Not only a child, but also an adult will be happy to enjoy a milkshake in the summer heat. To do this, it is not necessary to run to cafes or retail outlets. After all, a milkshake is easy to make at home if you have a blender or mixer. This is perhaps the only requirement, and then - to act as fantasy dictates. The variety of milkshakes will be discussed further.

A cocktail made at home is much tastier than a store-bought one. And if you cook it with your children, you can also get an exciting activity that everyone will like.

Unfortunately, not every child likes to drink milk. But it is very useful and even necessary for the children's body. In the summer, a milkshake will help moms. It is done very quickly and simply, if you have a blender at home. There are only a few important aspects.

  • It is better to take a stationary blender. It forms a thicker foam, and whipping is much more convenient.
  • But do not be upset if there is a submersible available. With it, you can also make an excellent cocktail. And you can get a fluffy foam if you beat everything well.
  • An important condition is high speed. Everything must be done to the maximum.
  • Milk should be taken chilled, but not too cold. Still, the composition includes ice cream, and do not forget that children will be the main connoisseurs. The average temperature should be 5-6°C.
  • If you use ice cream, then without any fillers. The most common ice cream. It will be much tastier and healthier if you add your favorite fruits, jam or even condensed milk.
  • You can, instead of ice cream, take yogurt or kefir. In this case, you get a low-calorie cocktail.
  • When fruits or berries are added, strain before drinking.

How to make foam in a milkshake?

Another nuance of homemade milkshakes is that the foam is not as big as we would like. Of course, it turns out very tasty and everyone will gladly empty their glasses. But there are some tricks that can help to get thick foam.

  • For those who are on a diet, this option is not very suitable. But fat helps in the formation of foam. You need to take full-fat milk, ice cream. And definitely chilled.
  • Banana also helps. With it, the cocktail will turn out to be more high-calorie, but also more nutritious.
  • Some also add egg white. Everyone knows what happens when you beat it with sugar. Only eggs should be chosen carefully.
  • And, of course, you need to whip very quickly and for several minutes.

How to make a milkshake at home with ice cream?

This is the simplest and quick recipe in all cuisines. It perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes in summer. It contains only two ingredients:

  1. chilled milk
  2. ice cream

It takes about a minute to prepare it, and even a child can handle it:

  • Pour milk into a blender glass, add ice cream and beat for half a minute
  • Pour into a glass, take a straw and enjoy

According to the standard, 50-250 g of ice cream is used for 1 liter of milk. The more ice cream, the smoother and denser the cocktail.

How to make a milkshake without ice cream?

Such a cocktail also includes two components - milk and ice. And then you can add what the soul desires. Well, or what is at hand in the refrigerator. It can be strawberries, condensed milk, syrup of your favorite jam or regular juice.

  • Milk or kefir - 500 ml
  • fruits or berries - 200 g
  • sugar or honey - 1-2 tbsp.
  • vanillin
  • several ice cubes

The actions are:

  • Pour milk into a blender container, add sugar or honey, beat for 5-10 seconds
  • Add berries and also beat for a few seconds to finely chop.
  • Add ice, whisk gently until ice is completely crushed and foam forms.
  • Pour into glasses and garnish as you wish.

How to make a banana milkshake?

Such a cocktail is ideal even for small children, since it can be made without sugar. A banana will give you the sweetness you need. Of course, you can also use other ingredients if you wish.

  • Milk - 500 ml
  • banana - 2 pcs.
  • ice cream - 100-150 g

It turns out very tasty with strawberries, even without sugar and ice cream. By the way, a banana gives some thickness, so less ice cream is required or you can do without it at all.

  • Combine all ingredients in a blender glass
  • Beat for half a minute at maximum speed
  • Pour into glasses

How to make a milkshake with strawberries?

At the beginning of summer, such a cocktail will be most welcome. All ingredients are available to everyone and it is during this period that they will be most useful. Of course, you can use frozen fruit, and even strawberry jam. The cocktail will still turn out very tasty. We take the following set of components:

  1. milk - 500 ml
  2. strawberries - 250-450 g
  3. ice cream - 150 g
  4. powdered sugar - optional

As in any other recipe, combine all the ingredients in a glass of a blender and beat until smooth with the formation of foam.

How to make a milkshake with a mixer?

If you do not have a blender at your disposal, then it can be easily replaced with a mixer. Of course, for many of us, this device is immediately associated with the test. After all, the mixer is the most important assistant in this aspect. Many, by the way, prepare a very airy puree with a mixer. But it can also be used to make a wonderful milkshake. However, pay attention to such nuances:

  • The ingredients and proportions are the same as when working with a blender. Milk should be taken chilled, ice cream is slightly softened.

  • It is also very important to beat at maximum speed. Otherwise, foam will not work.
  • The only difference is that it is better to chop fruits and berries before adding them. Because the mixer may not be able to handle them, and small pieces will remain.
  • The mixer will not be able to grind ice either. Therefore, when adding, you need to stir well until it is completely dissolved.

Therefore, the principle of adding is as follows:

  1. first beat the fruit with sugar, you can also add cream or some kind of syrup
  2. then pour in the milk and beat everything well again

How to make a milkshake without a mixer?

If you don’t have any kitchen appliances at hand, it doesn’t matter. You can make the same delicious milkshake from improvised utensils. The main ingredients, of course, are milk and ice cream. And then you can add any ingredients of your choice. The main thing is that fruits and berries need to be rubbed well.

  • The easiest way is to make such a cocktail with a whisk. It takes a little more time and some effort. Still, this mechanical work hands But the effort will be worth it.
  • Another way is to whisk directly in a glass. Add ice cream, milk and syrup, close the lid. Press firmly with your hand, shake well. Yes, it will take a few minutes.

  • This method differs from the previous one only in dishes. More precisely, its absence. A milkshake can also be made in a bag. Only it should be tight, with a clasp. The principle is the same: combine all the ingredients and stir hard.

How to make a milkshake from milk?

In a milkshake, milk is the most important ingredient. The easiest recipe and cooking method is milk with ice cream. You can replace ice cream with ice and sugar. But children will appreciate the first option more. You can beat it in any of the above ways.

  • Milk - 500 ml
  • ice cream - 100 g
  • sugar and other fillers - optional

Combine all ingredients and beat until foamy. This recipe is considered a classic. If desired, this cocktail can be sprinkled with coconut flakes or chopped nuts.

How to make a milkshake without milk?

Although it sounds a little paradoxical, a milkshake is prepared without milk. It will turn out no less tasty and healthy shake. You can replace it with almond milk. According to this recipe, the cocktail will come out very useful and unusually tasty. True, not everyone keeps it in their refrigerator. You can cook with other, more accessible ingredients.

  • Ice cream - 200-250 g
  • yogurt - 500 ml
  • banana - 1 pc.

All components - thoroughly beat in a blender. Ready. Yogurt, of course, should be taken the most ordinary, without any fillers.

How to make a thick milkshake?

At home, you can experiment with different components. That's just not always the drink in question turns out to be as thick as a store-bought one. For those who want to get exactly the milk shake, as in their favorite cafe, it is worth considering some nuances and resorting to a few tricks.

  • Beating is at a very high speed and about 2-3 minutes. Not less. Then the cocktail will turn out lush and airy. More ice cream. That's what gives it the thickness. A banana will help too. The main thing is not to overdo it and not get mashed potatoes as a result.
  • Another little trick is ice. Yes, crushed ice will give both more volume and the necessary density. For those who don't want to add frozen water, freeze the milk. Just like that, without fanaticism. It should not be a piece of ice, but well frozen, but easily whipped.

How to make a chocolate milkshake?

Many people will like this delicacy. After all, what kid doesn't love chocolate? And besides the taste, it also has useful substances. Of course, it is not worth eating on a tile every day. But adding a small piece to a milkshake is just right!

  • Milk - 250 ml
  • vanilla ice cream -50-100 g
  • a few pieces of chocolate
  • cream - optional

In this recipe, you can immediately add chocolate ice cream instead of ice cream. But it will be much tastier if you add a few pieces of chocolate.

  • First you need to grate the chocolate. Combine with 1/3 of milk and put on fire. Stirring constantly, wait until the chocolate has completely melted. You don't need to boil.
  • Add all other ingredients and beat on high speed for 1-2 minutes.

How to make a fruit milkshake?

A milkshake can not only be prepared with one type of fruit or berry, but also combined. You need to start directly from your taste preferences.

  • Milk - 250 ml
  • ice cream - 100 g
  • apple
  • banana
  • strawberry
  • sugar

Even if these ingredients seem incompatible at first glance, don't be afraid to experiment. You only need to make small portions.

  • The apple must be peeled and seeds, grated on a fine grater. This is in the case of whipping with a mixer. If with a blender, then just cut into small pieces
  • Combine all ingredients in one bowl and beat for 1 minute
  • Pour into glasses and garnish with a mint leaf.

How to make a milkshake with syrup?

Thanks to this recipe, you can prepare a cocktail that will resemble childhood. Of course, you can add any fruit and take syrups of different tastes. And you can also replace it with ordinary jam, or rather, syrup from it. In this case, you can not add sugar.

  • Milk - 250 ml
  • cream ice cream - 100 g
  • raspberry syrup

A delicious cocktail will turn out after the following steps:

  1. Milk should be put in the freezer for a couple of hours to form ice
  2. In a deep bowl - combine the ingredients and beat until foam is formed

How to make vanilla milkshake?

Vanilla cocktail, although it seems insanely simple, but it turns out very tasty. And there are many connoisseurs of this recipe. You can take vanilla ice cream, but it is better to opt for ice cream or cream.

But for flavor, it is better to add vanillin or vanilla sugar. The second will need a little more. And add some cream. They will help make the taste more tender and rich. So, you need to take:

  • milk
  • ice cream
  • vanilla extract
  • cream

Combine all ingredients, beat for 30-40 seconds. And you can enjoy a delicious cocktail made by yourself.

How to make an apple milkshake?

This recipe is just perfect for those who follow the figure. You can safely drink it for breakfast or a snack.

  • Milk - 250 ml
  • apple - 2 pcs.

The cocktail helps to saturate the body with the necessary elements, it is very tasty and incredibly quickly prepared:

  • The longest will be to cook an apple (relatively long). It needs to be cleaned from the peel and seeds. Cut into cubes and grind well with a blender.
  • Add milk. Beat for another half minute.
  • Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to cool.

If you prepare such a cocktail for children, then you should add sugar or ice cream. In this case, refrigeration is not necessary.

As you can see, the variety of milkshakes is huge. All the proposed options are the minimum classic set. But you can create your own cocktails and delight your family and friends with a refreshing drink.

Video: Making a milkshake at home


A delicious cool milkshake is the dream of not only every child, but also an adult. It is very simple to prepare such a drink on your own - fragrant and healthy treat will delight loved ones at any time of the year.

Cocktail at home without chemicals

The favorite delicacy of every child is, perhaps, ice cream, despite the fact that it is the cause of many colds. But for milk, unfortunately, children do not experience such an all-consuming love, and it is simply impossible to force them to drink a couple of glasses. Milkshakes are drinks that combine the benefits of milk and the taste and aroma of ice cream.

Milkshakes made in various cafes and bars often contain a large amount of chemicals in their composition that can be harmful to a growing child's body. You can prepare a natural and tasty drink at home - for this you need to take equal portions of milk and ice cream and any jam or jam.

The ingredients are placed in a blender bowl and whipped. A healthy and tasty drink is ready - it remains to pour it into glasses and please the children.

cooking secrets

  1. For milkshakes, it is advisable to choose ice cream, vanilla or cream ice cream without additives and fillers. Perfect option- Make your own dessert. Classic ice cream is the most common component that gives the drink a soft texture and a pleasant, unforgettable taste;
  2. Dairy products must be natural and fresh, especially if cocktails are prepared for children;
  3. Purees from fruits and berries are added to the milkshake at the discretion of the cook - they can be whipped together with milk and ice cream, or they can be added in layers to a glass;
  4. Replace regular sugar with honey different types or brown cane sugar;
  5. Milkshakes are drunk immediately after preparation. They are not stored for a long time even in the refrigerator - fruit acids can cause milk to curdle;
  6. Milkshakes based on ice cream and cream are contraindicated for people who are overweight and have diabetes, because their calorie content is too high;
  7. Cocoa powder, grated chocolate, fruits and berries, whipped cream, cinnamon sticks, nuts, wafer rolls - delicious dessert cocktails can be decorated with any food;
  8. An effective way to serve a milkshake is a glass with a sugar rim. The edges of the glass are dipped in water, then in colored sugar. Such containers look very original, unusual and are liked by little tasters.

Milkshakes with ice cream

Ice cream milkshakes are the easiest dessert drink to make at home.

The main component of the cocktail is milk - a product that contains almost the entire weight of trace elements that are necessary for normal human life. Carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins support immunity, strengthen hair and nails. Cocktails with the addition of milk are considered not only tasty, but also healthy - especially for young children.

Such drinks desserts with the addition of ice cream have a unique mild taste and delicate aroma. An iced cocktail is a great refreshment in hot weather.

ice cream for drink

Many bartenders advise using vanilla ice cream or ice cream to make a milkshake - classic versions of a cold dessert. You can buy it in stores, however, if the drink is prepared for children, then it is better to make it yourself at home - this way it will be healthier and more natural.

To make ice cream at home you will need:

  • 3 cups cream. The minimum percentage of fat content is 20%;
  • 6 pieces of egg yolks;
  • A pinch of vanillin for flavor;
  • One and a half cups of sugar.

On a low heat, the cream is brought to a boil. The calorie content of ice cream directly depends on the fat content of the cream, therefore, if a figure is observed, you can take less fat cream than indicated. Vanillin, yolks and sugar are ground to white color and mixed with hot cream.

The mass is again sent to a small fire and boiled until completely thickened - it should not boil in any case. The mixture is removed from the heat, filtered and cooled, then sent for two hours in the refrigerator. After the specified time, it is mixed with a blender or mixer and sent to the freezer.

So that the aromas of other products do not mix with the smell of ice cream, the dishes can be covered with ordinary cling film or cover. To get a more airy and homogeneous milk dessert, you can beat it several times. With this amount of ingredients, you can get about 750-800 grams of ice cream.

Depending on the specific recipe, a different amount of ice cream is added to the milkshake, so you can make it in small portions.

Best Recipes

Today there is a huge number of options for making dessert milk drinks. A variety of recipes, ingredients, methods of preparing and decorating cocktails will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious sweet tooth and critic.

Classic variant

The traditional, most common and easy-to-prepare recipe for a unique drink that perfectly quenches thirst and has a great taste and aroma of a milkshake. The main components of the dessert are ice cream and milk, but seasonings, nuts, fruits, berries, syrups, jams, jams can be added if desired.

Despite the fact that the classic recipe is one for all times, it has its own nuances. Milk for a cocktail is taken only natural, without third-party additives and preservatives. Ice cream is a classic ice cream, ideally homemade. Milk must be cooled to 6 ° C, that is, it is taken directly from the refrigerator. Fruits, nuts and berries that will be added to the dessert must be ground in a blender.

The classic milkshake recipe includes only a liter of milk and 250 grams of ice cream or any other creamy ice cream. Both ingredients are whipped with a blender until a lush foam is formed.

Depending on individual tastes, you can change the amount of milk. For a more liquid consistency, about one and a half liters of milk is taken, but if you want a milk drink, by analogy with cocktails in the world-famous snack bar chain, then the proportions of milk are reduced.

vanilla cocktail

A vanilla milkshake is prepared from two glasses of milk, 250 grams of ice cream, two tablespoons of powdered sugar or sugar, 200 grams of cream and a pinch of vanilla.

Ice cream is laid out in a glass of a blender and the remaining products are added - vanillin, powder and milk. Everything is whipped for three to four minutes. The finished cocktail is poured into glasses and served on the table.

With nuts and apples

Delicate, tart taste of apples and a subtle hint of nuts - the perfect and incredibly tasty dessert drink for the little ones.

For half a liter of milk, two apples, two tablespoons of nuts and half a glass of sugar are taken. The skin is removed from the fruit, the core and seeds are removed, the pieces are either rubbed through a grater or mashed with a blender. Crushed apples are mixed with sugar. Chilled milk is mixed with candied apples and whipped in a blender until a thick, stable foam is obtained. On top of the milkshake is decorated with chopped walnuts in a blender.

Avocado for health

Cholesterol is the scourge of mankind, which does not have the most beneficial effect on the body and blood vessels. Oleic acid, which is found in avocados and has antioxidant properties, is a substance that can lower cholesterol levels. Milkshake with avocado is not only delicious, but also, thanks to oleic acid, incredibly healthy.

A milkshake is prepared from 500 ml of milk, one avocado, raspberry syrup or blackcurrant jam and a small amount of honey.
The avocado is carefully cut in half, its pulp is taken out with a teaspoon and laid out in a blender. Liquid honey and milk are also sent there. For those who cannot live without sweets, you can add a little sweet berry syrup to the blender bowl. All ingredients for a milk dessert are mixed for a couple of minutes.

strawberry oatmeal

A rich and satisfying version of a milkshake that brings considerable benefits to the body: trace elements, amino acids and proteins contained in its composition have a beneficial effect on tissues and organs, fresh strawberries have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, and oatmeal improves the condition of nails and hair, cleanses the skin and normalize metabolism.

Oatmeal, fresh classic yogurt without additives and fillers, cinnamon, cocoa, strawberries and half a liter of milk are whipped in a blender bowl. After the appearance of a stable thick foam, the milk drink is poured into glasses and decorated with cinnamon and ground oatmeal.

Milk banana

A drink suitable for both children and adults. You can increase its “age category” by adding a few tablespoons of cognac to an already prepared milk drink.
With a mixer or blender, 250 grams of ice cream, a liter of milk and small pieces of banana are whipped in a glass. The drink is poured into glasses, for small children the cocktail can be decorated with pieces of fruits and berries, and for adults - with a couple of tablespoons of alcohol.

milk chocolate

Delicious milk drink with a bright, rich aroma of chocolate. A cocktail is prepared at home from one serving of ice cream, two tablespoons of cocoa, powdered sugar, berries and fruits, and 250 ml of milk.

Products are whipped with a blender until a thick, stable foam appears. You can decorate a delicious dessert cocktail with a small scoop of ice cream or grated chocolate.

Milky apricot

Delicate and refreshing milk drink with ice. Prepared from 200 ml of milk, 250 grams of apricots, five tablespoons of crushed ice and 50 grams of sugar.
Small pieces of apricot are laid out on ice. All ingredients are sprinkled with sugar, poured with milk and whipped for several minutes at low speed with a mixer or blender.

Milk caramel

To prepare this unusual and original dairy dessert, you need two servings of vanilla ice cream, 400 ml of milk, 4 tablespoons of sugar and strawberries.
Sugar is melted over low heat in a small saucepan.

As soon as it becomes golden, add 5 tablespoons of water and bring the mass with continuous stirring to a thick syrupy consistency. Then warm milk is carefully poured in and brought to a boil.

The contents of the pan must be completely cooled, for which the container is closed with a tight lid and sent to the refrigerator for several hours. Caramel milk with the addition of vanilla ice cream is whipped with a blender for 15-20 seconds. The edge of the glasses in which the milky dessert drink will be served can be decorated with small slices of strawberries.

milky carrot

Golden cocktail with a pleasant and unusual taste.

A healthy drink is prepared from milk, carrot juice, honey and whipped cream. It is advisable to take milk with a small percentage of fat content - about 2.5%. It is cooled in the refrigerator in the same way as carrot juice.

You can make juice yourself - you should not use a store-bought one. Cold juice and milk are poured into a glass of a blender and whipped with honey for 3-5 minutes until a thick foam and a homogeneous consistency are formed. The cocktail is then mixed with ice cream using a mixer and put into the refrigerator.

You can decorate a dessert cocktail with whipped cream, mint leaves and nutmeg.

The addition of carrot juice makes an ordinary and tasty drink incredibly healthy - it helps to cope with extra pounds and normalizes digestion.

Creamy strawberry

130 grams of ice cream are melted at room temperature. Strawberries are peeled and dried. Milk is heated to room temperature.
Milk, strawberries and melted ice cream are mixed in a blender glass. Everything is whipped, poured into prepared cocktail glasses and decorated with berry slices.

With added fruit juice

One of the easiest milkshake recipes to make. One serving is created from milk, ice cream and any fruit juice. All products are mixed and whipped until foam is formed. The color and aroma of the cocktail can be changed depending on the selected juice, or you can create a multi-layered drink.

With cherries and ice cream

Bright milkshake with cherries. The berries are thoroughly washed under water and pitted. In a glass of a blender, milk, ice cream and berries are mixed, everything is thoroughly whipped and the delicacy is poured into glasses with the addition of ice.

With ice cream and coffee

A coffee milkshake is made from milk, brewed coffee - preferably real grain - and vanilla or cream ice cream. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a thick foam and a homogeneous consistency are obtained. The finished drink for dessert is poured into glasses, decorated with ice cream and grated chocolate or chocolate cookies.

With cherry and cocoa

For a milkshake, cocoa is prepared - sugar, cocoa powder and milk are taken. The finished drink is cooled and then mixed with cherry juice. ready-made cocktail can be decorated with ice cream, ground cinnamon, sugar.

With ice cream and raspberries

The high content of vitamin C in the drink helps to strengthen immune system, helps to get rid of extra pounds, lower the temperature, relieves inflammation and pain.
Liquid honey is diluted in warm milk, the resulting mixture is cooled. Ice cream is added to it, everything is whipped with a blender. Raspberries are thoroughly washed and also mixed with milk. A healthy and tasty milkshake can be strained through a sieve in order to get rid of raspberry seeds.

With cinnamon and pear

A ripe pear is peeled, cut into small pieces and ground in a blender glass along with cinnamon, milk and lemon juice. The dessert drink is poured into glasses and garnished with cinnamon, cinnamon sticks or whipped cream.

With mango and yogurt

Cardamom seeds are carefully removed. In a blender, seeds, mango pulp and plain yogurt without additives are whipped. Crushed ice is added, everything is thoroughly whipped and poured into tall glasses. The cocktail is topped with chopped pistachios.

Dairy with Parmesan

Celery juice is mixed with grated parmesan, milk and finely chopped ginger. Everything is thoroughly whipped with a blender and the delicacy is decorated with celery sprigs.

"Paradise apple"

Juicy sweet apples are thoroughly washed, the core is removed from them and rubbed through a grater. The resulting puree can be sprinkled with sugar. Then it is poured with milk and beaten until foam appears in a blender twice. The dessert cocktail is decorated with chopped nuts.

"Mint Cloud"

Natural full fat milk, vanilla ice cream and mint syrup are mixed in a blender glass. As a drink decoration, you can use mint leaves, whipped cream and grated chocolate.

Creamy with currant

Frozen currants are crushed in a blender. Then they are sprinkled with sugar, cookies, milk and ice cream are added. All cocktail products are crushed. High-fat cream is whipped separately from the rest of the ingredients, then used as a decoration for the finished drink.

With exotic fruits

Date fruits are cut in half and pitted, cut into small pieces. Dates can be replaced with any other unusual and tropical fruits. Chopped dates are placed in a blender bowl.

Fresh chilled milk for a cocktail mixed with fruit. Add a teaspoon of vanilla and beat the resulting mixture at maximum speed. This is done several times until a thick composition of soft consistency and a beige hue is obtained.

Ice cream is added to the blender and whipped at maximum speed for several minutes. The prepared milkshake is poured into chilled tall glasses and mixed with honey.

Baby milkshakes

Delicious and healthy drinks for the smallest gourmands.

With raspberries and cottage cheese

Raspberries or any other berries are placed in the blender bowl - cherries, currants, blueberries, blackberries, milk, lemon juice, cottage cheese, brown sugar and berry or fruit syrup. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a stable foam is formed, poured into tall glasses. You can decorate a drink for children with sprigs of mint or chocolate.

Chocolate milk

Ice cream and milk for dessert is divided into two equal parts. Bananas are peeled and cut into pieces, then whipped with one serving of milk and a serving of ice cream. Chocolate is melted in a water bath or microwave, then mixed with the remaining dairy products.

The finished drink is poured in layers into a cocktail glass and garnished with grated chocolate or cinnamon sticks.

strawberry milk

Washed strawberries are rubbed through a fine sieve. Small strawberries can be used as a decoration for a finished cocktail. The resulting strawberry puree is mixed with sugar, honey, vanilla, lemon zest and milk. With a blender, all the ingredients are thoroughly crushed. A delicious dessert drink garnished with berries rolled in sugar.

Fruity for the holiday

In the blender bowl, fruits are crushed - pineapple, melon, grapes, gooseberries - with the addition of honey. You can decorate a fruit dessert with marmalade, fresh berries in sugar or candied fruits.

  1. The amount of ingredients can dramatically change the taste and aroma of a milkshake. You can make a popular drink with a bright rich fruit flavor by reducing the amount of milk and increasing the amount of fruits and berries;
  2. For cocktails at home, only ordinary vanilla or cream ice cream is chosen without flavorings and fillers;
  3. The addition of fresh fruit juice reduces the calorie content of the milk drink and quenches thirst;
  4. Cocktails are served in tall transparent glasses. Decorations for delicacies can be mint leaves, nuts, berries, fruits, seasonings and spices, candied fruits.
  • Milkshakes were first mentioned in 1885. Along with ice cream and milk, whiskey was added to them - according to popular belief, for medical and recreational purposes;
  • A special blender for making popular milkshakes was created in 1922;
  • The most spectacular and unusual component of dairy desserts is pumpkin;
  • In 2000, the largest cocktail was created in New York, listed in the Guinness Book of Records;

The warmer it gets outside, the more often we look in the direction of soft drinks. On hot summer days, milkshakes are very popular. I used to be completely indifferent to them until I tried to make this drink at home. Today I offer a note about. Together we will learn how to prepare two versions of homemade milkshakes and serve them beautifully for relatives and loved ones.

As a fruit filler for cocktails, you can take jam, jam, ice cream or fresh fruit. I like the cocktail with banana and strawberry the most, it turns out the most tender. I often experiment with adding two or three different fruits or berries. I think over time everyone will find their favorite taste.

To make a milkshake at home, we need a blender or mixer. IN different recipes either 33% fat cream or vanilla ice cream is added to the cocktail.

Milkshake with cream

  • 0.5 l. milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. cream 33% fat
  • powdered sugar to taste
  • 3-4 ice cubes (optional)
  • fruits, berries

To make the cocktail really cooling, you can add a couple of ice cubes to it (but not at all necessary). Ice needs to be crushed at the very beginning, so we throw it into a blender bowl or a special grinder in a food processor. To the resulting mass, add fruits, powdered sugar, cream and a glass of milk. Beat everything with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then pour in the rest of the milk and beat again.

Pour the cocktail into serving glasses, put a straw and decorate with whatever we think of. The top of whipped cream with chocolate or grated almonds looks especially impressive.

Here are some simple and interesting ideas serving milkshakes.

Milkshake with ice cream

  • 0.5 l. milk
  • 200 gr. vanilla ice cream
  • powdered sugar to taste
  • 3-4 ice cubes (optional)
  • fruits, berries

A milkshake with ice cream is much tastier. It is best to take vanilla, without fruit additives. We cook it the same way as with cream. First, crush the ice, then add all the other ingredients, beat everything well.


Stock up on straws and prepare delicious and healthy milk drinks, especially now we know. Bold experiments will help you make unforgettable delicious homemade cocktails. And a couple of pieces of chocolate, pieces of fruit and berries will help make the drink very beautiful.

Everyone knows about the benefits of milk and dairy products, especially for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, but how to make your dearest child drink a glass of such hated milk? Don't waste your energy and nerves! Be smarter and wiser - buy a blender and make cocktails based on milk, ice cream, kefir or yogurt with fresh fruits, berries or syrups. Children simply will not be able to refuse such a delicacy! And everyone will be happy! Do not forget to please yourself with a glass of delicious milk drink.

How to make a milkshake at home

A classic milkshake should consist of two essential components - milk and ice cream. To prepare a cocktail, milk must be cooled to a temperature of +6 degrees. From too cold milk, good, and most importantly - a delicious cocktail will not work. Whip the cocktail at high speed in a blender or with a mixer until a thick foam forms. If you decide to add fruits, berries or ice to the cocktail, it must be strained through a strainer before serving to remove seeds, pieces of ice and fruit. Milkshakes immediately after preparation are poured into tall glasses and served with a straw.

In addition to milk, the base can be kefir, yogurt or cream. You can add fruits, berries, fruit juices and syrups, coffee, chocolate, alcoholic drinks to cocktails. If you follow the figure and stick to diet food, you can prepare a low-calorie cocktail based on low-fat kefir or skim milk with fruit juice and pieces of unsweetened fruits - apple, kiwi, strawberries. But fatty milk and yogurt, sour cream, cream, chocolate, nuts and coconut will have to be excluded.

Classic milkshake with ice cream

We take 250 g of creamy ice cream and 1 liter of milk. Beat in a blender until a thick foam forms and serve immediately after preparation. By the way, the amount of milk can vary depending on your individual preferences. If you like to easily and naturally sip a cocktail through a straw, then you can take more milk, a liter and a half per 250 g of ice cream. If you like thick and high-calorie cocktails a la McDonalds, then the amount of milk should be reduced.

The best cocktail recipes at home

  • Milkshake with apple and nuts

A non-alcoholic cocktail with a delicate, slightly tart taste - a wonderful treat for children's holiday. However, adults will certainly want to taste a delicious drink.


  • two apples
  • half a liter of milk
  • 2 tbsp walnuts
  • half a glass of sugar

Cooking method:

We peel the apples, remove the seeds, grate, add sugar and mix well. Boil milk, cool, pour apples. Beat the milk-apple mixture in a blender or mixer. Pour the drink into glasses and sprinkle with chopped walnuts on top.

  • Healthy avocado milkshake

Avocados contain oleic acid, which lowers blood cholesterol levels and also has pronounced antioxidant properties.


  • one avocado
  • 500 ml milk
  • some runny honey
  • optional raspberry syrup
  • or blackcurrant jam

Cooking method:

Cut a ripe avocado in half. Scoop out the pulp with a spoon and place it in a blender. To the pulp of the avocado, add half a liter of milk and quite a bit of liquid honey. Especially for the sweet tooth, you can add a couple of spoons of blackcurrant jam or a little raspberry syrup. Mix everything in a blender for one to two minutes.

  • Strawberry oat milkshake

This hearty drink has a mass useful properties: milk contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, strawberries help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and oatmeal normalizes metabolism, improves the condition of hair and skin.

Cooking method:

We mix fresh strawberries in a blender with 500 ml of milk, a small amount of oatmeal and yogurt without additives, cinnamon and a tablespoon of cocoa. Pouring into glasses, the cocktail can be sprinkled with oatmeal and cinnamon.

  • Banana milkshake

This wonderful drink will appeal to both children and adults. The last at the final stage in each glass, you can add a couple of tablespoons of cognac.

Cooking method:

We beat 250 g of ice cream in a blender or mixer, it is advisable to take ice cream or vanilla, with a liter of milk and slices of a ripe banana. Pour the finished cocktail into glasses. Before serving, we decorate the drink with kiwi slices and banana slices for children, and add a little brandy for adults.

  • Milk chocolate shake

A simple but very tasty drink that is prepared in just a matter of minutes.

Cooking method:

Pour 250 ml of milk into a blender, put one serving of ice cream, add 2 tbsp. cocoa, berries and powdered sugar to taste. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly until a thick foam forms. When serving, you can add a piece of ice cream to the cocktail.

  • Apricot milkshake

Light refreshing cocktail with milk, apricots and ice for hot days.


  • 250 g fresh apricots
  • 200 ml milk
  • 50 g sugar
  • 5 tbsp crushed ice

Cooking method:

Spread finely chopped apricots on crushed ice. Pour everything with sugar, pour milk and mix with a mixer for two minutes at the lowest speed.

  • Milk caramel cocktail

This drink will take a bit of fiddling, but it's worth it!


  • 400 ml milk
  • 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream
  • 4 tbsp Sahara
  • strawberry

Cooking method:

Melt the sugar in a small saucepan over low heat while stirring constantly. The caramel should be golden brown, but not dark. Add 5 tbsp. water and, stirring constantly, boil the caramel mass until the consistency of syrup. Then add milk and bring the mixture back to a boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the contents cool down. We cover the saucepan with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Pour the cooled caramel milk into a blender, add vanilla ice cream and beat for about 15 seconds. Pour the drink into cocktail glasses, decorating the rim with fresh strawberries. Serve with straws.

  • Milkshake with raspberries and ice cream

This cocktail is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, helps burn fat, has an antipyretic effect, has diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.


  • 250 g ice cream
  • 500 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 cup fresh raspberries

Cooking method:

Dissolve honey in warm milk and send the mixture to the refrigerator. Add ice cream to the chilled honey-milk mixture. We beat everything in a blender. Add raspberries and beat again. Before serving, pass the cocktail through a strainer to remove the seeds from the raspberries.

Irina Boyko

What do you associate with childhood? Favorite bear, a bedtime story, a heavy school bag or a violin that had to be tormented under the watchful eye of a mentor? And also a milkshake.

Yes, yes, it was he, this thick, sweetish drink with the taste of ice cream, that was considered the most exquisite summer delicacy, which was considered the highest award to receive. Now it has been slowly replaced by sodas, energy drinks and other chemical analogues, and it is time to show your children a yummy that brings great health benefits. So, we propose to master all the subtleties of how to make a real milkshake at home, the taste of which will temporarily return you to your distant childhood.

Some secrets

Before you decide to make a milkshake with ice cream at home, consider the following nuances of the upcoming business:

  • Milk should always be chilled beforehand;
  • Blender must be set to top speed appeals;
  • From fruits or berries (if any will be present in the dessert), it is worth removing the skin in advance and pulling out the bones;
  • To make the drink less high-calorie, it is permissible to replace the whipped cream in it with unsweetened low-fat yogurt;
  • No need to be afraid of experiments: add chocolate, compote, syrup, jam and other ingredients to the cocktail;
  • It is recommended to puree fruits in advance so that later their pieces do not float in the finished drink.

Products for making your own milkshakes are almost always in the refrigerator. They just need to be properly mixed, although there is nothing complicated about it.

The simplest recipes

The basis is a single product set, consisting of:

  • Liter of milk;
  • four servings of ice cream, 50 g each;
  • pairs of st.l. any jam: cherry, strawberry or plum. It can be replaced with fresh berries.

From all of the above, a cocktail can be prepared in several ways, namely:

  1. Put everything in a blender bowl, mix at top speed. Pour into glasses and garnish with ice cream, berries or chocolate chips.
  2. Mix berries and ice cream. Pour milk into the mixture, beat everything with a submersible blender. Pour the drink into high serving containers and serve.
  3. It is possible to prepare a milk dessert even without electric kitchen appliances. It is enough to combine jam, melted ice cream or mashed berries with a small amount of base in advance. Then the workpiece is mixed with the rest of the milk using a hand whisk or even a fork.

Let's move on to how to make a healthy milkshake at home without cold ice cream, using only cream.

It will require:

  • Milk - 0.5 l;
  • fresh and heavy cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • a glass of any berries;
  • crushed ice - optional.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. With half the norm of milk, you need to mix cream and berries.
  2. All remaining components are introduced into the mixture.
  3. The liquid is whipped, distributed in tall glasses.

The resulting foam should be decorated with chocolate chips, grated nuts or one fresh berry crowning the top of whipped cream.

chocolate extravaganza

Among homemade cocktail recipes, it is chocolate ones that are in particular demand.

They are made from:

  • a couple of glasses of milk;
  • two servings of chocolate ice cream;
  • 2 tbsp grated chocolate;
  • cream, which will serve as a decoration.

You can make a drink according to this principle:

  1. Everything is mixed in a container or bowl of a mixer until a thick foam is formed.
  2. Dessert is poured into beautiful glasses.
  3. The cream is whipped with granulated sugar, and a teaspoon is carefully placed in glasses.

Protein variant

If you do not want to add vanilla ice cream to your drink, then at home try to prepare a complete protein drink according to one of the following recipes:

  • In the blender bowl are mixed: crumbled proteins of three boiled eggs, 100 g cottage cheese, a few tablespoons jam and 300 g of milk;
  • In a bowl, a guest of crushed nuts, a spoonful of honey and one raw egg are combined. All this is poured with kefir, in the amount of 200 g, and whipped;
  • Options for preparing a drink with ice cream can be adjusted in the direction of increasing usefulness. For example, mix a banana, a glass of milk and 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese with a blender.

Such a drink perfectly satisfies hunger after a long workout, gives strength, energy and improves the effectiveness of a carbohydrate diet.

Purchase of special equipment: how much is it needed?

If your mixer has died for a long time, and homemade milkshakes have come to taste, it makes sense to consider buying an immersion blender or its equivalent with a large bowl for whipping. We recommend choosing a stationary model, which will have an impressive glass with a sealed lid and several operating modes.

Do not forget to pay attention to the material of the bowl itself: a quality blender for homemade desserts and milkshakes should be made of high-strength food-grade plastic that can withstand long cycles of work.
