Add a touch of magic to such an exciting and stressful event as moving! And you will see how things will go easier, and the joy of the process will increase. Yes, the rules of moving are good, but combine them with magical signs and rituals and life will become easier and happier.

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Say goodbye to old housing! Indeed, in this house, too, there were many all sorts of events: joyful, sad, exciting, which will certainly remain in the memory. So, first of all, leave the apartment clean, clean up the trash, trash, bags, sweep and mop the floor.

Make a simple ritual "Farewell Cake", which consists in the fact that in the old apartment you cook any simple treat and eat it here with all the household members. This is a farewell to the house and a kind of transition to new life. Pieces and leftovers of the pie to take in new apartment do not do it!

While preparing for moving to a new apartment, try to take everything into account and not forget anything. Counts bad omen if you have to return again and again to an old house for things. Check in turn all the rooms, the bathroom, the balcony, the loggia, look into all the pantries and on the mezzanine.

Another simple ritual is performed after things are taken out when moving. Ventilate the apartment, go around it and mentally or aloud say goodbye to it. It is very useful to thank her for the protection, comfort and all the good things that were here.

And be sure to take with you from old apartment broom! It is believed that together with him you take away the spirit of the house, the brownie, your protector. Moreover, before picking up the broom, quickly sweep the floors with it and put it in a separate bag.


There are some magic rules:

  • It is best to plan the move in the morning, and the earlier, the more successful the case will be.
  • Saturday is considered a suitable day, and according to Eastern beliefs, Wednesday.
  • It is considered auspicious if it rains or snows that day. This is fortunately and an easy road.
  • No need to wash your hair, sew or wash on this day!
  • If you meet a beggar, a dog or a pregnant lady on the way to a new home, this is a sign of luck and good news.

Before moving into a new apartment, it is advisable to plan a housewarming day. This will help you quickly adapt to the place.


Let's get the cat in first! If it is not there, but there is a dog, it will also do. Let your protector enter first new house. And then you throw a few coins over the threshold - for prosperity and monetary luck. After this procedure, you can bring things, boxes and furniture.

After the movers leave and the move to another apartment can be considered completed, it is worth doing a small ritual-amulet. You will need a church candle and 10-15 minutes of free time. Light a candle and go around all the rooms, reading a prayer (better "Our Father"). Consecrate corners, pantries, toilet and bathroom, all-all space of the house with a candle. This will clean it well and protect you.

Another simple way to “make friends with the house” is to light your favorite incense and walk around the rooms with it. After 10-15 minutes, the apartment should be slightly ventilated. Don't worry, the aroma of incense and their benevolent power will be preserved!

We recommend that you hang an amulet - a horseshoe - in your new apartment. It is best to hang it with the ends up, above the front door. If there is no place there, then above the entrance to any of the rooms. And another tip: buy something new from the kitchen utensils for the house. This will also be considered a sign of good luck!


Now you know what you need to move and set up in a new place. But that is not all! Be sure to organize a housewarming party, and it is on the first weekend after moving in. Several rituals are also associated with this home holiday:

  • Invite only relatives and loved ones, as well as children different ages. Children's laughter and fuss in a new home is a great start and an auspicious sign for everyone.
  • If it is important for you to invite colleagues, then make a second housewarming party for them, which can be held when things are already laid out. In addition to colleagues, you can also invite friends and acquaintances.
  • A lot of food for housewarming - fortunately and prosperity! You can even make a kind of buffet, where there will be a lot of sandwiches,

  • fruits, sweets. All this makes the table (and therefore the house!) Abundant and generous.

Housewarming gifts must be accepted, especially if they are household utensils, dishes, interior items!

Moving to a new home is a very significant event in a person's life. Each of us wants to live in a new place happily ever after.

In moments of joy, it is especially important not to forget the rules of moving to a new home.

What do folk omens say?

There are a large number of signs about moving to a new house, which have been known since ancient times.

Which for example?

House consecration. Be sure to invite a priest to bless the house before you move in. Let the candle burn in the house for a while. Read the prayer "Our Father". A consecrated house is considered blessed by God.

Icon and bread with salt. Never enter a new home empty-handed.

Proper moving day. Sunday, Thursday or Friday are the most auspicious days for moving. Luck, love and prosperity will smile at you in a new home. Also, the move should be carried out on the growing moon or on the full moon. This will bring prosperity to your home.

Moving a kitten to a new home. Everyone knows that the cat should be the first to cross the threshold of the house, preferably black, with a calm and affectionate disposition. People believed that the cat would take all negative energy to myself. The most important thing is not to force the cat through. Everything should go according to the desire of the animal. After the cat enters, you can go to the rest. Where the cat first falls asleep, you need to put a bed. This place will be favorable for sleep.

If the cat still refuses to enter the house, you should seriously think about it. Perhaps this house is not your castle.

An old broom - to a new house. With the help of an old broom they lure and take a brownie with them. It is believed that he must be in the house to protect and protect you from dangers. Upon arrival at a new home, treat the brownie with milk. Place an old broom behind the front door with the handle down. He will protect you from ill-wishers.

metal horseshoe, to be attached to front door"horns up" - for happiness and good luck. If you hang a horseshoe "horns down", then all well-being will go away.

silver coins, thrown on the floor in a new house will bring wealth to its residents. 3 coins under the rug near the house, left there forever, will not be superfluous.

Neutralization of negative energy. House cleaning will help you with this. Tidy up so that the windows, floor and everything else shine with cleanliness. Get rid of dust and debris.

Herbs from evil spirits. Protection will be a bunch of dry herb St. John's wort, celandine or thistle, placed in the corner of the house.

Housewarming. Great importance has an organized meal in honor of moving to a new home. Don't be stingy with covering festive table. Also, don't forget to invite your family and neighbors.

video - Rules for a happy move to a new home:

Ancient customs. For or against

Folk signs are, of course, good, but what about us, modern people who are always fussing, in a hurry somewhere? Sometimes, you don’t even remember the old customs. So the question arises, should they be carried out?

Undoubtedly, this is everyone's business. Some people consider everything to be ordinary superstition, turn a blind eye to it and go boldly through life, others do everything to the smallest detail in order to be calm and not torment themselves for irresponsibility for the rest of their lives.

Of course, it is important to know what are the customs of moving to a new home, but there is no need to blindly copy them. Much in our real world is already outdated and does not have such important like before. Therefore, follow your worldview, but still look into the past from the corner of your eye.

video - Traditions and rituals when moving:

Finally, remember, changing the house, we change our destiny. Know the customs of moving to a new home, and it is up to you to follow them or not.

Moving to a new apartment or a new house - someone has been waiting for this for many years, and someone moves quite quickly.

Everyone has their own reasons for changing their place of residence, but one rule is indisputable and unconditional: moving and changing housing is a new page in life, the expectation of positive changes and, in general, a joyful event. There is an opportunity to make the place where you live cozier, brighter. If there are children in the family, then the expansion of the area is often associated with the possibility of arranging a children's room, etc.

Rules and traditions

Of course, moving to another apartment is a kind of magical ritual that is associated with certain folk signs and customs. Saying goodbye to the old house, you must follow some traditions (rules).

1. Clean up the apartment, leave it clean. Wash the windows, tidy up the cupboards and pantry, throw away everything superfluous and unnecessary. Be sure to clean the floors. This is necessary so that new tenants only remember you kind words. Be sure to bake a pie and eat it completely with all the household members: if life in the apartment was unsweetened, add salt, if vice versa, add sugar.

2. Say goodbye to your neighbors: remember all the good things that you experienced with them in the past years. Even better, if you arrange something like a farewell dinner (dinner) and invite the neighbors to visit. A good memory of you will help you settle well in a new apartment.

Now let's talk a little about the rituals before the final move to a new home. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a new apartment (new building) or someone lived in it before you. First of all, in a new home, before arrival, you need to tidy up and wash the floor. This is done not only for reasons of cleanliness, but also in order to remove and mentally “throw away” everything alien and negative that was under the previous tenants.

Let a clean apartment remain empty for at least one night. It is better to move early in the morning: the earlier, the better. Early bright and sunny morning - the same life will be in a new home.

Before moving, it is important to decide who will enter the house first. There are various legends and beliefs that prescribe the first to enter the house to the eldest member of the family or the head of the family. But more often than not, he enters the house first. She feels positive and negative energy more sharply than people.

Where she lies, you should put a bed - sleep will be easy and calm. If there is no cat, you can entrust this important mission to the dog. By the way, in a private house, before arriving for the night, they closed the rooster. It was believed that, crowing, he expels all evil spirits from the dwelling. Animals in the house - not only a cat or a dog, but also fish or a hamster - bring peace and tranquility to the home.

So, you have launched the animal, but do not rush to enter yourself. Each crossed the threshold must throw one or more coins of different denominations on the floor. So you will attract happiness and prosperity to the house, there will always be prosperity in it - what is called a “full bowl”. Keep in mind that everyone who came to visit the housewarming party must also toss coins.

Housewarming No. 1 and No. 2

Not only possible, but necessary. For the first time, housewarming is celebrated in the circle of relatives and very close friends. It is celebrated either on the day of the move, or the next day. And it does not matter that the apartment is a mess, and things are not taken apart. The meaning of the celebration is to bring good and warm emotions to the home. The second time, housewarming is celebrated after everything is laid out and put in its place, that is, much later. In this case, friends and colleagues are invited.

As gifts, it is customary to present something for the home, but not money. It is believed that in this way happiness and the warmth of the hearth are scared away, and banknotes take their place. True, you can give a piggy bank, while there must be several coins of different denominations inside.

On the first day, you need to go around the whole apartment with a church candle and read "Our Father ...", cleansing the home from evil spirits and the evil eye. If you brought an “old” brownie with you, be sure to put a saucer with sweets in a secluded place for him. If they quietly disappear, then the brownie has taken root. The same must be done for the new brownie, so that he protects you and your home.

Pay attention to which the previous owners left in the apartment. No matter how old and beautiful they are, they can store negativity. Who and with what thoughts looked in them, we are not given to know, therefore it is better to get rid of these interior items.

When moving to a new house, hang a horseshoe on the front door, always with the ends up. So you create invisible protection from unwanted guests.

After the move, I really want the new apartment to become cozy. But remember important rule: you should not litter it with an abundance of unnecessary, albeit beautiful things. The apartment should have space, and therefore it is necessary to acquire only important and necessary things, without acquiring anything superfluous.

In conclusion, it remains to wish you improvement living conditions, happiness and warmth in a new home. Moving to a new place of residence is always associated with troubles and chaos, but how much is positive and useful in it!

Write your opinion

Signs when moving to a new apartment should be considered during this important event. Many people don't even remember them. They will not require much time, but their consequences will have a beneficial effect on your new home. You will live more comfortably and calmly. We will remind you of these simple actions.

  • It is necessary to properly say goodbye to the old housing. It is important to thank him for the years he lived within its walls and show him due respect. Before you leave it forever, put things in order there. Wash floors, windows, and everything you can. On boxes and other packaging for things you need to draw crosses. This will serve as their protection against loss during the move.
  • Things that you think will be superfluous in a new apartment, you do not need to take with you. You need to get rid of them in advance. Thus, you will provide yourself with the beginning of a new life. Old and unnecessary things are a symbol of the past, which will no longer be a burden for you.

Ritual of farewell to old housing

On the eve of the move, you need to cook a pie and eat it all with the household in the old apartment. You can't take leftovers with you. If life was not easy for you there, make the cake salty. With a good life - it should be sweet.

Signs and rituals for housewarming

  • There is a rule - when moving to a new home, you need to take with you a brownie who has lived with you for many years.
  • There are several options for this. One of them is to do an action with a broom from an old apartment. Just take it with you when you move. Thus, your spirit of the house and his and the protector will also move to a new home. If in household there was no broom, proceed in the following way. Take a small box and put some soft things in it, you can stuff it with scraps of fabric. Put her for a while at the front door and the brownie will “settle in her. Take the box with you and you can be sure that the brownie has also moved.
  • During the move, at the entrance to a new apartment, the cat must be the first to let it in. The place he chooses to stay is the most suitable place for a bed. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the cat meets the requirements of this folk omen. He must be a cat, not a cat. But the thing is, not everyone has cats. In this case, it is not recommended to use a dog instead of a cat. It serves to protect housing and should not be the first to cross the threshold. The dog should enter the new apartment last. It is not necessary for anyone to pass ahead of the cat. Wait until he gets comfortable and dares to enter anyway. Behind him come all the other newcomers.
  • Following this, immediately “feed” the brownie. You can put a container of milk. This is done so that he does not consider you greedy and does not go to live with other more generous owners. After that, you can start wet cleaning and sorting out things.
  • Wet cleaning is an important ritual when moving. It must be done in all areas of the apartment. This does not depend on the cleanliness of the home. Even if it's perfectly clean. This saves the home from bad energy. She might have gathered in it before you moved in.
  • When entering a new dwelling, scatter coins on the floor. It would be better if they were made of precious metal. This ritual will attract material well-being to the house.
  • Get a new broom, horseshoe and St. John's wort in advance. Put the broom in the corner at the front door, and above it, strengthen the horseshoe with the horns down. Grass in bags can be hung in several secluded places. Such a kit will help protect the apartment from an unclean spirit and ill-wishers.
  • It is good to choose a place where you could place icons, talismans, amulets.
  • As you unpack the boxes and tidy up your new home, prepare some treats. Now it's time to call friends, neighbors to celebrate housewarming.
  • Put banknotes on the table under the tablecloth. This is for the well-being of the family and for attracting new honest friends.
  • If you follow all these rules, you can calm down. At the new place of residence, family happiness will accompany you, all life's difficulties will pass you by.

  1. If you did not take a brownie with you from the old dwelling. As soon as the new moon comes and when the moon is visible to you, you need to loudly call him through the open window: “Brownie - brownie, come home soon. You will live with us, and we will love you.
  2. In a new apartment, conduct a rite of consecration. To do this, light a church candle and go around all the rooms and corners, while reading the prayer "Our Father".
  3. Incense well rid the apartment of negative energy. Can be lit aroma sticks and place them in all rooms. Their smoke will attract positive energy.
  4. A great sign if the move occurs when it snows or rains. This is a sign from above that a happy life awaits you in a new apartment.
  5. When disassembling things in a new apartment, if there are broken or cracked dishes, you need to get rid of them immediately. It can become a source of unhappiness.
  6. For new housing, it is necessary to make brand new purchases. It can be something from dishes, towels or curtains. This will bring you good luck.

Moving to a new home is a long-awaited event in any family. You have been waiting for this event for so long and this day has finally come. Joyful gathering, chores, worries about not forgetting anything. But then grandmother's words come to mind - "look, be sure to let the cat first into your new home, such a sign!". There is not only one sign. You begin to think what other signs there are, there are probably a lot of them, and all of them must be fulfilled in order to protect yourself in a new home.

Today we will consider what signs exist when moving to a new house, how to apply them correctly and make life in a new house carefree and joyful. So, let's begin.

The first in the house is a cat

The first sign will be that the first family member who crosses the threshold of a new house should be a cat. Please note that it is the cat that should enter the house, not the cat. You can let a small kitten in, but it is best to let an adult cat in. The animal must be placed on the threshold, at the entrance to a new apartment or house and wait.

If the house has good energy and there is no bad sediment from the previous owners, then the cat will gladly enter the house. It was also believed that when a cat enters the house first, he will be able to negotiate with the evil spirits living in the house so that they let new owners in. Cats have always been considered mystical animals, so no one doubts their strength and capabilities.

In addition, it was believed that in the place where the cat lies down and falls asleep, it is necessary to put a bed, since the cat sleeps only in the place where there is positive energy.

If you do not have a cat, then, as a last resort, you need to take the animal on the street and perform this ritual. But with positive emotions from the fact that the cat happily went to your new home, there is always the opportunity to introduce fleas and infection. Therefore, if there is no cat, just use another sign or ritual.

Clean up in a new house

After you let the cat into the house and he safely lay down in a warm and cozy place, the question arises about cleaning the house. Just in the cleaning of a new house, another ritual is hidden. It is believed that after the old owners, unwanted energy remains, which you need to get rid of before you start equipping your corner. Therefore, first of all, sweep out all the garbage, wash all the floors and windows, and wipe the furniture.

It is advisable to sprinkle holy water in all corners. It was also believed that if you walk through a house or apartment with a lit church candle, then all evil spirits will instantly leave your house.

Horseshoe - the best amulet

The most common amulet in the new and even in the old house is the horseshoe. They say that in order to attract prosperity and family happiness, it is necessary to hang a horseshoe with its horns down. And if you want financial prosperity, then you need to hang a horseshoe with the horns up. The most important thing is that the horseshoe must hang at the entrance to the house or room. If you want to have both well-being and a lot of money, then hang several horseshoes in your home in different places and place them in different angles.

Money to the house!

If you want to live in abundance and have a good and stable income, then before you cross the threshold of a new house, be sure to throw a few silver coins through it (it is very important that the coins are silver). After you have removed all your belongings from the old house, find a secluded corner and hide a few bills or coins there so that the new owners also live in abundance. Remember, good always breeds double good!

Housewarming. How to properly mark

Before you start dismantling the boxes and putting furniture in their places, be sure to arrange a housewarming party. Remember, you need to do this before you sort things out, this is very important. Invite more children into the house. It is believed that children's laughter attracts positive energy into the house. Let the guests you invite give you some items, say a service or a vase. In no case do not ask to give you money and warn guests not to give. It is believed that if you are given money, then you need it, and if you need it, then you are not rich.

The best friend of a new house is a brownie

Take a brownie from your old house. The brownie, who lived with you in the old house, will protect you and protect you and your family from their evil colleagues in the new house. In order to take the brownie with you, before going to bed, on the last day of your stay in the old house, put a box in the room that you cover with a soft cloth or foam rubber.

In the morning, close the box and take it with you to your new home. Be sure that now a brownie has moved into your house in this box. Another way to transport a brownie with you is to take a broom and in the evening before leaving, you can easily sweep it around the corners of the house, you must definitely take the old broom with you, the brownie will move on it.

Thread path

Some people, before entering a new house, let a ball of thread from the threshold, while holding on to one end of the skein. It was necessary to enter the house by seniority, so as not to violate the family contract. And a ball of thread was considered a path to happiness, which you pave from the threshold of your new home.

We make amulets

The most powerful way to preserve happiness and protect yourself from evil spirits is to hang amulets around an apartment or house. Please note that in many old houses in villages and villages, sets of various herbs hang under the ceiling and on the walls. This is not only done for the convenience of using herbs, using them in various dishes or as medicines. First of all, it is a talisman against various devilry.

St. John's wort was considered the most powerful herb from evil spirits. It is necessary to wind small whisks from it and hang them at the entrance to the apartment. in a good way to cleanse a new dwelling is to set fire to church incense for a while. Frankincense oils have a peculiar smell that you can smell in every church.

Put a piece of dry incense on a metal lid for preservation or in any shallow metal container. Light up the burner gas stove and put a lid of incense on the fire. He will emit his smell through a small smoke and, thus, you will smoke evil spirits from the house. Do this ritual several times over three days.

While the incense is burning, read the prayer "Our Father". Use not only frankincense and St. John's wort, you can take other herbs and arrange them in a wreath. Take sage, juniper sprig, nettle and wormwood, then dry the herb and collect it in a bunch. Tie with red thread and hang in the house.
