Over the past 40 days, the famous singer Britney Spears lost 13 kg! At the recent Billboard Music Awards "Billboard" opened by Rihanna and Britney Spears, Britney showed off her perfect slim figure. Not so long ago, Britney spent the holidays with billionaire George Maloof in Mexico. Gorgeous tanned blonde in a white bikini looked stunning, personifying her appearance the dream of millions of women.

As Britney herself says, now she is in perfect shape and is very pleased with her appearance. She calls her diet simply magical and claims that she has never been able to lose weight so easily. The girl completely refused potatoes, sweets, flour, sweet fruits and sugar.

Britney Spears Menu:

The daily diet of the Britney Spears diet does not exceed 1200 kcal. It mainly consists of foods such as: poultry, fish, lean meats, eggs, rice, avocados. Some will think that this diet is nothing complicated, but for Britney it was a real torture. After all, she, like all Americans, is used to eating sweets, french fries, Coca-Cola, hamburgers and pizza. Therefore, the transition to a low-carb diet was a real torture for her.

For a faster effect, Britney Spears runs the treadmill at home, visits five times a week Gym running in the morning. According to the star, this diet must be combined with sports activities, because when we lose weight quickly, the skin can sag, folds and wrinkles appear. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas such as thighs, abdomen, buttocks. Britney also tries to never eat after eight o'clock in the evening. Of course, you can not eat after six, but with a busy schedule, the singer does not always manage to eat on time. Therefore, it is better to eat a little later than to eat before bed. This leads to unconditional weight gain.

Britney Spears diet free download

Breakfast: 4 boiled eggs, 30 g low-fat cheese, a small toast;

Lunch: Apple

Dinner: 150g lean fish or seafood (or dietary meat, birds), leaf salad, a thin slice of rye bread;

Afternoon snack: 30g low fat cheese

Dinner: 100-130g veal, mushroom salad, tomato, greens, season with a spoon olive oil(veal can be replaced with beans, poultry, fish)

Professional opinion

Adam Cronin, who is a trainer and owner of SOMA Fitness & Performance, generally approved of the singer's diet, emphasizing that this diet is suitable for those who want to lose weight without harming their health. A large amount of protein food eliminates starvation and provides the body with the necessary building material. However, according to the famous trainer, it is very important that the diet is made individually. In this case, a balanced physiological diet will be provided, taking into account all the norms of the necessary substances and the personal data of each person.

Lately, Britney Spears has been doing nothing but being photographed in a swimsuit. There is a reason for this - the star has lost a lot of weight and is now in excellent physical shape. How did she do it?

Britney Spears lost weight, got in great shape, and now she only does what she takes pictures in a swimsuit. Fans rejoice - finally, the favorite of the public, who disappeared from the musical arena for many years, has returned and lights up again to the fullest! Only one question remained unanswered for some time - how did Britney Spears lose weight?

To begin with, Britney Spears, like many other than her, tries to avoid complex carbohydrates and refined sugar. She prefers to take regular carbohydrates in the afternoon, she always keeps her protein intake high and has made it a rule to never eat after seven in the evening, because the most fast way weight gain is to go to bed on a full stomach. In addition, each intake must contain a certain amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates (as a percentage), namely 30 percent protein, thirty percent fat and forty percent carbohydrates.

Diet Britney Spears

The first thing the star completely excluded from her diet was fast food, to which she had already become accustomed. Semi-finished products are also prohibited. The diet consists of homemade food, steamed or in the oven. Fried foods are only allowed in the form of an omelette for breakfast, which is fried with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil.

Starchy vegetables (i.e. potatoes, sweet potatoes, or squash) are strictly limited in the diet. The perfect side dish is black brown rice. Animal fats are also minimized - they can be consumed no more than 10 grams per day. But vegetable fats, such as olive, corn or sesame oil, can and should be added to a variety of dishes (especially salads).

The total daily calorie content of the Britney Spears diet is no more than 1200 kcal. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the meal schedule: breakfast until 10 am, lunch - until 15:00, dinner - until 19:00. If you feel hungry between meals, you can eat green apple, orange or kiwi. It is also important to drink 2-3 cups of herbal tea and 3-5 glasses of still mineral water throughout the day.

Information for men

According to the singer, the most difficult thing was to give up the usual sweets. Instead, a star nutritionist created for her healthy treats with nuts, dried fruits, cocoa powder and cinnamon. Also, ice cream was prepared for her from skimmed milk, natural vanilla and stevia powder. Such sweets have a minimum of calories, and the pleasure of eating them is the same as from simple chocolate bars.

Britney Spears diet menu

An example daily menu is as follows.

  • Breakfast: two fried eggs, a slice of cheese and whole grain bread; grapes are suitable as a kind of dessert.
  • Second breakfast: a light salad of either vegetables or fruits;
  • Lunch: thirty grams of hard cheese and one grapefruit.
    Afternoon snack: low-fat ham.
  • Dinner: boiled beans, 70 grams of beef meat, 20 grams of cheese and a salad.

Thus, the diet does not provide for serious prohibitions, except for sugar and everyone's favorite sweets. If you can't live without these foods, then keep them to a minimum. The diet is absolutely harmless to the body, therefore it is recommended to everyone without exception.

Relatively recently, the public was shocked by how Britney lost weight, because after giving birth she gained a lot of excess weight and for a long time was such a “dumpling”.

Britney Spears: height, weight and figure parameters ^

At the peak of her popularity, Britney Spears had a perfect figure and was a role model for many girls. Everything changed when she married Kevin Federline, who became her second husband. In 2005, the singer became pregnant and recovered greatly, and for a very long time could not get rid of excess weight.

As Britney admits now, she didn’t really try to lose weight, eating any troubles with fast food and buns, but one day her own reflection in the mirror became disgusting to her, and she decided to pull herself together.

After the amazing changes, many became interested in how Britney Spears lost weight, because now almost every girl is trying to fight overweight, and this is not always possible. Of course, regular dance classes played a huge role in getting rid of kilograms, but the diet on which the singer was sitting is also of no small importance.

Britney Spears: before and after weight loss

Britney Spears: height 163 cm, weight 45 kg

At the moment, the height and weight parameters of Britney Spears are 163 cm and 45 kg, although most recently the last mark ranged from 57 to 60 kg.

Sizes of clothes and shoes

When Britney Spears lost 12 kg, many wanted to know what diet helped her achieve such changes, but only recently the singer revealed the secrets of her harmony.

Britney Spears weight loss secrets

  • The singer does not eat sweet fruits, starchy vegetables, sweets, sugar, fast food and lemonade, because. almost all of them contain fast carbohydrates, due to which fat folds form on various parts of the body, and metabolism also slows down significantly;
  • Britney lost a lot of weight due to the fact that she limits the calorie content of her diet to 1200 kcal per day, and eats mainly brown rice, cabbage, avocados, carrots, eggs, lean fish and meat. Under such conditions, the body begins to break down fat cells on its own in order to replenish supplies. energy;

Britney Spears figure parameters: 89-68.5-89 (chest-waist-hips)

  • For weight loss, Britney Spears calculated her menu in such a way that it contained 40% complex carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and the same amount of unsaturated fats: this avoids the deficiency of nutrients and the negative consequences that other diets often give;
  • For those who are interested in how Britney Spears lost weight after giving birth, it is important to know one important detail: carbohydrate foods (cereals, vegetables and fruits) should be eaten in the morning, and protein foods (seafood, meat, fish, buckwheat, rice) in the second ;

  • Physical activity is also of great importance: the singer herself attends Pilates classes several times a week, and in order to avoid sagging skin due to sudden weight loss, she takes baths with rose petals and also massages.

Britney Spears diet: menu and rules ^

How Britney Spears lost weight: before and after photos

Weight loss rules from Britney Spears

  • It is necessary to eat in small portions, but several times a day, so as not to feel strong hunger;
  • Before lunch, you need to consume mainly carbohydrates, and after - proteins;
  • You need to drink as much water as possible - this allows you to quickly remove the fluid accumulated in the body and get rid of edema.

Britney Spears with sons: photo

What diet was Britney Spears on: menu

Those who want to lose weight should familiarize themselves with the menu on which Britney Spears lost weight. It is only exemplary, because it should be used to create your own diet, and not eat monotonously every day:

  • We have breakfast with scrambled eggs from three yolks, a piece of cheese, a slice of rye bread and a small bunch of grapes;
  • For lunch we eat a salad of vegetables and seafood;
  • We have lunch with grapefruit and 30 g of hard cheese;
  • We have an afternoon of lean ham;
  • We have dinner with boiled beans, 70 g of beef, 20 g of cheese and mushroom salad.

Weight loss Britney Spears: the opinion of nutritionists about her diet ^

According to doctors, the singer's diet is absolutely harmless to the body, and considering how much Britney Spears lost weight and that she managed to achieve such results in a couple of months, this nutrition system is perfect for those who want to quickly lose weight without harming their health.

In order not to gain weight in the future, Britney Spears, who has lost weight, advises to follow certain rules:

  • In no case do not eat up at night, because. the food eaten before going to bed necessarily affects the figure: fat folds appear, and besides, well-being worsens. The maximum that you can afford is an apple, citrus or a glass of kefir;
  • It is worth finding time for sports, because they help maintain a figure and burn fat cells more intensively;

What does Britney Spears look like now: photo

  • In your diet, you should give preference only to light food, and minimize fried foods and sweets.

Britney Spears managed to build a dizzying career at a very young age, but, as is often the case, the wild popularity had a negative impact on the life of the pop diva. Now Britney knows firsthand about the side effects of fame, which, alas, many famous personalities have to face.

Britney was under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, behaved inappropriately in public, the singer was even deprived of parental rights, but Spears was able to rehabilitate herself in time. After all the problems, she decently put on weight, which her fans did not like.

Recently, the name of Britney does not appear in the scandalous chronicle, moreover, the singer leads healthy lifestyle life, thanks to which she managed to put the figure in order. The other day, the star of the zero shared a fresh picture taken near the pool. In the photo, Spears poses by the pool in a striped bikini. Britney's fans were delighted with her chiseled figure.

By the way, Spears tries to keep herself in shape not only for the sake of beauty and health. She continues to give performances, during which she demonstrates complex numbers with elements of acrobatics. In order to perform difficult tricks, Britney is not allowed to launch herself. Many believe that Spears, in pursuit of harmony, tortures himself with diets, but this is far from the case. The secret of the beauty of her body lies in an active lifestyle.

“I love intense workouts. I start with cardio and then move on to strength training. Here and exercises with dumbbells, and squats, and push-ups. I finish each session with stretching. I run a lot, I swim a lot, I dance a lot,” Britney shared.

Recall that now Spears is building a relationship with 23-year-old fashion model Sam Asghari, but the singer's happiness spoils her former spouse, DJ Kevin Federline, who does not think to leave the singer alone and demands money from her for the maintenance of common children: 12-year-old Sean and 11-year-old Jayden, who live with him by court order.

According to Federline's lawyer, his ward deserves at least three times the amount of alimony that the singer now pays him, and he will do everything so that his client receives this money. Now Spears pays Kevin a pretty decent amount - $ 20 thousand a month, but this does not seem to be enough for Federline, who earns $ 3 thousand for the same period of time.
