Delicious recipes from mossiness mushrooms - to the attention of all mushroom pickers and just lovers of well-cooked mushrooms. On this page you will find recipes in which experienced chefs tell you how to cook mushrooms correctly, what dishes can be prepared from mushrooms, what subtleties and nuances you need to take into account when preparing them. Choose what you want to cook with moss mushrooms, study the recipe - and get to work!

Have you ever baked mushrooms with sour cream? At first glance, it is a simple dish, but if you cook it correctly, and most importantly with love, you get a small culinary masterpiece to please the stomach!

In the forest I collected almost a basket of mossiness mushrooms. I hung a few to dry, and fried the rest with potatoes. Mushrooms with potatoes came out great! Served with sour cream and fried onions. Real jam!

It would seem that stewed mushrooms at home - what could be easier? Indeed, they are prepared from a minimum number of ingredients and have an incredible taste and aroma!

A recent trip for mushrooms culminated in the discovery of a family of mossiness mushrooms. A pleasant find - after all, you can make an excellent soup from them. Try it - you'll love it!

I decided to offer a recipe for fried mushrooms. After all, mossiness mushrooms, like porcini mushrooms, are the strongest and most delicious when roasted. So, let's begin!

For the winter, mushrooms can not only be pickled, but also fried. Treat yourself in winter or surprise your friends. I offer a recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter. Get ready fast! Make yourself a delicious surprise for the winter!

Moss mushroom soup cooks quickly enough. Half an hour is enough for Mokhoviks to be "fully ready". Add pearl barley, potatoes, greens to the soup. Mushroom soup can be boiled in water or meat broth.

I start eating pickled mushrooms even before the first snow. It turns out that you will pickle mushrooms for the winter, and in two weeks you will already eat half of the stock. It turns out really delicious! Bet more!

Moss mushrooms are one of the most delicious and fragrant mushrooms, but at the same time one of the least known. Outwardly, the flywheel looks a bit like a boletus. This mushroom grows, usually in overgrown swamps and swampy areas. Dishes made from mushrooms are very tasty. In terms of its nutritional properties, this mushroom is not inferior to beef, so it can be an ideal substitute for animal protein in the diet of vegetarians.

What do mushrooms look like?

Mokhovik is a tubular fungus that belongs to the bolt family. Young specimens have a convex hat, with age cracks appear on it, it becomes flatter. The skin on the hat is velvety, has a brown, dark green color; the foot is slightly wrinkled. If the weather is damp, then the hat of the flywheel becomes sticky.

The flywheel has yellowish, whitish or red flesh, quickly turns blue on the cut and becomes unpleasant in appearance. External changes do not affect the taste. In nature, there are about 18 varieties of mossiness mushrooms. None of these species are poisonous. Some are classified as conditionally edible or inedible non-toxic mushrooms, but they are not capable of causing severe poisoning. The most popular among mushroom pickers is the green flywheel, which is recommended to be cooked immediately upon arrival home.

How long to cook moss mushrooms?

To cook mushrooms, first they are washed well under running water from debris and dirt. Lay mushrooms out on paper towels to dry slightly. It is important to know how to clean fly mushrooms before heat treatment. Do not forget to remove the skin from the mushroom cap and clean its leg. To speed up cooking, cut large mushrooms into pieces, and leave small ones unchanged. Before cooking, pour boiling water over the mushrooms and let it brew for 10 minutes.

Pour cold water into a deep saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Pour the prepared mushrooms into boiling water, salt to taste and cook for half an hour over medium heat. After boiling the mushrooms, put them in a colander to completely glass the water.

How to fry mushrooms: recipe


  • Moss mushrooms - 800 g
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Sour cream - 300 ml
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying


  1. Thoroughly clean, sort and rinse the flywheels. Drain the mushrooms in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  2. Clean your vegetables. Cut the onion into cubes, pass the garlic through a press, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up and fry the onion, garlic and carrots for 5 minutes. While the vegetables are frying, chop the mushrooms and send them to the pan. Saute the ingredients until the liquid has evaporated.
  4. Add sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Fry the mushrooms in sour cream for another 10-15 minutes.
  6. Serve fried mushrooms with sour cream along with potatoes, mashed potatoes, pasta or buckwheat porridge. If desired, you can sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs.

How to pickle moss mushrooms?


  • Moss mushrooms - 1 kg
  • Honey - 4 tablespoons
  • Mustard - 5 tablespoons
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Balsamic vinegar - 10 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste


  1. Clean the mushrooms, wash and dry.
  2. Finely chop parsley and garlic, mix with mustard, vinegar and honey.
  3. Put the mushrooms in a sterilized jar, pour over the prepared marinade, close the lid tightly and leave at room temperature for 9 hours.
  4. Then put the jar of pickled mushrooms in the cellar or refrigerator for at least 10 hours.
  5. After the marinating time has elapsed, you can serve pickled mushrooms to the table as a light snack.

Caviar from flywheels: recipe


  • Moss mushrooms - 1 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 5 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Salt and spices - to taste
  • Greens - to taste
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Moss mushrooms sort, clean, rinse and dry.
  2. Pour into an enamel bowl cold water, boil it and cook the mushrooms until tender (about 25 minutes).
  3. Throw the cooked mushrooms in a colander and wait until the water drains.
  4. Grind cooked mushrooms using a meat grinder.
  5. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan.
  6. Peel the onion and garlic. Cut the onion into medium-sized cubes, pass the garlic through a press.
  7. Fry the ingredients in a hot skillet.
  8. Mix fried onions and garlic with minced mushrooms, add mayonnaise and salt. Simmer the resulting mass in a pan for no more than 5 minutes.
  9. Put greens and a couple of cloves of garlic in sterilized jars at the bottom. Spread the caviar on the banks and roll up.
  10. Give mushroom caviar brew for at least a week in a cool place.

Baked mushrooms: recipe


  • Mokhoviki - 700 g
  • Sour cream - 200 ml
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Salt and spices - to taste
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Thoroughly clean the mushrooms, rinse and dry. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
  2. Pour into the pan vegetable oil, lay out the mushrooms, salt and simmer until the water evaporates. Don't forget to stir the mushrooms from time to time.
  3. Lay out stewed mushrooms in a baking tray, pour over sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven.
  4. Bake the mushrooms for 10 minutes.
  5. Serve the dish hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs. The ideal option garnish for baked mushrooms will be a vegetable salad.

Moss mushrooms - tasty, fragrant and useful mushrooms. They contain vitamins, groups B, C, D and PP, and in terms of amino acid content they are not inferior even to meat, which means they are great for a vegetarian diet. Moss mushrooms are low in calories, so they will fit into any diet. From these mushrooms you can cook mouth-watering dishes that will appeal to everyone.

In the warm season, forests delight people with a large number of edible mushrooms, among which the tubular fungus moss mushroom has become very popular among lovers of delicious. It is distinguished by a dry cap with a velvety surface and a wrinkled cylindrical stem. Of course, about twenty of its species are known, among which places of honor are occupied by red, green and brown flywheel. All of them can be eaten, as they have a rather pleasant taste and a delicate smell of fruit. But how to cook mushroom mushroom? This is what we will talk about today.

A few words about cooking mushrooms

The whole mushroom is eaten. Before cooking, its surface is cleaned of colored peel. It takes a little time, and cook it in salted water for about thirty minutes. There are a lot of ways to cook mushrooms. It is marinated, added to soups, steamed, fried in sour cream or butter. One of the most popular methods is hot salting. To do this, the mushrooms are poured with boiling water so that they retain their color, and then boiled in boiling brine in an enamel bowl. Mushrooms can also be dried using various methods. They are strung on threads and hung in a ventilated dry room or outdoors. Moss mushrooms are often dried in the oven or over the included burner. Consider a few recipes on how to cook mushroom mushroom.

Moss mushrooms stewed with honey

Ingredients: one and a half kilograms of mushrooms, two tablespoons of honey, two cloves of garlic, one bunch of parsley, two tablespoons of mustard, two tablespoons of table vinegar.


1. Mushrooms are washed, dried and cut into medium-sized pieces.

2. Press the garlic, chop the greens, add vinegar, mustard and honey to them, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

3. The flywheel mushroom, the preparation of which we are now considering, is put in a bowl, poured with a mixture and left in a cold place for three hours so that it is saturated with marinade.

4. The mushroom mass is transferred to a frying pan and simmered over low heat for forty-five minutes. The finished dish goes well with boiled potatoes and meat.

Jellied turkey and flywheel

Ingredients: half a kilo of frozen mushrooms, half a kilo of turkey soup set, two tablespoons of gelatin, one liter of water, salt and herbs to taste.

Before cooking mushrooms according to this recipe, you need to cook turkey broth. Mushroom broth is prepared separately. Boiled meat, moss mushrooms, greens are placed at the bottom of the molds. Then the gelatin is soaked, which is then put into the mushroom broth. It is put on fire and heated to a boil, then salted and peppered, cooled, filtered through gauze and poured into molds. The aspic is placed in a cold place so that it freezes faster.

Pickled mushrooms

For the marinade you will need: one liter of water, one spoonful of salt, one spoonful of sugar, Bay leaf, two cloves of garlic, cloves, one tablespoon of vinegar.

Before preparing the flywheel mushroom, it must be cleaned and washed. Then the mushrooms are put in a bowl, water is added and heated to a boil, after which they are boiled for fifteen minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. After that, the mushrooms are placed in a colander so that all the liquid is glass. Next, prepare the marinade from the necessary components indicated above. After it boils, vinegar is poured into it and mushrooms are poured out, boiled for another five minutes. Then the mushrooms are laid out in pre-prepared jars, poured with hot marinade and rolled up. When serving, chopped onions, herbs and garlic are added to the mushrooms, seasoned with vegetable oil and mixed. The dish is ready!

Moss mushroom soup

It takes about half an hour to prepare this dish. Soup is boiled either in water or in meat broth.

Ingredients: three hundred grams of mushrooms, three potatoes, two tablespoons of pearl barley, one onion, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and pepper, green onion, dill and parsley to taste.

This recipe is very simple. Flywheels are first cleaned, their legs are cut off and washed. Then they are crushed. Onion cut into cubes small size, greens and green onions - chopped, potatoes cut into cubes.

Two liters of water or meat broth are poured into the dishes and put on fire. Separately, in a frying pan, fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil for eight minutes. Then onions are added to them and continue to cook for another four minutes. All this is transferred to boiling water or broth, salt, pearl barley are added and boiled for ten minutes over medium heat. After a while, potatoes are added to the mushrooms and cooked for fifteen minutes. At the end of cooking, greens are put in the soup and insisted for seven minutes under a closed lid. Soup is served with sour cream.

Salting mossiness mushrooms

Ingredients: mushrooms, salt, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants, dill umbrellas.

Before you cook mushroom mushroom according to this recipe, you need to clean it and separate the legs from the caps. They are placed in salt water and boil for twenty minutes, then cool, transfer to a colander so that the liquid is glass. Then the mushrooms are placed in a bucket on the leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants, as well as dill, sprinkled with salt. A second layer of greens is placed on top and so on. Then oppression is placed and the dishes are removed in a cold place for forty days. The flywheel mushroom is stored for one year, periodically removing the mold that appears on the surface.

homemade mushroom noodles

Ingredients: a handful of dry mushrooms, onions, carrots, greens. For noodles: half a glass of sour cream, one egg, half a spoonful of salt, one hundred and fifty grams of flour.

Before preparing the flywheel mushroom, it is poured with boiling water and steamed under the lid for twenty minutes. Then the mushrooms are cut into pieces, transferred to a bowl where they were steamed, poured with boiling water and boiled for one hour, after which fried onions and carrots are added.

Next prepare the dough for the noodles. To do this, all the ingredients are mixed, the layer is rolled out and cut into wide strips, each of which is rolled in flour. The noodles are placed in the prepared mushroom broth and boiled for twenty minutes, then the greens are added. Served mushroom noodles with sour cream.

Pork ribs with mushrooms

Ingredients: one kilogram of pork ribs, three hundred grams of frozen mushrooms, two onions, three peas of allspice, three cloves, bay leaf, salt and spices to taste.


Ribs are placed in clay pots, salted, then mushrooms, onion cut into half rings, bay leaf and pepper, cloves are added.

The pots are covered with lids and put in the oven for fifty minutes to stew. Or you can pre-fry mushrooms, onions, ribs over high heat for ten minutes.


We looked at how to cook moss mushrooms. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this, just desire and a little free time are enough.

Mossiness mushrooms are those mushrooms that are endowed with many useful properties. They include healthy proteins, vitamins, enzymes, minerals and essential oils. The dishes in which they are included are great for vegetarians and for those who fast.

In addition to the usual honey mushrooms and boletus, in the forest you can find the flywheel mushroom. Not everyone knows how to cook it. And in vain, because the dishes from it are excellent. Appetizing soup, delicious original salads or just fried potatoes with mushrooms, any dish will be successful with

the use of flywheels. The main thing is to know how to cook it correctly.

Hearty mushroom soup

Understanding how to cook, you should start with a recipe for an excellent soup. For half a kilogram of mushrooms, you will need several medium-sized potatoes, two tablespoons of pearl barley, one onion, herbs, spices, sour cream and butter to taste. If desired, the soup can be boiled in meat broth. If you decide to make it on water, pour four liters into the pan and send it to the stove. Before cooking fly mushrooms directly in the soup, they should be prepared. Rinse and clean, fry with salt in a hot frying pan. After seven minutes, add the chopped onion. Fry a little and spread in boiling water in a saucepan. Add a tablespoon of salt and washed barley. After ten minutes, put the peeled and diced potatoes in the soup. Boil for a quarter of an hour, then serve with

white bread, sour cream and fresh green onions.

Preparation for the winter

Mushroom mushroom - edible, but undeservedly unpopular. Honey mushrooms or chanterelles can be found in recipes for homemade seamings much more often. Meanwhile, mushrooms marinated according to this recipe will surely please the whole family. For the marinade, you will need a couple of tablespoons of salt, a few bay leaves, half a spoonful of vinegar essence, two cloves, a little peppercorns, a tablespoon of granulated sugar per liter of water. Sort and rinse the mushrooms, put in a saucepan and boil in salted water with spices, adding vinegar to the dish a couple of minutes before cooking. Before you cook mushrooms mushrooms after boiling further, you need to cover them with gauze and put them away for a couple of days in a cool place right in the pan. Rinse the prepared product, arrange it in jars, pour the marinade from the components listed at the beginning of the recipe, tighten the lids and put on

storage. After two weeks, the workpiece can already be served at the table.

potato cutlets

For several potatoes, you will need a couple of mushrooms, two chicken yolks, salt, fresh parsley and thyme, garlic, two-thirds of a glass of cream, butter with vegetable oil. Fry the mushrooms in a mixture of oils, pepper, salt and add chopped garlic and herbs. Wash the potatoes, peel, cut into small slices, boil and mash in a puree, stir in the yolks. Form flat cakes from the dough, put the mushroom filling in each and wrap the edges. Set some of the filling aside in advance. After frying the cutlets until golden brown, make a sauce from the remaining mushrooms by simply pouring them with cream and bringing to a boil. When serving, such cutlets are very tasty to pour over the resulting cream sauce above. Knowing how to cook moss mushrooms in this way, you can always please your family.

Friends, today I still have mushrooms - pickled mushrooms. If you are tired of your mushrooms, let me know! I myself got a little tired of them, but still I need to have time to fill the piggy bank of mushroom recipes in full, because the mushroom season has not yet ended in all regions. Pickling mushrooms is my favorite pastime. The slippery and fragrant appetizer of mossiness mushrooms is in great demand among my friends and family. So why not treat them today.

The ingredients for making pickled mushrooms for the winter are taken from the list. Mushrooms need fresh ones. The frozen version is not suitable for pickling. Products for the marinade - strictly according to the recipe.

Mossiness mushrooms carefully move from foliage and debris. Gently washed with water without prolonged soaking.

They recline in a colander. Large mushrooms are divided into several parts, but it is better to remove their legs.

Boil for 30 minutes with the addition of salt and bay leaf.

When cooking mossiness mushrooms, abundant foam is formed, which is removed several times during the cooking process.

Boiled mushrooms are leaned back on a sieve and carefully washed. Mohovichki require care and special attention. Their hats are quite "vulnerable".

Next, you need to bring to a boil the marinade with seasonings, salt and sugar in the composition. Boil the mushrooms in it well. 5 minutes before the end of cooking mushrooms, garlic and acetic acid are introduced into the marinade. At the same time, the garlic is cut into slices.

Pickled mushrooms for the winter are always rolled up with the addition of vinegar and stored in a dark, cool place. Banks are pre-warmed thoroughly in a water bath, the lids are boiled.

Glass jars are filled to the top with prepared mushrooms and marinade.

They are rolled up or closed with nylon covers and insulated. After cooling, they are stored in coolness and darkness, but not more than six months.

Congratulations! Now you know how to pickle mushrooms for the winter!
