Eid prayer” See “al-Mutawari” 135, “Fathul-Bari” 3/478.

Some scholars have considered that the time of payment of Fitr begins after sunset. last day Ramadan and lasts until the holiday prayer. However, the first opinion that it should be paid before entering the holiday prayer is stronger, since it relies on a direct hadith.

As for the opinion of those scholars who believed that Fitr can be paid even at the beginning of Ramadan, it is erroneous and does not rely on anything, and moreover, it contradicts the message from Ibn 'Abbas, which says that the meaning of Fitr is food for the poor on the day of the feast. Imam Ibn Qudama said: “The meaning of the duty of zakat al-Fitr is the holiday of Conversation” See “al-Mugni” 2/676.

Imams al-Shaukani and Shamsul-Haqq ‘Azym Abadi said: “Most scholars believed that the payment of zakat al-Fitr before the Eid prayer was only desirable, and believed that it could be paid before the end of the day of Conversation. However, the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbas is a refutation of them!” See “‘Aunul-Ma’bud”, “Nailul-Autar” 4/255.

Sheikh al-Albani was asked: “Is it permissible to pay zakat al-Fitr a few days or weeks before the Eid prayer?” He replied: “This is not allowed, because the meaning of zakat al-Fitr is to save those in need from requests on the day of the holiday. If you pay Fitr long before it, then there is no doubt that the needy will not keep this food until the holiday” See “al-Khawi min fatawa sheikh al-Albani” 283.

But if a person is afraid that he will not have time to pay Fitr before the holiday prayer, then he can pay it a day or two before the holiday prayer, which is an exception. Nafi’ said: “Ibn ‘Umar used to pay Fitr a day or two before the holiday” al-Bukhari 1511, Muslim 986.

Some scholars have said that Ibn ‘Umar paid Fitr for a day for two, not to the poor themselves, but to the person who was appointed to collect Fitr, as other reports indicate. Nafi’ said: “Ibn ‘Umar sent Fitr two or three days before the holiday to the one who collected it” Malik 1/285.

This message indicates the permissibility of giving zakat al-Fitr to the person who is responsible for its collection, if this person is truthful and trustworthy. This is also confirmed by a well-known hadith in which the shaitan came to steal from the zakat al-Fitr collected in Ramadan, which was guarded by Abu Hurairah. al-Bukhari 4/396.

It is also reported from Ayyub that to the question: “When did Ibn ‘Umar pay Fitr?” Nafi' replied: "When the assembler began to collect Fitr." He was asked: “When did the assembler start collecting Fitrah?” He replied: “A day or two before the holiday” Ibn Khuzaym 4/83.

However, it is important to note that zakat al-Fitr does not count if given after the holiday prayer, as Ibn ‘Abbas said: “And whoever paid it after the prayer, in this case it is considered only as an ordinary alms”.

The Scholars of the Standing Committee said: “Whoever did not pay the Fitrah in a timely manner has committed a sin! He is obligated to repent for delaying the payment of Fitrah and still give it to the poor.” See Fataawa al-Lajna 9/369. The exception is the one who did not know about it.

The payment of zakat al-Fitr is counted only when given to the poor. It must reach him or the authorized person collecting the Fitr in a timely manner. A poor person can entrust another person to collect the zakat paid to him. Timely receipt of zakat to a trusted person means that it is received by a poor person.

However, scientists agreed that if a person did not have time or forgot to pay zakat al-Fitr before the holiday prayer, he becomes a debt, the payment of which still remains mandatory. See al-Mughni 2/458, Mausu'atul-fiqhiya 41/43.

Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen was asked: “I paid zakat al-Fitr when I was in Egypt at the beginning of Ramadan, but now I am in Mecca. Is it obligatory for me to pay Fitr again?” The Shaykh replied, “Yes, you are obligated to pay Fitr because you paid it prematurely! The thing is connected with the cause, and the cause of Fitrah is the day of Conversation and this time is the time of this zakat. It is well known that the day of Conversation occurs only at the end of Ramadan, and Fitrah is not paid except after sunset on the last day of Ramadan. However, there is relief in the permissibility of paying Fitr a day or two before the Eid prayer, and this is only a relief, since the true time of this zakat begins on the evening of the last day of Ramadan and lasts until the Eid prayer. And if possible, it is best to pay Fitr in the morning before the Eid prayer” See “Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen” 18/180.

On atonement and restitution of the fast

Zakatul Fitr and Sadaqatul Fitr are different names for the same obligatory type zakat, which is paid in the month of Ramadan immediately after it ends.

Zakatul-fitr - a tax of conversation paid from each family member before the start of the holiday of Conversation (‘Idul-fitr, Eid al-Fitr) , or rather - before the holiday prayer. It is the final condition for the Creator to accept the observed fast. It is paid primarily in favor of the poor and needy Muslims, and is also used in other charitable activities.

This kind of zakat became obligatory in the second year of the Hijri.

Ibn ‘Umar reported: “The Messenger of the Almighty made obligatory zakatul-fitr. This alms tax is equal to 1 sa‘ of dates or 1 sa‘ of barley. This is a must for absolutely everyone. For both man and woman; for both a child and an adult Muslim. [On behalf of the children paid by their parents .] The Prophet ordered us to pay it before the Eid prayer.” .

“Sa‘”, Mentioned in the hadith, is a measure of loose bodies, equal to 3261.5 g, according to the scientists of the Hanafi madhhab, and - 2172 g, according to other Muslim scientists . The discrepancy in this matter arose as a result of the fact that in different areas different volume measuring vessels were used when selling bulk masses. .

The essence and meaning of zakatul-fitr are set out in the following hadith narrated by Ibn 'Abbas: “Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made it obligatory to pay zakatul-fitr to cleanse the fasting person from unnecessary words spoken by him and rudeness, and also to make it served as a source of food for the poor [support, help for them]. If a person fulfills this obligation [has time to transfer, pay this alms] before the holiday prayer, then this is a zakat accepted from him [one of the varieties of obligatory alms, which, by the will of the Almighty, will be accepted by Him]. If he fulfills this obligation after prayer, then this is alms from among alms. .

Who pays and who receives zakatul-fitr

Who pays. Due to the lack of a clear narrative about this in the hadith texts, Islamic theologians have stipulated two opinions.

First. Whoever has food and everything vital for himself and his family on a holiday, and at the same time he still has the opportunity to pay (or transfer food) zakatul-fitr, he is obliged to do this. This is what most scientists thought.

Second. The person must be from among those who pay the annual obligatory zakat, which is one of the five pillars of religious practice. If a believer is such, then he pays this alms from himself and all those who are under his material care. Hanafi theologians thought so, drawing an analogy between zakatul-fitr and the annual obligatory zakat.

Who receives. Islamic scholars are unanimous that zakatul-fitr is paid in the same eight directions in which the annual zakat is paid. . Usually believers give their zakatul-fitr to local mosques. It is important to note that this form of almsgiving cannot be transmitted to people who are far from the concepts of faith. .

The Qur'an says: “Indeed, alms (zakat) belong [are paid]:
- poor [not having nisab, that is, not related to those who are obliged to pay zakat];
- the poor [poor and destitute];
- those who collect and distribute zakat;
- those who are close to faith or are still weak in their religiosity;
- for the ransom and release of slaves;
- to pay the debts of those who are unable to pay them off;
- on the way of the Lord (fi sabili-lyah) ;

Travelers [who find themselves in a difficult situation].

This is obligatory for you, the Lord is All-Knowing and infinitely Wise” (Holy Quran, 9:60).

Timing of Zakatul-Fitr

It is possible to pay zakatul-fitr from the beginning of the month of Ramadan. This was the opinion of a significant part of Islamic theologians, among them scientists of the Shafi'i and Hanafi madhhabs.

It would be more appropriate to pay (or transfer products) a day or two before the holiday of the end of the fast (‘Idul-Fitr).

The most correct would be to pay zakatul-fitr between sunset on the last day of fasting and until morning, before the start of the holiday prayer.

If the believer did not have time to do this before the holiday prayer, then the obligation still remains. It is highly desirable that this obligation be fulfilled on the first day of the holiday. According to all scholars, it is sinful to leave it for a later time. .

The monetary equivalent of one sa‘ zakatul-fitr

Here it would be useful to quote the words of the modern theologian Yusuf al-Qaradawi: “This form of zakat (zakatul-fitr) has a certain amount established by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) - one sa‘. And it seems to me that the wisdom of this lies in the following.

(1) In those days, money was a rarity [it was mainly commodity exchange that was common. - Sh. A.], especially among those who lived in the desert, far from cities. And the most common form of payment was for what was grown, such as dates, barley, etc.

(2) The cost and value of certain monetary units, currencies often changes, and sometimes they go out of use altogether. Therefore, when in the month of Ramadan they announce the amount of zakatul-fitr this year in the monetary units of an Arab state, it is not surprising that this figure may differ from last year.

Just through the measure of loose bodies - sa‘ - (translating it into known units of weight) you can get that amount of products or Money enough to feed one family.

Islamic scholars said that the form of payment of zakatul-fitr is not limited to the products mentioned in the hadiths (dates, barley, wheat or raisins), but is determined by those products that are most common in the area. Scholars of the Hanafi madhhab also talked about the possibility of paying zakatul-fitr in monetary terms.

If the person paying this form of obligatory alms is sufficiently wealthy, then it is better to give more than one sa‘.

In many countries, including Arab countries, where the madhhab of Imam ash-Shafi‘i prevails in religious practice, the amount of zakatul-fitr in monetary units is determined at the state or local level, the equivalent of which is announced to people in advance in mosques and through the media. Believers subsequently take zakatul-fitr to the mosque or hand it over to those in need. There is also a practice when the monetary equivalent is transferred to special ministries and departments that implement these funds for the needs and aspirations of the poor and orphans in the form that is most useful and necessary for them.

Zakat- this is the share of Almighty Allah in the property of a Muslim, the obligatory payment of part of the property to certain categories of people at a certain time in accordance with established rules. The payment of zakat is one of the pillars of Islam. Allah Almighty said: « But they were ordered only to worship Allah, serving him sincerely, like Hanifs, to perform prayer and pay zakat. This is the right faith."(Quran, al-Bayna, 5).

“Every day when the servants of Allah wake up, two angels descend from heaven. One of them says: "Lord, repay the one who donated." The other says: “Lord, destroy the one who is stingy” (Abu Hureyra).

Caliph Abu Bakr al-Siddiq said: “By Allah, I will definitely fight those who separate zakat from prayer!” Anyone who recognizes the need for zakat, but does not pay it in whole or in part, is a sinner, disobedient and deserves severe punishment.

Annual zakat - 2.5% of the wealth exceeding the amount of nisab

Every Muslim whose property has reached a certain amount is obliged to pay zakat ( nisab zakat). In 2016, the nisab was 195,885 rubles (84.8 g of gold).

Payout amount sadaqah during the month of Ramadan in 2017:

- Fidya(expiation for each missed day of fasting) - 200 rubles.
- Nisab for the payment of zakat - 198,000 rubles.
- Fitr- 100 rubles.

Traditionally, zakat was paid on four types of property: 1) gold, silver and paper money; 2) cereals and fruits; 3) goods intended for trade; 4) livestock (camels and camels, bulls and cows, rams and sheep, goats and goats).

Nowadays, zakat is calculated on gold, silver, cash, investments, business and rental income, as well as goods intended for sale, shares, valuable papers and bonds. Zakat is 2.5 percent of the wealth exceeding the size of the nisab. Nisab, equal to the value of 85 grams of gold (84.8 g) - this is the minimum amount of wealth from which zakat must be paid.

Nisab of gold - 20 mithqals (i.e. 2.8125 troy ounces or 87.48 g); silver - 200 dirhams (i.e. 19.6875 troy ounces or 612.36 g). Nisab for goods, cash, etc. - the equivalent of what is less in value (usually a nisab of silver). Zakat is 1/40 of the property, i.e. 2.5% (2.5 kopecks per ruble) annually (at the rate of the Central Bank)

When calculating zakat, assets and liabilities are taken into account: cash, money in a bank account, liquidation value of shares, goods and income from their sale in rubles, gold and silver at current prices, property used as an investment asset and other income. For convenience, we recommend using the zakat calculator - http://www.oramadane.ru/index/kalkuljator_zakjata/0-4

Zakat-ul-fitr - the tax of breaking the fast

Zakat-ul-fitr(zakat-al-fitr, sunset sa, sunset sakhr, sadaqa-fitr, sadaqatul-fitr, zakat al-fitr, sadaqa-al-fitr, sadaqat-al-fitr, fitra) are different names for one obligatory type of zakat that is paid in Ramadan . "Fitr" means breaking the fast or abstaining from fasting. This kind of zakat became obligatory in the second year of the Hijri.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Fasting is delayed between heaven and earth until the fitrah is given.”

Wisdom of Zakat-ul-Fitr:

  • an important condition for the acceptance by the Almighty of observed fasting;
  • gratitude to Allah for giving strength to fast in Ramadan;
  • receiving all the benefits of fasting and rewards in the Hereafter;
  • purification of the soul from attachment to worldly goods, stinginess, and many other vices;
  • education of the soul through generosity, compassion for the needy and care for them;
  • multiplying one's wealth, as Allah blesses it;
  • demonstration of the greatness of the day of Eid al-Fitr;
  • the joy of the holiday for all Muslims, the rallying of the faithful.

Zakat ul Fitr - wajib for all Muslims (men, women, children) who on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr have nisab zakat; for all those who fasted, as well as for those who, for one reason or another, did not fast.

Zakat-ul-fitr paid in the same directions as paid annual zakat. Usually, believers give their zakat-ul-fitr to local mosques. Zakat-ul-fitr is not divided: each fitr is given to one person. It is possible to give one poor man more than one alms. It can be a certain amount of one of the following products: wheat - 1460 g; oats - 2920 g; raisins - 2920 g; dates - 2920. This type of alms can be paid in money, for example, in 2013: 100 rubles. for the poor; 200 rub. for people with average incomes; from 300 rub. for the wealthy. Islamic charitable foundations work with zakat: “Yardem” (Kazan), “Solidarity” (Moscow).

Rules for Zakat-ul-Fitr

  1. It is allowed to distribute fitrah in the month of Ramadan and even before Ramadan, but always before the Eid al-Fitr holiday prayer. It is sinful to delay the payment any longer.
  2. Fitrah becomes wajib at the dawn of Eid al-Fitr. Fitrah will not be paid from the inheritance of one who dies before the dawn of Eid.
  3. For children born on the day of Eid, fitrah is paid only if the child is born before dawn.
  4. A father must pay fitrah for all his minor children.
  5. Fitrah for a minor may be paid out of his property equal to the nisab.
  6. Fitrah for a wife is not wajib for a husband if the wife has a nisab.
  7. Fitrah can only be distributed to those who can accept zakat.
  8. It is necessary to control the distribution of fitra. If the fitrah collectors misuse your fitrah, you will not be exempted from the obligation to fitrah.

Distribution rules zakat

“Take donations from their property in order to purify and exalt them” (at-Tauba, 103). It can be distributed only to those whom Allah willed.

Main recipients:

  1. the poor ( fakir) who do not have nisab, even if they are able to earn money themselves;
  2. have-nots ( miskin) - those who have nothing;
  3. those who are busy collecting and distributing zakat;
  4. newly converted to Islam - to increase their love for the religion of Allah;
  5. debtors whose debts exceed the value of their property;
  6. those who are in the path of Allah fi sabil-lyakh): the poor who wish to perform the obligatory Hajj and those who are on the path of acquiring knowledge;
  7. travelers who are left without funds, even if they have property at home more than nisab (zakat on the way home).

Order of distribution of zakat:

  1. siblings, then their children;
  2. uncle, aunt (by father), uncle, aunt (by mother);
  3. other relatives;
  4. neighbours;
  5. the poor in their area;
  6. poor people in their city.

Zakat is not paid:

  1. father and mother, grandfather and grandmother;
  2. son, daughter and all their descendants;
  3. having a nisab;
  4. non-Muslims;
  5. husband or wife;
  6. Family and family of the Prophet, peace and prosperity to him;
  7. children under seven years of age;
  8. mentally ill.

Fidya - expiatory alms

“And those who are able to fast, [but miss due to an incurable disease or old age], it is necessary to feed the poor in expiation. And if someone voluntarily does more, then it is better for him ”(Quran, 2: 184)

Fidya - This expiation for the failure to fulfill such a religious obligation that a person cannot fulfill due to certain circumstances. Fidya-sadaqah is a ransom, the payment of a certain amount of money by Sharia in exchange for the performance of an obligatory religious service.

Muslims who, for objective reasons, could not temporarily observe the fast of Ramadan must make up for the missed days of fasting or make a donation in favor of poor Muslims. If a Muslim, due to illness or old age, is unable to fast in the month of Ramadan, he is obliged to pay fidyu, equal in size zakat al-fitr. Almsgiving of expiation for each missed day of obligatory fasting is calculated taking into account the average daily cost of food for one needy Muslim.

About the rules for collecting zakat from property -

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