Eid prayer is the most preferred of the desired prayers, therefore it should not be skipped without a good reason.

According to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa, the festive prayer is a wajib. Of both Eid prayers, the one performed on the day of sacrifice is more preferable because it is mentioned in the Qur'an. It is more preferable to perform this prayer collectively in the mosque, but you can perform it on your own.

The festive prayer has two rak'ahs. The time of its fulfillment begins at sunrise and continues until the time when it is at its zenith.

Sunnats of Eid Prayer

1. Postpone its commission until the time when the sun rises to the height of the spear. It is advisable to postpone the prayer of the holiday of breaking the fast until the time when the sun rises to the height of two spears.

2. Performing it in a mosque, if everyone fits in it, and if not, then in an open area. By madhhab and mother Abu Hanifa desirable his commit on open terrain. And if prayer is performed in a mosque, then it is advisable for women to stand at the door and listen to the sermon.

3. Spend the previous night in vigil. If a person performed worship during most of the night, or performed evening, night and morning prayers in the jamaat, then this is counted as an all-night vigil.

4. Perform a full ablution. The time of its commission comes from midnight.

5. Scented with incense and put on beautiful clothes. It is desirable for children and adult males. Women, if they are old, will come to prayer in ordinary clothes. And young or beautiful women it is undesirable to go to prayer in the mosque, but it is preferable to perform this prayer at home.

6. Go early to prayer (except for the imam).

8. Distribute alms along the way.

9. Eat a little before the prayer of breaking the fast and do not eat before the prayer of the sacrifice.

commit method

The festive prayer has two rak'ahs, and the intention to perform it is done as follows: "I intend to perform the desired holiday prayer of breaking the fast in two rak'ahs in the name of Allah (following the imam)".

After pronouncing "Allahu Akbar" entering prayer, it is advisable to read the prayer “wajjahtu”, then it is advisable to raise your hands seven times as when entering prayer and say "Allahu Akbar" , and after six read a prayer . And after the seventh "Allahu Akbar" Read Surah al-Fatiha. (If the collective prayer is first read aloud by the imam, and then the mothers read it). After the surah al-Fatiha, it is advisable to read the surah al-Qaf or the surah al-A'la.

In the second rakah after pronouncing "Allahu Akbar" getting up for the second rak'ah, it is advisable to pronounce it in the above way "Allahu Akbar" and read a prayer "Subhana llahi walhamdu lillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar" after four, and after the fifth, read the surah al-Fatiha. After the sura "al-Fatiha" it is advisable to read the sura "al-Qamar", or "al-Gashiya".

If the prayer was collective, after it two khutbas should be read with the same conditions that should be observed with the khutbs of the Friday prayer.

If a person cannot perform prayer in the above way, he makes an intention for the Eid prayer and does the usual desirable prayer in two rak'ahs.

And since the Eid prayer happens once a year, a Muslim should not neglect it, and if he missed it for a good reason, it is advisable for him to make up for it.

Festive prayer according to the madhhab of Imam ash-Shafi'i

Salat-ul-‘Eid is a festive two-rakah sunnat prayer performed on the day of Eid al-Adha (and Eid al-Adha) about an hour after sunrise. The time of its commission should be clarified with the imam of the mosque the day before.

‘Eid prayer can be performed at home, but men should perform it in the mosque with other believers. It is advisable to go to the mosque on one road, and return on the other, for this is what the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) did.

Before performing ‘id-namaz, niyat is said: “I intend to perform a two-rakah holiday sunnat prayer on the occasion of ‘Eid-ul-Fitra (Uraza-bairam (sunnat-‘id-namaz)) in the name of Allah Almighty. If prayer is performed with other Muslims, then “together with the jamaat” or “behind the imam” is also added to the niyat.

Following the niyat, they immediately say “Allahu Akbar” and, raising their hands to the level of their ears, proceed to prayer. Who knows, at the beginning of the prayer, as usual, he reads the Wajahtu prayer. At the end of this prayer, again raising their hands, they say “Allahu Akbar”, then, lowering their hands and placing them on their stomach (as when reading Surah Fatiha), they read:

“SubhIanallaghi wal xIamdu lillagyi wa la ilagya illa llagyu wallagyu akbar.”

After reading this prayer, they again raise their hands and say “Allahu Akbar”, then, as for the first time, they read the same prayer. And so, “Allahu Akbar” is pronounced seven times and the prayer is read six times. Then after the seventh "Allahu Akbar" they read "A 'Uzu ..." and the Surah "Fatiha". Then everything is done as in a normal prayer. In the second rak'ah, before reading the sura "Fatiha", they again say "Allahu Akbar" and read the same prayer in the same way as in the first rak'ah, but only five times (prayer - four times).

In both rak'ahs, after the Fatiha surah, it is also advisable to read something from the Koran. It is best in the first rak'ah "Kaf", in the second - "Iktaraba", and who does not know, in the first - "Kul I ayugyal kafirun", in the second - "Kulgyu" ("Ikhlas").

Whoever performs ‘Eid-namaz at home, it is better to perform it with a jamaat (collectively) together with the rest of the family members (wife, children, mother, sisters, etc.).

‘Id-namaz is also desirable for those who are on the way.

Whoever does not know the above prayer can perform the usual two-rakah sunnat prayer, having a niyat to perform ‘Eid-namaz.

On the eve of the upcoming holiday of Kurban Bayram (Eid-ul-Adha), we invite readers to familiarize themselves with the material that reveals the features of the holiday prayer (Salat-ul-Eid or Eid-namaz), which is an important component of this day.

According to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa

"Eid is a holiday named in honor of the fact that the mercy of Allah Almighty descends on His servants and that they return every year with joy.

Both "id-namaz" were established in Sharia in the first year of the Hijra. From Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) they say that when the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) moved to Medina, the inhabitants of this city celebrated for two days. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ) asked about it, he was told that during the time of jahiliy they had fun these days.The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said that the Almighty gave them two days better than the previous ones - this is Idul-fitr (the holiday of breaking the fast) and Idul-adha (the holiday sacrifices).

Eid prayer should be performed by everyone who is obliged to perform Jum'ah prayer. This prayer has the same conditions as the Friday prayer, i.e. two rak'ahs and a khutbah. At the same time, in the holiday prayer, unlike the Friday prayer, the khutba is read after the prayer, and reading it is sunnah, while in the Friday prayer it is fard.

Eid prayer times

The time for Eid prayers comes when the sun rises above the horizon to the height of a spear, which is approximately 30 minutes after sunrise. This is also the start time for Zuha Prayer. The term expires before the midday prayer, i.e. to the zenith.

The procedure for performing "Eid-namaz"

Prayer begins with the pronunciation of the words "Assalatu Jami'a" , which literally means "come to the collective prayer." Everyone stands in rows and makes an intention for the holiday prayer.

After pronouncing the introductory takbir “Allahu Akbar”, they fold their hands on their stomach. They read the dua "Sana" ( “Subẍanaka Allahuma tabaraka ismuka wa ta’ala jadduka wa la ilaha gayruka” ). Then the imam begins to read takbirs, they are also called added. Three takbirs are read, with each of them they raise their hands, as if to enter into prayer, then lower them, but do not fold them. Each takbir is pronounced separately from each other three times, with an interval for the time for which you can say "Allahu Akbar" or read “Subẍanallahi walẍamdulillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar” .

After pronouncing the third added takbir, the hands are folded on the stomach. The imam reads the surah al-Fatiha and preferably the surah A'la aloud, then they bow and bow to the ground and stand for the second rak'ah.

The Imam reads the surah al-Fatiha and preferably the surah al-Hashiya. After reading, they proceed to takbirs, they are pronounced, as in the previous rak'ah, three times. After reading the fourth takbir, they bow to the waist. Then they bow to the ground, read “At-tahiyyat” and complete the prayer with the pronunciation of salam.

After that, they remain seated, the imam reads both khutbas, and then a sermon about the holiday.

Tashriq is the drying of meat. Therefore, the 11th, 12th, 13th days of the month of Zul-Hijja, i.e., those following Eid al-Adha, are called the days of Tashrik (ayama Tashrik). These days, after performing all farz prayers, it is necessary for men and women to read takbir. It is read until the afternoon prayer of the 13th day.

The order of reading the takbir is as follows: “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, La ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar. Allahu Akbar Walillahil Hamd". It is necessary to read it once after each prayer, and it is sunnah to read it three times.

Desirable activities on both days

On these days, everything that is desirable on Friday is desirable: to swim, use the sivak, perfume yourself with incense, put on your best clothes, go to prayer early. But for the holiday there are also additional sunnats: before going to the festive prayer of breaking the fast, it is advisable to eat something, preferably an odd number of dates. And before the prayer of Eid al-Adha, it is advisable to postpone the meal in order to eat from sacrificial meat.

On the way to the mosque (for prayer) they read takbir (on the day of breaking the fast - to themselves, on Eid al-Adha - aloud). It is advisable to go one way, return - another. Distribute zakatul-fitr before departure for prayer. It is advisable to make ziyarats at the cemetery after the prayer, to distribute alms as much as possible.

Both festive nights are spent in vigils, time is spent in worship of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), reading the Koran, performing prayers, remembering Allah.

It is advisable to perform both of these prayers in the field, it is condemned without good reason to perform them in mosques.

Some decisions related to both holidays

If you could not perform a collective holiday prayer (behind the imam), you do not need to compensate for it yourself. If the time for "id-namaz" has passed (that is, the time for lunch prayer has come) and you did not have time for prayer, then it can be performed the next day. Namaz Eid-namaz can be performed in the next three days, if there was a reason, for which he was transferred.

The one who enters the prayer after the imam, having read the takbirs, starts reading the surah al-Fatiha, reads the takbirs, following the imam, if he does not miss the hand "for him. If he does not have time for the hand" behind the imam, he , having entered the prayer, he will go to the hand, "he will read the takbirs there. If he enters the prayer after the imam rises from the hand," he will restore the missed after the completion of the prayer by the imam.

It is disgraceful to perform sunnat prayers before or after Eid-namaz. They can be performed upon arrival home. Khutba begins with reading takbir: the first - 9 times, the second - 7 times. On the days of tashriq, takbir can be continued by adding: “…Allahu akbar kabiran walhamdulillahi kasiran wa subhanallahi bukratan wa asila la ilaha illallahu wahdahu sadaka wa” dahu wa nassara “abdahu wa a” aza jundahu wa gazamal ahzaba wahdahu la ilaha illa llahu wa la na "I will illa iyyahu mukhlisin lahuddin wa lav karihal kafirun. Allahumma sally "ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa" ala ali Muhammadin wa "ala askhabi Muhammadin wa" ala azwaji Muhammadin wa sallim taslima".

Zainula Gamzatov

According to the madhhab of Imam ash-Shafi'i

The holiday prayer has two rak'ahs, and the intention to perform it is done as follows: "I INTEND TO PERFORM THE FESTIVE SUNNAH Prayer IN TWO RAKA'ATS IN THE NAME OF ALLAH." If the prayer is read collectively (in the jamaat), then add "FOLLOWING THE IMAM".

After pronouncing the takbir of entering the prayer "Alla hu akbar" it is advisable to read the “Wajjahtu” prayer, then it is advisable to raise your hands seven times as when entering prayer and say the takbir “Allahu Akbar”. After the first six takbirs, a prayer is read . And after the seventh "Allahu Akbar" they begin to read the sura "al-Fatiha". (If the collective prayer is first read aloud by the imam, and then the mothers read it). After the surah al-Fatiha, it is advisable to read the surah al-Kahf or the surah al-A'la.

Then they bow down and bow to the ground and stand on the second rak'ah, saying "Allahu Akbar". After that, the takbir is read five times. After the first four takbirs, a prayer is read “Subẍanallahi wal-ẍamdu lillahi wa la ilaha illallahu wallahu akbar” . And after the fifth "Allahu Akbar" they begin to read the sura "al-Fatiha". (If the collective prayer is first read aloud by the imam, and then the mothers read it). After that, it is advisable to read the sura "al-Qamar" or "al-Gashiya".

If prayer is performed collectively, then two khutbas should be read after it with the same conditions that should be observed with khutbs of Friday prayer.

And since the Eid prayer happens once a year, a Muslim should not neglect it, and if he missed it for a good reason, it is advisable for him to make up for it.

Ahmad Abdurashidov

The prayer that is performed on the occasion of the Feast of Conversation (Eid al-Fitr, Oraza Ait, Eid al-Fitr) and the Feast of Sacrifice (Eid al-adha, Kurban Ait, Kurban Bayram) has two main forms. Here we will take a closer look at the one that Russian-speaking Muslims most often meet when they come to the mosque for this prayer - a festive prayer according to the Koran, sunnah and other types of arguments in the understanding of the learned imam.

Whoever knows what the imam is going to do is not like the one who does not know. And, perhaps, this material will be useful to someone who himself will become an imam in prayer. In addition, the matter is not limited only to the prayer itself: before and after it there are other recommended actions that are useful to know about and which you should try to perform.

1. Legal status (hukm) of two holiday prayers.

It is obligatory to take part in the holiday prayer () for those in whom the seven conditions have gathered:

  1. Male gender. Those. This obligation does not apply to women.
  2. Freedom. Those. This duty does not apply to slaves.
  3. Accommodation in the village where this prayer is held. Those. This obligation does not apply to travelers.
  4. No danger from criminals. Those. he who fears persecution by an unjust party is not subject to this obligation.
  5. Health. Those. the sick and the elderly, who are similar in their condition to the sick, this obligation does not apply.
  6. Ability of the legs. Those. This obligation does not apply to those who have lost the ability to walk.
  7. Vision. Those. This obligation does not apply to the blind.

Four people are enough to conduct a festive prayer: an imam and three people praying behind him. Even if one of these three is a traveler, or sick. But not a child who has not reached puberty, and not a woman. Their presence is ignored.

The sick person and the traveler can take the place of the imam in this prayer, although they are not required to attend it.

Once again, we are leaving behind another Blessed Ramadan. We tried to take advantage of all its benefits to the best of our ability. We wanted this to be reflected in our spiritual and material well-being. And now, with sadness in our hearts, we say goodbye to Ramadan. However, this sadness is intertwined with another exciting moment: a holiday in honor of the end of holy month- Eid al-Fitr.

At the word "holiday" a person has peace of mind. Because we always meet the holidays with a smile and observe the beauties that he bestows on us. We meet with relatives and friends. Taking advantage of the occasion, we give gifts. All these moments are fond memories. Therefore, at the word "holiday" our hearts are filled with joy.

It is unacceptable to arrange fun, going beyond what is permitted by our religion. When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) moved to Medina, he saw two holidays that were celebrated by its inhabitants. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) asked: "What is the peculiarity of these days?" The people of Medina replied: "Since the era of jahiliyah [ignorance], we have been accustomed to spend two days a year in fun." To which the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Instead of these two days, the Almighty deigned to grant you other two days, which are much more blissful than these two"[Abu Daut, Salat, 239, 245].

From this hadeeth it becomes clear that Muslims also have the right to have fun. However, this joy should not be divorced from the remembrance of the Lord. Holidays should be perceived as a blessing granted by Allah Almighty and as the Sunnah of our Prophet (peace be upon him). These days, along with gratitude to the Creator and remembrance of the Prophet (peace be upon him), we must wish our future to turn into a holiday. All our holiday visits, conversations and feasts should take place in this state of mind and in this context.

Verily, there are two great duties in this feast: holiday prayer and sadaqa al-fitr.

Sadaqa al-fitr was prescribed by the Almighty along with fasting. Fitr is one of the types of mutual assistance - a reason for the Almighty Allah to accept fasting, getting rid of death agonies and torment in the grave.

Sadaqa al-fitr is a wajib (obligatory deed) from the sunrise of the first holiday, however, there is nothing reprehensible if it is given a few days before the holiday. If circumstances force it, it can be given a few months before or after the holiday. However, in order to facilitate the carefree participation of needy people in prayer and the holiday, it is better to give sadaqa al-fitr in advance.

A holiday is a consolation. Just as a child is torn from the tender embrace of a mother, believers also sadly say goodbye to Ramadan. However, the expectation of a great holiday fills our souls with joy and peace.

The holiday is thanksgiving. Thanksgiving for a whole month of opportunities to receive the forgiveness of Allah, win His mercy and deliverance from Hell.

A holiday is a preparation for eternal life. Just as there is no envy, deceit, hatred, enmity in Paradise, and everyone is satisfied with his position, so unity reigns among people on holidays.

Holidays are an opportunity for the forgiveness of sins, the awakening of hearts and the filling of souls with a sense of mercy.

A holiday is a time of visits, feasts and warm communication. This is the time when we show special generosity, try to always smile and not offend anyone. This is the time when takbirs, tahlili and salavat are pronounced everywhere.

Despite its short duration, the holiday hides the blessings, joy and happiness of the past weeks and even months. The holiday is fraught with additional blessings and gifts of the Almighty, which may not be available on ordinary days. This is a time that makes it possible to earn a huge amount of divine bounties.

However, only those who spent Ramadan with dignity will be able to take full advantage of these opportunities. People who see the holiday only as an excuse to rest, who on sacred days eschew sinful deeds, but cannot wait for the time when it will be possible to make up for all this, will not be able to fully enjoy the benefits of this holiday.

Remember that Friday is the holiday of the week, and Eid al-Fitr and Kurban Bayram are the holidays of the whole year...

Eid prayer is obligatory(wajib). In order to get more reward, Eid-prayer is performed collectively.

Eid prayer was established in the second year of the Hijri. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him!) was the first to make it on the day of breaking the fast.

Residents of Medina during the resettlement of the Prophet (peace and blessings of the Almighty!) To the city celebrated 2 days of Sharia holiday. The stories mention how the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty!) asked the inhabitants, and they replied that they had fun for 2 days. The Messenger of Allah said that Allah gave people the most better days- the feast of breaking the fast (Idul-fitr) and the feast of sacrifice (Idul-adha).

Whoever performs Juma Prayer is obligated to perform Eid Prayer. It consists of two rak'ahs and a khutba, just like the Friday prayer. Difference: khutba is read after prayer, on Friday - khutba is read before it.

What actions are performed during eid prayer?

Swim, perfume with incense, put on beautiful clothes, go out earlier for prayer. Before breaking the fast and going to the mosque, eat an odd number of dates. Only for the prayer of Eid al-Adha, food intake is postponed (they eat sacrificial meat after prayer).

On the way, they read takbir to themselves, aloud - in. They go one way and come back another. Zakatul Fitr is distributed before prayer. After the prayer, it is advisable to visit the cemetery, distribute more alms. Both nights they do not sleep, they read the Koran, perform namaz, and remember Allah.

How is Eid Prayer Performed?

When the sun rises to the size of a bayonet (3.5 meters) above the horizon, it is time for Eid-prayer. Zuha prayer begins. 30 minutes after sunrise and before the afternoon prayer, when the sun is closer to the zenith.

The festive prayer begins with the words “assalatu jamia” (“come to the collective prayer”). Those who come line up. After pronouncing "Allah Akbar", those who perform namaz fold their hands on their stomachs and read the dua "Sana". Then the imam reads three takbirs. At each, everyone raises their hands up, as when entering into prayer, lowers and does not fold their hands. Takbir is pronounced at intervals 3 times separately so that those present can say "Allah Akbar". After the third takbir, the hands are joined on the stomach. Then the imam reads Al-Fatiha and another surah aloud. They make ruku'a and judge, stand for the second rak'ah. After reading Al-Fatiha and the sura, takbirs go (as the previous time) 3 times and the last takbir for ruku'a.

Then they make ruku’a, judge, “Attahiyata” is read. Salom comes out of prayer. Everyone sits in their seats, the imam reads two. After - a sermon about the feast of breaking the fast or about the sacrifice.

Eid prayer is a gift from God to believers.

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