The design of a knife is one of the most important steps in its manufacture. Therefore, to make a good quality knife, it is worth spending some time on the drawings. At this stage, you must carefully plan the design of your knife: the shape of the blade and handle, handle attachment, etc. After selecting the sketches, you must finally draw the knife in 1:1 scale and cut out its template. Now let's turn to the materials and tools that we will need in the process of making a knife.

Knife making steps

10. Now let's start making the knife handle. First of all, you need to completely wrap the blade with duct tape to avoid scratching the blade when working with the shank (and your hands will be safer).

11. First we will make brass pillows. Drill holes in the plates and, connecting to the shank, rivet them together (provided you know how to rivet). Coat all sides with epoxy first. After the epoxy has dried (at least 24 hours should pass), saw off the excess metal with a hacksaw. Then, using emery and a grinder, give the pillows the desired shape. Carefully sand the brass pads.

12. Now let's do the same with the wooden lining. They should be the same thickness as the brass pads. However, if it seems to you that brass is an extra detail and only complicates the work, you can exclude it from the design of the knife handle and perform it using only wooden lining. Also, some craftsmen are so confident in the strength of the glue that they completely ignore the rivets. But I wouldn't recommend doing this. Glue with glue, and rivets with rivets are more reliable.

13. After the glue dries, remove excess wood with a jigsaw and finally form the shape of the handle.

14. Now it remains to grind and polish.

15. Well, the last step in making a knife will be sharpening it. How to sharpen knives you can. Good luck!

Photos are taken from some bourgeois site. What? I have no idea - I lost the link.

More about knife making:


On the cold steel market, there are many various kinds knives, but there are still people who want to make their own knife at home. And rightly so, because it will be exclusively their product, original and not like others.

This article will help a beginner to understand the manufacture of knives in the absence of special conditions and tell you how to choose the right materials for making knives and tell you in general terms what to do with them, so don't judge too harshly 🙂

To make a knife at home from start to finish, you will need:

- blade or material for its manufacture;
- materials for the handle;
- additional parts for the manufacture of pommel, guard, bolster - or ready-made from the store;
- fasteners (depending on the manufacturing strategy - epoxy, screws, etc.)

Blade for making a knife

To begin with, consider the question of what needs to be done with the blade. Firstly, making it yourself at home will be extremely problematic - if you do not have the opportunity to forge the blade yourself, so the best solution would be to buy a ready-made one, for example, a Lauri 125 blade made of carbon steel.

Where to buy a blade for making a knife?

Sources selling prepared for homemade there are quite a lot of blade knives: you can buy them both from private masters at the same or at cold steel exhibitions, buy blades in other online stores; or you can order an industrial blade from the manufacturer, including on Chinese auction sites, such as ebay or aliexpress.

There are very high-quality and inexpensive catalogs of blades from Finnish (and indeed Scandinavian) manufacturers, I can recommend them.
If you really have difficulty finding a suitable blade, just take a sheet of metal, for example, a sawn off piece of spring, give it a shape and work with it.

Of course, the purchased blade should be finalized. To do this, you need to take a file or even a circle and coarse water stones (if your product is very “raw” and you still need to remove the descents) and sharpen the blade to the desired look and shape, and then use sandpaper to grind all the bumps.

The easiest way to check the quality of the product is to wipe the finished blade and breathe on it. From a quality blade, perspiration will come off without any irregularities, and it will lie without breaks. At the same time, it is better to conduct such an experiment several times and from different angles.

What steel to make a knife from - questions for other articles, you can read the materials on our website, for example, an article.

DIY knife handle

Next, we will deal with the future handle of your knife. It is best and easiest to take a tree for her, since in the future wooden handle a self-made knife will look nice, and your hand will not freeze from it. Absolutely any type of tree is suitable - especially since you are just learning.

The most simple pen for a knife with their own hands is made from old legs of Soviet tables, chairs, sofas or armchairs, because before furniture was made famously. Using a hacksaw, we saw off a piece of the desired length, then roughly cut out the shape of the handle that we would like to see on the finished product. It is also necessary to make a recess in the handle for the shank of your blade - for example, drill and process with needle files. Whether this hole is through or not through depends on the finished design of the knife.

Ideally, you would also need to draw an approximate drawing of a knife that is made at home. You already have a blade for this and the approximate dimensions and outlines of the handle. And according to the drawn layout, it will already be easier to make a finished knife, bringing it to perfection with sandpaper after assembly.

If you already more or less know how to make a knife with your own hands, you can buy bars of stabilized wood (you will get very beautiful and strong handles), or try to make a handle from typesetting birch bark or pressed leather; you can make a braided handle - there are a lot of options. Go to the next level of "knife building", so to speak 🙂

Important details for making a knife at home

In addition to these two main parts of the knife, there are also additional elements:

Garda - a part specially designed to protect the hand of the owner of the knife. You can make it from metal or wood, or buy it ready-made in specialized stores. It is possible to make a knife without a guard or a combat stop at all - such a knife is not a melee weapon.
Bolster - serves both to decorate the knife and to rid the handle of excessive load. It can be made from wood or metal - for example, make a bolster from a coin or a soldering iron tip.
The pommel is opposite to the blade, performs such functions as: changing the balance of the finished knife, aesthetic function (for beauty). Also, the pommel often plays the role of a nut that is screwed onto the shank (if you have a through one). The pommel of the knife handle is made of various materials- but stick to the same style.

Knife assembly

Having considered all the details of the future knife, putting everything together, preparing and processing the constituent ingredients of this “recipe” a little, you can turn directly to the knife assembly itself. To do this, you will need a few more simple things: sandpaper for finishing the handle and polishing the finished product, two types of binary glue (epoxy and "cold welding"), a hammer or mallet, paper tape (to seal - to protect the blade and other polished metal from scratches). parts of the assembled knife when processing the handle with sandpaper and giving the finished shape to the homemade knife).

First you need to dilute the epoxy and coat the leather gasket with it, which we then apply to that part of the blade that will be inside the tree - the shank. Next, “cold welding” is cut and quickly placed on the bottom of the hole drilled in the handle for the tail of the blade, where it is actually inserted.

Gently driving the blade inward with a hammer or mallet will give the knife its final look. For a while, it would be ideal to clamp the assembled knife with a clamp while the epoxy hardens. In the end, a knife made with your own hands at home will only have to be sanded and decorated at your discretion.

as more simple option it is possible to make an overhead handle - from two plates (wooden, for example), which are attached to the blade shank on the right and left. Such a handle is usually fastened with screws, in addition to epoxy, but usually looks simpler.

When you give the ideal shape to the handle and make sure that your homemade knife is assembled reliably, you can start manufacturing 🙂

Given the huge selection of not only knives, but all tools, anyone will have a question - why? Why mess around, rivet, hew, sharpen, if you can buy a ready-made tool? But faced with how to make a knife from a file, you will learn many interesting nuances of processing and hardening and try them out in practice.

Making a knife from a file - preparation

The very process of making a knife from a file is extremely informative, because, in fact, a file is an ordinary steel billet just for such cases! And if you also find Soviet tools that were made from homogeneous U10 carbon steel, then the result of your labors may later surprise you!

In addition to the file-blank itself, you will need:

  • brass rivets;
  • ferric chloride for etching;
  • epoxy resin;
  • vise;
  • magnet;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • Bulgarian;
  • grinder;
  • handle material (wood, leather, metal);
  • and a lot of healthy enthusiasm!

How to make a knife from a file - firing a workpiece

The first thing you will have to do is fire the file. Perfect option- hold the workpiece for 4-6 hours in a burning stove or oven and let it cool with it. But you can get by with an ordinary gas stove - but this is more of a way out than a recommendation. The essence of firing is clear - let the steel be calcined at a temperature of 600-700 ° C and cool slowly. By and large, you only need to burn the part that will be the blade itself, so if you are still forced to use a gas stove, keep this in mind.

The stove gives a low temperature, so some tricks are needed, namely, the construction of a heat shield. This is much easier to do than it sounds - you just need to build a small hill of nuts or bolts above the file, on which a metal plate is placed. As a result, the temperature from the combustion of the gas will go into the air to a lesser extent and heat the file more.

It is very important to sprinkle the heated area with ordinary kitchen salt. This is a kind of indicator - if it melts during the process, then you succeeded, if it does not melt, then the temperature was insufficient, and you need to repeat the process. When heated under the plate, the workpiece should have an even color of hot metal, which is important to hold for at least three to four hours.

After the main firing, the temperature should be reduced gradually - first we reduce the burning force by a quarter, after half an hour we fasten it, and so on until it cools completely. All this is done for a reason, and this nuance should not be ignored - the steel that has cooled sharply will simply crumble.

Shaping, quenching and tempering is an important sequence!

In the workshop, holding the workpiece in a vise, we cut off and cut off unnecessary pieces, or we grind it on a coarse-grained abrasive disc, giving the file a completely different shape - the shape of the future knife. If the knife is decorated with wood or other overlay plates, do not forget to drill holes for rivets in the handle or cut a groove with a grinder.

Hardening is the next step after shaping. Many admit big mistake, focusing on the degree of hardening by the glow of the heated metal, however, only an ordinary magnet can show the real picture - if the red-hot metal does not react to its presence in any way, then the hardening has been brought to the desired degree. The future blade should be heated evenly, with the exception of the handle area, it is worth warming up only a small area of ​​​​3-4 cm at the base of the blade. To do this, it is best to use a burner that gives a higher temperature.

Prepare also a container with water in which you will cool the metal. When you reach a uniform glow of the metal, and the magnet stops responding to it, warm up the workpiece for a few more minutes, and then abruptly dip it into the water - everything is like in a movie! If the process has been followed in all its subtleties, the metal will be able to scratch the glass - this is the most best sign good hardening.

But due to the high internal pressure, hardened steel tends to break, crack and crumble during sharpening, so tempering is necessary - a process by which internal stress is removed with a slight decrease in metal hardness.

This is exactly what drills for metal do! There is absolutely nothing complicated in the process itself - you just need to put the workpiece in the oven and bake it for an hour and a half at a temperature of about 200 ° C. The workpiece should cool with the oven!

Finishing the blade and handle - how to do it right?

After all these manipulations, you can proceed to the finishing of the blade. You can use all available tools that are designed for grinding: sandpaper, metal brushes, felt, vulcanite wheels, etc. You should not be zealous - there is still a process of etching ahead. Your task is to give the blade smoothness, to bring its surface into a neat appearance.

Before etching, you can attach pads to the handle from the material we have planned, or wrap the metal with a strip of leather, it's a matter of taste. In the first case, finishing should be carried out after etching, but leather can be wrapped already at this stage. You will need at least a half-meter solid piece. To get started, do a simple winding to see how the knife will look in this design, whether the length of the skin is long enough, how the knife will feel in the hand. If everything suits you, unwind the handle and apply special leather glue to the back of the leather strip, carefully wrap the handle, this time trying with all your might.

A wooden handle will take longer to process. Rivet holes should be filled epoxy resin, then fasten the handle with rivets and clamp it in a vice until the resin has completely cooled. Two rivets will suffice. When the resin hardens, you can give the pen a shape, but do not rush with the final processing. First - etching! If there is a radio store nearby, you can buy ferric chloride there, in which the blade is etched to a gray, matte tint.

The film that forms on the blade will protect it from corrosion, so try not to remove it. If ferric chloride is too rare for you, etching can be done with improvised means: vinegar, lemon juice or even ground raw potatoes! It is very important to clean the blades of any type of contamination, because when etching, even your fingerprints can appear on it, and then you have to peel off the oxide film and start all over again.

Blade sharpening - that's the finish!

When the etching comes to an end, the epoxy will also harden. So it's time to start finishing the handle and sharpening the blade. If the handle is wooden, it must be given its final shape, sanded and waxed. When the handle is completely ready, you can proceed to the most important step - sharpening! It is best to do this by hand with an ordinary hand grindstone, as you can prevent the metal from overheating. For editing, use a kitchen musat - the so-called round notched rod, which often comes with kitchen knives.

A properly made knife will cut perfectly, plus everyone can sharpen it even on an ordinary stone, but at least on the bottom of a mug! In addition, it will not be a pity to use such a tool in the workshop, to do all the work from which ordinary knives quickly wear down and become dull. It is possible that you will enjoy doing this process again and again - in this case, you will always have a worthy gift for your friends at hand!

The choice of knives in stores is quite large. Kitchen, shoe, hunting, pen - the list goes on for a very long time. But there are situations when there is no cutting object at hand, but it is desperately needed. For example, travel is always full of surprises, any thing can end up at the bottom of an abyss or lake. Or maybe you need a cutting tool for some special work? In a word, there are not so few situations when such a homemade product may be needed. What is the best knife to make? About this, as well as how it is best to do it in a particular case, we will now talk.

Where will you do it?

The need to make a cutting tool can arise anywhere:

  • Houses:
  • in the country;
  • on a hike.

At home, as a rule, knives are made for some special work, as well as gifts or collectibles. If you are not doing this professionally, then you don’t have special equipment yet. But on the other hand, there can be a lot of suitable in the tool cabinet.

A lot of useful things are sure to be found in the country. Most likely, there is almost everything there - a broken hacksaw, an old file, etc. If you are left without a knife on a hike, you will have to think and carefully look around. Oddly enough, the answer to the question of how to forge and make a good knife or blade from start to finish with your own hands may be right in front of you.

What makes a good knife?

What can a knife be made from? The material for the manufacture of the knife must be hard enough and keep sharpening well. Suitable for this:

  • metals;
  • stone;
  • glass;
  • clam shells;
  • animal bones;
  • tree.


Metals are by no means suitable. So what metal is better to make a knife?

  • It is unlikely that it would occur to you to mess with aluminum - with such a knife you will suffer more than you can work.
  • The most suitable material is steel, stainless steel is best.
  • The ideal option is hardened, but that's how lucky.

Important! At home, you can do the heat treatment yourself, on a hike - hardly.

Stone, glass, shells

On a hike, you will certainly find stones that can give a sharp chip:

  • obsidian;
  • slate;
  • quartzite.

Important! These are layered materials, and the chips when separating the layers are quite sharp.

It is not difficult to find a suitable shard of glass in visited places - here is an easy decision for you to make a knife out of. On the banks of the rivers there are shells of mollusks - for example, toothless. When flaking, they also give sharp chips, which allows you to make a good, albeit small blade.

In case of urgent need, even a tree will fit - however, a wooden knife is only suitable for small kitchen work.

Blade of bone

Bone is an ancient material for making knives. In many regions of our planet, such tools are still used. To make a blade in the absence of emery, stencils and other useful things, you only need a few stones. One of them should be rough enough to sharpen the edge of the bone. The other two are needed to give the workpiece a more or less suitable shape.

What is the handle made of?

The handle is an important part of any tool. Convenience and safety depend on it. You can make it from different materials:

  • plastic;
  • tree;
  • ropes;
  • wire.


At home, the ideal material for the handle of a metal or glass knife is epoxy. However, a variety of compounds are now sold in hardware and construction stores, which, when solidified, turn into beautiful and durable plastic. It is possible that you have something left after the repair of an apartment or the construction of a summer house.


Wooden lining is the traditional way to design the handle. The handle can be given any shape, it is comfortable, does not heat up and is easy to attach.

Important! Many peoples have knives with braided handles. You can braid with a cord or coated wire.

Homemade rope

It is possible that the traveler, who found himself without a knife on a desert island or even just on a long trip, lost the rope as well. Nothing you can do, you have to get out of the situation. Rope can be made, for example, from nettles. She has quite long fibers:

  1. Remove the skin from the stem.
  2. Collect the fibers and dry them (for example, by the fire or just in the sun).
  3. Remember fibers.
  4. Then it remains only to weave a rope from the “threads” - you don’t need much for a knife, half a meter will be enough - the shank is braided with a ready-made rope.

What metal is better to make a knife?

Despite the abundance suitable materials, the best knives are still made of metal. This was understood in ancient times, when they learned how to process iron. And now the vast majority of cutting tools are made of steel. For a homemade knife fit:

  • blade from a hacksaw for metal;
  • broken saw;
  • old file (preferably Soviet);

Important! The ideal option is a hacksaw blade for metal. This is the simplest material, which, moreover, does not need to be hardened and tempered.

Nice handmade knife

To make a small do-it-yourself knife that does not need to be hardened, in addition to a hacksaw blade, you will need:

  • sketch;
  • marker;
  • epoxy or other material for the handle;
  • rivets;
  • hammer;
  • emery wheel;
  • punch;
  • drill.


Any work begins with an idea. homemade knife in this sense, it is no exception. First you need to make a sketch. You can simply draw it, but it is much easier to find a suitable picture (so that the blade is no wider than a hacksaw blade) and print it on paper with a self-adhesive layer.

Important! The material on which your sketch is made depends on how it is transferred to the blade.

Option 1:

  1. Lay the cut out image of the blade with the shank on the hacksaw blade.
  2. Circle with a marker.
  3. Grind along the contour on the emery - at this stage it is not necessary to maintain the utmost precision, the processing can be quite rough.

Option 2

In this case, the stencil is cut out, glued to the canvas, after which the workpiece is turned on emery.


The handle must be done before final processing. The workpiece should be comfortable to hold.


The easiest option is to fill with epoxy according to the method of application indicated on the package:

  1. Let the plastic dry.
  2. Work on emery.
  3. Sand down.

wooden handle

The wooden handle consists of two identical pads, between which a shank is inserted. First of all, you need to cut 2 wooden blanks, exactly the same. The final processing can not be done yet - it is important that they just exactly match in shape.

The whole structure rests on two rivets for which holes need to be made:

  1. Make marks for rivets on the wooden blanks and the shank - when you assemble the handle, you should get through holes.
  2. Drill holes with a drill.

The rivets themselves are best made from a copper tube from the heat exchanger of an old refrigerator:

  1. Cut 2 pieces of copper tube - the length is equal to the width of the intended handle (2 layers of wood + a layer of metal) with a small allowance for riveting.
  2. Lay the wood pieces together, placing the shank in the middle.
  3. Insert the rivet so that it protrudes slightly over the holes on both sides.
  4. Lightly rivet the edges with a center punch to widen the ends slightly.
  5. Rivet the ends with a hammer (on a metal plate).

Wire or rope handle

If you know how to weave, it will not be difficult for you to make a handle from wire (in insulation) or rope. You can also use leather cord.

Important! Any type of weaving is suitable, making it possible to obtain a voluminous object. For example, macrame.

You can make a temporary handle, extremely simple. To do this, it is enough to wrap the shank with electrical tape.

Blade finishing

When the handle is ready, you can proceed to the final finishing and sharpening of the blade. This is done on an emery wheel. The process continues until the shape of the knife suits you.

Homemade knife with hardening

To make such a knife with your own hands, you will need a file.

Important! It is best to take the old Soviet one - in cheap Chinese models, which most often break down, low-quality steel is almost always used.

base material

The file should have a width of 30-40 mm and a rectangular or diamond-shaped section. The second option is preferable - the knife will be more durable.


Prepare the rest of the materials and tools. You need:

We make a knife with our own hands

Start work in the same way as when making a knife without hardening, that is, prepare a sketch, cut out the blade and shank. Then proceed like this:

  1. Clamp the workpiece in a vise.
  2. Make a preliminary sharpening with a file.
  3. Grind the surface of the workpiece with a grinder on a grinding wheel.


An important point is hardening.

Important! This procedure is necessary because files are usually made of carbon steel, a rather brittle material.

We do the work:

  1. Place the workpiece in a brazier with burning coals - the coals should completely cover it.
  2. Hold for 20 minutes.
  3. Take the piece out and let it cool completely.
  4. Put the blank in the oven.
  5. Preheat oven to maximum temperature.
  6. Set a timer for 60 minutes.
  7. After keeping the future knife in the oven for an hour, turn off the heat and let the entire system cool completely.
  8. Repeat procedure.

Hardening with heat shield

In fact, the ideal tempering temperature is 700º. But it can only be achieved in the forge - no gas stove, no Russian stove gives such heat. However, a way out can always be found. The space above the workpiece can be heated to almost the desired level if a heat shield is built. This is just a thick metal plate larger than a file and rising 1 cm above it:

  1. Place the file on a baking sheet.
  2. Put a few nuts around the perimeter of the workpiece.
  3. Place a thick sheet of metal (such as a small cast iron skillet) over the nuts.

It is very convenient to ignite metal in an oven with a transparent door. If you see that the metal has become an even cherry color, then the process is going correctly. You can also harden without a stage with coals, just in the oven. But then you will need to keep it at a maximum for at least four hours. In this case, the metal should cool down simultaneously with the oven, that is, the workpiece does not need to be removed.

Important! You can use table salt as an indicator - as soon as it starts to melt, this will mean that you have reached the desired temperature.

Quenching in a furnace followed by tempering

The oven is still not the most convenient device for hardening metals. This is an urban option. Much better if you have a Russian oven. In this case, the heat shield is installed in exactly the same way as in the previous case, but the metal can not only be hardened, but also released, which, of course, will improve the quality of the future product.

Important! You can use a magnet as an indicator. Naturally, he reacts to cold steel. As it warms up, it reacts weaker and weaker, and at one fine moment it stops doing it at all. That's when you need to take the workpiece with tongs and lower it into a bucket with cold water. And you end up with a knife made of the finest steel imaginable. Such material leaves scratches on the glass.

To keep the blade from rusting

A good knife should not rust. In order to avoid corrosion, the workpiece must be treated in ferric chloride. A gray matte film is formed.

Ferric chloride is not always available, but it can be replaced:

  • vinegar;
  • raw potatoes.

The blade is dipped in acetic acid, raw potatoes are simply rubbed. The effect will be the same as when treated with ferric chloride.

Further actions

After the blade has hardened, you can begin to manufacture the handle. It is done in exactly the same way as in the previous case. As a last resort, you should make a temporary handle so that you can safely take the workpiece without fear of injury:

  1. Clean up the workpiece.
  2. Do the final sanding.
  3. Sharpen the blade with sandpaper.

DIY glass knife

Making glass cutting tools is not a very pleasant occupation, but sometimes it is necessary, for example, in field conditions. You will need:

  • a piece of window glass that fits the shape;
  • sharpening stone;
  • rope or electrical tape.

Important! Window glass, if necessary, can be replaced with bottle glass. The main thing is that there should be a long piece with a more or less even edge. Too protruding chips are best beaten off immediately by placing the workpiece on a large flat stone and working with a smaller stone.

After you have a workpiece in your hands, approximately suitable form, make a handle. This is especially true when working with glass. You can just wrap the shank with something. Do the final sharpening on a flat, rough stone. But in any case, this tool can be used more like a scraper, although it can also be cut - meat, vegetables, etc.

Glass knife at home

At home, you can make a real masterpiece out of glass, which will cut and decorate, for example, the kitchen. A product made of colored glass will look especially impressive:

  1. Make a sketch - you can just on a sheet.
  2. Lay a piece of glass on the paper.
  3. Cut along the contour with a glass cutter.
  4. Make a handle out of transparent plastic and grind it.

Such a knife does not need sharpening and grinding, if you only cut it straight enough.

Now you know what it is better to make a knife from in any conditions, how to do it, so in any unforeseen situation you will not be left without a cutting tool. And perhaps, using the tips and instructions from this article, you will begin to create real decorative masterpieces. And if so, we wish you creative success!


In order to make a knife, you need a steel plate. An automobile spring of steel grade 5160 is perfect for this role. The main thing is not to use used material. Decide to take a spring - take it. The length of the plate depends on the length of the desired blade length for the future knife. A convenient length is 10 centimeters, but everyone decides for himself. It is important to remember that the length of the handle should be at least ¾ of the length of the blade.
Based on this, do the calculations. Blade, plus ¾ for the handle - get the length of the plate for the knife and do not forget a small "seam allowance".

In addition, you will need a block of wood. The best candidate for this role is oak. It will be safer to buy this part in a carpentry store. So you will be sure that the shaft will not fall apart in your hand, and will not give unexpected cracks.

You will also need a copper rod with a diameter of up to 0.5 centimeters. He will attach the shaft to the blade. Therefore, the task of its selection is so responsible.
As for tools, in order to make a knife, you will need an electric drill, hacksaws, a primitive rack, a saw and epoxy.

The manufacturing process is not complicated, but painstaking. But you've decided to make a knife, so go ahead. On the steel plate, draw the outline of the knife with a marker. Draw wider than desired, as turning will take its toll. Then, with an electric drill, make as many holes as possible along this contour. Do not forget to drill a few holes in the future handle. The width of these holes should not significantly exceed the width of the copper rod, keep this in mind when choosing a drill. Use the saw to “release” the knife from the plate. This workpiece must be processed with a hacksaw and a file, remove all irregularities and smooth out the shape.

Next, screw the knife to the rack by the handle and start slowly making a blade for the blade. It is best to grind the blade with a file. This is the main, longest and most responsible part of the work. The work on the blade can take a lot of time, but there is no hurry. When the blade is ready, the stage of hardening the knife begins. The knife must be brought to a purple color in the fire. Sufficiently hot metal should not be attracted by a magnet and this is an indicator for you. After the knife has “reached”, it must be dipped in oil and kept in it until the fire goes out and the smoke disappears. Then you can cool with water.

After the blade is ready, you need to proceed to the handle. It is necessary to make two wooden linings from a wooden block. You need to drive copper rods into one, grease the overlay with epoxy, put on the knife handle and fix the structure with the second overlay also pre-lubricated with epoxy. For adhesion strength, you can put under the press. When the knife feels ready, you should remove the ends of the copper rods, and process the cut with sandpaper.
